#i can't wait to add the new bonuses to my doc tho i love numbers
icebluecyanide · 3 years
RQG 216
Alternative title: The Return of the NPCs
WHAT AN EPISODE!!! I’m still so hyped and I’ll almost certainly forget to mention something because !!! so much happened!!!
Alex’ ‘weeee’ cracks me up
Resist Energy for Hamid!!! good!!! also I freaked out when Hamid rolled poorly on the fly check but at least it’s still better than Guivres \o/ bryn pls stop talking about wanting Guivres to want you dead tho!!
Wilde being all ‘yeah the first one was me idk about the second’ !!!!
GOOD OLD JEFF CHAUCER!! I know it’s probably not quite as effective but I like to think the army of the dead is like that scene in ROTK when Aragorn shows up with reinforcements
‘Wait till you see the blue of their veins’ is a v. good line. also yay for Prayer and Wilde’s humming!! ‘I love this game, i love it so much’ at the bonuses ahsdfhsfdj SAME BRYN i love the numbers
THE VENGEANCE IS HERE!!! And does a good hit against Guivres! The way everyone was all ‘it was so spiky’ ‘yeah it was so spiky’ in mournful tones right before the break cracks me up tho
Also ashdflhsf the crew of the Vengeance jumping off with parachutes, gently drifting down... into the swarm of blue veined people who are apparently just about everywhere by now, oops
Hamid fireballing the root creatures bless I hoped he might because honestly the area effect thing would help a lot there
not a big fan of the tower being on fire tbh but ‘ i wonder if it was the marbles’ ahsldfhsfs
oh god i forgot the root creatures could infect people, at least they aren’t exploding??? but also Zolf with a vine on his leg yikes. I love Zolf referencing his habit of throwing away weapons and equipment tho lmao it’s a nice call back to s1
also APOPHIS WAS REAL!!! DRAGON BRAWL!! I completely misinterpreted Alex’s description of him swerving to the side and thought he was an illusion but AHHHHH I CAN STILL MY DRAGON TALK AFTER THE BATTLE! I will be honest, I hope Guivres survives to get de-blue-veined because I want to see that conversation
HAMID ISN‘T LOSING AZU AHLFDHFLHSDF 😭😭🥺🥺 i’m feeling things,,, i love the protectiveness,,, Hamid racing over to be close to her to protect her from possible infections 🥺
Lydia joking that from hamid’s perspective he hadn’t seen Cel do anything ahsldfhds Cel got like two nat 20s this eps tho!!! they should have gotten a crit 😔
Absolutely delighted to see Brutor, that is hilarious, and also ED MY LOVE 🌞 when alex mentioned all of them appearing on the already unstable tower I did have a sudden mental image of it just crumbling under their feet ahsldfhs
... Alex’s brought in the cavalry because he’s going to throw a bunch of planar weirdness creatures at them, hasn’t he 😭
anyway, all PCs are alive which is great, but I am devastated that the ‘death from above’ didn’t refer to Skraak because I need a sign of life from him 😭
also love that Alex apparently just went ‘okay you need to fight the dragon until like round 3 of the countdown, then we can give you reinforcements and bring in some new enemies’. The addition and removal of new elements feels quite deliberate & planned, which I guess makes sense because there are beats he wants to hit. I’m impressed that he actually brought in all the NPCs tho and super excited to see what else will happen, it’s definitely feeling like the climatic final battle!
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