#i also need to know where he buys his clothes. this is life or death
tiredfox64 · 4 months
Hello, good afternoon, it's my first time doing this XD could you make a gn!lector x trio lin kuei? the brothers showing affection to the reader in their different love languages
Love is Many Things
Prior notes: I did headcanon type of way cause that was just simpler for me to do :P. Hope this is okay for you!
Pairings: Lin Kuei Bros x Gn reader
Warnings ‼️: None now stop contacting me about financial aid!
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Hear me out ladies, gents, and non binaries.
Physical affection!
If he loves you he will be touchy and you better be touchy as well.
He is a touch starved fella you need to at least hold his face.
He will hold you but that is also out of possession.
Sit on his lap, go ahead, don’t be shy.
Fine he’ll drag you on. Don’t tell him you are too heavy he doesn’t want to hear it.
Hugging you from behind while he rest his head on your shoulders, classic move.
He pinches. Yeah…what do you mean what do I mean?
If there is any part of you that is squishy (cheeks, thigh, arm) he pinches it but not on purpose. It’s in the manner like a grandma coming to squeeze your face but she does it too harshly.
Cuddles in bed, no you may not leave. Unless you are bleeding or need to use the bathroom then you can leave.
If he is holding your hand he will start to lightly rub his thumb over your hand.
He’s a man of action not words so take his lovin in physical form.
Kuai Liang
Words of affirmation!
I have a feeling sometimes he is poetic with his words.
Whispers in your ear as you fall asleep. Tell you how fantastic you are and how lucky he is to have you in his life.
“Death can never separate us. You are mine and I am yours. We are eternally together. It is our destiny.”
If he is far from you he will send letters.
I just know he has decent cursive. Not good just decent.
Compliments you on everything.
He will always find a way to compliment your looks. It could be something simple like your hair is glorious to your eyebrows are well kept.
If you have any skills he will compliment that to.
He encourages anything and everything you do. Go into a hobby that may seem strange to him but if it makes you happy go right ahead.
He is always willing to talk to you whether it be an issue in the relationship or just something you want to say that seems important.
Communication is key he makes that a big point. Tell him if there is anything wrong. He will tell you if something is wrong.
You will have a personalized nickname that fits you. You feisty? Fire lily! You happy? Sunflower! You angry? Ember! He will always add ‘his’ before it.
Gift Giving!
We don’t know where he gets the money to purchase everything for you, he might be stealing.
It starts off simple with giving you a smooth rock like a penguin does.
It elevates to bouquets, crystals, food, etc.
The max is when he is buying you everything you love or even take a glance at.
Oh so you like Hello Kitty? BAM! Hawaiian Hello Kitty plushie the size of your bed. A Lego fan huh? BOOM! Millennium falcon set.
It’s easier to accept it because if you don’t he gives you that sad face that crushes your soul.
He will bring you something back from whatever mission he is on. Again that could be a smooth stone or a vintage watch. Whatever he can scavenge for.
He always has this wide grin on his face when he hands you a gift or when he tries to hide it behind his back.
Sorry not sorry you’re gaining relationship weight because he keeps buying you food.
He likes buying you clothes. Some of his choice seems to be more for him than you wink wink nudge nudge.
He’ll be asking you nonstop if you need something so he can buy it for you.
“I saw it and thought of you.” That’s the best thing to hear.
All of em
I’m not done yet.
Ooo someone stop me I never stop with having all of them.
As a combined effort they do acts of service.
Of course they are going to protect their precious partner. If someone even scratched you they would be in a ditch.
Heaven forbid you get sick, they gonna take care of you in every way they can. You need some Vic’s vaporub?
You tired after the long day? Let them draw you a bath and get you some nice clothes before putting you to bed.
They’ll cook for you. Well, Kuai Liang and Tomas will. Bi-Han got agitated one time cause he burned his finger on the handle and ended up throwing the pan out the window. Never again.
Surprise dates! Yippie!
Sigh I’m involving children again.
They are all helping out with the kids. It’s okay to take a shower they will watch over them.
I’m counting a group cuddle as an act of service. It would be service to me.
After notes: I think I might post my oc real soon. I know I’ve done it before and I end up deleting it but I’ll try to keep it up next time. Now I need to shower. Adiós!
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animeyanderelover · 2 months
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Tw: Yandere themes, possessive behavior, obsession, delusional mindset, stalking, manipulation, blackmailing, isolation, abduction, femalre reader
Tags: @lovley-valentine7
I love you but I can't be with you
Fushiguro Toji
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🪱​You've been warned of Fushiguro Toji from his close acquaintance Shiu, your meeting with the agent unavoidable as soon as the assassin starts hanging out around you increasingly. Shiu is honest and you appreciate that even though what he informs you about hurts you a bit. Are you suprised though? Not really. It's always been obvious from observing the huge man that his life isn't exactly normal. It's just a shame that you had to fall in love with him of all people as you already know that you can't have a relationship with a man who sleeps with women only to leave them as soon as he has their money and who has a broke and irregular lifestyle you don't want to be part of. That is why you reject him when you find yourself in a situation where Toji makes his interest in you apparent even if your heart is beating out of your chest. You at least explain yourself honestly though as you confess that you can't see yourself in a relationship with him and the way he is currently living his life.
🪱​Nothing would hold him back from simply abducting you, taking you for his own desires. He's thrown away the concept of morality with the death of his wife after all, doesn't care if people think of him as the scum on earth. It's... different with you though. A feeling that is neither normal love nor only selfish desire has crawled into his heart and nested itself inside like a parasite. He knows you have feelings for him. His senses have heightened to the point where he can smell and hear things that no other human could sense. He picks up on that little heartbeat of yours beating loudly inside your chest when he is around, senses the heat of your cheeks when he gets too close to you. You don't fear him nor do you despise him, you love him yet it is his own way of living and his bad reputation and gambling addiction that stops you from allowing you to give in to your feelings. Perhaps it is that knowledge that has him considering to give it one, but only one, try to woo you the normal way and to see if he is capable of more than what he has reduced himself to after his wife's death.
🪱​All of a sudden he drops everything bad. He stops gambling, he saves the money, buys an actual house, starts caring more for Megumi who you often babysit and dresses up in better clothes. Even Shiu is surprised by the way Toji suddenly flipped his life around but the man has also known him long enough to realise that those feelings still differ from what Toji felt for his wife. He's willing to be a better lover for you but not willing to be anything more. He keeps secrets from you, never tells you what his true jobs entail and how he earns the money he willingly pours into you nor does he let you know about the presence of curses. The things you do not know can't scare you and hurt your relationship with him after all and as long as you are in his protection you may never need to find out after all. Is he a better person thanks to you? Yes and no. He's content, happy for the first time in years because of your presence in his life but he only is a better man when around you. He still murders children, woman and men alike to earn his money, hunts down everyone who poses a threat to you and gets rid of anyone else who may have an interest in you. You're going to be safe and loved, everyone else is a free game.
Doctor Shamal
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🩺​It is no surprise that you don't trust Shamal with your heart that foolishly fell for him even though you knew that he was a certified womanizer who loves every woman he lays eyes upon. Yet you couldn't stop your traitorous heart when his attention landed on you. As sappy and silly as Shamal is and as clingy and touchy as he acts, you have seen that he hides more behind that goofy facade of his. His knowledge is vast and he is quite educated and from the stories he has shared with you you know that he is a man who has travelled all over the world and has seen things that you can only dream of seeing with your own days some day if you have the money. The doctor showers you in attention, touches and compliments yet you wonder how long it will take him to find his new love interest so you decide that you should end things before you get your heart broken during a dinner he invited you too, dressing up in a nice suit and sending you expensive clothes to wear as well.
🩺​As blind as this love might have made him, Shamal knows that his reputation with women in the past may have made him appear in not the best light in your eyes but the rejection you courtly tell him still breaks his poor heart on that night. No words and promises seem to convince you on that night enough to give him a chance as you almost have to run away from him as he persistently chases after you as you leave, sensing that you have broken the romantic atmosphere with your rejection. You're mistaken if you think that your rejection would stop Shamal though. He is far from giving up actually, all the more determined to win you over and prove you wrong. He may have had his unsavoury habits in the past but now he is a man truly in love and adamant to prove to you that he has changed for the better to be a devoted lover to you. Old habits of his unfortunately do not disappear in the least although there is one major change. His creepy behavior that he previously directed to multiple women is now solely focused on you.
🩺​It is only the fact that you love him that stops you from calling the police as you forgive his behavior even though to any other person he classifies as a stalker. He follows you around every day and sings you his promises of love, constantly appears in front of your door and sends you constantly gifts all in hopes of winning you over. He is willing to do anything to help you see that he only loves you and if you want proof of his burning passion for you you only have to tell him what you want and he will give it to you. He may use some underhanded methods when he realises that he isn't getting anywhere with his attempts, might send his mosquitoes out to infect someone close to you only to sweep in as your night in shining armour who cures the patient back to health only to then bask in your attention and gratitude. Sure, it isn't very chivalrous to use other people to win you over but he isn't harming anyone fatally in the end and nurses everyone back to health. There are people much worse than him in the Mafia, you know?
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💚​Jae-Ha is infamous for his playboy attitude, appreciative of the beauty around him and even going as far as chasing everyone he believes to be beautiful. He may be a tad bit perverted but he does it with such confidence that it's almost attractive again. No one could blame you for falling in love with him as he is handsome, confident and despite his playboyish and perverted tendencies at the end of the day still highly charming and treats women with kindness and respect. Still, you have known him long enough and heard from the other people he travels with enough to know that he is probably not what you are looking for in a partner. As flattering and charming as he is as soon as he lays his eyes on you, you know that you are only one of many to have received such sweet words and his attention. His confession one day when the both of you are alone takes you by surprise as he asks of you to come with him, his hand stretched out and his green eyes looking at you.
💚​He has been told off before by some women in his life due to his advances but he has always made the effort to respect their wishes. Your rejection is different though. It hurts him deep inside his heart yet he swallows all the pain down and smooths his face to hide any flicker of heartbreak as he asks you why you don't want to be with him. You're slightly anxious as you tell him about what you have seen yourself and what you have been told about his flirty and playboyish behavior and he can just feel the anger building up inside of him. He asks you who it is that told you about all of this and has to suppress his ire from showing too much as he clenches his jaw when you carefully admit that you had a talk with Ki-ja who told you about his tendencies to chase after everything he perceives as beautiful. The same night he gets into a fight with the white dragon that almost escalates into a physical fight if it wouldn't have been for Yona. Reluctantly he stops but his anger is still very much burning inside of him as he warns Ki-ja as well as everyone else to never put any wrong ideas in your head again.
💚​He's far from discouraged from your rejection though. Jae-Ha is after all persistent and confident, downright bold with his advances as he continues to spend his time with you. He knows that he can't force you into a relationship with him. His group would catch on if he were to do it and Gi-Gan raised him better than this. As a rather possessive individual though the very least he has to do to be somewhat at ease is to see it through that you don't fall for anyone else and that no one dares to claim you for themselves. Perhaps it is a tad bit cruel as he keeps on tugging at your heartstrings even after you have rejected him to secure that you don't erase him from your heart, not allowing you to move on from him all whilst threatening and scaring away anyone who he senses considers trying their chances with you. It's alright. You don't have to accept him instantly but if you even think that he would just let you move on from him you are sorely mistaken. One day he will have you all for himself and until that day comes he will see it through that no one else can have you.
Suoh Tamaki
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🌹​You're not the first one in love with Tamaki from all the clients in the host club as he is widely popular in the school and you know that you aren't the last one either. Perhaps if he would have realised his feelings sooner you would have accepted his confession but unfortunately Tamaki remained oblivious for too long, denying his love for you so that he could keep his Host Club running and continue pleasing the female guests. By the time he finally acknowledges his feelings and the whole obsession comes crashing down on him you have resigned yourself to the fact that you probably wouldn't be happy due to his position and his role as the host. You've seen how much it means to him and have decided to not interfere. So when he goes down on one knee and offers you a red rose, confessing his feelings to you and asking you earnestly to be his you have a very bittersweet feeling brimming in your heart before you shake your head and softly reject him.
🌹​You leave his poor heart shattered and his impulsiveness gets the better of him as he grasps your arm as you attempt to leave, tears brimming in his eyes. He's incredibly stubborn, shakes his head when you ask of him to let you leave as he refues to let you go after your rejection. Kyoya is on that day your savior as he had a feeling that Tamaki would confess to you soon after having finally figured out your feelings and he helps you to separate the teary-eyed boy from you before dragging him away, reprimanding him for his unwarranted behavior just now whilst Tamaki kneels on the ground like a kicked puppy, desperately dealing with his freshly broken heart. The co-host doesn't give up though, far from it actually. He knows that you have loved him long before he even realised his own emotions for you and this fuels his delusional thoughts only more. Nothing is lost after all as it is only his own inability to recognise his love for you that has ruined his chances and he constantly beats himself up for it.
🌹​The truth is that he is more anxious than he would like to let others notice, his princely facade up as he attempts to woo you and win you over with the same act he constantly has all other guests swooning over him in the Host Club only to soon realise you don't fall for it as you know that this is merely an act he always puts on to please his clients. As soon as he has recognised that he is only pushing you away further though he drops this act and reveals his real self that he always shows outside of his Host Club. He's clingy, greedy for attention and throws a drama as soon as you pay attention to someone else and ignore him. At times his anxiety and impatience gets the better of him which means that he might corner you out of desperation. He loves you and he knows that you love him too so he's begging you to give him a chance. He knows that he's at fault for having ignored his own feelings for you but he promises that he'll treat you like royalty if you give him a chance.
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♠️​Ikkyu's own blooming obsession is something he is painfully aware of because how could he not? He's essentially entrapped, his own wish he made as a child something that has restricted him and robbed him of his freedom as he has his own fanclub obsessing over him and threatening everyone who dares to try to take him away from them. That is why he attemps to distance himself from you for your own protection, pushing his own feelings down all because he wants to protect you. Yet the yearning he does would put a poet to shame, blue eyes discreetly stealing glances at you and only lingering on you when he is wearing sunglasses, his gaze hidden from the people around him behind the darkened lenses. Just once... Just once does he want to tell you how he truly feels about you and maybe then will he be able to move on. He spends a few days meticulously planning everything before he secretly informs you, his heart threatening to burst when he finally has you all for himself for the first time and tells you what he has been feeling for you for a longer time now.
♠️​If you would have just acted the same way as everyone of his fangirls he would have been able to let you go yet you do something that sets him down a dark path. You confess your own feelings earnestly to him, his heart nearly stopping as he realises that you are genuine and not blinded by the same obsessive adoration as other girls but you instantly crush his heart moments later as you prove to be very self-aware. You know about Rika and his fanclub, do not wish to bring yourself into danger before admitting that you also aren't too sure about him. He's charming and a playboy, someone you do not want to commit to and whilst you do realise that this is probably a facade he has to keep up to keep his fangirls on a leash you wish you could see the real him but know that his status probably won't allow that. All you would have needed to do was be just another fangirl or just simply reject him and he could have moved on yet you defy all of his previous encounters with other girls. Ikki realises on that day that he can't allow himself to let you go, opening his heart as he willingly allows his obsession to fully take root.
♠️​He leaves you alone after that day though and initially you believe that he respects your decision. The few times you two do interact there seems to be nothing off with him which only lures you into a sense of false security. You see him spending more time with Rika and his fangirls again and there is a bittersweet ache in your heart as you acknowledge that everything is back to how it was. At least until you receive news one day that Rika got into a terrible accident and is hospitalised, the whole fanclub in a disarray as Rika is the president. You didn't necessarily like her but what happened to her is still quite shocking. You didn't expect Ikkyu to look as affected as he does and you guess that even though Rika must have given him lots of trouble she still was someone he knew quite well. He seeks out comfort in you, keeps you close and you foolishly comply as you believe that he needs the company and the comfort, missing the way he smirks slightly when you hug him or the way his blue eyes trail over you as soon as you turn your head away from him.
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blueparadis · 1 year
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꒰ STUCK ON YOU ꒱ ⋮ JING YUAN [ CONTENT & TAGS ] — » f!reader x jing yuan, fluff, angst, undertones of smut, established relationship//word count — 1.2k// blog navigation.
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Jing Yuan saunters across the chambers in his loose trousers, a serape wrapped from his back to his chest just to safeguard himself from catching a cold. The enormous windows connecting the chambers to the sundeck are still open letting the cold gusts of wind enter. The world is slowly sinking into darkness while he grows restless with each passing second. How could have this happened? This is the first time it went down this way, after his marriage with you. The general is earnest about what he does, and what he has been doing. He is one of the seven Arbiter-Generals of the Xianzhou Alliance's Cloud Knights and one of the Six Charioteers of the Xianzhou Luofu.  How could he let it happen? Wait, was he really at fault for this?
The approaching footsteps reach his ears and he stares at the door of this sleeping chamber. Is it really you?
“What’re you doing here?” he grabs you by the shoulders as you walk into the room. His grip is firm enough to bruise you but you are used to it. It has been a few months since the marriage, and most of it went away in learning various rituals and traditions of post-marriage. However, when he had you all to himself he drained every bit of love from him into you that his fingertips could ever offer on the shores of your skin. But this has never happened before; you, away from home, away from him when he is about to come back from a warzone.
“I could ask you the same—-” You steadied yourself from the sudden disbalance caused by his hold on you. “What’re you doing here?” you deadpanned without flinching. Your husband cocks his face, seeing the ache in your eyes and deliberately mistaking it as a challenge or a mere tantrum. After all, you are the wife of the greatest general of all time. Not only him but everyone except the fire underneath your soul and a spark in your eyes yet here you are: caged by the man you took vows to be bound to him by life, death, and afterlife. You do not resist it. You never do. He knows that. 
Jing Yuan knows how keen you are for him, how hungry your soul is for him because of all those stealing glances in between meetings, all those sneaky moments with you, taking tours in the town in the guise of common people, him buying you the prettiest flowers and the brightest gems, you kissing him under the oak tree where there was no soul to be seen; just you and him against the world—- were all those just a fever dream?  Was he just your plaything and not the other way around ? Could it really be possible? What went wrong?
“What am I doing here?” He leans towards you enough to let his breath fan against your mouth but not to touch your lips with his. “I’m here for you. Can’t you tell?” He murmurs against your ears, deeply inhales your scent. He has missed you direly in times of war but he had never imagined that he would not see his wife when he comes home after winning the war. Whenever he came home, especially after wars you were there to greet him, to tend to his wounds and needs. He would search for you like a wounded predator seeking refuge but this time when he came home and you were nowhere to be found in his palace, he felt like he did not win at war. All those lives that he protects, all those lives that he just saved seemed useless. It is a wasted victory. 
His grip loosens eventually. He still has not discarded the armor and changed into normal clothes. The sword is still tucked in its sheath, he could kill you if he wanted. After all, you defied so many things by coming here to your father’s home. You defied not only his dignity but also your morals, and went against all the rules and rituals that make you the wife of the general. But it was just too hard to keep up, too suffocating to breathe. You could not just take it—- the time apart that you have to spend every time he prepares for war. 
No letters. No news. You can not even accompany him to the battle site. All you can do is wait and pray to the Gods while he fights. Jing Yaun will never understand how hard it is to hold on to hope when the grim reaper is banging at the door. He will never know how many sleepless nights you have spent thinking about him. He will never since he is always bestowed with your presence whenever he comes home; be it war or a mere chore. He would never fathom the agony of longing for you. But you can not possibly tell him that. He might be furious, he might get hurt, he might think it is childish and he might not take you home with him. There are so many things that could happen but you still had to risk it to see it for yourself, to let him feel what you have felt during the times of war.
“There are certain matters that need my attention. So, I had to come here. It was urgent.” You finally stated. The maids who were standing outside for your order entered the room for preparing a bath for him. It is dark outside. You can not let him go with a wounded heart and body. It is not right. Jing Yuan is standing at an arm's length from you, his glacial eyes boring at you while the maids fade into the adjacent room. 
“Tell me. Tell me why. . . why are you doing this?” his voice is firm and loud. It is not of someone who is not a fertile thinker enough to put two and two together to get four. 
“You know why. . .” that was barely a whisper but Jing Yuan’s heart never ached like this before. He has been through countless deaths, and he has witnessed his beloved turn into a ghost but being at arm's length from you and being unable to take away your pain is a salt to his wounds. He knows he had pained you enough. He can see it. He can see it now; when you look down with eyes so full of tears all he wishes is to make everything disappear, the maids, the rules, the customs that keep you apart from him; have you in his arms and the world aside enough not to disturb his time with you. 
“Then, I shall stay here until you settle things here.” He exclaims as if he did not just break eons of traditions. After marriage, the husband never stays at his wife’s house, they never can especially someone with such a high rank as Jing Yuan but he has been earnest about what he does. He has been stubborn like a child obsessed with a particular toy since he met you and he shall not leave this place without his plaything. “I could assist you in work” he remarks as he swiftly closes the gulf between you two having you in arms crashing his lips on to yours. 
The maids are still here. They could come out at any minute now but Jing Yuan does not budge. His hand slips under your robes, pulling them up and grabbing your thigh. His kiss grows hungry while you arch. Oh! How he has missed this scent. The sound of water ceases declaring that their work is done.
“more like distracting me . . .” you rasp pulling away from his fervent kiss. He rests his mouth against the column of your neck, breathing hard before draging his nose down your throat and finally freeing you from his hold. The maids inform and leave after doing the nesessities. You undress yourself while staring at your husband. He watches you as the dresses hit the floor one by one.
Jing Yuan's lips form a crescent, so full of thrill and joy. That's the spirit. That's the lioness Jing Yuan remembers falling for.
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vivakitkt · 1 year
Genshin men when you are pregnant
Characters: Xiao, Wanderer, Diluc, Childe
Warnings: Grammar mistakes, not proofread, cringy(?) fem-implied reader!
A/n: Hello everyone! I don’t think I will be writing anything like a whole story for a character for a while because I’m feeling a little bit of writer block so I decided I’m probably going to continue to write short little stories like this! With that being said
Please enjoy! <3
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Was in denial the first time you told him that you were pregnant. But ever since you got your ultrasound and saw his child, he fell in love. Very good at taking care of your pregnancy cravings and your aching muscles. When you go out to buy baby clothes, he buys anything that you want. When you reach the shoe section, he stands in shock as he see the tiny shoes that his own child would be wearing one day and breaks down a little. He’s always there when you need him and is even more weary of your safety now that you have to carry a whole entire other human in your stomach. Whenever you start to feel sick in the morning, he immediately wakes up not that he was sleeping in the first place and goes over to help you. Enjoys putting his ear in front of your stomach and listening to his baby’s kicks! When your water breaks, he’s already panicking and making sure that you have every that you need for the hospital. Cannot stand waiting outside and hearing your screams inside of the room. When you finally finish giving birth, his eyes instantly melt at the sight of your newborn and gives you a quick peak on your forehead thanking you.
If you told any one of his many different identities in the past that he would have a child with the love of his life one day, he wouldn’t believe you. When you revealed that you were pregnant to him, he froze and scared you half to death thinking that he wasn’t happy. He was in fact beyond happy. Happy, scared, excited, concerned, and many other feelings. Could he even be a good father? He was scared. Scared that he would hurt his child in the same way that he was previously hurt. But you reassured him many multiple time over and over that he would be a great father. Throughout your pregnancy, wanderer would surprisingly be really good at taking care of you. When you suddenly wanted to eat dango in the middle of the night, he still went outside to go and buy it for you, even through his look of annoyance. As great as he was taking care of your during your pregnancy, one thing he could not get understand was your random mood changes and emotional state. While watching the news you would randomly start crying in the middle of the weather forecast, saying that upcoming rain in the forecast made you emotional. Through your emotional being, you were also more sensitive than usual. When he wouldn’t eat because he gave most of his food to you, you would start yelling at him to eat and wouldn’t stop til he did so. When you went into labor, he was restless. Pacing back and forth in front of the room like a maniac. When the doctor finally called him in, he felt like he could breathe again. As soon as he saw your tired body holding a little tiny human, he cracked. He walked over to your body and let out a couple of tears he was sobbing.
The day he found out that your were pregnant, he was ecstatic. Almost to the point where he had tears filling the brim of his crimson eyes as he embraced you tightly thanking you continuously. Since then your house has been filled with baby clothes, furniture, locks, a whole entire nursery was already built, and even a green house for you to relax in. Your rich husband knows no expense when he is shopping for you and for his unborn one in your stomach. Oh you’re hungry? He’ll buy you an entire gourmet meal. Oh are you tired my dear? He has your favorite blanket, stuffed animals, and snacks all prepared for you. Are you cold? No worries he can just warm you up using his body heat. You just need to stay in his arms! He is the perfect man during your pregnancy. When he isn’t there with you, he makes sure to tell Adelinde to take extra care of you. When you are in labor, if you told someone that he was the held house hold of the Ragnvindr clan and owner of the Dawn Winery, they probably wouldn’t believe you. He is absolutely in shambles hearing your strained screams and people also yelling. Then the world goes quiet as he hears a small little squeal finally coming from the room. He immediately rushes in when the doctor tells him to come and sees you holding your child in your arms. He approaches you and kneels down to see your child more clearly as he uses his big arms to embrace you and your child together.
As soon as you barely utter the words pregnant to him, he stands in shock for a split second and then immediately picks you up to spin you around. He has a big family and always wanted a family of his own with the one he loves. So when you got pregnant, he was more than grateful to you. Couldn’t wait to tell his family that you were pregnant. He had a really hard time holding in the secrecy of your pregnancy. Every time you both went outside or shopping for baby clothes, he felt the need to include “Oh by the way my beautiful amazing wife is pregnant?” Or “Yea did you know my absolutely gorgeous wife is pregnant with my child?” He needed everyone to know that he was having a child with you. When you are pregnant, he spoils you rotten. Like I mean gifts every single day. You would probably need a whole closet or room to put all of the stuff he gifts you for your baby. Anything baby related, he would have it. Takes extra care of you when you are pregnant. Doesn’t let you touch a single grocery bag, laundry basket, or trash bag, this man will take care of everything for you. When your friend texts him that your water broke, he panics and immediately drops everything to run to you. When he arrives to the hospital, he is all sweaty and out of breath from running so fast. Everything was worth it though because he was there in time for his child’s birth. Instantly goes to hug you and then look at his child with a few tears in his eyes.
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concreteangel92 · 5 months
See This One Shine
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Andy Biersack x female reader
WARNINGS: knife play, blood play (a little bit) dom/sub relationship, PiV
A/N: so this idea wouldn’t get out of my head, especially with all the new photoshoots that Andy has been releasing, he’ll be the death of me one day I swear 🥵
It’s my first time writing for Andy which is surprising as I’ve been a huge fan of BVB since the beginning, I’ve literally grown up with them haha
Obviously Andy is not married in this, I fully respect his relationship in real life, this is purely fiction!
Also respect if you catch where the title is from haha 👌🏻
Once again, this is a trigger warning for the knife play in particular, if anyone feels they will get triggered by that then please scroll on, you have been warned haha
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“Is this what you wanted baby?”
You nodded quickly as your chest heaved up and down, your skin feeling the cold, sharp blade that Andy was slowly running down between your breasts.
This has all started from the new photoshoots that your boyfriend had been doing for the new era of the band, his Sweeney Todd era as it’s been dubbed. Andy always looked drop dead gorgeous in all of his photoshoots but this new look has stirred something within you. It was the cut throat razor, he looked so menacing and dangerous and seeing him with the razor for the first time had you aching.
You weren’t shy about letting your feelings be known, when he’d text you one of the photos that he was very proud of, you instantly text back ‘cut me 🥵🔪’
Now Andy at first thought it was a joke, but when he brought it home for the first time, the hungry look in your eyes couldn’t be denied. The razor, although a prop, was very real, not as sharp as it could be of course, but sharp enough that with the right pressure would slice through the skin very easily.
And now here you were, lying down on your shared bed in nothing but your black lace bra and underwear and Andy hovering over you with the blade between his fingers tracing your skin, the low light from your bedside lamp making it shine.
“I can’t hear you”
“Yes sir”
Andy hummed in response, his eyes following the blade as he gently traced it over your collarbone and up your neck, the edge pressing in that little bit more as he angled his hand to run it across like he was slitting your throat.
A audible gasp escaped your lips, you gripped the sheets beneath you while your thighs squeezed together to try and relieve some of the tension you felt building.
Andy moved the razor down and slipped it under the bra where the cups joined.
“Didn’t realise you were such a masochist baby”
He then proceeded to slice it with ease which caused you to moan softly as the fabric fell away, leaving your top half bare. Andy then very gently ran the tip of the blade around each nipple, his eyes never leaving his own movements.
You closed your eyes as you let all the sensations wash over you. You felt the razor trailing down your stomach, you opened your legs in anticipation of what you knew was coming.
“That’s my good girl”
Andy ran the razor with slightly more pressure down your thigh, the pain mixed in now more evident than before and was no doubt making the skin rise in its wake.
“F-fuck me”
“All in good time”
Andy turned the blade onto its side and ran it up your clothed cunt, no doubt soaked at this point. You let out a choked cry, you needed more, something that your boyfriend already knew.
He circled the tip of the razor around your clit carefully, your hips bucked up with need and Andy pressed his other hand onto your hip to push you back down with a deep chuckle.
“Easy baby, don’t want to cut you here”
You felt his fingers rub your skin lovingly, before he quickly sliced through the material of your underwear and watched it fall away.
You opened your eyes and glanced down.
“I liked that underwear set you know?”
His piercing blue eyes met yours and the corner of his lips raised up.
“I’ll buy you a new set”
You took in his appearance, his white shirt was nearly all the way unbuttoned, leaving his tattoos on display, his long hair was falling into his face and his trousers were clearly becoming extremely tight for him. Andy looked deliciously sinful.
“Open up for me baby”
You spread your legs wider as you heard his groan of approval.
“Now whatever you do, keep very still for me”
Using his fingers, Andy spreads your lips apart, turns the knife on its side again and you feel the cold metal drag upward, in and along your folds making your thighs twitch.
Andy brings it up and you can see it coated with your juices and you watched as he brought it to his lips and ran his tongue over the blade, your walls clutching on nothing at the sight.
“Delicious. You’re so wet and I’ve barely touched you yet”
His head tilted and his arrogant smirk was the last straw, you reached out for him.
“Andy please”
You sounded desperate, you were so ready for him, Andy lent down and kissed you while you undone the rest of his shirt, you just couldn’t wait anymore.
Putting the razor down, you helped Andy strip out of his clothes and watched as he settled back on the headboard
“Come here beautiful”
You crawled over to him and settled yourself over his lap, you lowered yourself down and felt him stretching you open. A loud groan escaped both of you as you finally sat down fully, next to no resistance being met due to his previous ministration’s.
Andy settled his hands on your hips while you placed yours on his chest, and you started to move, allowing Andy to guide your movements, watching his face contorting in pleasure. You started off at a slow pace but neither of you were in the mood to hold back for much longer.
Andy picked the forgotten razor back up and held it up against your throat carefully which made you move your hips faster, you needed more, so much more. You brought your hand up to cover his, moved it down and pressed it onto your chest, just enough to slice the skin open slightly.
“Babe what are you doing?”
You couldn’t form any words, the pain on your chest mixed with the heat in your core caused you to let out a guttural growl that would rival his and your head fell back, you don’t know what had possessed you but it sent shock waves through your body, you were so close at this point that you needed to finish and although Andy had been taken back by your actions, you could tell he was just as turned on as you.
You weren’t expecting Andy to lean forward and lick up the fresh wound of your chest, that act making you grip onto his hair, your hips faltered in their movements and your pussy was clenching him in an iron grip, you’ve never experimented with blood before but here you are.
You pulled on his hair and he brought his head up and you smashed your lips together and instantly tasted your blood on his tongue, both of your groans lost in each other mouths.
You pulled back “I’m so close”
You could feel yourself teetering on the edge, you just needed a little more, Andy snaked his hand down to your clit and started working it hard.
You let out choked out cry as you came undone and wrapped your arms around him while Andy gripped your hips and thrusted upwards hard a few times before his own orgasm followed with a loud groan and you both collapsed back onto the headboard as he wrapped his arms around you and held you close.
Once you’d got your breath back, you pulled back and gave him a soft kiss.
“I wasn’t expecting that”
Andy was smiling and playing with your hair, he glanced down at the cut on your chest.
“Well clean that before bed babe ok? Don’t want it to get infected”
“Sorry if it was a bit much, I don’t know what came over me”
You giggled slightly and slowly pulled yourself off of him and cuddled up into his side.
“Don’t apologise, I said I wasn’t expecting it, not that it wasn’t insanely hot”
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dreamlandreader · 1 month
Hounds of Love | Part Two
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Thank you so much for all the love on part one of Hounds of Love, I really didn’t except so many people to like it, and I am so so sorry it has taken me such a long time to get this out but I hope you all enjoy part two as much as part one.
I would love to do more x reader fics with SJM characters so if you have any particular characters of any gender you would like to see, or specific requests then please let me know. 💖
Content Warnings: Parental death, panic attacks, water, anxiety, fluff.
Part One | Masterlist
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I'm still afraid to be there,
Among the hounds of love,
And feel your arms surround me
Eris Vanserra stared at his reflection in the gilded mirror before him and felt every bit as hollow on the inside as he looked on the outside.
Beneath the jewels and the finery was a male very aware of the part he had to play, of the smile he had to paste on his face and the lie he had to feed his people.
Beron Vanserra was dead. But the joy and relief that his brothers, mother and the people of the Autumn Court found so easily after the tyrants death, slipped from Eris’s grip every time he desperately tried to cling to it.
He was not sad his father had gone. Not by a long shot. He just felt … nothing. Nothing except the burgeoning responsibility he had to his court, and the absolute terror that he was not up to the job.
But he had no time for moping. His advisors were getting tetchy and Lucien had stalled the ceremony long enough.
In Autumn Court tradition Eris would be sworn in as High Lord in front of thousands of his citizens. Then a grand party will be thrown, where representatives from every Autumn Court city, town and village will meet their new leader.
Eris hated the vain display of pomp and ceremony, but on his long list of immediate changes to be instated in his court, the cancellation of a celebration that brought his people such happiness was not deemed a priority.
‘Eris, hurry up! Even the priestess is getting impaitent,’ Lucien hissed from behind the oak panelled door.
Smoothing his fine clothing, the soon to be High Lord of the Autumn Court forced his smile to reach his eyes and headed towards his future.
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The ceremony was long and dull and you were so far back that you couldn’t make out a single feature on the new High Lord’s face, or hear a word from the priestess’s mouth.
It was an honour, your father had said, to be invited to represent your small boarder town at the appointment of the new ruler of your lands. You did not feel very honoured though. You felt claustrophobic, squashed amongst all the other citizens who were desperately pushing to see the new High Lord. Moreover your dress, though beautiful, was incredibly uncomfortable, with itchy fabric and a tightly pulled corset, never mind the pinching shoes that were slowing crushing your poor toes.
But your main issue was not with your outfit or the rude people around you breathing down your neck, it was a lingering sense of nervousness that you might run in to someone familiar. It did not help that the new High Lord shared a name with the male you were so anxious to run into. Eris. It was a fairly traditional name, and was common amongst the Autumn Court nobility, but it stirred something within you that you had tried, and failed, to ignore for seven years straight.
It certainly didn’t feel like only seven years since you last saw the stranger, not when he had consumed your dreams every night since. His unrelenting kindness that day allowed you to return to your sick father, pockets lined with more than enough to pay for his medicine, to buy better resources for the farm and to pay off Beron’s tithe.
Since that day you had built a better life, not only for yourself but for the small community you lived in. With the help of the treasures that the generous male had given you, you were able to focus on not only growing food for the village but also medicinal plants that the local healer so desperately needed, but couldn’t access due to trading restrictions Beron had so foolishly imposed on the boarders. Hallie, the beautiful hound who guided you home safely that night, had never left your side since. Whether you were working in the fields, selling to the apothecary, caring for your father or sleeping, the dutiful dog was at your feet, always alert but more than happy to receive your affections. It had splintered your heart leaving her behind whilst you journeyed back here, but you had entrusted her to watch over your father.
Despite all of your success, you couldn’t shake the aching feeling that something was missing. You knew it was foolish, dreaming of a male you met for all of ten minutes, but you couldn’t ignore the prang of pain every time you thought of the copper haired beauty.
As thoughts of the beautiful stranger came bubbling to the surface and the packed crowds shoved further forward in an attempt to see the new High Lord from a better angle, a devastatingly sharp pang of fear swam up your chest, clawing at your heart. Not now. You thought. Not here! This room was too hot. Your dress was far too tight. You could not breathe as the anxiety climbed up your throat. Could not move. Until you did.
Pushing and elbowing and fighting your way out of the crowd, you slipped through the hoards of onlookers and ran. You lost your shoes in a matter of seconds, and it wasn’t until the twigs poked holes in your feet that you noticed you’d ran directly into the woods.
Once you were out of the sight of ‘polite’ society, you tore at your dress, trying desperately to undo the corseting which stuffed you in so restrictively. Your hands trembled against the ribbon at your ribcage and you let out a small sound as you sank to your knees and cried.
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Eris was on fire.
He had never really felt the heat. Even in the summer court, Eris was unbothered by the scorching temperatures. He had fire in his veins after all. But this searing pain in his chest consumed him.
He could not hear the words of the ancient priestess over the ringing reverberating around his skull, and it was all he could do, not to let his legs buckle from under him. He felt a pull. An urge to flee. The need to escape. But he could not. So he grit his teeth and bore the agony, praying that the seconds would tick by much faster.
When the priestess had finally wrapped up the ceremony and crowned him as High Lord, Eris bolted. He was supposed to stay put. To walk calmly to the ballroom, make a speech, meet representatives of all the lands in his court. But that could wait. Lucien would have to figure something out. Because Eris needed to leave. He needed to run, but towards what he did not know.
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It took six minutes and twenty-two seconds until Eris's feet stopped running, and the taut pull in his chest slackened just slightly. He had reached a glimmering lake, and was momentarily dazzled by the reflection of the crisp autumn sun shining on the still waters.
It was the sound that first drew his attention to you. A whimper, and rapid breathing. The scrape of nails slashing at fabric. Eris looked to the bank of the lake and saw you knelt, a pool of silk encircling your frame. He couldn't see your face, but from the noises you made he knew you were crying. You were tugging helplessly at the tight laces which tied your corset, and the more you struggled the more panicked you seemed to become. He knew that feeling too well, but his own anxiety dissolved into the background as his focus shifted entirely onto you.
"Hey, let me help you," he said softly, moving cautiously towards your back, and kneeling gently behind you. You slowed in response to his soothing tone, but continued to tug at the ribbon in frustration.
"I need this damned thing off I can’t - I can’t breathe!" you panted, fear dripping from your shaking voice.
"Wait, wait just stop. Stay still. Let me help you,"
Eris steadied his hands, still shaking from his own agitation and began to undo the laces, first untangling the tight bow at the base of your spine and gradually working his way up pulling the satin ribbon free from the eyelets. You began to breathe easier with each inch of the corset that was released.
"There. It’s done. Are you-”
Eris didn’t get to finish his sentence before you whipped up, leaving your dress in a crumpled heap on the forest floor. Your cream chemise fluttered behind you, as you sprinted towards to lake and flung yourself in.
“What the fu-” Eris darted up and lunged into the water fully clothed in his regal attire.
The surface of the water stilled momentarily, before your head gracefully emerged and you lay flat, floating on your back, staring up at the rosy pink sky.
Eris much less delicately reached the surface, spluttering and floundering in the water. He swiftly removed his heavy overcoat and watched glumly as his favourite baldric sank, a trail of bubbles the only thing to suggest it had ever been there.
“What in the mother’s name were you thinking!?” Eris exclaimed, still catching his breath from his unexpected bath.
“I have panic attacks,” you said matter of factly, drawing your fingers through the frigid water in lazy circles.
“I can't breathe, and I feel like I'm on fire. When I'm home, if I can feel them coming I take a bath as cold as possible. It grounds me. I can reset and then breathe again,"
There was a stark silence as Eris took in your floating form. You looked ethereal with your hair splayed across the water, but he couldn't quite make out your features with the setting sun shining right in his eyes.
"I run," he said softly, feeling the need to tell you something about himself after he had intruded on such a raw moment.
"When I have panic attacks, I run. I’m always so envious of how free my hounds look when they get to run without limits. When I'm anxious, all I want to do is join them, so I do,"
"Oh," you answered, your heart warming slightly at this strangers confession.
You started to rise in the water, and took in the beautiful male before you. As your eyes scanned up his well toned body you suddenly remembered your manners.
"Thank you for your hel-," You stopped abruptly as your eyes met his. This was no stranger. You should have known from the distinct timbre of his voice. From the kindness he so willingly showed to a complete stranger. After so long, he was here.
Eris's eyes were just as wide as yours, round and swimming with feeling.
“What are you doing here?” Eris whispered, silver lining his chestnut eyes.
“I- the new High Lord,” You replied as you stared at the male before you, too afraid to blink in case he disappeared again, never to return.
“You saved my life. My father’s life. You gave me the chance to help other people. Why?”
“Because, it was the right thing to do,” Eris stated matter of factly as he took your hand into his. Your heart was pounding and as strange as it seemed, you were certain you could hear Eris’s heart thudding the same beat.
“You gave me your dog,” you stated, the shock truly beginning to set in.
“Yes, I did. Is she still-” he couldn’t finish that thought.
“She’s good. Brilliant. Beyond any companion I could have wished for,” you reassured him.
“She always was. I’m so glad you found one another,”
“I never stopped you know,” you whispered, looking into his eyes. Baring your soul.
“Thinking about the male who stripped himself of his jewels and lost his best hound in order to stop a desperate stranger walking to certain death. I- I wished you’d come and find me. That I could thank you. Show you the life I was able to build because you saved it that night,”
“I thought about nothing else for seven years,” Eris confessed.
“Why didn’t you?” You asked, squeezing his hand in encouragement. Drawing the words from his lips with your heartbroken gaze.
“Because Beron wouldn’t have stopped until he found me. I was valuable to him. He would’ve snatched me back into a life of misery and destroyed everything in his path before he got to me. I did not want you embroiled in his world,”
“Why are were you of such value to him Eris? Who are you?”
“A male who has regretted letting you walk away every night since the last I saw you. A fool who let himself dream he would see your beautiful face again one day. A sentimental bastard who promised himself he would never let this opportunity slip away if it presented itself once again,”
“What do you-”
You are cut off sudddently as Eris’s lips found yours. Soft and plush. Your heart soared and tightened with delight as you reached around his body and pulled him in closer. You were both sopping wet from the chill of the lake water but his warmth radiated through your damp clothing and filled the empty sal of your heart that had only ever wished to be imbued with his presence.
You were slow to notice at first. A small tug, a gentle hand reaching out. Then a snap.
“Mates?” you asked hopefully, pulling your lips from his, searching his face desperately for an answer.
“Mates,” he replied confidently, a nervous smile gracing his beautiful face.
“You knew? All this time,”
“Like I said, I couldn’t bare to put you in danger. So I had to let you go,”
Before he knew it you had flung yourself into his arms, and planted your lips right back onto his. Spinning you around, Eris slowly walked you backwards until you felt the bump of tree bark behind you.
He placed two gentle kisses on your lips before brushing your dripping wet hair from your face, his touch feather light.
“I take it you are okay with this news then?” He laughed.
“Okay! Unbelievably okay. Deliriously okay!” You enthused.
Eris beamed down upon you with the glow of a million fireflies. He leaned in again, his hands tentatively roaming your hips when-
“Eris, what the fuck are you doing!” Lucien screamed across the clearing. He was frantic, hair mussed and eyes panicked.
“You cannot be absent from your own party, High Lord!” He bit out.
“Wait- you’re Eris … Vanserra!” You shrieked, peering out from behind Eris to take in his very stressed younger brother, before staring up at your mate, astounded.
“Oh yeah …” Eris said coyly, holding his hands up in surrender. “Suuupprriiiiissse,”
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General Tags: @paleidiot @lilah-asteria @babypeapoddd @mybestfriendmademe
X Reader Tags: @talesofadragon
Beautiful dividers by @tsunami-of-tears
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anon1nn1t · 1 year
please give me everything u can fit in a post about Mr snapchat NSFW and SFW I am DESPERATE it is so hard to find genuine hcs about him he's so over looked >;((
also just found ur account and am in love with everything u have written so far mate can't wait to see more from you, take care of yourself today!!
Stop this is so kind. 🥹🫶 And you’re so right about Sapnap being over looked !! But don’t worry, I’ve got your back. :) Just like my George hcs, I wil add more to this over time. * Also, to the person who sent the ask about Dream, I’m working on it !! *
Feel free to request !
He’s actually such a sleepyhead.
He’s always hunting you down to ask you to cuddle with him so he can take a nap, falling asleep against your shoulder/knee whenever you’re busy.
Sure, he can sleep without you, but if he has the choice, he will always choose to sleep with you in his presence, since it helps him sleep better.
Secretly has so many pictures of you sleeping.
He’s sooo clingy
Constantly kissing you, hugging you, touching you in every way he possibly can.
But as clingy as he is, he knows when he needs to give you some space.
He has some major jealousy issues.
If any man other than him simply looks at you, he will give him a death stare, squeezing your thigh, wrapping his arm around you, pulling you closer to him.
It’s not that he doesn't trust you; of course he does; he’s just possessive. You’re his and his only, and he wants everybody to know it.
Constant fake fighting between the two of you.
But if he ever accidentally actually hurt you? He would be an apologizing mess, begging for your forgiveness, when in reality, you were holding back laughter from how hard he was trying when in reality you didn’t care as much as he thought you did.
As we know, Sapnap has a few insecurities, so I feel like he would need a bit of reassurance sometimes.
He would just randomly ask you questions that you always answered the same
"What’s your favorite thing about me?"
"How much do you love me on scale from 1-10?"
"Why are you with me?"
Please just remind him how much you love him.
Hate to break it to you, but he’s definitely a little bitch during fights.
And if you ever tried to kiss him or hug him mid-argument? Ohhh man.
If y’all were to ever get in a fight, just leave him alone. Literally, just walk off; it’s for the best.
He gets angered pretty easily, as we know, so basically just don’t piss him off.
He doesn’t mind pda at all. He doesn't even realize it’s something that some people don't like because it feels so normal to him.
He bases his mood off of yours. Not even on purpose; it just comes naturally.
You’re having a bad day? He’s having a bad day. You’re having the best day of your life? He’s having the best day of his life.
He spoils you so much, maybe even too much.
Anything and everything you want, he will get for you. It eventually gets to the point where you have to stop pointing out stuff you want because he buys it every. time.
He loves loves loves when you wear his clothes.
"Is that my hoodie?"
"Yes, when is it not."
"Is it hot in here, or is it just me?"
"It’s just you."
He also loves when you wear dresses/skirts.
He absolutely adores showering with you. Every time you shower together, he’s wishing he could stay in that moment forever and ever.
Late night drives with blasting music ?!?! Instant yes.
Speaking of music, it’s definitely a huge green flag for him if you like his music taste.
He will do everything in his power to protect you and keep you safe.
Do I even need to say he’s dominant ?!
If you ever seriously wanted to try being dominant, he would let you, but it would be followed up right after with him taking over.
I feel like he has a lottt of kinks.
Dirty talk, discipline, humiliation, teasing, overstimulation, daddy kink, orgasm control/denial, etc.
Ass guy 100%
Loves loves loves eating you out.
He loves your thighs so much oh my god 😵‍💫
Continuing off that, he loves to cum on your thighs or inside of you.
Gives you so many markings just to remind you you’re all his.
He’s so rough with you, he just has to give you the sweetest aftercare. :)
I feel like the only times he’d be gentle are early in the morning, late at night, or if one of you needed some comfort.
He totally kisses you the whole time, sloppy kisses, but still kisses.
He would much rather focus on your pleasure than his. You being pleasured brings him pleasure.
His favorite position is either doggy style or reverse cowgirl.
Every time before he’s about to do something new he will ask you if it’s okay. Ex: Moving from giving you hickeys to eating you out, moving from eating you out to fucking you, etc.
I actually don’t think he’s that experienced…
When you’re not around, he will totally jack off to pictures of you. He has no shame about it.
I feel like he only goes for one or two rounds.
Oh, how he loves to get his hair pulled.
He also loves to be praised so much oh my god.
Overall, he is pretty dominant, but focuses on you more than himself. <3
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dexiiexox · 1 year
Boyfriend headcanons for Matt Sturniolo🩵
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a/n: Hello hello again :)) First time writing for the love of my life Matt😍😜 and these are just some headcanons I imagine for Matt, aka; feeding into my own AND your delusions😚🥰
ALSO I’m not from America or anything so I just picked Taco Bell as the random restaurant/ fast food place💀
I still hope you enjoy reading though!
Matt Sturniolo x reader
warnings: kissing, maybe some sort of angst?(not really)
summary: what the title says, headcanons of how I think Matt would be as a boyfriend🩵
I’ve seen this headcanon a lot, but I agree with it so so much, and that is Matt and back hugs/hugs from behind. I can just picture it so perfectly
It’s an early morning and you’ve slipped out of bed before Matt, you went into his bathroom and you’re brushing your teeth.
Meanwhile you hear Matt get up, he walks into the bathroom all sleepy and he hugs you from behind, arms around your waist, head in your neck and a groggy morning voice.
"good morning"
I also feel like Matt would want you to be open with him about how you’re feeling and if anything is bothering you
He would want you to be comfertable enough with him to where you can talk to him at any moment no matter what, he doesnt care if you think you’re being overdramatic or stupid, becuase to him it’s not
You’re the most important thing to him along side his brothers, and he would sit there and listen to everything you had to say, holding you in a side hug and rubbing your back
You and Matt are sat on his bed, he had noticed you being a little off today and he decided to ask you about it.
You originally decided against telling him, but both you and Matt knew better, he knew you well enough to know if you were lying, so you just sighed and sat down on his bed.
A few tears escaped your eyes as you told him all about the feelings that were overwhelming you.
He just sat there, by your side rubbing your back comfortingly listening to everything you said.
"It’s going to be alright baby, I’m right here"
Matt always made you feel so seen and heard, he was everything you could ask for and more.
After you’d called down a little, he wiped your tears with his thumbs and kisses your lips before you both layed down and spendt the night cuddling in bed.
I also feel like Matt is the type to always and I mean ALWAYS ask you if you want anything as well, no matter where or what it is
Wether its buying food, just stopping at the gass station, him looking for clothes, stopping for a coffee, it doesnt matter, he’ll always make sure just in case
"you want anything?"
"want me to grab you some as well?"
"you sure you dont want anything?"
I feel like Matt would enjoy late night drives with you. Wether it’s just the two of you being bored, that you guys just need to get out of the house or just to talk in private, I think he would enjoy it still
You could drive around and talk about random things or serious topics, sometimes you would grab food and just sit in a parking lot and just talk while you guys eat
Matt would definetly let you wear his clothes, he’d give you his hoodies and sweaters whenever you got cold or needed it. No questions asked. It could be snowing and he’d be near death already, but he would still have given you his hoodie (we love Matt💕)
You, Matt, Chris and Nick were out in town, not for anything in particular, but Nick was looking for some new shirts, and the rest of us just tagges along since we didnt really have any other plans.
Chris wanted to stop by the grocery store as he was out of pepsi and he also wanted some snack for later.
Once we all got back in the car again, we all agreed to go get some food. We decided to stop by Taco Bell, for once we also decided to eat there and nor take it with us.
Today had been somewhat chilly, but I hadnt brought a jacket with me. A strong wind blew by me and a few strands of hair went in my face. Matt took notice of my body language, seeing my high shoulders and how I was somewhat hugging myself to try to bring myself some warmth.
He locked the car doors and came over to me, laying an arm around my shoulder. He pusher some strands of hair behind my ear.
"Want my hoodie?" he asked.
"No no, it’s alright Matt, it’s my own fault for forgetting to bring one" I let out a dry laugh.
He gave me a questionable look and started taking off his hoodie disregarding what I just said. After taking it off, he handed it to me.
"Here" he just smiled at me.
"Thank you Matt" I put on his hoodie already feeling warmer by his body warmth still lingering in it.
"Of course sweetie" he gave me a quick peck on the lips and intertwined our hand as we started walking inside.
These are all the headcanons for Matt so far, I hope you liked them, I really enjoyed writing it :))
I might make a part 2 later if anyone wants that and just send in any requests or ideas if you have any!
I hope youve had a good day or night and dont forget that youre absolutely worth it!! <3
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miskamix · 8 months
Young Love [Chapter 2]
I forgot to add TW's on the last chapter but i don't think it needs any
TW: Smut, my horibble writen smut, alcohol??, idk tell me if i need to add more ig
You can read all the chapters i've made so far on my wattpad
Y/N's POV:
After a few hours i finish unpacking my stuff and check the clock on my phone. "its only 16:34?" i say to myself 'might as well go buy myself some food since i don't wanna eat chuuya's or dazai's food' 
When i walk out of my room is see chuuya and dazai have changed their outfits 'are they going on a date or something?' "where are you two going?" i ask them.
"Oh! Hey Y/N, me and Chuuya are going on a date so we will be gone for a few hour!" Dazai says happily. "oh nice, i was just about to go get some food for myself" i say and start to put on my shoes. 
For some reason when i bend down i feel like someone is watching me from behind but i don't think much of it.
A few hours later
I'm just laying in my bed and listening to music while pretending to be in edits and also singing along to some songs.
When ever my favorite songs come on i start dancing or just walking around in my room. "Bernadette, You are my liberty. I celebrate the day, That you changed my history. Oh, life and death. Will always lead you into love and regret. But you have answers, And I have the key For the door to Bernadette~" i sing praying to god that Chuuya and Dazai aren't home yet, because 1, that would be embarrassing and 2, i don't have the prettiest singing voice in the world.
After the song ends i lay back down in my bed waiting for the next song to come on, but realize that my headphone are dead "aw man.." i say and start looking for the changer to the headphones.
Dazai POV: (3rd person)
Dazai and Chuuya are sitting at a bar drinking. (its around 23:00pm btw) 
"Chuuya~ you really shouldn't be drinking this much~ you know you can handle your liquor~" Dazai teases him. "Shut up! i can handle my alcohol very well!"  Chuuya says and chugs down a glass of wine. "oh lord" Dazai says and sees that hes starting to get drunk. 
Suddenly Chuuya gets up and goes over to the karaoke area of the bar, picks up the microphone and starts singing his heart out.
Dazai is giggling and recording the whole thing for later blackmail.
After a while everyone starts leaving because the bar is closing. "Chuuya, baby its time to get you home" Dazai says and picks up the drunk Chuuya.
Y/N's POV:
When i walk back into my room after getting myself some water from the sink i hear Rasputin playing and a young man yelling "COME ON FYODOR, YOU CAN DO IT!!" from the dorm next mine. 'i guess someone's having fun' i think and chuckle to myself. 
I put my glass of water on my bedside table and sit down on my bed and look out the window.
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(this what the room looks like with a bigger window and more room + some of you're own thing)
While looking out at the dark street, i see Dazai and Chuuya walking back, or more like Dazai is carrying Chuuya on his shoulders. "he's probably drunk or something" i say to myself.
I put on my headphones and start watching something on my computer.
after sometime i go to the kitchen to get water but stop as my jaw drops 'WHAT. THE. FUCK!?' i think as i see Dazai and Chuuya making out in the kitchen. I almost drop my glass "okay i think its time for me to go to bed, i can't deal with this anymore" i say as i walk back to my room, praying they didn't notice me.
As i walk into my room i turn of the lights and start taking of my clothes, going to bed in only my bra and panties. 
As i try to sleep i hear Dazai and Chuuya going into their bedroom to probably have sex or something, i feel myself start to get pretty horny from just listening to them. 
I just lay there listening to them. I feel myself get flustered hearing what i believe is Dazai's cute moans and whimpers as Chuuya fucks him.
Dazai POV:  
"AH~ hm~ chuuya!~" i moan like a slut as is Chuuya fucks me from behind, and choking me. "fuck, such a slutty boy you are~" Chuuya says in my ear as i cry from the pleasure. 
"please~ i'm a good boy!~ please be gentle~" i plead as the pleasure becomes to much to bare "please let me cum..!~ i'm so close chuuya~" i cry into my pillow.
"No~ not yet, little slut~" Chuuya's thrusts get much faster and rougher, and it's hard for me to not cum right then and there. "p-please!~ Chuuya..!~" i cry and feel his teeth bite my neck.
"cum." Chuuya says in a commanding voice and i cum all over the bed. " good boy~" Chuuya says and kisses my forehead. "you did so well little slut~" he whispers "but its not over yet~" 
Y/N's POV:  
After what feels like forever they finally stop whatever they were doing. I check my phone and see its 5:23 am. "four hours!? damn they are like bunnies in heat.." i say as i try to sleep again.
Next morning: (Y/N POV) 
The next morning i come out of my room looking like shit. when i walk into the kitchen i see Dazai hugging Chuuya from behind while he cooks.
"Next time try to not wake up the whole campus with all of your noises" i say to them in a pissed voice while i make myself some coffee. They both turn to look at me in surprise. "what..?" Chuuya says while nervelessly laughing. "if you're gonna have sex don't be so fucking loud" i walk back to my room while they just look at me in shock, they both must have forgot i was in the apartment and didn't think to try to be quiet. 
After drinking my coffee i start to put on my clothes. 
'looks nice' i smile while looking at myself in the mirror. I'm wearing a white dress shirt, a black jean skirt that goes to my ankles with a slit at the bottom reveling my legs(it can be pants to if you want) a  black west with white stripes and black leggings with small heart on them.
When i walk out of my room i see Dazai and Chuuya eating breakfast, 'that looks kinda good' i think to myself as i put my shoes on.
"aren't you gonna eat something before you leave?" i flinch as i hear Dazai talk to me. "a-ah, no i don't eat breakfast, it makes me want to throw up" Dazai looks at me "okay.." he says as i walk out of the dorm. 'phew' i think as i walk down the hall.
"COME ON FYODOR! CAN WE PLEASE GET ANOTHER RAT?! RATATOUILLE NEEDS A FRIEND!" I hear the same young man from last night yell again. 'isn't that the one who yelled "you can do this fyodor!!" last night?' i think. 
When i turn a corner i see a tall man with white long hair in a pig tail and a scar on one of his eyes, a man with pale skin and black hair to his shoulders and a man with a Christmas tree looking hairstyle and his hair being half white, half purple. 'What the actual fuck is that hairstyle' i think as i look at the poor man. 
All three of them notice that i'm looking at them and the white haired speaks "Oh, hey! you must be new here!" he says and runs up to me "uh.. yeah i am.." i say. "i'm Nikolai, Nikolai gogol!" the white haired man says. "this here is Fyodor, my dear friend!" he says and points at the black haired man. 'the way he said dear seems like they are more then friends' 
"and this one here is Sigma!" Nikolai points at the white and purple haired man. 'there's no fucking way is his name Sigma'. "uh.. i'm Y/N" i say. "hello Y/N, its nice to meet you" Fyodor says in a thick Russian accent and shakes my hand with his cold one. "its nice to meet you too" i smile "i think i heard you guys last night, you guys were playing Rasputin" i laugh.
"OH! yeah we were playing just dance!" Nikolai says happily. I look at Sigma who looks a bit nervous. "uhh.. sorry if we bothered you last night.!" he says. 'poor man' i think 'he probably lost a bet to that Nikolai guy and had to get that haircut'. 
"Oh, no i didn't bother me at all, it made me happy to know someone was having fun" i smile at him. "oh.. okay" he smiles back.
Nikolai goes back to begging Fyodor to get another rat and i walk up to Sigma. "Y/N" i reach out my hand for him to shake "Sigma" he says while shaking my hand. "not to be rude or anything, but is Sigma your real name? isn't it a Greek letter?" i ask "..its not actually my real name.. i have amnesia and forgot my real name.. so i just use that.." he says while scratching the back of his head. "oh i'm so sorry! that must have sounded rude!" i say while panicking a bit "no! its okay! really, a lot of people ask me that, so i don't find it rude anymore" he says trying to reassure me.
'phew' i think. "uhh.. do you want to be friends or something..? i don't really have any friends at the moment.." i ask him "sure" he smiles at me.''
"so.. how long have you been friends with Nikolai and Fyodor?" i ask "about 3 years" he says. i smile at him. "oh, can i have your phone number? you don't have to if you don't want to!" he says "yeah, here its xxxxxxxx" i smile at him. "thanks mine is xxxxxxxx" he says.
"ooo~ is Sigma getting himself a partner?~ its about time~" Nikolai teases him. "WHAT!? NO! WE ARE JUST FRIENDS!" Sigma starts blushing and he feels embarrassed. "Sure~" Nikolai teases him more. "uhh.." i feel a bit uncomfortable, since i'm not really looking to be in a relationship. All of the past relationships i've been have quite toxic or abusive, so i don't really trust anyone anymore. 
"Are you okay Y/N..? you look a bit uncomfortable.. did what Nikolai say make you uncomfortable..?" Sigma asks me "huh? oh, no! not at all! its just that its weird for me to be teased! thats all!" i lie. 
"oh okay.." Sigma says and we start walking somewhere. "so do you want to go somewhere today to get to know each other better?" Sigma asks "sure" i smile.
(i hope yall liked this chapter👉👈 i didn't really have any ideas for this chapter lol. also please give me some ideas for the next chapter, idk what to write in it)
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butterfly-writer · 3 months
Hello! Can you do a part two to the Aizawa fic where the merchant reader accepts and moves on, and then a few years later he barely recognizes aizawa when they see each other again? Thank you!
Troubles Coming Back
Street!Rat!Aizawa x Merchant!Male!reader [Aladdin AU] Summary: Years went by without a hitch. Y/N had gone his separate way, forgetting Aizawa and getting caught up in all his traveling and selling work. When he came back from a long trip after his quarrel with Shota Aizawa 5 years ago, he was unexpectedly robbed. Who’s the robber?
★☽A/N: Oooo! This will be interesting! I didn’t exactly plan to have this to have a part two so I will try my best!
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“Y/N! It’s so great to see you!” A black-haired woman greeted the H/C-haired man with a smile and open arms. Y/N smiled gleefully and embraced Jasmine in a tight hug. “It’s been too long! You didn’t even write a letter!” Jasmine laughed.
Y/N also laughed in response. “I know, I know! I’m so sorry!” He apologized. The rest of the day was spent talking about their life while the other was gone.
The 36 year old man was shocked to hear that Jasmine had married Aladdin, a streetrat. But it made sense to him after she explained the whole story from her perspective and from Aladdin’s. He had to admit, the topic about Aladdin made him think about Aizawa…
He couldn’t believe it… He missed him?
The memories of how they ended things flooded his mind. He had shivers down his spine just thinking about it. He wished he hadn’t said all those things to Shota.
Though, it was too late to go back from what he said all those years ago.
He was taking a stroll in the marketplace. He wanted to buy some things that he needed for his next trip next year, like ink and paper. It was safer to prepare objects such as that since it might increase in worth when it is less in stock and more in demand.
Y/N had lovely talks to familiar faces who were glad to see him after all those years. He was quite shocked that they still remembered him. L/N had a bad reputation as a kid, always running around and giving people death glares.
The only people who actually liked him when he was still a child and teenager were the old librarian, the king, Jasmine, Aladdin, and…
He stopped in his tracks.
He couldn’t believe he was thinking about Aizawa again. After all these years, he didn’t expect himself to think back to his quarrel with the black-haired man.
He clicked his tongue in annoyance.
The H/C-haired man did not want to think about the man anymore. All he wanted to do was to work on his work and not to work on his past broken relations. Everything that happened 5 years ago, should stay in the past, not in the future and bothering him with guilt.
“Y/N!” The man turned to find Aladdin, dressed in much more cleaner clothing than he last saw him in. He couldn’t help but snicker. “Can’t believe you’re wearing cleaner clothes! Hah!!” He laughed. Aladdin laughed along, patting his back like he used to do.
“Now, that’s just mean!” He laughed back.
The pair ended up talking about their lives when the other wasn’t present, just like Y/N did with Jasmine. Suppose the two of them were too loud, because some passersby looked at them with strange looks.
Later, Aladdin had to do something else so he said his goodbyes to Y/N and walked the separate way.
Finally, he ended up finishing up his shopping and got what he needed. It was all in his traveling bag.
He was walking past the alley, bright with street lights. Y/N definitely wasn;t expecting his bag to be taken away from his bag in one swift move by a passing person. But he was quick with his instincts and grabbed the bag before it was out of view.
His action caused the robber to stumble back and fall to the ground. Y/N wore his bag again and bent over the fallen robber. He wanted to memorize the face and dragged the robber to the police to report him for the thief.
He took a closer look at the face and entire look.
Long black messy hair, half of it was tied in a messy bun. Sharp cat eyes with dark circles under, black eyes staring right back at him. A dark scruffy goatee on his chin that seems to be maintained well. A single scar across his right cheek, underneath his eye.
“Shota..?” Eyes widened and mouth agape, he looked over with shock. The dark-haired man was also shocked to see a familiar face. “Y/N! I didn’t realize it was you–” Aizawa rushed to say his words, trying to pick himself up.
Y/N gave him a hand and pulled him right back up. “I nearly didn’t recognize you! Your hair gotten longer!” Y/N smiled. He didn’t even realize how much he missed his hoarse voice. He always found it annoying back then, but now… he had a whole different feeling about it.
Aizawa blushed at his comment. “Yeah… It’s a bother to cut it..” he answered, twirling a strand between his fingers. He couldn’t believe that he was seeing Y/N again! Last time he saw him, he looked messy. Now, Y/N looked much cleaner. He looked mature and wise.
The two of them just stood there in silence. In their heads, they had no idea how to talk to each other. Afterall, they end things in a heated arguement.
With a deep sigh, Shota turned to Y/N with a frown on his face. “Look,” He took a step forward. “I’m really sorry for how things ended. I know it’s too late to say this, but– I love you and I’m so sorry I said all those words to you. I never mean to say them, they just came flooding out-”
He was suddenly pulled into a deep and passionate kiss. His eyes wide and his back arched as he was pulled into a kiss by his past lover. His eyes closed and his hands rested on the side on his neck and on his hip.
The two of them pulled apart, a long string of saliva connecting the two of them, their faces flushed and colored a deep red. Shota didn’t realize Y/N was crying until a few drops of water feel to the ground. He looked up at Y/N’s pitiful face.
His eyes were staring at the ground, tears flooding his vision and falling to the ground like rain. His whole body was shaking and hiccups and sniffles could be heard from the older man. “Hey, hey–” Aizawa lifted his head with his hand, revealing his bloodshot eyes from how much he was crying.
“I’m so sorry we ended things like we did. I didn’t want to say all those things– I swear, I-I didn’t mean to!” Aizawa slowly shushes him with a soft smile. “You shouldn’t apologize. I know life must’ve been hard on you.” He pressed his forehead against L/N’s, trying to soothe him.
The two of them ended up staying in that position for a long period of time.
Both relieved the other still loved them just the way they are. Just like old times.
★☽A/N: HAHA, I’m not so good at making endings!! Let’s just hope this one goes well!
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callsigndragon · 2 years
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Seeing Red | Ch. 18: Meet the family ✍️📲
Word count: 1.9k
Warnings: Red has F E E L I N G S (don't we all?), mentions of the divorce, fluff, angst, tensionnnnnnn, mentions of food, ann Liam bc he deserves his own warning. ALSO DAD JAKE. mentions of death and more sadness and well, just go read it.
A/N: Seeing Red began officially 8 days ago, and we already have 18 chapters (only six of them are fully written), which means that I've been writing non-stop since the year began. As I’ve been telling y'all, I have a big exam in, actually, 9 days, and I’ve been procrastinating a lot on that area of my life. So, even if it saddens me, it’s time to stop writing and start studying. 
Lucky for me, I’ve been working all semester and I know the majority of the things already, so it’s not too much work, but still, priorities come first. I’ll be around, I’ll read your comments, and you are free to send as many questions as you want about the series. I want to read your doubts and theories, and you know, whatever you want to tell me! I’ll answer them whenever I have some free time. 
Promise that the first thing you’ll read when I come back is Daggers playing with the kids at the beach!
Masterlist on pinned!
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For a week, you are haunted by the image of Jake singing to Liam. You didn’t tell him what you saw, wanting it to be a special moment between father and son. Liam needs to create memories with his father, too. You know that, eventually, Jake will ask to spend more time with him without you being present, and you’ll start missing a lot of beautiful moments. It’s a special memory for them, but for you? It’s becoming a nightmare. Not exactly a nightmare, but it never leaves your mind; the memory returns to it whenever you allow your mind to wander. 
Being away from Jake is proving to be a difficult task. 
It’s Sunday, it’s your day off, and you don’t have to see him today. You can rest at home, keep unpacking things, and have a nice day with your son. No Jake. No problems. No messy feelings just you and Liam.
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Well, shit.
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Half an hour later, Jake rings your doorbell. Liam runs to the door, waiting for you to open it. He knows that no matter what, he cannot open the door. You still don’t know why you accepted when Jake offered to share a car to go to the beach. Well, maybe the idea of him driving and having Liam in the backseat was so alluring that you just took the opportunity when it presented itself. 
“I gave you a key; why aren’t you using it?” You ask Jake while opening the door. 
“You said it was for emergencies. I’m not gonna use it to enter your house when I feel like it.” He explains matter-of-factly.
“Fair enough,” You concede, walking toward the living room, where you are packing Liam’s bag. “Shit, I forgot to buy more sunscreen.” 
“Language.” Liam and Jake say at the same time, earning a glare from you, eyes narrowed. 
“Don’t you dare team up against me, Seresins.” 
Jake smirks as he raises his hands. “I would never do that.” 
“You better. Can we stop somewhere and buy sunscreen?” 
“Sure. Actually, we’re supposed to meet with the rest this afternoon.” 
You almost drop Liam’s spare clothes on the floor. “But you told me to be ready before lunch?” 
"Yeah, about that," he scratches the back of his neck, "I was hoping we could meet Penny and Amelia." 
You look at your outfit: a sundress over your swimsuit. “I’m gonna need to change clothes.” 
“You’re absolutely beautiful like that, Red.” He promises, a jovial smile accompanying his words. 
You scoff, smoothing out the non-existent wrinkles in your dress. “I look like a mom.” 
Jake gets up, grabbing your chin softly, and makes you look at him. His green eyes are pools of sincerity. “That is exactly what you are. And you’re one hell of a mom, if you allow me to say that. But you’re also a fighter pilot and the best fucking Commander that Top Gun has ever seen.” 
“Language.” You mutter, a small smile expanding over your features. 
“Whatever. You’re the hottest mama around. Everyone at the base calls me an idiot, you know?” His eyes glance at your lips for a second. You feel the tension—the same one that you felt five years ago when you met him. That tension that led to making out sessions in the back of his car, in empty offices at the base, and in empty corridors when you were deployed together. The tension that somehow ended with him knocking at your door one rainy night and, in that moment, you just knew. You knew that he was the man you wanted to share your life with. 
Your breath hitches in your throat. “Why?” 
He wets his lips and leans a bit closer, so close that his nose touches yours when he whispers. “‘Cause I walked away from you.” 
“Dada look my drawing!” Liam demands, you two pulling away, as if you were two kids who were doing something they weren’t supposed to 
Actually, you are not supposed to kiss your ex-husband, who still hasn’t told you why he left. 
Pull yourself together, Red. 
“Is that my plane?” Jake kneels down and looks at the piece of paper in the kid’s hands. You have drawn an F-18 before, and Liam had ‘painted’ it with his crayons. It’s just a bunch of circular scrabbles in different colors. “Woah, bubs, that’s an amazing drawing. Can I keep it?” 
“Yes. You keep it.” 
You clear your throat, returning to whatever you were doing before. Oh, yeah, Liam’s bag. “Jake, you should get the baby car seat from my car.” 
“Don’t need to. I bought one last week when I went to buy toys with Payback.”
“You bought a car seat?” 
“Yes. Why?” 
“Nothing. You’re gonna need to stop with the DILF attitude.” 
You mutter the last part to yourself, but you fail to see Jake’s knowing smile.
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“I’m so glad to finally meet you, Red.” Penny claims once you enter her home, She hugs you closely. “I’ve been hearing a lot about you these past few days.” 
“Only the good stuff, I hope.” 
“Of course! Let me introduce you to my daughter. This is Amelia.” She says while patting her daughter's head. She’s definitely not ‘little’ as Jake kept saying. Amelia is a young, pretty girl. She looks like 17, more or less. 
“Well, if we’re introducing our children…” You grab Liam’s hand; he’s hiding behind you, suddenly scared of all the new faces. “This is Liam. Can you say hi, sweetheart?” 
“Hello. I’m Liam.” 
"Oh my God, he is exactly like Jake!" Amelia says, kneeling down. “My name is Amelia. But you can call me Ames.”
“Ames. You pretty.” 
Amelia coos, placing a hand on her chest. “You’re the pretty one. Do you like dogs, Liam?” 
“I have a doggy! Lady.” Liam informs her, playing with Amelia’s hair. 
“My dog is called Theo. Want to see him?” 
“Yes, pwease.” 
“Can I take him with Theo?” Amelia asks you, and you nod, watching the pair leave. 
Jake and Mav, who have been too immersed in their own conversation, approach the two of you. “Amelia has kidnapped my kid already?” 
“What did you expect? She’s been waiting to meet him since you showed her those photos last weekend.” Mav says, hugging you. “Jake told us about the migraine, are you feeling better?” 
You look at Jake, who is looking at the floor. “He talks about me?” 
“The question is, does he ever stop talking about you?” 
“Penny, please.” Jake groans, his ears turning red. This isn’t exactly what you need to hear after what happened in the morning. 
“Are you hungry? Food is almost ready. Come with me.” Penny ignores the pilot, and you follow her and Jake, who are now talking about how she ‘isn’t supposed to expose him like that’.
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Once lunch is over, Amelia and Liam go watch a Disney movie in the living room, Jake and Mav are doing the dishes, and you and Penny go sit on a bench in the backyard, enjoying the wonderful view of the beach while drinking a cold beverage. 
“You know why he left, right?” You mutter, looking at the vast sea in front of you.
“Yeah, I know. And it’s not my place to tell you, sweetheart, even if I want to.” Penny answers, her hand moving to cover yours. 
“It’s frustrating, you know? You, Mav and Amelia know why he left me, and you seem to be okay with it. You accept him as a member of your family, and it seems that what he did has not changed those feelings at all. You still trust and love Jake, right?” 
“If anything, I love him even more.” She confesses, taking a deep breath. “Honey, just give him time. He had a reason, and it was a good one.” 
“Really?” Penny nods, and let your face fall. “I’ll wait. I’ve been waiting three years, a few more months won’t change anything.” 
“Oh, dear. I’m sorry. I wish I could tell you. How long were you married?”
“Five months. We got married in December and he left in May”
“I think those five months left a big impression on him.” Penny mutters, deep in thought.
“How did you end up being Jake’s 'adoptive' family?” You ask, wanting to change the topic completely. 
“Well, you know that when he turned 18, he left home and joined the Naval Academy, right?” 
“Yeah, he told me that, and that his parents weren’t too excited about it, so they stopped talking when he left.”
Penny nods, sipping her iced tea. “Jake’s mom sent a letter each year since he left, somehow always knowing where he was. They were birthday cards. She never said too much in them, but a mother always remembers her children’s birthdays.” 
“Did he tell you all this? I never heard any of it.” You know he kept a box in his side of the closet with birthday cards, but he never brought it up, and you knew better than to look in that box. 
“When the card didn’t come two years ago, he came to the Hard Deck late at night and asked to use the landline. It was a really odd petition because he had his cellphone in his hands, but I didn’t ask. He called someone; it was a brief conversation, and I'm not sure what he said, but he hung up and began crying."
“Did they tell him that his mom was dead over the phone?” You feel your heart tighten at the idea of being in his place, if someone told you that your mom was dead on a phone call… You don’t want to find out how it feels. 
“Yes. He told me ‘it was the only family I had left’” Penny tears up at the memory. “I told him that it wasn't true. He had the Daggers, Mav, Amelia, and me. He wasn’t alone.” 
“He’s the type of person that isolates himself from the rest. He doesn’t want to give others the opportunity—or rather, the power—to abandon him and hurt him.” 
“Yeah, that’s Hangman. But the man I saw that night... that was Jake. We've been taking care of him ever since.” 
“You know, I always thought that he cheated and left me before I found out. But he isn’t like that.” 
“He had many opportunities to move on; he’s a good-looking guy, and ladies and some guys, even, had been throwing themselves at him over the last three years. But he rejected them.” 
“All of them?” 
“Every single one. One day I asked him why, and he said that ‘someone told him he didn’t deserve to be happy’” Penny finishes her drink and gets up. 
“Who the fuck told him that?” 
“Until you showed up, I actually thought it was you. Well, not you, because I didn’t know about your existence. But his last girlfriend.” 
“I don’t want Jake to be unhappy, Penny.” 
“No, dear. You wish that he had told you the truth. You wish you could be the family you’re supposed to be. I can see it in your eyes, in the way you look at each other.” 
“We don’t look at each other.” You protest, getting up too. 
“There’s nothing worse than two idiots in love!” She says as she walks into the house, leaving you with an empty glass in your hand and a million questions in your head. 
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Tag list: @purplevortexx @shrimping-for-all @caitsymichelle13 @callmemana @abaker74 @starkleila @topgunmenbefinebruh @blue-aconite @tayrae515 @alexxavicry @xoxabs88xox @mercurio23 @smells-like-perfect-senses @dempy @djs8891 @indynerdgirl @countryclubswifey @lauenderhaze @avaleineandafryingpan @poppyalice2001 @emorychase @wildxwidow @agentrose17 @shanimallina87 @khaylin27 @fudosl @rhirhikingston @hotch-meeeeeuppppp @ducks118 @teacupsandtopgun @impossiblebaglecowboyfreak @marissat1998 @blairfox04 @phoenix1388 @potato-girl99981 @sarahjoestewy-blog @phantomxoxo @milestellerwife @dumb-fawkin-bitch
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spamgyu · 7 months
you know what fuck you !!!!(wats the point of anonymity if its gone already *sigh*) i present you Adrian Lee
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no body knows what he does he can be seen taking the music class early in the morning and also the advanced mathematics class too every one is equally in the dark as to what he does (architecture major!!) talks to alexender sometimes and will never use his nick names exception being only when he is drunk. everyone thinks he is very smart and bro is smart like why does he know bernauli's principal even tho he has nothing to do with advanced phy ?? is secretly an otaku has a mikasa body pillow back in his house that he adores but never brought it in the dorms cuz he is v embarrassed tundere bitch will never accept he is in love with you but will do anything and everything for you like watch notebook and twilight with you (personal opinion both r shit)
prides himself for the movies he watches and will give you a thorough analysis of the movies only guy who understands vernons movie taste and needs to have a movie night every friday and during this time he slowly with extreme calculation tries to manipulate you into giving up on those shitty movies you watch and make your movie palate better bro knows 5 languages korean chinese english french and italian and his goal in life is to learn greman and russian cuz you told him you wanna learn them and he wants to be so good that he can teach you them bro is so smart that he finds faults and fixes your assignments even though you both have very different majors once took an iq test and it came out as 150!!! oh did i tell you he also has a secret soundcloud acc and he produces songs too goes by the stage name ryan bro has a pretty good side hustle which gives him damn good money prolly is the richest in the group
has a pretty few good popular songs under his belt also helps the theatre kids with their songs for their musicals will talk about politics and importance of performance arts in politics (dk doesnt understand shit but he listens) did i mention that he hates anyone who is not his friends group is universally knows as the groups misandrist like bro is filled with so much hatred that he fulfills the group's quota!! so imagine everyones shock when he gets a girl to dote upon and plus he has to be the first guy who introduces a girl to the group claims that he doesnt give a fuck about their opinion (he does) would slowly stop talking to you if they didnt like you plus absolutely hates introducing you to the group cuz like what if one of them take you away from him but realizes that if you are with him you will hate anyother guy cuz he is just one of a kind and his group of frnds is too stupid to snatch you away from him but now 1 prob what will he address you as cuz like he is head over heels for you but cant say that to you plus his frnds pester him about your relationship and now he is scared is secretly the most most romantic person in the whole world has written atleast 10 songs about you all stored in his hard disk but will never let you know is always stuck by your side cuz you are comfy ??? will feed you and buy you cloths ... like bro where is the money flowing from (you dont know about his side business although you know he makes music but dont know he sells them) will never pay during the friends dinners cuz like they dont deserve his money for stuffing their faces like cows (mannerless brutes dont get his hard earned money wasted on them) but if one of them get hospitalized or for any emergency related to money will not even think twice before giving his money sponsored dk first acting gig 🫡 they want to return his money but he is like its chill and pretends to not know what they r talking about to they give up defo goes out of his ways to help his frnds at any situation will also lent an ear if they want him to but sucks at giving advice will just buy them icecream the next day absolutely loves his friends to death too!!
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will take your pics at any given point of the day (has 15 diff folders with only your pics)
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yes he payed for it
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will defo help you for finals and still score full in his subs
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did i mention u have been soft launched in his insta too
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was pulled out of his cave to be taken to the hangout bro whined the whole way and claimed to hate it but loved it in reality -and my rant ends here
fuck me???
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actually..... just read the whole thing.....
yeah fuck me that shit was so good 🤞🏼😔
im laughing at the first guy to introduce a girl into the group bc actually probably yeah LENWMFME
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star-girl69 · 2 years
I Loved You Like the Sun
a/n: what is this? idk. anyways i hope you all enjoy!
also i just wanna mention that my requests are open for actual requests yes, but also if you just have a thought or brainrot abt this series or another one or even one of my oneshots i would LOVE to hear it
warnings: mentions of a knife, mentions of death, swearing, incest, tell me if i missed anything!!
Chapter Eight- Idea of it
It was mid morning. The sun had risen, but the curtains in Daemon and Rhaenyra’s bedroom was pulled closed. Darkness enveloped the room, and you pretended this was your every night with them.
No matter that your husband was still here, perhaps even only a few rooms away. He shadow loomed over you, and Daemon and Rhaenyra’s light helped- but he only became darker as the sexonds went by.
You did not want to go back. Could not go back. Your husband wouod most likely kill you in a fit of rage, and you did not want to die. You had something to live for now, now that Rhaenyra and Daemon were yours and you were theirs.
It was always funny to you how easily you could just belong to someone. You belonged to the world, because you had air in your lungs and a heart that beat. You belonged to your father and mother, because it was them who drew you into this world. You belonged to your husband, by law, which held no meaning, did it really?
And you belonged to Daemon and Rhaenyra by the law of something greater than this, by love, by the stars, by some powerful being who crafted you as three parts of one whole.
You traced a finger on Daemon’s chest, drawing patterns as he held you close. With your head on his chest, you could feel his heart thundering like the wing beats of a dragon.
It threatened to lull you to sleep, but you resisted the urge.
“I should leave.” You had said it to no one in particular, perhaps only to the walls.
“You should not.” Daemon yawned, nonchalant in his refusal. The arm around you tugged closer, and he grabbed your other hand in his own.
“I don’t want to go back to him.”
“You won’t.” He presses a kiss to your hand, and you feel any tension in your body at the thought of your husband release.
“But I just… I need clothes, Daemon.”
You lift your head from his chest to look up at him with pleading eyes, and he shrugs. His eyes are closed, and his hand drops yours to press against the back of your head.
“We’ll buy you more pretty dresses, more jewelry, more books, whatever you want.”
He presses your head back to his chest, and you let him with a sigh. It’s comforting to be so close to him, have someone so strong and so powerful hold you like you were the rarest thing.
“It’ll be alright, you know.”
His words are a murmur, and he speaks them into the top of your head. You don’t answer, and he hums to himself.
The door opens, and Rhaenyra steps out from behind it. Dark circles have grown under her eyes in the few hours you haven’t seen her, a council meeting she was forced to attend.
To your knowledge, your husband does not know where you are and does not care.
You know that he will die soon anyways, and perhaps he wishes to spend the last of his life away from you.
It is easy to let him slip from the world naturally.
“How was the council meeting?” Daemon beckons Rhaenyra to the bed after she bars the door, a gesture as easy as breathing.
Rhaenyra lays next to Daemon with a sigh, facing you with her head om his chest. She comes forward, pressing a kiss to your nose. You blush and close your eyes, any affection from her or him making your cheeks heat.
“Boring,” she muses in response to Daemon’s question, eyes falling closed. Daemon presses a kiss to her head.
“I’m the luckiest man in the world,” his voice is dripping with pride, “I have the two most beautiful women in the world draped over me.”
You and Rhaenyra share a smile, and Rhaenyra mutters something about how he should make sure to keep them happy.
The room falls into silence, and you enjoy it.
It’s comforting to just be in their presence like this, know that you are safe from your husband, safe in their arms. You mind seems cloudy and hazy with this feeling, content, loved, sated.
Rhaenyra presses a hand to your face.
“Daemon,” Rhaenyra whispers, making sure Y/N does not stir. She adjusts, whispers low right in his ear. He hums, too comfortable to open his eyes. “What are we to do?” His eyes open, and he turns his head.
“Let me kill him, Rhaenyra, please.” He traces his nose along her jawline, but she stiffens. “Please, Rhaenyra, please…” Some part of her faintly registers that the great Daemon Targaryen, King of the Narrow Sea, battle-hardened warrior, is pleading for her permission to kill someone.
Although she would love nothing more than to attend his funeral, it is not her choice to make.
“You should not be asking me.” She whispers, and Daemon’s gaze darkens.
“She will never let me. Why do you think I’m asking you?”
“Why do you think I am against you? I want nothing more than to see him dead. I am on your side, Daemon.”
“I know that,” he whispers, and his rage feels like sand slipping through his fingers. He is trying to hold on, a rope with a hundred pounds tied to the end, but his hands are slipping. “I know that. But, Rhaenyra-”
“We cannot do that. What else can we do?”
And Daemon knows she is right, so he tugs the rope back up.
“Steal her.”
And for a moment, Rhaenyra imagines it. Go back to Dragonstone, you would come willingly, she’s sure, close the gates just until your husband dies. Marry, in the ways of Old Valyria, and know that no one will ever come between them again.
“My father and Alicent would not…” She trails off, but he knows.
“We do it anyways.”
She looks towards Y/N, who she is sure is sleeping know. It is her duty to protect her.
“We’re not gonna let her leave, right?” Rhaenyra looks back towards Daemon, and sees something she has never seen before in his eyes.
“No.” She looks away from him, shivers at the thought of Y/N going back to her husband. “No, no she won’t. She’ll stay here with us.” He nods, letting out a breath he didn’t know he was holding.
“Good.” He murmurs, leaning down to press a kiss to his wife’s shoulder.
She stares off into the distance, wondering how she can keep Y/N where she belongs.
When you wake, the bed is empty.
You push the blankets off of you almost regretfully, seeing as they were so carefully wrapped around you. You smiled, thinking of the two tucking you in with such care and reverence. You had to admit, it was nice to be coddled.
The door opens with ease, and you step out into a long hallway. You’re tempted to call for them, still nervous in the layout of their apartments.
A servant turns the corner, and her eyes widen at seeing you. You suppose no servants had seen you since this morning, and the sight of you coming out of Rhaenyra and Daemon’s chambers in a red dress is quite incriminating. She swallows, bows lightly and runs away.
You frown, but decide to go in the direction she came from. You hope to find a library of some sorts, a study, something to ease your boredom.
You turn the corner, and are greeted with the smell of wood burning and the sound of fire crackling. The door is open, and the orange light of the fire shines out of the room. You look in, only to find Daemon and Rhaenyra sitting at two desks, whispering about something.
“Rhaenyra? Daemon?” She smiles when she sees you, while he leans back in his chair and looks appreciatively.
“How was your nap?” Rhaenyra beckons you over, pulling a spare chair in between them.
“Fine. Thank you, I was just bored.” You look around, seeing the many bookshelves gracing the walls and priceless Targaryen heirlooms displayed.
Rhaenyra hums as she places a hand on your arm, drawing you down to sit.
“I’m afraid there’s not much to do here. I would suggest you go watch the boys train, they would love to see you, but I would hate for… your husband to…”
She trails off, but you know. You nod, and she smiles in a sad way. The kiss she presses to your cheek is long and hard, and you can feel the emotions she pours into it. The regret, sadness, anger, all encased in her pretty lips.
Daemon returns to his work, hand resting on your thigh. Rhaenyra talks to you about books she had brought up for you, fantastical tales about what life is like beyond The Wall. You read while Rhaenyra pours over the minutes from previous councils meetings she’s missed, and Daemon deals with news from Dragonstone.
Dinner goes by smoothly, Baela and Rhaena telling you tales of Pentos. Rhaena promises to help you with sewing trick, and Baela proclaims that you will meet her dragon. Luke gushes about how he won a fight against Jace while training, while Jace sulks across the table with a smile.
You find that while you adore Rhaenyra and Daemon, their children have stolen your hearts.
It’s after dinner when Daemon turns to you.
You’re waving goodbye to the children as they head off to get ready for bed, stealing a final pastry from the dessert plate. Rhaenyra whispers with a handmaiden in the corner, and Daemon brushes a few stray crumbs off your face with his lips.
While you changed into a nightgown Rhaenyra instructed one of the handmaidens to get, a light golden slip of of thing, eager to sleep and wake up to begin a new day.
Daemon and Rhaenyra had agreed to accompany you yo the Dragonpit, so you could meet Moondancer and all of the others. You remembered Syrax quite fondly, and Rhaenyra said she liked you. Al thought you couldn’t quite tell, you wondered if she would recognize you. Had she missed you as much as Rhaenyra did? Dragons and their riders had a curious bond, you knew, and you weren’t quite sure how the dragons would react to you.
You wondered how it would feel to be free, soar away from the world and above the clouds. You had a feeling that you already knew what it felt like, that feeling you got whenever you were with Daemon and Rhaenyra.
As you blew the last of the candles out, you had to admit you were disappointed when someone came for you.
If you were to die, you would like to have known what took you. Was it sickness, old age? Was it something quick like a spontaneous stopping of your heart, or would it be the sink of an assassin’s blade into your stomach?
A knife gleamed in the hold of a hooded man, and you screamed.
@wondergal2001 @akiraquote @a-lil-bit-nuts @anginoguera @thatkinkylesgirl1 @stitchattacks @honeypillowsblog @kaloafd @blackhoodlea @softtina @wallace02sblog @tetgod
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had this in the drafts for a LONGGG ASS TIME:,,,
i just stayed up all night thinking about trans dean!!! (hbo dean) and wrote an approximate 5 page essay of my thoughts!!! (written by a transmasc)
(just on how dean is trans while keeping majority of the plot is the same, but also better than canon..)
Starting at the beginning. born Deanna. Dean always wanted to present more masculine. as a little kid always wanted to play with the boys stuff and dress in daddys clothes not mommys. in the first scene of him holding baby Sammy, it’s very much possible that he could still look pretty much the same considering the popularity of bowlcuts in young kids especially amongst little girls at that time. After Marys death, john never knew how to shop for girls clothing, so Dean just got the most basic looking clothes, already making him slide into that masculine nature. He probably grew out his hair after Mary died for a while (because of johns inability to take care of his kids and give them regular haircuts), until lets say 6?? when Dean figured out how to use scissors on his hair. John is unfazed, like as long as it doesn’t get in the way, and monsters cant grab deans hair(idk, things like that)
Bobby is the first to figure out Dean is trans. obviously. he pays more attention to the kids than john does. Dean just acts like a boy, thinks he’s a boy, though still being technically a girl. He’s complained before to Bobby about wanting to be a boy and hates being seen as/called a “dyke” or a “tomboy” by classmates and teachers. Dean doesnt think anything is wrong with expressing those emotions, still being just a young kid.
Around 8?9? Dean end up just straight up telling john he thinks he’s actually a boy and john couldnt care less tbh, trans men were nearly invisible to society at that time, especially to someone like john who probably grew up under a rock about those things more than anyone. John probably just somehow believed what dean said.. but in a twisted fucked up way… In Johns head Dean is now “a boy with feminine parts, and that is not right, you cant be a man and feminine.” (something like that) So John double time forces hyper masculinity upon dean much too early, as a compensation for anything possibly non-masculine about dean. Trans men are not a concept in johns mind and he doesnt care at all what it could mean other than Dean just being fucked up. This ideology weighs heavily into Dean’s trauma and daddy issues. Especially when john has angry drunk outbursts of ridiculing Dean for the way he is, doing things like deadnaming and misgendering Dean on purpose.
John obviously didnt know or care about anything gender confirming beyond, “I have a son, I buy boy clothes, it’s easier in so many ways having two sons now.” Bobby was the one who fully supported and understood dean and tried to do everything he could to understand deans situation and help him with the transition.
also. no one really knew of john as a hunter at the start. so its easy for john to switch to saying he has two sons, without causing problems.
Puberty for Dean would fall around 1990/91. By that time hormone blockers were already a thing available for kids who had puberty too early, [BUT amongst my research on hormone blockers for trans people I couldn’t find when That became a common practice, and when or where it became easy(ish) to get such treatment without being denied or hatecrimed in some way...] (will have to do more research on some subjects, I still have several books and articles I need to go through) However, I do know testosterone was actually an accessible thing around the 90s for trans men(ofc i still cant find what the age is for being aproved to start hrt unfortunately).
But, I believe, thanks to Bobby’s cunning schemes, he can get what Dean wants/needs in an easy way (ex; lying about Dean’s age or gender[saying he’s intersex or a male with a hormone deficiency], stollen medical prescription forms, etc)
So maybe, most of Deans life he is stealth to most, (even if he doesnt get testosterone until later in life, there are multiple accounts of trans men more than fooling a vast majority of people into thinking theyre cis, even when literally having sex with women believe it or not(ex; Brandon Teena/Boys Don’t Cry film, a popular 50s gospel singer i forgot the name of, much more) Dean is definitely super crafty in canon so he is always finding ways to pass.
Sam knowing Dean is trans makes sense(even if he doesnt have a word for it at first) considering how close they are as siblings. And I think funnily enough he might not even know Dean is “trans” until he attends a gsa class in college(bonus: Sam is he/she/they nonbinary in my hc and they find out that too)
[Side note, because of genes*, it’s very possible for an afab in the winchester family to be up to 5’10(lets say dean is 5’9 though). He wears those 1 1/2 inch heeled boots he does in canon (funny how he’s canonically trans coded sm), with shoe inserts on top of that and, boom. easily 5’11-6’0. yet, he is still more than four inches shorter than his younger brother.(idk i think sam should chill like maybe he can just be 6’2or3 in hbo, bc *john is still 6’1or2, and mary’s family also has tall men*)]
Moving on. According to the timeline dean discovering girls (and boys) happens next at 12/13 (pls help i’m on the aro spec and dk the normal age you get crushes)
but since we already know john is even more strict about Dean’s masculinity than he would be with someone whos amab (notice john canonically is less forcing of masculinity upon sam... i wonder why....) Well in saying that, here comes the intense homophobia. Dean cannot like men. “thats for girls. and Dean said hes actually a man, and I cant let dean be feminine in any way” or some bullshit like that.
Somewhere in the future, before Dean turns 17, john is “worried” about deans possible attraction to men. Sends him on the nun hunt by himself. It’s a big step especially for Dean being afab and john still seeing him as weak and feminine despite believing Dean is actually a dude. (I think this is also the same reason, canonically, sam is so surprised that at 26 dean is going on his own hunts??)
But like- so if the last time Sam saw Dean, Dean was 22 and still an irresponsible youth, still new to the freedom of things that came at 21 and what not(even if dean has been drinking from a young age) and considering johns treatment of Dean, and Deans dependency on johns toxic grasp on him, Sam could still be surprised dean is on his own now[even if dean went on his own at 17, but sam wouldnt know that,, and plus it was just so john could teach him a lesson] So maybe john also let Dean go on his own at 23(before then dean always went with another person) and because he would soon see Dean and his hunting partner of the time, Lee, getting along “too well” he would just fr gaslight dean to just go on his own from then... (something like that)
Focusing back on Dean’s transition, I actually have no idea when dean would get top surgery bc of the busyness of a hunters life. but im thinking it’s a top priority of Deans for a while because of the discomfort of not being able to wear a binder when hunting, only a sports bra, which depending, could still be very uncomfortable for him dysphoria wise. (i know the struggle) Again, Bobby probably one to help with the whole process of payment, recovery and scheduling a good time.
When dean finally gets his top surgery it is when he is with Cassie. (theyre literally both t4t bi4bi) Dean by luck finds a nice girl at a queer bar and settles down with her and decides its time to chop the flesh bags and Cassie helps him in his recovery. (of course i think dean still goes hunting in secret and messed up the healing process and ends up with sorta messed up scars)
Now lisa well... (actually I think canon dean dated her before cassie, but she was only introduced later so-) okay Lisa lowkey gives me transphobe vibes-.. I wonder if it could be that even after they hook up she still isnt even aware that dean is trans, she still finds out someway though. (rip ben actually being from a random biker in this au, bc canon he is 100% deans kid) When Dean sees her again, they run into eachother and catch up despite lisa still being transphobic. She’s fine with just talking but keeping distance. Ben, already liking dean like a father figure, doesn’t understand why lisa dislikes him, even after she explains how Dean is trans, like most kids at that age it’s simple, if he looks and acts like a boy, he is a boy. Kids dont fucking know a thing about body parts or genders... Ben with that ideology, ultimately opens Lisas eyes on trans people and is now okay with Dean.
The only next big plot point I can think of?? is..
Cas raising Dean from hell. While recreating Dean, he sees Deans entire being through Deans perspective. and how Dean is meant to be rather than how he was born. In my mind it makes sense to cas as angel, by seeing Dean’s soul, his memories, everything that makes Dean, well.. Dean, that he is indeed a man. Also because angels have no construct of gender(besides how humans are born) and being genderless in the first place, Cas doesnt associate body parts with genders. He just knows dean is a man and is like “well if hes a human man he must have these parts i guess?”, Deans views of himself blurring his previous form, everything on how dean looks is slightly masculinized. Cas doesnt even think about how come these scars on deans chest are significant and important to him, at any point in the future he could still easily remove them, but he knew they meant something to dean in his mortal development and despite being a “flaw” they are the two scars he didnt wipe clean off of Dean’s body. Everything else, its like- as if Dean was born a man, or at least, however Dean wanted to look. (and still, cas removes all of deans tattoos. dean is pissed asf at cas. even if they had significance to dean, cas still removed them as it was not a part of his body and soul like the top scars, just a foreign blemish made of ink)
That is all i should probably fit in a post now, lmao
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foodandfolklore · 10 months
Santa Claus: Paganism or Commercialism
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Probably one of the most recognizable icons of Western Winter holidays is Santa Claus. A plump man in a red coat with long white beard who gives presents to well behaved children on Christmas. But where did this character come from? I'm sure many reading will point out old Saint Nick as the origin. Others will draw comparisons to the Holly King and Green man. And there's at lest a few people convinced the whole thing is just a way to get us to buy more during the holidays.
Creation of Santa Claus is largely credited to Clement Clarke Moore, the Author of The Night Before Christmas. He says he combined traits of Saint Nicholas and his Dutch Handyman for descriptors. He's also the one who gave Santa his flying sleigh and reindeer. But he still called the character Saint Nicholas. The Name Santa Claus is thanks to Dutch immigrants who came to America. They called Saint Nicholas 'Sinterklass' which caught on as Santa Claus.
So who is Saint Nicholas that this Santa Claus is apparently based on? Well according to the stories, during the early Christianization of Rome, there was a man was extreme wealth and generosity named Nicholas. He would see people in need and not hesitate to help, expecting nothing in return. He also had a power to know who was guilty and who was innocent. Nicholas became a Bishop and after death, ascended to be a Saint. He is the patron Saint of Charity and Children.
So now he's got some kick ass Saint powers, and can keep on doing cool stuff. And the stories say he did. He would make more food to have enough to go around. Keep people safe. Heal children who died too soon. People loved this guy! They would celebrate him on December 6th; the day of his supposed passing. Children would leave their shoes outside hoping for a treat from the passing Saint.
Okay so, clearly Santa Claus has Christian Roots. Why do people think he's pagan. Well, for a few centuries, things start to get a little muddled. See, the Romans were like a cultural and religious melting pot. So over the thousand years of Saint Nick doing his thing, Christmas started absorbing aspects of other holidays like Saturnalia and Winter Solstice; even changing the date to better line up with these other events. And if you look at some depictions of art from before the Red suit was standard, Santa can sometimes be seen in greens with holly and mistletoe. So If the only information you have is 'Christmas Celebrations are based on Pagan Traditions' it's not a big mental leap to assume Santa is one of those Pagan Traditions.
But the truth of the matter is we didn't have a visual standard until the past 100 years or so. Saint Nick and Winter gift giving exploded in popularity all over Europe, but after a thousand years, baby Jesus took over. Maybe to put the focus back on him? But that didn't seem to remain popular, so a new, meaner version of Nicholas appeared. And I'm not talking about Krampus. His appearance and mannerisms varied from region to region. He would flog or kidnap disruptive children. It was basically all punishment, no reward. Not very magical.
Then people come to the new World of America. A new life, a new outlook, a new way to raise children. They brought with them their story of Saint Nick, now called Santa Claus, and Started telling stories about how he was sequestered away. Far north in the north pole, a place uninhabitable by normal people. He lives there, making toys with his elves, and flies around the world in a single night delivering toys to all the nice children. I never really thought about it much, but the story of Santa Claus really is a Uniquely American Folk Tale.
One last thing; how did Santa Claus Get his signature look? As I mentioned, the story the Night Before Christmas is What cements Santa as Fat, Jolly, and with a full white beard. But he mentions nothing of the colour of his clothes. Many people think that the red suit is from Coca-Cola ads, as before that he was always dressed in green. While I think it's true the Coca-Cola ads help popularize red as Santa's Color, they were far from the first to choose red. Add to that, if red was not selected, there's no guarantee he would be green. When people started illustrating the story The Night Before Christmas, lots of versions of Santa were made. One where he was in all yellow. Another where he was of short stature and brown. Icey blues. All kinds of ideas. Doing research, it seems Thomas Nast was the one who established the look of Santa. He dressed him in red to complement is rosy red nose, gave his coat white trim, a black belt, and topped it off with the signature Santa Hat.
Now that Santa had a Standard uniform, kids could recognize him instantly. Malls started to set up areas where you could take your kids to see Santa, encouraging you to go to shopping. Products need only draw a Santa on their package and boom, limited seasonal item. Sometimes it feel like Santa Claus was Created just to sell us stuff. But he wasn't. He wasn't even created to guilt us into a faith. He was created to bring a little magic a wonder into the holiday season. Regardless of what holiday you may be celebrating. Santa doesn't care. Santa only cares that if you are kind, that kindness should be rewarded.
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roxineedstosleep · 2 years
i lovedddd please leave a message after the beep, so amazing!! i was wondering if you would be able to write maybe a blurb/one shot (or hcs if easier) abt how daily life is basically after kidnapping reader? or maybe bruces pov throughout the story? honestly it can be wtvr u choose i am hooked 🫶🫶 (if u dont have time/motivation to do this i completely understand!)
Hello Sweet soul!
First, I wanted to thank you for the beautiful comment you leave. If you want to read some more, there are two more chapters of this section in my Ao3, where the last chapter is from Dick's perspective (the link to my ao3 is in the description header of my blog). In case you already come from there, and have doubts about the reader's life after the abduction.
Well, I have no problem with giving you a bit of insight on that. Because I didn't have a good positioning of Bruce in all this at the time, I didn't really know how to accommodate him. Kind of ironic, considering he and Dick are yanderes for the reader.
Now I do. About Bruce after he kidnapped the reader, and her life now that she's locked up.
Bruce doesn't kill, that's the only good thing I can take from the situation, so the reader's partner would be safe in that respect. But, Bruce ultimately might break his arm, so he'd only be left with one arm and a lot of trauma from watching a masked man abduct his girlfriend in the middle of the night.
Bruce would see to it that the police, with a lot of cluelessness, would find the couple's "lifeless body"… and I don't know what else. I feel like Bruce would feel more at ease with himself knowing that no one is looking for the reader.
Now, the important thing: How does Bruce feel about the reader?
Initially, professional appreciation. But over time Dick made him realise that, like any human being, he shouldn't have to be alone. I mean, he's entitled to have things he misses having.
And now he's a father. He's a father of a child who misses having a family. Now he has a father and a grandfather, but he's missing a mother. And Bruce is also missing a partner to be able to take care of a child.
It's a strange mix of emotions and situations: Bruce adores Dick and will give him everything he once lacked after the death of his parents; but he also never had the luxury of being able to love a person like a partner.
Then, along comes the reader, who is good and nice to Richard, who was at his worst; she is professional and nice to him, who is her boss. She had respect for him, then appreciation and then the love bug hit him with an atomic bomb of love feelings.
And you and I both know that Bruce loves in a rather particular way. He's controlling, he doesn't know how to express himself and when he wants to do something he actually does it (not for nothing in canon Bruce was willing to marry Selina, and would have if she hadn't left him at the altar). He loves with all his being.
So, he loves Dick, he's his son, and now that he's grown fond of someone else. He is afraid of losing them.
So, together with Dick's need and longing to have a mother again… Why not give it a try?
You know, give him a mum. Give him a mate. To be able to give Dick and him what he never had.
A family.
Seek to love, seek to adore.
He would give her all the meals, he tries to comfort her during the hard days, he actively prevents Dick from throwing tantrums or saying mean things in front of the reader. Because he wants to prove that he is a good father, that he is a good partner and a good family man.
He doesn't care if the reader begs for his departure from the mansion, he will tell her that she should think of her son; of little Dick. He would act so paternal and so loving towards them, he knows the changes are difficult, but in time she will adapt.
He will do everything in his power to first, make her accept Dick; because at the end of the day she will be his new mother. And then, that she accepts him, who is her husband and her partner.
He buys her matching clothes, gets her pretty flower arrangements. Decorate the room they are going to share with things they both like. I would spend more time inside the mansion so that you can take advantage of the moments you share with Dick, as if you were a family.
And only when he notices that she no longer trembles at the sight of him and Dick near her, is he happy to note that he has achieved his goal!
He will be the perfect father and husband for her and Dick.
Because her son taught her that it was right to love again. And that it wasn't wrong to take out all his emotions and give them corresponding actions.
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