#i also need to. catch up on videos. i've been slacking
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i realize i haven't drawn these guys in a while, so here's whatever this is before i got that cast
it probably would've fit better if the roles were swapped but i'm too lazy to fix it
#kebby draws#shitpost?#smg34#i am not immune to the gay propaganda i'm sorry#i also need to. catch up on videos. i've been slacking
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An ENM Twist on Heretic
The storm had driven Elder Barnes and Elder Paxton, two young Mormon missionaries to accept Mr. Reed's invitation into his home. The conversation started normal enough, for a couple of Mormon missionaries. Mr. Reed had heard of Joseph Smith, the Book of Mormon, all the important parts of Elder Barnes's and Elder Paxton's message. He even gave answers that made Elder Barnes and Elder Paxton believe that they might have found someone actually interested in their message.
"I've also seen a video of your temple ceremony," Mr. Reed said, putting Elder Barnes and Elder Paxton on edge.
The rituals and ordinances that happen in Mormon temples are difficult to explain, but both missionaries had gone through those rituals and ordinances before starting their two years of missionary service. It was in the temple where they each were gifted the garments, sacred white underwear that covered each of them under their white shirts, ties, and slacks from their neck to their knees and down to mid bicep on their arms. Historically, at the moment in the ordinances when Elder Barnes and Elder Paxton received their garments, men were stripped naked, and given a white poncho that they wore while the Elders in the temple touched and blessed various parts of their bodies. But the nudity requirement had been changed nearly thirty years ago, and in Elder Barnes's and Elder Paxton's experience, they had worn their white garments under the white poncho, and all blessings of various body parts were delivered by the temple Elders placing their hands on Elder Barnes and Elder Paxton's heads.
"Have you boys been through the temple?" Mr. Reed asked.
"We have," Elder Paxton replied, the older of the two missionaries, and the one more comfortable handling the more difficult questions. "But we never talk about the temple. It's something sacred."
"Is it true that you covenanted to give everything you own to the Mormon church?" Mr. Reed asked.
"Like Elder Paxton said," Elder Barnes, the more physically fit companion replied. "We don't talk about the temple outside of the temple."
Mr. Reed's face darkened for a second, but smoothed over quickly, and Elder Paxton and Elder Barnes silently reassured themselves that they had imagined something.
"I have something in my study, I'd like to show you," Mr. Reed said, standing, and waving for the two young men to follow him.
Elder Paxton and Elder Barnes exchanged a look. Something felt off about Mr. Reed. His house smelled like leather and wood, he kept looking their bodies up and down, and there was that brief second of anger.
"You'll catch hypothermia if you go out in that storm," Mr. Reed said, standing at the doorway to his study watching the missionaries. "And then you'll have to strip off all your clothes and climb in bed together."
He laughed, and the two missionaries decided that was their cue to leave.
"It's been good meeting you, Mr. Reed," Elder Paxton said, he and Elder Barnes both standing. "But we have another meeting we have to get to."
"Oh no," Mr. Reed said, a nasty smile playing at his lips. "You can't leave. The front door is locked from the outside, and I won't let you leave until I show you what I need to show you."
Elder Barnes walked to the front door, and tried to turn the knob. It wouldn't budge.
"You need to let us out," Elder Barnes said, his voice tense. "We need to be at our meeting."
"I won't let you out until you see what I have to show you," Mr. Reed said, turning and walking into his study, leaving the two missionaries alone together in the front room.
"We're not going into his study, right?" Elder Barnes whispered to Elder Paxton.
"I don't know that we have another choice," Elder Paxton said, shrugging. "But God is with us, and there's nothing he could do to overpower both of us, if anything gets weird."
They followed Mr. Reed into his study. On the desk in the center of the room was a candle. The label depicted a naked man tied to a cross, with an erect penis reaching to his pecks. Under the naked man was the word, submission. Elder Barnes quickly looked up at the ceiling, then around at anything else in the room, but Elder Paxton's eyes lingered on the candle for a moment too long. Mr. Reed watched them both.
"You two aren't used to seeing the male body, are you?" Mr. Reed asked.
"I shower every day," Elder Paxton said, tearing his eyes away from the candle. "I know what a male body looks like."
"You know what one male body looks like." Mr. Reed asked. "What about other men's bodies?"
"That's all that God needs us to know," Elder Barnes said.
"That's the thing about these religions," Mr. Reed said. "They have absolute control over their followers' sexuality, and then never do anything fun with it."
"Is the candle what you brought us in here to see?" Elder Paxton asked, his eyes darting back to the naked man with the giant penis on the label. "If it is, we've seen it. Let us go."
"It's not the candle," Mr. Reed said. "Although the candle ties into what I want you to see."
"Then just show us what you want us to see," Elder Barnes said, anger flaring in him.
It would be against mission rules to attack this man. Elder Barnes was doing everything he could to keep himself calm.
"The Mormon church, and all churches, really, exist to control the people." Mr. Reed said. "It's obvious that you," he pointed to Elder Paxton "wish you could have a little more time with my candle. Maybe you even wish you could get one of your own."
"I don't," Elder Paxton said, blushing and quickly looking away from the candle again.
"It's okay," Mr. Reed said.
"It's not, though," Elder Barnes replied. "And you need to leave my companion alone."
"And it's obvious to me," Mr. Reed said looking at Elder Barnes now. "That you feel some need to protect Elder Paxton, almost like you love him."
"I do love Elder Paxton," Elder Barnes replied, his face turning red. "He's like a brother to me."
"He's more than a brother, just like that candle is more than curiosity for him." Mr. Reed said. "The two of you spend every day together, all day. You sleep in the same room. You share your meals. You never leave your home without one another. And yet you've never seen each other naked."
"Of course we haven't," both missionaries replied too quickly.
"And that is the control of the Mormon Church." Mr. Reed said. "It's natural that two men in such close proximity would have some familiarity with one another's bodies, but I imagine, neither of you have seen what the other looks like under those sacred, magic underwear."
Elder Paxton and Elder Barnes looked at each other. Both noticed that the other had a hint of curiosity on their face, as their eyes traveled up and down the other's bodies.
"What I really want to show you is yourselves," Mr. Reed said, "Are you prepared to see?"
The two missionaries stood across from one another, and each of them felt an unfamiliar hunger growing inside of them. Elder Paxton had spent every morning eating breakfast in the kitchen feet away from the bathroom door, where he listened to the water running off of Elder Barnes's naked body in the shower. Hadn't there been mornings (really every morning), where he wished the door could be open, and he could watch Elder Barnes lather up under the hot steamy shower head. Elder Barnes had fallen asleep every night to the sounds of Elder Paxton's deep slow, steady breath. He always finished nightly prayers before Elder Paxton, and would watch Elder Paxton kneeling beside his own bed, barefoot, in nothing but those tauntingly almost-transparent garments.
"Then see," Mr. Reed said.
And by magic, their outer clothing dissolved to nothing. Both missionaries stood in just their garments, bare foot. Their ties, their shirts, their pants, their shoes, their socks were all poofed out of existence.
They stepped closer to each other. Since their clothes had vanished, there was no going back.
The material of Elder Paxton's garments was more opaque then Elder Barnes. His chest hair poked through the cotton on his torso, and a few pubic hairs poked through the white, cotton bottoms. Elder Barnes's garments though, were made out of a silky, nearly transparent material. Elder Paxton could see darker spots where Elder Barnes's nipples and belly button were. He could see the change in color where the tip of Elder Barnes's circumcised cock pressed against his garment bottoms.
"Behind me are two doors," Mr. Reed said, pointing to doors the missionaries hadn't noticed before. "One is the exit, where you can go back to the control of the Mormon Church. You can pretend you never saw what you have seen."
Elder Paxton and Elder Barnes looked at the door and back at each other.
"And the other?" Elder Paxton asked, and Elder Barnes nodded.
"The other," Mr. Reed said with a smile, "Will dissolve those garments right off your bodies, and you two young men will have a home, here in my basement, where you never have to cover up again."
Elder Paxton and Elder Barnes reached for each other, their fingers entwining.
They stepped toward the second door, which swung open for them to reveal a well-lit staircase going down. Elder Paxton stepped through first, his opaque garments vanishing off his body, as Elder Barnes looked on, his eyes watching his companions penis, flop into view. Elder Paxton looked down at his naked body, and back up at Elder Barnes. He grinned, feeling free for the first time in his life.
He reached out a hand that Elder Barnes took, and stepped through the doorway himself. His garments dissolved too. Both missionaries now stood on the other side of the doorway their mission suits transformed to their birthday suits.
"You are free now," Mr. Reed said. And closed the door behind them.
They took the staircase, hand in hand, bare feet on each step ,eyes soaking up one another's bodies. As they descended, they heard more men's voices, growing louder and louder. They hesitated near the bottom, unsure if they were ready to emerge from the staircase butt-naked, and holding hands.
Elder Paxton squeezed Elder Barnes's hand and they stepped forward into the basement, where nearly a hundred naked men cheered for them, as they stepped off the stairs and into Mr. Reed's basement.
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Hi! Sorry, I'm going to be one of the many, many people flooding onto your and everyone else's socials after everything that went down. I just wanted to leave a message and say that I'm sorry about what happened. I've been chronically online for the longest time and eventually there's always a situation like that - take it from a random stranger on tumblr dot com. I don't want to claim anything and say that I know exactly what you and your friends are going through, but just know that people see what's going on and they care. It's about Eno, but it's also about Jack, Soph, Ella/Ash, Sockclip, and you, too. (And more people that I don't know the names of) These things have a ripple effect and it lasts for a long time, yk? I think time helps. Not in the sense that people forget, but in the sense that shitty situations are like weeds, but that over time people become plants and learn to grow around the weeds to get to the sun. But it's okay if you or anyone else involved doesn't get there yet, as long as y'all are safe, and it seems like most of you are. I hope Jack can get to a place where he is, too. You mentioned in your video towards the end that you thought maybe you were too nice and that you needed more boundaries and such. Kindness is a double-edged sword, but I wanted to tell you that no matter how kind or loyal or honest someone is, they don't know what happens until it happens. It's not your fault. It's nothing you did. It sounds like you know that, but I just wanted to throw that out there for reassurance. Please eat something when you can and drink some water. I always end up going to popsicles when I know I need to drink something but don't have the energy to, and candles have been helping me concentrate on my schoolwork. A friend of mine uses peppermint. I apologize if this is way too personal for an anon ask, but it struck a chord in me and I figured I'd send something. Idk, I wish I had more advice for you or something I could give y'all. I wish I did, but I don't. But I wish you and everyone else involved in the situation the best ^^ Take care of yourselves.
I really appreciate this anon
It's been very difficult dealing with all of this, and I always try and convince myself that I don't care but I clearly do, I'm a human being. It's exhausting and it's really hard to convince myself that part of this isn't my fault. I obviously had NO idea she was doing this until it was far too late but even before hand she always did things that made me uneasy, and I should have been more firm.
The number of eyes I have on me right now is really overwhelming and I'm not really sure what the "right" way to handle this is. I've stepped back from talking about it publicly unless I'm directly asked my thoughts on something or if it's important, but I don't really know. It's also just nerve-wracking in general, i'm close to 2,000 followers on twitter and thats like, too many.
I really appreciate your support and your advice. My schoolwork has been SEVERELY slacking due to stress and I'm doing my best to catch up. I can't tell if I'm overreacting or underreacting sometimes. It's all very confusing.
But luckily I have a lot of distractions. Me and like eight my friends are going to Las Vegas next week :) hanging out with them and putting the electronics away really puts things into perspective (aka none of this matters and shouldn't prevent me from being happy)
I'm still probably going to be sad for a while. I'm in contact with ANOTHER victim rn and I'm helping them word their thoughts into a doc, so I can't just completely dip. But I can go forward knowing that there is not "right" way to do this and that I am doing my best.
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Language Learning Through Immersion: 2 Years Japanese Update
Two years of immersion! ʕ•̀ω•́ʔ✧
It’s still a bit unbelievable to me how much time and patience I’ve had with learning Japanese, but it should really come as no surprise that the days went by so fast, because the journey has been equally fun and rewarding.

Somehow, I beat my 1.5 year immersion mark by 7.77 hours and immersed for 742.39 hours for the past six months, averaging 4.12 hours a day, placing more focus on reading to improve my listening.

How I've divided my time in the past 6 months.
Finally added a Anki and Grammar tracker to show you that I really do put more focus on immersion rather than Anki. Arguably, I should really be spending the same amount of time with grammar, but intensive reading and looking up patterns monolingually is very much part of grammar study in itself, so I’m cutting myself a bit of slack. I promise myself to do better, don’t worry.

Further breakdown of grammar and word memorizing in Anki. This does not include the time I spent just reading through grammar books in the first year of immersion, and the roughly 1.5 years I spent dawdling with N5-N4 grammar points in uni and after graduation. I finally realized that I really hated doing grammar in Anki and have stuck to reading them again and again instead. Who knows though, I’m always in the mood for them when I get frustrated, so I keep them around.

Reached a total of 12,213 vocabulary cards. Still using Auto Ease Factor and 10 480 1440 learning steps, the combination of which has allowed me to have decent retention and the ability to learn 50 new cards daily without drowning in reviews. It also significantly lowered the time I spend in Anki.
I still enjoy mining everything useful I see - its going in my backlog if know it in my NL and English. The suspended cards here are words I can’t pass easily in the learning stage - there are words I can guess either the meaning or reading of in the first try, and only learning those words first lessens the burden of remembering two things per card. My brain only has to remember one thing at a time now and it is such a relief! When I finish my backlog eventually, I will return to all these suspended cards, which by that time would hopefully become words that I only need one thing to remember. It’s a pretty good strategy if I do say so myself.
Still lots to learn, but its getting pretty blue now!
Reading = Massive Language Learning Gains
Never in a billion years would I have thought that I could actually sit down and read in Japanese, and I’m very proud to have now read a total of 11,592,202 characters, mostly from visual novels which has absolutely been a gamechanger for language learning.
Surprise, surprise, reading boosted my comprehension so much that I can actually listen better. If you know the words, you are able to recognize them better when listening, therefore improving listening comprehension. I was never able to follow Youtube videos or podcasts very well before, but these days, I can put something in the background and still catch meaning (depends on content). Still have so much to improve on, but I’m very pleased with my progress.
Progression of Average Reading Speed

I also made some new graphs that covers my average reading speed from the time I started reading books in Japanese. These are so pleasing to look at and I’m glad I’ve made them, since I can easily see how far I’ve come. There are still genres I need more time with, but nothing a bit more reading and consistency can’t fix. I also still have to actually get into novels more, but I keep struggling finding something that keeps me interested for longer than an hour, which makes visual novels really 神 since I can read for 7+ hours and not feel bored.

I’ve also started to read out loud to practice good pitch pronunciation. Like generally outputting, its still very much a work in progress, but I’m glad to have started at the very least.

I still stand by every resource I've ever listed on my blog, so if you ever need any specific app or tool or immersion material recommendation, I probably already have mentioned it, if not, feel free to ask and I'll be more than happy to help you get started!
Thanks so much for sticking around with me for the past year or so. Running this blog has been just as fun for me, and seeing people jump in on the immersion bandwagon because of my posts is pretty cool!
Here's to more language gains in the future! (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧
#language learning#japanese language#language acquisition#study blog#langblr#studyblr#japanese#language immersion#japanese langblr#japanese studyblr#日本語
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so like life sucks right so im trying to pluck my face and i stumbled upon bounprem stuff even tho i've been watching like nothing or drumming videos (i lied... know why, cos i keep clicking on fanmade mvs for winteamidk why bc i hate watching them but they give me info in extremely close amounts of time)
con: is boun rich? if so, shame
pro: everything else. i ESPECIALLLLLLLY like how they want to work behind the camera!!!!!!! it seems like that was boun's goal all along which really excites me as a ~filmmakeur~ and i like that prem may try it too. i laughed when he didnt know what a slate was but he didn't know about production and he's a green actor so i can believe that but he shouldnt sell himself short cos being an actor can give you a lot of insight into the behind the scenes work. it also makes u appreciate us more :)
this makes me want to hug my friends lmao i havent seen or touched friends and i'm fucking single and im high alone GOD WHY!!!!
anyway my point was that im high and love them and i hope they do art >:)
lastly, i hope they are friends forever they have great chemistry and their true actual care for e/o. i was thinking about how i don't ship people but i enjoy seeing good relationships esp in this context. bl is really devoid of a lot of shit but i think what's the best thing about seeing two people who share a space and are being looked at is the chemistry of how that dynamic works as co-workers and, hopefully, close friends. that's why pretend camraderie is important when doing (dumb) press-circuits (so people can make ze $)
it's always nice to see natural chemistry or people learning their rship or even people who may not be close after shooting (in any context, but here in particularly) but find themselves as older casual friends to catch up with. since this genre is so heavily focused on blurring those lines or whatever when things start getting weird (like from exposure and lack of good skilsl of acting and/or care or whatever idk im high) or they have shitty rships in between them for whatever reason u can immediately tell
so like oh your chemistry is real ! on top of that for some it's like oh real and ur playing characters that are falling in love. idk what im saying it's just reaally exciting to meeee u have a perosn with u supporting u thru the same process u r. also with two people there's always going to be someone who picks up not...slack but is more into a leadership type position (i hate using this word) but somoene you rely on if you arent the type to want to take care of eveyrthing—a lot of friends and couples do it (i do with my best friends. literally i'll be quiet and let them do things im too embarrassed to do but im still insanely forceful and i will play that role for them if needed) so bounprem have that in their natures and boun being older and slightly mroe mature (or i would say again different natures who knows)
it's the same type of joy you get and excitement you feel when ensemble casts truly like each other and it's ~natural energie~ (like in my engineer the whole feel of it i'm just like omg u guys are FRIENDS fijshoufija theyre so cute; hope theyre all okay) it also shows that you have someone/people you trust and having fun on set is really important. filming should be fun. a lot of times i don't like finishing shows because if the chemistry is good for the cast i feel like empty, like im leaving the set. that's a really good feeling tho!!!
anyway i think a big part of it (im still trying to articulate myself) is the fact that they dont have to be real but have the capacity to be and can set the limits of their rship but it's really nice to have a really influential set of people who want the best for you and vice versa esp if someone knows u more intimately in a capacity many people may not experience/understand because of ur job (IE showing as ~lovers~ but being friends irl even tho uve been very intimate for simulation and artistic value. this is based on a specific set of principles btw i'm not including sex work here bc it's also very different and a job in a different way but it doesnt make it lesseer than anything. all jobs suck tho)
ALSO I realize how easily their personalities fit winteam not in a 'they dont have to try" way cos they do and should. they're ok actors and the more u do and learn etc but the chemistry tests they probably had with them probably solidified that even though they are very diff than their characters. being an insanely good swimmer from jump gives the watcher the impression of probably perfectionism, a bit of torment, perhaps dumb jock syndrome, and having to be insanely good; for win the tattoos are an instant signifier instantly (if u c them) cos it's always like ~ooh what's the story~* lmao
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Jungkook taking care of Jimin
okay so, I've been missing jikook awfully lately so I decided to make this little thread.
This will probably be rather long so hope you enjoy :D
1. Offering him jacket when Jimin is (probably) cold

In the first one, Jungkook is seen wearing that blue hoodie at the beginning of the video, and at the end of it you can see Jimin comfortably goofing around in that same blue hoodie.
In the second one you clearly can see Jungkook himself offering the hoodie to Jimin.
And in the third one, even tho Jimin said he took the jacket from Jungkook, Jungkook could have still said no since it was really cold and rainy that day, but instead we have jikook sharing warmth and being cuddly in one jacket. I approve.
2. Going as far to follow Jimin's diet to prove him it isn't healthy

I think the picture is self explanatory. Jimin was doing this extreme diet where he only ate one meal per day so Jungkook decided to do the same as to prove it's not healthy.
3. Always feeding him and checking if he ate

To connect on the previous fact, Jungkook is rather always keen on feeding Jimin and idk if it's just me but it feels like he is constantly checking jimin if he ate well.
Like in the second gif, Jimin was waiting for Seokjin to feed him but Seokjin didn't notice that, so Jungkook took the chopsticks from Seokjin and fed Jimin himself.
In the third gif, Hoseok was eating some candy and Jungkook went to him, literally took one while he was trying to put it into his mouth and gave it to Jimin :D
I'm probably looking too much into it but it just catches my eye how in that RUN EP.39 while they were playing 'Yes or No', Jungkook was the MC and the only questions he asked "Did you eat well?".
Or in RUN EP.38 while Seokjin and Jimin were eating at the table, Jungkook came to them and said "You can't leave anything, okay?".
And even now in the latest RUN episode Jungkook during "lunch" there was a short clip of Jungkook putting more food on Jimin's plate. Idk I just find it really endearing and cute.
4. Protecting him
As we all know, airport is a war zone most of the time for BTS. Constant pushing around, screaming fans.
Once, in 2016, Jimin tripped or was pushed down by fans that mobbed them and he fell down. Luckily manager quickly picked him up so he wasn't badly hurt. The next day you can see Jungkook walking side by side with Jimin, with his arm on his shoulder. And on many occasions you can just see jikook insuperable at airports.

Also Jimin himself, when he was asked to choose a member he would like to travel with, wrote down JK and said that "It seems like he will protect me from others."
5. Always encouraging him and assuring him that he is doing okay
Sure, it's well know that Jungkook loves to tease Jimin but he acknowledges when Jimin is really feeling anxious or worried so he makes sure to assure him that he's doing well.
During this interview (it's around 1:50 mark) the question was "Do you have anything that you regretted in?" and as soon as Jimin said "How do I start talking about my past?" Jungkook nust randomly said "No, hyung you're handsome!" and even tho members were teasing Jimin about his last selfies and Jungkook joined, the gesture was still sweet and cute.
If I remember correctly during BTS BIRTHDAY PARTY 2016 Jimin was one of the MCs and he was struggling to take the sheet of the boards and members were teasing him about that and his cute mistakes while MCing but Jungkook just kept saying "Cut him some slack" or "Hyung you're doing good!" multiple times.

He's ways quick to encourage him when he starts doubting his voice skills or literally anything.
Praising his food, basketball skills, his skills for being collected while solving that puzzle during RUN EP.38. Jungkook is always there to say something nice and encouraging.
Sure, he teases him, but Jungkook the best knows when Jimin needs kind words to keep him grounded.
6. Making him laugh
This is a well known and established fact in jikook community. Jeon Jungkook is there to make Jimin laugh.
There's so many moments where Jungkook would act silly just to make Jimin laugh or he would act silly, then loon at Jimin to see if he laughed and if he did he would do it again just because. Or he would look at Jimin before acting silly to see if he's looking at him and the he would do it.
For examples here are some videos:
Jimin's laugh Compilation made by Jungkook
Jungkook always makes Jimin laugh so hard
And many more that you can find :D
Also let me just add this here:

7. Jungkook is whipped for Jimin
This may not seem like "taking care of him" but for me it is.
It hides in complaining how slow Jimin is sometimes but still waiting for him to get off the stage together or falling behind with him all the time during BON VOYAGE SEASON 1.
Saying he will prank him about his lost phone, but as soon as seeing Jimin's troubled face he pulled that phone straight out of his pocket.
Only buying Jimin a birthday present, taking him on a trip, just two of them (scream loudly if you're still crying over G.C.F in Tokyo bc I sure as hell am).
Losing the game just so he could share a room with Jimin.
Always massaging his shoulders/neck.
It's all just the little things but really nice gestures.
And that's it. I wish I could make this longer but at the end I only was able to use words since Tumblr allows only 10 photos in one post but I could go on and on with photos of Jungkook looking at Jimin with that smitten look or video of him making Jimin laugh.
Hope you liked it :D
#jikook#kookmin#jungkook taking care of jimin#caring jungkook#loved jimin#whipped jungkook#i love my boys#and i miss them
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I don’t know what to say. Haven’t seen it yet (plan on watching it maybe tonight if I have time). But people complaining because other people’s safety is ensured seems to be a theme in the world lately. // Justifying under "it is what it happens here" but many forget that concert etiquette changed a lot over the years which many do lack and things aren't what it seem to be
I'm not sure concert etiquette has changed. It's the people going to the concerts that haven't learned the appropriate etiquette and maybe being more selfish.
I was once at a concert which was at a small venue and half way through the concert I felt getting dizzy because the air in the room was used up and all the moving and stuff made things more difficult. So I decided myself to make my way out the venue to catch some fresh air. I was only a few metres away from the door when I fainted. Apparently in front of people because when I came to they had carried me outside where medics were waiting. Although knowing what was wrong I had to go with them to get checked cursing inside about losing my good spot in the crowd (lol).
All this to say that people need to be taught what the proper etiquette is, maybe by their parents if they are younger and if that's not the case bands have to pick up the slack now. I've also been always very grateful for those bands (especially male ones) that interrupt gigs to stop fights in the crowd or even worse when women get harassed. Unfortunately, there are enough videos on Youtube about that, most famously Nirvana and Rage Against The Machine.
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Please do more what I eat today videos, I need some more inspo I've been slacking a little this week 🙄😬
we weren't sure people still did those or vlogged 😂 we have an instant pot vid, kombucha, exercise impact on weight loss & collabs in the works, but we have been so busy its hard to find time to even post something to IG. I catch up during Tate's naps & at night. I am also getting my Masters In Public Health at night and attending nutrition confrences almost every month this year & planning Vegfest/gathering speakers plus working on two houses so busiest year of my life, but also the best, not to mention the greatest time in the history of the world to be vegan! All the hard work from a world of vegan activists, entreprenuers, consumers, bloggers, social media & health professionals & more is just creating an unstopable wave of positive change!
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