#i also happen to enjoy drawing baggier clothing so everyone's happy!
laurelaicoop · 7 months
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Time to put some clothes on these beasts, featuring Audi and Cosí Maran Spring Stylings!
Both appreciate the usefulness of baggier clothing, with the Marans having to accomodate both an extra set of arms and (generally) quadrupedal locomotion and the Audi simply finding loose sheets of cloth easier to finagle on their large frames.
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vagarius · 4 years
misukazu 21
(if you saw me fuck up the other one no you didnt)
questions from this post, and answers originally written for this thread!!
If you had to change the pairing’s very first meeting, how would you change it?    their canon first meeting is already so good SHDGFLJASHG but if i had to choose a different one that's still within the context of mankai... meeting as kids and losing touch and coming back together completely different at mankai
What song fits your pairing the most?    uhhHHhhHHH i don't have a real answer but i do have a partial playlist for one of my misukazu aus and the only two songs in it are furaregai girl by sayuri and champagne's for celebrating by mayday parade and i feel like that says enough sldhgalsdhfalsh
What is your favorite AU/prompt idea/trope for your pairing?     ALL MISUKAZU AUS ARE GOOD but. i really love any au where their first meeting is in the future and both are still kind of lost but they're Older and it's hard to let themselves fall into the easy trust they find in canon. i just think that'd be neat.
Favorite canon moment of them?     THERE ARE SO MANY but the one that immediately comes to mind is misumi carrying drunk kazu to bed (latest bday line) because drunk kazu is so soft and it implies that misumi wanted to wish happy birthday to kazu pretty late... what did he want to give him...
Least favorite canon moment of them?     hmm... there's not really one i can think of??? IM SORRY I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO SAY I LOVE ALL THEIR CANON MOMENTS
Favorite headcanon trope/idea? (Your own or someone else’s)    this is somehow both vague and very specific but i think misukazu gives off this vibe: He's beautiful. I can't tell him. or "Kazu is always beautiful~" Don't call me that, Kazu thinks. I'm not. so... insecurities i guess ????? AJSHAJJD
Favorite aspect of them/their relationship dynamics?     THIS IS GOING TO SOUND SO CHEESY but i love how /real/ they allow themselves to be around each other. misukazu at their best is when one thinks "you're you. and i love that you" and the other knows this. i just. THEY VALIDATE THE OTHER SO MUCH CRIES
Least favorite aspect of them/their relationship dynamics? (Can be headcannon)     this isn't a "least fav" so much as "it makes me sad" but if either of them showed any sign of not being interested anymore the other is more likely to give up then push anything. sort of like "it was bound to happen, so i'll enjoy now until they drop me" or EVEN WORSE they think the other would be better off without them and pushes them away. so yeah the fact i can see one of these happening makes me sad.
If they aren’t a canon pairing, how would you get them together?     they give off "everyone knows we're dating but us" energy but at the same time i feel like they'd acknowledge there's something and just not define it bc a) they don't need to (misumi) or b) they're too nervous to (kazu). in other words i think one day they are holding hands and misumi says "kazu? is this dating?" and kazu holds his breath before asking "do you want it to be?"
If you had to take them and plunk them into another fandom, what fandom would that be? Why?     i think theyd be hilarious in any sports animanga (kazu is manager tho bc noodle arms but maybe they bond when misumi walks him through some of his usual training menu one night - ahem. anyway) BUT ALSO horimiya au...
How hard is it write/draw your pairing? Scale of 1-10.     AJDHAJDHSF I REALLY LOVE THEM SO IT COMES PRETTY EASILY... but sometimes you try to put them in tropes and realize they would Just Not Work Like That. idk where i'm going with this. but yeah. anyway 3 for sankaku.
Is there a pairing that you think rivals them?     in terms of what i ship, i tend to ship kazu and misumi individually with a lot of dif charas AJDHAKD. but in terms of like... in-universe "rival" pairings: kazu side: tsuzukazu (maybe, lbr it would take them 273924 yrs to actually get together), kazu x someone from winter (i... have my reasons but they'd take longer than what this answer entails) misumi side: ... surprisingly none that i can think of ahdjahd
Which character of the pairing do you like more? (Would you ever pair yourself with them?)     you know that tweet that's like "sometimes a ship is just your two favs"? yeah that's misukazu for me. but if i had to choose... misumi AJDHAJHDSF I HONESTLY WASNT THAT INTO YUME UNTIL THESE TWO CAME AROUND (NOT COUNTING 707)... but yeah if they wanted to hold me in their arms i wouldn't oppose
Which character of your pairing would be the one to break up with the other? Why?     OOOOOH BOY well. i think it could be either of them. i don't think they'd break up for lack of love but too much love and wanting the other to be happy and thinking that the only way to give them that is to let them go. so i guess the question is which of them would be more likely to be selfish and hold on. thinking this way, i think misumi would be more likely to break-up, bc kazu has lots of friends who are better than him!! and misumi is more ready to leave if he thinks he needs to than kazu is. now im sad.
Are they relatable as characters or as a pairing?     THE NUMBER OF TIMES I'VE BEEN CALLED KAZU KIN... in all seriousness kazu's struggles with speaking out and (shinobi spoilers) his uncertainty over his future hit real close to home... while i don't relate as much as misumi, his struggles always manage to tear my heart into pieces... ((oversharing alert) i guess what really separates me from misumi is his struggle with his desire to connect with family who has treated him poorly... whereas im more "lol fuck you") tldr i relate to kazu slightly more LOL
Did you once/ever dislike one/both of them?     i never disliked them but i was NOT expecting either of them to shoot up so quickly into my favs list ahdjahdjf. also i started shipping them Immediately After reading summer main story so there's that
On an estimate, how many posts have you made about them?    as of september 28th 2020 i make up 11/78 fics on ao3 in the romantic misukazu tag and 2/12 in the platonic one. i may have brainrot.
What made you decide to ship them?     TBH I FINISHED THE MAIN STORY AND WENT "OH MY GOD... THAT'S MY SHIP" but now that i'm here i continue to ship them because they have the potential to bring out both the best and the worst in each other and i'm all about that
Favorite genre for them? (Angst, fluff, etc.)     angst. i just. angst hurt/comfort all the way. im so sorry babies.
lol you thought there would just be 21 ANYWAY EXTRA 1: how do they spend breaks/vacation?    they'd travel a lot when they're older!! kazunari loves to travel and misumi would follow kazunari anywhere (also, new triangles!!) so they go somewhere new whenever they have the time. however i think eventually one or both of their future careers will take them anywhere and everywhere anyway, so their "ideal vacation" might turn into an evening in, cuddling and catching up (as if they didn't already send play-by-play updates over the phone of whatever they did during the day)
EXTRA 2: first date?     i don't they ever have an explicit first date, but if asked they'll cite the time they had a picnic in the park turned triangle hunt turned accidental dip in the duck pond. at least, kazunari will. misumi just tilts his head and wonders what you mean.
EXTRA 3: gifts?     IM FEELING REALLY CHEESY SO I'M MAKING THIS ABOUT ANNIVERSARY GIFTS they both end up getting each other jewelry (although kazu was really really nervous bc he wasn't sure if misumi would wear it). kazu gets misumi a bracelet (with triangles, of course although misumi only wears it sometimes because he doesn't want to lose it) and misumi gets kazu a pair of triangle earrings "so we can match!" and kazunari combusts at the implications
EXTRA 4: sharing clothes     THEY'RE ACTUALLY AROUND THE SAME SIZE (and tend to wear baggier stuff barring kazu's skinny jeans)... but they have completely different Styles so it's still really obvious when steal each other's stuff ahdjajdkaf. as cute as kazu would look in sumi's sweatshirt i think the much more likely scenario is kazu wrapping misumi in his jackets because this boy nEVER BRINGS HIS ANYWHERE anyway just. accidental shared wardrobe misukazu.
EXTRA 5: lake house au    consider: kazunari living in a house on the shore of a lake for a summer for Art Purposes (and a little bit for Dealing With Life purposes but he's not gonna admit that) and meets his lake neighbor misumi who kazu thinks might be a ghost or spirit for a while but he actually just lives further down the lake and misumi unknowingly helps kazu with his Life Issues and maybe they fall in love
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fullmetalscullyy · 6 years
Those are amazing prompts. Royai 20 and B please. Pretty please.
they really are!! ohhh, you picked an angsty one, this was so much fun. i hope you’re ready for it :)
thank you for the prompt!
“i can’t stand my own reflection” // bedroom
“Sir?” Riza called uncertainly into the dim hallway. Herchildhood home was quiet, not unlike it had been all those years ago. A lifetimeago… A life before war, suffering, and the murder of innocents.
A life before flames had invaded both their lives againsttheir will, filling it with nothing but pain.
With no answer Riza shivered, clutching the thin sheettighter to her chest. Her back was still healing so she couldn’t wear herpyjama top, like she wished, to protect against the cold draughts that continuedto breeze through the crumbling house. It should have made her uncomfortable tobe so open and vulnerable, but not with Roy. Never with him.
Usually Roy slept in her bedroom in an uncomfortable chair towatch over her while she slept, changing the dressings on her burns every coupleof hours. Riza asked him to sleep, begged him even, but he never did. Notproperly. When he finally succumbed to exhaustion, it was in an armchair he hadcarried from the living room downstairs – a punishment inflicted upon himself. Guiltate at him for burning her back, she knew it did. Riza hadn’t anticipated theemotion to be so strong, but it was there in his eyes, in the way he held himself,and the way he rarely met her eyes when they spoke now.
However, when Riza awoke her bedroom was empty. After beingconfined to her bed for the last week she felt it was time to leave it. WithoutRoy to scold her and firmly guide her back to rest, Riza left her childhoodbedroom and the oppressive walls. Cabin fever had well and truly set in days agoso with her protector gone for the time being, she jumped at the opportunity forescape. Although the cool air made her skin prickle with gooseflesh and madeher back ache, she was still grateful to be up and out of that room.
It worried her when she couldn’t find him right away. Roy hadn’treally been alone since they got back from the war, Riza made sure of that.After departing the train in East City, they had both come here to deal withher father’s research once and for all. Nightmares plagued them both, obviously,but Roy seemed to be affected by it more. Riza had awoken to the sound of himstruggling in his sleep more than once.
After checking all rooms on the first floor, Riza pausedoutside the room she hadn’t stepped a foot inside for years. Her hand hoveringover the door handle, she gripped it tightly, letting loose a shaky breath,memories flooding her from years prior. She had stood before this door numeroustimes. Often, she had sat on the floor instead, staring at the closed doorwhile leaning against the wall across from it, tears tracking down her cheeks asshe wondered where she had gone so wrong in life, everyone she loved hadabandoned her.
Entering through the door, she saw Roy standing in his oldbedroom, facing the dusty mirror she hadn’t cleaned since he left. In fact, Rizahad opted to remain out of the room since Roy had joined the military, therewere too many reminders of him in there, too many nights spent on the floor withalchemy worksheets spread between them as they tried to figure out her father’shalf-crazed writings. Too many nights spent simply together, whether it wasjust enjoying each other’s presence, or discussing life and their futures.
Loneliness followed her like a shadow once more after Roy joinedthe military. The ache in her chest had been even greater than before becauseshe had finally known what it was like to enjoy the company and companionshipof another, but even Roy had left her, like everyone else she had ever known.Her mother, her father to his research, and then Roy for the military. She didn’tblame him. He had ambitions and goals to achieve that Riza supported wholeheartedly,but it still stung. Her chest had still ached as she lay in her cold bed eachnight without his warmth to lull her to sleep.
In many ways Roy Mustang had essentially been her whole world.He had been the one to bring life back into her own, given her purpose, broughther happiness and love. After her isolated upbringing it was hard not to feelthat way when he had been the first person to pay attention to her since hermother died. Her father certainly didn’t, not in the ways he should.
Never in her wildest dreams did Riza imagine that he wouldfeel the same way about her, but it was there, in the way he had cradled heraching body, whispering repeatedly how sorry he was, and when he had spoken forbiddenwords against her skin. Forbidden, because the path they were about to headdown wouldn’t allow such feelings between the two of them. Even through her hazeof agony, Riza had felt relief. Not only was she finally free from her father’sburden, she also felt loved, cared for, and wanted, something she had beenlacking for most of her life. She no longer felt cast aside, like she was justat the edge of Roy’s peripherals while he was in the centre of her vision.
For the first time in a long time, she felt peace.
She shouldn’t, Riza had killed so many people in Ishval, butin that moment as Roy held her, she couldn’t deny that she felt a brief periodof happiness. Hughes’ speech about returning home to his wife, happy, poppedinto her thoughts. They were both adamant they didn’t deserve to be happy afterwhat they had done, but there was still a niggle in her mind that what ifHughes was right? What if she could embrace this happiness with her blood-stainedhands all the while still trying to atone for her sins?
A question for another time as she noticed the look on Roy’sface. Her breath caught in her throat and she gasped quietly.
He looked desolate in the moonlight. Dark circles lookedlike bruises under his eyes. Riza never noticed how thin he looked. His clotheshung off his frame, baggier than they should have been. His hair was a mess,sticking up in different directions all over, like he had been running hishands through it constantly. His eyes were red rimmed, like he had been crying.
At the sound of her entering, Roy didn’t even budge. Rizacalled to him, shuffling slowly closer. She discovered his eyes weren’t actuallylooking at himself in the mirror, they were fixated on the wall above it.
“I can’t do it…” he whispered. It appeared as if he weremiles away, talking to himself.
“Can’t do what?” Riza asked quietly, all thoughts of referringto him as her superior gone in an instant. He was struggling and he needed Rizaright now, not Private Hawkeye. Riza didn’t think she could bring herself to doit either, not after seeing the haunted look in his eyes.
“I can’t even look at myself,” he whispered.
Riza shivered with the cold, moving around his frozen bodyto stand before him. He was so far away from her right now… Riza was of no useto him if she couldn’t bring him back from this.
“Roy? Look at me.” He didn’t seem to hear her.
“I can’t stand my own reflection,” he continued, unaware ofRiza in front of him. “All I see is a monster staring back at me.”
With one hand she placed it on his chest, hoping the contactwould draw him back to her. “Roy.”
Slowly, his eyes drifted down to her face and something inher broke at the look in his face. Her chest ached because she knew it was thesame way she felt inside. Riza hadn’t intended this to happen. She hadn’t intendedhim to get so beaten down and hurt by the knowledge she had gifted him. Thiswas as much her fault as his.
He blinked once then started, as if realising who it wasthat was in front of him.
“Riza! You shouldn’t be out of bed,” he stuttered, chokingon his emotions as he returned to the present. “Please,” he gripped her handtightly. The word was spoken like a prayer and Riza knew it wasn’t just to askher to return to bed. She saw the pain in her eyes. It was a prayer for her tomake the pain go away. “Please, go back to bed.”
Riza searched his eyes, confirming what she guessed to betrue.
Like Roy, Riza also wanted the pain to stop. However, theyhad made their choices. They had both been adults when they chose to fight inIshval. So, although they both couldn’t look at themselves in the mirror, theywould bear it. They had made a promise to each other that they would stop thisfrom happening in the future to protect the next generation.
“Riza, please,” he begged, body beginning to shake. “I can’t…I hurt you and I’m so sorry.”
Riza hushed him, placing a hand on back of his neck andpulling his head down to her shoulders. He wrapped his arms around her waist,mindful of her injuries. His warm hands hit her cool skin and Riza shivered butnot from the cold. His fingers dug into her skin, but there was no pain, justthe desperation of a man suffering for his sins.
“I’m useless,” he whispered. “A superior doesn’t hurt theirsubordinates like this. A… friend doesn’t either.” His arms tightened aroundher as he buried his face in the crook of her neck.
Not missing the way he tripped over the word “friend”, Rizaclutched at his neck tighter in response, fingers stroking his skin in anattempt to soothe him. They were so much more than that, but for the purpose oftheir upcoming task they had to pretend that was all they were.
“You set me free,” she whispered into his hair. “Rememberthat. You set me free from my father and are giving me the chance to live asRiza Hawkeye and not as my father’s notebook.”
His body shuddered and her skin turned wet under his tears.Riza felt her own cheeks wet also as the two stood in the centre of Roy’s oldbedroom, clutching each other like a life raft. In order to stay afloat, theywould hold each other for as long as it took. The monster inside them wouldn’t takethem just yet.
It wouldn’t be easy, but, maybe, in time, they would be ableto find peace with their reflection and the monster staring back at them.
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hellcheer-munson · 7 years
how 'bout newtina ship meme 2
Here you go! :D
* Who comes homelatest?By default, Tina, because Newt works at home; she does work very late mostnights, however, owing to the nature of her work.* What was the absolute worst fight between the parents and children about?There are no real big fights because the children adore their parents;there’s bickering and a few little arguments here and there, but nothing major.* Who has the shortest temper?Linnet Scamander has a fiery temper, definitely, and while she’s all sweetand innocent most of the time, she definitely has a short temper.* What are the relationships with grandparents like?Well, obviously their grandparents on Tina’s side are deceased, so theironly grandparents are Newt’s parents.Newt’s mother is very doting to the kids, and she loves spending time withthem; his father is a little more reserved, being a Ministry man, but beingaround the children makes him loosen up a little bit. Sometimes Newt’s parentshave to babysit if Jacob/Queenie aren’t available, and the children adore them.* Who steals what out of someone’s closet?Linnet always steals Phoenix’s Gryffindor jumpers because although she’s aRavenclaw his jumpers are baggier and warmer. Leo definitely starts to stealwaistcoats and bowties from Newt’s wardrobe. Both Linnet and Wren have a habitof “borrowing” Tina’s blue coat or cloche hat; Phoenix likes to wear Newt’scoat for fun, and to explore the individual pockets. Before the kids were born, Tina liked to wrap herself in Newt’s coat becausereasons.* Tea, coffee, or anything else [all family members]?Tina is not herself unless she has a cup of coffee in the morning; afterthat, she can survive on tea. Newt’s preferred beverage is any kind of tea –English brew, herbal etc. When the kids are older, Phoenix and Linnet both needcoffee to survive; Leo settles for tea, and Wren is in a world of her own settlingfor juice. Let’s not forget mugs of hot cocoa whenever the kids want/need it(many conversations are had over hot cocoa)* What chores are assigned?It’s mostly stuff in the case when the kids are old enough; Phoenix is incharge of the Niffler and cleaning his den out of gold; Linnet feeds theMooncalves and animals like the Fwooper; Leo settles the Erumpent, feeds theGraphorns, makes sure the Bowtruckles are happy and even feeds the Nundu fromtime-to-time; Wren makes sure the Kneazles in their home are fed/given water,and then feeds the Occamies. Newt, of course, deals with most of the magical creature duties but it’s alwaysuseful when the children help out because it gives him more time for otherthings (i.e. editing his book again ordoing things in his shed). Tina soon becomes just as adept at caring for themagical creatures, helping wherever she can.* Who’re the best and worst dancers?Wren, I feel, is by far the best dancers by far in the family because AuntieQueenie and the Kowalski cousins do it a lot with her. The worst dancer isprobably either Newt or Phoenix – the whole family’s rather awkward, really.* Something banned within the household?Bringing the Niffler out of the case – the last time they did that, itstole all of the money and jewellery in the house. * How do the parents feel about dating?It differs depending on the child and parent, really. I feel like Newt isdefinitely uncomfortable when Linnet and Wren are dating because he still viewsthem as little girls (he’s very close to both daughters), whilst Tina merelyreminds him that they’re old enough to date (though if the boy is a lot olderthan she would worry just a tad). As is usual with sons, there’s not so muchconcern when Phoenix or Leo date – though Tina does admittedly feel a littlemelancholy about Leo dating because Leo is still very much her baby that shehas a soft spot for.* What would they do if one of the kids brought over a boy/girl for dinner tomeet them? (Worded weirdly, I apologize)Newt and Tina would be polite to one of their son’s girlfriends comingover, though Newt is definitely still very eccentric and soon offers said girla look around the case. With their daughters, Tina is of course veryprofessionally polite to boyfriends whilst Newt is surprisingly quiet and staysout of things, watching from a short distance away and studying the boys likehe would creatures. (when it was Linnet bringing Michael home as a boyfriend/fiancée, it wasdifferent because they had known Michael for nearly two decades and he was likea son already)* What do they do on days off?Spend all day in the case, of course, what else? Afternoons are spend sittingand relaxing as they bond with the creatures; Dougal is a favourite with Tinaand the children, and the Bowtruckles entertain Leo for hours. * One of the most surprising things that’s happened?Finding out that Wren is a Legilimens like her Auntie Queenie; it was quitea shock and it took some time for the family to adjust to it.* Who continuously checks up on the kids when they’re gone [i.e. school]?They’d write letters from both of them to the kids at Hogwarts, owling eachchild at least once a week. I feel Newt writes the letters more often than Tinadoes, given that he has more time, though it’s always signed from both of them.* Out of everyone, who’s the nerdiest?Probably either Newt or Leo, if being obsessive with magical creaturescounts as “nerdy” (and Leo has glasses)* Out of everyone, who’s the most likely to do something incredibly stupid?Phoenix and Linnet are both risk-takers, and a lot of risks can be reallystupid. Of course, Newt is the one most likely to nearly get killed trying totend to or bond with a magical creature.* Who gets annoyed easiest?Half of me says Linnet because of her temper, and the other half says Wrenbecause she can hear everyone’s thoughts and that makes her snappy/irritatedeasier.* Who’s the most reserved?Leo; he’s very shy and quiet, keeping to himself and reading his father’sbook instead of playing like the other children do. (Also Newt, of course,though he’s less reserved around his family)* Who’s more motherly?Tina doesn’t fancy herself the “motherly” type, though she is a goodmother; Newt does more of the “motherly” duties, really, like taking care ofthe kids when they’re sick (I can see Newt being a total mother hen)* Who’s the most organized?Tina – Newt’s shed is a mess, and the kids don’t care much for organisationso she has to do it (and she’s an Auror which involves some degree of beingprepared/organized)* Who’s the reader?Tina reads a lot in the case, both to herself and aloud to thecreatures/children; Linnet has a love of books, and Leo reads his father’s bookover and over again when he’s little.* What are the bedrooms like [as in, how do they look, weird question, I know]?Newt and Tina have the larger master bedroom, of course, so there’s a bedfor them to share and dressers/a wardrobe. Tina soon finds that Newt likes toleave pages of his manuscript or notes on his creatures lying around, and nomatter how often she tidies them there’s always another bunch left spreadaround the room. Tina likes to keep books on her end-table, reading in bed atnight before sleeping.Phoenix’s room has toys when he’s little, but when he’s older and more his ownperson he has a lot of Gryffindor house things around, like a scarf on thebedpost, gloves by the window etc. His room has his broomstick for Quidditch,and he has Quiddictch posters up around the room.Linnet has her stuff neat; she ties her Ravenclaw scarf around the bedpost, herclothes folded or left in the wardrobe, and drawings she’s done on the wall.There’s a small neat pile of books on the table, and everything has a place.Leo’s room is a little earthy, like he has a plant on the windowsill, and hetacks up his own notes or observations of his father’s creatures around theroom. His Hufflepuff jumper is either strewn on the bed or over the back of thechair near his desk – if he’s not wearing it. Wren’s room is similar to Linnet’s, but a little messier; she leaves books outon the bed or on the floor, clothes folded neatly but left on a chair becauseshe’s forgotten to put them away. There’s maps on her walls, and herfascination with dragons had led her to sketch them – the sketches are all overthe room, on walls or on the desk.* Who has the better sense of style?Probably Linnet; she’s the bubbly and bright one, and she also likes tokeep up with the style of the time.* Cute things the SO does?Tina thinks the way that Newt sleeps is adorable; his hair messy andfalling into his face, freckles a contrast to his skin, his whole body utterlyrelaxed…it always warms her heart.Newt enjoys watching how Tina reads; occasionally when she’s reading she’llpull a face or something in reaction to something. Newt just thinks It’sadorable.* Cute things the children do?Phoenix always looks away when he grins, like he’s bashful about grinningfor some reason. Linnet sleeps like a starfish, spread out and nearly hangingout of the bed. Leo, when he’s younger, just constantly wants to cuddle witheither parent (usually Tina – he’s a Mummy’s boy, really). Wren, as a child,carries around a teddy bear nearly all of the time, and she has a habit offalling asleep in one of the creature’s enclosures curled up with it.* How strict on grades are they?Newt and Tina really aren’t strict on grades at all, so long as thechildren try their best – Newt remarks he didn’t even finish school, thoughTina says that that’s not the best example. But yes, they’re not strict at allon grades as long as the children try their bests. * Who holds the entire family up when leaving?Oh, definitely Linnet; whenever the family think they’re ready to go (forexample, for the train to Hogwarts), she goes “Oh wait!” and will run upstairsbecause she thinks of another thing to bring. * What do they do if one of their children doesn’t win/get something theylooked forward to (i.e. a part in a school play)?The first year Phoenix tried out for Quidditch he didn’t get it, and he wasreally very upset about it; he was at school, so Newt and Tina asked Jacob tomake some Niffler pastries to send up to the school because Nifflers arePhoenix’s favourite creature. They also wrote up in the letter that he tried,and that he can try again next year after some practice.  * What’s their favorite place to eat out at?The Scamanders aren’t really a fan of eating out – they very much prefereating in the privacy and comfort of their own home. The best scenario of “eatingout” would be at Jacob and Queenie’s.* What do the children/SO do when one of the parents is gone for a few days(for work)?When Tina goes away on missions or Newt goes away on a trip to studycreatures, it feels strange in the house. If it’s Tina who’s away, Newt feelsrather unnerved without her and spends time in the case like he usually doeswhen things are strange; the children join him, though they’re all just asquiet because there’s the worry of “what if she gets hurt?”. If it’s Newt who’saway, because he brings the case with him, it really puts the kids at a loss ofwhat to do; Tina is equally unsure, but she usually asks if her work can besent home (like paperwork) so she can be with the kids, and she takes them tovisit the Kowalskis whenever possible to distract/entertain them.* What are their Hogwarts Houses?Newt was a Hufflepuff, obviously. Tina didn’t go to Hogwarts so that’sdebatable (but I personally think she’d have been a Gryffindor based on herdetermination and the fact she keeps running into danger etc.)Phoenix is a Gryffindor, Linnet is a Ravenclaw, Leo (who is Newt’s miniature)is a Hufflepuff, and Wren is a Gryffindor like her older brother.
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