#i can't keep blocking all the ones tgat start following me
maybe-its-micheal · 1 year
What Happened in Quackity's Stream Today?
Today, June 19th 2023, Quackity went live with a qsmp stream in Spanish titled "El Fin de Quackity" (The end of Quackity) and I'd like to sumarize in English what happened!
I wanted to include as much detail as I could. (Anything added in parenthesis is my own speculation or additional comment)
First 20 minutes
Wearing professional looking clothing and sunglasses irl, he joins QSMP on his "ElQuackity" account, which is different from the account he ussually uses for qsmp. (He has logged in through this account before offline, but does not use it to rp as q!quackity and has in the past implied that there is more than 1 Quackity on the island) There are many past attempts of trying to join the server, which all say "no connection" over and over again, one sayd "limited lives" and the last one says "ETF EHR IER OYR KRO KER NBJ EAD." (?)
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He waits in the room Cucurucho took (the former) Quackity to after the wedding, right before he was disconnected from the server. He just walks around and occasionally looks through the window of the door, he doesn't say anything, just sighs a few times, and cannot break blocks but punches a chair, seemingly bored and tired of waiting
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Cucurucho arrives! Quackity tells it that its late, and it opens the door and leads him out of the room. He asks if he can be given a key for the doors, and Cucurucho responds by blowing bubbles at him. He laughs it off and says its no problem
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Cucurucho begins walking, and Quackity asks it to wait. He asks "where does he work?" Cucurucho blows bubbles. "You don't want to tell me? Which office is it?" He walks down a hallway of identical rooms. "Do you not want to tell me, or do you not know?" Cucurucho stays quiet. This is still the same location Cucurucho took (the first) Quackity to after the wedding, when Jaiden saw them together.
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He looks at a door that says "Storage Room" and looks at the button to open the door. Cucurucho looks at him, and then a different door. He follows Cucurucho, and they leave. He asks if Cucurucho also thinks its too cold in there, and says he doesnt know if they can do anything about the temperature. Cucurucho turns to look at him quickly when he mentions the cold, but then turns away and keeps lesding him out
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They ñeave the ofices and arrive at the train station, and Quackity, seemly startled, says they should go a different way, back through the offices, because there is no way the other members of the server will be able to pass through there. Cucurucho says no, and Quackity keeps trying to convince it to let them go back. It laughs.
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Cellbit says "THEY'RE AT THE TRAIN STATION" in chat, and not long after Mike, Pac, Richas, Fit, Forever, Cellbit, Baghera, Pomme, and Badboyhalo (I think thats everyone?) Show up. Right before they arrive, Quackity sarcastically says "perfect. Here everyone comes," then tells Cucurucho to disapear. Once they get there, he says "friends, friends!" And greets them, hapily saying "I'm back!"
Mike (I think) asks hin where he was, and he says he was with Cucurucho, against his will.
They ask where Cucurucho is, and he says he doesnt know, then asks if anything happened while he was gone, they said not much. He told them that he was taken, and told things, and it was hard. He then said he should probably step away for a moment, and would tell them later.
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Forever follows him outside and asks "do you remember what I told you the day of the wedding?" Quackity responds "Forever, I can't talk right now, there are some things I meed to do. We can talk about that later, ok? Is tgat ok?" Forever nods his head to agree.
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He runs a short distance away, out of earshot, and starts swearing in annoyance. He also realizes he doesn't have any items on him, and keeps running.
He is filling in new area on his map as he runs, meaning this Quackity has never been to the area outside the train station before
He keeps talking about how Cucurucho left him here with nothing, and didn't tell him about the map. He swears at Cucurucho
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He finds a boat and sails for a bit, then gets out and runs again. He is looking for specific coordinates he was given
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nefertsukia · 6 years
Okay, is it me or is Tumblr severely suffering with A WHOLE LOT of porn blog spam bots ? I find them not such searching unrelated hashtags, but also looking through comments of Popular posts. There's heaps of them. It's gotten really out of hand. :/
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