#i corrected this too many times ajskdlf it's 2am jesus
httpsung · 7 years
pairing: reader x young k ft. the rest of day6
genre: angst
word count: 3,056
note: warnings: mentions of death. another addition to fic wars, a one-shot inspired by anohana :’) here’s a song full of feels that led me to title this dandelion, happy reading! tagging my warring buddy @wonpillows
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Sharp eyes of a deep brown you could get lost in, high cheek bones settled above a bright smile and a laugh so airy you could never forget it. Never in your life would you forget someone so handsome, even though your memories of him slowly locked themselves away over the years.  At least they would always be there, even if your last moments with him were painful. The skies brought about a new morning and a thief. Someone had stolen the key that kept your deepest memories sealed and unlocked the door letting them flood to the forefront of your mind, bringing on fresh tears that poured from the corners of your eyes.
It was him, your departed friend was the culprit.
He stood in front of you very much alive, smiling as if he had never vanished for the last six years.
“Hi Y/n.”
You remembered that soft chuckle that would escape him when he spoke your name and now it was present, echoing throughout your ears.
“Younghyun...?” Your groggy voice cracked, index finger wiping away a stray tear.
“It’s Brian.” He smiled and you covered your face, shaking your head for a few seconds to get rid of the false image of him in your room. You had to be hallucinating or better yet still dreaming.
Brian couldn’t be alive. He left you six years ago in a fatal accident where his bike collided with truck while he was on his way to hang out with you and the rest of your friends. Finding out the news of his death was the most heartbreaking day in your life and not long ago you thought you’d finally come to terms with losing him.
You inhaled in the palm of your hands and exhaled, removing them from your face slowly and opening your eyes.
“Hi…” The figment of your imagination spoke again and this time you screamed, almost falling out your bed.
“Calm down!” He exclaimed with a hard laugh, holding his stomach. You had to be insane to vividly imagine such detailed movements from him, any other time he appeared in your dreams he didn’t speak and wouldn’t move around so much so what was different?
“I’m crazy right…?” You gave a nervous laugh, your heart pounding. Brian took steps toward you and you immediately felt a chill, goosebumps forming along your arms. Your grandfather once told you something like that happens when a ghost was present.
“You’re not crazy...” Brian spoke with a soft sigh, sitting down on the edge of your bed.
“You’re alive…?” You felt the warmth of tears forming in your eyes again.
Brian silently shook his head no and there was silence between the two of you. Your heart was breaking all over again.
The tears fell slowly as you watched him look to your windowsill at the vase of dandelions that glistened under the sunlight. They were his favorite flower, you remembered how he enjoyed blowing the ones that were only made of seeds. You even remembered how he loved to pick them when they were a bright yellow and put them in your hair, though your other friends teased him.
“Hey…” Brian interrupted your reminiscing, turning to look at you with another smile. “How are the other guys?”
By other guys, he meant the four other friends you grew up with. You were the only girl in your little crew and often acted like the leader along with Brian. The six of you did everything together, even dreamed together and by the time you hit your teens you all were on the verge of making them come true. They were set to make it big as a band and you were going to be their personal manager that way you could remain inseparable through it all.
The boys, under the rock band called Dandy, played several high school talents shows and were the talk of the town. They were prepping to play a festival held in the city back when you were sixteen, but Brian’s accident happened and the band slowly fell apart, your friendships with them except for one began to fade.
“Sungjin’s doing fine… but I haven’t spoken much to the other three since-” You swallowed hard, wiping your face, not wanting to say what should have been said next.
“Since I died right…?” Brian’s lips flashed a weak smile and he looked to the dandelion’s again.
You gave him a nod, sitting in silence once again.
“So, Sungjin is the only one you’re close to these days?” Brian asked and you nodded again this time giving him a verbal answer.
“Yeah, he’s been by my side this entire time.” You smiled, not realizing your face flushing at the thought of the other male.
You and Sungjin weren’t super close compared to Brian or your other friends growing up, in fact, he was the most distant with you. He was a wimpy and whiny kid, but as he grew older he matured and had always been there when you needed him, especially through the grief of losing Brian. Just recently Sungjin finally confessed his feelings for you and you accepted them with all your heart.
“That’s… great.” Brian stood quickly and stretched his arms into the air. “Hey Y/n… I have a request.”
“Hm..?” You hummed in response, curious. It wasn’t so unbelievable now that he was really in your room, the coolness of his presence dimming into the warmest feeling.
“Before I revealed myself to you, I forgot what I was going to ask. But it just came to me again after speaking to you for a bit.” Brian chuckled.
Your lips finally cracked a smile as you waited for him to continue.
“I want you and the guys to perform during the city’s summer festival, the one we would have played when we were sixteen.” His words were more like a command than a request, but it was friendly and he even added a wink being just as charming as ever.
“Younghyun I…”
“It’s Brian.” He corrected you, he always preferred that name to his birth name and you always called him either one depending on how you were feeling.
“Brian… I don’t know if they’ll want to.” You replied, a nervousness settling in your stomach. You hadn’t spoken to the trio since Brian’s funeral but you had an inkling in the back of your mind that maybe asking them to do this would aid in helping them heal.
“Just try…” You felt Brian’s hand on top of your head and it was warm as if he wasn’t just a ghost of his former self.
“Sungjin…” You stopped walking with your boyfriend, his hand ceasing to swing yours back and forth. Jitters were written all over your face which had him frowning in concern.
“What’s wrong…?” He let your hand go to rub both of your arms comfortingly.
“I want the band to get back together.” You said with a bite of your lip, looking him in the eyes. Sungjin’s eyes widened and he gave you a confused laugh, tilting his head slightly.
“Where’s this coming from suddenly?” He asked, still a bit lost but curious nonetheless.
“You’re not going to believe me but…” You muttered, looking past him at Brian who tried his best not to look at you two.
“It’s for Brian, he wants us to get Dandy back together and perform for the summer fest in two weeks. “You muttered.
Sungjin stared at you for what seemed like minutes before he busted into laughter, causing Brian to look your way.
“You’re kidding, right?” He asked trying to breathe properly after laughing so hard. You stared back at him without giving a smile, your brows creasing.
“You’re serious….” Sungjin’s voice faded out as he took both your hands in his and gave them a light squeeze.
“You don’t have to believe me but Brian is here with us...” Your eyes weren’t focused on Sungjin but on the male that picked dandelions, blowing them from the stem and watching as they floated along with the summer breeze.
“Please, can we just do this...? Let’s gather the guys and put on the show we never attempted back then.” Your gaze shifted to him and you gave him a sincere smile which he couldn’t argue with.
“If that’s what you want…” Sungjin smiled in return and placed a gentle kiss on your forehead. Brian watched you two with a smile of his own, though his heart wished he could be in his old friend’s place.
The first friend on your list was Jae. He was Brian’s partner in crime growing up, the two always pulled pranks on the rest of your crew and on each other. You and Sungjin caught him after his college class, with his acoustic guitar strapped to his back. Jae was more of the quiet type so the laid-back response when he saw you both after a long time was expected. He sat down with you and Sungjin, with Brian nearby and you poured your heart out to him with why they should perform together again.
Jae gave a loud laugh and shook his head in disbelief, he almost got up and walked away at how ridiculous you sounded when you mentioned that this was Brian’s idea, but something made him stay or rather someone. You saw Brian approach Jae from behind placing his hand gently on his shoulder making the tall male shudder visibly, but he didn’t freak out. Maybe he felt Brian’s presence in that moment because he agreed and Brian looked to you with a smile.
One down, two to go.
Wonpil was next, he was the silliest out of your bunch and was amazingly talented on the piano. He immediately doubted your claims of Brian being back in the world of the living but agreed to play the show with the excuse that his fingers had become stiff from not playing for a while, which Jae argued that it should be the other way around.
Two down, the most difficult to go.
Dowoon was the youngest in your group and the most sensitive, though he never showed it. Each of you knew he took losing Brian the hardest. Brian was like an older brother figure to him and the fact that he didn’t get a chance to properly tell him goodbye tore him to shreds. The drummer boy ignored your calls as well as everyone else’s and avoided you guys on his way to and from work at his mother’s bakery. Brian, however, being a sneaky ghost, spied on Dowoon at his home and knew deep down that the boy really wanted to reconnect but was having the toughest time figuring out what to say.
The four of you managed to catch Dowoon when he was working, thanks to the tip from Brian about what time the youngest would be on the clock. He was surprised when they four of you entered the bakery and ordered some of your favorite treats from your childhood. Dowoon wanted to run but knew in his heart it was time to face all of you.
In the corner of the bakery everyone sat and you explained the situation to him.
“Brian’s here…?” His heavy voice asked calmly, eyes fixated on his hands. You nodded, looking to Brian who stood with a light smile behind his youngest friend. Dowoon turned his head slightly and you wondered if he could see him too. 
“It’s strange but over the last few days I could have sworn I could feel him with me,” Dowoon said, earning him a smile from you.
“Not you too.” Wonpil sighed and Sungjin elbowed him in the side.
“Okay I’ll do it, when do we start practicing?” Dowoon asked, fingers drumming on the table you sat around.
Brian cheered and you giggled. You flashed him the okay sign with your hand, the four other guys glancing in the direction you were signaling but they saw nothing.
Dandy was together again and though no saw Brian, the others began to enjoy the time you shared together as if he been with them all along.
“What?!” You exclaimed the night before the show. Everyone was sitting around the old practice room aka Sungjin’s parent’s basement after hours of rehearsing. Brian had just asked you something that completely caught you off guard and to the other’s it looked as if you were screaming at the wall.
“Maybe we should get her help…” Wonpil snorted, earning him a slap in the back of the head from Jae.
“What’s wrong babe…?” Sungjin asked you with a raise of his brow. You turned to them with a grinning ghost next to you, feeling flustered.
“B-Brian... wants me to sing tomorrow night for the festival. He said I should take the lead and give Sungjin’s vocals a rest.” You felt shy suddenly and Wonpil didn’t help when he started laughing, you could even see Jae and Dowoon trying to hold back their laughter too.
Sungjin just smiled at you before shooting a glare at the others. “Do you think you can do it?” He asked.
“Yes, she can!” Brian cheered, patting your back.
“I don’t know…” You answered, ignoring Brian. You remembered him telling you as a child you had a great voice that rivaled everyone else’s but you were never confident in it and let the boys do all the singing while you played manager.
“Only do it if you can Y/n… No pressure.” Jae assured you. “And if Brian keeps bothering you about it I’ll…” His threat fell short and he gave a faint smile.
“I would hit him if I could…” He said and the room stilled.
“You would try, but I’m so quick I would dodge it,” Brian replied and you repeated his words for Jae to hear.
“Sounds like something he would say.” Dowoon laughed and so did the rest.
Much later you sat on your bedroom floor with Brian next to you, his soothing voice filling your ears with a song he enjoyed singing, named after his favorite flower. You loved listening to him sing, he had a voice that could easily bring tears to your eyes and you wished he had the chance to set the crowd ablaze with his pleasant vocals once more.
“You’ll be fine trust me…” Brian had stopped singing, reaching over to stroke your hair.
“How do you do know?” You turned to him, still worrying.
“Because I’m here with you.” He smiled and placed a kiss to your temple, his lips felt so real and you wondered if he could feel yours too. You gave him a kiss in return, placing it on his cheek making him flush pink. It was a kiss that waited so long to reach him and you felt satisfied to know he might have felt it too.
The evening of the festival came, the stars shining brightly among the city lights. The festival stage was big and there was a nice sized crowd ready for your band to perform. You dressed nicely with the help of Brian, matching along with your friends who felt just as nervous as you were.
“Ready...?” Sungjin asked as the four of you stood in a circle. You all nodded and one by one put your hands in the center.
“For Brian.” Dowoon smiled when your hands touched. Brian added his hand on the very top and in that moment, everyone’s eyes widened, feeling the extra weight of his hand on theirs.
“Is that really…?” Jae started to speak but a loud call of their band name interrupted his words.
“It’s him… It’s really Brian.” You smiled before turning to head onto the stage, the guys followed, each of them looking at their hand before getting their instruments ready. You glanced to the side of the stage where Brian smiled, waiting for you guys to play, signaling him the okay and then you were singing.
It was like a wave of positive energy hit all of you, your melodies blended so passionately as if you had that sixth person on stage with you, strumming his favorite bass guitar as if Jae hadn’t taken over his position. The crowd was in love, jamming to the original song written by your friend that passed, his memory embedded into each word.
As the song came to an end, the audience roared with applause and you turned to Brian who clapped proudly, his body emitting a soft glow.
You took a quick bow and hurried off the stage to him, the other guys following quickly behind you. They all froze in place at the new sight in front of them.
“Brian..?” Wonpil spoke first.
“Wait is it really…?” Sungjin added. Everyone could see him now, the face of their friend they lost six years ago, a little more mature as if he aged with them all this time.
“It’s me…” Brian laughed, tears in his eyes. “It’s nice to know you guys can finally see me, though I’ve been with you for some time now.”
“Dude...” Jae’s voiced cracked as he removed his lens-less glasses to wipe away a tear.
“Dude…” Brian replied, knowing how much feeling a simple word like that held.
“I missed you...” Dowoon choked out and Wonpil couldn’t even form coherent words to continue talking.
Brian’s body began to fade and you knew you wouldn’t see him again after this.
“You guys did well tonight, you finally played the summer festival and I’m happy you made the crowd go wild.” Brian grinned.
“Never stop playing okay? You guys are amazing, keep it going and Y/n… you don’t need to be a manager anymore. Your voice is beautiful, keep singing.”
“Okay...” You answered through tears.
“Sungjin, promise you’ll keep taking care of her.” He nodded to Sungjin who held back his emotions the best he could.
“I promise.” Your boyfriend responded, pulling you close to him.
“I’ll be off now guys, it was great seeing you all together again… bye, bye…” Brian’s gaze lingered on you then he was gone, leaving behind a flurry of dandelion seeds that traveled along the night air.
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