#i check the tags after every episode for naught 3:
Blog Summary Tag Game
Find your fandom kru and help them find you. Answer the following and include the tag #the100blog in your answer, then tag some of the blogs you follow.
Great idea, and thank you @osleyakomwonkru & @viviansternwood for tagging me - I read both of your summaries with interest!
1. What are your primary topics?
I got a tumblr blog during S5 of the 100 because I just needed to finally talk about the show with other people (been watching since S1 though), so The 100 and the characters of Raven & Murphy in particular are my primary subjects. I’d say they’re about 85% of my content, tossing in a few other shows I like (TUA, Twin Peaks, Buffy, Peaky Blinders, Altered Carbon, GOT, Marvel stuff...) and then also very progressive politics, some gardening stuff (I have a big garden) and posts I find funny. 
I started writing Murven fanfic soon after S5 started as well, so I post updates about that and am always open to messages about my stories. 
2. What tags should a visitor check?
I’m not the greatest at this considering I’m still a bit new, but I use a few tags frequently =  #murven, #murphy x raven, #the 100 spoilers, #my meta, character names, and then in the hiatus waiting for S6, I used #is it season 6 yet. Otherwise I mostly tag the name of the show or the ‘ship’ I’m posting about. 
3. What do you love about The 100?
I love that it’s so gray! I’m on the “older” side of fandom (I have 2 young children), and I am involved in local politics where I live. I’m an empathetic person and the world we are living in today brings me a lot of grief. It sounds strange that I would choose a dystopian tv show watch in my downtime, but I have always loved sci-fi and the delve into the darker aspects of human nature, and this show speaks to me on quite a few levels, especially when I relate it to the world stage we face in our own timeline. The show is not perfect, and I am frequently angry about some issues, but overall, it’s done a wonderful job of creating characters with intriguing backgrounds and motivations, and I love dissecting the character choices and emotional struggles they go through. So much of our own lives feel like a battle these days, and while it may not be the physical struggle that the characters on The 100 face, I relate to the desire of wanting to do the right thing but often feeling like your efforts are for naught and your successes are very short-lived. 
My favourite living characters are Raven, Murphy & Diyoza 
My favorite dead characters are Sinclair & Luna (honorable mention to barrette dad!)
My favourite ships are Murven & Kabby, and I am rooting for some Niytavia this season. Throw Diyoza into anything and she’ll make that work too.
4. What do you hate/what frustrates you about The 100?
Like a lot of fans who really enjoy the characters in this show, I’m constantly frustrated over how frequently plot takes precedence over characterization. When things feel out of character, ignored, or only happening to help the plot along, I am taken out of the show because it doesn’t feel ‘right’ to me. But when things are flowing and it all makes sense and the characters are reacting like they are true to themselves - ahhh, now THAT is why I’m watching. 
And I have seen others mention this, but when it comes to fandom, I am very surprised how many fans choose a favorite character but then decide that every other character is “bad/wrong/evil” if that character in any way is at odds with their favorite. Like they can’t acknowledge the faults of their own favorite, even though this entire show is built around the idea that everyone is morally gray...It’s baffling to me as a fan and I think is contributing to this idea that entertainment should either be “good” or “bad” with no middle ground, which is completely absurd. I’ve talked about it a lot with other fans, and I think the suggestion that fans relate to a character so much and then feel personally attacked if that character is going through something may be correct. But that also feels concerning because such a reactionary attitude when you don’t have all the facts (ie, the next episode may resolve the conflict, or the next scene may take it in another direction, or in fact, there are valid reasons for characters to be fighting/angry with each other but that doesn’t mean that EITHER of them are wrong for their feelings and/or that doesn’t mean that they won’t work through it eventually) - is concerning to me, especially in this political climate. It’s like the authoritarian worldview we’re seeing come out in politics around the world - people aren’t thinking critically (and no, that doesn’t mean just complaining) and people aren’t thinking big picture. I could say a lot more, honestly (what else is new!), but it absolutely meshes with purity culture, authoritarianism and what I see as a lack of empathy because people are so focused on themselves. Again, this comes from someone who may often have been a silent fan but has been present in a variety of fandoms for a long time, and certainly that shapes my own two cents. 
My least favourite living characters - I don’t love every living character but I don’t hate any of them either. I get FRUSTRATED for sure though, and while I love Kane & Abby typically, I’m not liking their attitudes lately and really hope that clears up soon. 
My NOTPs - I’m absolutely a “ship and let ship” fan, but I truly don’t get the idea of Clurphy. And since I’ve wanted Murven since 1x10 (yes, I know this is weird), I have never been a fan of mem0ri and didn’t like the rushed setup of z@ven that made no sense to me
5. Is this exclusively a The 100 blog?
No, but about 85%, if not more. And absolutely Raven x Murphy/Murven obsessed. If you like them too, well then, come sit by me and I’ll happily talk your ear off and let you do the same!
6. What else should people know?
I have a small circle of close friends in real life, and none of them watch the 100 (I don’t watch their shows either, LOL). So I am always super interested in chatting about it with other fans! I always reply via Ao3 comments, inbox asks and DMs, and in fact - let me give fair warning that once I get going, I just keep going and going. My metas are LONG and I will cite my sources! LOL! Please keep in mind that most of my time is spent with two young children so adult discourse is like catnip to me! Honestly, it’s love for the characters that motivates me and I just really like diving into them. I have made other fandom friends via random asks & comments, and I think that’s one of the great things about this show. 
And I would also just like to say that overall I think the 100 fandom is really great, and a big shout out to all the Murven shippers who have welcomed me & eagerly accepted my stories! 
Gonna tag some mutuals & please know if I missed you, you ARE included here and it is just that my memory is not perfect and nothing else! And only play if you want to, obviously!
@anilengka, @deweysdenouement, @idontwantto10, @mamabearsdontthink, @johnmurphysass, @arkadiaschancellor, @mastertano, @cicichip, @amidnightjen, @sly2o, @bettsfic, @asroarke, @octannibal-blake, @youleftme-clarke, @brienneknighted, @potpourri-of-ecclecticism, @izzycheeese, @sarka-stically, @paintingbellarke @electricalice, @jarleene, @bellofthesky
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WiP post (There’s a shite ton of ‘em, but I’ll pick three)
@angrywarrior69 tagged me. Here you go, BB.
1. Melody (to the counterpoint of Counterpoint) Sorry, I was a music major. This WiP follows Kathryn on the downward spiral after Kashyk (I insinuate he used/pity fucked her) leaves her rode hard and put away wet. Much angst. 
“Computer, is the captain in her quarters?”
He knew that the possibility of her being asleep was slim to none. Holding eye contact with his chief security officer, Chakotay handed over the Bridge for the time being and made his way to Kathryn.
Why couldn’t she ever just answer the damn door? He muttered in frustration after the fourth unanswered chime. Prepared for more flying objects, he keyed in the override code and stepped inside.
Starfleet jacket and turtleneck were long gone. Clad in her tank and trousers, elbows braced on her knees and hair balled in fists, Kathryn was slumped forward in her easy chair. The bottle of Antarian cider he had gifted to her a few months ago, sat empty on the table next to her.  
“Wha’d you w-nt?”
He came to stand before her, fighting the urge to reach out to her.
“You’re beyond drunk, Kathryn.”
“Mmm. Why th’ell d’you c-rr? G-t. Out.”
A disoriented, yet powerful, arm flung out and sent the empty bottle skittering across the room. The outburst threw her off her balance and Chakotay lunged forward to keep her head from connecting with the coffee table in front of her.
“This is how you solve your problems now? Drinking yourself into a stupor? What’s happened to you, Kathryn?”  
Her hands batted at his arms and made a feeble effort at pushing him away.
“Ugh! L-ve!”
He caught her chin in his warm hand and raised her face to meet his. She tried to break free, but he wouldn’t allow it. What he saw, horrified him.  
“Sorry, you’re in no condition to be giving orders. I’m taking you to Sickbay. Now.”
Behind her intoxicated glare, she was overtly pale and drawn, dark bags hung around lifeless bloodshot eyes. Was she finally too far gone for him to bring her back? He was holding her in front of him, but Kathryn Janeway was nowhere to be found. He would argue with her later, right now, she needed serious intervention.  
2. Nine Months This is an AU in which Kathryn and Chakotay’s boosters fail due to the virus they contracted on New Earth. We all know they had sex. Well, they did. And baby. The episodes are all the same, KJ’s just got a bun in the oven.
Chakotay followed closely as the EMH adjusted the settings and sensitivity of the probe. The Doctor’s slowly widening eyes elevated his blood pressure.
“What does that mean? Is she in danger?”
“N-not at all. She’s probably experiencing some light strain. What you’d expect in an endurance ritual. The troubling discovery here are the clearly elevated levels of hCG present in the captain’s body. How could I have missed this?”
“Is that something that would suggest a treatment for Kes?”
Chakotay, again, trailed in the Doctor’s wake as he shakily sat down behind his desk shaking his head; suddenly engrossed in his computer screen.
The intimidating look that Chakotay pinned the hologram with could have vaporized a Klingon warrior in an instant.  
“I don’t suppose you’d settle for: ‘Doctor/Patient confidentiality’?”
The Commander’s continued silence answered the question for him.
“Alright. Well, if you must know. It appears that the captain is pregnant. According to these readings, conception took place approximately...eight and a half weeks ago.”
Both men froze as their minds raced back in time; Chakotay numbly braced himself on the edge of the desk.
“New Earth,” the commander’s whisper confirmed the Doctor’s speculations.
“Yes. Of course. When the Captain returns, I’d better check on the rest of your inoculations. The both of you. Who knows what else that virus rendered inactive. I believe ‘congratulations’ are in order then, Commander,” he attempted a small smile to assuage some of the obvious terror radiating from his commanding officer.
“Are the stresses she’s experiencing going to put her or the pregnancy at risk?”
The Doctor paused, formulating the correct phrasing to approach him with.
“Would I have allowed her to go down to the planet had I been aware she was pregnant? Probably not. Could I have stopped her? Most certainly not. Will she be in danger? Only time can tell. All we can do is wait and hope that she uncovers something to help Kes. I would hate for all of this to be for naught,” Chakotay sank down to sit on the edge of the desk. The Doctor’s words fading in and out of focus.
Pregnant. In about seven months, they would have a baby. If she came back from this. If nothing happened after that. What about when the baby was born? What if there were an attack? A kidnapping?
3. Needs Our dear captain is horny as can be and there’s no standing it anymore. Is there an alien force at work, has she consumed far too much caffeine, or is Chakotay’s masculinity proving to be a burden? organ arpeggios  
Sex. Kathryn Janeway needed sex. The thought of orgasm alone was enough to send her inner muscles into small twitches, sending a rush of heat and wetness to her core. The ‘captain’ could care less if her sexual needs had been sadly neglected. Wrapped tightly in her protocol, she didn’t need anything to hold her together; content to be confined within the ‘parameters’ that had been set.
‘Kathryn’ was another issue. Every glance in her first officer’s direction would send relentless waves of passion burning through her. In his powerful wake, she was left breathless and tight; her body prepared to welcome something that could never be hers.
The seemingly endless abstinence was finally taking its toll. Coming undone on her own fingers never held the satisfaction that she needed. Yet, it was all that she had. And it was killing her. Her most intimate fantasies carried her to such great heights; only to allow her to plummet further into depression.
The purely erotic images that plagued her waking moments were becoming difficult to ignore. Heat rose from her sternum, her nipples beaded to stiff points, and spread across her cheeks. What would Chakotay say to her reddened complexion?  
A low groan left her parted lips as she sank into the cushion of the couch. Suddenly, she was struck by the vivid image of the two of them ‘breaking protocol’ in the shrouded safety of her Ready Room. Rough hands lazily tracing her hips, watching her hungrily unfasten the fly of the Starfleet trousers. His erection hot and heavy while she straddled his lap. The exquisite stretch of her muscles as she sank down on to his hardened length. Eagerly clenching around him, leaning forward to work that secret place deep within her; tongue exploring the velvet contours of his pliant mouth.
Perhaps he wouldn’t allow her to take what she wanted from him? Yes. He’d bend her over her desk and take her from behind. Pumping into her in slow measured strokes while he grasped her bare breasts, deftly rolling her nipples between the pads of his fingers? He would growl and suck at the pulse point on her neck, marking her, claiming her, running his tongue along the shell of her ear and nibbling as his thrusts gathered speed.
Damn it all! She could not be having these thoughts. Kathryn launched from the couch and strode around the room in aimless patterns. Her breathing was ragged, thighs warm and sticky, and legs ready to give out. She braced her arms against the desk, but quickly retracted her touch, having a flashback of her scintillating daydream.  
I guess I’ll tag @supernovacoffee @mia-cooper @jhelenoftrek and @emmikamikatze
Sorry, I know you’ve probably all been tagged SO many times. Love you. 
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