#i can't wait until this trauma is over so i can finally play an infant regularly!
cinamun · 1 year
I get where people are coming from when they think things are a little too perfect with HoJay. And I have 2 thoughts about that:
First, I think it's shortsighted to think that drama can't be born from a good, nurtured relationship. They are still young and a degree can't replace experience. Sometimes even living through or adjacent to a textbook example of what not to do can't keep people from tripping over the same stone. So, they will trip, fall, and if they're doing it right, they will get back up again. Though, not because of cheating, not necessarily because of external factors, and not because they don't speak the same love language, but because they are YOUNG. They are babies, for real. They are still becoming the people they want to be. They don't even know their minds and hearts completely; to join their lives at this point when they haven't mastered their own personal curriculum is like taking on a double major.
Conflict is an automatic byproduct of change. How the transitions is handled will determine what will be when they come out the other side.
Second, speaking of babies... If anyone wants to see a snag in the HoJay fabric, they need look no further than the honeymoon. I've seen some dropped stitches along the way, but none so gaping as the fact that they did not truly confirm with each other before they were even engaged their stances on one or two or baseball team of big commitments.
Hope... Darling, sunshine, love, we are talking about bodily autonomy here. About reproductive freedom here. We are talking about sometimes irreversible changes your mind and body may go through here. Jay should have been saying to you that he wanted however many big commitments you wanted, not the other way around.
So, I feel that if they only had that definitive conversation on their honeymoon, there are likely other Important Topics that have yet to be discussed.
Babies, for real.
THIS IS A VERY IMPORTANT TAKE! All caps needed. I'm going to let this one marinate friend. They are very young and especially in comparison to Indya and Darren (which seems to be the comparison of the day) when they finally got married.
Hope is the same age as the late Elliot Mahajan, 24. Jay is about a year and a half older (I stopped putting numbers on them but in this case it makes sense), so 25 and a half? Both fresh out of college with barely any life experience.
Remember when Hope said all she knows is Jay and her family? She wasn't wrong. We are guaranteed to have bumps along the way, I just don't think we need full on collisions. They've got a lot of growing to do and I'm happy they get to do that together.
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spencers-dria · 4 years
Meet Me in the Woods
Someone To Stay Ch. 7
Spencer x fem reader
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After dinner, the guys and girls split up into their separate rooms, taking turns in the showers. After you finished washing up, you put on some red, plaid pajama pants, a black tank top, and a pair of slippers that looked like bear paws. You made your way into the kitchen, where Rossi was cleaning up.
"You didn't happen to bring marshmallows, did you?" You ask, eyebrows raised.
"You read my mind, kid." Rossi gives you a wink as he hands you a bag, already full of everything you need.
While he finishes, cleaning you make your way outside. All you can hear is the sound of crickets and the wind in the trees. It's like music to your ears, so peaceful. You walk across the back patio that overlooks the lake, heading towards the fire pit. Sitting on one of the log benches, you start to pull out all the supplies you need. After gathering some kindling, you start a fire in the stone fire pit, giving it a poke here and there to help get it going. Within a few minutes, the fire has grown to a decent size, and you can feel it's warmth from your seat.
It's not long before the doors open and the rest of the group joins you, gathering around the fire. Everyone grabs a skewer and starts roasting their marshmallows. Derek gets a little over eager with the fire and keeps burning his, so JJ has to help him out. The chocolate Rossi brought to use isn't plain Hershey's, but instead it's Ghirardli chocolate with different fillings like caramel or raspberry! These have to be some of the best s'mores you've ever tasted.
Once everyone is snacking on their s'mores, you hear Spencer speak up. "Alright! Who wants to hear a ghost story?"
The group lets out some claps and cheers for him.
You watch as his face changes and he lets the group get quiet as he sets the mood for the story. He pulls a candle out from somewhere behind his seat and lights it in the fire. He holds it in front of his face as he begins to speak, but stops when he hears a snicker. He turns and gives you a serious look.
"I'm so sorry!" You and JJ both giggle, trying to pull yourselves together. "It's just really funny watching you take this so seriously."
He rolls his eyes at you, but you swear you almost see a smile. He tries to get back in character before starting.
"In Fredericksburg, Virginia...there is a hospital that would seem completely normal to most people. But to anyone who has been a patient on the 4th floor, they know better." He uses overly dramatic inflection in his voice, which only makes it more humorous.
"Really Spencer...the hospital where I work?"
He stops again, turning to you. "You know what ghosts really hate? People who interrupt. That's right! And they're coming for you next." He gives you a shove, and neither of you can keep a straight face anymore. You're both laughing, trying to catch your breath.
"Hey! I want to hear the rest of the story!" Penelope pipes up.
"Oh please he's just making it up as he goes along. It's not even that scary." You joke, playfully.
"I'm gonna pretend I didn't hear that, but I think we all know who did hear it..." he says in his spookiest voice. "Anyways! Like I said, the 4th floor is haunted. Patients who stay in rooms 26  and 27 have reported seeing a young boy and young girl. They say the girl always asks them if they want to play with her ball. Other patients have said they can hear a ball bouncing in the hallway in the latest hours of the night."
You shift, a bit uneasy in your seat. This was starting to sound familiar. It reminded you of stories you had heard from coworkers...but how would he know about this? You normally aren't spooked easily, but as Spencer continues, the hairs on the back of your neck stand up.
He continues the story. "They say the only people they really go after are the staff. They wait until their guard is down, the sneak up behind them, and..."
"GOTCHA!" You jump up from your seat as someone grabs you from behind.
You look down to see Derek Morgan, bent over with laughter, tears in his eyes. Spencer is laughing just as hard, if not harder. The rest of the team joins in, and after your nerves settle, so do you.
"You planned this didn't you?!" You yell at the two of them, trying to stifle a laugh and be serious.
The pair of them still laughing too hard to even  speak. You have your answer.
"Well that's enough fun for me. I'm headed to bed, anyone else?" Rossi gets up and everyone else joins him, heading inside.
When you step inside, you grab your green, plaid, wool blanket off the couch and carry it back out to the patio. Everyone is already getting ready for bed, so no one notices. You spread it out on the deck and turn off the porch light. You finally lay down on your back, looking straight up at the night sky. You could see a few stars from where you live, but out here there are more than you could ever count. It looks like pixie dust, spread across a deep abyss of black. You take a deep breath in, smelling the forest. For you, it doesn't get any better than this.
You soon hear the patio door open and close, followed by footsteps. You see Spencer standing over you, looking down at you with curiosity. He's changed into purple PJ pants and a Star Wars shirt.
"Whatcha doin?"
"Taking it all in." You smile up at him.
"Mind if I join?"
You scoot over, making extra room as you pat the spot next to you on the blanket.
You let out a long sigh, feeling completely content and relaxed. "I don't know what it is, about space, the stars, the galaxy...but I have always been so mesmerized by all of it. Part of me just appreciates how beautiful it is and part of me appreciates how it is all so much bigger than me. It's beyond what I can ever wrap my head around. There's nothing I wouldn't do to one day take a trip up there."
"Do you know the story of Perseus?" Spencer asks before explaining. He's learned not to underestimate your random knowledge as well.
"Believe it or not, I do actually."
Spencer smiles to himself. "I'm not surprised. Anyways, so there is Cephus at the top, Cassiopeia below him to the right, then Andromeda, and finally Perseus at the bottom left."
Your face twist in confusion. You don't see any of it, but you're too embarrassed to admit this, so you nod as if you see them. You sometimes forget what Spencer does for his job. He scoots closer to you to share your line of vision. He then looks at you and smiles before grabbing your hand and directing your pointer finger along the path of each constellation.
"It's beautiful isn't it?" You ask him.
"What is?"
"All of it. The stars, the trees, the sounds, the smells...it's perfect." You close your eyes feeling completely at peace in this moment.
You don't see Spencer roll his head to look at you.
"Yeah, really beautiful." He responds.
You feel your body relaxing and slipping away from the moment as you fall closer towards sleep. The next thing you know you feel arms slipping underneath you and lifting you from the ground. Mostly asleep, you absent-mindedly wrap your arms around the figure carrying you. You feel your body being carried up and then tucked underneath you bed comforter. Your eyes flit open for only a moment. Through the thick darkness you barely make out Spencer's outline climbing back down the ladder and quietly slipping out of the room. This is the last thing you see before you are awoken by the scent of smokey bacon.
You open your eyes and look around the room to see all three other ladies are still fast asleep. Sunlight is dripping into the room from between the curtains. You carefully make your way down from your top bunk and tip toe out of the room, trying to avoid any squeaky wooden floorboards.
When you finally reach the kitchen, you are surprised to see Hotch cooking breakfast. He's smiling and flipping pancakes at the stove. You haven't known  him very long, but this is still not something you would have expected from him.
"Goodmorning" you yawn, rubbing your eyes and adjusting to the sunlight flooding in from the large kitchen windows.
"Morning!" he beamed. "Care for some pancakes?"
"Pancakes sound wonderful, thanks! Need any help?"
"You can set the table if you don't mind."
"Not at all! Happy to help," You give him a smile as you start to pull place settings out from the cabinets.
"So, pancakes from scratch...where did you learn that?"
He lets out a small chuckle. "Rossi's not the only one who can cook ya know. Truthfull though, I learned a lot from my wife Haley. She was a great mom, and a wonderful cook." He smiles as he seems to get caught up in a memory, but you can here the sadness lacing his tone.
You can't help but inquire. "Was?"
He looks down at the bacon he is now grilling, avoiding eye contact as he continues.
"She was my ex wife for only a little while before she was killed. It was a serial killer that the team should have...that I should have caught." He has stopped cooking and is now gripping the counter infant of him, as though he was trying to keep himself from falling over.
You may not know him well, but your job had made you fairly comfortable with talking to people dealing with situations such as this, so you decide to approach him. You place a comforting hand on his shoulder.
"I'm so sorry, that you and your son have had to go through that. No one should ever be put through that much trauma. But I can tell its made you really strong. And your son, he's lucky to have a dad who cares so much about him and keeps him safe."
Hotch takes a deep breath before continuing his cooking as he flips a few pieces of bacon and pours another pancake. He then turns to you and gives a warm genuine smile.
"Thank you, Y/N. I really appreciate it, truly. We have all been through a lot. And I'm not the only one who's lost someone because of this job..."
He trails off when you expected him to continue. There was something about the way he said that last part that made you believe he wanted to say more. Could he be talking about Spencer? Who did he lose? What happened to them? When did it happen?
Questions start to flood your mind but are quickly pushed to the back as the rest of the team starts to make their way into the kitchen for breakfast.
Everyone is talking about their plans for the day. So you turn to Spencer.
"I have something fun planned, if you're willing to trust me."
He raises his eyebrows, intrigued.
"Well I trusted you yesterday and I turned out okay" he laughs.
"Well it's definitely more laid back, even relaxing. If you want you can even bring a book."
He puts his elbows on the table and leans forward on his hands. You've clearly peaked his interest.
"Ok you've won me over. What is it?"
"A surprise." You smile as you grab both of your empty plates and bring them to the sink to wash them off.
"Well can you at least tell me what I need to wear for this?"
You take a minute to think.
"Definitely sun screen and probably something can get a little bit wet or dirty and also some sturdy shoes."
You both make your way to your rooms to get ready. You find the other three ladies already getting dressed and packed for their planned activities.
Alex is getting ready to go on a hike with Rossi and Hotch. JJ and Morgan are taking some rental jet skis out on the lake. Penny will be relaxing on her float again.
You put on a grey tank with an open, oversized navy flannel, some grey khaki shorts, and chacos . You grab your north face backpack and head to the kitchen to sort through the snacks. The backpack gets filled with granola bars, fresh fruit, cashews, and water bottles.
As you are finishing up, Spencer makes his way out of his room. He's in a half zip grey long sleeve, khaki shorts and tennis shoes. It doesn't look ah all like something he'd usually wear.
"Nice outfit" you smile at him.
"Oh uhh thanks, I borrowed the shirt from Hotch and the shorts aren't something I usually wear, but I brought them on the trip just in case." He seems to be blushing a bit. You feel bad, thinking you've must have embarrassed him.
"No really though, the outdoors look, it works for you." You elbow him as you giggle. The blush on his face turns a dark shade of red. Maybe he's really not used to getting told he looks good. This seems a bit crazy to you. He's ridiculously attractive. So much so that you brushed off any possibility of anything happening the night you met him. Spencer was just a friend, and that's exactly what you needed.
You throw on your back pack and lead the two of you out the glass doors and down the patio steps. You make your way further away from the cabin until the only thing left surrounding the two of you are trees.
The two of you walk for a couple minutes in a comfortable silence. You take in the sound of leaves crunching under your feet, wind in the trees, birds chirping. You look up to see sunlight streaming through the leaves of the trees above you. The path is covered by a canopy of green and gold. It's almost magical. You finally look over to see Spencer with a big smile on his face. He's looking around in awe. You have a feeling he doesn't do this sort of thing often.
"Wow" he breathes out. "It's so beautiful and calm. It's almost a bit..."
"Magical?" You interject. He looks down at you in surprise to see you smiling back up at him. He just smiles and nods.
You finally make your way to dock at the edge of the lake. You toss your back back into a red canoe tied up on the dock.
"We're going out on the lake?" He questions.
"Yeah is that okay?"
"Yeah that's ok. I've never actually been in a canoe before, I'm not sure how much help I'll be rowing."
"That's ok, Spencer. We're just here to relax and have fun" you reassure him.
You motion for him to step in first. You untie the boat from the dock push it off into the water as you jump in at the other end. You instruct him to turn around and face the front and hand him one paddle. You call out instructions to help him with pace and directions. After a couple minutes, he starts to get the hang of it. I mean, he has a PhD in engineering, you're not surprised.
Eventually, the boat is fairly far from shore and you both put down your paddles as he turns to face you. You reach into your backpack and pull out blankets to lay across the seats. Then you pull out the snacks and the water.
"A picnic on the lake, huh?" He gives a slight chuckle.
"Yeah" you shrug. "A bit cheesy, I know."
"It's perfect." He glances up at you with a genuine toothy grin on his face. He looks really happy. When you see this you can't help the ever growing smile on your face.
"What gave you this idea?" he asks as he starts munching on some cashews and grapes.
"Well, I love hiking, I love the water, and you already know I love food. So why not combine all three? Plus, there's just something really therapeutic about being in a boat out on the water, rowing, the only sound is your paddle in the water."
"Well I hope you don't mind, I brought something. I didn't know what we'd be doing, but I thought it might come in handy. Um it's not mine and Derek had to show me how to set it up. It's probably stupid anyways."
"I wanna see!" You give him a light shove on the shoulder.
He reaches into the backpack he brought and pulls out a Bluetooth speaker. Next he pulls out his phone and you hear the beep as it connects. You're incredibly intrigued at this point. The next thing you know, you hear the hear the gentle harmonica and acoustic guitar as "Ghost on the Shore" by Lord Huron fills the air around you.
You lean back on your hands, tears threaten to fill the brims of your eyes.
"Spencer... this is really, really sweet. How did you even find this song?"
"I noticed you looking at some of their music in that coffee shop with the music store. I listened to a little bit, and I really liked this song. I figured you would too."
"It's one of my favorites."
The two of you spend more time listening to music,
snacking, and just taking in the beauty of the nature around you. Way off in the distance you hear laughter and can see JJ and Derek racing around on their jet skis. You decide to head back and join the others, music still sounding from the speaker tucked into a side pocket of his backpack. "Meet Me in the Woods" echoes through the trees as you hike back towards the cabin together. Today had turned out even better than you ever could have planned.
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spencers-dria · 4 years
Someone To Stay
Original story by fairytales1896
Spencer x fem reader
7. Meet Me In The Woods
After dinner, the guys and girls split up into their separate rooms, taking turns in the showers. After you finished washing up, you put on some red, plaid pajama pants, a black tank top, and a pair of slippers that looked like bear paws. You made your way into the kitchen, where Rossi was cleaning up.
"You didn't happen to bring marshmallows, did you?" You ask, eyebrows raised.
"You read my mind, kid." Rossi gives you a wink as he hands you a bag, already full of everything you need.
While he finishes, cleaning you make your way outside. All you can hear is the sound of crickets and the wind in the trees. It's like music to your ears, so peaceful. You walk across the back patio that overlooks the lake, heading towards the fire pit. Sitting on one of the log benches, you start to pull out all the supplies you need. After gathering some kindling, you start a fire in the stone fire pit, giving it a poke here and there to help get it going. Within a few minutes, the fire has grown to a decent size, and you can feel it's warmth from your seat.
It's not long before the doors open and the rest of the group joins you, gathering around the fire. Everyone grabs a skewer and starts roasting their marshmallows. Derek gets a little over eager with the fire and keeps burning his, so JJ has to help him out. The chocolate Rossi brought to use isn't plain Hershey's, but instead it's Ghirardli chocolate with different fillings like caramel or raspberry! These have to be some of the best s'mores you've ever tasted.
Once everyone is snacking on their s'mores, you hear Spencer speak up. "Alright! Who wants to hear a ghost story?"
The group lets out some claps and cheers for him.
You watch as his face changes and he lets the group get quiet as he sets the mood for the story. He pulls a candle out from somewhere behind his seat and lights it in the fire. He holds it in front of his face as he begins to speak, but stops when he hears a snicker. He turns and gives you a serious look.
"I'm so sorry!" You and JJ both giggle, trying to pull yourselves together. "It's just really funny watching you take this so seriously."
He rolls his eyes at you, but you swear you almost see a smile. He tries to get back in character before starting.
"In Fredericksburg, Virginia...there is a hospital that would seem completely normal to most people. But to anyone who has been a patient on the 4th floor, they know better." He uses overly dramatic inflection in his voice, which only makes it more humorous.
"Really Spencer...the hospital where I work?"
He stops again, turning to you. "You know what ghosts really hate? People who interrupt. That's right! And they're coming for you next." He gives you a shove, and neither of you can keep a straight face anymore. You're both laughing, trying to catch your breath.
"Hey! I want to hear the rest of the story!" Penelope pipes up.
"Oh please he's just making it up as he goes along. It's not even that scary." You joke, playfully.
"I'm gonna pretend I didn't hear that, but I think we all know who did hear it..." he says in his spookiest voice. "Anyways! Like I said, the 4th floor is haunted. Patients who stay in rooms 26  and 27 have reported seeing a young boy and young girl. They say the girl always asks them if they want to play with her ball. Other patients have said they can hear a ball bouncing in the hallway in the latest hours of the night."
You shift, a bit uneasy in your seat. This was starting to sound familiar. It reminded you of stories you had heard from coworkers...but how would he know about this? You normally aren't spooked easily, but as Spencer continues, the hairs on the back of your neck stand up.
He continues the story. "They say the only people they really go after are the staff. They wait until their guard is down, the sneak up behind them, and..."
"GOTCHA!" You jump up from your seat as someone grabs you from behind.
You look down to see Derek Morgan, bent over with laughter, tears in his eyes. Spencer is laughing just as hard, if not harder. The rest of the team joins in, and after your nerves settle, so do you.
"You planned this didn't you?!" You yell at the two of them, trying to stifle a laugh and be serious.
The pair of them still laughing too hard to even  speak. You have your answer.
"Well that's enough fun for me. I'm headed to bed, anyone else?" Rossi gets up and everyone else joins him, heading inside.
When you step inside, you grab your green, plaid, wool blanket off the couch and carry it back out to the patio. Everyone is already getting ready for bed, so no one notices. You spread it out on the deck and turn off the porch light. You finally lay down on your back, looking straight up at the night sky. You could see a few stars from where you live, but out here there are more than you could ever count. It looks like pixie dust, spread across a deep abyss of black. You take a deep breath in, smelling the forest. For you, it doesn't get any better than this.
You soon hear the patio door open and close, followed by footsteps. You see Spencer standing over you, looking down at you with curiosity. He's changed into purple PJ pants and a Star Wars shirt.
"Whatcha doin?"
"Taking it all in." You smile up at him.
"Mind if I join?"
You scoot over, making extra room as you pat the spot next to you on the blanket.
You let out a long sigh, feeling completely content and relaxed. "I don't know what it is, about space, the stars, the galaxy...but I have always been so mesmerized by all of it. Part of me just appreciates how beautiful it is and part of me appreciates how it is all so much bigger than me. It's beyond what I can ever wrap my head around. There's nothing I wouldn't do to one day take a trip up there."
"Do you know the story of Perseus?" Spencer asks before explaining. He's learned not to underestimate your random knowledge as well.
"Believe it or not, I do actually."
Spencer smiles to himself. "I'm not surprised. Anyways, so there is Cephus at the top, Cassiopeia below him to the right, then Andromeda, and finally Perseus at the bottom left."
Your face twist in confusion. You don't see any of it, but you're too embarrassed to admit this, so you nod as if you see them. You sometimes forget what Spencer does for his job. He scoots closer to you to share your line of vision. He then looks at you and smiles before grabbing your hand and directing your pointer finger along the path of each constellation.
"It's beautiful isn't it?" You ask him.
"What is?"
"All of it. The stars, the trees, the sounds, the smells...it's perfect." You close your eyes feeling completely at peace in this moment.
You don't see Spencer roll his head to look at you.
"Yeah, really beautiful." He responds.
You feel your body relaxing and slipping away from the moment as you fall closer towards sleep. The next thing you know you feel arms slipping underneath you and lifting you from the ground. Mostly asleep, you absent-mindedly wrap your arms around the figure carrying you. You feel your body being carried up and then tucked underneath you bed comforter. Your eyes flit open for only a moment. Through the thick darkness you barely make out Spencer's outline climbing back down the ladder and quietly slipping out of the room. This is the last thing you see before you are awoken by the scent of smokey bacon.
You open your eyes and look around the room to see all three other ladies are still fast asleep. Sunlight is dripping into the room from between the curtains. You carefully make your way down from your top bunk and tip toe out of the room, trying to avoid any squeaky wooden floorboards.
When you finally reach the kitchen, you are surprised to see Hotch cooking breakfast. He's smiling and flipping pancakes at the stove. You haven't known  him very long, but this is still not something you would have expected from him.
"Goodmorning" you yawn, rubbing your eyes and adjusting to the sunlight flooding in from the large kitchen windows.
"Morning!" he beamed. "Care for some pancakes?"
"Pancakes sound wonderful, thanks! Need any help?"
"You can set the table if you don't mind."
"Not at all! Happy to help," You give him a smile as you start to pull place settings out from the cabinets.
"So, pancakes from scratch...where did you learn that?"
He lets out a small chuckle. "Rossi's not the only one who can cook ya know. Truthfull though, I learned a lot from my wife Haley. She was a great mom, and a wonderful cook." He smiles as he seems to get caught up in a memory, but you can here the sadness lacing his tone.
You can't help but inquire. "Was?"
He looks down at the bacon he is now grilling, avoiding eye contact as he continues.
"She was my ex wife for only a little while before she was killed. It was a serial killer that the team should have...that I should have caught." He has stopped cooking and is now gripping the counter infant of him, as though he was trying to keep himself from falling over.
You may not know him well, but your job had made you fairly comfortable with talking to people dealing with situations such as this, so you decide to approach him. You place a comforting hand on his shoulder.
"I'm so sorry, that you and your son have had to go through that. No one should ever be put through that much trauma. But I can tell its made you really strong. And your son, he's lucky to have a dad who cares so much about him and keeps him safe."
Hotch takes a deep breath before continuing his cooking as he flips a few pieces of bacon and pours another pancake. He then turns to you and gives a warm genuine smile.
"Thank you, Y/N. I really appreciate it, truly. We have all been through a lot. And I'm not the only one who's lost someone because of this job..."
He trails off when you expected him to continue. There was something about the way he said that last part that made you believe he wanted to say more. Could he be talking about Spencer? Who did he lose? What happened to them? When did it happen?
Questions start to flood your mind but are quickly pushed to the back as the rest of the team starts to make their way into the kitchen for breakfast.
Everyone is talking about their plans for the day. So you turn to Spencer.
"I have something fun planned, if you're willing to trust me."
He raises his eyebrows, intrigued.
"Well I trusted you yesterday and I turned out okay" he laughs.
"Well it's definitely more laid back, even relaxing. If you want you can even bring a book."
He puts his elbows on the table and leans forward on his hands. You've clearly peaked his interest.
"Ok you've won me over. What is it?"
"A surprise." You smile as you grab both of your empty plates and bring them to the sink to wash them off.
"Well can you at least tell me what I need to wear for this?"
You take a minute to think.
"Definitely sun screen and probably something can get a little bit wet or dirty and also some sturdy shoes."
You both make your way to your rooms to get ready. You find the other three ladies already getting dressed and packed for their planned activities.
Alex is getting ready to go on a hike with Rossi and Hotch. JJ and Morgan are taking some rental jet skis out on the lake. Penny will be relaxing on her float again.
You put on a grey tank with an open, oversized navy flannel, some grey khaki shorts, and chacos . You grab your north face backpack and head to the kitchen to sort through the snacks. The backpack gets filled with granola bars, fresh fruit, cashews, and water bottles.
As you are finishing up, Spencer makes his way out of his room. He's in a half zip grey long sleeve, khaki shorts and tennis shoes. It doesn't look ah all like something he'd usually wear.
"Nice outfit" you smile at him.
"Oh uhh thanks, I borrowed the shirt from Hotch and the shorts aren't something I usually wear, but I brought them on the trip just in case." He seems to be blushing a bit. You feel bad, thinking you've must have embarrassed him.
"No really though, the outdoors look, it works for you." You elbow him as you giggle. The blush on his face turns a dark shade of red. Maybe he's really not used to getting told he looks good. This seems a bit crazy to you. He's ridiculously attractive. So much so that you brushed off any possibility of anything happening the night you met him. Spencer was just a friend, and that's exactly what you needed.
You throw on your back pack and lead the two of you out the glass doors and down the patio steps. You make your way further away from the cabin until the only thing left surrounding the two of you are trees.
The two of you walk for a couple minutes in a comfortable silence. You take in the sound of leaves crunching under your feet, wind in the trees, birds chirping. You look up to see sunlight streaming through the leaves of the trees above you. The path is covered by a canopy of green and gold. It's almost magical. You finally look over to see Spencer with a big smile on his face. He's looking around in awe. You have a feeling he doesn't do this sort of thing often.
"Wow" he breathes out. "It's so beautiful and calm. It's almost a bit..."
"Magical?" You interject. He looks down at you in surprise to see you smiling back up at him. He just smiles and nods.
You finally make your way to dock at the edge of the lake. You toss your back back into a red canoe tied up on the dock.
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"Yeah is that okay?"
"Yeah that's ok. I've never actually been in a canoe before, I'm not sure how much help I'll be rowing."
"That's ok, Spencer. We're just here to relax and have fun" you reassure him.
You motion for him to step in first. You untie the boat from the dock push it off into the water as you jump in at the other end. You instruct him to turn around and face the front and hand him one paddle. You call out instructions to help him with pace and directions. After a couple minutes, he starts to get the hang of it. I mean, he has a PhD in engineering, you're not surprised.
Eventually, the boat is fairly far from shore and you both put down your paddles as he turns to face you. You reach into your backpack and pull out blankets to lay across the seats. Then you pull out the snacks and the water.
"A picnic on the lake, huh?" He gives a slight chuckle.
"Yeah" you shrug. "A bit cheesy, I know."
"It's perfect." He glances up at you with a genuine toothy grin on his face. He looks really happy. When you see this you can't help the ever growing smile on your face.
"What gave you this idea?" he asks as he starts munching on some cashews and grapes.
"Well, I love hiking, I love the water, and you already know I love food. So why not combine all three? Plus, there's just something really therapeutic about being in a boat out on the water, rowing, the only sound is your paddle in the water."
"Well I hope you don't mind, I brought something. I didn't know what we'd be doing, but I thought it might come in handy. Um it's not mine and Derek had to show me how to set it up. It's probably stupid anyways."
"I wanna see!" You give him a light shove on the shoulder.
He reaches into the backpack he brought and pulls out a Bluetooth speaker. Next he pulls out his phone and you hear the beep as it connects. You're incredibly intrigued at this point. The next thing you know, you hear the hear the gentle harmonica and acoustic guitar as "Ghost on the Shore" by Lord Huron fills the air around you.
You lean back on your hands, tears threaten to fill the brims of your eyes.
"Spencer... this is really, really sweet. How did you even find this song?"
"I noticed you looking at some of their music in that coffee shop with the music store. I listened to a little bit, and I really liked this song. I figured you would too."
"It's one of my favorites."
The two of you spend more time listening to music,
snacking, and just taking in the beauty of the nature around you. Way off in the distance you hear laughter and can see JJ and Derek racing around on their jet skis. You decide to head back and join the others, music still sounding from the speaker tucked into a side pocket of his backpack. "Meet Me in the Woods" echoes through the trees as you hike back towards the cabin together. Today had turned out even better than you ever could have planned.
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