#i can actually cut tomatoes again without worrying about slipping and slicing my finger open! a win
supercantaloupe · 2 years
honestly learning basic knife sharpening has been a big help for me
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leossmoonn · 4 years
hi can i have a stefan x fem reader fluff ig? idk stefan has been living in my mind rent free i miss him so much lol😌
yes 🥰
imagine - having your first offical date w stefan! (fem!reader)
note - this wasn't meant to be a blurb in the first place,  but this is like super long. i got kinda carried away.. like 3.2k words...... enjoy :
“Oh, you look so cute!” Caroline squealed. She jumped on her heels in excitement, standing back to look at her work. 
You were going on a date tonight with the very handsome, very mysterious Stefan Salvatore. He had been in town for a few months, and while you knew all about vampires and witches, you never actually had a chance to talk to him one-on-one. There were many occasions where you had to save your best friends, and you had to work with him. From what you gathered by working with him he was kind, smart, funny, and extremely handsome. You were very surprised he asked you out, considering you two never actually spoke to one another. 
He had asked you out after Isabel came into town. Amongst all the crazy, there still seemed time to enjoy a nice date out with a nice boy, so you took the chance. There was really no reason to say no, anyways. 
You had told your best friends about the date, making them very excited and very pushy in helping you. Caroline, who was the head in all of this help, planned your outfit, makeup, and gave you pointers on what to say and how to act. You felt a little annoyed by her, but you knew she meant well. Plus, she really did dress you in something cute.
You looked in the mirror, seeing yourself in a dark-blue dress and a black belt that went around your waist. The dress was spaghetti-strapped, so you had to wear a black jacket over it. The dress ended just right above your knees, and you had black heels to match. Caroline had insisted on you leaving your hair in its natural state so Stefan could see the real you, but you decided to put it up in your favorite hairstyle. Your makeup was natural, all but the red lipstick on your lips that Caroline also insisted on. You couldn’t help but smile, you loved what she did.
“Thank you, Care,” you smiled. You turned back to your friends, seeing Bonnie and Elena’s faces in big smiles. 
“What?” You asked. 
“You just... you’ve never been on a date before. I’m so excited for you!” Elena exclaimed. 
You chuckled, “I’m excited for me, too. After tonight, I won’t be the friend who hasn't been on a date anymore!”
“Well, I haven't been on a date before,” Bonnie said. 
You scoffed, “Uh, yes, you have. You just haven’t had a boyfriend before, which is something I haven’t had, either.”
“Yeah, Elena’s the only one who has had a boyfriend,” Caroline smirked. 
Elena rolled her eyes, “Yeah, and we all saw how that worked out.”
You chuckled a little. A knock on the front door got your attention. 
“Is that him?” Bonnie asked. 
You nodded, suddenly getting nervous. Caroline sensed your nervousness and pulled you into a hug. 
“You will do great! He asked you out without even getting to know you, don’t stress,” she said. 
“Thanks, Care. I gotta go. I can’t keep him waiting,” you sighed and pulled away. 
The girls followed you to the door, making you roll your eyes and try to shoo them away. You opened the door, your anxiety almost immediately disappearing  once you saw Stefan. 
He was wearing jeans, a grey-fitted shirt and a leather jacket. He had a big smile on his face as he looked at you. 
“You look beautiful,” he spoke, looking into your eyes. You looked down at the ground with a shy smile on your face.
“Thank you. You look really, really um, handsome,” you said, bashful. 
“Thank you,” he smiled. “Are you ready to go?” He held his hand out for you to take. 
You lifted your head up, putting your hand out hesitantly and slipping it into his. Tingles ran up from your fingers to your arm as you interlocked hands with his. 
“Have fun!” Elena giggled. 
“Not too much, though!” Caroline exclaimed.
You looked back, rolling your eyes at them. You went out of your house, shutting the door behind you. Stefan walked you to his car, opening the door for you. 
“Wow, and he’s chivalrous,” you teased, stepping into the car. 
“Back in my day, women were treated like princesses. Every man did everything for them,” Stefan said. 
“Wow, sounds like heaven. I mean, despite all the rights we didn’t have,” you snorted. 
Stefan chuckled, “True.”
Stefan got in the driver’s seat, starting the car. 
“So, where are you taking me?” You asked. “My house,” Stefan answered. 
“Oh, I should’ve put on something more... chill,” you chuckled, looking down at your date attire.
“No, no! This is proper date attire, anyways. I’m cooking for us,” Stefan glanced at you, smiling.
“Woah, I feel so special,” you smiled. “I like to cook for the girls I take out,” Stefan said. 
“And do you... take a lot of girls out?” You asked. You started to feel nauseous as you thought of his answer.
“No, honestly. Just whenever I do, I cook,” he shrugged. 
You nodded. “When was the last time you had a girlfriend?” 
“Um, 1964, I think,” he answered. Your eyes widened, “You waited 45 years?”
“Well, it’s not like I waited to find the right one or anything. I was just never very interested in dating or anything,” he answered honestly. 
“What made you change now?” You asked. “Oh, well,” Stefan started. Now it was his turn to be shy. 
“Well, first off, you. I know we’ve never talked a lot, but whenever I would see you, I’ve always would think you were pretty. And, Caroline and Damon wouldn’t stop teasing my about my “very apparent crush”,” he explained. 
“I never noticed it. Then again, most people are oblivious to those types of things,” you chuckled.  “Agreed. But yeah, so, you’re basically my reason.” You smiled, “You know you to make a girl feel special.”
“I try,” Stefan smiled and parked his car the the Salvatore house entrance. Stefan got out, hurrying to open the door for you. 
You giggled, “Thank you.”
Stefan hummed a “you’re welcome”.
You two entered the house. You had been here plenty times before, so it wasn’t a big surprise to you. But the kitchen table was. 
The table had a white cloth on it, candles, silverware on napkins, and a pretty bouquet of flowers on it. You smiled, “This is so beautiful.”
“Thank you,” Stefan said, moving past you to the stove. You went over to him, watching him grab a pan and different ingredients. 
“So, what are you making?” You asked. “Ratatouille,” he answered. 
You cocked up a brow. “Like from the movie?”
“Yeah,” Stefan smiled. 
“Cool,” you smiled. 
“Do you mind helping me?” Stefan asked. “Nope. Not at all. I must admit, I like cooking, but I'm really bad,” you chuckled. 
“I bet you’re not that bad,” Stefan said. “We’ll see. So, what do you need me to do?” You asked. 
“Preheat the oven to 375, please,” he directed. 
You nodded and walked over to the oven.
“Now, help me with slicing some vegetables. Which one do you want to slice, eggplant, squash, tomato, or zucchini?” Stefan asked.
“Um, I’ll take the squash,” you said. You went over next to him, taking a knife and placing the eggplant on the cutting board. 
“So, what was life like in the 19th century?” You asked. 
“Hm, peaceful. Fun, relaxing. Of course, there was a war going on, and vampires running through town,” Stefan said.
“Like Katherine?” You asked. Stefan sighed, “Yeah, like Katherine.”
“What about your childhood?” You asked. 
“Um, rough? My mom died when I was little and my dad was always tough on us. We were expected to be men by age 6.”
“Wow, that sounds fun.” Stefan chuckled, “It was. How about you? What was your childhood like?”
“Fun, relaxing, never boring. Well, that was before I met Elena, Caroline, and Bonnie,” you said. 
“What was it like before then?”
“Um.. horrible? I had like, no friends,” you chuckled. “I was the weird, book-carrying girl that no one liked and everyone teased. Bonnie and Elena adopted me soon after I was in one of their classes in middle school. I’ve been best friends with them ever since. Granted, I'm more closer with Bonnie and Elena, Caroline was kind of jealous of me I think, but we all are best friends. I couldn’t imagine my life without them.” Stefan smiled, “That’s sweet. Damon was, and well, still is, my best friend, as much as I hate to admit it. We’ve drifted apart. A lot. Ever since we were vampires we have been.”
“Wow. Well, it's nice to at least have someone like that you can ask for help, always. I'm a single child. But, Caroline and Bonnie are like the two sisters I’ve never had. Elena, of course, has Jeremy,” you said. “Who isn't here, but hey, that’s why she has us.”
“That’s nice. Well, wait, now thinking about it, I do have a best friend, other than Damon,” Stefan said. 
“Ooh, who?”
“Her name’s Lexi,” he said. “If she’s your best friend, where is she?” You asked. 
“In New York. We send emails to each other and whatnot. She’s the one who helps with my bloodlust,” he explained.
“Wow, she sounds really nice,” you smiled. “Yeah, she is. And don’t worry, there is nothing romantic going on there. She just makes me a better person,” he explained. 
“That was my next question. Well, I hope I get to meet her someday. She sounds awesome,” you smiled. 
“I hope so, too. Hey, maybe I’ll email her and have her come over next time. She's actually very interested in you,” he said. 
“Oh, really? She knows about me?” You asked. 
“Well, I mean, she asks me all the time if I'm seeing anyone, and I told her I liked you, and well I told you about her,” Stefan blushed. 
You giggled, “Well, good to know. I'm even more excited to meet her now.”
“Good, good. I’ll tell her that,” he winked. Your face began to feel warm again and you hid your face from his view. 
He had a big smile on his face. He moved over to the stove, turning on the heat and put on a saucepan. 
“What happens now, chief?” You asked, settling your hands on your hips. 
“Well, now we make the sauce. You mind dicing these bell peppers?” He asked, getting one yellow and one red one out of the fridge. 
You nodded, washing your hands and beginning to dice them. 
“Do you want some wine?” Stefan asked, holding a wine bottle.
“Sure,” you smiled. 
“This is the good stuff. We keep all the good liquor in this cabinet. Don’t tell anyone,” Stefan said. 
You nodded, “Lips are sealed.”
Stefan smiled and poured you a glass, setting it next to him. You thanked him, dicing up the bell peppers. Once you were done, you let Stefan take over. He put olive oil in the pan a few minutes before, then put the bell peppers, onion and garlic he was dicing earlier. 
“How did you learn how to cook?” You asked.
“Um, kind of just by watching my mom. I learned more by doing jobs and stuff. You know, I can’t be a lazy vampire the whole time, so I went to culinary school. It was a good hobby for me and soon became a fun, creative, and easy thing for me to do. It distracted me a lot from the bloodlust and family, too,” he explained.
“Culinary school, huh? That’s really cool,” you said. 
Stefan chuckled. “Thanks .”
You hummed in reply. You two talked more about your childhoods, interests, what you want to do after high school. After a few minutes of the vegetables sautéing, you had put the veggies that you had sliced up into a pattern in the pan. Stefan put the pan in the oven, setting the timer. 
“So, what do we do now?” You asked. “Well, we could drink more wine and talk or, we can drink more wine and I can give you a house tour,” he said. 
“Ooh, I want house tour!” You exclaimed. 
“Alright. Follow me, m’lady,” Stefan said, holding his arm out for you.
You giggled, “Don’t mind if I do, kind sir.” You wrapped your arm around his, your hand intertwining with his. Your other hand held the wine glass that he had refilled. 
“So, that’s the kitchen, as you saw. This is the living room, and the Salvatore study is on the other side. You’ve already seen those, though, so let’s go upstairs.”
You nodded, walking with him up the stairs.
“So, over here are a few guest bedrooms. This is Damon’s room,” Stefan said, opening the door a little. You peeked into it, your eyes widening. 
“Wow. Never knew Damon was such an alcoholic,” you snorted, pulling your head back. 
“All vampires are, honestly. We’re basically immortal so, you know, no liver disease or anything for us,” Stefan said. 
“Wow, lucky. I mean, I don’t drink much anyways. I usually just have one beer at every party I go to. I don’t like the taste of cheap beer,” you explained. 
“Wow, I may have just found the perfect woman,” Stefan teased. 
You giggled, “Yeah, my friends think I'm too picky, but you know, if I’m gonna drink, I wanna drink the good stuff.”
“Exactly! See, I understand you, don’t worry,” Stefan smiled. 
You smiled, leaning into him a little as he led the way down the hall. You put your head on his shoulder, enjoying the warmth that he was exhibiting. You liked how you felt while being close to him, too. You felt safe, comforted. At home.
He looked down at you, smiling. “Here are a few more guest rooms, and here is my room,” he said.
“Can we go in?” You asked. 
Stefan nodded, opening the door. You stepped in the room, looking over everything. 
His bed at across the room, against the wall. He had his desk in the middle of the room, a bunch of books on it. He had a couch next to his bed and a few other chairs around the room, too. There was a huge bookshelf with lots of other books and other decorative objects. 
“Wow. your room is huge,” you said. 
“Yep,” Stefan said, standing in the doorway. 
You went over to his bed, taking a seat. Stefan went over and took a seat next to you. 
“This is a... wow,” you said, bouncing on the bed slightly. “This is a comfortable bed. Where did you get this mattress?” 
“Um... I’m not sure,” Stefan chuckled. 
“Ugh, I am jealous,” you smiled. “I wish I could sleep here.”
“Maybe you can if we continue uh, going on dates and stuff,” Stefan said. 
You turned to him, smiling big. “I’d like that.”
Stefan smiled at you, putting his hand on your cheek, rubbing his thumb up and down on your cheekbone lightly. Your stomach did flips and your whole body became warm from his touch. You saw him leaning in and you started to get nervous. You had never kissed anyone before. Well, you have, but your first kiss was just a peck. And you had a feeling that this wasn’t gonna be just a peck. 
You leaned in, too, taking a deep breath to try and calm yourself down. Unfortunately, that didn’t work. Stefan’s face got closer and you felt his lips brush on yours with feathery-light pressure. Your body jolted back, your eyes going wide. 
Stefan looked at you, worried. 
“Did I... did I do something wrong?” He asked. 
You started to blush profusely. “No,” you shook your head. “I just um... the feeling really was new and surprising to me.”
Stefan smiled, “Yeah, kisses with the right person are like that.”
“You didn’t even kiss me, though,” you chuckled. 
“Do you want me to?” Stefan asked, looking into your eyes. 
You smiled and nodded slowly, scooting closer to him. Stefan put his hand on your face again. bringing his lips to yours. He kissed you and your whole brain exploded. You saw bright colors as you kissed him back, loving the feeling he gave you. His lips were soft and warm, and were really really good at kissing. They kissed you back slowly, softly. He was going gentle on you, which was something you appreciated immensely. Your hands went up to his neck, wanting him closer.
You pulled away for air, though, your eyes meeting his instantly. You went back to your flustered and shy behavior, looking away from him and biting your lip in excitement. Stefan couldn’t help but smile at how cute you were. 
The oven beeped downstairs, singling that the ratatouille was done. He took your hand, pulling you up. 
“Hungry?” He asked. 
You smiled, “Very.”
You two walked back downstairs. You set two glasses and poured wine in them while Stefan took out the pan. He put the food on two dishes, mixing up a salad and getting some dinner rolls. 
You went over to him, getting your plate and setting it down on the plate by your chair. Stefan brought over the rest of the food, sitting down with you. 
“Dig in,” Stefan smiled. 
You did as he said, groaning at how amazing the food tasted. 
“You are... ugh, amazing. God. What can’t you do?” You asked. 
Stefan smiled. “Um... I can’t bake.”
You scoffed, “Everyone can bake. Sorry, Stefan, you're perfect.”
Stefan smiled, “Nope, that’s you.”
“Oh, yeah?” You smiled. 
“Yeah,” he smiled bigger and nodded.
You blushed profusely again. “I think the wine is catching up to us.”
“Hm, maybe. But you asked,” Stefan smiled. You laughed, “I did.” You two ate and talked a little more about your hobbies. After a third glass of wine, you decided that it was time for you to go. So, Stefan went and drove you home. The drive home was silent, but comfortable. Stefan had asked to put a hand on your thigh, to which you smiled and granted him access to. His touch made you warm and fuzzy inside, which was something you would be able to experience again with him. 
Stefan got to your house, walking you up the the door. 
“I had an amazing time,” you smiled.
“I did, too,” Stefan smiled.
You took his hands in yours, leaning up and pressing a kiss to his lips. He kissed you back for a few moments before you two pulled away for air. 
“I’ll call you, uh, later,” you said. 
“Alright. I’ll be waiting. Have a good night, Y/n,” Stefan smiled. 
You smiled back at him. “I will. See you tomorrow.” You unlocked your door, going inside your house.
“You, too,” Stefan smiled, watching you close the door with a big smile. 
You shut the door behind you, putting your back to the door, seeing Elena, Caroline, and Bonnie in your living room. 
“So, how was it?” Bonnie asked. 
“I think I’m in love.”
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the-pale-goddess · 4 years
The Talk - Ethan Ramsey x MC (Tiffany Addams)
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And I’ve got nothing left to lose, besides you
I’ve already lost you once, what more could you do?
Warnings: a few curse words, a bottle of wine, just a mere mention of some adult themes? nothing filthy this time – what happened to me???
Author’s note: This fic is the second part of We’ll Talk About It Later two shot based on OH2, Ch 8+9 > the first part: Breaking The Habit (NS*FW)
It’s been an emotional rollercoaster, but... the talk™ is finally here. I’ve put so much work into this and I don’t think I’d ever be satisfied with the result so...I’m just posting the last version and never reading it again lol  
Taglist - none of the tags worked last time, so I’ll post the taglist separately in a reblog
We'll talk about it later.
Tiffany's mind was racing at a speed she couldn't control. She stared out the window the whole ride from her apartment to Ethan's, stealing only occasional glances in his direction. They didn't talk much in the car and she was grateful he didn't push the small talk through. The young doctor was reluctant to burst the bubble prematurely and this soothing silence proved to be a source of cold comfort.
Everything seemed so volatile...She needed them to be real now more than ever. But the fear of another heartbreak was eating her alive. Sure, there's been an evident shift in his behavior. As the walls of his stern professionalism have been gradually crumbling down, the list of their unethical pursuits kept on growing – he let her back in, he confided in her, he was showing her affection, he kissed her twice, he comforted her, he fucked her brains out just a moment ago in his office...But he never said he changed his mind about the nature of their relationship. We'll talk about it later. And later was finally coming their way.
„So...Your friends weren't home?” Ethan was the one to break the silence and Tiffany's stomach jumped.
„Yeah, Sienna & Elijah are doing the night rounds. Jackie's probably out & about. I'm not sure about Aurora.” She tried to keep her thoughts in check by recognizing the neighborhood. They must've been just a few minutes away from his apartment.
„What about Lahela?” Tiffany cocked her brow and looked at him with arms folded across her chest.
„What about him?” Her giggle received a reproving side-eye.
„He's not living with you?” Ethan's hidden agenda behind this question was blatant and made Tiffany laugh even harder.
„No. He's just always around, you know, as a part of the gang. Just like...” Her voice suddenly cracked and she swallowed loud before finishing the sentence. „Kyra.”
Ethan's hand slipped on her knee, giving it a comforting squeeze as they were driving into the underground parking in his building. He parked in his spot and turned the engine off.
„Tiffany...” He took her hand in his, their fingers entwined tightly. They shifted in their seats to face one another. There was something different about his smile, something warmer than what she was used to. „Do you remember your first weeks at Edenbrook?”
„How could I ever forget?”
„I've made the beginning of your internship truly horrible, haven't I?” The roughness of his fingers far removed from the gentle touch of his thumb against her silken skin.
„Well...I wouldn't say it was that horrible. But I have to admit you were extremely demanding and harsh. Not to mention you had a real mean streak.”
„I was an asshole, Tiffany. Let's face it.” She dropped her jaw in surprise, but didn't oppose. „I played on your emotions and pushed you to your limits.”
„You wanted me to be the best doctor I could be, I...”
„You had the potential to be the best even without my supervision. Besides, my motives are not the case here.” He interrupted her with a shake of his head. „The point is...I pushed you hard. And you always pushed back. You have a habit of finding a way through all the mud and the dirt. Everything you've experienced only made you stronger and prepared you for the worst. You can do anything, Rookie.”
„Ethan...” She smiled at him with teary eyes and leaned closer.
„I suppose it's not much of a comfort when your friend is dying and you're more than aware of the grim prognosis...But we'll do whatever it takes to save Kyra. And you'll be the strongest support by her side.”
„Didn't we establish earlier that the idea is to stop me from crying, not make me all weepy again?” They shared a laugh while Tiffany tried to keep her tears at bay.
„We did. I just thought you needed a reminder of how powerful you are.” Without a warning, he captured her lips in a sweet, long kiss. Her heart was ready to jump out of her chest.
„I feel reminded. Your mission was a howling success, Doctor.” She muttered between a few quick pecks on the lips.
„Have you seriously considered a different outcome?” His scoff earned a roll of her eyes.
„Oh, boy...I suppose your ego will be joining us at the dinner?”
„My ego will cook the dinner. Quit complaining, let's go upstairs.” She gave him that look before they finally got out of the car. The you're fucking unbelievable look, the one that always gave him an unhealthy sense of pride. Truth be told, he was justifiably proud of himself this time – shutting Tiffany Addams up is quite an accomplishment.
„Jenner's in Providence again?” Tiffany asked while taking her heels off. A sigh of relief escaped her mouth when her bare feet touched the cold marble floor.
„Yes. My father's babysitting him.” With a simple hand gesture Ethan invited her to follow him further inside. He watched her walk by his side in a skintight jacket dress. He noticed the change in her clothing back in the car, but it was impossible to admire it in the dim glow of the streetlamps. He had to catch up.
„I miss this fella and his cute little paws.” She pouted with disappointment as they moved towards the kitchen.
„Don't worry, he'll be back next week.” Tiffany flushed under Ethan's intense gaze. The unspoken promise of whatever could happen next startled them both.
„Is that an invitation?” She leaned on the counter trying not to show how nervous she was. But Ethan looked right through her. He took a step forward, approaching her with a similar trepidation, and twirled a strand of her hair around his finger.
„It is. Mind that Jenner tends to extend his walks – you'll need a pair of comfortable shoes for that.”
„Noted. I'll be ready.” She nodded, cursing herself as a reminder to stay stane. But it was already too late, she was under his spell.
„I need a shower before we start demolishing my kitchen.” Ethan looked her up and down, his eyes were trailing over her curves while his thoughts tormented him with the vivid memory of the silky skin underneath her clothes. „Would you...like to join me?”
Tiffany hesitated with the answer. A part of her demanded immediate answers, the other urged her to throw herself into his arms. She bit her lip so hard she probably bruised it, if Ethan's teeth haven't already done that before.
„As tempting as it sounds...If I'd choose to shower with you we wouldn't be able to keep our hands off each other.” She returned the hungry look and smiled like a wicked witch. „And I came here for that talk you owe me.”
„You're right.” Tiffany could sense the heightened tension in Ethan's voice, no matter how much he tried to hide it. „First things first.”
„First things first.” She repeated after him. „Besides, I freshened up real quick in my apartment. I can actually play the assistant chef while you're showering.”
„Not a bad idea. We're having salmon with tomato sauce.” He moved across the kitchen to get the ingredients. „It's the kind of comfort food that doesn't require much time and energy.”
„I really like the sound of that. Just boss me around, Chef Ramsey.” Tiffany winked at him with a teasing smile, unintentionally testing his patience. He shook his head undefeated, the iconic smirk playing back on his face, his fragile composure still in place.
„You can start with squashing these tomatoes.” He put a bowl of ripe cherry tomatoes in front of her, soon joined by a bulb of fresh young garlic. „And then slice the garlic nice and thin. You'll find all the equipment you need in the drawers on your left.”
„Got it! Just don't take too long.” She waved at Ethan's back while checking the nearest drawer in search of a proper knife and a cutting board.
After gathering all the necessities, she washed the tomatoes and chopped them in halves. When she finished slicing the bulb of garlic into thin wedges, she instinctively moved to the liquor cabinet and started browsing through an impressive collection of expensive wines, allowing herself to pick their poison for tonight.
The search was interrupted by Ethan's footsteps. Tiffany strolled back to reality, experiencing another surge of undeclared anxiety. She glanced at him over her shoulder and the sight had her taken aback.
„Ethan Ramsey in a plain t-shirt and sweatpants? My, oh my...You took the sleepover joke way too seriously.” She hid behind a soft giggle, hoping it would relieve some of the tension.
„You don't think that I move around my house in a suit, do you?” The amused grimace on her face made him chuckle. „Please, don't answer that.”
„Sorry. I didn't mean to make fun of you. I just...” Her eyes scanned his body, admiring the way the tight white shirt fit over his defined chest. „Didn't really expect you to be serving this kind of look.”
„Well.” His hand flicked through his damp hair. „I intend to serve you dinner.”
„Then what are we waiting for?” Tiffany grinned at his response and Ethan shook his head with a slight discomfiture as he guided her back to the kitchen. She took one of the bottles and quickly followed him.
„Peregrine is an excellent choice.” Ethan pointed at the red Burgundy cradled in her arms. She fixed him with a meaningful look and put the bottle on the table, waiting for him to bring the corkscrew and two glasses.
„Yeah, I'm a big fan of high-class red wine.” He snorted with laughter while opening the bottle.
„You picked the one with the funniest name, am I right?” Tiffany bit her bottom lip and laughed along as she walked up behind him, sniffing at the fresh scent of his musky cologne mixed with the shower gel.
„What gave me away?” Her eyes were fixed on the burgundy liquor slowly filling the glass. In spite of the seemingly laid-back atmosphere, neither of them could shake the pervasive tension off.
„Let's just say I'm familiar with your drinking habits.” He offered her a full glass and a cheeky smile, and she readily accepted both, brushing his finger ever so slightly when she reached for her drink. Their eyes immediately locked.
„I can't even disagree with you on that. Would you like to propose a toast?”
They kept on staring at each other for a long while, the maddening silence wrapped around them, closing the distance between their bodies.
„To happy endings and new beginnings.” As soon as their glasses clinked, they dipped their lips into the wine, holding the gaze the whole time.
„We should...”
„By all means, yes. The cooking will take about 10 to 15 minutes, so you can make yourself comfortable in the living room.”
„No, I'm coming with you, Chef.” He raised his brows, a knowing smile lit his face up and he nodded in approval.
Tiffany sat on a bar stool in the kitchen, where she had a first-row view at Chef Ramsey in action. He put a drizzle of oil to a hot frying pan and fried the garlic until it was caramelized. Then, he added the tomatoes and cooked the sauce for a few minutes, trying not to distract his attention from the kitchen maneuvers. With a determined effort of will he maintained his focus, barely squinting at Tiffany, as she watched him hypnotized – studying his face and every move he accomplished with mathematical precision.
„You're strangely silent.” He stole a glance at his companion while seasoning the salmon.
„Shh. I'm watching a cooking show.” A dulcet laughter escaped Ethan's mouth and he found himself distracted for one split second when Tiffany sent him the most charming smile.
He put the fillets in another pan and cooked them until the fish was done. After he chopped and stirred fresh mint and dill through the sauce, he dished up the salmon fillets and served them with a generous spread of the sauce and a side of Greek salad.
The Chef Ramsey Special lived up to Tiffany's expectations and she eagerly praised Ethan's cooking skills during the dinner. They managed to forget about the whole purpose of the visit for the time being, chatting about everything and nothing in particular. As quickly as they finished the first glass of wine after the meal, the odd vexation sneaked up on them again.
„Shall we move somewhere comfortable?” Ethan's offer was greeted with a quiet acceptance. Tiffany strolled to the living room and curled up on the couch. Ethan refilled their glasses and joined her, keeping the safe distance between them. His emotions rapidly skipped from vaguely calm to a nervous wreck. He took a massive gulp of wine in order to gather his courage and looked over the room.
„We're really doing this.” Tiffany crooned.
„I suppose we are...” He took a deep breath, thinking of a proper way to verbalize his thoughts.
„I had a really long talk with my dad after you've left the other night. It made me realize what a timorous fool I've been.” He downed his Pinot Noir, holding the glass with shaky fingers.
„That's one way to put it.” She took a sip of her wine, leaning on the big pillow.
„A delusional jackass. A blind asshole...” He continued, his voice was dripping with absolute contempt.
„I think I got the gist, Ethan.” She covered his hand with hers. A rueful smile spread across his face as his thumb brushed her skin.
„Tiffany, I can't even begin to apologize for all the hurt I've caused.” He muttered, deeply ashamed.
„You tore my heart apart. I won't lie about that. All these nights I've been wondering where did I go wrong. I've tried to explain to myself which part of me was so undeserving...” She trailed off, her gaze focused on her half-empty glass of wine. The anguish of rejection was stamped on Tiffany's mind. She felt a stabbing pain, much like an old wound just reopened in her chest. The depth of this feeling was so overwhelming, it made her sick and she found herself near to tears.
„Tiffany.” Ethan squeezed her hand tight, his expression dead serious. „It was never about you.”
„I've realized that soon enough. It was always about you, Ethan. And I really thought I could fix you.”
„But you did fix me.” Her eyes met his again, their gaze reflecting the overflowing wave of emotions that filled the room. „I'm sorry it took me so long to acknowledge all the effort and hope you've put into me. You've fought for me tirelessly even when I felt like giving up on myself.”
„I'd never give up on you, even if it was the right thing to do.” She smiled through fresh tears cascading down her cheeks. Ethan's thumb immediately came to the rescue, wiping them away with a gentle stroke and a reassuring smile.
„Does that mean you accept my apology?” Tiffany bobbed her head in answer and sniffled quietly. Ethan drew closer to her, sighing softly with relief when she allowed their knees to touch and leaned into him.
„It's very rare that I'm wrong...But I'm willing to admit when I am. And I was hopelessly wrong about pushing you away, Tiffany.”
She regarded his features thoughtfully without saying a word. Once he realized it's a subtle sign that she's waiting for him to elaborate on the subject, he pinched the bridge of his nose and pressed ahead with his discourse.
„I always considered love to be a load of bollocks. I never thought it was on the cards for me. Then I met you and I knew right from the start that you will turn my world upside down.” The words stuck in his throat for a second. Her fingers entwined with his, sending an encouraging shiver down his spine as he continued. „I was such an adamant coward, too scared to admit that I'm losing my heart to you. I fooled myself into thinking that running away will solve everything.”
„But it didn't solve anything, did it? The reset button didn't work.”
„I don't remember psychology major on your resume, Rookie.” The corners of his mouth formed a cheeky grin.
„I can't blame you, it was listed as a hobby.” She shrugged her shoulders with a triumphant smile. Ethan studied her face in silence for a moment, as if he was looking for the missing piece of the puzzle.
„That's right, it didn't.” He finally affirmed. „I've been living in denial, making excuses I didn't even believe myself. But it ends now. I'm coming clean. ”
Tiffany freezed, feeling panic-stricken all of a sudden. It was happening. She wrote the script down in her mind, rehearsed it about a thousand times and waited patiently until that very moment to watch it unfold. It was really happening. Deep in her heart she knew what he was going to say. He didn't have to actually say it. And yet, it was crucial that he did.
Ethan imagined he'd be composed. He prepared himself to remain calm. He had it all planned, calculated and revised. The world-beating diagnostician failed to add one variable to his equation, though – the presence of the woman he's in love with. The way her wet emerald eyes penetrated his every thought, or how quickly her unstable breathing caused his limbs to shake. But this was the moment. The ultimate make-or-break decision.
The air suddenly brimmed over with bullish expectations. They gazed into each other's eyes, anxiously anticipating what was about to happen. Ethan inhaled sharply before speaking up, trying not to let the overpowering variety of emotions affect the outcome of the talk.
„I want you. I want to...Be with you.” He reached for her hand again and placed a kiss on her palm, studying the thunderstuck expression on her face. „I want to make us work properly this time. If you would have me back I promise I won't let you down.”
Tiffany freezed up completely as she stared at him speechless for what felt like forever. Ethan held her hand tight, stamping one of his feet impatiently in the hope of an immediate response.
Nothing could possibly prepare her for this. His last words triggered something hidden in Tiffany's memory. Her mind flashed back to the first day of her internship, and that distant thought brought an arcane smile to her lips.
„You can see the future?” When she finally found her tongue, Ethan's jaw dropped on the floor. Those were his words. A quick recollection of their conversation during the very first day of Tiffany's internship splashed across his mind.
„I guess I deserved that.” He chuckled lightly and rubbed his chin. Tiffany's infectious giggle was short-lived as her expression turned into an unsolvable riddle. She looked him deep in the eye, still holding his other hand.
„I can't have you back, Ethan.”
Ethan stopped breathing for a second and his body broke out in cold sweat. He didn't understand. Everything was going according to the plan...Has he misjudged her intentions? Could they really be at cross purposes?
„I can't have you back...Because you've never actually left.” Tiffany closed the distance between them, lowering her voice to a soft whisper. „You're the blood in my veins.”
Time stopped the moment they exchanged looks, allowing the meaning of their confessions to wash over them. They marvelled at each other with a beam of happiness, never breaking the gaze.
„Don't let me down, Ethan.” His face lit up with the most radiant smile she's ever seen on him and it was the only answer she needed.
„I'm never making this mistake again. I've learned my lesson.” He grabbed her by the sides and with one swift movement placed her on top of his legs. His hand traveled all the way up to cup her cheek, while she hooked her arms around his neck and squeezed him in a crushing hug.
„I'll be the judge of that.” Tiffany gently bumped her nose against his and licked her lips. Before she could blink, Ethan's lips crashed into hers with tremendous ardour. The kiss tasted like dry red wine and the longed-for sweet victory. It was urgent and deep.
And it still wasn’t enough.
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Romano’s Little Mix-up
Main Characters: Romano/Crimson, Veneziano, Lorelye (OC) Mentioned: Germany/Midsommer, Andromeda (OC), Annalise (OC), England
Synopsis: Romano makes a mess in the kitchen, and Veneziano is very worried for his brother’s sanity. 
The Southern Italian mindlessly tossed and stirred the sauce in the pot, humming a tune to himself. He was with his brother today, working on cleaning the house since their boss would be visiting at some point this week and they didn’t want everything to be a mess.  Romano hadn’t even thought about the meeting with his boss honestly. It didn’t bother him how his boss saw him.. If he was honest, he only really cared about how one person saw him right now. Not that he’d give that information away to anyone. He was honestly having a bit of fun being quiet about it.. Like a secret getaway between the two, despite some annoying loud pushy thick eyed moths trying to fly in and ruin their garden--
Wait.. where had he been going with that thought? He had a point… 
“I thought it was a nice little metaphor, Crimson!” he heard a cheer over his shoulder. Ah right, Annalise was away today so she had sent a small quieter fae in her place. He believed she had introduced herself as Loralye. She was smaller, buried in layers of soft pink petals with long peach colored hair. A small pair of glasses on the brim of her nose.. How did she get them so small, he couldn’t help but to wonder. She was a gentle one that had taken to Germany’s company he’d noticed, or since they had met in the dream, would she be closer to---
He shook his head, shaking away his thoughts. “Thank you.” 
“What was that?” he heard from across the room. Romano turned, seeing his brother had come in, seemingly finished with other room. “Did you say something?”
“Huh? Oh! No, just thinking out loud.” The Southern Italian said, turning back to his cooking. 
“Okay…” Veneziano said with a worried look before moving to slice up some bread for lunch. 
Veneziano had noticed his brother had been acting strange lately, strange in ways he couldn’t fully articulate. Strange in ways no one else would understand except perhaps Spain since he had lived with the Italian as well so he would know how the man acts when he’s most relaxed. But this? Something about this was just wrong. And it had been wrong for some time now. 
His brother just tended to leave without saying anything, only to come back in the later hours or the next day or not at all. And when he tried to inquire on where his brother had gone, the man would dodge the question until Veneziano gave in. 
He seemed giddier, he snapped less at people and tended to just smile more. He just seemed more at ease. He was taking more siestas, which wasn’t surprising but he had found Romano tangled in one of the garden’s bushes one morning after he apparently had sleep walked out to the garden! And he was always muttering to himself! Veneziano could never pick up on what he was saying, only a few words on occasion but it was like he was being followed by someone or something-- he never stopped talking to them. 
And it didn’t help that his brother and England seemed to be almost at one another’s throats… especially with this strangeness that had been going around as of late. Maybe that had something to do with Romano’s behavior..? He didn’t know.
Veneziano was worried, really worried about his brother. He should be happy that his brother seemed more open and relaxed but where was he running off to? Who is he whispering to? Was he going crazy?
Romano’s humming brought the northern Italian out of his thoughts. His brother seemed distant again, acting on autopilot as he cooked. Something about his eyes seemed off.. wrong. He couldn’t put his finger on it but from here they almost looked like they were tinted… But before he could investigate that any further he noticed his brother grab something by mistake. The Italian must have been reaching for the olive oil but grabbed the dish soap instead without paying attention. He expected his brother to see the mistake and correct it, but that didn’t seem to be the case. 
The Southern Italian snapped up, having been engrossed in a conversation with Loralye about what the lady liked to do when his brother had shouted. He paused, turning back to him. What was up his ass-- he wasn’t being too loud was he-?
“What are you doing?”
“Making Chicken Cacciatore? Did I not tell you I was making dinner?”
“Not that..” Veneziano sighed. “Look at what’s in your hand right now.”
Romano gave his brother a confused look before turning back to look at the dish and the bottle in his hand, which was not what he intended to grab. The tomato red cacciatore he had been making was now an off blue becoming faintly purple as he realized he had grabbed the dish soap instead. 
“Oh… shit.” he paused, sitting the bottle down. “I didn’t realize.”
Romano felt a vague sense of embarrassment, and it didn’t help as he could feel the tight grip on his shirt from the small fae on his shoulders and her profuse apologies in his ear. Veneziano frowned deeply, his worry only getting stronger as his brother looked more shocked than he should have been. Normally his brother would have tried to cover for his embarrassment, but he was silent after his realization, not a single excuse or angry cuss. 
“Fratello are you okay? You’re not one to not pay attention while you cook.”
“Si, si, I’m fine.” he sighed, turning off the stove and moving to take the pan to the trash. Welp, there goes that idea. “Just had a lot on my mind, it’s alright, I think we still have some things left in the fridge. I’ll just make something else.”
He could hear soft apologies in his ear and his rambles to his brother were cut off by soft reassurances to the fae on his shoulder. His brother frowned as Romano went to dump the ruined food.
“Are you sure okay?” 
“I’m fine Vene really I just wasn’t paying attention--”
Romano’s half-assed excuses were cut off by a hollow slam near the window, causing both of the Italians to scream and cuss, the southern Italian dropping the pan in the process. The two’s eyes whipped to the window, and Romano could swear he almost thought he saw a flash of red.. Or was it blue? Orange? It was a blend of color that seemed to be gone as quick as it came. 
“Wha-What was that!?” Veneciano cried, having ducked under the table and was now just barely peeking over the edge. 
“I don’t know, maybe a bird?” Romano said, reaching down to pick up the pan, sighing at the soapy sauce that had splattered on the floor. 
“That must have been a huge bird!” 
“I don’t know fratello- maybe the neighbors were playing ball or with their frisbees again?”
“And it didn’t shatter the glass?”
“We do have stronger glass in our windows remember?”
The northern Italian finally felt comfortable enough to come out from under the table, sighing as he did. 
“I guess you’re right.” 
“Hey, let’s focus on dinner for now, si?” Romano chuckled. “The cacciatore's a bust but maybe we can go out? Or we can go raid Germany’s house, that guy makes enough for an army.”
Veneziano almost agreed on instinct, before he stopped, turning toward his brother who had moved to the sink, filling the pan with water so he could wash it when it had cooled down. Romano’s eyes were zoned out a bit, and almost seemed darker again. And Veneziano got-- a bad feeling slowly crawling up his back.. 
“You want to go to Germany’s?”
“That’s…  what I said?” The southern Italian looked up from the dishes, giving his brother a confused look. The confusion in the Italian only rose as at the shocked expression Veneziano was giving him, Romano couldn’t help but crack a but of a smirk. He laughed a little, drying his hands before moving to the hall, patting his brother on the shoulder as he went out of the kitchen. His brother was think way too hard about this. It was just a visit, it wasn’t the end of the world or anything. Veneziano quickly followed after his brother down the hall to the front door. 
“I know that’s what you said but since when were you on talking terms with Germany? I thought you hated him?!” He didn't receive a response as the southern Italian went to slip on his coat.
“We talked some things out, he’s actually kind of fun to talk to you know?” He tossed his brother his coat, who almost didn’t catch it. “I can see why you’re friends.” 
Veneciano was speechless, and Romano continued. “You’d be surprised we get along pretty well-- I was an ass about it at first but I really shouldn’t have been you know?  But he can be surprisingly patient…”
Veneciano was in shock- he couldn’t respond. He just stared. Romano pocketed his house keys, one of the keys with a blue star keychain seeming new. He leaned on the door frame, looking toward his brother who had only half of his coat on one shoulder. Veneziano was staring at him like a fish out of water.
“Are you coming or not?” He got no response. Romano gave his brother a confused look before shrugging. “Uh, catch up if you want then, I guess.”
Romano walked out the door, double checking his pockets for his keys, since he had a habit of doing that as of late. He was sure his brother would catch up eventually, neither of them were the type to skip out on free food.
Veneziano stood there in shock, eventually stumbling back a bit before catching himself. This- couldn’t be his brother right? He was so happy to hear that Romano and Germany were getting along but-- WHEN had this happened!? What did he miss!? Surely Germany would have talked to him about this but neither of them had mentioned it!? Not even once!?
He knew he hasn’t been talking to them as much as usual but just how much had he missed--!? Did Germany have something to do with where Romano had been disappearing to in the evenings? Why had neither of them said anything? It didn’t make any sense! Why was all of this happening now? Did this have something to do with why his brother had been in such a good mood??
Meanwhile Romano had decided to take his dear sweet time on his walk, his brother would surely catch up. He leaned back and forth, humming a song to himself he had heard in a dream. It had been quite an earworm to him really, he just couldn’t get it out of his mind. 
“He sure seems surprised.” the small fushia fae remarked, Romano rolled his eyes. He crossed his arms, folding them behind his head as the fae fluttered beside him. At least she could see it too-- It was honestly making him feel self conscious with all the gawking Vene had been doing at him. It wasn’t that crazy right?
“You can say that again, the guy gets on my case about not getting along with Germany for so long but when I say I’m getting on better footing with him he acts like I’ve grown a second head or something!” He complained, the fae tilted her head in confusion. 
“Ah, Midsommer.” he corrected. He had noticed Loralye didn’t seem to know their names out here and so he was constantly correcting himself on which one he needed to use. It was confusing- it was so much easier to just go by one in his opinion. But he was stuck with two for most of them right now. She seemed to light up in recognition, which makes sense seeing as she really seemed to favor the German. But she still seemed confused, but much more chipper. 
“Oooh! But why wouldn’t you get along?” She asked. Romano threw his hands up in the air in annoyance. 
“Exactly what I was thinking!” the Italian remarked, sighing. His brother just didn’t get it. It wasn’t anything crazy. Him and Germany were just getting along that was all. It wasn’t the end of the world. He and Germany had gotten along for years and years and he hadn’t made it some headline to gawk at. Sure, he had disapproved, but hey he can admit he was a bit quick to judge. He could only imagine what others would say if this got out. Just thinking about all the drama made him roll his eyes. He was exhausted at just the thought. Man, he wanted a nap right now-- and some wine. 
“This is why me and him want to keep this to ourselves…” Romano muttered. “We don’t want everyone making a big deal out of this. It’s not a big deal…”
Just as he was about to change the subject and let Lorelye finish her engaging story she had been telling earlier about another fae in their group named Andromeda and a prank she had played on one named Olimpia, he heard a whine and a cry of his name from over his shoulder. Looks like his brother finally decided to catch up. 
“Fratello! Wait uuuup!” Romano couldn’t help but to crack a smirk again. 
“You’re coming?” he called over his shoulder. Part of him was huffy, it would have been nice to be able to dine with just the two of them, but he had offered. So he set himself up for that. Maybe another night…. Or maybe he could convince his brother to go home early and just stay the night. He wouldn’t mind either option honestly. 
“Si! And you both have a lot of explaining to do!”
The southern Italian groaned in frustration, slapping himself in the forehead. Of course he wanted an explanation. Everyone seemed to want that no adays.
 “Great, you sound like the caterpillar fuckface..” he muttered bitterly. 
This was going to be a long evening...
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