#i cannot overstate enough that you're the only reason i keep posting things so thank you <33
Commenter appreciation
So I still have recs and things for @dghdafeedbackfest but I’ve had a heck of a day and I thought I’d try something different this time! While the fest is a focus on giving feedback to creators, I wanted to take a minute to show some appreciation for the people who show up pretty much without fail to comment on or generally enthuse about the things I create. I know for a fact that if you create in this fandom you’ll know most of these names, because they’re just that good at being supportive, wonderful people who I also know for a fact I wouldn’t still bother writing without.  
So, in no particular order!
flightinflame [@flightinflame]
I see your name in my inbox and I know I’m going to smile! I love your comments and how enthusiastic you are, and I love knowing my writing makes you happy! Also doing writing sprints with you is amazing, I have no idea how you write as fast as you do, I’m in awe! Thank you so much for your enthusiasm and kindness, it makes writing things a joy  ❤️
Lynds [@gold-from-straw]
So often I get comments from you that make my day! I think some of my favourites are ones where you just yell at me about emotions? It’s such a delight to receive them, and working with you on my first Big Bang for this fandom was such a wonderful experience, I honestly can’t stress enough how much that fic would not exist without you and how happy it makes me to see you in my comments! Thank you for being wonderful   🧡
kelspots [@kelspots​]
You show up so frequently in my email notifications and it makes me so happy! Whenever I’m re-reading old comments I’m amazed by how often you’re there in them and how much I love to see them. Knowing you’ve enjoyed something I wrote really makes my day! Thank you for your enthusiasm and the time you’ve taken to leave me as many comments as you have   💛
juniper_and_lamplight [@juniper-and-lamplight]
Where would this fandom be without you? Your consistent support is one of the only reasons some of my fics have been finished! Your comments are always insightful and moving and your levels of rec organisation terrifies me as much as I am in awe of it. As a beta you’re amazing to work with, I’ve never felt nervous to send you anything and all of your feedback has been helpful, made me super happy, or both. Thank you for being awesome and making me feel more confident about my writing  💚
sarcastic_fangirl01 [@last-holistic-renegade​]
Another mainstay who makes me seriously happy! I love reading your comments, I love knowing something I’ve written is something you’ve enjoyed! You’ve always been lovely and supportive and some of the things you’ve said about my writing have honestly made me tear up a bit! Thank you for saying such lovely things and making me want to keep writing (especially brotzly!)   💙
gallantrejoinder [@gallantrejoinder​]
I’m 99% sure there was a point when you seemed to comment on the entire back catalogue of my fic and it honestly made me so happy! You always have something lovely to say and I love seeing your name in my notifications because I know it’s going to make me smile! Thank you so much for being wonderful enough to leave as many comments as you have, I hope my writing brings you as much joy as your comments bring me  💜
DontOffendTheBees [@dont-offend-the-bees​]
Hellz I don’t think anybody in the history of fandom has ever had to put up with as much ridiculous bullshit fandom ideas as you have from me, and I can only thank you for being wild enough to meet all of them with enthusiasm and return with your own in kind. Writing with/around/at you is such a joy, you’ve seen so many things that are never going to make the light of day from completely random au’s to the cracky-est of crack ships, and I literally love any time we talk about anything we’re making for this fandom. One day those numerous half finished google docs I’ve thrown your way may see the light of day, but even if they don’t they’ve had a brief experience of being loved by you and that’s more than enough for me. I’m pretty sure you’re the reason half my ideas have stuck around longer than fleeting shower thoughts, and I’m always excited to share fic with you so thank you for being a great and wacky friend, and partner in what I can only describe as crimes against fandom that will not be named here  ❤️
incorrigible_worksop [@incorrigible-worksop]
Delightful friend! Your enthusiasm is one of the only reasons my Tangled AU exists, I genuinely don’t think I could have gotten through that writing process without you, and the whole experience was such a joy! You’ve been commenting on my fic for ages before that though, and it always felt wonderful to see your name in my inbox because your comments are always an absolute joy to read! You’re encouraging and enthusiastic and often make me laugh, yours are one of the first I’ll go to when re-reading comments to try and remind myself I can write things people like, and I’m so so thankful that working together gave me a chance to actually talk to and get to know you. Sharing fic ideas with you and knowing you’re excited to read them only makes me want to write them more, so thank you for being so incredibly supportive and a wonderful friend 🧡
reptilianraven [@actualbird]
Whenever I get a comment from you I end up reading it multiple times a day, because I get so excited and happy reading through it that I often don’t manage to take all of it in! I’ve never not been absolutely delighted to receive a comment from you, your excitement to read my stuff makes me excited to write it, and knowing you’ve enjoyed it is such a wonderful feeling! I have no idea how you write as much as you do, but I cherish every single word and I constantly go back and read your comments when I need cheering up or reminding I can write things. Thank you so much for being so enthusiastic in telling me that you liked something I’ve written, it means the world to me!  💛
Again, this is by no means an exhaustive list, there are so many people who take the time to comment on fics and I treasure each and every comment I get. It’s the only reason I keep posting things, and I know it’s the same for a lot of other writers. I just wanted to put some appreciation out to some of those people, because I know a lot of writers are vocally frustrated about a lack of feedback these days (and in many cases understandably so) but there are people who consistently show up to support and share love for the hours of work that goes into making fic, and I absolutely cannot overstate how much I cherish those people. I think it’s safe to say at this point that while I write stories for myself, I post them for you, and it’s not something any of us should take for granted, so thank you for being so wonderful, and as most of these people write themselves I highly recommend checking out their fics and giving them as much love as they deserve 💜
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