#i am a short hair bucky truther and i don't care if you don't agree
chaossmagic · 2 years
my hottest take at the moment is that i don’t want bucky to go back to having long hair in phase 5/6 or in thunderbolts specifically and want him to keep it short, because 
a) it’s hot as hell, and 
b) i feel the same way about him going back to having longer hair now as i did about the choice to have steve shave his beard and cut his hair in endgame, which is that it was completely the wrong choice and a way of infantilizing the character to the point of going back to an earlier stage of their maturity and growth throughout the movies, by literally having him physically regress to how he used to look, showing how he’d gone back to the past completely out of the blue and literally regressing him back to an earlier version of himself that was out of place and didn’t make sense for the entire narrative up until that point
trying to make steve the fresh-faced guy who came out of the ice, who called natasha ‘ma’am’ and wore khaki pants belted up to his armpits, didn’t work in endgame and just felt jarring and a way of trying to force us to accept the bullshit decision to have him go back to the 40s to be with peggy. and they did that by cutting his hair and getting rid of the (lush, incredible, sexy) nomad beard.
which is why i want bucky to keep his short hair in thunderbolts and beyond. it’s a physical indicator of his growth and development and how he’s finding himself and his worth and his own type of peace now since he gained his freedom. he’s coming back into himself. he’s growing into a hero. he’s figuring out his own look, his own presence, his own way of expressing himself beyond ‘the winter soldier’. going back to the WS look now would be a mistake, wouldn’t make sense, and would be at jarring odds with where bucky is now in his mental health progress as well as actual place he’s in as a character.
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