#i can quote this movie off by heart negl
laufire · 5 years
☕️ Both fandom and the MCUs dismissal / forgetting of Christine Everhart.
Uggggggh. I have no words to explain how much I hate it, so I’m going to be using a lot of caps xD.
Like. You can get Harley for Tony’s funeral (which is good by me, gave me a lot of feels, etc.), you put GENERAL FREAKING ROSS THERE (WHY?? In which world does that make sense?? THEY DESPISED EACH OTHER. WASN’T IT A ~PRIVATE FUNERAL??). but NOT CHRISTINE??
After she was instrumental to Tony’s origin story? She was the one who prompted him to put on the armour for his FIRST heroic arc, who goaded him with the pictures, who told him she had actually believed him in the conference (and here I make a pause for my random shippy feels because SHE BELIEVED HIM. MY HEART).
And frankly? The dismissal is 100% because she had sex with Tony, and that made them see her as shallow and unprofessional (because in their minds sleeping with him means she didn’t truly believe in her criticism of him which?? I disagree, and I don’t know how you can sit and watch the rest of the film and still believe that). And Iron Man 2 totally contributed to this by adding her in just for that bs “using Hammer as an in to get to Tony” bs. Like, IMO it was to interview him, period, but still. I really wish her role there had been bigger, that she’d gotten curious about something being off with Tony, etc. But I guess three whole female characters with influence on the plot were just Too Much for one movie RME.
It pisses me off because I love her role so much in Iron Man and, like I say, that bs reading can’t sustain itself with the rest of the film. Her immediate reaction when she woke up in Tony’s house was snooping around, obviously to get some info. And yes, she and Pepper took digs at each other. But her next appearances were a.) in the gala where, as I said, she’s who pushed Tony into his first act as an actual superhero, and b.) the conference at the end, where she, AGAIN, pushed him to step up as Iron Man (the novelization quote on this is great because Tony is thinking about his own speech about transparency etc., WHICH AGAIN, Christine has a hand in…). like. SHE KICK-STARTED THIS FRANCHISE IDEC.
I love the WHIH shorts simply because she’s there (they don’t have much else to offer outside a few funny moments, from what I recall lol), but they’re nowhere near enough. Like I said, I wish she had gotten a bigger part in IM2, and a part at all in IM3, because that would’ve tied it all up. But most of all? I wish she’d been in CACW. That film NEEDED a journalist, IMO, someone that could bring the civilian POV in as an objective a way as possible. Imagine how great she could’ve been there: once again being the one that prompted Tony into action, following their pattern; at the talks, maybe interacting with the rest of the Avengers (I would’ve loved a Christine vs Steve showdown, NEGL xD).
Basically, I think it’s very, very basic sexism (both for the sex and because some people probably just dislike she antagonized Tony at all, period. Whatever. She’s driven AND she’s bitchy, and I freaking love it!); fandom isn’t alone there, because like I say, IM2 contributed. But from what I’ve seen around fandom didn’t need the help, because they dismissed her since IM1 anyway ¬¬
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