#i am not going to cry over a cherry-flavored kiss. i won't.
not-a-hawk · 1 year
you ever read a fic and just. oh.
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morganwrites12672 · 2 years
This was a request for a part two of 'Cherries and Vanilla' Mike Wheeler x Reader. The post deleted and I want to cry, it might be short. Sorry about that, but I spent over three hours on the request. It was going to be one of the longest fics I have done in a while.
Mike Wheeler x Reader 'Cherries and Vanilla:Part two'
"Fuck," Mike moans as you help him toss of his shirt. You look down and smile. Mike's neck had quite a few hickeys, you both had more time to kill..
You don't waste anytime before you start suckling at the skin under his collarbone. He lets out a soft moan as you softly rake your teeth over the skin.
He has his head back, chest heaving. So fucking hot. Lips are swollen and red, his hair is plastered to his face, a light sheen of sweat on his forehead.
So fucking hot.
You attach your lips to his and moan into the kiss, you smile after Mike dips his tongue into your mouth. You regretfully pull away and smile.
Mike opens his eyes and frowns beneath you, "Guess the flavor," you say and he groans. He tries to get you to kiss him again.
He gives up once he realizes he will have to guess before he gets another kiss. Or another hickey.
"Cherry," he says without thinking. The flavor had been way softer, he couldn't even tell what it was.
You shake your head, "Vanilla," he licks his lips and frowns. He would have guessed that if he hadn't been so focused on your lips.
He stops frowning and resumes his heavy breathing once your lips attach to his shoulder. He moans as you suck and then start toying with the skin in between your teeth.
You pull back and admire the hickeys that adorn his neck, and the one on his chest, and shoulder blade.
You smirk before giving him a few more, he starts toying with the hem of your jeans as he sits up and attaches his lips to yours.
You softly moan into the kiss as he unbuttons your jeans. This was going to be the best time you had come over yet.
He softly presses a last kis-
"WHAT THE FUCK!?!?" Nancy screams as she slams the door shut, "Clothes on!" She yells as Mike throws his shirt on and you rebutton your jeans.
Nancy comes back in a minute later, "I am incredibly disappointed in you both," she lectures as you both blush.
"It won't happen again," you say and wink. Mike buries his face in his hands and Nancy glares.
"Use protection, I couldn't handle a child that was half mike and half Y/N," she says with a sigh and walks out.
You both smile at the other. Mike finally breaks the silence.
"I can't believe we just just cockblocked by my sister," he says and you giggle.
You go to kiss him, but dont. You hear a banging from down the hall, "DON'T FUCKING THINK ABOUT IT," you both groan and decide to plan a campaign.
Maybe at your house.
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pep-perr · 6 years
all of them. you won't do it coward.
is this a fucking challenge. I won’t back down bitch you asked for it so here you go
1. Wake her up with kisses lesbian or play with her hair while you wait for her to wake up lesbianI’m nowhere near bold enough to wake her up wtf. With some girls that’s like, a death wish or something. 
2. X files lesbian or twin peaks lesbianOnly have seen like, one episode, but I liked it and was debating on watching more or not. I didn’t even know what Twin Peaks was but meh. I’ll pass.
3. Pit Bull lesbian or corgi lesbianI LOVE BOTH BUT PIT BULLS ARE WONDERFUL
4. Sweet tooth lesbian or saturates-everything-in-hot sauce lesbiani can’t do spicy at all unless i want death
5. Sunflower lesbian or white lily lesbianbut hey, I’m biased greatly because I just find white lilies really pretty
6. Rose gold lesbian or white gold lesbianit looks really nice, okay?
7. Dunkin’ donuts/Starbucks lesbian or strictly local cafe lesbianokay maybe not strictly, but why go to D.D or Starbucks if there is a perfectly good local cafe nearby???
8. Sunrise lesbian or sunset lesbianalthough both are very very nice, waking up for the first one can be annoying
9. Emily Dickinson lesbian or Maya Angelou lesbianokay this was a lot harder of a choice than it should have been, because I both like and dislike poems from both of them, and honestly they are about equal??
10. Dark sexy ball gown lesbian or cute bright ball gown lesbianuh I guess?? I don’t wear ball gowns at all, so like. idk. but darker colors always suited me more no matter what it is so?? I guess this works
11. Strawberry lesbian or watermelon lesbiancRONCH. GREEN PART AND ALL.
12. High waisted shorts lesbian or loose rolled up jeans lesbianshorts are dumb.
13. 60s chic lesbian or 60s hippie lesbiantbh neither I guess??  but this’ll do
14. Band lesbian or orchestra lesbianI don’t play in either, but orchestras always play really good and I enjoy going to their concerts
15. Choir lesbian or garage band lesbianfuck choir
16. Twirl her around lesbian or get twirled lesbianspin spin~
17. Sit com lesbian or artsy independent dramatic romance film from France lesbianalthough now I’m curious about the other option that’s so specific what the fuck
18. Bicycle lesbian or bus lesbianno particular reason why outside of the fact that I like to bike
19. Jelly fish lesbian or dolphin lesbianalready answered
20. Biology lesbian or physics lesbianBiology is still super neat though and I’ll probably randomly spout facts from either one. Although I personally would call myself a Geology lesbian. rocks. 
21. Studio Ghibli lesbian or Cartoon Network lesbianI haven’t fucking watched Cartoon Network in years hhh. And even then, it was only for Pokemon.
22. Take the spider outside lesbian or scream at her to take the spider outside lesbian….spiders scary
23. Serena Williams lesbian or Ronda Rousey lesbianoh fuck after looking them up they are both hot 
24. Prismacolor lesbian or faber castell lesbianMy friend Taylor let me use hers once, and oh my god I love them
25. “Campers are for the weak” lesbian or “I will die before sleeping on the ground” lesbianTENTS ARE A MUST FOR CAMPING!!
26. Calling every female character they see their girlfriend lesbian or “Dana Scully isn’t your girlfriend, I am” lesbian:^)
27. Roller skate lesbian or ice skate lesbianI at least kinda remember how to ice skate
28. “Christmas carols are dumb and over played” lesbian or belting out all I want for Christmas is you at the top of their lungs lesbianfirst one at christmas time, second one every other time of the year.
29. Buy her something lesbian or make her something lesbianAlready answered
30. Cherry mojitos lesbian or cherry flavored vodka lesbianneither I’m too young to drink >:0
31. Write her poems lesbian or bake her cookies lesbianunless we want the house burnt down
32. Tummy kisses lesbian or thigh kisses lesbian(no comment)((because I legitimately don’t have an opinion I’ve done neither??))
33. I’ll fight anyone that makes my girl cry lesbian or I’ll psychologically destroy anyone that makes my girl cry lesbianI’LL FIGHT ANY BASTARD, OR ANY THING THAT I NEED TO. 
34. Fall asleep in her arms lesbian or rub her back until she falls asleep in your arms lesbianalthough tbh I could see the first one happening aha..
35. Floral pattern lesbian or tie dye lesbianEspecially if it’s not store bought. Tie dying is fun
36. Snake lesbian or frog lesbianlove the little guys. snakes are neat, but f r o g s
37. Send her memes lesbian or “if you call me the rarest Pepe one more time I swear to god”uwualthough I don’t send memes that often, I do on occasion.
38. Star Wars lesbian or lord of the rings lesbiannever seen any star wars movie, and don’t plan to
39. Spice girls lesbian or 5th harmony lesbian…idk who the other group is sorry
40. Pink hair lesbian or blue hair lesbiannot a big fan of pink in general
41. Maple syrup lesbian or berry syrup lesbianboth, but berry is always a nice change of pace!!
42. Vinyl lesbian or cassette lesbianI still have a few around here somewhere
43. Paris lesbian or Amsterdam lesbiani wanna go there so bad
44. Jazz lesbian or swing lesbiannot many know that I’m a sucker for jazz, but tbh I kind of am. 
45. Pin stripes lesbian or plaid lesbianshh
46. Mini golf date lesbian or bowling date lesbianAlready Answered
47. D E S T R O Y her at Mario kart lesbian or let her win lesbianAlready Answered
48. Pullover hoodie lesbian or zip up hoodie lesbianI OWN SO MANY AND I LOVE THEM ALL.
49. Band tshirt lesbian or fandom tshirt lesbianto an extent I’m always afraid of being judged so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ nothing extreme
50. Love her with your entire heart lesbian or lover her with your entire soul lesbianBoth, but I definitely would say the first one more than I would the second.
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