#i am so far up daveed diggs' ass i can see myself
ramp-it-up · 3 years
Fresh Squeeze Ch. 13
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Pairing: Daveed Diggs x OFC Linden Marshall (You)
Set in 2023, post-pandemic
Warnings: Minors DNI, 18 + ONLY, RPF, drinking, dancing, singing, cursing, lots of plot and fluff and sad with some Smut as well. This has everything. Daddy kink, oral sex (m recieving), cum play, drunken confessions/rambling, Love, y’all.
“As” x Stevie Wonder
Word Count: 5.7 K 
Plot: Lindy reacts to her gifts, gets another one from the group, and TURNS UP. They finally get back to NYC and deal with having to be apart (or not).
“Well, what do you think?”  Daveed was looking at you expectantly.
You really didn’t know what to say.  You were surprised, intrigued, curious, and a little frightened. Your mind was trying to take it all in.
Daveed’s heart dropped as he watched your face. He closed the photo app on his phone.
“It’s cool. It’s a lot to think about...”  He could kick himself. He’d gotten carried away and ruined a perfect thing. He wished he could rewind time.
“I, I’ll meet you out at the bar. Go have some fun. We’ll talk later.” 
He might as well begin getting wasted for when you ended it between you two.  It had been a great day and a half. He turned around and headed for the door.
“Diggs, where the fuck do you think you’re going?”
Daveed stopped and turned around, bracing for it. He saw the flash your eyes.
“Look, Linden.  I’m sorry.  I took it too far. Forget I even showed you that picture.” He leaned on the wall and looked everywhere but at you. 
Your heart twisted in your chest. Daveed really did love you. And he was wearing his anxiety all over him. It hurt your heart that he felt that way. It was on you to communicate now.
You approached him slowly and put your hands on his arms as he looked at the floor. You bent your knees to get a glimpse of his eyes and to force him to look at you.  
Daveed smiled when he saw you peeking at him.  Maybe you weren’t pissed at him.
“I’m so pissed at you,” you breathed. 
Oh, well.
“How are you going to lecture me about running away all the time when that’s what you were about to do?”
Daveed opened and closed his mouth. Then he looked at you. You were right.
You slid into his arms and he looked down at you.  So fucking beautiful.
“Thank you for my presents, Daveed. I’m not mad that you got them. But you’re right, it is a lot to think about.” You sighed and lay your head on his chest.  
“This weekend has been amazing, and I’m happy you got carried away…It means….”
“It means I love you, Lindy.” He kissed the top of your head. “But I get it, you need time to think about… taking that step.” 
Daveed realized that you were just nervous.
You bit your lip and nodded. “Yeah.”  
Daveed leaned down and kissed your lips. It was slow and sensual.
“Anything I can do to help with your thinking process?”  
His lips were at your cheek, moving to your jaw, your earlobe and then your neck.  You moaned as he found the spot he’d memorized so quickly, like a verse.
You moaned, heating up again as his hand smoothed your dress over your ass and his fingers reached for the hem. Again.
You felt yourself begin to tumble down the hill of your desire for Daveed, which you tried to snap yourself out of by clearing your throat, to which Daveed smiled at against the skin of your collarbone.
“We should really get back out there.”
You fully expected him to object, but instead he agreed.
“You’re right.”  He planted another kiss on your spot.  “The crew is working on a gift for you out there.” He nuzzled your neck and then kissed below your earlobe. 
“What?” You were curious as to what they were up to. Daveed just stared at you. “W-what do you mean they're working on a present?” 
Daveed chuckled and smiled at you, grabbing you by the hand. “I don't know. Let’s go see.”
Craig happened to be passing by when you and Daveed came out of the bathroom. You were caught.
“OOOOOOOOOh. I’m gonna call Monalinda on your ass.” You were swole, and about to cuss Craig out and then instantly deflated.
“Oh shit.” You looked at him. “My mom.” 
You dropped Daveed’s hand and dug in your purse for your phone, which you had basically ignored all weekend. 
It was lit up with birthday messages, one from Mark, which you deleted, and plenty from other friends and acquaintances on social media.
You looked up at Daveed. “I’m have to call my mom.  I’m going to step outside.”
“I’ll go with you.” Craig, your protector.
Daveed didn’t want to let you go, but he didn’t want to crowd you. You went downstairs and out of the door, Craig with you.
You scrolled for the call from your mom, and like clockwork, she’d called at 8:43 am, the time you were born. It was well over 12 hours since she’d called. You cringed and dialed her back.
She picked up immediately.
“Linden? Happy Birthday, Baby.”
“Hey Mama. Thank you. Sorry I missed your call.”
“That’s ok, baby. I figured you’d be busy having fun. Craig watching out for you?”
You laughed and looked over at Craig.  “Hey Auntie Mona!” He yelled and all three of you laughed.
“Hey Craig! Take care of Linden for me.”
“Mama, I’m 30 years old now. I can watch out for myself.” 
Now she was laughing at you. Sometimes it was like you were her twin, brash and independent.
“Ok, you’re right. Is that Daveed boy there with you?  Craig told his father that you had a crush on him.”
“Oh, did he now?” You were gonna tap Craig in his jaw. You made a cutting motion against your throat to him. He just laughed at you and flipped you off. 
“Yes, mom, he’s here,” you sighed.
Mona knew that tone. And she laughed at you again.
“Linden, just be open to love, Baby. You deserve it.” 
You loved your mom so much, but It was when you were talking to her that you were reminded of Dell. That’s why you tried to avoid it. Because when you thought about Dell, you felt like you didn’t deserve anything.
You thought about how you should be on a three-way call with her and Dell, her wishing you both a happy birthday.
“Mama…. I’m sorry. I…”
“Linden. Stop it. Just stop it.  It wasn’t your fault. You can’t live your life blaming yourself. He’d want you to move on.  And he’d be so proud of you now. I’m so proud of you.”
“I love you Mama.” You smiled through your tears. 
“I love you too, Baby.  Now get off the phone with me and go have some fun with that tall, fine man. And tell me all about him when you get back, maybe bring him to meet me if you realize you should snag him.  Have a safe flight.”
You laughed at her read. “Ok, Mama. Goodbye.”
“Bye, Lindy.”
You took out your phone and scrolled through your pictures of Dell.  You picked one and made your annual post for your birthdays. Craig moved toward you and took you in his arms.
“You okay, cousin?”
You looked up at him, and the tears came harder because he was crying too. He was the only one who missed Dell almost as much as you.  Except your mom, who probably missed him more. You hugged Craig and let yourself cry.
“Yeah, I’ll be fine after I kick your ass for telling Uncle Lindron about Daveed. You know he and Mona talk every day.” You started to walk back into the club, where Daveed was watching for you to return.
“Lindy, this ain’t Jersey, and I’m not one of those little hoodrats you used to fight all the time. I’ll fuck you up, just like I did in the 7th grade.”
“Shut up, Craig!” you laughed and pushed him, lightening up a little, especially when you saw Daveed’s concerned look as he came for you.
“You okay?”  You looked up at him and smiled, giving him a quick peck on the lips.  “I’m good.”
Craig and Daveed led you to where Rafael, Anthony, and Jasmine were standing.  Daveed planted you on the stool and looked you in the eyes.
“Stay here.”
“OK?”  You looked around to see everyone smiling at you.  Rafa winked as Daveed approached a mic stand. You got a feeling of dread in your stomach. 
Oh no-
Daveed looked at you as the crew gathered around.  
“Hey everybody. This is Lindy.” He held his hand out to you. “And it’s Lindy’s birthday today. And I bet she thinks we’re about to embarrass her and have you sing ‘Happy Birthday’ to her.” He looked over to you. “But she’d be wrong.”
You breathed a sigh of relief.
“We were wondering what to give the woman who has everything.” 
You called out to him. “Are you included in ‘everything?’”
“You are correct, madam.” Daveed smirked in response. You shook your head as everyone laughed.
“But we decided to use what we have and that is talent. And we picked a song to perform that her cousin Craig said was a family favorite and is really really true for all of us, especially me. 
We’re going to perform a song that lets you know that you got new family members for life.”
Rafa cued the DJ to start the track. As you heard the opening cords, you brought your hands to your mouth, emotional.
Jasmine was first up.
As around the sun the earth knows she's revolving/ And the rosebuds know to bloom in early May/ just as hate knows loves the cure/ You can rest your mind assured/ That I'll be loving you always/ As now can't reveal the mystery of tomorrow/ But in passing will grow older every day/ Just as all is born is new/ Do know what I say is true/That I'll be loving you always
Jasmine came over and gave you a hug as she sung the last line.
Everyone started dancing this choreographed routine of 70’s dance moves, the hustle, the hand jive, and the bump during the refrain as they sang. Even Craig joined in the chorus.
Anthony sang next.
Did you know that true love asks for nothing./ Her acceptance is the way we pay Did you know that life has given love a guarantee/ To last through forever and another day/ Just as time knew to move on since the beginning/ And the seasons know exactly when to change/ Just as kindness knows no shame/ Know through all your joy and pain/ That I'll be loving you always
Ant handed Rafael the mic next.
As today I know I'm living but tomorrow/ Could make me the past but that I mustn't fear/ For I'll know deep in my mind/ The love of me I've left behind/ Cause I'll be loving you always
 More dancing, and you had to get up out of your seat.
Daveed had the bridge:
We all know sometimes life's hates and troubles/ Can make you wish you were born in another time and space/ …...And maybe our children's grandchildren/ And their great-great grandchildren will tell/ I'll be loving you
Everyone in the club joined in the chorus by the end, including you. It went on and on and was the best time you’d had on your birthday in a long time.
You ended up in Daveed’s arms with everyone dancing around you.  It was big love and it was perfect.
You danced and drank shots until you were exhausted and wasted. You and everybody sang all the way back to the beach house, and  Daveed had to practically carry you in when you arrived.
“THAT WAS THE BEST BIRTHDAY OF ALLL TIMEEEEEE!”  You looked around the great room of the beach house and saw everyone staring at you.  
“That’s you. You’re yelling Lindy.”  Daveed was cracking up at you.
Jasmine and Anthony laughed at you on the way to the master suite. 
“G’night mom and dad!” You waved at them as they retired for the night.
“Are you going to flog me, General?” 
You heard Jasmine say, “Oh my god, she’s wasted,” as she and Anthony went in their room. Anthony replied. “Oh, fo sho.”
Daveed chuckled and shook his head as he led you into your room. 
“General, hunh? No, I’m not going to flog you. I’m gonna put your ass to bed.” 
You sat down on the bed and looked up at him adoringly.
 “You know, I went with ‘he who must not be named’ to see Hamilton in 2015. When I saw you in that uniformmmmmmmmmm….” 
You shook your head and closed your eyes, remembering. ”I had a flash of a thought to run up on stage and suck your soul out.”
Daveed smiled his shy smile again, embarrassed.  
“I’m sorry, I’m fangirling right now. But sign my tits.” You tried to pull the collar of your dress down, and when it wouldn’t stretch, you started fighting with it, trying to get it off.
“Easy, easy.” Daveed was highly amused. He helped you to stand up so you could get out of your clothes. 
He looked down and stroked your cleavage.   “I already marked them up good. And when those fade I’m coming back for more.” 
He leaned down and kissed the tops of each breast and then stopped himself to help you out of the dress. Now was not the time to start something.
“Oh shit, Daveed.”  You squirmed. “You got me wet. Damn, boy. You keep me wet.” 
You started singing WAP as you twerked in front of him. Daveed was enjoying seeing the carefree side of you. You could be so free and he was glad that tonight got you there.
You flopped back down on the bed. “Damn, I would let you fuck me in that uniform tho. A dream. And that sword? The hilt of that mutha fucking sword. Fuck. Do you still have it? I mean...”  
You opened your legs and ran your hands up your thighs. 
Daveed grabbed them and pulled you back up so that he could slip your dress off. You were out of your mind, but you still got him there.  
He’d have to see what he could do about that costume when you were sober. He wanted to fulfill your every fantasy, and he hoped that you would let him.
When you came out from under your dress you looked about to cry. He frowned a bit. 
“What happened?”  When you looked up at him with your drunk, teary eyes, he remembered. Tequila.
“I don’t deserve you. You’re so fucking sweet. And nerdy, and cute, and so fucking talented. I mean you’re such a great actor, and writer, and rapper, and you can rap so fast, I mean damn that tongue.”  
You opened your eyes wide. “Is that why you’re so good at head?”  You covered your mouth at the realization and started crying harder.  “I don’t deserve you!”  Daveed helped you as you cried, and he tried to get you in the bed.
“Yes, you do Lindy.  We all deserve love. Now calm down. It’s ok. We can talk about it in the morning.”
You stopped and stood still, adamant, naked for Daveed to take in and save for later. “You wanna know a secret?”  You looked around the room to see if anyone was listening, even though you were alone with Daveed. “I forgot what I was talking about.”
Daveed laughed and went into the bathroom to get one of your makeup wipes. When he handed it to you is when you started crying again. 
“No one ever wanted me to take off my makeup before...no one cared about my skin… and no one sang to me in Puerto Rico...”  
You were still crying as you wiped the tears and makeup away.  “Tell me why you love me in the morning.”
“I will. Lay down and I’ll get you some water.”  Daveed got you under the covers and tucked you in.
“It’s gonna be hard when we get back to New York, cause I’m a bitch in New York. In Isabella I’m a queen…”
“Yes you are. You’re MY queen. Anywhere you go. You’re not gonna get rid of me in New York. Now try to center yourself and calm down okay?”  You smiled weakly up at him and nodded, holding your arms out to him.
Daveed hugged you, kissed your forehead and then went to the kitchen to get some bottles of water. Rafa was in there, eating cereal and on his phone.
“Ya girl is wasted.”
“Yeah, she’s gone, man gone.” Daveed smiled.  “Thanks for tonight, man. The arrangement was tight.”
“No problem at all. We all really love Lindy. She’s special, man.”
Daveed smiled as he gathered about four bottles of water and set them on the counter. He had a faraway look. Rafa could read him like a book.
 “Oh shit, Diggs.”
Daveed looked at him.
“Yeah, this is it.”  He’d made a decision.
“Happy for you, man.”
Daveed gave Rafa a smile and elbow dap as he went back to your room.
You were singing “As” and smiling when he returned.  “I’m tore up. Sorry.”
Daveed blinded you with his smile.  “No worries, Baby Girl. Here, drink this. It will go better when you wake up if you do.”  
You returned his smile and drank the entire bottle of water.  It helped clear your head a bit and the exhaustion got to you. Your eyes were drawn to him like a magnet as he headed toward the shower and took off his shirt. Damn, why did his back get you hot?
“I’ll be waiting for you when you get out.”
Daveed smiled back at you. “Get some rest Lindy. I know we’re leaving Isabela tomorrow, but we have time to spend together beyond that. I’m not going anywhere, Baby Girl.”
You smiled and nodded, hazily realizing something and resolving to stay up before you knocked out into a deep sleep.
Daveed had stayed up a little while longer than you and wrote some things, editing a verse for a track that he and Rafael were producing and also adding to his Linden notes.  Then, he took you into his arms and fell asleep.  
He wondered how he would do it without you in New York, or how he would go back to the West Coast without you.  He was thinking about the same things you were, but he was more confident that you two would find a way.
The Monday morning sun greeted him and he rolled over to see that it was 10 am. The flight back to New York left at 3 pm.  Just a couple of hours before everyone needed to head to the airport. 
You were still knocked out, snoring a little, but so adorably.  He kissed your forehead and got out of bed with a bottle of water, padding to his room.
He marveled at the fact that he’d spent very little time there this weekend. It was basically a glorified closet and he was glad for it.  
He was grateful to Jasmine and Anthony who offered to plan this weekend for you.  They knew that you and he together on a tropical island would do the trick.  
He shook his head that it actually worked as he put on his running shoes and shorts and packing up a little before he went running.
Daveed sent you a text before he got started, then headed west on the beach and did a lot of thinking, planning how to soothe the fears that you’d expressed last night.
You woke up 20 minutes after Daveed left with only a slight headache and fuzzy memories of the night before. You instantly missed Daveed and grabbed your phone.
Good morning my Queen. Going running.  Be back soon. Love you.
You smiled like a schoolgirl at your phone, and your heart immediately lifted. You lay back on your pillow and thought of how lucky you were. 
Then, memories of your drunken ramblings came back and you buried your head under your pillow.
You hopped in the shower and tried to forget what you’d said, hoping that Daveed did too. It was the first time in a minute you gotten to shower alone, so you took your time. 
When you came out in your towel, your hair wet and conditioned, you met Daveed who was trying to sneak back in and see you wake up.
Seeing you all wet and sexy in just a towel did something to Daveed. You were surprised, your mouth in that sexy o shape, just like in the fitting room of H & M.
“Hey.” Daveed smiled at you.
“Hey yourself.” 
You smiled back and shifted your weight as water droplets tumbled down your shoulders into the valley between your breasts.  Daveed couldn’t help but stare.  “How was your run?”
“Damn.” Daveed realized too late that you had asked him a question. “I mean…” he chuckled. “It was good.”  He noticed you eying him and realized that he was all sweaty.
‘Damn’ is right you thought, the sweat was running down Daveed’s torso like the water from your shower. He smelled like his cologne mixed with the sea air and more musk. You needed that. Right now.
“I’m all sweaty, can I borrow your shower?”
You walked nearer to him, stopping behind him him in front of the bed. “No.”
Daveed turned his head to question you. “No? You mean I can’t borrow your shower?  You want me to go back to my…”
“No.” You traced your finger in the sweat on his lat muscle and then put it in your mouth. 
“I don’t want you to use my shower, and I don’t want you to go back to yours. At least not right now.”
Daveed turned around and faced you and when he did, you dropped your towel on the bed.  His eyes went where you wanted them to.
“I want to lick the sweat off your abs, your dick and your balls before you do that.”
“Holy shit, Lindy.” Daveed groaned,  grabbed you by the throat and pulled you in for a kiss. “You’re so fucking nasty.”  He kissed you as his cock swelled. “I love it. I love you.”
You sat on the bed and pulled him toward you, getting started on your mission.  You put your tongue in the happy trail of black hair below his navel, flat and wide, and licked a long stripe up and around his belly button. 
The tangy essence of his perspiration contained some kind of aphrodisiac, because you went crazy and would have licked him clean if he hadn’t stopped you to take off his running shorts and shoes.
You watched his dick, thick from desire, spring free and slap his stomach.  You immediately grabbed for it and Daveed stepped out of your reach. You looked up at him, and he returned your gaze. 
Unspoken communication flowed that this was going to be as equals.  You grabbed for it again and he stepped closer, allowing you to palm him as you licked and sucked his sack.
He leaned his head back in ecstasy as you took care of the boys and jacked him off.  Then he looked down at you and you kept eye contact as you licked the tip of his dick, circled it with your tongue and then opened your mouth and deep throated it like a champ.
“Fuuuuuuucckkkkk, Lindy.” Daveed reached for your breasts and squeezed them, pinching and rolling your nipples. You arched your back, and your ass looked amazing on the bed.  Daveed needed to hit that. 
He pulsed at the thought of breaking your back and realized that he was buried deep in your throat at the moment. His eyes came back to yours, which were watering with the effort to breathe around him.  
He didn’t hold you there, but you kept your nose nestled in the wiry hairs at the base of his cock.  Damn.  He wanted to be both places at once. 
He brought his hand up to your wet hair, gently massaging your scalp as you did what you wanted with him.  He had the irrational desire to tattoo your name on it, because nothing would ever compare to you.
You came off of him, sputtering and gasping for breath, a proud smile on your face.  Daveed smiled down at you and wiped your mouth with his hand as you smiled back up at him.  He leaned down and gave you a filthy kiss.
“I want you to pound me from behind.” Your voice was a sexy whisper, making tingles go up his spine.  
“Just what I was thinking. We’re made for each other, Lindy.” He kissed you again.
You quickly pulled away and got on the bed on all fours, ass presented to Daveed.  He just stood there admiring you as he stroked himself for a minute.  
He was trying to meditate, pray, something, because what you’d already done to him and just looking at you was going to make him bust.
You looked back at him, and bit your lip, watching him.  Then, you brought your hand up to your mouth, licked your fingers, and brought it down to start steady, tight circles on your clit, arching your back and giving him a good view of exactly what was happening. 
Daveed grabbed your hip and lined up with your cunt, feeling with his tip that you were fluttering around nothing but that.  He whined in the back of this throat as he made himself sink into you slowly, your pussy grabbing him with each millimeter.  He bottomed out. You were stretched out wonderfully.
“You good? How’s that feel?”
You could only whine. “So good. So, so, so good Daveed.  Please.”  You were begging, his dick was pulsing. “Please, please, please Daddy.”  
Daveed groaned again. “Fuck, yeah. You want it?”
He started moving.  He thought he was going to pass out it felt so good.
“This shit feels so good, Linden.  You need it?”
“Fuck, yeah, Daddy.  Oh!”  Your arms had collapsed, and your cheek was getting pounded into the mattress as Daveed pistoned into you harder and harder. “Thank you thank you thank you.”
You were so fucking sweet that Daveed was about to paint your insides with his children. But he stopped, causing both of you to curse and pant into the silence. 
The throbbing of his dick and the clenching of your pussy pushed him over the edge, making him lose control and start pumping again. 
You knew he was trying to hold out and the thought that he couldn’t triggered your orgasm and you came, tears coursing out of your shut eyes as you moaned.
Daveed felt you cum with relief, because he was able to make sure you got yours; watching you cum was magnificent. But now it was his turn
“Where do you want it Linden?”
“On my ass Daddy.” You smiled back at him with glazed over eyes, still lost in sex land.
“Fuck!” He pulled out and fisted his cock, spurting all over your beautiful cheeks as he reached around for your sensitive clit. 
He relentlessly held you fast with his arm as you tried to run from the second orgasm that was triggered by his fingers and the feel of his cum dripping down your folds.
“Shit, Daveed!”  He chuckled evilly as you came apart again, leaning down to put his drenched fingers in your mouth.  You made eye contact with him as you sucked his cum off them, and he was almost hard again. Damn.
He collapsed on his back and watched as you lay on your stomach and closed your eyes.
“Looks like we both need a shower now…”
You opened your eyes, and his heart clenched. You were so pretty. So purely Linden.
“Damn, I Love you girl.”  
“I love you too, Daveed.”  You bit your lip at the emotion. “We probably need to shower separately because….. we'll miss our flight.” He knew what you meant.
Daveed frowned.  “You’re not wrong, but we can save time and water if we shower together. I promise I won’t try anything but get squeaky clean.”  He was not trying to have this togetherness end so soon.
You couldn’t help but smile.  You were doomed.  You sighed, gave him a peck and made your way to the shower, him hot on your heels.
You boarded the flight back to NYC the same way you boarded the 3 and a half hour flight to PR, with you and Daveed running to the gate to board just in time.
You settled into first class, this time eagerly snuggling up to him in the blanket from jump.  You were whispering and giggling together.  Daveed looked at you and knew what you were thinking.
“Before you say it, let’s wait and join the mile-high club for when we’re not with our friends.”  You peeked through the divide in your seats to find Craig and Rafael behind you. Craig stuck his tongue out at you.
“Yeah, you right. I don’t wanna hear it from this crew.”  
You cuddled happily, on your phones and taking selfies, posting them separately to IG.  Even though you didn’t post the pics of you two together, the fact that Rafael photobombed both of the ones you posted gave the connection away. 
When you deboarded at JFK about 8 o’clock, you and Daveed brought up the rear of the group, not walking slowly, not wanting the weekend to end.  By the time you got to baggage claim, Rafa and Jas and Ant were walking out to the cars that were waiting for them. 
“See you later guys! Thank you again for everything.”  You hugged the Martinez coupled as they went back to Brooklyn.
“Catch you tomorrow Cash.”  Daveed gave Rafael dap and you gave him a hug as he departed.
Craig was at the baggage carousel, just waiting to order the uber for you and he to go back to his place. You were very quiet, lost in your thoughts.
“.....Rafa and I have a late lunch meeting at 1 tomorrow and then rehearsals start Wednesday through Friday at the new venue. Then we have the weekend off and shows start up again next Tuesday. What does your week look like Lindy?”  Daveed wasn’t going to let you slip away from him, physically or mentally.
“Well, I have this Bar exam study session tomorrow afternoon, and I really need to cram for the exam next month. And… oh shit, I have this event  for the law firm I’m clerking at in the fall on Saturday. It’s sort of like an introductory mandatory thing. Black tie.”
Daveed looked at you. “So, I guess you already have a date for that.”
You snapped out of your funk and caught the tone.  “Yeah, I do.” You fought a smile and Craig started shaking his head as he looked at his phone.
“Oh.”  Daveed rocked on his heels and watched for his bag on the carousel.
You tapped his arm and smiled at him, nodding your head toward your cousin. “It’s him.”
Daveed made eye contact with Craig who laughed at him.  
“Sounds dope.” He was very relieved.
“Well, about that Lindy…..” Craig had some news.  “Brian is coming to visit next weekend.  Imma fly my baby out!”  He took in your shocked face.  “What?” 
“Nothing. You grown. And you’re ditching me. That’s always cool.”
Craig shrugged.  “What you won’t do for love.”
Daveed agreed. “So it sounds like you need a date.”
You turned back towards him, a smile on your lips.
“Yeah, sounds like it. You think Rafael is free?”
Daveed bent his head and shook it.  “What time do I need to pick you up, Linden.”
You perked up at the dom voice, and replied immediately. “8 pm.”
“Perfect, and pack a bag, you can stay with Daveed so Brian and I can have the place to ourselves.”
“What makes you think that I want to stay with him, or if he even wants that? You can’t just…”
Daveed interrupted you.  “You’re welcome anytime, Baby Girl.”
You shivered. “Okay…” you almost said, ‘Daddy,’ but you didn’t. Not in front of Craig.
“It’s settled then.” Craig grabbed his bag and you reached for yours, but Daveed grabbed it before you could take it.
You walked out to where you and Craig’s uber waited and the car the Daveed had ordered waited.  Daveed loaded your suitcase after Craig put his in the trunk and got in, giving you two some privacy.
“Text me when you get home.  I’ll call you later, maybe facetime.”  Daveed felt something crazy in his chest at the thought of leaving you.
You nodded and tried to smile up at him, tears pricking your eyes. “I will. I might text you in the uber?”  You didn’t want to be away from him yet.
“Yeah, yeah. Do that. I’ll see you in four days.”
“Just four.” You searched his eyes.  “Ugh! I love you Daveed.”
“I love you too, Lindy.”  You reached up for a kiss and he picked you up to meet him. He put you down and you swallowed the lump in your throat.
“Bye.”  You waved as he walked toward the black SUV.  You opened the door and then you saw him look back at you, eyes in full puppy dog mode.
You got in the uber, and Daveed got his bag situated and entered the back of the car.  He looked back and saw your uber pull out, his driver waiting for it to pass.  Then, he heard a knock on the other window.
The window rolled down and Daveed peered out at you, smiling.
“Did you mean it when you said I was welcome anytime?” Your smile was irresistible.
“Get that ass in this car, Baby Girl.” 
“Yes, Daddy.”
Will Lindy and Daveed ever be able to be apart?  Is this a healthy relationship or are they going to fast?  Let me know. Please like, comment, and reblog!
@braidedchallah  @einfachniemand @sillyteecup  @ohsoverykeri @theselilwonders @theatrenerd86 @sebastianabucknettastan @riiyy @lonelydance  @biafbunny @summerofsnowflakes @delaber @honeysucklechocolatedrippin @wreakhavoconmacroissantdiggs @janthonystan @elocinnicole @anh1020 @curtainremote
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andblood-blog · 8 years
ofcholer >>> andblood !
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