#i can't help with tech support here its just not feasible
gayawakeningrevived · 2 years
Sorry for asking again.
So can you give me some guide about getting the support conversation.bin.lz file?
Sorry it my first to do this, since some conversation I want already in spreadsheet, it that mean the Mod already make the .bin.lz file? Or just someone give the idea so we can coding more easily?
Sorry for asking you again but still I want to see good conversation.
I'm going to need additional context to assist on this one, I have no idea what you're talking about. I would also prefer to give any tech support help via our Discord server so that it doesn't clog up people's feeds. This seems extremely specific, and I suspect that it is answered by our documentation, so please have a look through there if you haven't already.
>All of the currently released .bin.lz files are included in the hack, if you've set it up correctly using the How To guide provided, you should not have any loose files. Unless this is about the M!Robin/Lon'qu support that I posted earlier today, in which case... all you have to do is follow the "Adding In Your Own Custom Supports:" section in this How To guide. It's just a matter of dragging and dropping into a folder.
>Which support(s) are you looking for? Have you read the spreadsheet's key at the bottom of the page?
>If it has not been written or even claimed yet, you may claim it yourself. We don't take requests for OTHER people to prioritize a pairing, and we also don't accept any commissioned writing from others. This is to prevent several (primarily legal) issues that I won't get into here.
You do not need to code supports yourself, but there is currently one singular person (myself) editing, coding and implementing them, so I ask that you be patient, as this is a long process with many, many supports ahead of any that have been submitted recently. If you are asking for a specific support to take precedence, I'm afraid I'll have to be the bearer of bad news and say that you will need to do it all yourself here, as you'll have a long wait ahead of you otherwise. You can check the Claimed Supports List and Spreadsheet for information on the status of any given support.
I am also requesting that you give our FAQ a good once-over before sending in another ask, as plenty of this is covered on there and I'd rather not repeat myself.
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