#i can't believe i just did over 3500 words on this
anarchistauthor · 11 months
The Junk I Write
I'm an author who wears many hats, I'd say. I've got four books, two of which are very SPN-like, since they star a vampire who eventually works her way up to becoming the goddess of hell (it's complicated), one of which is a fairly conventional superhero story starring a bunch of queer communists, and a medieval fantasy book about people who turn into weapons and kill shit. And that's just my *finished* works.
In the drafts are sequels to all three of those series, a magic school thing I'm working out, a body-horror book about a girl turning into a monster like The Thing and using that power to murder the ones who did that to her, a spy thriller which (no joke) was inspired by Game of Thrones, something I call a "mecha western" which I think describes it better than I could put into words here, and more fanfiction than I know what to do with. And, like always, ideas keep coming to me. (I have ADHD)
So here's the thing: Basically anything I write is derivative in some way. Basically anything ANYONE writes is derivative in some way. If you read my books, and you've also enjoyed the same kinds of media that I have, it won't be hard to pick up their scent. Several major characters in my works got their start in trashy fanfiction which sits on my Google drive and only a handful of people get to actually read. That doesn't mean my novels are based on those fanfictions, and in fact, they have very little to do with the source material other than surface similarities. My novels are original, whether you believe it or not.
Take, for instance, the newest thing I've been writing, which I shall here codename "Greek Gods Thingy." GGT is not a book about actual Greek gods, but about a pantheon I made up based on some archetypes. There's a god of the sky, of the sea, of war, all that good stuff, but they're not the same as their equivalents in any particular real-world pantheon. And, no, this is not the part that's related to my fanfiction.
GGT's protagonist, a young lesbian called Ember, is chosen by one of the gods to do his bidding, and that's basically the plot, whatever. I actually tried to write this thing like a year ago, but I couldn't really pull it together. It felt off, I wasn't vibing with the characters, and in general I was doing kind of a crappy job, only ended up writing like 3500 words. And then, recently, I got the idea to cut and paste a character from one of my fanfictions onto Ember. I'm not gonna say what series it was a fanfic of, but it will be pretty obvious if you've seen the show and pay attention to Ember's mother in particular.
But here's the thing: The more I write it, the less copied it is. It's a completely different setting, different plot, different everything, just with the main character starting from a similar place in her life. I don't know if this applies to anyone else, but when I make an OC for a fanfic, I'm not doing it to self-insert or whatever, I'm crafting a person I love, who I love writing about. And then, what almost always happens is that I say, "Sucks that this character is stuck in a world I don't have ownership of," and then I end up making my own shit for them. That's basically what my medieval book was, too.
That doesn't mean the original work is a copy of the fanfic. If anything, it's freeing great characters, allowing them to spread their wings and prove their right to exist in something real. That's what Ember's done. And genuinely, I can't wait for this book (or any of the rest of them) to be out, so I can share my love for these babies with the world, and hopefully you all love them too. And, frankly...the idea of """real""" authors being judgmental of fanfiction is absurd to me. Fanfic makes writing better, it expands a person's voice and in many cases gets them into writing way before they have enough confidence to try publishing a novel.
Yes. Write that garbage fic of yours. Polish it, sweat over it, let it keep you up at night because you want it to be perfect. It might show you that you have it in you to write something your own. Or, maybe not. That's fine too. Either way, flexing your creativity is always a good thing.
Unless you're a nazi or some shit.
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zcldrizes-a · 5 years
meta: Dany's bond & relationship with Drogon
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i.Yet that night she dreamt ofone. Viserys was hitting her, hurting her. She was naked, clumsy withfear. She ran from him, but her body seemed thick and ungainly. Hestruck her again. She stumbled and fell. “You wokethe dragon,” he screamed as he kicked her. “You wokethe dragon, you woke the dragon.” Her thighs were slick with blood. She closedher eyes and whimpered. As if in answer, there was a hideous ripping sound andthe crackling of some great fire. When she looked again, Viserys was gone,great columns of flame rose all around, and in the midst of them wasthe dragon. It turned its great head slowly. When its molten eyes foundhers, she woke, shaking and covered with a fine sheen ofsweat. She had never been so afraid.
ii.Yet when she slept thatnight, she dreamt the dragon dream again. Viserys was not in itthis time. There was only her and the dragon. Its scales were black asnight, wet and slick with blood. Her blood, Dany sensed. Its eyes were pools ofmolten magma, and when it opened its mouth, the flame came roaring out in a hotjet. She could hear it singing to her. She opened her arms tothe fire, embraced it, let it swallow her whole, let it cleanse her and temperher and scour her clean. She could feel her flesh sear and blackenand slough away, could feel her blood boil and turn to steam, and yet there wasno pain. She felt strong and new and fierce.
iii.Dany gave the silver over to the slavesfor grooming and entered her tent. It was cool and dim beneath the silk. As shelet the door flap close behind her, Dany saw a finger of dusty red light reachout to touch her dragon’s eggs across the tent. For an instant a thousanddroplets of scarlet flame swam before her eyes. She blinked, and they weregone.
iv.Stone, she told herself. They are onlystone, even Illyrio said so, the dragons are all dead. She put her palm againstthe black egg, fingers spread gently across the curve of the shell. The stonewas warm. Almost hot. “The sun,” Dany whispered. “The sun warmedthem as they rode.”
v.“Khaleesi, “ Jhiqui said, “what is wrong?Are you sick?” “I was,” she answered, standing over the dragon’s eggs thatIllyrio had given her when she wed. She touched one, the largest of the three,running her hand lightly over the shelf. Black-and- scarlet, she thought, likethe dragon in my dream. The stone felt strangely warm beneath her fingers… orwas she still dreaming? She pulled her hand back nervously.
Ithink the first thing to note here is that, from very early on, we have itestablished to us that Daenerys is something unique. Not everyone bonded todragons dreams of them – though we know that Aemon did ( I see them in my dreams, Sam. I see a red star bleeding in the sky. Istill remember red. I see their shadows on the snow, hear the crack of leathernwings, feel their hot breath. My brothers dreamed of dragons too, and theirdreams killed them, every one. ) but as the readers, we get no realindication that Viserys did. And given he’s presented to be the actual dragonat first, though we learn quickly that is not the case, I think the messagehere that we take from this is simple: Daenerys was always fated to be themother of dragons, and Daenerys was always fated to be the first rider in centuries.
Firstly,I want to quickly clear something up: despite what the show neglected to portray,Daenerys loves all three of her children in equal form, even if in differentways. I won’t link all of the proof of that here – that can happen in anothermeta if someone really wants it – but I think the thing to note is that eventhough all three are her children, one of them is necessarily more equal to herin her own state of mind in the sense of him being her mount. She loves herchildren and wants to protect them, yes: but to protect them, she would needDrogon’s help, realistically. That means in her own mind, she will always viewhim as an equal, and someone she fights alongside, whilst Viserion and Rhaegal can’tbe viewed in the same lense because she isn’t bonded to them in the waydragonlore states ( quickly on dragonlore: I mix my own canon for writing it,as most people know, from a concoction of asoiaf canon, Eragon, HTTYD, etc ).She can attempt to protect them: but Drogon protects her. Drogon is her equal,in that sense. It doesn’t mean she loves him more, it means she loves him differently.I’m happy to extend my thoughts on her actions in locking Viserion andRhaegal up, but in my own state of mind, and I think established relativelydecently in some forms of canon, Daenerys doesregret what she had to do. With that in mind, it’s something she would havedone to all three if she had a chance, for the sake of the people she was ruling.
Secondly,before I go into specifics about her bond with Drogon, a general note about thedragons bonding: I do prescribe to the very established canon that only thosewith Valyrian blood have the ability to ride dragons. We know from Martin’scanon that Valyrian Dragonlords used magic to bind the dragons to them – and thatcan explain the many references to the blood of the dragon, specifically. That’sto suggest that the blood carried on from Valyrian descendants still containsthat bond, however diluted through the ages. There are of course someexceptions to this, and those usually come from extenuating circumstances: butwith Dany’s dragons, we see in canon that they are resistant to just anyone riding them. Quentyn Martell’sdeath after trying to mount Viserion – admittedly at the hands of Rhaegal –confirms that they don’t tolerate just anyone, and it’s also important to notethat Daenerys was the first dragonriderin a century and a half. The exception I make for my own canon is @killthebxy and his Jon riding Rhaegal, and the explanation for this is simple: after months of bonding, and under the canonwhere no other Valyrian blooded people exist, and also in a context whereViserion is dead and Drogon has a rideralready, it makes sense that Rhaegal would crave a rider so badly that hewould bond with another. With that being said, we also know from canon that a dragononce bonded will not allow anyone else to ride them ( unless their rider isalso present ). That means no, your musecannot ride Drogon without Daenerys there. He doesn’t want it, and she wouldn’t allow it, so don’t try it.
…itwas said that even Aegon the Conquerer never dared mount Vhagar or Meraxes, nordid his sisters mount Balerion the Black Dread. Dragons live longer than men,some for hundreds of years, so Balerion had other riders after Aegon died…but no rider ever flew two dragons.
Now,I’m going to break this up into a few different sections to write.
Theimportant thing to note here is that Ipersonally think the bond began long before Daenerys actually rode Drogon.We see within canon in her dreaming days that when dreaming of the dragons, Danyalways dreams of the black. It’s nocoincidence that Drogon was born to bear her House colours, nor is it coincidencethat he is often called Balerion ( Khaleesi… there sits Balerion, come again. ) whilst she herself is paralleled toAegon the Conqueror ( She is the widow ofa Dothraki khal, a mother of dragons and sacker of cities, Aegon the Conquerorwith teats. ) – this sets up in a very visceral manner that this is whatMartin’s intention was, to establish this bond very early on. We know that inhatching the dragons, Daenerys had known for an incredibly long time what shewas going to do to hatch those dragons, and we can see that in the followingfew passages, that she references her intent and the pre-emptive nature of whatshe’s about to do, before it’s DROGON’S egg that she lifts first. ( This is madness, she told herself as shelifted the black-and-scarlet egg from the velvet. It will only crack and burn,and it’s so beautiful, Ser Jorah will call me a fool if I ruin it, and yet, andyet… Cradling the egg with both hands, she carried it to the fire and pushedit down amongst the burning coals. The black scales seemed to glow as theydrank the heat. Flames licked against the stone with small red tongues. Danyplaced the other two eggs beside the black one in the fire. ) Between thedreams and the following few pieces of evidence, we know her intent wasestablished early on.
i.“You will not hear me scream,” Mirri responded as the oil dripped from her hairand soaked her clothing. “I will,” Dany said, “but it is not your screams Iwant, only your life. I remember what you told me. Only death can pay for life.” Mirri Maz Duur opened her mouth, butmade no reply. As she stepped away, Dany saw that the contempt was gone fromthe maegi’s flat black eyes; in its place was something that might have beenfear. Then there was nothing to be donebut watch the sun and look for the first star.
ii.Jhogo spied it first. “There, “ he said in a hushed voice. Dany looked and sawit, low in the east. The first star was a comet, burning red. Bloodred; fire red; the dragon’s tail. Shecould not have asked for a stronger sign.
iii.She had sensed the truth of it long ago, Dany thought as she took a step closerto the conflagration, but the brazierhad not been hot enough.
Throughoutthe younger years of the dragon’s development, both book and show canon seemsto build the hatchlings to some degree, but it is Drogon we so often get moreof a glimpse into. Very often, it is Drogon who is perched on her shoulder ( ashe in in the arrival to Qarth ) or on her lap ( as he is when she is informed ofRobert Baratheon’s death ). We also know in the House of the Undying that it isDrogon who accompanies her, and who protects her and allows her to escape, inbook canon – and in show canon, that it is Drogon who is the first to respondto her command for fire in burning those who leave her in chains. By the timewe get to the Sack of Astapor, I think the fact it is Drogon who she offers upas part of her plan speaks volumes: she knows that he will respond to hercommand, and she knows that he will not hesitate to do so. By this point, it’s veryestablished that of all three dragons, he is the one already utilised the mostin her plans, and the one who she clearly gravitates to most centrally. 
Wethen reach the stages of Drogon’s rebellious years. Regardless of whether ornot he intended to burn the child – dragons are intelligent, he likely knewwhat he did – we can either read Drogon’s absence as one of two things. Eitherhe can tell that Daenerys is disappointed in him for what happened, or perhapshorrified with himself; or more likely, he knows that as much as Daenerys is onthe cusp of becoming a woman, she is notready to be his rider yet. I think the show gives us a really beautifulmoment here, where she reaches for him, and she is unsure and he flies away before she can touch him; he knows thatshe isn’t ready for him yet. By default, by this point I believe Drogon knew that she was supposed toride him – and that is confirmed when he comes to save her at the fightingpits. Now, here’s where I take issue with the books: the only way that I will acceptthe necessity of Drogon needing to be beaten into command is if he was truly soconfused and feral after months away that it took him several moments torecognise her. In my own canon, I do think the show had the better iterationhere: he trusted her, and their bond allowed her to mount him, because that waswhat he was born for.
Bythe time we get the first flight, it’s not the bond being formed: it’s thefinal step to formation. When we talk about dragon bonds, I think it means morethan a human and pet; dragons are intelligent, and they are magical. For them to bond with a humanmeans something special: Daenerys and Drogon are the literal entity ofsoulmates, because their souls were born to be connected. He is an ever present feeling at the back of her mind, and likewise, she is with him always, no matter how far apart they are. That goes deeper thanany love, any kind of familiar connection; they are part of each other, and this journey up until now was just aboutfinding their way to that point and establishing / building it.
Drogon raised his head,blood dripping from his teeth. The hero leapt onto his back and drove the ironspearpoint down at the base of the dragon’s long scaled neck. Dany and Drogonscreamed as one.
Asan extension of the headcanon that they are soulmates, I think this reads verysimple as follows: they understand the emotions that the other is feeling. Theyfeel pain, that the other is feeling. It isn’t as tangible as Drogon gettinghurt and Daenerys aching in the same spot – but more that she feels that he is suffering, and there’s anoverwhelming desire to help. We get some of that again, from the show, where heis struck in 7.04 and her first instinct upon landing is to remove the spear –and even in the pain addled state of mind that follows for him, the moment shesees Jaime and we see her fear,Drogon responds. We get it again in 7.06, when Viserion is killed; on Dany’sface, we get shock, and though she is mourning clearly in the later parts ofthe episode, her reaction is reserved. For Drogon, whilst she is silent, he is screaming for his fallen sibling. Andyes, that be construed as part of his grief – but likely, it’s because he isfeeling for the both of them.And lastly, we get a beautiful moment of this in 8.03, when Dany is crying for Jorah, and Drogon’s response is to curl around her and coo to her. This isn’t a protective stance - the battle has ended, and he’s low, not on alert. He’s close to her, making soft noises, and that body language communicates comfort, not anything else. He feels her grief, and he feels it himself, and so he lays close to her to offer whatever he can.
Communicationbetween them is not quite so blatant as thinking commands to the other, butsimply instead, that they can sense what the other wants. Likely, Dany was idlychattering to Drogon before handing him to the Masters at the Sack of Astapor,because she knew he would know what to do without command. And though she talksto the dragons in Valyrian, it’s not a language they were likely born knowing (and if they did, likely, they knew others to ) – so more than likely, it’s notthe words that Drogon responds to, but the intent behind each of them. And thedeeper that bond goes, the more we see ( again, more viscerally on the show )that he responds without question – in executing enemies, or even in thegentleness by which he carries her, lets her down, by the way he bristles whenpeople disrespect her. The communication between them is far more primal andintimate than language; it’s spoken by hearts and minds forged together in theflames.
Again,an extension of the above, but when it comes to flight navigations, we have noneed here for the way that Daenerys commanded Drogon in the books ( The dragonlords of old Valyria hadcontrolled their mounts with binding spells and sorcerous horns. Daenerys madedo with a word and a whip. Mounted on the dragon’s back, she oft felt as if shewere learning to ride all over again. When she whipped her silver mare on herright flank the mare went left, for a horse’s first instinct is to flee fromdanger. When she laid the whip across Drogon’s right side he veered right, fora dragon’s first instinct is always to attack. Sometimes it did not seem tomatter where she struck him, though; sometimes he went where he would and tookher with him. Neither whip nor words could turn Drogon if he did not wish to beturned. The whip annoyed him more than it hurt him, she had come to see; hisscales had grown harder than horn. ) – this implies that Drogon needed tobe beat into submission, and while he was more stubborn and juvenile then, hewas still her intended and her bonded.
Sowhen we talk about flight navigation, my canon is as follows: they worktogether. Dany knows, mostly, where she wants to go – and Drogon knows how toget them there. For the most, he follows what she wants if it is specificallythe reason they’re travelling; but in situations in battles, etc, he will alsomove without need of command, always to protect his mother. The one (1) timethat she falls from him in my canon, it is not his fault, and he never forgiveshimself for it. Drogon’s flying style is rougherthan most other dragons would be – he’s large, he’s animalistic, and he’s nevertruly understood how fragile she is when it comes to him, because he perceiveshis mother as so strong. Hence why she cuts her hands from holding on, orbruises so badly from him thrashing around, or her thighs get cut from the wayshe grips his scales through her clothes. They work together, and for the mostpart, neither think twice about it.
It’sas simple as this – if Daenerys doesn’t like someone, Drogon likely hates thatsomeone. In no world does he ever give a moment’s time to someone who she hasno connection with; which is why it can be construed that Drogon tolerates peoplelike Doreah, or Jorah, or Jon. Because of the emotional connection betweenthem, this transfers to the way he connects with people she loves: by default,he feels at the least some sort of loyalty, or urge to protect them. Firstly,this is because he knows that she cares for them, and that if anything happenedto them, she would be sad. Secondly, because he feels that emotion for themhimself as a result of the bond. And thirdly, because he has likely had somefurther interactions as a result, which formulate his own bond with themindependent of his mother’s emotions.
Withthat being said, there is never, ever a situation where Drogon would choseanother person over his mother. It doesn’t matter what she becomes or what shedoes to anyone else – no singular person, or groups of people are as importantas a rider to a dragon. And likewise, even if Daenerys were to have humanchildren, she would never stop viewing the dragons as her own children too, ortreating them as such. Those relationships, even to her, come beneath the bondshe has with Drogon. And even when it comes to the other dragons, she loves them with all of her heart, butshe will never feel the closeness she does with Drogon because he’s not just inher heart, he’s in her mind.
Lastly,talking about the potential of death for either of them. For dragons, theirlife span far outlasts their riders – and Daenerys hopes that long after she isgone, he will find someone ( in her own bloodline, or other ) whom he mightfeel that bond with. With that being said, she isn’t just his rider to him, butalso his mother, which means if shedied, that grief would transcend what a dragon might normally feel for theirrider’s death. Unlike what we see in the series finale, if someone were tocause her death, then regardless of who that person was to Drogon, he would nothold back his revenge from the person who took her from him – this bond is morethan a normal dragon and rider, he was bornto be with her, birthed by her, raised by her, and lived by her side forall of his life. This would be the first time he wouldn’t feel her with him, and that would cripple him, to know that hewould live for centuries with that presence void in his life.
Ifthe situation were flipped, and Drogon was lost to her, I believe Daeneryswould feel that grief on a physical level, as well as emotional. Drogon iswarmth and strength at the back of her mind and thoughts – she would not feelwarm again, without him there. Would never feel as strong, without him there.Would never be able to replicate that emotional bond with another being orentity, without him there. Would constantly be calling for him, constantlysearching for him in the skies. That would be a loss that she would never, everrecover from – and I believe in that instance, she would crave the reunion withhim in death, though she might not go so far as harming herself. It wouldtranscend her desire to see anyone else in the afterlife – she would be focusedexclusively on seeing her child again, and being with him again.
Havinga part of one’s soul ripped away would physically hurt, and that is what they would both feel.
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Missy’s 3.5K Challenge
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Missy’s 3500 Challenge!!
WOW! How did I reach 3500 followers? What a crazy ride this continues to be. I want to thank every single one of my followers on my blog. Whether you follow me for my work or for my weekly reading lists I thank you. Without your support, I wouldn’t be here.
(Thank you @fictional-affairs for the header!!)
You don’t have to follow me to participate, but if you want to you will make my day.
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You must be over 18 years old to participate
Send me an ASK with the Character, Troupe, AU or Prompt you want.
Mark all stories appropriately. (Fluff, Smut, Dark, Non/Con, etc) 
It must be a one-shot or new fic
Two people per prompt
Can be either reader insert or OFC
No incest, No underage, No pedo, No toilet/bathroom fics, No DDLG.
Minimum words 500, No max, Please use the keep reading feature if it’s longer than 500 words
Due date:  open
All stories will be reblogged. I will add all stories to a Masterlist for easy access. Tag your fic as #Missys3500challenge and tag me in your notes. If I haven’t reblogged your work for a week Tumblr might have eaten the notification so please send me a message.
Marvel Characters:
Steve Rogers
Bucky Barnes
Sam Wilson
Billy Russo
Brock Rumlow
Helmut Zemo
Non-Marvel Characters:
Ransom Drysdale
Ari Levinson
Frank Adler
Andy Barber
Curtis (Snowpiercer)
Lloyd Hansen
Nick Fowler
Frank (endings/beginnings)
Chris (Destroyer)
Charles Blackwood
Dean Winchester
Lt. Bradley “Rooster Bradshaw (Maverick)
Enemies (to friends) to lovers
Sex pollen
First Time
Annoying Neighbor (Tony - @mostly-marvel-musings )
Love at first sight
Evil Twin (Steve - @ironlady1993 )
Hate Sex
Opposites Attract
"They invited us for the family brunch, am I slashing the tires, or are you?"
"I can't believe you made plans, I thought we were on the same side," (Brock - @nekoannie-chan )
"no one else gets to hurt you, you're mine!" (Mob AU/Andy is prosecuting Steve/trope 1/ - @adulting-sucks )
"I'm 90% certain I lost my sanity because of you," (Stark/Mob au/trope 4 @pigwidgeonxo ) & (Trope 5/Lloyd- @nepenthe-raes-affairs )
"You think your life is worth more than mine? Think again sweetheart," (Ransom & Lloyd AU 7, Tropes 5 and 6, - @sarah-in-disguise )
“Of course, they'll fall in love, I planned it," (Stark/Mob au/Trope 4 @pigwidgeonxo )
"Her boyfriend showed up? Oh no, this isn't good," (SamxBlack ReaderxBucky/trope 5 - @awesomerextyphoon )
"You're single, they're single, I'm a great third-wheel. It's a perfect match," 
"So I mean nothing to you now?" After everything we've done!"
"Hey, hey, It's okay, I'm here now,” (Dean/Bartender/Sex pollen - @tarithenurse ) & (Dark Steve - @kitkatd7 )
"Remind me to take a vacation after this,"
"I was never good enough, you always hurt me, so why? why do I miss you?" (Steve or Brock - @nekoannie-chan )
"I can't stop staring at her picture," (Ari/AU 7/trope 8 - @ladyfallonavenger )
"The image of you pops into my head and I just lose my breath,"
“You had me at hello.” (Dean/royalty- @spnexploration )
"Ah, my friend looks like he's about to kill you, you best leave," (Steve/Mob - @captainapple )
"I’ll always be here for you,”
"This is why I love you,"
"Why are you smiling at me like that?" (Ransom/bartender au - @fluffycutecevans )
"you're so beautiful,"
"I would burn the whole city down for you," (Loki/Vikings/Enemies to lovers - @floatinginadreamofhim )
"I said I was sorry! What else do you want from me?" (Enemies to lovers/BillyorThor - @lokislastlove )
“Just kiss already!” (Trope 4, w/Sam or Steve @ghostofskywalker )
“I miss your warmth,” (Steve - @americasass81 )
“Do you regret letting us end?” (Trope 7, w/ Sam - @fluffyprettykitty )
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The Joan Jett Quartet
Word Count: 3500
Warnings: NC-17 BDSM, extreme language, consensual bondage and paddling
A/N: Decided to do a short series of erotic drabbles based around Klaus x Reader during his first year with Destiny's Children. They'll be "Tied" together with "Do You Wanna Touch Me There?"
Tag List: @robertsheehanownsmyass​ @frogs--are--bitches​ @firstpersonnarrator​ @elliethesuperfruitlover​ @rob-private @forenschik @super-unpredictable98 @bisexualnathanyoung @messengeronthemoon @magic-multicolored-miracle
Book 2- Bad Reputation (Klaus x Fem!Reader)**
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There was no doubt you had been on a complete power trip after your tryst with Klaus and the table. Smug satisfaction on your lips everytime the two of you passed one another in the mansion. You held your head high while all he did in return was roll his eyes and shake his head, cheeks flush.
The last straw for Klaus was one moment when you passed one another on the stairs. You held your fingers up in a V-shape in front of your mouth, snaking your tongue in and out obscenely. He grabbed you by the wrist and yanked your body flush with his. Your heart raced with desire as those exasperated eyes glared at you.
“You've been telling others our secrets,” his voice low.
“Of course. They're my friends, and they are interested in why The Prophet keeps choosing me to meet behind closed doors. I didn't know it was a secret, ” you grasped his neck with your free hand and tightened so that your nails dug into his skin, “these proclivities.”
There was a sharp intake of breath as Klaus visibly shook under your grip. An erection twitched against your hip and grew the tighter you clutched. Then suddenly lifted your chin upward. His thumb pressed hard into the bone so you could only look him in the eye.
“If I wanted any of them to know what gets me off, I could've asked any number to play with me. I'm pretty fucking sure they'd be better at it, too. Uppity bitch with your uninspired tit fucking. too good for the strap-on unlike Jill and Kitty.”
Your heart fell and pounded in your ears the entire way down. But you remembered yourself and him. How the game could start any time he felt up to it. An unspoken contract the moment you agreed to restrain him and dominate him. This was just payback because you made Klaus human to the other Children.
“It's my turn to play”
Your face was hot with want. There was a wetness between your legs at the thought of it. His lips moved centimeters from yours so you could breathe what he exhaled. Your hips ground into him.
“Bring a blindfold,” Klaus instructed. “I'll bring the paddle”
You stood in the living area of Klaus’s wing. You shifted from barefoot to barefoot in a large sweater and your underwear. Your hair twisting and untwisting around a finger without thought. The sleep mask you brought as a blindfold laid out on the arm of the sofa. You shocked yourself that the sight of a paddle, makeshift in haste from a kid’s toy, turned you on.
“Can't say sorry for being late,” The sound of Klaus’s voice made you jump out of your skin. A sly grin spread across his face, “Nervous, doll?”
He stood in front of you now, that long beard gone and his hair wrapped up in a bun. “Couldn't get the fucking thing off. (It was fake) At least that's one secret you've kept.” His hand ran down your arm and waist around to your ass which he rubbed all too briefly.
Now Klaus leaned in to kiss your forehead and cheeks before lifting your chin so that his lips could meet yours. “You totally get that you're one of two people I trust in this room?”
You looked around assuming he meant himself. “Yes.”
“And you get that I've been mostly myself with you.” You nodded an understanding. “Good girl. You definitely fucked that up by gossiping about me, so I have GOT to punish your insolence. Can't have you squawking to the other chickens in the henhouse that the fox enjoys being pecked.”
Klaus laughed at his own metaphor. Not maniacal, in an honest giggle the way he did when he found himself truly humorous. You loved that about him. He could command attention with his “sermons,” but in your bedroom the nights he came to you? He thrived on making you smile.
His face became serious again, “This isn't some master slave bullshit either. I was raised by servants, and trust me it fucking bothers me. Mom, a bit mechanical as she was, managed fine on her own.”
Klaus was lost in thought but shook his head. He made his way behind you and spoke in your ear, “I just like playing with you. You choke me and fuck me while I lose consciousness. I spank you and make you swallow my cum until you learn to keep secrets. And if you're good, I'll fuck you too.”
The breath caught in your throat at how casual he was. How he brought sexual freedom to you and the others. Nothing was too perverse as long as everyone agreed, and you consented to this eagerly.
“Good. Now the safe words,” he fitted the sleep mask down over your eyes, “are Spice Girls.”
“What?” you snickered.
There was a swift open handed slap on your ass that stung beautifully, “Correct response is?”
“Yes, Prophet.”
“I want you to take your sweater off, but as you do stand with your feet slightly apart. Then bend forward.”
The chill in the air caused your skin to goose pimple as soon as your sweater left your body. You complied, unable to tell which direction Klaus was coming from. Your heart raced with excitement.
As you leaned forward, his hand caught you by the throat. The other warm and flat on your back. He ran it over your spine and to your ass which he rubbed before he gave another slap. This time even harder to your delight. When you didn't flinch, he repeated himself. Harder still. Once more before he dipped his hand between your legs and rubbed your sex through your panties.
“I figured you may enjoy the same things I do. Look how wet you already are, and I haven't even used the paddle. And this ass, honestly there's so much to work with. More men should appreciate a thick one.”
The friction of Klaus’s hand picked up as he kept working you through the fabric. Then he withdrew it and that pleasured sting came one more time. Harder. You choked on a moan.
Over the backs of your thighs now and over the hips his hand went. “These hips too. Perfect for when I want to ride you like we're dogs or tease that little asshole.”
That part wasn't really a turn on to you. When Klaus played with you there, unable to switch off how he might please a male lover from a female.
Your thoughts fell away as that roaming hand took hold of your panties and removed them. The hitch in your throat as you felt him tug you forward with the hand on your neck. Klaus massaged your naked sex with the palm of his hand. The heel found your clit and pressed into it before you knew he had pulled back and raised his hand. He brought it down with such force on your bare ass that you lurched forward. It was wet.
“Now you're quiet?” Klaus inquired. “I wonder how long the chicken can go before the fox makes her cluck?”
There was a rush to your head as he righted you. He unhooked your bra and removed that too. Klaus pinched your nipple. Then the other. He traced the erect skin with a fingertip. Your back arched because his body leaned into you. The loose tendrils from his bun splayed across your chest as he bit the top of both of your tits. Still no sound.
“You're tits are, like, the perfect fucking size for how large my hands are,” each word emphasized by a hard squeeze as he roughly kneaded them.
Without warning, Klaus dropped them and dipped his fingers inside you. He pumped them deftly in and out, circling your clit and worked it until you started to pulsate. He drove you just mad enough.
“I can't believe how fucking wet you are. Do I make you cum?” Klaus’s fingers moved quickly and your legs started to shake. “Do I punish you some more?” Fingers out of you, hand on your throat to swing you forward again so he could spank you somehow even harder. Once. Twice.
“Or do I sit and watch you fuck yourself until its time to suck me off?”
Still bent in half, Klaus pushed his fingers deep inside and pumped them again. Assaulted your clit. “No, I'm too hands on.”
Then a white heat filled your core and spread. Your sex constricted around Klaus’s fingers as you came. A loud squeal turned moan echoed off the walls. He held you steady by the neck as he rubbed out a second orgasm and made a tsk tsk sound.
“Guess I've got my answer. More insolence when I wasn't ready for you, and you broke your silence!”
You couldn't even comprehend Klaus’s next move. He stood you up and then bent your arms so your hands were on the back of your head. The position when you're under arrest. You could feel his bare chest against your back, erection just beneath his linen pants in your ass.
Klaus held your hands to your head and stepped away from you. Three swift hits to your ass, “I knew you wouldn't keep quiet long.” Each word again emphasized the rhythm of his punishment.
You took a chance, “Please forgive me, Prophet.” Your body shook with endorphins.
“Debatable. Can’t exactly talk with a mouthful of my cock now can you,” Klaus was still holding your hands above your head. Free hand that spanked you reached around to pinch your nipple another time.
This was the first time you realized he had yet to kiss you. That was so personal. This was.. you weren't sure. But once more thoughts escaped you as he pushed you blindly forward. His hand in your head dug into yours and your hair.
Once your knees came into contact with the soft velvet of a chair, Klaus stopped. He let go of your hands and gestured for you to drop them. He left you momentarily before returning to your side. His hands brought leather around your neck to the front and pulled a bit to tighten it but not the way he can handle. Cold metal against your spine.
“It's a collar and restraints. I get to control just how much of my cock you take in and you won't be able to stop me or help yourself. Next time you'll choke on the gossip like you will me.”
Klaus’s voice was low in your ear. His lips were inches from your skin. Goatee and mustache brushed against your neck as he locked your hands into the cuffs attached to the chain. He knew how that drove you fucking mad and blazed a trail with his chin and lips across your collarbone and shoulder without actually kissing you. Your arms straight down, hands near your ass.
You gasped out loud this time; an insufferable moan left your mouth. The collar tightened when the sound escaped your lips. Klaus laughed. His gin soaked breath filled your nostrils briefly before you were yanked to your knees. His hands twisted up in the back of your head once more and he held it tight while he freed himself from the pants.
Klaus sat down in the chair with his legs spread enough to maneuver you between them. You knew he used his spare hand to hold his stiff cock in place as he tugged your head forward towards it. The tip lost in your cleavage.
“I have to give you credit. Letting me tit fuck you was such a thrill. It's so tight in here, reminds me of your cunt. Then you can swallow my dick until I cum,” there was a shrug to his tone now.
Still he began to thrust his erection back and for in your tits. Klaus’s hips lifted off the chair to connect with your chest. He anchored himself with you and kept going. You could feel the head of his cock hit your neck, slick with his own fluid. He started to growl under his breath the faster he bucked and squirmed. Your sex reacting without thought with a notable swell.
“The tits are so fuckable,” he writhed. Looks like The Prophet had a new favorite type of foreplay.
Suddenly Klaus switched on you. “Open your mouth,” he commanded as your head was wrenched forward.
You complied, and Klaus shoved his cock so deep in your mouth it hit the back of your throat. You gagged momentarily and he cried out in ecstasy. You let your throat do it again.
“Keep doing that,” he pushed you onto him even further if that was possible.
Then Klaus pushed you up and back. His hands forced your mouth to do what it could on its own. You bobbed up and down on the shaft, wrapping your tongue around it on the process. His grip slackened so he could caress you instead.
“Like that. Now lick it and just the head.”
Again you kept repeating the instructions. Your jaw hurt and muscles began to ache, but you knew The Prophet’s cues by now. One more deep-throated constriction and..
Klaus exploded in your mouth. The salty liquid hit you and you swallowed only some. The rest you held knowing what would happen if you spit it out. So the moment he let you sit back, you assumed so he could adjust himself for another round, you turned your head and spit.
“Did you just fucking spit when I told you I was going to make you swallow my cum?” his question bordered on furious. A finger hooked through a loop in the collar and he heaved you up off the floor so you stood. Your body marveled at his strength. Your sex reacted accordingly.
“Just when I thought she knew how to behave, the little chicken showed her true self. Get on the chair and bend over my lap. Ass up, face down on the arm.”
Cautious to hide your eagerness, you did your best with your hands chained. Still you managed and bent over Klaus. The velvet soft under your knees and face resting into it. Your sex pressed against his cock as it stiffened a second time.
There was a brief moment of self confidence that you managed to hide the blindness made you nervous. You had a general idea most of this evening where Klaus was positioned or coming from, but it was that uncertainty that slicked you with wetness. The anticipation of his next move. The ultimate trust in someone who literally fell out of the sky.
Now that move was Klaus leaning over then a sensation of smooth wood on your bare ass. The other hand tangled itself up in the chain along your back. Tightened just a bit so the collar did the same. Another gasp for air and Klaus’s erection poked into you, strained against your pubic hair.
“You broke the rules by spitting,” the paddle came down on your ass several times. “You broke the rules by laughing at me earlier,” words punctuated by the delicious sting at every other word. “And you broke,” this time he took the edge of the paddle and swiped it between your legs. Delved between your folds to hit your clit just right. It wasn't rough, but it was enough so you understood.
“MY TRUST!” now Klaus bellowed. A hard paddle to your ass and the back of your thighs. Had no longer choked the chain. Instead he pinched your nipples alternately as he punished you.
Klaus brought the paddle down harder still several more times. The force of it pushed you down onto his cock. He thrust a bit up at the motion so your hips came together and apart. It was doing something to you besides making your legs go weak. You ached and throbbed in your cunt, longed to be penetrated. It wouldn't come for now.
“I'll give you a chance to apologize,” now Klaus let go of your tits and pulled you by the chain so your back curved. Your face off the arm of the chair. “Turn in my direction when I'm talking!” Paddle collided with your tender skin.
You moved best you could towards Klaus’s chest, “I'm sorry Prophet.”
“For?” Paddle gone, he gripped a handful of your ass and dug in.
Sharp intake of surprise breath. You rolled into his cock. “Gossiping, Prophet.”
“I can't hear you,” open-handed slap. “Red is definitely your color.”
“FOR GOSSIPING, PROPHET!” you cried out loudly.
“Fine,” indifference in his voice, but his cock said otherwise. “My arm is tired. I want you to fuck my thigh.”
You stumbled and nearly fell as you got off the chair. Your legs waived with chemicals from the paddle and prior orgasm. Now you managed towards Klaus’s lap, straddled his leg and sat astride. You situated your cunt on his thigh and started to ride him in earnest.
You found it difficult to balance as you undulated yourself back and forth. Balance off slightly until Klaus held you steady. Helped you rock powerfully into him. The friction and heat from his body drove you insane as you rode with abandon. You were already swollen as you ground as hard and fast as you could. Klaus’s hands, spread out over your back. His fingers ensnared by the chain.
“That cunt of yours is so fucking wet, like you're sliding on ice. Careful your clit doesn't burst just yet,” he teased.
Then without warning an incredible hard crack to the ass and it was too late. You shuddered violently and screamed out as you rolled yourself through the orgasm. Breasts heaved as you struggled to catch your breath.
“I'd be disappointed,” Klaus’s mouth close to your neck and collarbone once more. Facial hair just touched the surface of your skin as he held you down. “But wait until I tell the other Children how she loves being disciplined.”
Then you were on your feet so Klaus could probe you. He played with your clit to elicit another orgasm. That sting of a hand to your skin forced another explosion.
You collapsed into his chest but instead of catching you, he simply started to undo the cuffs and chain. He turned it around expertly and wrapped your hands up around front. Handcuffs locked, forearms together which he tied together and hooked into the collar. Your arms tight to your chest.
“Now get up. You're gonna get fucked.”
Then Klaus did something that both shocked you and turned you on. Where the strength came from you still don't know, but everything about him was otherworldly. The rush of him lifting you off the floor to throw you over his shoulder was powerful. The quick sting of exquisite torture that you just weren't sick of yet followed by that infectious laugh signaled his demeanor changed entirely.
“I can't believe you've fucking kept up,” he tossed you on the bed.
He rolled you face down, cuffs undone and arms forward so he could lock them to a headboard. “There's no one else who could. They can barely manage orgies. Ought to give my sex swing a go next time” Klaus mumbled and climbed up behind you, your hips and ass lifted skyward.
The head of his cock teased the crack of your ass, which he spanked as a reminder. Klaus tested your trust by slipping just a bit inside that space where no one was ever allowed. You cried out but not in pleasure as he tried.
You never thought it would happen, but you just weren't ready. “Um.. Spice Girls?” It was a question muffled by a pillow.
Klaus stopped, “Excuse me?”
“I thought as much. Can’t ever know till you try to fuck someone’s ass.”
Then wordlessly Klaus plowed into your ever-slick cunt. His hips hit your ass and filled you to the hilt. Over and over he pounded you with a furious speed. Periodically slapping you with such extreme force that the pillow encompassed your face.
“This hot, tight cunt fits my cock so well. Fucking snug and able to take all of me.”
Klaus grabbed your hair and bent your neck back as he kept at it. Welcomed pain deep inside from his cock practically inside your stomach, or so it felt. Suddenly he pulled out and came on your back and ass, warm and sticky all over your raw and bruising skin.
Later: the two of you with arms and legs tangled up together. You snuggled into Klaus’s chest, a sweetness as your mouths meshed. His hands soft as they ran over you after having applied a cooling lotion to your welts and funny enough, bent to kiss them tenderly.
“Next time, Prophet-”
“Right,” you smiled. “Next time it's my turn, and I THINK you're gonna get pegged.”
Klaus leapt out of the bed with almost childlike glee. “I'll show you how to wear it.”
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guigz1-coldwar · 3 years
'Dying hard' : New chapter for "Redemption in a Spirit in a Cold War" is out !
"Dying hard'
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Chapter Summary : After thinking of a plan for days, Bell and the group finally have something to strike Derazio in his heart.....
To read it on AO3, click here !
Words : +3500
Derazio....we know exactly where this guy is living and we can say that he's a pain in the ass : never leaving his penthouse he owned at the top of the Royal Hotel and if he had to leave, it's for only extreme cases and those case were pretty rare this days. His behavior is causing us to directly attack him in his heart, meaning his penthouse and for that, we needed a plan, a strong one. We spent the rest of the day to think about it but each idea we got was either too dangerous or impossible to do.
At this moment, we all know that we needed more intel about how we can strike the penthouse and for the next 3 days, we were going around the city to meet some Wolf's contacts about informations, one of them were even able to give us the plans of the penthouse, allowing us to plan our moves when the time will come. We also make some scouting around the hotel to see the entrances of it and I wasn't with Park each time, either with Sims or Wolf. As the transmissions from Perseus & Duvall were still coming in, I didn't go out of the safehouse for the large part of the 3 days for that.
Those transmissions were easy to crack and they gave us some facts about Perseus's little operations in the South of the US and thanks to that, Sims contacted the CIA about that, allowing us to stay focused on the New Orleans. I was staying a lot of time next to the radio, making me at each night, the last person to go to bed since those communications could intervene at any time during the day & a little part of the night.
However, instead of going to sleep in my room or Park's room like I did for the second day, I stayed more longer because of uncommon transmissions during the third night and of course, I fell asleep on my chair a long time after midnight. Suddenly, I start to dream of Vietnam and even if it was fake, I could still relive them during some night. In that one, I was coming back to a US base with Adler and Sims during a night and again, I fell asleep on a bed in my personal quarters until.....
"Caca dau ! Caca dau !" A man said loudly in Vietnamese, clapping with his hands, breaking me out of my sleep and I quickly got up to reach my M1911 that was standing on the table to aim at that man.....to reveal Sims himself, having a big smile on his face as me, I was mixed between relieved that it was fake and angry because of what Sims did. It was just me & Sims in the operation room for the moment.
"For fuck sake, Sims." I exclaimed, starting to lower down my M1911. "I almost shot you in the goddamn face." I put the gun down back on the table, closing my eyes to remove that fake memory from my head.
"Now, we're even !" He pointed at me before he step back from my chair as I sit back on it, still feeling weird after that.
"You know that I don't want to laugh about that." I affirmed to him, having a knot in my chest at the moment because of that scare he put in me. "I didn't do Vietnam and dreaming of it sometimes is so stressful for me."
"Yeah, I think it was stupid from me." He apologized himself, realizing that it wasn't funny. "I'm sorry." He then hand to me a cup of coffee....mine.
"Don't worry as long if you don't do it again." I said in a low voice, taking the cup in my hands before I looked at Sims, curious. "What does that means ?" I asked about the words he said in Vietnamese as I drink the coffee in one instant, making me perked up.
"It's meaning 'I'll kill you !'.....heard it a lot back in those days." He replied, taking back the smile he had, maybe wanting to not think negatively. "For real, it's good that you didn't do that war." He added, sure of his words and for that, I agree with this.
"Unfortunately, Adler make me believe I did it." I snorted, taking a part of a headset from the radio in my hands before holding it at the side of my head, at my right of it. "To change, is there anything new about that Perseus operation in Atlanta ?" I asked, mentioning the last operation that I was able to decrypt from Duvall's transmissions.
"Langley send a team over there and they succeeded.....just got the call from them a few minutes ago." He responded, grinning at me to show that I did a great work about that. "Nothing else on your side ?" He asked back, I shook my head,
"No, apart from that, there's nothing that could help us." I showed him some part of the transmissions I described from a specified pile of paper that I regrouped in two : a large pile that I considered as not very helpful and a very small pile of paper I considered as 'could help us'. I showed him the large one. "For that, it's just communications between the Perseus Collective and Duvall."
"What does this one is saying ?" He took the first paper that he saw in his hands.
"Well, the Perseus Collective is asking Duvall to lay low since Sonya has left, leaving him unprotected." I breathed as he gave me back the paper where I could finally say the rest as I didn't remember everything from it. "Duvall told them that he doesn't need protection from 'Europeans'." I added, almost making a laugh about it.
"That is leaving him without a close Perseus agent around him." Sims had his hand on his chin, thinking. "And since he doesn't want protection, he will stay like that for a while....until we take care of him." He took a little breath, getting himself leaned against the wall.
"Yeah but we can't take care of him in public, it's too dangerous." I said, remembering that we're in the US, trying to target an potential candidate for the US presidential elections. "For the moment, we need to dispose of Derazio and Alvarez." I added before I turned around with my chair as I heard some footsteps coming in the room, revealing Park. "Hi, Park." I waved at her in a lovely way.
"Yiri." She returned the favor, calling me with my little nickname, not even getting embarrased as Sims was literally just there, next to me against the wall. "Sims." She grinned at him, walking next to me, wondering how was work for me. "Anything new ?" She asked, just next to me, having her hand on my shoulder
"Nothing big for us to have a occasion on Derazio." I replied, looking back at the papers before I looked at both of them. "We still have nothing on Alvarez ?"
"I checked up again with the MI6 : Alvarez was brought up in the US by his uncle named Zarraga for helping Duvall." Park responded, sitting on a chair next to me, her hand still on my shoulder. "We only got that against Alvarez."
"Well, at least, we have some piece of intel about that Cuban." Sims exclaimed before we started to hear loud footsteps coming in the room.
"We have a plan on Derazio !" It was Wolf, entering the room, holding his satellite phone in his hands, he was looking relieved after we all spend 3 days about that.
"Might be good, I hope." Sims joked around it as he was remembering his & Wolf ideas about how we can enter the penthouse.
"Apparently, the man in charge of bringing the money from all the business Derazio is 'protecting' made a fatal mistake." He started, putting his phone on the table. I did put also the headseat back on my workplace as well to hear clearly. "Derazio shot the guy and asked one of his henchman to bring the money at the Royal Hotel today."
"Where did you get that intel ?" Park asked curious.
"One of my contacts has wired the place up." He simply replied, his guys could do anything....really... "Derazio even gave him the access code that can lead us to the penthouse."
"So if I understand right...." I started slowly, getting up from my chair to walk next to the dashboard. "We can now enter the Royal Hotel from behind, use the access code and get into the penthouse without having us spotted." I suggested, Wolf nodded.
"My contact can take care of the henchman alone as we take his place to get in the parking under the hotel." He added, starting to walk next to the table where our guns were posed on.
"So, let's get ourselves ready then !" Park proclaimed and then, we part away to prepare ourselves for that mission : getting rid of Derazio for good !
We all started to arm ourselves with the guns that Wolf is supplying to us : some M16s recalling....well, it's making me remember of the old good fake memories of Vietnam where it was my primary gun I used in those memories. All of the guns were equipped with silencers and it was perfect for us as even if we are maybe going to start a shootout with Derazio's men on top of the Royal Hotel, we are surely sure to make noises that could be heard from the ground level.
After we were ready, Wolf make a last call to his contact, asking him to do his part before we finally left the safehouse with our guns and now on our way to the hotel. I was a bit nervous about it, still getting back well after that scare Sims put in me with that brutal awakening and also because we don't know how it's going to play out : our plan is to go inside the hotel, get to the penthouse and neutralize Derazio and if we can, find informations about Perseus operations in the US.
Wolf, who was driving the car, wasn't nervous at all, apparently knowing that we're gonna surely get the job done. After at least 10 minutes of driving into the New Orleans downtown, we were near the hotel as Wolf drive to get to the underground parking that is only for those living in the hotel but thanks to Wolf's contact, we were able to use the code Derazio told his henchman to enter the parking that was pretty unguarded in that area.
We got out of the car, taking out the guns that we have hidden in the trunk as we weren't going to have our guns in ours hand during all the way to the hotel : M16 are not something that we can't hide easily and not possible when we have at least four of them.
"Okay." Wolf spoke as he was preparing the silencer for his M16 at the same time of us. "The elevator leading to the penthouse is in the loading bay, just at the other side of this door." He pointed to us a grey door that was at the end of the parking, as we were finished to prepare our guns and to have put some bulletproof vests under our jackets.
"Someone has to stay here to make sure we're not surprised when we come back." I suggested as I was a little suspicious in case Perseus want to intervene in here after we were done with Derazio.
"I'm going to stay here." Wolf volunteered himself and we approved of his choice. "I think you all know what are we dealing with ?" He asked, we nodded to his question.
"Let's go then." Park ordered as we start to follow her with Sims. Wolf was also following us but he was more keeping an eye behind our back before he put himself in cover behind a pillar as me, Park & Sims were near the door. "Sims, open the door." He complied and slowly opened the door, his gun in front of him, aiming as he entered the loading bay.
"Nothing here." He whispered as he checked the room quickly in a few seconds before he gestured to us to follow him. "Loading bay is clear." We started to follow him inside the big room, still suspicious, not wanting to have someone or multiple hostiles to jump on us by surprise.
"No hostiles to see." I added while moving to the elevator with Park at my side as Sims was entering the code that will lead us to the penthouse. The elevator doors opened and Sims entered it first before we followed him inside.
"Nervous ?" Sims asked to both of us as the elevator closed and slowly start to get up.
"Maybe." I replied, saying the truth....I was maybe nervous about all of this......not having my hands shake a little from it.
"Don't need to be nervous, Yirina." Park put her free hand on me, holding her M16 in the other , seeing my hands shaking, a little grin on her face.
"We are going to transform a penthouse from the New Orleans skyline into a battlefield, why I can't be nervous ?" I asked back to Sims who, in a second, change his face to realize that I was true.
"Yeah, I can understand now." He smirked at me, rolling his eyes all around us.
"How many men we're gonna face ?" Park questioned him as she removed her hand from me to get it back to her gun.
"At least between 10 & 20 persons that will stand in our way to Derazio." He responded, looking up to see that we were soon arrived at our destination and by his look, we started to get ourselves ready, aiming our guns at the door "Be ready." He ordered and then, the doors opened.
We were finally arrived and the first thing we saw was two guards standing just next to a door with their owns guns. Since we have raised our guns first, we shot them pretty quickly but apparently, they were already alerted by our presence since unfortunately, the elevator had an security cam in it that we just saw only when we got out of the elevator....goodbye for the element of surprise..... I took the lead as I forced open the door that was leading to the gigantic living room of the penthouse with an big view on the city.
But no time to admire it as we were nearly greeted by the flying bullets of Derazio's henchmens, all of them taking cover behind something and we did the same. Sims was covering us from the first room as I was already in the living room behind an pillar and Park had took position behind an wall just at the other side of me. We didn't have anything that could help us but Park was able to take a flashbang grenade for her that she threw in the middle of the living room. It exploded the second it landed on the couch.
We profited of that instant to take care of the numerous guards that did the mistake of going out of cover, been blinded by the grenade and we could finally move from our respectives cover to advance inside the living room more deeply, having neutralized a large part of the guards but there were still at least 3-4 guys remaining that were protecting a wooden door....Derazio's private office as we could seen.
Those guys were well-armed but they did another mistake : they were shooting everywhere all around us....and not on us and they were soon out of ammo. One of them managed to go out of his cover and to throw himself on me before I could successfuly shot him at point blank. I found myself on the ground with that guy on top of me and he tried to punch me.....but I avoided it at the last second, he punched the floor very hard, causing him to scream in pain and me to push him away to reload quickly my M16 and finish that guy off before he could try anything else.
"Nicely done, Yirina." Park moved to help me to get back on my feets after apparently having finished the remaining guys protecting the door.
"Thanks for the compliment." I adressed, helped by her until I'm on my feets, observing the dead guys on the ground near the door. "Guess Derazio is alone now." I added as I looked to Sims who were taking cover, his gun aimed towards the door leading to the elevator.
"Take care of him, I'll get the area secured." He exclaimed, gesturing to us to get to Derazio office and we complied.
"Alright, let's finish him off." Park scoffed as she start to lead the way. I followed her and we opened the door....to see Derazio, standing up behind his desk from afar....with....an RPG in hand.
"Get down !" I threw myself into Park as the second I saw him with that thing in hands and then, he shot a rocket too late as I was already on the ground with Park. The rocket almost hit us up close, flying over us and exploding against the wall that was far behind us.
"You fucking bitches, just die !" Derazio shouted before I could see him, taking a gun in his hand and start to shot in our direction, causing me & Park to get ourselves in cover.
"It's over, Derazio, you're done !" Park yelled to him, trying to make him understand that he was alone but the bullets were still flying.
"That's what you think ?" He then laughed while still shooting at us from his desk before no more bullets could be flying and heard. "For fuck sake, work, stupid gun." He was out of ammo and with that, I quickly got out of cover and start to slowly advance before I shot him two in the right shoulder with my M1911. "AAAaahhh." That is what I heard when my first bullet hit him, causing him to fall back behind his desk.
I gave signs to Park meaning that Derazio was done and neutralized as we could finally enter his office without having someone to shot a damn rocket on us. He was still trying to reload his gun with pain, not succeeding to put the mag of it inside the gun that was backwards. I arrived next to him to remove the gun from his hands, throwing it away as Park arrived also in the room, starting to search his desk for infos as I kept a eye on him.
"So....you might think you have done something ?" He started slowly, not convinced that he was beaten. Blood was coming out of his mouth, making him spit a bit of blood each time he talked. "You can't stop me....you can't stop Perseus....you can't stop Duvall."
"Say the one who has 2 bullets in his shoulder." I taunted him, watching him with disgust before Park arrived next to me.
"Here's a register from his operations, the only thing useful in here." She handed what she told me, making me take a closer look at it, it was mainly about the 'protection' he was running around, but also about some arms deliveries he was making account for Duvall.
"Apparently, Perseus has stopped delivering guns to Duvall since 3 days ago." I said, seeing the last date where the last arms deliveries was done the day of Duvall's little speech.....the day Sonya stopped protecting Duvall...
"Duvall....is nonetheless an idiot....can't think right for Perseus..." Derazio told us, pointing the side of his head, making us believe that he was taking Duvall for an brainless person. "I'm the brain here...."
"No more since we got you." Park exclaimed, referring to his decreasing state.
"You believe it...." He make a silent laugh, holding his gunshot wounds "Kill me then....I will be replaced tomorrow....no one....will even notice." He provoked us again, leading me to raise him on his feets, wanting to make him sure that he's wrong.
"You're wrong...." I started before taking a deep breath, thinking of that little idea I had in mind and I looked to Park who saw in me what I was thinking and she nodded to me, agreeing at 100% my idea. "Everyone will notice !" I then grabbed him with all my might.....and I threw him through the window of his office, making him fall to his death.....very brutal but necessary !
"I guess he died hard !" Park said as we both looked outside to see Derazio just landing on the top of a car on the ground level, she was referring to my words before we start to think of a plan, three days ago. She then give me tap on my shoulder. "We're done here, let's get back to the safehouse." We then start to leave the office, stopping to watch Derazio from afar as we got back into the living room as Sims was waiting for us.
"So, Derazio is done ?" He asked and we nodded to him but he was still curious of something "Where is he now ?" He questioned us and by hearing that, I start to make a little grin on my face, before slowly walking away from the living room, accompanied by Park.....
"He's in a car !"
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z-iridest · 4 years
Yu-Gi-Oh!: Renegade
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Chapter 3- Dragon vs. Phoenix Part 2:
Previously on Yu-Gi-Oh!: Renegade:
"I summon Amazoness Chain Master to the field, which increases my Amazoness Sage's attack points to 3800 due to the effect of United We Stand. Now, I attack you directly with Amazoness Sage! Amazoness Sage, time to end this!"
"I activate the Trap Card: Mirror Cylinder! This handy little trap takes your attack and directs it back at you, destroying all your monsters along the way and inflicting damage equal to the combined attack points! Say goodbye to 6800 of your Life Points, Yuko!" Yuko cried out as she was thrown backward by the force of the attack, hitting the ground hard with a groan.
"Yuko!" Her friends cried simultaneously.
"She's only got 1000 Life Points left!" Jacob yelled with wide eyes.
"I can't watch this!" Isaac added, covering his eyes.
"Have more faith in her. She may have lost a good chunk of her Life Points, but this isn't over." Pops told them. "All she has to do is believe in her deck."
Yuko Adonis: 1000            Cornelius Yang: 2600
“How does it feel, Yuko? How does it feel to be on the brink of losing?” Yang taunted.
“This duel isn’t over yet. You still have 1000 of my Life Points to knock out, and I don’t plan on letting you do it... You're just lucky I can't do anything more right now. I end my turn.” Yuko replied. With a smirk, Yang drew.
“Either way, it's my turn now! I summon Protector With Eyes of Blue. I may not have the Blue Eyes White Dragon in my deck, but with 800 attack points, that's not gonna stop me from bringing you to my mercy! Protector With Eyes of Blue, attack Yuko directly!" Yuko grunted in pain as she was attacked, taking 800 points of damage. Yang laughed.
"You have 200 Life Points left, Yuko! Use your next turn wisely! If you don't draw a monster now, this duel is over on my next turn! I end my turn for now." Yang smirked as he ended his turn.
Yuko Adonis: 200 Cornelius Yang: 2600
"Don't count me out just yet, Yang! My turn!" Yuko shouted, grabbing the top card of her deck with her eyes closed. 'It all comes down to this one last draw.... Heart of the Cards, don't fail me now!' Yuko thought. "I draw!" She drew the card and opened her eyes, flipping the card so it's face was toward her. She cracked a smile.
"Uh-oh, she smiled!" One of Yang's friends shouted.
"What's she plannin'?!" A second one asked, sounding a little panicked.
"You're about to find out... I summon Blazing Phoenix in attack mode!" Yuko summoned the card currently in her hand, hearing her friends cheer. It wasn't that strong of a monster, only having 1500 attack points, but it was still a good card. "And because I was able to summon it, I now get to special summon a level 4 monster from my deck, and the card I choose is my Phoenix Warrior!"
"Yang, this ain't looking too good!" The third one shouted.
"Shut up, I can see that!" Yang shouted back in reply.
"Yeah, well I bet you never saw this coming! My Phoenix Warrior has a special ability that allows me to Special Summon one more monster from my deck to the field as long as the monster I choose has 1500 defense points or less, so say hello to Flame Champion! But sadly, my Phoenix Warrior and Blazing Phoenix won't be around for long, because now I'm tuning my Phoenix Warrior with my Blazing Phoenix..."
"OH, NO!" Yang yelled in fear.
"Here it comes!" Jacob exclaimed in excitement.
"I Synchro Summon... Phoenix Mage!" Yuko shouted as her ace appeared on the field, spinning her staff and striking a battle pose, a smirk on her face. "But, I'm far from done... See, due to my Blazing Phoenix's special ability, my Phoenix Mage gets a 500 attack bonus this turn only. Not only that, but due to my Phoenix Mage's ability, all Fire Type monsters I have on my side of the field gain an additional 500 attack points. Which means my Flame Champion now has 2400 attack points while my Phoenix Mage has..."
"3500 attack points?!" Yang shrieked.
"That's right!" Yuko exclaimed. "Flame Champion, take out his Protector With Eyes of Blue first with Flame Strike!" Flame Champion obeyed Yuko's order, attacking Yang's only monster left. Yang's face went pale, realizing he had only 1000 Life Points left, and a 3500 attack point monster was staring right at him. "Let this be a lesson, Yang, next time you wanna push around little kids on my turf, you're gonna pay the price! Phoenix Mage, finish him off with Phoenix Scepter Blast!" Phoenix Mage smirked before attacking Yang directly, knocking him backwards with a strong blow, his Life Points hitting zero as he landed.
Yuko Adonis: 200 Cornelius Yang: 0
"Yuko won! She won!" Her friends cheered, whooping and hollering as Yuko walked toward Yang, who was in a state of shock.
"I lost.... How could I lose?" Yang trailed off.
"Good game. You had me on the ropes for a while there, but I hope you learned your lesson... Don't ever mess with anyone around here ever again." Yuko told him sternly. "Now get off my turf before I kick your butt again." The boys went running, all except Yang.
"Hang on a second, you may have won by the skin of your teeth, but a deal's a deal. You get to keep my rarest card." Yang told her, taking out a Synchro Monster from his deck, handing it to Yuko. Yuko's eyes widened a bit when she saw it before looking at Yang.
"How did you get this?" Yuko asked.
"My grandfather was one of the original Chasers... He was the one who got Akiza. Black Rose was passed down to my Dad and then it was passed down to me when I joined the Chasers..."
"So, hunting down duelists runs in the family?" Yuko asked, bitterness in the edge of her tone.
"Hey, it's not like that, Chasers have no choice but to listen to him now... Ever since one of the Chasers spared the sister of a duelist from the Underground around 11 years ago, he's been making death threats to any Chaser that shows mercy to a duelist... Especially their family." Yang told her. "See you next time, Yuko... I'll be waiting for our rematch." Yang told her before walking off, leaving the teenager standing still, in shock of what she had been informed of.
"You won, Yuko!" Jacob exclaimed.
"Congratulations, Yuko." Pops smiled.
"Yeah, but look what he had." Yuko showed them the card Yang had given her... Black Rose Dragon. Everyone's jaws dropped in shock except Pops, who's eyes widened in a shocked recognition.
"That's Akiza Izinski's ace!" Adom exclaimed, voicing Pops' thoughts.
"Holy crud..." Isaac trailed off.
"They got her too..." Jacob breathed, running a hand through his hair.
"Were you really expecting her to get away?" Adom asked.
"No, I wasn't, I just... I'd hoped that there was a possible way that she could have gotten away." Jacob answered, shifting a bit sheepishly as he spoke.
"That accounts for every Signer being caught... Except Leo and Luna." Yuko realized.
"No, Luna was caught... Wasn't she?" Jacob asked.
"No... It couldn't be... Luna had to have escaped..." Pops trailed off, though he didn't look too convinced of it himself.
"We'll figure that out later, right now, we have that little kid to worry about." Yuko answered before leading the way back into the shop and down the stairs, Adom being the one to help Pops down the stairs. "Holden, it's safe now, you guys can come out." Yuko called for the young boy. Holden peeked out from a well hidden area of the garage, the little girl waddling right behind him as he ran up to Yuko.
"Are they gone? Did you kick their butts?" Holden asked as Jacob leaned against the wall and Pops, Adom and Isaac all sat down in a chair. Yuko nodded.
"They're gone, kiddo. I beat their leader in a duel, and look what I won." Yuko showed him the Black Rose Dragon, the boy's eyes lighting up in wonder as Yuko noticed the little girl come out slightly to look at the dragon card, seeming just as amazed as Holden.
"Wow, it's so beautiful... I hope we can see her in action someday." Holden told her. Yuko smiled.
"One day, you will, I promise...." Yuko told the little boy before putting Black Rose Dragon in her deck and ruffling Holden's hair. "Now, how about this one? Do we know her name?" She asked, kneeling down to the little one's height, only for the little girl to hide behind Holden again. Holdeen shook his head, his hair swaying back and forth with the quick motion.
"I've tried asking her, and she hasn't answered me.... She just keeps making these weird hand motions and tapping her lips." Holden answered, his little shoulders going up and then back down again in a hopeless shrug, though Jacob straightened when he heard Holden's answer.
"Hand motions?" Jacob asked.
"JSL?" Adom guessed.
"That's possible." Yuko replied before looking at the little girl, who was busy trying to hide behind Holden. Yuko smiled. "Can you hear my voice?" Yuko asked as she signed her words in JSL, thankful of the times her foster mother had made her perfect the sign language. Everyone watched as the little girl peeked out from behind Holden, staying hidden while her big brown eyes stayed trained on Yuko. Yuko smiled a little. The little girl was coming out of her shell a little. "You don't have to be afraid of me, I won't hurt you, I promise." Yuko signed each word she said. "My name's Yuko. Is it okay if I know your name?" The little girl came out just enough to show her hands.
'"My name is Alita."' The little one signed. Yuko smiled.
"That's a very pretty name, Alita. Can you hear my voice at all?" Yuko signed as she asked, her compliment making the little girl blush. In response, the little one nodded.
' "My voice just doesn't work, so I can't talk." ' Alita signed in response.
"That explains why she was using sign language." Adom replied, having known enough JSL to know what Alita had just said. "Her vocal chords must have been damaged when she was a baby."
"Poor thing." Pops commented before everybody froze when Alita winced, grabbing her arm. Yuko gently touched the little one's shoulder.
"Are you okay?" Yuko signed as she talked again. Alita's eyes were filled with tears of pain and she shook her head, pointing to her arm. Yuko noticed that it was a prosthetic arm... But it was extremely damaged to the point where it was giving off electric currents every few minutes and hurting the little girl. "Is it okay if I take a look at it?" Yuko asked, watching as Alita's eyes widened in fear as she hid behind Holden again, shaking. Holden looked up at Yuko worriedly, his little brow furrowed. He looked as worried about Alita as Yuko was currently feeling. Yuko placed a comforting hand on Holden's head before taking her glove off her left arm.
"Yuko, what're you doing?" Isaac asked, but found himself ignored by the young woman, watching as the little girl peeked out to look at Yuko. Her eyes stayed wide, however, the fear that had previously been in them was long gone. Amazement shone through as Alita reached her flesh hand toward Yuko's robotic one before she hesitated, looking at Yuko for permission as her little eyebrows furrowed. Yuko nodded.
"It's okay, Alita. You can touch it if you want." She told her. Alita's little hand soon touched Yuko's robotic one, following each gear and crevice as she seemed to be memorizing the pattern on Yuko's prosthetic hand. Yuko smiled, knowing that this had been what the little girl needed to be at ease... To know someone was just like her... "Alita." Yuko directed the little girl's attention to her after a moment. "Is it okay if I look at your prosthetic arm now? I can fix it if you want me to." She asked. The little girl froze for a second before shaking off her fear and nodding, a brave look on the little one's face. Yuko smiled before she looked at Holden. "Can you go get my tools for me?" Yuko asked. Holden nodded and raced upstairs with Isaac and Jacob following him to help him get the toolbox down. Meanwhile, Yuko got Alita comfortable, using her robotic arm to scan Alita's prosthetic to see what the problem was.
"What's going on with her arm?" Adom asked her, Pops keeping the little one entertained.
"Well, you remember that network Dracnus connected the DracTech prosthetics to in order to keep tabs on everyone in Cypher City? There's a part in each of them that allows an electric current to kick in everytime Dracnus wants to deal that person punishment." Yuko told him.
"I thought Dracnus couldn't do that to our prosthetics from down here, the signal can't reach Underground City." Adom replied.
"You're right, it can't... But for some reason, that part in Alita's is broken so that the electric current goes off every few minutes. It's not a strong enough charge to stop her heart, mind you, but it is strong enough to hurt her." Yuko responded as Holden came back with her tools. "I'm going to fix it so it stops hurting her altogether." Holden put her tools next to her.
"Here you go." Holden told her.
"Thanks, little man. You're the best." Yuko smiled, ruffling his hair again.
"Holden, where the heck are Isaac and Jacob?" Adom asked.
"After they helped me get Yuko's toolbox down, they went into the shop to "hold the fort down".... Whatever that means." Adom answered, using air quotes and causing Yuko to have to hold back her giggles. There was something about the look on the six-year-old's face as he used air quotes that struck Yuko as absolutely hilarious. After a deep breath to still her laughter, Yuko focused on fixing the part on Alita's arm that was bothering her, speaking to Alita to keep her distracted from what was going on.
"Alita, how old are you?" Yuko asked. The little girl held up her flesh hand, showing four fingers. "Four?" Alita nodded in confirmation. "That's super cool."
"Yeah, you're like... One year away from being old enough to learn how to ride a bike without training wheels for the first time. It's super scary at first, but I promise it's a ton of fun once you get the hang of it." Holden excitedly told Alita, a smile crossing the girl's face. Yuko chuckled a bit and let Holden tell Alita all the perks of being 5 years old while Yuko fixed Alita's robotic arm.
A few hours later, Yuko was looking over the blueprints of the Phoenix Whirlwind's original designs as she waited for the diagnostics to finish. 'How can I rebuild this so it's my own?' She thought, her arms crossed over her chest. She tapped her foot a couple times before glancing over at the pullout bed. Fast asleep, with her robotic arm fixed and her tummy full of good food, was Alita. A small smile crossed Yuko's face before a soft beeping indicated that the diagnostics were finished. Her brow furrowed and her smile dropped when she saw just how much damage had been done. 'I was afraid this was gonna happen, those stupid Chasers made sure Jack could never duel again on this thing.... Hell, would Yusei even know how to fix this?' She thought with an eyebrow raised before setting to work. After a while, her vision got blurry from looking at the blueprints too long, causing a frustrated sigh to leave Yuko's lips as she closed down the screen and pinched the bridge of her nose. "Pops was right, I really oughta get more sleep..." Yuko trailed off under her breath, though it pained her a bit to admit it. She slipped off her boots, sliding into bed as an exhausted sigh left her lips. Her emerald flecked sapphire eyes drooped, her hair falling in her face like a curtain as her eyes finally closed. 'I'll jump on repairs early tomorrow... For now, though, Pops is right. I need rest....'
While she slept, Yuko was unaware of the chaos that was about to unfold... Unaware of the growing threat on the surface...
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