#i also very much can't remember what chili's tag is
neriyon · 22 days
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New and curious finds
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Yulan ⏐ Firn ⏐ Hawu'li ⏐ Einn ⏐ Naho ⏐ N'jinh ⏐ TBA
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avemstella · 2 years
Tumblr only just showed me that @ksjundel2003 tagged me with this just now, as technology does. I'll always take the chance to ramble (also thank u for the compliment ahhh :D). These ended up being essays hahahaaaha
1. Three Ships: Uhhh so I'm in a weird place where I'm not actively shipping anything. Like don't get me wrong I still love many ships (I'm a super multi shipper, I have no idea how people dedicate their online everything to one ship) I'm just currently not actively pursuing certain ship tags rn... Hmm hxh's return reminded me of how much I love Leopika, I got into fe3h in this last year and I've read a silly amount of dimiclaude. Also finally got around to getting into mp100 and Terumob is so cute.
Genshin thats what people are here for but if I'm honest while I still am very into the game, I haven't read genshin fic consistently for a while and thats how I interact with shipping the most. Like I love Chili, theres a reason I have plans for that ship, but I haven't read a fic with them in forever (and in the more recent examples it was me searching for found fam harb content). I also adore Kaebedo but same story. I love a lot of genshin ships, many 'contradictory' (love Zhongven as well for example), I just haven't been brainrotting about any of them for a while. God that sounds so morose pfft, its really me just letting my brain take a break and experience other things! Also just know I do think about the final planned Zhongli and Childe scene in this fic (well for the main fic at least) every once in a while and grin like a loon. Hehehe I love it so much and rip its so far away (though also once I get there it'll be right near the end and that thought makes me sad).
Also I think about my fic specific ships a lot too. Sandy and Nella for example have a scene that brings me much amusement in a couple chapters (those 2 always bring me joy). Also I've been recently thinking about the ot3 that's a big old spoiler. There's this angsty but also hopeful romantic scene that's been banging around in my head that I literally can't use in my fic it doesn't work with the timeline. But I love it, maybe an eventual bonus chap. (all I'll say on this ot3 is that at least 1 person is a harb). And taras x any harb that isn't his bro, my favorite running gag I take too seriously. Also Madame Volkov x Tsar, I can't wait to reveal why that ship cracks me up (also weirdly angsty).
uhhh that was way too long of an answer um sorry.
2. First ever ship: God I don't know. Probably amuto from Shugo Chara (I was elementary/middle school, the age gap did not clock as weird then). However my first ship with taste was Soulsilvershipping from pokemon (god we need to bring back that ship name format, so fun). I didn't have fictional crushes the same way most seemed to, however what was close enough was Silver Pokemon my beloved. He spawned my love of grumpy long haired red heads so when I saw Diluc for the first time I remember going fuck I'm gonna love him (and I did haha).
3. Last song: uhhh fun fact I'm not a music person at all. As a child I hated it pfft, while I grew out of that I still have no idea what I'm doing with it. 90% of the music I listen to is from animatics (and back in the day from amvs) or musicals because plot. And u know u find a lot of musicals because of animatics its a cycle. However saying that I was listening to Ricky Montgomery, idk why.
4. Last movie: my parents were like we're watching a movie as a fam and in true Christmas spirit we watched Top Gun Maverick pfft. tbh the movie was fine but not the stunning piece of cinema everyone seemed to be saying... also super military propaganda but we all knew that
5. Currently reading? I'm catching up on the Ascendance of a Bookworm Light Novels (I'm on the last book in part 4 and I have part 5 #1 ready). I've also been really slowly reading through (and got back into after almost a year accidental break) Lout of the Counts Family. Also hunter x hunter (my brain is filled with Sheila theories, despite being the Harbinger found fam fic writer I don't care about the troop lol, just Sheila). I also have some DC comics open in my tabs because I want to watch the newest comicpop back issues episode. Its sort of strange I've been on a reading fan fic break of sorts haha, reading lots of original stuff.
6. Currently watching? uhhhh Mob Psycho though that just ended. Also me and my sis are watching Miraculous together. We used to watch it years ago and we are watching all the stuff we missed and cringing. I also am constantly watching lots of video essays, love a good video essay to put on while doing other things like playing genshin/art/etc
7. Currently consuming? We have a holiday party every year and my dad makes his amazing to die for lasagna (we are not remotely italian, but everyone we know says its amazing). So I've been eating those leftovers and having a time.
8. Currently craving? validation uhhh free time maybe. I had so much free time while I was away at school (well more like I should have been working on stuff time, but it was time I could organize myself). I'm home and between Christmas and parties and my grandparents/Cousins/feels like everyone visiting I've had no time for myself. I love seeing my cute baby cousins I don't get to see too often but its a lot. Also a job, I don't want to have to job but it'll get my mother off my case.
Well that ended on a too serious note haha. Also this was way too long and I have no idea who to tag and I'm anxious so uh, no one I guess. I must now return to my chaotic life, as one does.
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songbirds-sweet · 2 years
It's hard to watch Tribute shows when the artist meant so much to you. Not that it was a tribute show but I had an emotional time watching the last Hip show when it aired. I had been invited to watch with friends but I choose to stay home alone and sit on my couch with a box of tissues. That's another amazing doc Long Time Running!
That's awesome you want to learn Guitar! And Van Halen were amazing. Of the 3 frontmen which was your favourite? Apart from Metallica and Megadeth which really scratched my angry itch so to speak as a teen, I spent a lot of time with strong female singer songwriters (Stevie Nicks; Amy Winehouse; Beth Hart; Patti Smith; etc..). Pearl Jam also really helped me with some things. Eddies lyrics hit really close to home sometimes.
It's so fun right? I don't think anyone else in my fandom is doing it but sometimes I'll check the SRS 22 tag and it's so interesting to see.
That's good that get yours done early. I attempt to be organized but I usually fail lol Though I have already sent packages out of province so that was my main stress. You have a doggy!! Oh I will need a pic and you will need to snuggle them for me please! I haven't had a dog in years but friends do and I love getting snuggly time with them.
Oh that Moodboard is fantastic! I totally see why you picked Danny. He's very handsome.
So you sent the pic of the dude (half naked, had tattoos) to a mutual called Jonno I think. His name may have been in the post but my brain got distracted 😳
Me and the mutuals do a lot of music tag games. Although I've been slacking lately and I have a few sitting in my drafts waiting. If I see a post I think one of them will like I make sure to tag them and they do the same for me. I love that all our interests are so varied yet we all meet through music.
Wow. Have you had any mutauls since the beginning? Have you meant any of them in real life?
Well I technically have had my account for 6 or 7 yrs but I never posted anything back then. I was the Pyramid icon and just checked out blogs but never interacted for some reason. Then I kinda forgot about it lol. But 2 yrs ago I decided to find fellow PJ fans and made a real blog and have had the best time since.
What's you go to comfort meal? I have Crock Pot Chili cooking at home as I type and I can't wait to have a massive bowl of it after work. I like it spicy and I love to eat it with nacho chips 😋
OMG I know the feeling! I still remember when that final show for The Hip aired on TV, it was incredible and I really do miss them a lot.
Very nice! Ah for Van Halen I only listen to the stuff with David Lee Roth and Sammy Hagar. I haven't listened to Van Halen III and all of my close friends who love Van Halen said it's not good. Ah yes Pearl Jam, Metallica, and Megadeth are wonderful and ahhh yes great choice of female singers!
It's so much fun! I hope you get to do it for your fandom next year!
Ahhh I fully get you! And YES this is Jasmine, she's my pug! This was from back in the summer
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Honestly after the concert back in August, all of my mutuals have been shipping me with Danny and I'm all for it!
Ahhh okay I know who you're taking about that was Davey Havok from AFI, Jonno simps over him so I just had to send Davey to him!
Oh I LOVE that!! Once we become mutuals I'll start tagging you in Pearl Jam posts for sure!!!
I haven't met any mutuals in RL yet BUT I found out one of my GVF mutuals and I were super close to each other at the concert so that's exciting!
Oh that's so cool! I'm glad you found your fandom!! How did you get into Pearl Jam?
OMG that sounds soooo yummy 😍 There's a pub close by where I live that has amazing Pad Thai and that's my comfort meal for sure! Do you have a comfort dessert?
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tag game from @elphantas-hoe thank you!
relationship status: chronically single for a long time now (despite my grandmother writing in my birthday and Christmas cards that she prays and lights candles that I get married before she dies)
favourite color: gold
favourite food: italian is my comfort food, popcorn is my favorite snack, and this seafood curry stew in a stone pot is one of my favorite meals that I get from a restaurant nearby called Peter Chang's when I want to celebrate something or treat myself.
song stuck in your head: Bad Romance by Lady Gaga
last thing you googled: "AEW Roster" because Cutty was discussing Fight Forever on stream and guestimated the number of people on it as 120. As a fact-check it's 134 including coaches/managers that are listed there, plus Negative One and Mr. Brodie Lee.
time: 1:25am
dream trip: Japan -- there's so much I want to see and eat there and I'd like to time it around WrestleKingdom and attend. But also Italy.
last book you read: So, I do a lot of my "reading" with audiobooks now while I craft and just finished listening to Mox (I read it when I got my hardcopy but enjoy listening to him read it)
last book you enjoyed: So since Mox was technically my second run-through, I'll go with a different one and that's Ahsoka, which is a Star Wars novel.
last book you hated reading: I can't really remember! Typically if I'm not enjoying a book, I just put it down and don't finish it. I feel like even in school, if I didn't love the required reading I found ways of getting good grades without reading it in its entirety. Number of essays I have written about Gulliver's Travels: 5. Number of times I have read Gulliver's Travels in its entirety: 0.
favorite thing to bake/cook: I love to bake anything though my favorite part is always decorating/getting creative with it. Cooking, I love making soups, stews, and chilis -- all kinds, I like to experiment a lot.
most niche dislike: the unfortunate sound of cardboard scraping against more cardboard like a rude tax to remind me that I probably shouldn't have bought what I'm opening off of Amazon and saved my money.
opinion on the circus: i have a lot of opinions on the circus, to be honest. the way animals are treated -- bad. Snacks typically available at circuses -- tasty, but I can go to a carnival instead. Clowns -- fucking evil. The romanticizing of the circus in that movie that also completely washed out PT Barnum's history -- bad. Zendaya in that movie -- very beautiful. Britney Spears song -- a bop.
do you have a sense of direction: Only sort of? I can get myself to and from places if I take the time. But if I have to give directions/help navigate, sorry we will crash and have to live on a highway median somewhere.
tagging @thatgirlforever5 @from-wherever @dancingwithsilhouettes @adamcxle @kirst-atlander (no pressure to do it) and whoever wants to do it
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