#i can just see hero being like he's litterally hanging christmas lights in his side of the room-
i-like-omori · 1 year
i think kel would fall in love with rbg lights
or multi color fairly lights
Christmas lights
okay he doesn't seem like the stereotypical person who does like these things (gamers and cottage core dudes) but the thing is
he doesn't know shit about what rbg lights mean to the populous
he doesnt know of the annoying cheeto-dust finger gamer guys with an rgb pc
he doesnt know about the mushroom people who's life style has been greatly desaturated
he just likes the lights without bias
and somehow because he is unbiased in the way he loves these colorful lights if he ever got a hold of them somehow in is infinite wisdom he'd make the coziest warmest little patch in the side of his room where he sleeps
a place thats homey and warm and makes you feel happy
and it will be strikingly rainbow.
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secondhand-trash · 5 years
The Many Times He Tried To Kiss You and the One Time You Kissed Him
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Secret santa event (by @bnhaclaimedmysoul​) the gift for @energi-ball 
A/N: what’s Christmas without a fic about mistletoe and a title that is longer than my will to live?;) To the person who is getting this, I hope that you like this and I somewhat lived up to your expectations as your secret santa!
Description: Kirishima almost gave up on creating the perfect moment for your first kiss when the holiday cheer decided to give him a helping hand.
Pairing: Kirishima Eijirou x reader
Word count: 2017
You two had been dating for far too long for this to even be a proper concern but right now, Kirishima Eijirou was having the biggest inner conflict as to when was the perfect occasion to have your first kiss.
Now before you laugh, like literally everyone else when he did so little as brought up the fact that it had been months since you accepted his confession but you two had yet kissed, please consider how your boyfriend was literally one of the most precious human beings out there and for him to share that moment with you under a circumstance that was anything less than perfect would be a dishonor to him, to you, his family, his heroic moralities, and his utter most aspiration of the positive display of manliness.
Well, that was a bit extra, wasn’t it? But at least you get just why he was so torn now. The point was, he wanted it to be a moment you could look back on years later and thought of it with a smile. A sweet reminiscent of young love that blossomed into something more because although it was yet another thing that people teased him about, he had full intention to follow the manliest promise there could be, ‘hand in hand, till the day you grow old’.
Basically, if it does not look like a scene straight out of a rom-com, it was not good enough.
The first time he even had the urge to initiate anything was during one of the rare moments that you two had the classroom to yourselves. Classes had already ended and on this rare weekend where there were no training after school, everyone had eagerly ran out of the classroom as soon as the bell rang to latch onto the free time that they probably wouldn’t get in a very long time if the chance was missed.
You did not need to go out, the times when everyone else was gone and it was just the two of you was the time you treasured the most.
Sitting down at the desk in front of you, Kiri looked up at you whilst laying on your desk. The angle made him look like a little puppy and you were sure that you could not get anything done if he kept staring at you like that. 
“What are you doing?” He asked, leaning his head on his folded arms as he tilted it to the side, watching you with curiosity when you pulled out a few pens from your bag. 
There were a few things that could melt your heart. Seeing your boyfriend who was big and beefy and had every part of his appearance screaming pure display of masculinity being such a big contrast to the way he looked and acting like nothing less of a soft guard dog by your side took up most of them.
“Trying to write the cards that I have yet to finish.” You smiled and started scribbling on the few envelopes that you had prepared. School had been so hectic that you didn’t have the energy to sit down in front of a desk and use your hand to write after each long day. Your plan was to grasp at each spare minute you could get to see if you could actually get all of them done before break.
Letting out a soft hummed, Kiri gently grabbed the wrist of your writing hand and lifted it just a bit to see what you had written. There was a (badly) drawn doodle of All Might at the corner of the card and he chuckled, knowing immediately who the card would be going to.
“Is mine in there as well?” He asked, motioning to the many empty cards that were littering all across the wooden surface.
Would it be malicious if you tease him a little? “I’m not planning to write you one.”
“What?” He exclaimed and pouted, resembling the look of a child who was scolded, “Why?”
Your boyfriend was very easy to understand, no hidden agendas or honey coated words, only genuine feelings behind everything he does. Now that he had his head lowered and only his eyes peeking out from his arms, you were starting to feel bad. “What can I possibly write on yours when I already tell you everything I feel about you?” You said and tried to get him to look at you by poking the sharp edges at the top of his head.
“Yeah, but...”
“I’m just messing with you, yours was the first one I wrote.”
You grinned as he immediately sat his back straight, absolutely beaming at you. How adorable, you thought as you reached out to caress his cheek, feeling your own fluster even more as he leaned into your touch.
The sun was setting outside and the golden sun casted a warm glow to everything it could shine on. You looked gorgeous, your eyes sparkling with affection and the golden hour doing wonders to your skin. Not that you weren’t always gorgeous, Kirishima thought to himself and felt a slight warmth creeping up to his cheeks.
Kissing in an empty classroom with a sunset by the window was romantic, right?
When he slowly got up and leaned towards you, your breath hitched at the back of your throat. You shut your eyes tight in anticipation when his face was closing in on yours. You heart was pounding when you felt his hot breath on yours.
You screamed when the loud sound of the door sliding open startled you. You opened your eyes only to see that Kiri had fallen back onto the chair, looking equally startled as you were.
Stiffly turning your gaze to the door, you paled when you realised that the intruder of your moment was none other than your teacher who looked rather displeased and tired as usual.
“Can you two get this somewhere that no one would see?” Aizawa sighed, rubbing his temple as he speak, “Now leave, the campus will be closed in 5 minutes.”
Your face was nearly as red as your boyfriend’s hair when you hastily grabbed your stuff and walked pass your teacher as you two left the room.
You know what people say about bad things coming in threes? Only in this case, the powers from above decided that failing three times was not enough.
The second time he tried to kiss you, you were at an arcade. Kirishima simply could not help himself when you cheered as you hit the target, the excitement on your face and the way you were breathing heavily only added to how lovely you looked. When he wrapped one arm around your shoulder and pulled you closer, he was almost certain that this would be it. Until his hopes were rudely shattered when a small child pushed the two of your apart to reach his favourite game. Although he was smiling when the child’s mother apologized profusely, he was secretly screaming in frustration inside.
The third time it happened, it was right after training. Training to be a hero was rough, trying to be good at it was even rougher. As the alarm indicating that the time was up blasted through your ears, you could not control yourself but to lie on the cold hard floor and collect your breath. From the corner of your eye, you could see Kiri jogging his way to you with breathing just as irregular as yours. Sweat was dripping from his body and you had no shame in letting him know just how much you appreciated that sight. Nothing gets him going like knowing that you appreciated his form that he got from pure hard work. As he pulled you up from the ground, he helped you steady yourself onto the ground. You leaned on his shoulder, not caring about how he was covered in sweat and grim at all. When he leaned down, the both of you jumped in horror when the speaker suddenly started blasting from the top of your heads.
It was when the soul wrenching, ear piercing noise voice of Present Mic stabbed through your ear drums that you remembered that the training was watched by literally everyone in another room. They would never let you live it down.
By the fifth time, he had given up trying. Literally anything that could go wrong happened. Hell, he was sure that he slipped on a banana peel at one point and we all know that it was quite realistically impossible.
The odds were not on his side, and he had decided to just let it be.
Taking a sip of your drink, you laughed as you watch whatever shenanigans your classmates were up to.
When Mina suggested to hold a Christmas party at the dorm, no one expected it to turn out like this. Somehow, they had managed to completely revamp the yard in just hours time. You could barely recognize the space you live in when you walked in to see fairy lights hanging everywhere and a huge table set up in the middle with refreshments piled up on it. 
It seemed like the holiday spirit was not enough to stop your friends from being chaotic. Bakugou was yelling at Midoriya as usual, but he still shoved whatever the green-haired kid gave him into his pocket. Sero challenged Kaminari to pour the entire bag of doritos in his mouth and someone should probably stopped them before someone die choking. Todoroki was attempting to create snow with the analysis of Yaoyorozu and Iida while Tokoyami sat at the side, saying that someone of darkness like him was not one for the cheer but you could see him smiling at the mess as well. All in all, everyone was having a good time and for the first time in forever, you felt more like an average teenager than a hero-to-be that lives on the edge.
“Not gonna join?” You smiled as you felt the sudden warmth that radiated next to you and looked to your side to see Kiri with an amused grin.
You shook your head with a laugh. “No, I much prefer watching.”
Humming in response, he followed your gaze to the rest of the class. They sure were a fun bunch to be around, no doubt. 
His heart flustered when he felt a sudden weight on the side of his arm. Leaning onto him, you yawned as you smothered your face onto his arm. “I’m starting to get a bit tired.”
Gently tugging a piece of your hair behind your ear, he asked in no more but a whisper, “Want me to tug you in?”
“Please do.” You said and held onto his arm that was wrapped securely around your waist. As you reached the glass door to the indoors, there was a sudden shout from afar that made you snapped your head back in question.
“Oi, Kirishima!” Kaminari yelled with both hands around his mouth and gave his friend a big thumbs up, mouthing a good luck. 
The two of you looked at each other, completely puzzled as to what made them so excited all of a sudden. Sero laughed and pointed at the top of your head. Following his pointing fingers, your eyes widened when you saw the small plant hanging at the door frame.
With the roars and wolf whistles from your friends, Kirishima looked down at you but avoided your gaze. “We can just go if you don’t-”
He was cut of by the crisp sound of your laugh. You cupped his cheek and he froze at the contact. You looked stunning under the lights.
“Merry Christmas.” You whispered into his lips before sealing the distance between you and him. He smiled as his hand found its way to the back of your head, savouring the much waited kiss. Although the cheers of your friends filled the air, it felt like it was just the two of you.
It could not have gone any more perfectly.
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