#i can't even tag this with anything else. it'd be too embarrassing.
kerakeriza · 2 months
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the people have spoken. here is the self-insert ship art i drew in like 15 minutes. i hate tim so much he is my mortal enemy but he is also a short mentally ill bisexual so he's exactly my type :/
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dustofthedailylife · 6 months
You were not supposed to hear that...yet
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Pairing: Alhaitham x (gn!) Reader
Summary: Alhaitham reveals a secret about the inner workings of his heart to his friends over a cup of wine and in between some banter. However, he did not expect it would go this wrong...
Tags: Fluff, crack, comfort, teasing, consumption of alcohol (by characters), the whole 4ggravate crew is here, friendly banter between friends, a small sprinkle of angst because reader is insecure (but it's unjustified)
A/N: Dust posting a new fic?! Not an April Fool's joke, despite the date! Finally felt inspired and well enough again to finish this fic that has been rotting in my WIPs forever. I hope you like it. And feel free to hit me up with asks and reblogs - it'd motivate me greatly after my long break 🥺
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The usual friend group of Cyno, Kaveh, Tighnari, and him - Alhaitham, was sitting at the Tavern. A gathering like it happened almost every weekend at this point.
The wine bottle on the table had been emptied around two or three times already when Kaveh ordered a new one yet again. At this point, Alhaitham had actually lost count of how many glasses of wine he'd already had, too. But one thing was for certain, he could feel the alcohol in his system and the warm blood that was rushing to his cheeks. All things considered though, despite feeling a little tipsy from the intoxication, he was still able to think clearly.
"Let me guess I'm the one who will have to end up covering your bill again?" He took sarcastic a jab at Kaveh. 
The man in question just squinted his eyes and glared daggers at him before opening his mouth in an attempt to protest before it was quickly shot down by Tighnari's hand covering it.
Alhaitham leisurely leaned back in his chair smirking to himself, training his focus back onto the TCG cards in his hands and considering his next turn of action in the game he was playing against Cyno.
"What, am I just supposed to take it all the time and be quiet?!" Kaveh retorted, directed at Tighnari. The fox's ears were beginning to droop lower and lower as his expression became more and more deadpan.
"You all know as well as I do that if [Y/N] was here he wouldn't be acting like this. He would be on his best behavior and pay for the drinks without so much as complaining or being so cocky."
"By the way," Tighnari attempted to divert the attention away from Kaveh's ranting. "Where are they? Didn't you say they wanted to stop by the Tavern as well today, Alhaitham?"
Alhaitham played his round, throwing his card Cyno's way before looking up at Tighnari again.
"They mentioned it but I suppose something must've come up instead. I will ask tomorrow."
"Isn't it strange?" Kaveh addressed the others. "Whenever it involves [Y/N] he graciously offers himself up to talk to them and seek them out but whenever someone else is looking for him he is nowhere to be found."
"Maybe you just can't find me because I simply don't have anything to discuss with you." Alhaitham threw another jab at Kaveh with a smirk, which was promptly followed by a light punch against his bicep by the blonde architect.
"What? I constantly have to talk to you already when we're at ho-"
"SHHH! Don't say that out loud." Kaveh hissed, quickly covering Alhaitham's mouth in panic, since he didn’t want him to spell out that they were currently living together. “It's embarrassing enough that I currently have no other choice, no need to add to my misery.”
A witty quip was burning at the tip of Alhaitham's tongue after Kaveh's remark yet again, but he decided to swallow it. He didn't want to upset him too much, especially since he knew he'd had it rough lately. Even if it would've been said in jest, there was no need to add insult to injury. Instead, he simply resorted to taking another sip of his wine with a low chuckle and a glance in the blonde architect’s direction.
“Aaaaanyway…”, Tighnari cleared his throat, addressing Alhaitham once more. “What is it between [Y/N] and you anyway? You've become quite close haven't you?”
“That's an understatement.” Kaveh groaned, dropping his head on his folded arms on the table dramatically. “He can't stop talking about them. Day in and day out it’s [Y/N]-this, [Y/N]-that.”
“We started working on a project about six months ago. Things are progressing quite smoothly if I do say so myself. Certainly makes things easier if you're working with someone who is both hardworking and intelligent in every way. I’ve been lucky to have been assigned to the project with them.” Alhaitham answered Tighnari’s question rationally while ignoring Kaveh’s dramatic display.
“Here he goes again.” Kaveh huffed, directing his comment at Cyno and Tighnari. “Whenever he talks about them you hear nothing but praises.”
“If someone is doing a great job, is it not logical to give them the credit they deserve?” Alhaitham added matter of factly.
“No… I mean yes, but no. It's just not something I'd see you doing. It’s so out of character.” Kaveh huffed. “And before you say anything, yes, maybe I just don't know that side of you because I don't give you any reason to praise me. No need to add that, thank you.”
Kaveh poked his tongue out at Alhaitham before taking a big sip from his wine.
“Why, if you want to be praised you just need to say so, Kaveh. I think you're quite brilliant - your shortcomings aside.” He just had to add that last bit. Kaveh was just way too easy to tease. And what would this friend group be without the playful banter and jabs at each other?
Kaveh choked on the drink immediately and slammed his cup down onto the table with a loud clang. A fire burned behind his crimson eyes when he spoke next.
“This is exactly what I meant, thanks for proving my point!”
Kaveh looked at Cyno and Tighnari gesturing in the direction of Alhaitham with a move that said “Do you see what I mean now?”.
Tighnari just facepalmed and shook his head.
“And what is your point exactly?” Cyno inquired, playing a card from his hand.
“Did you not listen to what he said?” Kaveh gasped.
“Not really,” Cyno admitted honestly, his eyes trained back on the cards in his hands.
“It's the fact that he can praise others too, but never without also pointing out their faults in the same sentence. Did no one ever notice that? However, he never does that when it's [Y/N].” Kaveh explained.
“And?” Tighnari and Cyno replied in unison, looking puzzled as to where Kaveh wanted to go with this.
Kaveh put his head in his hand and groaned in frustration. “Sometimes you all make me feel like I am surrounded by idiots.”
Now everyone raised their eyebrows at him.
“You're all so clueless… anyway.” He sighed dramatically and accusingly pointed a finger at Alhaitham. “This guy. This admittedly handsome but blockheaded, know-it-all, stoic, annoying-”
“Get to the point.” Alhaitham chided, crossing his arms over his chest.
"Fine, fine." Kaveh spread his arms like he was holding a presentation and Alhaitham his canvas.
“This guy's right here, as alien as it may sound – has fallen in love.” 
“You're in love?!” Cyno exclaimed his eyes widening. “With who?!”
Tighnari rolled his eyes, knowing full well Cyno hadn't listed at all the past ten minutes because he had been so absorbed in his cards, and gently slapped the back of his head.
“[Y/N], of course!” The Forest Ranger exclaimed with a huff.
Cyno, now rubbing the back of his head just ushered a “Wait really?” while Kaveh and Tighnari just curiously began eyeing Alhaitham in the hope of seeing any type of confirmation on his face. However, it stayed as unreadable as ever.
He nonchalantly took another sip of wine from his cup while leisurely looking back and forth between the cards on the table and the ones in his hand before playing another turn as if this conversation just now hadn't happened.
“So!?” Kaveh asked, almost hysterically at this point. “Do you intend to enlighten us?”
Just how had he gotten into this situation now? Alhaitham suppressed a sigh before turning to Cyno: “Your turn. Two of your cards are down.”
“Archons!” Cyno cussed, immediately attempting to go back to study his cards but a fist slammed the table harshly, drawing all attention to it.
Tighnari flinched in shock and Cyno, too seemed to be pulled back to reality. Kaveh’s hand was trembling slightly, visibly agitated.
“Stop changing the subject, Alhaitham. The more you keep avoiding answering the question the more I think I am right in my assumptions.”
Alhaitham pinched the bridge of his nose beginning to truly feel a little stressed by Kaveh’s insistance. The man was truly too nosy for his good.
“Kaveh, just let it be if he doesn’t-” Tighnari began before being cut off by Alhaitham.
“And what if you are right? What then, Kaveh?”
Everyone at the table fell silent and everyone was staring at him with a mix of disbelief and shock.
He hadn't planned to reveal any of this yet, especially since he feared they would try to become his wingman. Which, admittedly, may be a nice gesture on paper but with them it could only end in disaster. Plus he would prefer to deal with his feelings alone first and think them through thoroughly, before talking about them with anyone. Besides, it should be you, if anyone, who should hear about them first - alas he was too deep into this now to weasel his way out.
“What?!” Kaveh’s mouth hung open in shock.
“So it is true then?” Cyno inquired, putting the card in his hand down on the table, now suddenly fully hooked on the tea that was being spilled.
“Hold on. Pause.” Kaveh sat upright, before quickly gazing over Alhaitham’s shoulder. “So you-”
“For Archon’s sake.” Alhaitham was beginning to get annoyed because he didn't know how much clearer he had to become for them to get it. “Yes - I’ve been in love with them. For a while now-”
“Alhaitham-” Kaveh tried to interject.
“No, don't interrupt me now, you pestered me about it for the past twenty minutes now you'll have to listen. I have never met anyone who is so hardworking, intelligent, and stunning in any way. Of course, I would be infatuated with a person like them. It would be hard not to fall for them.”
“Uhm Alhai–” Kaveh laughed awkwardly before being interrupted by Alhaitham’s ongoing monologue once more.
“At first I wasn't sure about it but I am now. I am thinking about them first thing in the morning and last thing when I go to sleep - unless you're hammering away on some project again that keeps me awake, Kaveh.”
Kaveh waved for him to shut up already but Alhaitham didn't let that bother him. If he wanted the full story with all the details - he'd get it. He hoped that would get this discussion out of the way once and for all.
“And guess what? They even remembered how I liked my coffee just after I told them once and gifted me a book that I had been trying to find for weeks. So yes, Kaveh. I love [Y/N]. There, does that suffice now, or?”
Kaveh let out a squeal as soon as Alhaitham had stopped speaking but upon further inspection of his expression, it hadn't been one of excitement but rather pure terror and awkwardness. 
“Alhaitham…” Cyno and Tighnari said in unison and he only then noticed as well how their gaze was trained on a spot behind him.
“What?” Alhaitham inquired, curling a brow up in confusion before all three men pointed their fingers at something behind him.
When he turned his head around to look at what they were trying to show him, he felt his heart drop to his stomach for the first time in ages.
To his utter shock, you were standing right behind him. Or rather, you were frozen in place, your hand still half lifted in greeting as if you had just been about to greet the lot of them. Your mouth was slightly open in shock still and your pupils were but the size of pinpricks and transfixed on Alhaitham.
And judging by your reaction you must've heard every last word he had said.
“I-I…” You started stammering, clearly confused about what you had just heard. “I uh-, I'll head back home.”
You abruptly turned around on your heel and marched straight out the Tavern door you had just come through as if someone was chasing you.
Alhaitham hadn't moved a muscle ever since he had spotted you standing behind him and he looked like he was frozen in place. Everyone at the table had fallen so silent, one would've been able to hear a needle drop.
Alhaitham's eyes were still fixed on the door you had left through. The little bell that chimed every time the Tavern door hit it on the way in or out was still dangling lightly from the impact. But the movement was dying down slowly but surely - just like Alhaitham, who felt like someone had dropped a boulder on his chest.
You were not supposed to hear that, yet.
“You uh…, Alhaitham you should probably follow them.” Tighnari was the first to speak again. He awkwardly scratched behind his ears. Cyno hummed in agreement while Kaveh just sat there with his mouth wide open.
Alhaitham exhaled in frustration, unable to properly place his emotions. But they were somewhere between unsettled, nervous, and discomforted.
When he got up it felt like someone had tied heavy iron blocks to his ankles that were weighing him down.
“Yeah, I guess I do,”  Alhaitham muttered before marching off.
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When you stormed outside the Tavern the cool evening breeze gnawed at your skin and made goosebumps erupt all over. Although you weren't quite sure if it was the temperature or your emotional turmoil at play here.
There was no way Alhaitham had just said that and actually meant it. He wouldn't be the type of man to flat-out admit that he had feelings for anyone. Or would he? He had been talking to his closest friends after all.
You were questioning your sense of reality and thought you must've fabricated it all in your mind. Or maybe you misheard what he said and he was talking about something else entirely.
But no, he said your name, and the others looked panicked when you entered the tavern and approached the table.
As you rushed through the streets of Sumeru City the chilly wind kept whipping in your face. Not even you knew where you were going at this point. You simply went where your feet were carrying you.
But eventually, you realized you had run up the Akademiya and to the blue-green mosaic pavilion that glistened in the last rays of sunlight. The spot at which you and Alhaitham often spent your lunch break together. 
You sunk down on the bench exhaustedly and stared holes in the ground.
No way.
There was just no way.
Alhaitham. The man you had fallen for so hard that he had begun to occupy every waking thought you had. That man was supposed to have feelings for you and had just flat-out admitted it?
No, this simply had to be a dream. A bad joke. Or maybe even a bet between the group that they orchestrated to prank you.
You could feel your heart thumping in your head and it felt like your head was swimming. It was as if you had downed an entire bottle of wine by yourself, but you were as sober as one could be.
Yes, that had to be it. It was a bet between the boys over one too many cups of wine and they had all acted their parts out flawlessly.
You got up again walking to the railing, overlooking Sumeru city that shone majestically in the last remaining rays of sunshine that the day had to offer. Another gush of wind blew your way, making tears well up in your eyes. Although it may have also been your emotions who were to blame for that instead.
You inhaled deeply. Once. Twice. But nothing seemed to help calming the rapidly beating heart in your chest.
In your daze, you completely missed how someone had quietly come up to the pavilion as well.
Alhaitham leaned against the railing himself, looking over the city in silence, too. He was clearly ringing for words. Although you assumed the wrong reason for his struggle.
“Look,” you began, trying your hardest to suppress the tremble in your voice. “If you came here to apologize - please, spare me your words.”
He looked at you opening his mouth before closing it again right after with a silent nod. His cheeks were dusted in a light pink shade - you assumed it was caused by the alcohol he had downed at the tavern with the others.
“I hope that we can go back to normal tomorrow and just finish our project. I’d prefer if we kept our distance after that. I think it’s for the best” The words left your mouth at normal speed, but it felt like you had to force every single one out. They felt tenacious, like old chewing gum that you tried to pull out from in between your teeth.
“I understand.” He stated calmly before retraining his gaze back into the distance. 
You both kept standing next to each other in silence for a long while before you decided to confront him about it directly. You eventually decided it was for the best if you got things off your chest now so that you could get over him quickly. Ripping it off like a band-aid would hopefully give you the relief you so desperately craved right now.
“You know,” you began. “I don’t know who came up with the idea and I also don’t care, no need to tell me. But you guys should never do this to anyone again because you never know how much it might end up hurting someone else’s feelings.”
Alhaitham stood upright and turned to face you directly. He crossed his arms over his chest and slightly cocked his head like he always did when he was thinking about something you said.
After a momentary pause, he asked: “What do you mean?”
“I mean that you shouldn’t toy with someone’s feelings as a prank. It’s never actually funny for anyone but the people who orchestrate such a prank. No matter if the other person reciprocates the feelings or whether they believe the statement, they always end up being the one who is being ridiculed.” You explained as rationally as possible, which was a stark contrast to the tempest that was raging both inside of your heart and mind.
“Especially when the person hoped to hear those exact words for the longest time, too…” You added. It wasn't more than an utterance under your breath - so quietly it was barely audible. But Alhaitham heard nonetheless.
“But I meant everything I said.” He stated matter of factly, seemingly catching on to the fact that you must’ve assumed the wrong things about the whole situation.
“What?! Alhaitham, please, there is no need to add insult to injury. You had your fun now–”
“No.” He gently took your hands in his, exhaling heavily. “Archons, you weren’t supposed to find out like this.”
He rarely swore which made the impact of his words even stronger.
“I wanted to tell you face to face and was waiting for the right moment to do so. But, just know that every word you heard and everything I said back at the tavern was the truth. No bet or scheme made me say it. Not that anyone would be able to make me say these things in the first place.” He sighed once more, giving your hands an emphasizing squeeze. “I meant it.”
“You did?”
“Every word.”
You felt the blood rush to your face and immediately lowered your gaze in an attempt to hide your flusteredness.
“Had I known this would happen, I would’ve told you everything right from the start. I don’t like how this went now but–”, he moved his hands up to cup your face. His beautiful turquoise eyes trained on no one but you. 
“I’m absolutely certain I like you. You drive me crazy. And I love and hate how much you occupy every waking thought of mine because I can’t focus on anything when you’re around. And when you’re not, you’re still always on my mind. So please – be mine.”
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Do not repost, copy, translate or edit - © dustofthedailylife || reblogs, comments, and asks about Genshin or my fics are always greatly appreciated and motivate me! Maple dividers are mine - do not copy.
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prettyboykatsuki · 1 year
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warm-ups | gojo + nsfw + inspection
✮ tags ; afab + gn!reader (they are wearing a skirt / panties) but no gendered language, established relationship / power imbalance (they're dating but gojo is their superior) , teasing, humiliation, pussy inspection, praise, petnames (sweet thing, baby), fingering + penetration, creampies 18+
✮ wc ; 1.9k
✮ a/n ; i swear on my entire fucking life i did not rig this one at all KJSDF. the wheels just decided i promise this on my life.
idk if the writing reflects what i experienced trying to write this but . good fucking lord. good lord.
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"Let me see,"
Embarrassing. Humiliation is making your face burn hot as Gojo stares at you. He's smiling, of course he is - a lazy grin, head tilted slightly to one side. His teeth peek out, sharp incisors and even sharper canines like a light in the dim light of an empty classroom.
"Satoru," You reason, hands fidgeting on the hem of your skirt with a sigh "We're in the—"
"I want to see," He's not asking, so much as telling. Your heart races. You squirm. Earlier, when he called and asked for you to wear something cute - you thought it'd be some of his typical flirting. You decided to appease him. Not particularly hoping he would make any advances on you. It wasn't something you thought to justify to yourself.
It struck you as odd when he asked about it. The husk of his voice as he leaned in behind you and told you good before waltzing off back to his lesson. The whole day he'd done nothing else out of ordinary. Made his usual jokes and stupid, unserious flirtatious advances.
And then you were alone. The building is empty, and you're supposed to be planning practical lessons for the first years. Gojo cornered you here and sat with you in silence for a little while, eyes following your curves and edges before stopping to look at you.
He wanted to see what you wore. But it wasn't like usual. Something was different, obviously - he'd been thinking about something else and like usual opted not to tell you about it. You're sure he won't even if you ask.
It's a trustfall with him - always testing you to see if you'll give him blind faith. You think he likes seeing you flounder more than he's concerned about your loyalty.
You can't get a read on him.
"You're really—"
"Let me see," He says again, not as playful. You swallow thick. It's your fault for indulging him so much "I want to know what you picked."
You go to take it off and Gojo shakes his head.
"Flip your skirt up,"
"You can't be serious."
He looks at you. Reprimanding. He's very serious. You swallow around something in your throat again, turning your head. Focusing your attention on anything else. The open window that gives view to the darkness outside. If anyone came right now they'd see this. You decide to close your eyes after all.
Wordlessly, you grab the end of your skirt and flip it up. Holding the material just over your thighs - to give visibility to the sheer, delicate material underneath. A brief silence is followed with echoey footsteps. Intentional. He's letting his weight hit the ground each time he does it.
You know he stops when you feel him looming over you. Before you can get a worse in edge-wise, he drops down. Squats until his face is at level with your pussy.
But he doesn't touch you. You can feel his breath distantly, and you're too afraid to look. But he's careful not to touch you. When you do feel his hand, it's brushing against your ankle. Fingers playing with the frill of your socks.
"Spread your legs a little."
The air changes. You clip your mouth shut and listen, sneakers squeaking along the tile as you spread yourself. Standing at shoulder width, making yourself more clear to view.
"Good," He says, like it needs no explanation "I like when you listen to me."
You don't reply. You just sit, and wait - heart hammering so hard against your chest like you've run a mile.
You count the seconds but the numbers feel muddled after you count up to three hundred. A little over five minutes before he moves again. He touches the palm of his hand against your knee, planing them up the tops of your thigh. A barely there movement. Goosebumps cover every single inch of you. He hums, arbitrarily running his fingers along your inner thigh but never quite committing.
You're almost too afraid to move. Not that he'd do anything bad. But you have no idea what he's doing in the first place. It's starting to make you sweat.
"These are pretty," He says, conversationally running his finger along the top seam where the bows are. Still not touching "They new?"
"U-uhm," Your fingers tighten around your skirt "Yes?"
"Mm," He tugs the waistband, letting it snap against your skin lightly "Were you thinking of me?"
"I thought you'd like them."
"I do. I like when you think of me."
You shudder.
"Were you thinking anything of it when you put them on this morning?"
"No," You answer truthfully.
"Really?" He answers back, genuine "Even in the afternoon,"
"I just wasn't thinking,"
"What a shame," He replies, soft and gentle. He runs fingers against the place where you thighs meet your legs. Still no direct touching. You feel yourself starting to get wet around where he isn't. "I was thinking of you all day."
"Oh," You mumble.
"Wanna know what I was thinking about?"
He doesn't give you a chance to answer.
"I was thinking about," A single finger, his middle finger, runs along the seam of your panties. A ghost of a touch that makes your knees weak "Giving you a nice, thorough inspection."
You can't think.
"I was thinking," He answers again, but this time he pushes and you gasp at the sudden contact "About what it might be like to watch you make a mess like this," Another press, a little harder, still not where you need "Get these nice and dirty,"
"Satoru," Your voice is high-pitched. A whine. A sound you didn't even know you could make.
"I was thinking," He repeats, removing his hand completely "How wet I could get you by telling you all the dirty, awful, nasty things I wanna do with you,"
"What a-are you?"
"It's not proper at all for a trusted grown-up hm? To be pulling up your skirt and showing off your sweet little cunt to your superior? There's windows. They'll see you,"
You can only repeat his name. "Satoru."
"Do you want them to see you?" He asks, hand gentle on your thigh. He trails up "Do you want them to see you bent over the desk while I fuck you? Or maybe you want to spread your legs more,"
You choke on your spit, trying to keep the noises in.
"Make you sit with your legs wide and fuck you with my fingers till you squirt all over the desk. Let everyone see how filthy you let me make you,"
That makes you open your eyes. Once squeezed shut, now wet with need. You turn slightly, looking down at him. He looks pleased by this, by your staring. He watches your face as he gathers the material covering your pussy, pulling it between your lips with enough friction that your knees nearly give out.
"It's good that these were so light," He offers "Didn't think you could get this wet over something like this."
Your lower lip is trembling.
He still doesn't take pity on you.
"You did well," He kisses your knee. It's the most you've gotten from him today "What should I give you hm?"
Your words feel slurred and your head feels completely heavy. "Make me cum. Please, I wanna—"
"Shhh," He coos, patting your leg "Sit up on the desk ,"
You listen, sitting up and far back enough to sit comfortable. Gojo positions you with your feet flat on the desk underneath you. He pulls your skirt up this time, guiding your arms around his neck as he pushes his hand into the waistband of your panties.
The sudden contact is deliciously overstimulating. You gasp and Gojo hums, pleased.
"So sweet," He praises, after you've finally lost all of your resolve - brain clouded with nothing but unadulterated desire. It's hard not to give into Gojo. He always makes it good for you in the end "And so wet. You'll leave a stain."
You sniffle "Satoru," You repeat. He laughs good-naturedly. It makes you huff.
"Right, right. Sorry,"
He doesn't make you wait. The feeling of Gojo's hand makes you gasp with your face buried in his neck. His fingers are thick, smooth skin cool to the touch like a balm on your ever growing heat. He starts with his middle finger, fucking into you slowly and even though it isn't enough to make you cum - it's enough to stimulate you. Already so worked up, so needy it's so good.
But he's not doing it to make you feel good. He's preparing you, wanting to give you something better.
"Gonna give you my cock," He mumbles against the crown of your head, free hand tucking your head to his chest "You're gonna cum all over it for me, okay?"
A pathetic uh-huh leaves your lips, dazed. He doesn't give you anything more after that. One finger without resistance prompts another, and he stops at three. You can feel yourself stretched. You've taken it before, more than once.
But this time feels different. Your stomach is tied in knots. Gojo pulls away from you slightly, enough to undo his pants and let his cock spring free. White hairs neat at the base, tip flushed red. He's so hard, he's throbbing against your thigh where you can feel him.
"Take me in, baby," He hums, pushing the round tip against your cunt before it catches. He lets himself in slowly "That's it,"
The intial stretch leaves your lungs feeling punched out. Already undone, nerves frayed and mind fuzzy - the soft stretch of your pussy accommodating his length leaves you shaking. Skin on skin, raw and desperate, he swears under his breath and throws his head back. His adams apple bobs slightly, smiling as he swallows.
"So good,"
He fucks himself deeper Lets you adjust to each inch, and waits to bottom out until it's comfortable. The brief moment of tension only drives your lust further out of control. You can feel every slight throb and twitch. It gives you a second to appreciate every vein and the slight curve. The deep angle he's hitting you.
Just when you think you can't lose it anymore, he maneuvers his hand between your bodies and uses his thumb on your clit. Every neuron fires at once as he rubs the abused bundle of nerves, achy and weeping between your legs.
Your fingers tighten in his shoulders and Satoru laughs. He starts to move like that, careful and practiced. He angles each thrust of his hips to time it with his fingers. All precision, all reward. He thumbs your needy clit and fucks his cock right against the sweetest, softest part inside of you. He knows it so well by now, it always remembers him.
"Cum on me, sweet thing. Just a little more."
You wrap your legs around Gojo's waist as all the tension in your body started to overflow. All your tight muscles, the hot feeling in your belly that flows and disperses through your whole body. Every sensation works in tandem in making you fall apart and all of it happens at Gojo's mercy.
"Oh, Satoru, oh,"
You cum so hard you see white in your vision. You can feel yourself pulse as Gojo fucks himself as deep into you can go. All the way in your stomach, up to your throat - it knocks all the wind out of you as your pussy pulses and holds and clings to Gojo's cock like it never ever wants it to leave.
Gojo follows you in the aftermath of your own orgasm.
A few more shallow thrust of hips before he pours his cum into you, thick white ropes making your belly feel even hotter.
You stay like that a minute, full and exhausted until Gojo pulls away to kiss you.
"Let's clean up," He offers, an apology without saying sorry "We'll finish up at home, hm? Okay?"
You nod.
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kazewhara · 2 years
so long to pinky...
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# — pairing: kazuha x gn!reader
# — characters: gender neutral med student!reader, barista!kazuha
# — warnings: n/a
# — tags: takes place in the spidey!kazuha au i promise, fluff, first kiss (bc zuzu is a weakling), reader is a simp, medical terminology (carpal bones)
# — notes: don't mind the title much, it's just the beginning of an acronym. but y'all, it's 1:30 am, i am a filthy fucking simp, and it's showing. i fucking folded. writer's block be damned. as always, reblogs and reactions are greatly appreciated, and i hope you enjoy!
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✧ — 🍁 + ☕ — ✧
"is there something on my face?"
"what? oh, n-no, no," you stammer, your face practically catching fire as you turn your eyes elsewhere. "i'm sorry. can you repeat the question again?"
kazuha's eyes don't leave your face and you suppress a whimper of embarrassment. you're supposed to be studying right now; he was gracious enough to offer his help even if he had no idea what the hell he was looking at (his words, not yours), and yet here you sat, completely ignoring him as he tried to quiz you on the material.
well, perhaps "ignoring" isn't the right word. it's not like you want to tune him out. if anything, you wish you could drown in the sound of his voice; the smooth timbre, the slight lilt in his tone, the embarrassed chuckles whenever he messes up a medical term. it's just hard to focus on his voice when you're also enchanted by the rest of him: his eyes, his hair, the little beauty marks that litter his skin here and there...
you flinch when kazuha hums, seemingly oblivious to your mental breakdown. "it's asking you to list the carpal bones of the hand," he says. you spare a glance at him and see the sheepish grin on his face. "i know there was an acronym that you spoke about last time, but i don't remember it."
the answer comes to you automatically, but you falter as you struggle to re-center your thoughts. does that mean he tried to remember this stuff in order to help you study? he wasn't even in the sciences; is he really that dedicated to helping you study? your brain lags at the thought. "um..." you answer as you sift through your memory. but the more you try to recover information, you find it being blocked by thoughts of kazuha's generosity.
kazuha slides your textbook towards him and flips it open until he finds the correct page. "ah, here it is. do you need help?" he offers.
again with the kindness. your heart skips a beat. god, can't you just be normal for like, five seconds? he's doing the bare minimum and you're two seconds from passing out. "uh, no, hold on..." you mutter. you press your fingers to your lips in thought. "dammit, i know this, i swear."
"'so long to pinky, here comes the thumb'." kazuha murmurs. you peek at him and see him raising his eyebrows at you encouragingly.
suddenly, your mind clears. how could you forget? "oh!" you exclaim. "scaphoid, lunate, triquetrum, pisiform, hamate, capitate, trapezoid, trapezium! right?"
kazuha rewards you with a smile. "correct. you're amazing."
"you're too kind." you wave off his praise to give yourself peace of mind.
he does this often, you note; he speaks so highly of you for doing such little things, almost like he's as enamored by you as you are by him. it should be expected, seeing as you've been on six dates already — it'd be strange if he didn't reciprocate your feelings by at least a little. but the very idea of your feelings being mutual still feels foreign to you even though he's admitted it to your face before.
"i'm just stating the truth." kazuha reaches out and rests his hand over yours. his hands are warm and calloused; a feeling you've come to love. he slips his fingers between yours and you allow them to tangle together. kazuha calls your name softly. "you really are incredible."
your fingers twitch and again, you avert your eyes to the world outside. you desperately look for something else to focus on in fear of seeing the expression kazuha is wearing. "that's too much, really..." you brush his praise off a second time.
after a brief pause, you suddenly feel something warm and soft pressing against the back of your hand. you jump slightly, not expecting the contact. kazuha's always been forward, but this is new. you look over at him in a panic only to see mirth twinkling in the amber undertones of his eyes. "you're finally looking at me," he says. your hand is still close to his lips and you can't help but look at them. "hello."
"...hi.." you reply. "what are you..?"
"consider it a reward for getting the answer right." kazuha lowers your hand, but doesn't let it go. he flips through the textbook again. "shall we continue?" he asks.
you blink owlishly at him. "uh, yeah." your head feels unnaturally vacant, but you agree anyhow. as kazuha flips to find something else, you see the tips of his ears growing redder as he smooths his thumb over the back of your hand.
your study session goes a little like this:
kazuha asks a question. if you get it right, he rewards you by kissing your hand. if you get it wrong, he pinches you.
it's childish, sure, but somehow, it's working; you're retaining and recalling information with more ease than before. reward is more than worth it, you think, especially since kazuha makes eye contact with you over your fingers. it's gentlemanly and alluring, you just have to see it more often.
but at some point, kazuha raises the stakes.
he keeps your hand in his grip as he speaks. "since my break ends soon, how about we make the last one count?" a smirk starts to form on his face. "what do you think about changing the reward?"
"oh?" you tilt your head curiously. "what do you have in mind?"
"if you answer this last one," kazuha lifts your hand and rests it against his face, "i'll kiss you."
suddenly, you're back to square one. your heart damn near stops. "you've been kissing me for a while," you reply. "that's not much of a change."
"you're misunderstanding me." kazuha reaches across the table and swipes his thumb gently over your bottom lip. his eyes zero in on your mouth. "i'll kiss you. do you understand?"
you've never understood something clearer in your life. you nod and swallow thickly. "what... what happens if i get it wrong?"
"there are no wrong answers for this one. it's a yes or no question." kazuha lowers his hand. "then, the question..." he goes quiet for a second. kazuha's cheeks become pinker by the second, and you feel yourself getting antsy. why is he hesitating?
"the question is," he finally murmurs, "do i have permission to kiss you?"
it's a no-brainer. (funny, considering how you literally feel like your brain has up and abandoned you in this moment.)
you nod, but kazuha shakes his head. "i need a verbal answer, petal." his hand comes back up to cup your cheek. "may i kiss you?" he asks again.
"yes," you croak. you clear your throat, not liking how small your voice sounds. you want to sound as sure about this as you feel. leaning into his touch, you try again. "yes, i... please."
kazuha doesn't need any more confirmation than that. he leans in and so do you. your nerves get the better of you and you close your eyes. you can feel kazuha's breathy chuckle against your lips. "you're cute." he whispers.
before you can protest, kazuha closes the distance between you and presses his mouth to yours, causing flowers to bloom in your chest. distantly, in the back of your mind, you think that he tastes of jasmine.
your first kiss is chaste and slow, and kazuha breaks the kiss before either of you can get carried away. he keeps his forehead pressed against yours as he whispers. "i would stay here forever with you if i could."
you can still feel his lips against yours. greedily and impulsively, you peck his lips once more and giggle at the noise of surprise that he makes. "you have to get back to work," you sigh.
"as do you." kazuha pulls away, but his hand stays on your face, his calloused thumb rubbing small circles against your skin. he's blushing; roses bloom on his cheeks and there's a content smile brightening his face. "will you wait for me?"
you hum. you feel sated. "i'll be here," you tell him. "go."
kazuha takes a few more seconds to admire you before he's standing. "i won't be long," he promises. "i'll see you later."
as you watch him return to his job, the bell chimes from above the café entrance, signaling a customer's arrival. with rosy cheeks and smile that melts you from the inside out, kazuha greets the customer.
"hello." his voice is like a symphony. you return to your own work and focus on his voice, the sound of it keeping you afloat. "welcome to..."
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✦ *bangs head on wall*
✦ i know, i know, this is technically just barista!kazuha but we're jumping around this au, okay? don't mind the disorganization <3
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buckybarnesdiaries · 3 years
white wolf: “the show must go on”
first part — second part
third part — fourth part (soon)
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© gif credits to the author, i found it on google. if you're the author lemme know your @.
bucky barnes x reader. ⎢ masterlist.
Sam helps Bucky to ask you out for a date and it’s a disaster, but he gets it.
word count: 1'9k.
warnings/tags: none. bucky being so innocent gives me life. + he being so damn cute as always.
author notes: none of my stories contain reader’s body descriptions to be inclusive.
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“Have plans with your girl tonight?”
Bucky clicked his tongue, putting down the weight to the holder, not turning to Sam still doing squats and an awkward noise out of breath. His partner couldn't help but raise an eyebrow and giggle while shaking his head, fast enough to steal the soldier's clean towel before he reached it.
“She's not my girl”.
“Not yet, you mean, uh?” He joked then, using the clothing like a whip to hit the metal arm. “But, you have plans or not?”
“Yeah, we have plans”. Bucky admitted eventually, glancing at Sam also stealing his bottle of water. “She invited me to watch a movie”.
It was the innocent and unworried tone of voice from him that made Sam choke, cough, and laugh at once.
“Oh, man… Can't believe you're sinful enough to do what we do but too innocent to not see what that means”.
“It means we're gonna watch a movie”.
Bucky was confused at the laughter, trying to understand what he was referring to as he rested his back against the wall and crossed both arms over his chest. Expecting anything else from his wise friend.
“This is the twenty-first century, you ancient. We don't watch movies”.
“What d— What do you mean? You have Netflix, HBO, Prime Video… What's the point?”
Sam was deadpanned, staring in silence at the soldier, not believing what his ears were hearing. “We, guys, don't watch movies with girls, even less when they are the ones inviting us”.
Bucky squinted at him, tilting his head like a lost poppy would do, not being able to read between lines. His partner gasped exasperated, running a hand up and down his face.
“You know, man? Sometimes I feel alone, not having anyone to laugh with about that forties' manners of yours. Should I call Sarah, maybe?”
“Cut the show”. He hissed standing up and passing him away.
“Oh, no, no, no… the show has just started, man, and I have my popcorn ready”.
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Bucky had been beating around the bush the whole day, trying to let it out of his mind. Of course, it was something that would happen sooner or later, and —more than of course— he wanted it to happen. The mere fact of thinking about you and him, flesh against flesh, hearing you moaning his name and making you feel good caused him goosebumps and an awkward sensation beneath his black jeans. Suddenly, swallowing saliva turned impossible, biting his lower lip while ringing the intercom of your apartment. Your response didn't last more than a couple of seconds, opening the door downstairs and waiting for him at the entrance of your apartment.
The butterflies fluttered within your bellies when Bucky stepped out of the lift, showing you that charming smile that could make you kill anyone who dared to erase it from his face.
“Trying to get me drunk?” You joked as he raised the bottle of red wine in his left hand.
“Missed you today”. You whispered at the soft kiss on your lips and his arm getting wrapped around your lower waist.
“So did I”. He sighed, sounding a little tired, caressing your nose with his.
Yesterday he talked to you about a routine medical check-up the government used to do every six months until he earned his pardon. Four hours of intense exercise to make sure the supersoldier serum was still doing its effect, as he started to feel somewhat tired since he stayed in Wakanda. For Bucky, it was really easy to open up himself with you and talk about his past and some of the things he did. And he didn't complain when you helped him to take off his leather jacket, watching him rubbing his left shoulder.
“I, uh… also was this morning with Sam. Training”. He told you, following you to your kitchen to find a couple of glasses. Turning at him, you couldn't help but raise an incredulous eyebrow. “Don't look at me like that… I know to perfection what you're thinking”.
“You're a telepath now?”
“God, no. I have enough with the voices inside my head, to hear someone's else”. He chuckled resting against the fridge. “But you're very expressive and I was trained to read body language”.
“So, what am' thinking?” You asked driven by curiosity, entertained on opening the bottle of wine.
“Look at this guy… He looks hotter than a barbecue”.
You broke into a loud laugh, shaking your head as you grabbed the drink and the glasses. “Not even close, Sergeant”.
“Liar”. He blurted into your face, passing him away to the living room where the Thai takeaway was waiting for the two of you.
“I'm not lying! You're a lousy body reader”.
“So… you can do it better, uh?”
“Didn't say so, but… yeah”. You replied, placing the wine and the glasses on the coffee table next to the big green sofa.
“Okay, go ahead. What am 'thinking, genius?”
Standing in front of him, some inches away, you squinted at his eyes in advance of touring his posture from top to bottom with your orbs.
“Look at that girl… she's hotter than a volcano”.
“Not even closer, soldier”. Bucky repeated your words, kissing his teeth and causing you to laugh again.
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The night went on, enjoying your dinner and watching the first part of Scary Movie. Since Bucky told you that he loved the horror genre, you thought that it'd be a good start. As you finished the Thai dishes, you two cuddled on your sofa, and it felt nice to be embraced by his muscly arms and had your head rested on his shoulder. He had never been that happier before, imagining for a moment —staring at you by the corner of his eyes— that he wasn't a retired lethal assassin controlled by a bunch of psychos, just a guy watching a movie with his girl.
For some reason that increased his pulse, having to clear his throat as the thought dried it. You couldn't let it go, wrinkling your nose with curiosity, raising your face slightly at Bucky trying to focus on the movie, and pretending everything was going okay.
“What?” He murmured about to laugh nervously, putting his head back a couple of inches to look better at you.
“Seems like you're gonna have a heart attack, what's the matter?”
The soldier breathed heavily through his nostril, expelling all the air in a sight through his parted lips. A lower giggle escaped them as your eyes widened a little more interested in his response to your question.
“Sam… Sam said something this morning”.
There it was. Your grimace turned skeptical, sitting up to borrow the control remote and pause the movie. Turning to face him and placing an arm on the headrest, you puckered your lips in a funny gesture watching him click his tongue.
“Things are different nowadays and… y'know, we used to watch movies”.
“And that's what we're doing”.
“Yeah, but… it's like… now there are some kinds of non-speak social rules”.
You knew exactly what he was referring to and seeing him somewhat troubled and tense just made your heart melt. It wasn't that he was scared, but it almost felt like.
“Is it your first time since the forties?” You dared to ask, clearly with no intentions of making fun of him.
“I've never really… y'know, I was in my twenties when I left Brooklyn. I me— mean, 'm not stupid, okay? I've done things but not… sex like… to the whole point”. Bucky didn't have his eyes on you when he made that confession, rubbing the bridge of his nose by inertia as his nervousness increased. “And now everything… is pretty different”.
“It doesn't have to”. You just replied, stretching a hand to his right one to intertwine your fingers. “Listen, Buck… We don't have to, okay? We don't have to do anything if you're not ready. We can watch the movie and then… you can go, or you can stay to sleep with me”.
“I'd like that”.
“Yeah, totally, if you excuse me, ma'am… I gotta leave” He clearly joked, about to stand up until you pushed him down to the sofa bursting in laughter. “Nah, I, uh… I mean, I'd like to sleep with you tonight”.
“I'd like too, and to wake up tomorrow morning with you”.
“Yeah, would be very awkward if you go to sleep with me and wake up with another guy in your bed”.
Bucky smirked at you, biting his upper lip before leaning to press both on yours. He couldn't believe you were being so comprehensive with him, not making any other uncomfortable questions, nor kicking his ass out of your house. At that moment, he realized he was madly in love with you, bringing you closer to himself so he could embrace you tenderly between his arms. And you let him, not wanting anything else than to be with him.
At the moment the movie finished, you both stretched your hands to the ceiling with a yawn opening your mouths. You palmed his thigh to beckoning at him, urging the soldier to follow you as you rubbed your eyes using your knuckles, a little sleepy. Turning off the lights on your way to your room, you changed your clothes for a baggy Iron Maiden's t-shirt, as he stripped himself leaving his clothes on the chair in front of your bed, only wearing a pair of black boxers at the end.
You were about to ask him which side he preferred when the words died on your tongue, glancing at him with his flesh hand over his dark grey shoulder. It was the first time you saw the vibranium arm in all its glory and Bucky gave you the impression of being embarrassed. He'd never stop surprising you with plenty of emotions for things that for you didn't have any importance actually —like the fact of not having two real arms.
“Come here”. You murmured, kneeling on the mattress and palming the other lateral, observing every one of his actions till lying next to him, in the middle of the gloom of your room.
Covering both of you with the sheets and turning on your sides to face each other, Bucky took the initiative of wrapping you close to his chest, as he placed his head on your pillow. He couldn't help but take a soft breath from your heavenly smell impregnated in, provoking a smile to grow on your lips. Surrounding his neck with your arms, you sunk your fingers in his short hair, gently caressing his scalp while you started to spread tender short kisses all around his face.
“This feels good”. He purred with such a pleased tone of voice, closing his eyes as he adventured his warm hand under your shirt to draw invisible patterns on your back.
“So good”. You affirmed, peppering his cheek with a bunch of noisy smooches.
Bucky squeezed you between his grip, hiding his face into the gap of your shoulder and neck, causing you goosebumps because of his exhalation against your skin. He was comfortable being that close, with no distance separating your chests and your legs intertwined in a bundle. You saw how relaxed he was when he pulled his head back to the pillow, noses touching and his eyelids closed.
“Good night, Buck”. You whispered, still feeling his caresses on your back, leaning to kiss him one last time.
“Good night, doll”.
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a / n: i hope you have enjoyed the fluffiness of these three chapters because the fourth is gonna be... chaotic.
feedback is appreciated, please, leave a comment to let me know if you liked it.
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starshiningsirius · 4 years
Lone fae (Yandere Malleus x reader)
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To my favorite lonley dragon fae happy birthday!
Malleus had been told about a fae living in a town of humans for quite some time now. At first he had become angry seeing as he was King and someone would dare ally themselves with the enemy. He'd punish them himself. As if any traitor could stand against him and live was a mistake that'd cost them their lives. He told his advisor and guardian Lilia that'd he'd be back after dealing with said traitor.
Only to get to said town and notice a woman with pointy ears, beauty beyond belief, picking berries within the forest that surrounded the town. At first he kept his composure watching for a moment maybe a bit longer considering she acknowledged his presence.
"Ah, hello sir."
She didn't know who he was? That was surprising literally everyone whose anyone knew the Fae King and would tremble at the mention of his name. Yet this naive little fae knew nothing about who she spoke to. How cute.
'A fae in the village? How strange do they not know about our hatred towards humans?'
"Hello." He had his arms crossed and came out into the open.
She noticed the ears and instantly became curious.
"Our ears are similar." She murmured it under her breath, but Malleus still heard it. She noticed his horns too and realized that she must have been a bit different since she lacked them.
'So she hasn't met her own kind before?'
That was how their first encounter went. They chatted for a little while exchanging names as Malleus wanted to test if she knew him by that but got no reaction. Malleus watched her go back all the way to her house in secret of course. From high up in the air. As soon as he saw where she lived he went back home.
'This so called "traitor" would require a bit more inquiry.'
* * *
He decided to find out himself, her background by asking a different question to gain some information.
"Y/n do you have a family?"
"Hm? I have a little brother named Aiden at home but that's about it."
"What about your parents?"
"I can't recall when I was kid all I remember was waking up in an alley with Aiden crying in my arms. There was a- .... lot of blood about the place my dress that was once white had been stained. Anything before that isn't anything I probably want to remember considering that scene alone." She trembled for a second before continuing to pick herbs and berries from bushes. Malleus sided eyed her reaction feeling slight guilt towards it.
"I see, my apologies for bringing up troublesome memories." Malleus wasn't hard of hearing considering how she paused as if she didn't want to recall the gory scene. Yet still she smiled without much effort it was small but it did make him feel some what relieved.
"It's fine your the only person I've told. No one else talks to me in town and I'm not ready to tell Aiden yet with his innocence, I'd rather not taint. He's all I've got and I don't want to lose him."
* * *
He understood quite a bit now pertaining to their situation. He had to admit though, he had become fond of the female fae. Someone so innocent and docile couldn't be a traitor. Lilia saw that the situation was taking longer than expected and decided to accompany Malleus this go around.
He wanted to see for himself if Malleus was being fooled, though he doubted it. Not only that but for the sake of his own boredom in the castle and to satiate his own curiosity.
"Y/n this here, is a comrade of mine." Malleus stood next to his comrade, a short cheerful looking child with bright magenta stripes of hair under the black side. Two pointy ears stood on the side of his head too.
She was happy to say the least to know two new similar people to her at the very least. Today happened to be the day Malleus was going to meet Aiden. She didn't mind Lilia tagging along of course.
"Lilia Vanrouge, Ms. a pleasure." He looked rather young in her opinion but his voice signaled to not be fooled by his appearance. She shook hands with the male who brought a pleasant atmosphere with him.
* * *
"So your Malleus huh? My sister speaks very fondly of you sir. She's been talking about you for centuries!" The little boy exaggerated making Malleus's eyes widen and at first he felt an overwhelming amount of happiness with how he had made a good impression.
Both him and Lilia chuckled to themselves as the girl who had been in the same room blushed furiously from embarrassment. Taking her brother by the arm she glared at him.
"Aiden you know that isn't true, you asked where I had been and I answered." She strained her voice to try and put emphasis on her truth only to receive laughter from the boy.
Lilia came up to him patting his head with a smile.
"Fondly and centuries such large words for a child so young." Lilia had felt a slight connection to the energetic youngster. He thought it'd be fun to get to know him better.
"Sis is teaching me to read and write words from the dictionary! I'm very ingenious!" He was smug about the new words he was learning with a proud smile causing Lilia to laugh.
Malleus had a smile on his face small and affectionate but a few other thoughts came up to his mind upon thinking about the boys words. He looked toward his sister who was now in the kitchen making dinner.
"Aren't there schools about here he could go to?" His concern for the child was showing.
"There are but with his ears, I'd rather not take chances until his hair grows out, not to mention his abilities are still uncontrolled, and we're kinda barely keeping this house, so school isn't much of an option at the moment." She looked down chopping vegetables but was still focused. Until her brother spoke again.
"Look I can do magic!" He was so enthusiastic, but the dread look on his sister's face said it all.
"No! Don't you dare we can't hope to fix the ceiling!" She yelled but Lilia stopped her seeing as she yelled she covered her mouth in realization.
"Worry not my dear, let me see this young lad do magic. I'll make sure he doesn't damage anything." He was calm and collected which was shocked her but she let him do as he wished.
Aiden whose excitement had been on the rise at the thought of showing someone else raised his hand and emitted a large slew of green flames rising fast. Of course it actually shocked both Lilia and Malleus to see the color itself and how big the flames he conjured were.
Lilia had regained his composure for a split second and created some wind to dispell the flames before they could reach the ceiling and burn a hole. Malleus and Lilia looked at each other knowingly for a moment before Lilia showed a smile toward the young boy with his fangs gleaming in the light.
"I see the problem your letting out all of your mana at once young one, still your mind and channel the flow to ignite a single flame." He advised carefully with hand on Aiden's shoulder.
Malleus felt as if he was watching a younger version of himself seeing his guardian teach another. The young fae had followed Lilia's teachings to a tee and a small green flame became lit in front of him.
"Sister! Sister! Did you see I got it! I did it!" He was jumping up for joy at his achievement.
"Yes I see thank you Lilia. You thank him too Aiden." She was happy to say the least, it was as if good fortune was brought with them to have met these two.
"Thank you Lilia!"
"Your welcome dear child you can learn with me anytime. You have a lot of potential that shouldn't be wasted." That made his eyes light up in pure unadulterated excitement.
"Sister did you hear that!"
"I did." She was just relieved someone could teach him besides all her past failed attempts.
"So does that mean you can use magic too then?" Malleus had wandered closer to her without her knowledge it made her flinch. Seeing the anticipation of her answer in his eyes, she answered him.
"Yes though mine's is a bit more controlled. I can conjure wind and green flames. As well as levitate a multitude of things toward me at once but that's about it. I haven't had too much time to practice." She waved her hand with a slight glow and brought a couple of ingredients in cupboards down on to the counter letting them shut on their own again.
Holding put her hand she conjured a small green flame that wouldn't cause any damage over the palm of her hand.
"Seems like your well taught." Lilia mentioned.
"That's only because before we got this house we lived in the forest and magic made things a bit easier, but otherwise while we live here we don't have a use for it. Aiden still wants to learn but my teaching can only go so far as I don't know much on the subject." She looked somewhat frustrated at her own uselessness. Malleus could tell she wasn't lying about what she could do that's for sure.
* * *
After dinner both fae left the home walking out but saying goodbye to the siblings. At first they walked away from the house, but soon to prevent from being seen by any late night walkers they teleported to the castle.
"A pair of fae with royal blood is rare. I do wonder how the both of them ended up in that human village though." Lilia started off by saying.
Green flames were the insignia to regal blood for fae even Malleus knew that fact. Known to be the most powerful of all faes. Yet two were living in a human town right within the heart of the enemy and neither knew.
"Yes but from what I've been able to tell whoever had taken care of them is probably dead. Slaughtered by humans most likely. She said she wasn't able to remember anything before that. I'm assuming her and her brother come from some line thought to have been killed when the war against the humans started." Malleus recalled all he learned about her over the past few weeks he came to know her.
"Such a shame those two don't even know their own kind. Living their life in solitude as outcasts when they could be a lot more free if they lived here." Lilia did actually feel pity for the pair of souls having grown an attachment toward the younger sibling as he had taught Malleus when he was young as well. Those days were reminiscent for him. Aiden just happened to be similar to young Malleus in that regard.
"Malleus, if any humans discover royal fae over in that village they'll be killed. It's only a matter of when." He stated that matter of factly considering he was a general during the aforementioned war and many fae had been chased out of human villages. The ones left had been unfortunate to be victims that were sacrificed.
"I know, I won't let them lay a finger on either of them. Get Silver and Sebek have the staff prepare two rooms in the castle for our guests." Malleus walked away from Lilia without a second thought after saying what he wanted done.
"I was hoping you'd say that. Seems you've gotten attached to her in a different way. Ah, I'm so glad to see you chasing after someone, it feels like ages since you've been small so long ago. I'll have little Aiden to teach all the stuff I once taught you. What a joyous occasion to think someone will finally sit on the throne next to you." Lilia smiled feeling eager and chipper at the future ahead.
He went to go get the two knights that would always await orders from their master. Skipping down the halls all the while humming an unknown tune.
* * *
Something has been different with Malleus as of today. He was fiddling with his fingers a bit more often than usual. He didn't want to meet her gaze at the time either.
"Malleus is there something wrong?" Worry laced in her tone for the man sitting next to her.
"Yes." He replied rather swiftly but ended it there.
"Would you like to tell me what about?" She at least wanted to try and comfort him however she could.
That's what made her different than most fae, most feared him, she didn't of course she and that oblivious little head of hers didn't. Before she could even grasp how much power she could have held it was taken from her.
Malleus had turned his head and looked her directly in the eye.
"Me?" She was surprised and confused about what he meant by that, lowering her head for a second to think.
Of course it didn't last long, as Malleus directed her chin to gaze at him instead of the forest soil.
"Y/n, my alluring little darling, would you do me the honor of staying with me?"
He said with a gentle smile. The proximity and his words had her face red within seconds. She still had to give him a reply and sadly she didn't want to upset him but she didn't have much of a choice.
"I'm sorry Malleus I can't. This place is all I've ever known. Going somewhere else with all that could happen, ... It's not that I don't like you but my own fears are holding me back." She was trying to come up with the right words so he'd hopefully understand.
It stung, it truly did. The rejection wasn't something he hypothesized but it was still an option. It was fine though, all would be well. That sheltered mindset of hers would just have to broken a bit. She'd come to rely on him, she'd have no other choice afterall.
She hadn't experienced much of human cruelty, he'd just have to show her how cruel they could really be and then she would have to seek his aid.
* * *
Everyone in town today had been on edge it seemed. She left Aiden at home sound asleep, while she went out to go and buy veggies and meat she couldn't get in the forest. As she walked toward a thrifter many people side eyed her. She was the only person to walk with a hood on. In fact many people generations before this one too when asked had seen her.
As she got up to the vegetable thrifter the man in front of her had scowled. She saw this but just thought he was having a bad day. That's when someone came behind her and pulled her hood down abruptly.
"A fae! A fae in the village!"
"She's the one who cursed the crops! If we kill her the curse will end!"
"Someone grab her!"
Before she knew it she ran, someone did lay a hand on her but she pushed them away with wind magic. It wasn't on purpose, but fear overtook her person and magic required self control.
She wanted to run back to her house but with how fast the mob was chasing she couldn't put Aiden at risk like that. Maybe just maybe if she went back to the forest, he'd be there. He could help her, or Lilia either would do.
* * *
She didn't see him. Maybe her words struck a cord. She should have agreed. A stupid decision on her own part, he could've probably taken them somewhere where people like her were accepted. Where magic was used and no worries to be had.
She just narrowly dodged an arrow fired at her. It seemed the mob had caught up. Turning her attention back toward their screeches, what could she do?
In a last ditch effort attempt she called his name.
"Malleus!" The crowd closing in on her arrows knocked and aimed. So this was it huh?
Suddenly something slithers around her body, her waist to be more precise and holds her in a vice grip.
A tail? Of long reach with a purple scales of a dark pigment.
Before it pulled her into the darkness of the forest behind her. Until she felt a chest that placed her gently to the ground freeing her from the grip the of the tail that had once gripped her tightly.
She saw a light emitted from where she had once been, green flames took its place in her stead.
"I do hope you'll accept my offer to stay with me now, my love." Malleus's voice brought her out of her stupor, a frown seeing her in such fear. He didn't want to go so far but he would rather have liked her to willingly agree to living with him as his Queen. She wouldn't have any worries should she live her life on the throne worshipped by everyone.
"Wait! Wait! Please let me bring Aiden I can't leave my brother behind!" She had gripped his clothing turning around desperate tears spilling.
Speaking of said boy who popped his head from behind the fae that stood in front of her, smiled and ran to hug his sister.
"Y/n! Malleus let me up on his shoulders he was so tall! Wait why are you crying?" Her brother's happiness went away for a moment at the tears he saw from his older sibling.
She was shocked, since when had he been here. He was asleep before, she was sure. It didn't make any sense.
"Aiden how, ... why are you here?"
"Lilia offered to teach me more magic! He said it was dangerous to teach me inside the house so we came out here." For a second she thought it was a dream. A bad dream turned good.
"Were you worried? Sorry, I'll tell you next time I promise." Aiden hugged her after finishing his sentence trying comfort his sister from her state of fear. It worked a little having her shoulders relax.
Malleus had stroked her head to sooth her worries as well. A small smile graced his lips at the scene before him.
"Worry not my dear, I'll accept all parts of you. Of course I'd never forget your dear brother. Will you accept my proposal now?" He was awaiting an answer, the same look in his eyes akin to when he asked if she could use magic.
"Yes I do, it was my mistake for denying your offer in the first place. I'm sorry Malleus."
He was happy that the situation had caused her to regret her answer. Of course he didn't outwardly show it. But he was internally pleased. His new queen and energetic little brother would make a wonderful addition to the Draconian line.
As they disappeared instantly to where their new home would be, Malleus left behind some what one would call fireflies by the looks of it. They were just traces of his magic to other faes. It was a calling for someone else though.
The town the two faes once called home was being destroyed as soon as they left. Screams upon screams could be heard one after another. Flames of red and orange to destroy and have no one alive to recall the prescene of two royal clan faes.
All done by three, one wise fae, and two knights that served to do everything their master asked of them. It would all be gone while Malleus would help them settle into their new lives, the one they deserved from the beginning, if humans hadn't taken it from them.
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heresathreebee · 4 years
A Halo of Holly
Marcus Moreno X Black!reader (1940s AU)
Summary: you can’t help falling in love with your neighbor who happens to be a fellow single parent (and unbeknownst to you, a superhero, too). 
Masterlist Part 2
Word Count: 1.3k words
Warning(s): rated T (for now), barely edited (no beta but myself), fluffy Christmas stuff, transatlantic speech, you’ve got your son’s dad’s last name despite never having married him, mild language, inappropriate thoughts
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December 19th marks the beginnings of the Christmas season for most families in Holly's Grove. As the menorah's came down from some of the apartment windows, wreaths and lights went up, the holiday decorations turned white and red and green in celebration of that special time at the end of the year. The residents of Holly cleaned out their chimneys, dusted their boots of snow just outside the front door, and tuned into whatever channel was playing It's A Wonderful Life and Miracle on 34th Street on the television set. 
Except for you, of course. 
Your rooms were decorated just the way you liked it, all except for the lights and the tree. You sat on the floor inspecting each and every bulb on the string for the faulty wire while Billie Holiday's Christmas specials played on the gramophone. The wood from the fire was finally dry enough to light and the warmth eked its way slowly through to your bones. 
"Damn things," you cursed. 
You dropped the lights in a huff and leaned forward. You've got two options, girl, you thought. Buy some new ones or get some help. But who could you call for help with a broken light at a time like this? 
Across the delightfully inviting alley, Marcus Moreno let his daughter adjust the television settings. Missy groaned as her favorite movie came to an end, but perked up when yet another toy commercial came on. He chuckled as she pointed excitedly at the screen, and he tried to pretend to be too busy making dinner. That's when a knock came at the door. 
Dumm dum-duh-dum dumm. 
Missy stood on the couch cushions, but her father waved her down to sit. "I'll get it." 
He opened the door. A rush of freezing cold air and the gentle swinging wood revealed his (second) favorite face: yours. Wrapped in nothing protective except a scarf and shivering in your boots. 
"Come in, come in!" He waved you inside and shut the door, mindful of his daughter with her head turned like an owl's. "Well, you must be frozen solid!" 
You laughed despite your chattering teeth. "I suppose I didn't think to grab a coat since you were so close, but on the way, why it felt like I walked a mile to get here." 
"Silly thing," he chided. His hands rubbed up and down your bare arms, coaxing his warmth into you. Your shivering only worsened and you had half a mind to drag him closer and wrap him into a hug. Almost. "What did you walk through all that snow in next to nothing for?" 
Oh I'd love to see you in next to nothing. "Oh just this." 
You pulled the lights around from behind your back and put your head down in embarrassment. "I plugged it in and the whole thing won't light. They worked just fine last year, but I can't find the busted part…" 
"Let me take a look." The way Mr. Moreno's face turned hard as rock as he focused on something never failed to make your toes curl in your shoes. "Why don't you sit down and get comfortable. Missy? Stir that pot for me, will you?" 
Your embarrassment came clawing up your back again. "Oh I'm so sorry, if I'd've known I was interrupting your dinner, I would have waited until tomorrow!" 
"Nonsense," Mr. Moreno waved it off and took the lights to his work bench, "we both know Dave isn't going to let you put anything else up after tonight." 
You harrumphed onto the couch knowing he was right. Dave was running the homeowner's association since his wife was sick, and in a lot of ways he was worse than she was. All decorations had to be put up by the 20th or they wouldn't be allowed to go up at all. He had always hated that the Peabody's seemed to acquire something new and shiny every night until Christmas and now he had the authority to do something about it. 
"For a Christmas lover, he sure can be a grinch about the details," you said, and preened at Missy's merry giggle. 
You felt strange sitting there in that house. Missy was one of your students, her father never missed a parent-teacher conference, and yet you felt you knew more about them after you had realized you were neighbors. Perhaps one day, this place might feel like a second home. The Morenos’ certainly seemed to want you to feel that way. 
"Sauce is ready!," Missy called. 
Mr. Moreno stood up from his desk and dropped his tools, taking the pot off the stove top and shooing his daughter away with a conspiratorial whisper. The little angel bounced towards you, leaning in a little too close and asking if you'd like to have dinner with them. 
"Oh," you start to protest, "oh no, dear that wouldn't be…" wouldn't be what? Appropriate? You were already in their house asking for free repairs. An unmarried woman in a man's house. The rumor mill was already churning so why try to save face now? "Oh, alright then." 
The first bite of the Moreno's dish nearly had you swooning to the floor. You slap a hand over your mouth just in case you start drooling. It's an explosion of flavors and it's so warm sliding down your throat. You can even feel a tear or two prick up in your eyes. 
"Oh Mr. Moreno, this is wonderful," you praised the man who tried to bury his head and hide his blush. 
"It'd be nothing without the help of my second chef," he motioned to Missy. "She knows all the herbs and spices for a good sauce and she stirs like a champion." 
Little Missy beamed like a star. And how could she not with praise so readily given. You purposefully take one forkful at a time to pace yourself and enjoy the meal and the company. After helping clean up in the kitchen, Mr. Moreno comes back to you with your lights. He plugs the cord into the outlet and…
Golden white light fills the space between you and you cheer. "Which one was it? Where was the line broken?" 
"Here," he points to the wire between the sixth and seventh bulb. He sees the frustration from earlier mar your happy face and he bends down to get you to meet his eyes. "It's one light in a hundred, I missed it once or twice when I was looking at it, too." 
You take the string from him (neatly coiled for easy carry unlike when you had brought it to him earlier) and planted a lightning quick kiss on his jaw. "Thank you, Mr. Moreno, you're a real Johnny-on-the-spot." 
He shifted his feet and seemed pleased with himself. "You can call me Marcus. It's only fitting since we live so close and all. And, you know, you are Missy's favorite teacher." 
"It's true," the girl yelled from the countertop. Her father picked her up and set her on her feet to start getting ready for bed. "Goodnight, Mrs. Jones!" 
"Goodnight, dear!" 
You're back in your home as quickly as you can be, Mr. Moreno hot on your trail to make sure you get in safe. He offers to help you put up the lights, but you decline firmly. You can see Mrs. Aldridge looking at you from out of her window and you know exactly what she'll tell people if she sees him come through your door. 
"I really must thank you again Mr. Moreno," you say, "I'd be at it all night just to get these things right." 
"It's no trouble at all," he says, and then, boldly, with a cautious but telling smirk, he calls you by your name. 
Your breath catches in your throat and you smile. "Goodnight, Marcus." 
Author’s Note: do you want to be tagged in future pedro pascal fics of mine? let me know in the comments! 
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Buster & Rio
Buster: Is it true? Rio: Whatever could you be talking about, McKenna? Rio: Gis us a clue Buster: Stop playing. My sister and her MILF Rio: Sounds like a porno and suddenly you're back on the scene Rio: Funny that Rio: Why do you have any right to know if it is or isn't? Buster: Shut up Buster: Re-read the part where I said MY sister. There's your answer Rio: Re-read you making any attempt to contact her in the past however how long Rio: Oh wait, you can't Buster: Just tell me, Rio Rio: Would I be making any effort to conceal the answer if it wasn't Rio: Use your brain, Buster Buster: Fuck's sake Buster: Don't be getting at me 'cause she ain't been using hers Rio: You think THIS is getting at you? Rio: Tip of the iceberg but what's the point Rio: Cba Buster: What's your fucking point, like? Buster: She's in the doghouse for once, not me Rio: Such a child Rio: Happy about that, are you? Buster: Yeah. Get's the rents off my back Buster: Am I meant to be crying about her not fucking her teacher? Buster: Move onto a new target Rio: For God's sake Rio: its not like that, you should care that your sister is heartbroken Rio: she isn't like you, she experiences human emotions Rio: at least make an attempt at sympathy, fucking hell Buster: There's plenty of younger, hotter lesbians around, she'll be fine Buster: If she could've pulled it off, fair play like, but she didn't Rio: If she wanted that, she would've gone there in the first place Rio: Are you really this dense or just committed to the act, like? Buster: She didn't really want anyone, that's why she went for the teacher who'd never go for her Buster: And her heart ain't proper broke Rio: What qualifies you to make that call? Rio: Have you even spoken to her Rio: She's felt like this about her since she got here, that's years Buster: Tried. She ain't taking my calls Buster: Got more attention that she can handle now Rio: Not everyone's a whore for it Rio: and I'm unsurprised she doesn't wanna talk to you rn Buster: Says you Buster: Don't wanna talk to her either, she's an embarrassment, that's why I'm in your inbox instead Rio: Excuse me Rio: Sure. At least the feeling's mutual then, hooray! Buster: Don't give it out like you're proud of her Rio: I'm not loving it for her, no Rio: but I'm not fucking embarrassed by her Rio: You don't even have to hear the shit said about her or see her struggle so get over yourself Buster: Whatever Buster: I've heard it all before Buster: She moved schools for a reason like Rio: Yeah and you didn't give a shit then Rio: So don't front anything else now Buster: She tell you that, did she? Buster: Don't front that you know me, girl Rio: Your actions speak loud enough Rio: Deal with it Buster: You got me under 24 hour surveillance then yeah? Rio: You wish you were that relevant Buster: You wish you had something better to do that stalk me more like Rio: You're in my inbox Buster: For a legit reason Buster: You're just chatting shit on me Rio: Just 'cause you don't wanna hear it Rio: doesn't mean it ain't legit Buster: I'm here asking Buster: Don't flatter yourself I'd be talking to you otherwise Buster: Haven't even told me how Nance is Rio: If I needed to come to you for flattery, I'd kms Rio: and I did Rio: heartbroken Rio: but you noped that 'cos you're the fucking expert on it Buster: Fuck off Buster: She coming home? Rio: No Rio: She doesn't want to Rio: Think your parents are coming here to see her Rio: If you are really arsed, at all, you should come see her too Buster: More fool her Buster: I'll check my schedule, cheers Rio: Like you said, there's reasons she left Rio: One thing you got right Buster: Like you said, it's been years Buster: She needs to get over it Rio: Being bullied by a load of posh cunts? Rio: Why should she? Rio: She gains nothing from 'getting over' that Rio: just 'cos you thrive from sponging off that scene Buster: It was hardly lord of the flies like Buster: We can't all thrive off hanging round the streets pretending we're poor as fuck, there'd be no room for you Rio: Yeah, as if you have any fucking clue Rio: even if you didn't see and hear what you wanna Rio: its girls, you don't get the dynamic, you're not privy to it Buster: There's nothing to get. She didn't stand up for herself Rio: Mhmm, that's exactly how that works Rio: Jesus fucking Christ Buster: She'll never know she didn't try it Rio: I'm fairly sure she did Rio: Anyway, this is ancient history Rio: she doesn't like you and your friends, boohoo Rio: its done, she's got her own life Buster: Get your own clue Buster: It wasn't me and my friends Buster: Good, don't need her tagging along and cramping my style Rio: They're all good as the same Rio: the female equivalent Rio: and evidently not, challenged already in that department Buster: You're full of shit Buster: You should sort that Rio: You reckon? Rio: I don't need your advice, thanks very much Buster: More fool you Rio: Not from where I'm standing Buster: More fun to look down your nose at me Buster: Whatever Buster: Not here to make friends Rio: You've gotta be kidding me Rio: If your nose was any higher in the air, you'd drown Buster: I've got plenty of reasons to hold my head high Rio: oh, please do regale me, i am so fascinated. Buster: Always trying to get with me Buster: You're as embarrassing as Nance is like Rio: what dream world are you living in? Rio: yeah, really pains not to be one of your favourites Rio: think I'll survive Buster: Survive but not thrive, yeah? Buster: Unlucky, babe Rio: You ain't that special, babe Buster: Says you Buster: Your loss Rio: Yeah you chat real loud but what would you do if I said otherwise? Rio: Freak Buster: You'll never know Buster: Deal with it Rio: Gutting, truly Buster: Yeah I know, you make it well obvious Rio: Only in your warped little mind, McKenna Buster: Keep telling yourself that, Cavante Rio: Don't need to, I'm not the delusional one Rio: but you do you, boo Buster: Well it ain't me, babe Rio: Heard that one before Buster: Should have taught you something then Rio: Don't worry, it did, I'm not waiting around for your infinite wisdom to know men ain't shit Rio: beaten to the punch there, like Buster: Back at you. I already know how crazy girls are Rio: Of course you do Rio: Colour me shook Buster: You'd have to stop knowing it all first like Rio: Ha, and do you think that's very likely? Buster: I know you think it ain't Buster: Reckoning you're clued into everything and everyone's shit Rio: N'awh, don't be salty 'cos I am and I can see through yours Buster: I ain't. I got your number too Buster: Just think it's hilarious you couldn't be more a ma and you ain't got no kids Buster: So middle aged I'm surprised my sister don't fancy you Rio: Fuck off, McKenna Rio: Just 'cos you're still a little boy Rio: isn't it past your bedtime, like? Buster: Glad to go Buster: Someone'll be round to tuck me in regardless Rio: Good, you're boring me Rio: and I didn't ask, just FYI Buster: Course I am Buster: Doesn't mean you weren't dying to know Buster: Later then Rio: Trust me, no one but you is even a little impressed by your conquests Rio: Especially not me, you weirdo Buster: Tell it to the girls forming a line Buster: Go ahead and speak up when you see me around Rio: If I fancied wasting my breath Rio: it'd be to tell them to run, nothing else Rio: Sorry to devastate you like that Buster: Trust me you ain't Buster: Gotta try a little harder to sell it if you want me to buy in Rio: Trust me when I say you'd know if I wanted that Rio: There is no try Buster: Course not Rio: We're not all tryhards, hun Buster: Just you Buster: I've seen you out, girl Buster: I've watched the hustle Buster: Not effortless as you reckon Rio: Why you watching? Buster: Why not? Buster: It's good for a laugh like Rio: Gotta get your kicks somehow, kid Buster: Least I'm up front about it Buster: You're all front Rio: Idk, I've got ass too Rio: Pretty well-proportioned all in all Buster: Hilarious Rio: What's hilarious is you thinking you know the first thing about me Buster: Likewise, babe Rio: Nah Rio: you're up front about it, remember dickhead? Rio: Contradictory too but we'll let that one slide Buster: Keeping up with you, that's all Rio: Good luck with that Rio: on any and all fronts Buster: Don't need luck Buster: Bored, yeah? but you're still here Rio: Manners cost nothing, McKenna Rio: assumedly why you've got no interest Buster: Wasting them as well as your time Buster: You do you Rio: Not talking to myself, am I? Rio: Though the effect is about the same Buster: I never said I was bored, did I? Buster: You're the one pretending you've got somewhere better to be Rio: Using people for your own amusement is par for the course in posh boy life Buster: Yeah Rio: if I was feeling it, I have plenty better candidates for the task, don't take it so personal Buster: The heartbreak catching, is it? Buster: I better watch myself like Rio: You'd need one to break it Rio: and my heart is just fine, tah for the concern Buster: Cheers for the head's up
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