#i also think ryne would like rolanberries! or maybe that's just me making a word association... oh well
fistsoflightning · 5 years
guilty or innocent // zaya & tehra’ir
tagged by: @windupnamazu​!!!! carmela thank you very much for the pirate squad tag now featuring tehra’ir who could have been a literal pirate were it not for the calamity
tagging: open tag my friends!!! go wild!
warning; this post got long because of these two fools tossing banter!
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With a promise of a zonureskin treasure map and Syhrwyda’s best cooking, you’ve managed to lure Zaya and Tehra’ir to stay in one place! Now’s the best chance to ask some questions for the Crystarium’s new magazine, The Crystal Echo!
Asked someone to marry you?
Awkward silence. What an odd question to start on, their expressions say.
“I… I believe… Dewah is guilty of this in his drunkest hour? I do not believe I could be considered to even be ‘dating’ Thancred… yet.”
“A’dewah with who? An’ seconded on the datin’ bit.”
“Who else, Tehra’ir.”
Both of them slowly turn to a table three sets behind them, where Thancred, Ryne, G’raha, and Y’shtola are having lunch at Syhrwyda’s behest; more of a sampling session, if one would ask. G’raha in particular stuffs a large amount of cake into his mouth as he meets Ryne’s widening eyes, the rolanberry delicately placed on a separate plate near Ryne where the rolanberries stack into a small mountain.
“But, Lun—well, I suppose Raha’s got two fambles to share, and a whole library of devotion.”
“What do you mean, two hands? Is that something Alisaie said?”
They never really answer about themselves, but any news about the newly revealed Exarch is better than none at all.
Kissed one of your friends?
“Why must these be so vague…” Zaya holds their head in their hands as they stare holes into the ground. “I… have not kissed Thancred, if he were to count— but, uhm.”
Zaya flushes red, but Tehra’ir is shameless as always. “Guilty! Whiddled I’d try my fams at surprisin’ tactics, and Zaya was the poor cove I set my glazes on first!”
 “And I proceeded to push you into a wall of wine bottles that you made me pay for…”
Tehra’ir laughs heartily, and Zaya merely mumble-sighs at the memory of a wine-drenched, overly enthusiastic Tehra’ir being happy about retaining the element of surprise.
Danced on a table in a bar / tavern?
“Momodi would have my legs if I ever tried to dance on her bar, but I have danced for work in Limsa’s Drowning Wench before.”
“Ye don’t want t’ see me dance. Bein’ a rogue doesn’t cover dance floor etiquette, no matter how much it looks like I’m dancin’ when I fight.”
Ever told a lie?
“I wish I could say absolutely not, but I have. Three counts.” Zaya seems reluctant to elaborate on what they are.
“My career is built on lies. Shockin’ that Zaya still tried to be friends with me.”
“You do not lie to your friends, and hardly to your enemies. The only lie I’ve heard you spin was when you ate Y’shtola’s last tangerine tart before she could grab it and then saying it was Alphinaud.”
Tehra’ir squawks in fear as Y’shtola, three tables back, gives the duo an innocent glance. 
Had feelings for someone you can’t have?
Zaya raises an eyebrow in confusion as Tehra’ir taps his head a few times.
“ ‘Can’t have?’ As in forbidden, or as in restraint, or...” Zaya’s hands trail off, clearly caught up in the confusion of loving someone you shouldn’t.
“Maybe a flight o’ fancy fer some o’ the nicer Garlean citizens... Nothin’ else comes to mind.”
Ever kissed someone of the same sex?
“My sisters, and on the cheek, but that is not what you are asking, yes? A girl back home, who wished to see if it was different than her boyfriend.”
“Innocent until we get home.”
Zaya whistles, a taunting expression crossing their face. “Ah, so that is what the letter from two suns ago was for.”
“Ye heard nothin’ o’ the sort.” Tehra’ir gives a steely yet joking glare as Zaya dons what could only be described as a shite-eating grin.
Kissed a picture?
“Hells no! Have ye seen how dusty an’ dirty paintin’s an’ pictures get?” Tehra’ir’s face scrunches up in twisted disgust at the thought of kissing a painting. “I’ve seen how dirty Lumelle’s daddles get after a paintin’ session, and I am not about t’ put my gob to that!”
“That seems like something one of Ul’dah’s lords would do, to be honest.”
Slept until 5pm?
Zaya’s eyes shoot wide open as if to contemplate some poor decisions as Tehra’ir laughs it off.
“Actually, all eight o’ us Warriors just did so yesterday. Millin’ primals in Eden to runnin’ ‘round the Copied Factory takes it out o’ ye, right?”
“I was planning on doing the same thing tomorrow, truth be told… still recovering from the whole Light ordeal.”
Worked at a fast food chain / restaurant?
 “Ye should really only trust Syhrwyda with cookin’...”
“We… may have set off the fire alarm in the Pendants when we attempted to make buuz a few suns ago…”
Both Warriors look almost ashamed at their ineptitude with cooking. Perhaps you should back off...
Stolen something?
“Secret plans fer a Garlean gun, the Silver Ravens, Jacke’s heart, money from some rich arsehole who stepped on the singers in the Beehive. It’d be easier to name somethin’ I haven’t stolen.”
Zaya gives Tehra’ir a blank stare as he continues to ramble off various items that he’s stolen, mostly from Garlean soldiers or noblemen.
“Stole once to keep Elwin alive, but… did Tehra’ir really say Jacke’s heart as if he hasn’t lost his to Jacke?”
Been fired from a job?
“Can one be fired from a chore? Otherwise, I work for Ul’dah’s guilds on a contract, so no.”
“Got fired from bartendin’ in a neutral tavern after they found me stabbers under the crates... although it wasn’t meant to last either way.”
Done something you regret?
“Holding back on my feelings, for one. Not aggressively ragging on Thancred during our first time in Il Mheg and Rak’tika comes to mind.” Zaya taps their chin lightly as Tehra’ir continues to think. “Performing a Tornado Kick on that poor robot in the Copied Factory gave me this giant bruise, so that too.”
“Remember the drinkin’ contest we had after millin’ Nidhogg?”
“Of all the stupid things you’ve done, you regret that the most? What about the backflip off of Kugane Tower that landed you tail-first on the lamppost?”
“...I thought we’d agreed never to mention that stunt ever again. Valdis dared me to do it!”
“Does not erase the fact that you agreed, jumped the full way up the Tower’s side, and leaped off without sabotons.”
Laughed until something you were drinking came out of your nose?
Zaya reaches for their nose at that, eyes sharpening in confusion. “That happens to people? Would that not burn?”
“Happens a lot, actually. Made a few coves do so t’ cloy their belongin’s once. Was a little disgustin’, but it worked.” Tehra’ir shrugs. 
Caught a snowflake on your tongue?
“When the four o’ us got to Coerthas the first time, all four o’ us did the silly thing of openin’ our mouths to get snowflakes...”
“None of us had seen that much snow before; Syhrwyda and I grew up in places where it never snowed, while A’dewah and Tehra’ir had never had the chance to. Alphinaud reprimanded us for being so foolish despite being a teenager then.”
Sat on a roof top?
 “We clambered up the crystal roof over the aetheryte plaza ‘fore we came here, actually! Zaya wanted to take a picture fer Ryne of the Crystal Tower with this tomestone we found.”
“Ryne really loved the colors when I showed her. I believe she’s even taking art lessons with Elwin and Lumelle now so she can paint the scenery of Norvrandt as a pasttime.”
Kissed someone you shouldn’t have?
“I’ve kissed a few poor saps before, but none o’ the ruffmans or someone taken... I hope. Comes with the line o’ work; seducin’ is on the table fer a lot o’ information.”
“Would it surprise you to say I have never kissed someone...? I was more interested in roaming than seeking out love like Mama had.”
Sang in the shower?
“Zaya might be the only one that has a singin’ voice, an’ they don’t quite use whids, so is it still singin’?”
“I hum in the bath, most days. Never have I truly sung before, but for choral purposes, I would likely make good accompaniment.”
Been pushed into a body of water with all your clothes on?
“Recently, and by Urianger, of all people. He and Y’shtola wanted to test if the Fuath in Dohn Mheg would still dare to bother them before Alisaie held her swimming lesson with Ryne there, and decided I was the best candidate to get soaked.”
“Watched ye get seaweed in yer boots for ten minutes!”
“Do not make me push you into the lake below the Crystarium, Tehra’ir.”
Shaved your head?
“Never shaved all of it, but I did have an undercut for a short while after the banquet in Ul’dah. My hair could not have grown out in time to meet Lord Edmont, so Tataru helped cut it short.”
“Never... think I’ve always had it down to my glazes at least, if I think about it. Seems itchy.” Tehra’ir’s ears flick as if to protest against such a bold haircut.
Made a boyfriend / girlfriend cry?
“Zaya’s not the datin’ sort —not yet, at least—an’ I tend to shy away from anythin’ that looks to last fer a while. Thankfully it saves me from makin’ the wrong choice that might make a cove cry.”
“I have made other couples cry, however, from sheer terror on Valentione’s Day when they inquire as to why I refrain from ‘finding that special someone’. Never wanted to seek them out, really. Kind of just... ended up attached to Thancred...” 
Shot a gun?
“That would be best left to Elwin, unless you want me to hurt someone. I have only ever trained in bows and throwing chakrams, not aiming down the side of a barrel.”
“Limsa’s known fer muskets and rifles, but they never really interested me. My fambles are better ‘round stabbers than a trigger.”
Still loved someone you shouldn’t?
“Shouldn’t have loved Jacke, really; he’s technically the boss man o’ the Rogue’s Guild, but the dimber dambers back home don’t mind too much as long as I don’t use me charm to coerce Jacke into givin’ them shite assignments.”
“I... perhaps? I could not place the feeling at the time, but seeing an old friend fighting at the Naadam the last time we went and later finding them attached at the hip to their long time rival brought something up in my chest.”
Tehra’ir snorts. “Ye couldn’t tell if ye were happy or scared that one time! Not surprisin’ that yer emotions are indiscernable to ye.”
Zaya gives a small glare to their good friend-rival, but continues to smile softly.
Have / had a tattoo? 
Zaya immediately backs away from Tehra’ir, who gets a large glint in his eyes. 
”Ye know, Zaya, ye’ve never shown anyone but me that tattoo yer covering the scar on yer right arm with...”
“There is a reason, Tehra’ir, and I told you it already!”
Tehra’ir sigh, backing off, but as Zaya lowers their arm back down to the table, he grabs it and shoves the orange and gold band up slightly to reveal a small yet intricate depiction of storms making a ring around Zaya’s arm. A small name in swirly letters is peeking from the bottom, but Tehra’ir holds his hand over it charmingly.
“There it is!”
Zaya sighs aggressively, but relents and keeps the tattoo in sight for a few more moments before putting the armband back in place.
“A... fan, of sorts, saw lightning sparking around me once, and offered me a design for a scar I had earned protecting someone. A gentle gesture to soothe the hurts of the Calamity, in all likeliness.”
Liked someone, but will never tell who?
Zaya makes a soft ‘oh’ of surprise, which is alarming since they haven’t spoke a single word. Tehra’ir huffs out small chuckles as he watches Zaya attempt to regain composure.
“Hanami has told me I looked like a fool when I was around Thancred for a good portion of our time here, save for perhaps when Ryne was involved…” Zaya looks to their feet sheepishly, toeing the lines in the wood platform. “Both Hanami and Lunya figured my feelings out that way, but I was never good at lying.”
“An’ accordin’ to several hours o’ interrogatin’ by Zaya’s mum, there’s no one else! It’s been that charmin’ doofus from the start!”
Been too honest? Ruined a surprise?
“I often come off as rude when speaking to new people, especially since I do not respond verbally to anyone. I did have Thancred tell some odd recruiters that their robes were filthy, though. They ended up in jail for assault...”
“Never,” Tehra’ir gives a mysterious smile. “I have a penchant fer secrets and skulkin’, an’ I know when to tell the truth and when to stubble it.”
Been told that you’re beautiful by someone who totally meant what they said?
“I’m pretty sure Thancred’s flirtin’ from Ul’dah counts, mate. An’ the flirtin’ he did last night after Y’shtola got ‘im tipsy.”
Zaya flushes a bright red before signing. “...Guilty, then. Tehra’ir, what about Jacke’s letter?”
“I can read his handwriting on the paper on the table. ‘The moon shimmered off o’ the sea like diamonds in the darkmans, and it reminded me o’ yer hair—’”
Tehra’ir spins on his stool to slap a hand harshly over the well-penned letter. “STUBBLE IT ZAYA ‘FORE I DO IT FOR YE.”
Stalked someone?
“Only for work, although that sits better in Tehra’ir’s rogue circle.”
“Once stalked a man fer takin’ my bandana, as a wee kid. He regretted it.”
Thought about murder?
”In the job description, mate. Have to, when lendin’ one’s daddles to the safety of yer continent.”
“I think I speak for all of us when I say we do not think about it much outside of Warrior business, save for perhaps when sitting in on our third official meeting of the day.”
Tehra’ir groans loudly at that, head falling into his hands.
“Now I don’t want to go back jus’ to ignore those swivin’ meetings fer longer.”
How about mass murder?
“Fer toads, maybe. Never felt like stabbin’ more coves than I need to.”
Zaya chuckles at that, slowly pulling a stuffed toad out of their bag as Tehra’ir turns away. The toad finds its way next to Tehra’ir’s foot before Zaya signs again.
“Once, and of Garleans when they were invading the Steppe a long time ago. I seriously contemplated bringing Ochir to the skies above Doma Castle and letting him swoop down at their archers.”
Tehra’ir screeches, stomping on the stuffed toad when he sees it. The brown toad doll makes a small squeaking sound, as if it were a dog toy.
“Zaya, must you do this every time I mention the toad problem?!”
Cheated on someone?
“I feel like we’d answered this already by sayin’ we’d barely consider ourselves t’ be datin’ our interests. Cheatin’ isn’t among our list o’ priorities if we’re still stuck on lovin’.”
Zaya shrugs, and that’s that.
Gotten so angry that you cried?
Tehra’ir starts to shake his head before he notices Zaya’s clenching fist, eyes tipping into a concerned look rather than a teasing one.
“Alisaie an’ the snow kids?”
Zaya nods, before adding onto his graceful interjection. “Was put off duty at Ghimlyt for a sennight to make sure I would not do anything rash. My anger resulted in several nights spent hunting for Clan Centurio.”
Tehra’ir pushes no harder, and smiles softly before looking to you to continue.
Tried to stay away from someone for their own good?
“Well, with our line of work…”
Zaya starts to fiddle with a pendant necklace hanging next to their Crystal of Light, shimmering a light blue in the sun. 
“Comes with the territory, mate. Jacke certainly didn’t let that stop ‘im from stickin’ with me.”
“Before Ifrit, we all tried to keep away from being friendly in case one of us died in our primal conflicts. Not exactly what you meant, but it holds.”
Thoughts about suicide?
A stifling air comes about the table as both of them fall silent as the forest night.
“No thoughts fer it ourselves,” Tehra’ir starts, fiddling with a small fork next to his plate of seafood pasta. “But fer our mutual friend and spots where one might whiddle would be a good place t’ die in the darkmans.”
“That night was easily scarier than Titan was.”
They fall silent again until Tehra’ir picks up, a beaming smile back on his face.
“Moving on!”
Had a girlfriend / boyfriend?
“Is it jus’ me or are ye really interested in us havin’ a relationship?”
Zaya and Tehra’ir both squint curiously at you, but relent after a few moments.
“Like we said, not really. The whole love business is... complicated.”
Gotten totally drunk during a holiday?
“Not fair! Zaya’s impossible to get drunk!”
“If I can recall, Tehra’ir got his hands on a cartload of ale three days before Heavensturn, and proceeded to try and drink me under the table.”
“That was ‘fore I knew about Zaya’s swivin’ Echo benefits!”
“He threw up on Lyse’s new shoes in the middle of the large Heavensturn celebration in Rhalgr’s Reach and then fell into the waterfall below the Destroyer. What a mess he was then...”
As soon as Zaya finishes the last sign, Tehra’ir butts in with a different, wholly unrelated quip.
“At least I didn’t set the Pendants aglimmer this mornin’ tryin’ to bake cookies!”
Zaya gives a deadly glare at the already running rogue, giving a short wave and slamming back their hot cocoa before chasing their fellow Warrior of Darkness, pink petals and a blue flower forming around them as they lean into a full on sprint. Their Scion friends stare momentarily from their table as they watch the duo run off to who knows where, returning to their own table of desserts quickly.
Unless you can chase them, perhaps the interview would be best ended here.
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jenovahh · 5 years
KYKM - 14 Months, 20 Days
There’s a knock on the door.
“You may enter.”
The door opens slowly, a peek of rolanberry blonde hair popping from behind it. “I-I’m here,”
“I know why you are here.” Zenos murmurs, nodding for the young girl to close the door behind her. She does so quietly, mindful of the sleeping warrior tucked in his lap. 
“Has she awoken?” she asks, gently moving to stand before the bed. He shakes his head slightly. “They have not stirred.”
The girl visibly frowns, able to outwardly express the inner turmoil he had spent the past day or so feeling. Her eyes sweep across the Warrior again, before hesitantly meeting his own. “May I,”
“You may do whatever you need to save them.” He whispers, unable to make his voice soft and non-threatening. Ryne nods, eyes focused as she nears the bed, reaching her hands out with a gentle glow. He watches as her eyes slide closed, face pinched together in concentration. “Their aether...it’s still only barely contained.” Her already quiet voice is even softer now, the pain and concern evident in her tone. “I worry,”
“Do not worry, girl.” Ryne’s eyes snap open at his interruption, meeting his steady gaze. “The Warrior has fought gods. Once they wake, we will find my honored grandfather, and make sure he pays for his meddling.” Something in the girl’s face says she can see through his ruse; that she can see past the wall he had spent so long building up.
“You’re afraid too, aren’t you?”
He merely glares at the girl, unable to growl or snarl to scare her off, not without running the risk of rousing you from your sleep. “It would seem I cannot escape presumptuous fools no matter what world I’m on.” he grumbles more to himself, than for Ryne’s ears.
“It’s okay to be afraid.” Ryne tries, her hands clasped together nervously. “I mean just...what I meant to say,”
“Say what you mean, girl.” He sighs, tiring over her stuttering. “That man, Thancred was it, he is your guardian, is he not?” He questions, looking deep into her eyes. She nods slowly, fiddling with the bottom of her dress, staring down at the floor. “I suspect you wish he did not treat you like a child. How do you expect him to see you as you wish, when you cannot voice your own thoughts?”
Her mouth closes at that, any protests she had dying in her throat. Already he could feel your admonishment, for speaking to harshly to one so young. He chuckles to himself at that, his arms closing a little tighter around you. “Simply mean what you say, and say what you mean. Now, out with it.”
Pursing her lips together, Ryne clenches her fists and looks him dead in the eye. “It’s okay that you’re afraid. It just shows that you care for the Warrior of Light. And even if no one else can see that you care, I do.”
He stares at the girl long and hard for a few moments, holding back the urge to laugh in her face for her boldness. “Only your ignorance of my nature keeps me from killing you where you stand, girl.” He grins deviously, watching as she tenses before him. “But, it is also why I currently have more respect for you, than any of the other Scions.” Looking down at your peaceful face, he carefully brushes a hair to the side. “You have already done more for the Warrior in the days I have known you than in the months I have known of the Scions existence.”
Ryne shifts uncomfortably, clearly unsure whether to take the compliment while acknowledging his scathing words about her friends. “As I have told you before, I am not a kind man. Your friends, especially the rogue, see me as a monster. Their apprehension towards me is not without reason. I have more blood on my hands than you will ever see in your lifetime.” He didn’t like not having her fear him. Only you should have that privilege.
“Even a monster, can be kind.” Ryne murmurs softly, her eyes sparkling with that wisdom he had seen once before. She pointedly looks at you cradled in his lap, the gentleness with which he holds you. “Maybe you aren’t as bad as you think,”
“Get out.”
His tone leaves no room for argument, leaving Ryne to scurry out the door as fast as she can.
Sighing, he allows his eyelids to slide shut, taking a calming breath. Much like the rest of your friends, he could not kill the girl for her insolence, but some part of him also disliked the idea. How could someone as young as she, see right into his steeled heart, see his feelings as if they were as bright as the sky outside? Truly he had gotten soft if he could even dislike the idea of killing her, despite her ignorant ways.
If anything, he is at least thankful she is discreet. She seems to be content to keep their interactions “their little secret”, and he is not willing to expend further energy to threaten her. No one needed to know of his...feelings toward you. He’d be the laughingstock of the entirety of Garlemald if word ever got out. Travelling with enemies, speaking with children, tending to his...friend.
The only thing that soothes barely restrained rage is that you have slumbered peacefully ever since the group returned to the Crystarium. He had scared the concerned masses away with angry glares as he followed Ryne’s lead to your rooms, where the girl silently got your aether under control. The Scions had voiced their concerns over him being left alone with you, but one cold look was enough to have them rethink if that was a battle they wanted to fight.
And thus, here you were, snuggled up against him. Or rather, perhaps he was holding you as he sorted through his emotions.
He had not slept since your return, his own stamina notwithstanding. Nay, it was his own thoughts that plagued him, these newfound fears that toyed with his mind. Before his death he would’ve merely been angry that anyone that was not he had tried to kill you; but now, things aren’t so simple.
Zenos was in a way, immortal. Even if he did not always return to his exact body, through the Resonant his soul would return to the world of the living. As far as he knew, you did not possess such an ability. He had seen before that you were not one with your gift, as much as it empowered you. You could not control eikons and primals at will, could not look beyond the memories of others and enter their dreams. If you were to fall in battle...would you return to this world?
The thought shakes him incredibly, of a world without his beast. Would there ever be one as strong as you in his lifetime? In his series of lifetimes? Was he truly bound to this mortal realm, never able to taste the exhilaration of being so close to death now that he could no longer die?
Grimacing, his head thuds against the wall as he leans back, idly wondering if it was possible to experiment on how to release himself from this mortal coil. What world was there without you in it? How could he live on without his enemy, his friend, his lov--
He doesn’t mean to say the word aloud, but he does. He can already see the smug grin on Scaeva’s face, unable to deny his own feelings without effort. You had changed him, to the point where he could not even imagine a world where you did not exist.
Was it a change for the better, or the worse?
Thoughts for another time perhaps. For now, he will merely enjoy the feeling of having you arms after going without it for so long. A man was allowed his vices, and the warmth of your body held against his own did wonders for his soul.
Whatever his grandfather had planned, he would most certainly put a stop to it. Your life belonged to him and no one else.
And maybe, he realizes quietly, his belongs to yours.
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