#i am SO stressed that i've mischaracterized fyodor ashdfgj
chuuminn · 2 days
Heloooooooo!!! <3
🪄 and 🎒 for BSD please!!!!
roxxxyyyyyyyy !!! hai hai !!
why did i have to spend so much time thinking about these !! literally had discussion that lasted multiple hours about who detective!minnie's opposite would be. 🪄 which canon character is the closest to being the complete opposite to your s/i?
we settled on fyodor dostoevsky. he and detective!minnie are diametrically opposed in many aspects of their personalities, and i'm pretty sure i could write a damn essay on the specifics. but i'll spare you that and try to cover it in broad strokes. fyodor does not trust anyone but himself and his lord. he cares very little for the lives of others, using his 'allies' as sacrificial pawns and discarding them when they're 'no longer of use'. to minnie, this is one of the most evil things a person can do. she trusts, and loves, so completely- willingly betraying a friend, or even a reluctant ally, is out of the question. next to fyodor's intellect and sophistication, minnie is a bumbling idiot. in dire straits, he is still calm and composed, whereas minnie would more likely be nervously laughing or word-vomiting while she tries to find a solution. she'd be considered naive, with her blind faith in others and the extent in which she cares for those around her ( <- womp womp, this is one of beast!minnie's biggest pitfalls ). TLDR: fyodor is the logical mind whilst minnie is the emotional heart i think she'd be very easily manipulated by fyodor, though.
🎒 what does your s/i carry around in their pockets/bag/purse/etc?
minnie is stocked !!! spare hair ties, tampons, bandaids, painkillers, mints- anything that someone might casually say "sigh, i really wish i had _____ right now" about is in her satchel. she has several spare pens, since kunikida so often snaps his when dazai is being dazai.  she does, however, often forget to put in things like her wallet or phone.
send me a fandom and icon from this list to learn more !!
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