#i apologize for rambling so much but i don't know how to shut up sooooo
synonymroll648 · 2 years
hi hi hi PLEASD send me all ur keefex thought i will scream and jump for joy and giggle and kick my feet OLEAG
refraining from giving major spoilers for the qpr keefex fic i'm writing refraining so so sooooo hard even though it hurts- anyway. keefex headcanons for the soul <3 can be interpreted as queerplatonic or romantic :)
dex noticed at some point that keefe fidgets just like him, so he made a specialized fidget just for keefe
it's very colorful. a little messy, since dex isn't an artist like keefe. he apologized about the paint quality as he was giving it to keefe, but keefe didn't care. in fact, keefe was so touched he bear hugged him for it
speaking of touch. dex gets sooooo much casual physical affection from keefe
friendly bumps like hip checks. ten gazillion hugs from behind. keefe sitting next to dex at lunch and leaning up against him all the time. gentle forehead bonks and nose boops when they're bored. linked arms when they're walking somewhere together, originally under the guise of keefe being dramatically polite in atlantis, now just out of reflex- because they don't want to get lost, of course! not because keefe likes being close to dex, no, not at all. and the occasional pecks on dex's hands and cheeks and cute little dimples when no one's looking are to make him laugh, of course. no feelings behind it at all, ro, shut up
dex is a lot more purposeful about physical touch. pda isn't really his thing. but when they're hanging out rimeshire as alone as they're gonna get (typically dex bribes his dad w/ extra work at slurps n burps to to preoccupy the triplets far away from the house, but he won't admit that to keefe), he'll initiate some stuff
leaning his head on keefe's shoulder when he's tired or listening to something keefe's showing him. wrapping around keefe from behind and smiling into his back when keefe stops breathing for a second before relaxing into dex. having goofy, lighthearted play-fights where they're just trying to trap each other's ankles with their feet without getting trapped themselves
they both like messing with each other's hands. specifically their fingers. when they don't have fidgets, or their hands are more accessible, they absentmindedly hyper-analyze the structure and texture of the way the other is built. figuring out the calluses and natural bends of one another. this is brought to you by the keefe and dex are both neurodivergent as fuck and gay for each other truther(s)
physical touch isn't really dex's big thing though. for dex, he mostly tells keefe hey, i appreciate you in a way that's unique to the way i appreciate everyone else through gestures
helping keefe with homework that has math that keefe's too tired to figure out on his own. doing little things to make keefe's life easier, like inviting keefe over on days where it's clear going 'home' would be hard on him. and inviting him to crash on dex's mattress or something else he likes more. letting keefe ramble about things he loves, and asking questions about how it all works. making a safe space for keefe to be keefe, quiet hours where talking is hard and times where he's restless and full of energy and everything in between
it starts with bravado, because that's keefe's shield for when shit goes wrong, but keefe tells dex that he appreciates all of it through compliments. it starts with things like exaggeratedly fanning his face as he says, 'dex, i swear you're on a mission to flatter everyone you know. like a knight in shining armor,' but it grows into admissions like 'dex, i know it's late and you're probably gonna make fun of me for being sappy later, but. you and this room are the closest thing i've ever gotten to having a home. there's something about...this, that's more comfortable than even everglen was. thank you.' that are so tender that it could break a heart
there's one day, a quiet day, where keefe asks if dex could hold him. the way he says it is timid, and keefe looks ready to backtrack any second. but dex wraps his arms around him and says 'make yourself comfortable' before keefe gets the chance. keefe falls asleep on dex's chest on dex's twin-sized bed, marveling at how he's so skinny it's scary, yet he's the opposite of frail - and warm. dex falls asleep staring at the ceiling, running his hand through keefe's hair and thinking about how odd it is that someone's breathing on your chest can be ticklish and nice all at the same time
oh also that time where they were pretty much straddling each other on the echodon in book 4 is engrained into their minds. every now and then they'll think about it, and the ghost of where the other pressed up against them flashes warm all over them
think of when you lay something warm on top of you and then peel away and feel its absence with how much colder you are, but you can feel the warmth burning in the patches of your skin that absorbed it. that's what they feel in their arms and torsos and thighs whenever they think about each other on the echodon
also they hyper-analyzed each other's faces before and after they went underwater
keefe tried to count how many freckles were on dex's face and tried to figure out how to paint his copper lashes and the different hues of blue and purple in dex's irises and the placement and blend of them. for artistic growth, of course
dex decided that keefe's jawline and stupidly appealing... everything else about his face he wouldn't admit he was looking at in a million years, was dumb, because any other conclusion would make him go red in the face
every now and then they get each other echodon related trinkets just to see them get flustered. prattle pins, little figurines from mysterium, etc
keefe draws stuff for dex. the ones he shares are the ones that are concept art of some tech idea dex was rambling about. the ones he doesn't share are all the ones of little moments that matter too much for keefe to talk about
when they land in detention at the same time they pass each other notes. they're super dumb on purpose, most of the time. it's become a competition to see who can make each other involuntarily get the supervisor's attention first
they also have a lot of conversations about weird hypotheticals. it's mostly questions keefe has that he knows are weird and originally doesn't expect dex to answer, but dex takes it seriously each time and tries to find a logical answer
ex: if we're going with popular incorrect quotes, keefe has also asked dex if stars have feelings and went down a rabbit hole with him in search of an answer that gave the theory a chance and was founded in facts. that was one of the funnest 5 hours of keefe's life
keefe also has stuff remaining from the forbidden cities - mostly knowledge of where stuff is - that he shares with dex. breakfast for dinner. tea time. movies he liked that they watch in a theater together. etc
it's the classic 'i'm sharing things i love w/ you because i love you but i'm not saying it out loud' if you get what i mean
imparter hails. soooooo many imparter hails. heart to hearts, silly conversations, homework help, (literal) sleeping together - you name it, it's happened on hail. hails are their safe space where everything's a little easier than in-person
dizznee family dinners!! keefe insists on helping juline and kesler with dishes or with cooking every time, as an attempt at 'paying them back'. dizznee kids usually get put on dishes, and keefe usually helps out in the kitchen (he picked up a lot of cooking tricks and tips in his days of frequenting everglen)
keefe steals treats from the teacher's lounge and brings all of the dizznees a dessert when he can. he keeps a list of their favorites
there are some days where keefe helps out at slurps n burps. kesler loves his help and jokes. keefe loves the alchemy advice, especially when it's dex teaching him, because dex somehow just knows all the right wording to get it to click in his brain
keefe made dex a stuffed tomple since he couldn't have a real one. it lives on dex's bed now
the triplets love love looooove keefe. there's one night where keefe and dex watch the triplets so kesler and juline can have a night out and keefe has a ridiculous amount of fun, because they're his level of chaos and he's always wanted siblings
keefe also doodles the triplets silly things to make them laugh when he remembers and has time to. dex always takes higher priority for that though, but he won't admit it to them
there's a wall with the dizznee kids' heights and ages etched onto it. kesler puts keefe on there one day too. keefe almost cries
one day, dex tells keefe that the reason why there's always his favorite desserts is because juline asked him for a list of his favorite foods once. keefe almost cries
at one point, dex hails him over and says he has a surprise. keefe's expecting some crazy experiment, but is instead greeted with a robotic gulon that moves just like the real thing and makes realistic gulon noises. he laughs his ass off. and then. keefe cries
let's just say after that, if keefe had been wearing lipstick dex's face would be c o v e r e d in it
(personally i headcanon keefe as being bi, while dex is an oriented aroace. keefe loves giving kisses, dex doesn't mind receiving but can't give, and keefe respects that boundary :] )
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miasanfamilie · 7 years
ok i was tagged by the lovely @oldtrafford in this where you answer 11 questions and then tag 11 people to answer 11 questions of your own so here we go (i can’t write a reasonable amount ever for anything i ramble too much, so it’s under a break, sorry mobile friends)
1. What is it about your favourite player that makes them your favourite?
i could literally write a novel about all the reasons why i love philipp lahm and why he’s been my favorite for soooo long (and will as soon as i get enough emotional gumption up to actually write the tribute he deserves), but everything from the brilliance on pitch and ability to read games and teammates (and opponents) near flawlessly, to his signature tackle dispossessing opponents without him even breaking a sweat and just standing up and playing on as if nothing happened, to the way his voice is exactly the same accent that my family speaks so it feels so much like home, to the way his heart beats so deeply and strongly for bayern above all else and how much he’s willing to sacrifice for us -- i just love him so much?
2. Which was your favourite footballing season and why?
i feel like this goes largely without saying, but the clear answer is 2012/13, not just for the trophies, but for the TEAM that was there and how good and happy and mia-san-mia-y and just bayern it was after the worst of the worst the year before...
3. What’s the best football stadium (that isn’t your team’s)?
i think my favorite non-bayern stadium i’ve been in was the estadio do dragao in porto so i’ll go with that
4. What’s a piece of writing (be it a book, a quote, a poem etc.) that you love?
two quotes -- the first from goethe: “Auch aus Steinen, die einem in den Weg gelegt werden, kann man Schönes bauen” which translates roughly to “you can build beautiful things out of stones that are laid in your path”, and the second one which is an old english proverb:: “...and those who were seen dancing were thought to be mad by those who could not hear the music“
5. What’s one movie you could watch again and again and never be tired of?
i hate that this is my answer but the 2004 phantom of the opera... also the lion king
6. What/where would your ideal holiday be?
some place where i could have as many of my closest friends around as possible romping around in the mountains
7. If you could only bring three things with you to a deserted island, what would it be?
a friend!!  some way to talk to all my other friends like a magical cell phone than never runs out of battery or loses service or a passenger pigeon that can fly faster than the speed of light and never dies or gets tired or something.  and my wilderness first response kit (a really beefed-up first-aid kit that includes stuff to treat just about any wilderness-caused injury plus basic wilderness necessities like space blankets and a pocket knife and stuff) to be practical when it comes to survival until we get rescued :D
8. If you could pick up any skill (be it writing, drawing, learning a language, etc.) immediately, what would it be?
can i just use this to up my oboe playing/reed-making even though i already technically “have” those skills?
9. What’s your favourite goal of all time?
fips’s opener goal in the 2006 world cup in the allianz against costa rica
10. Do you own any jerseys? What are they? Do they have names? What’s one jersey you want to own?
oh dear i own MANY jerseys...  almost all of them names, but some don’t.  bayern first: from when i was a kid i have a 92/93 zickler away kit (it’s the ugliest thing we’ve EVER worn except for maybe the old-gold mess in 2005), a 99/00 home lizarazu kit when he was still number 3... and then there’s an 08/09 poldi home kit? i have home kits starting from 2013/14 all with fips, plus unnamed 13/14 away, schweinsteiger 14/15 champions league (graduation present don’t ask), leonie maier 15/16 away, and holger champions league from this year *cries*...  and from the national team i have thomas from 2014, celia sasic from 2015, and mario gomez from last year
i would literally sell my soul for either a philipp lahm national team kit (2006 most preferred, but 2010 are my fave kits we’ve ever had so i’d take that tbh) or a mario gomez bayern jersey because OF COURSE the 4 seasons he played with us just happened to be the four seasons i was putting myself through college and had NO money for jerseys and was estranged enough from my family to not get birthday presents lmao good timing there...
11. What’s the funniest football chant you’ve ever heard?
oh goodness picking just one is SOOO hard, but maybe “his teeth are offside” referring to suarez or maybe the one which is like “Allee, Allee, Allee, Allee, Allee, eine Straße, mit vielen Bäume, ja das ist eine Allee” (it’s making fun of using the french Allez in german fanchants saying Allez is a street with lots of trees aka an alley)...  there’s also the one we have that i love in dialect which is essentially like “i’m toppling out of a bar early in the morning, all i need is a bayern win and a good drunken rout” (it’s better in bairisch lmao) and the one kindly brought to you all by vfb stuttgart and the time jens lehmann missed 5 minutes of a match to pee “pinkelpause, pinkelpause, hey! hey!”
BONUS 12. If you had to say something nice about your bitterest rivals, what would you say?
y’all don’t deserve the shit that ismaik’s pulling on you (and i do mean that with my whole heart no matter how much i hate them)
ok so i tag @mulleister, @thomasmxller, @simplyirenic, @rosecityriveters, @elany, @lordbaeder, @ancelotitty, @mertes4cker, @kingsleycomanfussballgott, @kangarooneys, and @khalehla-blah (as usual no pressure for anything if you don’t want) and here are my questions:
1.  Who was the first player who caught your eye with football (whether or not you still like them)? 2.  How did you get into football?  Into your favorite teams? 3.  If you could undo any transfer that’s ever happened, which would you undo and why? 4.  What’s your favorite shameless dance party song? 5.  What language that you’re not already fluent in do you most want to learn? 6.  What's the one thing you always take with you when you start a new life chapter (a book, an old toy, a picture, etc.)? 7.  Do you have pets?  What kinds? 8.  What retirement hurts you The Most? 9.  What is your favorite match ever played? 10. What’s your most ridiculous piece of football fan-paraphenalia (that weird hat your mom got you, the free wrist warmers you picked up outside a stadium, the bayer leverkusen condoms your friend gave you as a joke, etc) 11. What season/tournament would you go back in time to experience now if you could see any one you wanted? BONUS 12 (because it’s a good question but i didn’t want to repeat):  What about your favorite player makes them your favorite?
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coolkat122 · 6 years
Spider-Keith (Voltron AU Reader Insert) Part 1
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"Would you stop staring?" Keith asked sounding annoyed at my lack of a response and staring in shock after showing me that he had mother-trucking Ceiling crawling abilities! Probably not as cool sounding as it looks (plus I'm sure he can climb other things too!)
"What else am I supposed to do? You are sticking to the ceiling! That's not normal" He frowned as he climbed back down to stand in front of me glaring down at me.
"Because of you and I want you to fix it" I blinked from confusion...
"What do you mean because of me? What did I do?" I don't recall doing anything that would make my best friend gain the ability to climb shit you wouldn't normally be able to climb.
"Do you not remember the spider you bought over to my place?".... My brows frowned.
"You mean Kevin?"  I've brought over a LOT of spiders to his house just so I could show off the little cuties I was able to get my hands on but Kevin was my most recent so I figured that's who he meant.
"Who else!" He raised his voice, "Somehow he got out and into my bed and bit me, and next thing I know I'm like this" As he gestured his arms to his body I looked over to my left wall that was covered in random fandom poster of various shows I watch before shifting them back to his angry form.
"Uhh, I don't think that's possible... in comics sure  but I don't think a spider's bite can give someone the ability to climb things in reality" That's just not how things work if it were I would have cat powers from all the times my cat scratched or nip me but I don't.
"Then how do you explain this?" He waited to hear what I would say but I don't know what I could? It had to have been something else like maybe he ate something maybe the government is testing something and they used it on...him... for... okay maybe not that one.
That one was nice sounding before I thought it out more and now it just sounds stupid but not as stupid as a spider granting power bite.
"I don't know" I shrugged," but I doubt it's from a spider bite..." Right?
"Where did you get Kevin?"
"From my house, I found him crawling around on the wall and I caught him" I also noticed that he had strange color patterns and didn't look like any spider I've seen before so I tried looking him up but found nothing.
So I kinda thought that maybe I might have discovered a new species went over to Keith's house to show it off and then I lost him somehow...
"Your house? Are you sure?" I nodded before rolling my eyes.
"Yes I'm sure" How would I forget that? His frown deepen as he started pacing so I decided to re-ask my first question when he first showed up.
"So where are your glasses?" He raised his brow , sighing.
"(Y/n) seriously not important"  
"Yeah it is, you're blind as fuck without them and you don't like contacts so how did you ride your bike here and not die?" He shrugged still not as hung up about as me.
"I don't care, maybe it's another side effect from the bite but that's not what's important, what's important is how do I go back to normal?" Why is he asking me? How in the hell would I know? I'm not some science chick that knows how to take away spider crawling better eye-sight sciences.
"Okay hold on a sec" I went reaching under my bed where my comic/manga storage cases were and fished out a few to see what I could use.
Just how was this going to help? fudge if I know but if he wants to believe a spider bite did this then we need comic and manga knowledge to help us out here since it's basically the same logic behind it all right?
"What are you doing?" Keith not looking amused at all at my sudden comic reading but I literally can't think of any other way to help without consulting an adult which he is 100% against for some reason cause he doesn't want them to 'freak out'.
"I'm trying to find a clue any clue that could help me help you but honestly all these are telling me is that your uncle needs to die and you need to suit up....problem is your uncle is already six feet under so I got nothing" Bad joke I know it's a real bad joke to be making right now especially since my friend is probably not in the mood but I didn't know what else to say.....
"...... you aren't taking this seriously" Keith did his signature scowl he always does when I'm not taking something serious enough or something along the lines.
"I'm sorry... I just" I sighed as I sat the comic down (thanks a lot comic for offering nothing useful!), "I just don't know how to help you and I'm still finding it reaaaaaally hard to believe that Kevin's bite could do something like this but I know you wouldn't lie about this so either I'm wrong and Kevin is some kind of special power granting spider species or it really was something else" 
"But what? What could have done this?" I tried to think about anything that could have possibly do this but all I keep going back to is the government theory.
"....I'm sorry" I snapped my head up confused as to why Keith was apologizing all of a sudden? What does he have to be sorry for?
"I came here acting kind of like a douche and dropped all of this on you and..... I don't know expected you to have answers for some reason when honestly I just wanted to talk to someone about this... and now it's stressing you out" He sighed as he slumped against my wall sliding down it till he was sitting on my floor (which apparently not sure if he noticed but there was a sock under him...one of mines I tossed off when it got too hot when I was sleeping). 
"Keith it's fine, besides isn't that kind of our thing? You put up with my lame attempts at humor or more like my lame attempts with anything really and I put up with your titude" Case and point another lame attempt at trying anything from yours truly. 
I'm honestly glad he's my friend, my best friend to be exact (and kind of my only friend) so if he needs my help with this then I want to do it so goddamn much I just need to think how can I be of help?
"Well what should we do to fix this? If we can't tell the adults just how do you want to go about this then?" Keith still sitting on my floor sighed as he shrugged.
"I don't know... we literally  have nothing to go on except for me thinking that the cause is the bite since I was fine before I got bite and now I'm not and you don't know where the spider came from, you only know that you found it crawling around your house.... that's not a lot.. that's hardly anything" I could tell that he was getting upset over our lack of knowledge on this situation and I get that.
I would be too and I kinda am already. "Okay we gotta Sherlock Holmes this and just go with what we do know and what we know is.....the spider was in my house...maybe that's something? Wait no we know that the spider is at your house at least it was when it bite you so let's go look for it there" With nothing better planned Keith agreed so we hopped on our bikes and rode our butts over to his place.
His parents were at work so we had nothing to worry about there as we got to searching.... but there was a tiny problem his house was kinda trashed in a sense since I was last here to be more specific his room was, it was like a hurricane came through which is just weird...
"Well how did you think I found out about this" He gestured his left hand to his right referring to how sticky (that's what I'm calling) it gets so he can climb things.
"I didn't think you trashed your room upon discovering it" Aw he even broke the stupid picture frame I made him when we were like five (going on six for him)....
"Can we start looking" I nodded still slightly broken hearted about the frame as we got to searching  high and low for the little bugger and as luck would have it we actually found it sadly though it was dead.
"Is that a good or bad thing?... I mean it's kinda sad for me cause I like spiders so seeing his dead little body is not the best but it was possibly the reason you are like this and anything that messes with my friends are scum but at the same time I'm not sure if we needed it alive?" And I'm rambling Keith please be a friend and shut me up...pls?
"I....don't know probably good..might make easier to study" I hummed as I nodded my head before asking the question that was running through my head when he said 'study'.
"Uh-huh sooooo then you know how exactly we need to study it and what to look out for?" Keith shook his head as he placed it's dead body carefully into my spider cage that I originally had it in.
"No, I thought you might since you were, you know the spider expert" I now shook my head as I did a kind of a huff ish type thing while crossing my arms.
"I'm an expert compared to you but I'm not like some spider wizard, I only know what I looked up which is just some trivia here and there along with whatever peaked my interest about them" I like spiders I do but not enough to be like well a spider expert on them (yeah that was the best I could think of).
"We could take it to someone who probably does know what to do?" Keith shook his head at my suggestion in disagreement.
"That would mean I'd have to tell them in order for them to know what to look for anyway" Damn it!
"Okay well then let's hold onto until we figure it out cause I have no other ideas" Maybe paying attention in science class would have came in handy.... 
"Sounds good" With the Kevin's body in our possession we then tried to figure what to do next? I tried to think of what I could do or what Keith could do to help with his situation.
"Oh Keith wait a sec" He stopped what he was doing as I went back to his room to grab his glasses and handed it to him, he looked at them confusingly.
"I don't need them anymore, my eyesight is fine now" 
"I just think maybe it would be weird if all of a sudden you don't need these when just yesterday you were blinder than Stevie Wonders" 
"With my new eyesight these will make me blinder than Stevie wonders so no" He pushed them back but I still kept insisting upon it.
It's going to raise questions and yes he could lie about having contacts but what if they want proof or something? It might be a bit troublesome to go through idk maybe no one will care?
"Will find some way around it like maybe get you some fake but realistic looking ones? I don't know"  He sighed in defeat placing them on his face like I wanted but he looked really uncomfortable which just made me feel weird about it so I took them off.
"Yeah nevermind, it will be a dead giveaway with the faces you keep making might as well not wear them and go with the contacts story or something" 
"There's no way my Mom's going to believe that though"  Uh shoot...... she is a tough one to fool.
"Okay then let's get some clear lens"  We went to a store I was checking out and tried to find ones that would pass for his old ones I found some that looked like his but a different color....
"We could paint them?" I nodded my head.
"That works" I was the one to buy them because and you probably won't believe this but one of our classmates was working here part time why is that a problem? He might be suspicious as to why Keith was buying fake glasses so I did it instead should be no questions why I was doing it.... right?
"Hey I know you!" The tall male exclaimed cheerfully as he recognized me and I just awkwardly nodded my head not really sure if I should say anything but I did anyway.
"Yep" Was yep the right thing to say or did I make this weird? Nah it's fine....
Awkward silence great, greaaaaaat, but what would be super great is if he would just ring me up already but it looks like the machine is having problems which is... just... super. 
"Hey Hunk are you on break yet?" GREAT ANOTHER CLASSMATE! I happily cheered in my head for this gracious reunion outside of class with not one but two classmates! And one of them is the self-proclaim rival of what exactly I don't know.... I mean one time Keith tried out for the swim team back in like middle school almost got on the team but decided it wasn't for him so Lance got put on instead. 
So you would think their rivalry would stop there but nope for some reason that neither I nor Keith understand Lance just keeps pushing for something that's not there to begin with.
I mean is it really a rivalry if the other person has zero interest?  
"What's Keith's girlfriend doing here?" G-girlfriend!? He thinks Keith and I are ewwww god no! 
"Whoa hold it! I'm not Keith's girlfriend!" Lance taken back a little before replying back.
"Uh okay...it's just that you guys are always together and you were even there to cheer him on in tryouts back in middle school so I just kinda assumed" 
"You and Hunk hang out all the time and you two aren't dating....unless you are..?" They quickly jumped in replying back that they weren't.
"What no we're not!" I raised my hands as I backed off though I really wasn't up on it in the fast place I just didn't want to assume like a certain someone (we all know who I'm talking about).
"Okay...." I turned back to Hunk, "is the register working now?" 
"Huh? Who right yeah I got it working" I paid for the glasses and left as fast as I could as not to get dragged into a conversation. 
Keith and I went back to his place and got to fixing up those glasses and voila a perfect look-alike, damn I'm good and now no one will know the wiser. 
"Are we good now?" 
"Wha, Keith yes you act like this was a pain?" 
"It kinda was though" I personally feel attacked right now and unappreciated. 
"Well you didn't have to go through the trouble of human contact and fixing these things up like your old ones so you don't know true pain" I was in that store longer than I would have liked. 
....."Are your wrist okay?" I asked after seeing him rub them for like the sixth time today and it's kinda worrying cause he has this pained look but he fights it so I won't notice unfortunately for him I did.
"Yeah their fine, don't worry" Don't worry? Why do people say that? Like do they honestly think that the person they say it to will be like "oh sure if you say so, I mean you don't look fine but you said don't worry so it be cool" like what the heck! No!
If that person cares about you a stupid don't worry isn't going to make them magically stop worrying ESPECIALLY IF YOU SHOW NOTHING BUT THINGS FOR THEM TO WORRY ABOUT! Case and point; you constantly rubbing your wrist like your in pain and that's where it's originating from.
I bite my lip as I could feel myself just fuming and working up all the stuff I want to say but I just don't know how but as my crap ass luck would have it my MOM CALLED! And you are required by child law to answer any and all calls from your Mother less you face her wrath when you get home.
I sighed as I bought the phone to my ear and answered the stupid call. "Yes Mom?" Dang it she wants me home looks like I have to lecture Keith later.
"I gotta go..." He nodded seeming totally fine that I was going home and I'm not sure if this should have but it kind of bothered me (stupid right?), why should it bother me? I mean like this isn't the first time I went home cause ya know I live there obviously I would have to go back eventually.
But I...actually I really don't know what I wanted him to do so how can I expect him to do it? Doesn't matter, I grabbed my bag and Kevin's home and left. 
While Keith did whatever, when I got home Mom had dinner ready and told me to go wash up, like the good dau wait no like the great daughter that I am I went to do just as I was told before eating the dinner my Mother so lovingly slaved over a hot stove to make.
But right after I was finished I went searching up everything I could about spiders some more and tried even harder to find Kevin but to no such luck....
I was getting pretty desperate so I went on a very trustworthy nerd blog I followed because why the heck not nerds are smart and I was hoping to perhaps absorb some of that nerdy-smarty intelliagence (And I totally didn't follow it because the dude's profile pic is like the cutest looking spider I've EVER SEEN!) and after that weird ass sentence I just made I'm sure you can see that I really need it.
(ThatWeirdGirlInTheBackground122): Hey sorry to bother you but um how well would you say you know spiders? Like on a scale of 1-10? 10 obviously being the highest and the most anyone can know about Spiders?
(TheManWithABlogAboutSpiders): Uh....a 9...maybe? I feel like there's always something to learn so I am going with a 9...
(ThatWeirdGirlInTheBackground122):.....yeah that's good
(ThatWeirdGirlInTheBackground122): So listen I have a question and it would be greaaaaat if you can answer it oh and thanks for actually replying back on your pm really awesome of you to do so *Thumbs up emoji*
(TheManWithABlogAboutSpiders): No problem, so what's your question?
Don't Forget to Heart, Comment and Follow if you haven't already. I would love to hear your thoughts on all of my stories.
99% sure Keith was so out of character
And I regret not showing more Lance and Hunk and having better moments with them but I WILL TRY TO FIX THAT IN PART 2! 
Shameless self-promotion:
Like/Love or simply enjoy my one-shots? Then check out these beauties:
Super Psycho Love (request closed for now )
GenderBender One Shots
Girls Like Girls (Yuri OneShots)
Wicked Or Misunderstood? (Descendants Short Stories Series)
Fandom Rangers (One Shots Reader Insert)
Pinocchio's 2.0 (Reader Insert )
Sora x Yandere Reader
Sora x Yandere Reader Prequel
Sephiroth x Reader Insert One Shot(s)
Prompto One-Shot
Road Trip (FFKH)
The Bond Between Siblings (FFKH One Shots)
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