#i am simply a little frustrated but like. i do have faith in tgb. i do think they'll fix all of this... eventually
blazeball · 2 years
i get on a conceptual level what tgb is trying to do with this new era; its all happening again, with a bit of a twist, and familiar old faces and game mechanics are being belched from the black hole periodically to introduce things from expansion/discipline. that's, like, fine. or it would be, if the site wasn't so fucking barebones. it has less stuff than early discipline era did; no shop, so no snake oil to work toward, no sense of progression with that. no popups telling you what you won from games you bet on. they only just added post-game summaries earlier, but you still can't see them most of the time unless you are actively watching bcos you just can't go to that tab after all the games are over. no passive income at ALL. its just, frankly, mind boggling how many quality of life features they removed. i really hope they fix it soon, bcos this will contribute to fan burnout more than 24/7/364 games ever could
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