#i appreciate OP blurring out my blog but clearly that doesn't stop people from finding me if anon was able to
fandomfloozy · 6 months
sis they are cooking you for your torture porn reply to that horror poll
Hey, anon! Thanks for letting me know, honestly was not needed, but I appreciate it anyway <3
Honestly, I was just gonna keep this in my inbox bc I didn't have anything in my notifs to indicate that anyone had replied to me anywhere and I don't tend to actively seek out people bashing me BUT the post you're talking about just came across my dash so let's talk about it!
First off, I'd like to point out that OP's original poll literally posed the question of "What is your LEAST favorite horror genre?" and the person spreading around my reply is making it seem as if I posted that reply unprompted? As if I stepped into a body horror space and tried to make people feel bad for liking that genre? Which was never the intention. I wasn't the only person in the replies of that post saying that "torture porn" was my least favorite subgenre and that it personally made my stomach turn and I don't want to watch it, and I think poll-maker OP even made an edit to the poll saying that plenty of people replied with that
Granted, OP also said they don't agree with that being a subgenre and I gotta say that after thinking on it a bit, I definitely agree! What I was referring to and describing is definitely more along the lines of body horror, and that's what I should have labeled it as, I'm willing to concede that much.
[Edit: Just to be clear THIS is the definition I'm used to. I didn't use the term "torture porn" to make anyone feel like a horrid person for enjoying those kinds of films, this is just the way I was taught to use the very informal term for a subgenre, which is what the poll was about. To me, The Human Centipede and Tusk's plots center heavily on someone or multiple someones being tortured. This isn't a reflection of how I think these are "bad people films"]
Tumblr media
But I still stand by my opinion (God forbid you have one of those on Tumblr dot com) that I don't see a point to the kind of morbid display you see in Human Centipede or in Tusk. I can't sit through those kinds of movies, even reading the synopsis leaves me messed up for days just thinking about it. I don't personally get it, and I was sharing that sentiment in the replies of a poll asking what your least favorite genre is.
Which brings me to people in the notes of the post spreading around my reply that are trying to make it seem like I'm spreading respectability politics? That I lack proper media literacy?There's even someone in the replies of the post saying I'm spreading white supremacy??
Bro, if you could see the other kinds of media I enjoy and watch and read. I have no issue with fiction that has uncomfortable and even taboo displays existing! My reply was about my personal preferences on a poll about personal preferences in horror, and it's not any deeper than that. I understand the importance of having "bad" topics (heavy on the quotation marks here) in literature and film and TV, but that doesn't mean I'm going to subject myself to something that makes me physically queasy and that I find unenjoyable. And that doesn't mean that I think people who do enjoy and find it interesting are "bad people," it's just something I can't agree is a good genre. The same way other people voted "zombie" and "ghost horror" on that poll and hit the replies, so did I! I LOVE a good zombie film. I like a good ghost story, and I am not going to feel personally attacked by the person in the replies saying that ghost horror is bland and boring. I can disagree with them and not make them out to be a horrid person spreading a hateful rhetoric
So if the person posting my reply without context and the people in their notes could stop painting me in that light (yes I realize my blog is blurred out and "surely it can't be traced back to me" [disproven by anon finding me] and it's not technically a call out, but those are still my words you're twisting) I would really appreciate it.
Bad faith reading isn't a good habit for those who claim to abhor lack of media literacy.
0 notes