#i admire the HECK out of you but that goes without saying. you already know this. ♥
cringefail-hermitry · 9 months
I've been wanting to make a post like this for a while now, and well, having just finished a crucial stage of my life, I think this is a good a time as any.
It's gonna be a long one
Like, *LONG* long
Like, I Am Going To Mention Every Single One Of My Mutuals By Name long (if you'd rather not be tagged in the future, do warn me)
First of all, the primary purpose of this post is as a letter of thanks for the wonderful months you Tumblr peeps have provided me this year. I am not hesitant to say joining the hellsite was the single best decision I have made in the last 12 months, heck, I think about 2/3rds of the friends I mantain regular contact with nowadays came from here. But this wouldn't be a long post if it was just a brief "thanks y'all for improving my life". I'm gonna get into detail. And I'm gonna be sappy about it. You can't stop me. You're not my mother. And not even my mother could stop me from posting this.
I would've said "I thought long and hard about who I'd start with", if there was any question about it. There isn't. @tearychildren, where do I even fucking begin. I can't really say anything too specific because if I begin I don't think I'll stop and half this post is gonna be about you, and this is already a very long post, so I'm just going to leave it at this, you already know well enough just how much you matter to me.
Going onwards, another of the early spots goes to who I believe was my first mutual, definitely one of the first people I followed, @chlorohexidine, a long-time mutual and recent good friend, our daily chats, however short, never cease to be highlights of my days, your art is really cute (love me some rounded shapes) and brainstorming ideas for your TTRPG campaigns is always fun (I really like your worldbuilding, too). It's only fair to mention your (and my, just needed to make this segue well) good friend @xsenpi, infodumping touhou to you both genuinely got me through that month, and Undertale 2: Revenge of The Robots with Rei and TC has been a blast so far.
@soundsofastar is another that warrants special mention for actually changing my brain chemistry and making me appreciate the local wildlife even more than usual (if we ever meet in person, WE ARE GOING ON A NICE LONG WALK TO LOOK AT BIRDS TOGETHER, WHEREVER IT IS WE ARE WHEN THAT HAPPENS, MARK MY WORDS). Your art also makes me feel things. Not many things make me feel stuff a lot. That is impressive. I should be in a good spot to finish reading the Illuminae Files within the next few days, so please do pester me about it, otherwise the piece of media that the next person I'll talk about recommended to me will consume all the time I'd read it in.
So, the next person I'll talk about, @northwest-cryptid, thanks for letting me use our DMs as my Mabinotepad, and for getting me into Mabinogi in the first place, you've been both the direct and the indirect cause of many good times, and I gotta be honest I kinda admire you a lil' bit (and if you know anything about how I talk, I am horrible at expressing vulnerability, admiration and these sorts of emotions without a bunch of euphemisms unless I'm doing this sort of tangent where I attempt to talk about myself in a more depersonalized way, so what that sentence there essentially means is "I admire you a lot and you are an inspiration").
Another pivotal figure in how this year shaped out is @ratlesshonret, creator of The Bird Nest, site of many good times, who has exposed me and many others to some wonderful media (I AM GOING TO FINISH POCKET MIRROR SOMETIME, MARK MY WORDS), reading through all the chats in the server is usually a blast, too. Your contributions to my life cannot be understated. Seriously, thanks.
The next great friend I'll mention is @transgender-lea-crosscode, we've started talking more only recently, but have already bonded a fair bit, I reckon, damn you're good at Blazblue. You've dared to make me good at the game and for that, I commend you. You should say words about Zeroranger in my general direction sometime, I'd be happy to hear/read them.
Now for those mutuals that I don't really speak to, but are responsible for like, 75% of my total notes, like, everyone is more than welcome to jump into my DMs and start talking about anything whenever, but y'all specifically are folk I'd have started talking with regularly ages ago if I knew what to talk about. @hoshinoreika2004, @ward-leon, @edenplumreal, @tabnk2, @tapok-eve , @boofbv and @sorcerousbrick, thanks for all the lil' dopamine hits.
Shoutouts to @wretchedbirdthing for being normal about that bird, you're a blast to see on my dash and I wish you luck snapping those collarbones in twain to hear those gay little squawks.
@freiflies and @ottisbuns, alongside Tapok, Vic and Honret, y'all bring life into The Bird Nest, and although I haven't really shown up much there recently, I still read most of everything, the words are cool, keep up the good work!
@genericgirl420 and @mikusays-transrights, you two are the mutuals that suffer the least with The Distances, so let's do this in a more, well, local fashion. É genuinamente bom ver que a comunidade brasileira do tumblr está ativa e saudável, aumenta minhas esperanças de encontrar outras criaturinhas desse site maligno pelas ruas, sua presença, por si só, já melhora meus ânimos, por isso, agradeço profundamente.
Ok back to speaking in simplified Old German. This next section goes out to @lemocoffe and @teacup-of-doom, both of whom I haven't really interacted much, but what little there was was quite great, this is, in fact, an invite to do more of the interact-y thing. Y'all are cool.
Another shoutout to a frequent view on my dash, @lobotomise-me-please, whose "Boobs Girl Music" post still has 10k notes to me, I'll get back to mass reblogging it someday (if y'all wanna help, check out @boobsgirlmusic for the post, that's my Boobs Girl Music sideblog where I reblog Boobs Girl Music)
@aurora-veil, @limbuscompanyyuri and @thevanishedpeople-intothenight are up next, some of my first mutuals, y'all post good. And have been doing so consistently. For the past like, 9 months or so. That's impressive.
@meltingadoration, @holyitsquiverrflynn and @jestressofnihil, my more recent moots, there hasn't been much time to do the friendship-building and knowing each other thing, but all that means is that there's still many opportunities for that, which is cool.
Last but not least, the mutuals who I haven't quite gotten to know as well, but I'm inviting to chat anytime, @readysetgargoyle, @atlasmothss, @meeresengel, @flesh-borne, @b-kut, @aureatecenotaph, @risingdragonblade, @agender-witchery (your posts helped me immensely in figuring out gender, thanks for that) and @lich-of-lcorp. Y'all are cool, we should talk more.
And one last section for all those who I've been in touch with but aren't mutuals with, for any and all reasons (I do tend to reblog very, well, erratically), y'all deserve to be on this list, but I just didn't wanna bother you too much (I do have words of thanks to say though, if you want them, just ask).
This post is still too short to express how thankful I am for y'all existing. I don't think text could ever do it justice.
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galexis-void · 1 year
"The Thrill of the Chase" (Ratmeat)
A/N: This one took me a while, I kinda just made it up as I went. This was more self-indulgent than anything (I'm hyperfixated as heck right now) but I hope anyone who reads still enjoys it.
Also I did use Google Translate for a few lines because I don't know Latin, so if it's wrong I'm sorry.
Summary: Dexter has a way to swap between doll form and human form, but neither of those will spare them from Bob's ler mood.
Trigger warnings: None that I can think of
Reminder: These stories are not built on logic. They're made to entertain, not to make sense. Also, be prepared if the characters here are out of character completely (again, the intention is not to be perfect).
Credit goes to @eunchancorner and their anonymous askers for the idea!
(fic below the cut)
     Dexterfella absently fiddled with the pendant around their neck. It still hadn’t completely sunk in that they were in possession of a powerful tool. According to the person who had procured the charm for them, it would allow them to swap between the Happy Fella doll their disembodied soul had taken up residence in, and a temporary reconstruction of their original body.
     In somewhat shorter form, Dexterfella could become Dexter Erotoph whenever they chose, for a limited time, but as many times as they wanted.
     As Dexterfella grasped the pendant, they paused to admire the intricate details. The charm was a brass-colored pendulum with a ring of tiny opals set around the center. Various symbols and phrases written in an unidentified language decorated the rest. There were no English characters, nor were there any recognizable foreign characters.
     Dexterfella closed their eyes, and quietly hummed a low “A” note to themself. After five seconds, they muttered the phrase the charmgiver had instructed them to use.
     Ad te voco, vim fortiorem vita ipsa. Ego me restituo.
     A sharp tingle shot up their back, and their hands began to quiver. The wooden floor seemed to fall away from them, and some kind of haze began to cloud their peripherals. No matter how many times they did this, they would never get used to it.
     After about forty five seconds or so, the haze receded, and the ground had stopped moving. They placed their hands on the ground to steady themself, and was relieved to feel the cold hardwood beneath their palms. Just to be certain, they rose to their feet from their crouched position, and noted that the floor was much further away. Feeling along their face yielded a more rectangular jawline, and a pair of glasses resting on their forehead that hadn’t previously been there. The ritual was complete.
     Dexter flexed a hand, eyes scanning over their fingers to make sure nothing had changed. Even though this body had always been theirs, it still felt odd to return to. After everything, while they didn’t necessarily prefer the doll form, it felt more familiar to them at this point than their own body did. Really went to show how long they’d been displaced, they thought.
     The sound of footsteps didn’t deter them from glancing in the wall mirror, though they were just oblivious enough to jump at Bob’s voice. “Wh- oh. Didn’t expect to see ya like this today.”
     Dexter ran a hand through their hair, hoping that Bob wouldn’t notice what a rat nest it was. “Yeah, I’m still not used to it either.”
     “Don’t worry about your hair. You’re still handsome.”
     Dexter couldn’t even respond to that without sounding ridiculous. They could already feel their face burning. Subconsciously they hugged themself, glancing off to the side so they wouldn’t have to see Bob’s smug grin. “Shut up.”
     As soon as those words left their mouth, they knew they’d screwed up big time. And Bob’s falsely offended gasp sealed their fate.
     “What did you just say to me?” he questioned, his tone quiet but lethal. Even though he was only playing around, it was still kind of scary.
     “N-nothing! I didn’t say anything-” that was all Dexter could sputter out before the wind whooshed out of them. They’d been so focused on trying to remedy their mistake that they hadn’t noticed Bob approaching.
     And now they were on the floor, with a very large and very smug man sitting beside them.
     “You seem a little on edge,” Bob teased, his eyes boring directly into Dexter’s. “I think I can help with that…”
     Dexter held their breath.
     “Tell me, did you know that being tickled reduces stress?”
     And he attacked, viciously sinking his claws into Dexter’s sides, eliciting a loud shriek from his victim, which quickly devolved into squealing laughs.
     “This’ll teach ya to talk to me that way,” Bob chuckled, and dug his fingers into Dexter’s belly. “Coochie coo~”
     The baby talk only embarrassed Dexter more. “S-SHUHUHUT-”
     “Are ya tellin’ me to shut up again?” Bob questioned, leaning over so his face was directly above Dexter’s. “Clearly I’m bein’ too lenient… I’m gonna have to up my game.”
     Apparently “upping his game” entailed scooping his flustered partner from the floor and holding them against himself while he went ham on the poor exterminator’s ribs and smothered their neck with kisses and light nibbles.
     “NOOOHAHAHA! *snort* I-IHAHAHA! *snort* A-ACCIPE ME!”
     And suddenly Dexter transformed, shrinking and folding in on themself until they settled back into doll form, enabling them to easily slip out of Bob’s grip. Dexterfella hit the ground running, daring to yell “Catch me if you can!” at Bob, who was still trying to figure out what had just happened.
     It took Bob a second, but he slowly rose to his feet, his bemused expression contorting into a borderline predatory grin. “So it’s a chase ya want, eh?” he said, mostly to himself. “Well then, I’m more than happy to oblige.”
     Dexterfella had to admit, they really hadn’t thought this through. Did they really just back themselves into a game of cat and mouse with a serial killer? Yeah, real smart. They remembered that Bob would tell them stories of his rookie days, when he’d played chase with his victims. He spoke highly of these memories, reliving every gory detail with great excitement.
     That only reinforced the fact that this was a complete and utter mistake.
     Dexterfella ducked under an end table to consider their options. If they kept running, maybe Bob would tire out. Hiding would be a mistake. No, it was better to run. In doll form they’d have no lack of stamina, and they could only hope that Bob wouldn’t outlast them.
     They heard the unmistakable sound of footsteps, and they knew Bob was hot on their heels. They counted to five, then tore off at a sprint. They didn’t look back, they just kept their gaze ahead.
     Which quickly proved to be their third mistake of the day, as they were quickly scooped up from behind.
     They squeaked in surprise, automatically glancing over their shoulder. There was Bob’s smug face, grinning down at them. “I thought ya knew better than to underestimate me. You’ve really done it this time.”
     Dexterfella tried to squirm out of his grasp. “Let go of me!!”
     “Hmmm. Nah, I don’t think I will. And since you were so rude to me today, I’m gonna make sure ya get what ya deserve.”
     Bob shifted his grip, now holding the doll with both hands. There was a beat of silence as they locked eyes, before Bob made his move. He nestled his face into the other’s plush belly, occasionally pausing to nibble a random spot. All the while, poor Dexterfella was overcome with hysterical squealing and very exaggerated snorts. “GAHAHAHAHAHH! *snrk* N-NNOOOOO! *snort* THIS IS SUHUHUCH BULLSH- *snrk* HEHEHEHE!!”
     “Good god, after all this ya still won’t watch your mouth!” Bob chided lightheartedly. “No matter. Just gives me a chance to tickle ya more. Not that I need an excuse~”
     Dexterfella knew resistance was pointless. Not only did Bob have the size and strength advantage, but any willpower they had completely died once the tickles started. They could deal with a lot of stuff, but they were completely useless against tickles.
     For all of three seconds, Dexterfella was given a chance to catch their breath, but their relief quickly turned to panic when they realized why - Bob had briefly withdrawn to take a very exaggerated inhale. They tried to brace themself, but no amount of premeditation could stop them from almost screaming as Bob blew a very loud and obnoxious raspberry into their stomach. BBBBBTTTTT!
     Unfortunately for Dexterfella, they were so small in this form that the raspberry affected more than just the targeted area - their whole body shook with ticklish jolts as they struggled to breathe. “AAAAIIIIEEEE! NO MORE! NO MOHOHOHORE! MERCYYY! I GIVE! UNCLE!!”
     Possibly sensing their fatigue, this time Bob relented. His evil smirk had changed to a considerably softer one, as he pulled the doll against his chest. “Alright, alright, I think you’ve had enough. But if you’re ever rude to me again…”
     Dexterfella got the point, gratefully sinking into Bob’s embrace. Before, they’d been very averse to being held or touched, but being transfigured into a child’s toy seemed to change that. Now it was one of their favorite comforts. “I get it, I get it. *huff* Was the raspberry *wheeze* necessary?”
     “‘Course it was! Ya really thought I was just gonna pass up that opportunity?”
     The day was finally catching up with Dexter, and it showed. They no longer had the energy to argue with Bob, which was rare. Instead they leaned into his embrace, resting their head under his chin and beginning to slowly drift off. They heard a low chuckle as Bob said something to them quietly. They couldn’t hear what it was, but that was okay.
     Even though they hadn’t expected to end up here today, they wouldn’t have changed it for the world.
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lastwished-a · 5 years
10, 20, 30!
10. Are there any fandom(s) you avoid roleplaying in?
mmm not purposely ?  there are definitely some i like more than others, lmao, but usually if i don’t rp in a certain fandom it’s because none of the characters there interested me, or i just don’t like the show / game / whatever itself.
when i do write in one of the fandoms that make me a bit uncomfortable  ( dc comics is one of them, because it’s really big and v overwhelming )  i just make sure to reeeaalllyyyy limit my dash. find my core people and stick relatively close to em. which is basically what i do in every fandom, i just tend to be much more selective in environments like that.
that being said you literally could not pay me to write in overwatch again lmfao.
20. Is there someone you admire on here?
so do i just paste my mutuals list here or 
listen…i mean this in the most genuine, non-cheesy way possible, but the people i write with and follow on this blog are straight up some of the most creative and passionate rpers i’ve ever encountered tbh. i always get nervous about listing people specifically because my goldfish memory will DEFINITELY leave people out, but if we regularly write together you can BET i’m behind my screen sobbing about your portrayals.
30. Other than roleplaying, what’s your favorite hobby?
probably gaming! but in true gemini fashion i’m trying to get into a whole bunch of different things at once. right now i’m really into astrology, slowly teaching myself watercolor painting, and looking for some sort of physical hobby to keep me active  ( yoga’s winning so far?? ). i also love graphic design and video editing, but that’s what i do for my job now so i spend a lot less of my free time doing it for fun lol.
mundaaay / accepting! ( @hvadeina !! )
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usedpidemo · 3 years
Make me smile, make me scared (Choi Yena)
Tumblr media
A fanmeet usually starts somewhere between 2 and 6 p.m. You have been there since you had lunch. Five hours later, you’re still waiting.
It’s already 8:00 p.m. and you’re still seated in the hotel ballroom with four others. That’s the other thing very noticeable. Usually there’d be plenty of cameras, staff, and more than around 20-to-30 audience members, mostly fan sites. Not today. The enclosed space feels vast when there’s only five of you close together—waiting without a waver in your patience. Occasionally you’d hear a rumble of an empty stomach that elicits an audible giggle in the midst of the awkward silence.
As for the guys you’re stuck with, they’re all seemingly fine people—most of them anyway. Some of them sleep. Others mindlessly scroll through their phones.
They appear to be close to your age bracket—save for one. The older gentleman with a elderly beard creeps you out. After all, he’s a notable stand out in the lucky list, being somewhere around his early forties based on his appearance. You try not to make much of it and assume the best, otherwise he wouldn’t have been selected for a good reason.
At least you all shared something in common: a love for Choi Yena.
Speaking of, just as you look away from him, the doors ahead of you open. You’d complain angrily about the hours wasted waiting, but you certainly wouldn’t want to look bad in front of your idol—especially in such an intimate setting.
Entering the next room awaits five chairs surrounded by couches and blankets all over the floor. Still no sign of personnel or anyone else for that matter. After you’ve all passed, the doors behind you automatically close. The unusual ambiance combined with the lack of staff puts you on edge. Meanwhile, the other fans act like there’s nothing to worry about.
You just wish for this tasteless prank to end.
As you take your seats, you hear a slight rumble of footsteps from behind the panel. All eyes watch intently as the woman of the hour makes her entrance, enthusiastically waving to her most dedicated fans.
“Hi everyone!” Yena waves from the stage, her gummy smile and cute charms present for all to see. This was the idol you admired from behind a television screen, now bright as the sun to your eyes. Waiting for this moment was always worth it—heck, you’d bide even longer. Anything for her.
Her exuberant energy is met with equally resonant claps and cheers from everyone, including you. Unlike the others, you bothered not to pull a camera or phone out. The memories you keep from tonight will be more memorable than an image on a digital plaster. No one can take that away from you.
“I know you’re all tired and exhausted from waiting, but I wanted to make this show very personal for you all! You’ll have a unique experience that no one else can say they have!” Yena’s enthusiasm once again evokes a lively response from her audience.
The intimate fanmeet goes by so well that you ignore the passage of time. When you check your watch again it’s already half past 10 in the evening. But who cares about going when she’s having fun. Performing all her songs from the Smiley album, playing games with her fans, and signing all your items—it was a dream come true. You reckon that your ordeal far surpasses that of even a concert. No—it does surpass any event you’ve ever gone to and probably will ever go to.
When all is said and done, the others have taken countless photos and clips on their cameras. You still insist by not doing the same. Regardless, all five of you shared a wonderful time with your favorite idol.
“It’s been incredibly fun and I’m so happy to interact with you,” she says on stage. “I’m really thankful for you all.”
Another applause. No one feels like they want to leave. Neither does she.
“And I have one more surprise for you guys,” Yena adds, her cheeky grin turning to a subtle smirk. “I hope you all brought your sleeping gear.”
Sleeping gear? You don’t recall that part of the items-to-bring list. Maybe it was there, but you’ve most likely forgotten. And every other fanmeet you’ve been to didn’t last a whole night, so what gives?
“Sleeping gear? I didn’t know we were gonna sleep here,” you whisper to the person beside you, a blonde haired man. His eyes widen and he gently turns to you without the attention of anyone else.
“You didn’t know? This was an intimate fanmeet for a reason.”
“How come?”
Before he can answer, Yena says it on his behalf.
“I want to make you smile and feel better, so let’s get the real party started!” As soon as she finishes, her black sheer top begins to flow down her tight body. Her bare body is revealed to the loudest cheers of the night so far. Even blondie looks away from you to revel in her nakedness.
And your joy suddenly turns to a mixture of disbelief and dumbfoundedness.
Thoughts of a staged prank return. There’s no way someone like her, especially with that innocent demeanor, suddenly transforms into this except through manipulation.
“Woah, woah, woah, what!” You partially restrain your shout by covering your mouth with your hand. “What is going on here?”
“You didn’t get the memo?” Blondie looks at you again, confused. “We’ll all get the opportunity to fuck the shit outta her! Isn’t this great?”
“What do you mean this is great? She’s a pure, innocent doll! This just feels so wrong!”
“Oh you’re quite out of it, huh? She’s a cockhungry slut. At least I thought she was. Now it feels good to be validated.”
You’re speechless to how openly he speaks lewdly about her. Then you realize that the others were possibly chosen for possibly the worst reason imaginable: being insufferably horny bastards—including the uncle fan.
Yena continues to twirl and show her mostly nude figure to her private audience—the ones who probably have the lewdest, nastiest ideas about her. Her heels and stockings are the only things left attached to her body, but once they get their filthy hands on her, it’ll be torn apart in mere seconds. Your view shifts between her on stage and the fans. Denial occupies your head rent-free.
You slap yourself in the face, believing this is some croak dream—but it isn’t.
“All right, boys. I know you’re as excited as I am. Your turn.”
On command, everyone except you begins to shed their own clothes. You’re still glued to your seat, stupefied and utterly stunned. Garments begin to form a makeshift pattern on the floor—the only ones missing are yours. You look at Yena again and find her eyes grow into saucers, staring hungrily at the stiff shafts. She’s eager to take them all.
Once again, all eyes are on you. Peer pressure is scary.
“Wait,” you say. “This just doesn’t feel right. I thought we were gonna have a good time!”
“We are,” Yena says, getting down from the stage to approach you. “What’s up?”
With your favorite idol eyeing you close until she’s directly in front of you, surrounded by five of her most devoted fans, you’re not really going to be able to fight back. You can, but the price of pain isn’t worth the pleasure you already had.
“Well, I wasn’t expecting this type of intimate fanmeet.”
Yena places her hands on the buttons of your shirt, slowly undressing you. You’re powerless to resist, especially when her delicate fingers and touch leave you paralyzed and overwhelmed. She peels through your top then grabs your bare shoulders. A choked up moan escapes your breath.
She looks at you with that familiar sweet gaze. “Don’t worry, everyone gets one. Including you. Whenever you’re ready.”
There’s no getting around it. Deep down, you’re just as whipped for her as the men in the room.
“He seems uneasy, but he’ll be fine.” Yena’s eyes scour the fans circling you both. “Now shall we begin?”
The question is met with collective nods. She draws away from you and walks back to the stage, with her fans following close by. You remain frozen in place, your feelings conflicted between whether to go through or not. But you’re half-naked already, and soon enough your pants follow. Little do you know you’ve already decided what you want to do.
“Don’t worry about hurting me.” Yena spreads her arms wide, ready to receive her fans’ affection. She flashes a gummy smile, a contrast to what she’s about to get. “Fuck me like you’ve always imagined.”
At once, five pairs of hands seize various parts of her body. Her nude figure is a magnet for everyone’s lips as her neck, shoulders, breasts, stomach, and back become spots to fill with wet kisses. One of them, a surprisingly massive dude you simply nickname Swampy (because he towers over everyone like a tidal wave), takes a firm hold of her ass. He squeezes them so hard you’d almost believe he’d pop her for a quick second. All of them seem hellbent on pleasuring themselves without care for Yena’s comfort.
She begins to choke up and gasp heavily under the duress of all the bodies all over her. Tears start to run down her face. Her perfect makeup is completely ruined within minutes. In any other situation, you’d step in and intervene, but instead you’re only able to watch helplessly. The sight of her wrapped with other flesh around her troubles you even more. Even after she reassures you, the image of your bias being a cockhungry girl can’t fullymprocess in your head.
Though she drowns under the many sensations that course through her petite figure, she’s able to lock eyes with you. Fighting against the pressure of her fans, she lifts her arm up to present her hand. Her fingers make a small gesture as if inviting you to join the fun too. She ultimately submerges under everyone's weight and slumps to the floor. One after another the men slam down on each other, vying for complete dominance. A crescendo of grunts escape their mouths as they struggle to get a piece of her.
Ultimately Swampy gets the win, his mammoth frame blocking out her view of the men atop him.
Surely she can’t last, especially with how out of control these fans are. Yet she continues to work tirelessly to please them all, her fingers slowly but surely reaching for his shaft sandwiched between her thighs. Meanwhile, the losers have to compete for even a slight touch of her as consolation.
At the end of the day, everyone gets one, so no one’s really a loser here. Except maybe you, watching from a distance.
“Fuck, baby girl, you’re so fucking tight.” Swampy mumbles in her ear—which ends up as a proclamation to everyone in the room. He somehow manages to insert himself inside her despite the awkward position and the weight imposed upon him. As he starts to thrust, the fleshy heap’s foundations shake and slowly fall apart until they eventually crash down. Without the lump on his back, he’s free to pump inside her with reckless abandon.
No one flinches or winces for more than a second. Before any sort of pain registers, the sounds of filthy talk and skin against skin is sufficient to pull them back. Eager eyes watch as Swampy fucks her to oblivion—without a thought that there’s three, maybe four people still waiting. One of them doesn’t even care anymore. Frank—the name you give to the dude who openly watches porn and even tries to share one with you at some point—slips his fingers around his dick and pleasures himself at the sight of Yena being railed hard.
Any minute now, whoever’s operating this chaotic mess is going to say ‘cut.’ Instead, the scene continues until this mammoth sized man finally reaches his end.
Swampy’s grunt of release is the loudest orgasmic groan you’ve ever heard in your life. You’re absolutely sure that everyone in the lobby can hear him climax. Heck, even those from the mall across the street can feel that too. He rolls himself beside her, somehow completely zapped of energy within minutes.
Yena props herself up with her elbows and starts to look at the others. They look at one another with awkwardness and confusion. No one’s willing to go second. She turns to you for a moment, but you hide your growing lust behind a shy blush and lowered head.
A light stream of white flows from where she sits to the edges of the stage. By the end of tonight, there’ll probably be a new waterfall installed in this ballroom.
Her gaze lingers on Frank—who’s lost himself completely in his own indulgence. He doesn’t even realize that Swampy came and went just as quickly as he nearly edges himself. A hand stops him short of his inevitable high. He opens his eyes to find the coy idol grabbing his cock with a surprisingly threatening grip. One deliberate pump causes him to throw his head back and his eyes to slam shut.
His mouth slowly opens until indescribable sounds escape. Eventually they form coherent speech. “F-fuck, duck makes me wanna cum so fucking hard. God, yes.”
Then it reverts back to meaningless babble. Frank’s the kind of guy who’s been on the internet too much to fall under the touch of a woman. Unsurprisingly, he does—even quicker than Swampy. Jerking off beforehand does him no favors either. And just like his buff brethren, he collapses to the floor.
Just as she finishes him off, Blondie approaches her for round three with something concealed on his back.
“Tell me what to do,” she purrs as he takes her by the hand to his level. “Anything for you.”
He raises his eyebrows and a confident, somewhat arrogant smirk. “Anything you say?” Then he leads her to the wall of the stage and places her to her knees.
“All right then. Suck my cock.”
Without wasting any time, Yena proceeds to fill her mouth with his cock. Blondie places a palm on her loose hair. At first, you question the simple command he makes her do, but then the intent makes itself very clear. In his other hand is a belt. You already have an idea of what’s going to happen.
He binds the girdle around her neck like a leash while she licks her way beyond his tip. Halfway through his length, she feels a sharp tug on her nape that stops her blowjob. She looks up to a devilish smirking Blondie, smiling from ear-to-ear. Seeing that the sensation stopped, he yanks the strap hard again.
“Did I tell you to stop, pet?” Yena shakes her head. In response, he pulls her for a third time. Airless gasps leave the idol’s mouth, as well as a couple of chokes. Your orbs grow as she suffocates under his grip, but he meets you halfway with a cocky grin.
“She said anything!” he says, as if he knows you will contend against him. Then he returns his eye to her, humming and slurping down to his base. Her hands clutch on his surprisingly hairy legs as now it's his turn to groan.
To keep her in check, he jerks the leash to cause her to slightly suffocate. Yet this doesn’t stop her at all; she tirelessly pecks and blows his cock while a palm slips underneath his balls to squeeze it. This weakens his control over her, giving her enough time to let him fly over the edge. With continued laps around his tip, he loses hold of the belt as he succumbs to his orgasm too. Yena opens her mouth wide to consume his entire load. Afterward, his shaft departs her with an audible pop.
She playfully puffs her cheeks with her gob full of seed before swallowing it all. Then she flashes a cutesy expression right in his face. Blondie’s back slowly slides down the wall, his smug visage turned to a defeated and exhausted one. Only two more left.
Yena flashes an impish grin to you before she approaches the penultimate victim—or winner. She massages Uncle Joey’s shoulders as he wraps his arms around her waist. Then she straddles herself on his lap, gently lowering her moist slit on his girth. Seeing that’s an older man, you’d rightfully assume that she might go gentle on him, considering his age, but you’ve seen some crazy shit tonight that’s more twisted than a pretzel knot.
As he has been all night, he remains quiet except for the low moans he spews as she begins to ride him at a gentle pace. He pushes his face towards her petite breasts and hungrily kisses her chest. She rests her head against his shoulders. It seems like she’d give someone normal pleasure for once.
Little do you know you’d be proven wrong again.
“Fuck, daddy, I love how your dick feels inside me. Fuck me like you fuck mommy.” She mumbles in his ear. A switch flips inside his head as his seemingly rusty hips begin to thrust upward against hers. Completely in utter disbelief, your finger rests against the side of your temple. Yena’s duality is an unreal sight.
“Daddy,” she continues to purr huskily. The more she mumbles into him, the faster he hammers into her. She’s pushing him to his absolute limits. He lifts his head up, desperate to fight against his own impending finale, but she grabs his skull to force him to make eye contact with her.
With a devilish smirk, she kisses him torridly. “In me, daddy. Isn’t this what you like doing to mommy?”
“I…I…” Poor Uncle Joey’s unable to formulate a word. Without any sort of escape or resistance, he too, falls just like the others before him.
“Cum for me daddy!” On cue, he orgasms. She leaves him slack jawed and drained on the chair after he fills her tight pussy with his thick load of semen. Look around and see unconscious bodies splayed all over the place. All of them entered this place full of energy, now left depleted and absolutely wrecked.
And to make things worse, Yena shows no signs of slowing down. In fact, she looks much livelier after having emptied everyone’s balls. It’s like she absorbed their life force and used it to empower herself.
With you being the only one left, she has her sights set. How she approaches you is like a serial killer. Seeing what she’s done to everyone leaves you paralyzed with fear. It’s not like you have a way out—these doors are most likely locked and no one can hear you scream.
“Oh god, please, I swear I’m sorry for lewding you like a complete fuckdoll!” You brace yourself. “I’m really, really, sorry! I don’t wanna be a dried up skeleton!”
You feel a tap on your knee. Then you impulsively yell the loudest you’ve ever yelled.
“Don’t kill me!”
Silence. A few minutes pass. Her hand is still planted on your knee. Slowly you open half an eye to find Yena with a gummy smile. The smiley side from when things seemed normal.
“Come on, scaredy cat. I said everyone gets one, right?” She says it so innocently, but you’re paranoid to assume otherwise.
She takes you by the hand and leads you away from your seat without a hint of resistance from you. As you walk together toward a pile of soft pillows, you look around again. The motionless bodies everywhere are a grim reminder of your certain fate. Then she lets you loose and pushes you down into the cushions. Afterward she clambers on top of you. Despite your fright, your cheeks are flushed.
Her fingers coil around your cock, stiff and slick. You struggle to keep your eyes open. She giggles as you squirm beneath her. “I thought you didn’t want to fuck? Looks like your dick says otherwise.”
A slight jerk of your shaft causes you to moan on her neck. Watching you flail and whine in pleasure compels Yena to do it again. And another. Each stroke forces out a small burst of precum. Though it’s only a handful of pumps, each one is intentional, deliberate, and calculated to send waves of delight all over your body.
You sigh. Her eyebrows rise, then her cheeky grin grows.
Yena positions herself above you, lifting her waist up until she positions her wet slit around your shaft. You slowly watch your dick impale her down to your base, snug as a glove. Despite taking three cocks earlier, she’s incredibly tight. Her warm, soaked pussy suffocates your girth.
“Oh, fuck!” You manage to utter out after a deep, lengthy groan. Then you make one ‘last’ request before she brings you to her end.
“Please be gentle.”
She shakes her head. “No promises.”
Gulp your throat. Of course she won’t guarantee anything, you silly fool.
Your eyes shift back and forth between Yena’s delight filled face and her hips grinding against your groin. You try to grope her breasts, which she allows. She cries out a soft whine after the first squeeze. In response, her pace quickens slightly. As she continues to ride you hard, the sound of flesh and moans make you thrust upward too. Bliss replaces the fear in your heart. A part of you wanted this for the longest time. You’ve long resisted it, but she’s broken your chains.
Between fucking you, Yena lowers her head next to your ear. “You know, I’ve picked you guys for a reason.”
Her fingers enclose around your throat, but not too tightly. “I’ve read everything you say about me. How you’re my biggest fan and all…but also how you want to fuck me.”
As she confesses to you, you’re unable to respond. Her slick walls occupy your brain, the wet noise of skin driving away other thoughts.
“Yes. I know you want to lick my pits too. Go ahead.”
And like those before you, you comply immediately. She reaches her right arm around you, open for consumption. You dive into her pits like a hungry animal, kissing and licking her creamy skin like your favorite dessert. The cherry on top in your personalized fantasy. Yena understands what you truly desire, but you’ve been foolish to deny yourself a free gift. Or maybe not—saving yourself for last lets you savor the intimate feeling more. Deep down, you’re no different than anyone. Be a disgusting weirdo freak. Accept who you are.
Kiss up to her fingers with tender lips. Yena crashes her hips against you at a constant rhythm. Her slim frame presses down on yours that you can’t move beyond your head. You know you’re not worthy to dictate how you want her, but you’re thankful for her grace nonetheless.
“God, Yena, you’re fucking amazing,” you blurt out, the words words leave you airy as your groans.
Swampy rolls over to find you pounding her. Shortly after, the others regain consciousness. They watch with heavy breaths as she rides you hard. Relishing the moment was no longer the priority—both of you are determined to reach the end.
Yena wraps her fingers around your neck again. This time she puts a little more grip to it, disrupting your gasps with croaks. As you’re pushed to your brink, she throws her head back, fully drowned in your shaft.
“This cock is so fucking good. You’re not the girthiest, but fuck, does this feel the best inside me.”
You wriggle beneath her. You can’t hold yourself a minute longer.
“That’s it. Fill me up.”
And that’s all she wrote. Her command finally ends you.
With a shout of her name, you submit yourself to your orgasm. She harshens her hold on your neck to keep herself stable. Her pussy pulsates against your shaft as she quietly cums as well. Waves of your seed fill her and mix with her slick and juices. As this goes on, Yena continues to ride you through your collective climaxes.
Just as she winds down, a black leash wraps around her own neck. From nowhere, Blondie and the others yank her away. Your dick slips off her with a disappointed sigh from your lips.
Taken by surprise, you quickly jump to your feet. The foursome take the idol and force her to a chair. Blondie has his belt around her while the others ready their hard dicks as payback for what she did to them.
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“All right, tell us where you want her,” Blondie asks you how you want to take her. Five sets of eyes, including Yena, fixate on you as you make your decision. Your gaze lingers on the restrained idol. She nods in approval.
“Put her on fours,” is the answer. They push her down to the floor and set her on her fours at once.
You look at Blondie. “Where do you want to take her?”
“Her ass.” he says with brimming enthusiasm. Then you turn to Swampy and ask the same question.
“I want her pussy again.”
“So do I,” says Frank. “I want to fill this cumstain with my children.”
Uncle Joey doesn’t speak a single word. Instead, he moves beside her and leads his cock around her shoulder. Blondie tugs at the makeshift leash to make Yena grab Uncle’s hard shaft.
The five of you approach her entrances with your erect tips. Yena’s whine is muffled by your dick in her mouth as she endures a cock-filled assault from every side. Her hand begins to pump the oldest man’s shaft while Blondie fights to enter her incredibly tight asshole. Meanwhile, Frank and Swampy’s girths stretch her slit wide, though the mammoth man’s build almost knocks away the former’s manhood.
Tears form in Yena’s eyes, having been slammed shut. Your hands play with her hair and ruffle it up. As you all fuck her in varying paces, Blondie drags the belt around her. Her cheeks and later on her face flush cherry red. A crescendo of grunts and moans fill the room, combined with bursts of foul language from everyone’s tongue.
“You’ve been such a naughty pet,” Blondie hisses as he continues to pull on her neck, his dick thrusting in her at a snail’s pace. “Fuck, you deserve all our cocks as punishment.”
A stream of lustful intent follows.
“Yeah, bratty cum duck slut. Take all our fucking cocks.”
“I bet you love being taken like an open prize, right? Look at your needy face.”
“We’ll ruin you so hard that you become a cockslave for us only.”
“How are you still so tight?”
Yena pumps Uncle’s shaft at a quick rhythm. The sweet sound of sexual desires stirs not only her, but also everyone else. You continue to slide in and out of her mouth, occasionally extending your dick to her throat. She continues to whine a constrained mewl as the men pound without care for their own comfort or hers—only pleasure.
Despite your lack of acknowledgement for one another, you’re able to coordinate your thrusts. Her body quivers all over the place. Beads of sweat mesh with her streaks of ruined makeup and tears. Even as you tug her hair and Blondie yanks her with his belt, you read each other’s minds and take turns to pull her around.
One by one, someone admits they’re close. A minute later, another confesses. It repeats like a chant three more times until you’re the last one to finally break. Knowing you’re about to reach your ends once more, you decrease your rhythm, savoring each little euphoric sensation of Yena’s mouth. The others do the same. Even she reads the room and also slows her jerking of Uncle’s shaft with her hand.
Instead of covering her insides with seed, everyone pulls out as they reach their climax. A rising choir of grunts fill the air as you all orgasm. You paint her face and neck with another blast of sticky white. She arches her back as the others coat her with their own cum. Blondie glazes her lower back and ass, Swampy glazes her upper back and a portion of her chest, Frank on her legs, and Uncle sprays over her arm. Then in synchronized motion, you all collapse to the floor. And finally, Yena falls, her body trembling from the overwhelming sensation of cock.
The ray of bright yellow lights on the ballroom ceiling is the last thing you see before you pass out with a smile on your face.
You wake up to the sounds of muted moaning and kissing.
Yena’s on her knees while Blondie’s seated on a chair. To no one’s surprise, he’s got her on a leash while he pounds her from behind.
When you loudly yawn, she stops to look back at you. Then you look behind you and find that the others are still fast asleep. Gingerly you stand up and scour the massive place for your pants. Eventually you find them in a clustered pile composed of everyone’s clothes. Check your phone. 10:27 a.m. flashes on the screen.
As fun as it has been, you were needed at work the next day.
Dressing up quickly you wave farewell to Blondie and Yena as they reciprocate your gesture. You make sure not to create noise as you push through the doors of the ballroom. Even as you walk through the lobby with many eyes glued to what appears to be your fly exposed, the memories of last night linger on your drive home.
Later that night, you receive a private message on your personal blog.
Hey there!
Last night was an amazing night and I couldn’t be more thankful. Thanks for the great fuck. I hope I didn’t scar you for life though. Hahaha. Anyway, attached here is my personal number. Feel free to call if you want to have sex during the weekends. Also, there might be six friends from the company also interested too. They’re as wild as I am! Call and you might receive a lovely surprise. Thank you for the continued support! <3
YH Entertainment
(A/N: I don't think it's a hot take but Yena's solo is probably my favorite post-IZ*ONE release. Early SOTY! This might also be the last lengthy work I release for a while; the new Pokémon game dropped and I'm no-life grinding the shit out of it. Amazing experience so far, even though I've made little progress story wise. Thank you for reading!)
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hi, babe! yeah, i think we're all simping so hard for him slakslakslskks because i am such a sucker for wakasa!!!!!! and thanks to your request, my imagination ran wild :D hope u enjoy this one!
also, y'all can request sum boyfriend headcanons of your chosen character,, but make sure to read the rules first.... you can choose other characters from a different fandom :p
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𝚆𝚊𝚔𝚊𝚜𝚊 𝙸𝚖𝚊𝚞𝚜𝚑𝚒 𝚡 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛
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It's been so long since I've established that Wakasa would call you his "queen" and "princess". Because he likes giving you pet names. It differs from his mood. But, if he ever calls you by your first name, it's either he's pissed off, mad at you, or he was jealous of someone.
And, speaking of jealousy...
He doesn't clearly show it, but he's POSSESSIVE as heck!!! Every time you two go out, he always has one of his hands holding onto your waist. It's his way to establish that he is your boyfriend and no one else could have you but him.
When you do point out that he's jealous, oH MAN... TSUNDERE MODE FOR THIS MYSTERIOUS MAN.
"What are you talking about, gorgeous? I don't even remember that guy you're telling me that I was jealous of." However, he'll remember that guy's name and face until the end of the world.
If we talk about the start of it all, for him, you were the sunshine he needed to protect at all cost.
Being one of the most prominent delinquents in Japan, his enemies saw you as an opportunity to get to him. But, he'll be sure to beat kill anyone who gets in your way.
He fell in love with you so deeply that he thinks there's no turning back. Although, if we're talking about HOW he fell in love with you. To be honest, he doesn't know. All he knows is that it happened and it's the most beautiful thing to ever happen to him.
He isn't the type of guy that your father used to warn you about. He's the type of guy that your father would admire. Read this headcanon and look for Wakasa's part. Your father absolutely fell in love with him, maybe even more than you did.
Speaking of your parents, they trust Wakasa so much. They always want your boyfriend to be at family dinners or family vacations. Because they noticed how wider your smile got, how genuinely you laugh every time Wakasa is around. And, there's a saying that parents will immediately know if that person is the right one for you or if your friends are true friends. They already had a gut feeling that Wakasa is the only man capable of loving you and being patient with you. The only man that they would let their daughter be with forever.
++Wakasa respects your parents so much. And, in turn, your parents make it seem like Wakasa is their child and not you.
Dates? He either goes all out or just a casual stay-in while watching the movies, there's no in-between. As long as he could spend time with you, he will count it as a date.
This guy, I swear, keeps all of your letters and gifts. He hides it in a box and is very careful with it. He sometimes read your letters when he's feeling a little down. It never failed to cheer him up.
I see him more as a quality time guy. So, expect that almost every day, he's at your front door, waiting for you.
But, that doesn't mean he's not a sucker for your hugs and kisses. He will literally melt on the spot if you gave him a deep kiss on the cheek.
Speaking of kiss... Your first kiss with him was SPECTACULAR. He planned it really well, that you were so overwhelmed when it happened. It actually happened when he asked you to be his girlfriend. (Because this man ain't settling if he hasn't asked you yet, he respects your decisions, and he doesn't want to assume that you are already his girlfriend without even your knowledge or permission)
When you gave him that "yes" it was so sudden since you were the first one who initiated the kiss. You just pulled him by the collar of his shirt and kissed him passionately. It was your FIRST OF THE FIRST KISS, yet it felt like his lips were the only ones you wanted to kiss for the rest of your life.
"I just- I love you, Y/N. You are my queen, and my duty is to love you, okay?"
He also always brings you along when he and his friends are having a trip. So, he'll have you on the passenger seat of his motorcycle. You always loved road trips with him since it meant that you can carelessly hug him and intake your favorite scent in the world: him.
His earrings? You have the other pair of them. Because secretly for him, it is endearing to see you wear any of his accessories or clothes. It feels domestic in a way for him.
All of his promises would never be broken. He will fulfill as long as he can. His actions speak louder than his words. Through the small touches using his fingers, through how he looks at you like you're the only one existing, and how he knows everything about you without even telling him about it.
You know that you'll marry him one day, and Wakasa's determined to.
And, Y/N, please expect the grandest proposal of all time...
You are his queen, right? And, he will make you feel like it. Not just on the day he proposes, or on the day you two will get married, but every single day that you are his.
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a/n: i know, i went overboard with this HAHJASHAHH kneewaze, i luv wakasa so much sklaskalsk
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HEY! I really need some help, but since I don't know many people here, you seemed like a more affordable option.
I was writing about some of the boys from Twisted Wonderland, but when it got to the Malleus part, my mind went blank. He's not one of my favorite characters and I don't do much research on him. Could you give me tips on how to characterize it, please?
Oh God this took so much time...
This is my interpretation of Malleus. You could have a different opinion than me (just saying before someone jumps at me and says that I'm just wrong and messed up and that their cute, cute dragon could never be like that.)
WARNINGS: loneliness, death, unhealthy relationship, idk this whole thing us just a huge outcry for help from him in my eyes
I also did this on my phone so... typos guaranteed.
Relationship to others
Malleus is very lonely. This is no secret. The game tells us very early on that he is being avoided by others. But in my opinion it goes even further. Silver, Sebek, Lilia and his grandmother are the ones closest to him as far as we know (could be that there is another character that isn't released yet). But no, I think there is even a distance between him, Lilia, Sebek and Silver and if you ask me, Lilia is the one who is at fault for this one. Lilia raised Silver as his son and Sebek was also very close to him his entire life. Now think about it, how do they behave around Malleus? Yes, ofc they dare to talk to him and don't avoid him but... what I'm seeing is pretty cold. They aren't those BFFs that we see at the first glance. They are literally servants and admirers. Nothing more. They put him on an unreachable pedestal and don't even try to approach him on an even more casual level. This is where I want to scream at Lilia. He was the one who practically raised these two with how much time they spend with him. Heck Silver attends school with his father! So Lilia is in my eyes the one who created the distance. Had he told his son “respect that one but try to be friends” when he was still young their relationship would probably look very different. That professionalism would always be there but maybe, just maybe, Malleus would have had a true friend. Sebek... I can't really say completely in his case that Lilia is entirely at fault here. The thing is, he has a grandfather. I read somewhere that this grandfather was supposed to be some sort of military figure in the past as well but I can't find it again so I can't say that this is 100% true but if it is then maybe that grandfather made him so obsessed with Malleus. Who knows? But if not, wtf Lilia are you trying to isolate Malleus bc if you did then congrats, your plan worked. Lilia is also another can of worms we need to talk about. Lilia said that he took care of Malleus. Ok great but Lilia also raised Silver and not in the castle where Malleus grew up. Nope. In a village in the middle of nowhere. My man just said "Bye, see u again sometime in the future" to a already lonely person. Maybe Lilia didn't put much thought ij it but... uh... he failed him in my opinion.
Malleus granny? Idk we don't know much about her but I would give her 5 out of 5 stars for the good granny award. Takes over a kingdom again so he can live normally (or something close to that) for once and even writes him letters when she is already busy.
So yeah. And the servants in the castle? Probably not warm towards him as well. Most likely just plain, cold master-servant relationship.
So ofc it's no wonder he accepts Yuu immediately and likes them so much. Imagine, accepting a silly nickname from someone you met once before. He must be starving for affection at this point.
His "haughty" behavior
I would say this is because he never learned how to have a normal conversation. This is bc of two points which the second one is so not 100% secure. One, would you talk casually to the fifth most powerful magician in the world totally normal without fear? And two, here I can't be too sure but I, once more, read somewhere that he has never left the castle before coming to NRC. So yeah, everything he ever did in terms of communication was either cold servant talk which didn't last longer than a few minutes at best and conversations with his family. We don't know much about his parents so.... yeah. Granny was probably busy with the kingdom so... can't be too long those convos...
So yeah... if everything you do is based upon ordering you might come off as haughty and basically weird.
"He is just lonely and in truth he is a fluffy dragon."
I see this kind of thing so many times in fanfic about him which I can't agree with.
No absolutely not. Malleus isn't "fluffy" and "just" lonely. Malleus is a huge possibile threat that can wipe out huge masses of people in a short period of time. Also, do you think that someone who was raised in a way so that they can be a authority in the future would be like your friendly, flower loving neighbour? No, he just likes roses but forget that "friendly" part. We can actually see this in his conversations with Leona. Let's take his ceremonial robes story as a example. Leona was unfriendly, and Malleus retaliated. Not in your typical "you mean so I am mean" way but with trying to intimidate him. Have you seen those eyes and his choice of words? That isn't your typical fight. It's a learned way to get what you want and crush your enemy. (It didn't work on Leona though bc... yeah let's say bc it's Leona and it's a completely different analysis but laziness of mine.) The only way why Malleus behaves somewhat friendly towards the player (and if we look really long at his words they aren't even taht friendly) is because he is, like I already said, starving for attention.
But Veil didn't you just say that it's wrong what he is "just" lonely. What I think is being misunderstood is how lonely he truly is. If I'm saying "just" then I'm talking about someone who is stuck in their room working on something and bc their job js so time consuming the haven't met friends in a while. But Malleus, uh... no. Some meetings, a nice "Hi, how is it going?" is far from the solution. I would even say that it has gone so far that he is a potential danger if someone were to take Yuu away. Need a example? His lab story coat. His tamadochi (is that how you write it in English?) is being broken. Now, it's not a person but we can see how sad be gets over that and most importantly, how attached he is to a thing that was never even alive. A simulation of something alive. A something that would give him the feeling that there is something alive close to him which isn't distant. See the desperation there? He doesn't just say "Oh well, how sad" and then buys a new one. Oh no. He repairs it. And, I never took care of such a pet and I see that some might get attached to it but he rewards Deuce with fricking rare ore. He even asks if that is too little like bro, that attachment isn't normal anymore. Don't give me "He just doesn't know the value of repairing it bc it's a machine." I think that this was done out of great gratitude which can be compared with a doctor saving their patient in a critical state and their family thanking him. For Malleus, Deuce just saved a living being and... how lonely do you have to be to feel that way?
I hope this helped. Have a great day/night!
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shotorozu · 4 years
putting eyeliner on them
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— *♡∞:。.。 2k followers special —
character(s) : multiple characters (bnha)
legend : [Y/N = your name] they/them pronouns used— well,, reader sure does love makeup! strong quirk but the details aren’t specific
headcanon type : fluff, and the mildest of spice
note(s) : again, another followers special! i had this in my brain since january, but i wanted to wait for this exact moment to write it out! i hope it’s worth it. again, thank you all for 2k! 🤍 also i have 2-3 more things to come out later and there’s no proof-read whejdjwdk
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midoriya izuku
↛ he loves the idea, really. you’d assume that midoriya would know how to put on eyeliner, because he’s quite the writer— but no. those hands are wobbly as heck, and his hands move with speed. so as much as he’d want to try eyeliner, he couldn’t. so, when you propose the idea of applying eyeliner on him, while sitting on his lap, he’s quite estatic— but izuku can’t help but blush when he realizes how close you guys are. he can only hold in his breath in anticipation, but he’s also quite worried about messing it up. when you show him the result, izuku’s happy! pressing a quick kiss on your lips, as he admires his eyes in the mirror but he’s probably going to smudge it in a hour
bakugou katsuki
↛ he’d say no at first, because he already knows how to put on eyeliner. why would he need your help? but when you offer to sit on his lap while you do his eyeliner, he’s scoffing— pulling you on his lap, and he’s already asking if you’re done yet but not even a few minutes has passed. and no! it’s not because he gets to be closer with you, and no, it’s not because he could intensely stare at you with that look, hands pressed against your back. he just wants to get it over with— totally. but he sure does love the outcome. we’ve only seen him wearing eyeliner under his mask, but he won’t be afraid of wearing it alone (because his talented s/o did it!) he’s smirking, complimenting you on how well you did, hands still on your thigh— basically asking you to stay. he’d fight anyone that would try to touch the eyeliner, he’ll have it as long as he possibly could.
todoroki shouto
↛ probably the person that knows the least about wearing eyeliner. compared to the others, he’s seen you do your eyeliner— and he’s really fascinated by it, so he just goes ahead and asks you! but when you mentioned sitting on his lap for better accuracy, it was like hitting two birds with one stone. not only could he get eyeliner, but he could also get closer to you so !! he didn’t seem that affected by the experience on the outside anyway, but he loved how his eyes looked with eyeliner— and the fact that you’re just so close to him didn’t really help the blood rushing to his cheeks. either way! he’s glad you were willing to put on eyeliner for him, and he could only repay you back with his affection 🤍 he’d probably learn how to put on eyeliner, so he could return the favor in the future. but the catch is that you still have to sit on his lap. he loves it, okay?
kirishima eijirou
↛ another person that has worn eyeliner in the official art! we love that. anyways, eijirou has probably worn eyeliner once or twice before— but that was pretty much it for him. he’ll watch you do your makeup most of the time, but he’ll especially pay attention to the eyeliner part. he’d ask, sure! but he’s afraid of wasting product, so he holds back from asking you :,) when you tell him you want to do his eyeliner, he’s excited! and he starts immediately preparing himself for the eyeliner. with every single stroke of your hand, he’ll excitingly ask if you’re done— showing off his signature smile, as he tries to keep still. when you finally show him, he’ll be so happy :)) but now you have to do excentric eyeliner styles on him, just do it please, he just loves how it looks! and eijirou’s just so lucky to have a talented s/o. whenever someone would ask who did his eyeliner, he’ll smile, and say your name ever so proudly.
kaminari denki
↛ kirishima 🤝 kaminari ‘ceos of wearing eyeliner in the official art’ kaminari has probably worn eyeliner a few times here and there, but that was really because mina helped him put it on. he’ll sit down beside you and watch you put on eyeliner, commenting out loud about “how the hell did you do that so easily??” it’s sorcery to him. because his hands are also quite wobbly, and his eyeliner never comes out as sisters— but rather distant cousins 💀 anyways, when you mention wanting to try colorful eyeliner on him, he was so excited— and when you sat on his lap, he’ll basically be like :0 my s/o is sitting on my lap omg afterwards, he’ll be really blushy— but he’s happy for sure. he’s pressing kisses all over your face as thanks, and he’s quick to take pictures his eyeliner— just for memory sake. but denki’s probably going to smudge the eyeliner in 30 minutes rip
shinsou hitoshi
↛ it,, never really crossed his mind. no offense to you, really. but he has some intense dark circles under those pretty eyes, and because of that— he always assumed it wouldn’t look the best on him :,) luckily, being with you has made him believe that it wouldn’t look so bad (and that he’d need to stop being so down on himself) hitoshi is never really the one to oppose to the idea of you applying eyeliner on him, it’s not like it does any harm to either of you! but when you offer to sit on your lap— he’s quite accepting, immediately pulling you closer and closer, hands placed on the small of your back, and on your waist. turns out, hitoshi looks superb with eyeliner! it just accentuates those violet irises of his. afterwards, he’ll nibble on your soft skin- and omg the way he looks at you is enough to hypnotize you. for payment, he’ll take as many pictures as he could, (for emergency purposes. if you were sad, he could literally send you one of those selfies, and you’d cheer up.)
amajiki tamaki
↛ it’s sad because he thinks he’d look terrible. it wasn’t like shinsou’s way of thinking— where he was like ‘eh, i’d look bad. but i’m not very opposed to it.’ no, it was like ‘omg i’d look so bad, and i’d waste your ink/product and onwhdnwks’ so, you also have to reassure that it’ll be fine, and that he’s not wasting your product. when you straddle him, his cheeks will go red. like,, really red, to the point that you’re worried if he’d collapse or pass out. anyways, after 5 minutes (which felt like 5 hours to tamaki) he looks in the mirror— and he feels,, happy. he loves it because you did it, and tamaki feels a sense of relief, because it turned out just fine. he’s thanking you, pressing his face into the crook of your neck— rocking you back and forth softly. he’d be really bashful if mirio or nejire complimented him and his eyeliner. the attention is something he’s still not very used to. he’d be really sad, if he smudged the eyeliner by accident, you might have to comfort him :,)
┈ ✁✃✁✃✁✃✁✃✁ ┈
likes and reblogs are appreciated, thanks for reading!
i do not own bnha/mha and it’s characters. boku no hero academia/my hero academia belongs to horikoshi kohei. i only own the writing and i do not profit off of my hobby.
do not plagiarize, repost, translate, or use my works for audio readings without my permission :))
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honeybunnybeez · 4 years
Love me sweeter
♡Genre: Fluff!
♡Poly!Karlnapity x crush!GN!reader
♡Format: Fanfiction
♡Reader is Gender Neutral!
♡Summary: Part 2 of, Kiss it better. Karl, Sapnap and Quackity still cling onto that promise of yours for a lunch date and more kisses. However, you certainly didn't expect it to go this way at all. You certainly aren't complaining though.
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Quackity: (y/n)
Quackity: (y/n)
Quackity: (y/n)
Quackity: (Y/N)!
Sapnap: Babe, give it a rest, they're probably busy.
Karl: Wait, let me try.
Quackity: If they didn't respond to me what makes you think they'd respond to you?
Sapnap: He's got you there, Karl.
Karl: Watch this.
Karl: (y/n)?
(Y/n): Yes, Karl my beloved?
Sapnap: What the heck!?
You can't help but laugh as they accuse you of favouritism, jokingly arguing amongst themselves about it. You had just finished patching up Sam after another recent burn injury and were currently putting away your bandages and empty potion bottles. Taking out your clock real quick, you panic a little seeing that it was already 11:30, you haven't even gathered the ingredients for lunch you promised them yet.
"I really should stop talking about the kids to Sam when I'm in a rush," you mumble to yourself, knowing full well that you aren't going to stick to what you said.
Once everything is placed back where it should be you finally check your communicator again.
Quackity: (y/n), come oooon, don't ignore us again.
Karl: You ignored me as well :(
Sapnap: (y/n), it's importaaant.
(Y/n): Alright, alright, I'm back on.
(Y/n): You guys are so needy
Karl: I thought you loved that about us?
(Y/n): Not when I'm working, sweetheart.
You couldn't hear it (of course you couldn't, you lived pretty far away from them after all), but Karl was currently giggling like a mad man while Sapnap and Quackity playfully argued with him once again.
"Seriously!? You get the pet name too?
"Karl Jacobs, is there some sort of trick to wooing them that you aren't telling us?"
"I'm just adorable, you two," and his fiances couldn't even deny that. Instead of continuing to 'fight' over it, they huddle closer to Karl with fake pouts on their faces, eyes glued back onto their communicators.
(Y/n): Anyways, any reason why you three were blowing up my phone?
Karl: Don't cook lunch.
You hate how instantly you sighed in relief at that message-
Quackity: And wear something nice that you don't mind getting destroyed!
Sapnap: In case our little picnic trip goes south :P
(Y/n): A picnic?
Karl: Yeah, something romantic!
(Y/n): You three are pretty serious about this date, huh?
Sapnap: Of course we are, you didn't think we were kidding did you?
You feel yourself getting embarrassed as you read Sapnap's message over again. You genuinely did think this was more of a friendly date than a romantic one, and could anyone blame you? The three of them have always been rather physically affectionate with you, so you had always assumed that the feelings you all shared were simply platonic. You're glad to be proven wrong of course but still, you feel your heart race as you realized that they meant business.
Quackity: (y/n)?
(Y/n): Yup, yup, still here, sorry, I was just eyeing a creeper from across my home.
Sapnap: Everything safe?
(Y/n): Yup, the fucker got taken out by a skeleton, anyways!
(Y/n): When are you guys coming over?
Karl: 1:30 sound good to you?
(Y/n): Perfect, I'll see you fella's soon
Sapnap: ♡!!!
Karl: ♡! :D
Quackity: ♡ ;)
A sudden knock on your door almost makes the cookie you were holding in your mouth drop to the floor as you let out a startled gasp. Thankfully, you catch it in time and yell out that you'd be at the door in a moment. Grabbing the container of cookies you managed to bake thanks to some leftover dough from days before, you make your way over to your front door quickly, throwing it open with much more enthusiasm than you were hoping to show.
"Surprise!" Karl happily exclaims while giving you a giant hug. You can't help but giggle and hug him back tightly as well. Over his shoulder you see Sapnap carrying a basket while Quackity carries a blanket. They give you excited smiles paired with a little wave, something you can't help but return.
When Karl pulls away, you can see him giggling nervously and flushing a little red, rubbing the back of his neck while he does so.
"Sorry, got a little excited there."
You tell him with a smile that it's fine and take a step back to admire all three of them in their clean clothes and neat hair. It's pretty rare to catch all three of them looking like this, especially Sapnap.
"Taking in how handsome we look?" Sapnap can't help but joke.
"Nah, more like how this is the first time you three have visited me without looking like a bunch of stray cats." A chorus yell of, "Hey!" causes a breath of laughter to escape your lips.
"We'll try to be on our best behavior," Quackity tries to reassure.
Karl isn't having it though and adds in a, "The keyword being try, (y/n)," causing Quackity to lightly punch his arm.
You roll your eyes, knowing that by the end of today they'll probably need quick patch ups anyways, but hey, that just means they'll be spending more time with you.
"Alright, alright, enough talking! Let's get going before the sun sets," taking one of your free hands, Sapnap is quick to take ahold of it and start walking you to the direction of their little picnic site. Along the way, Karl had taken your cookie container to hold your other hand while Quackity linked arms with Sapnap's free arm. They wouldn't let go of you or one another for the entire trip and the feeling gave you butterflies as you felt incredibly included and tended to.
The area was quite a walk away from the rest of society, you had to go through quite the trip before finally arriving. However, the trip was certainly worth it as you four finally arrived at a lovely, almost impossibly serene area deep in a forest biome. Under a specific oak tree they had lead you to, you can see torches lit up with flowers decorating the small area around it. You can't help but hide your face as you feel yourself growing impossibly flustered by the incredibly simple but cheesy setting.
"It isn't much, but we thought it would be nice to do something cute," Sapnap explains sheepishly. "Since this is our first date together and all."
"Do you like it?" Quackity asks, looking at you hopefully.
"I-I, I love it a lot," you say, trying your best to keep your voice from cracking. The words lay on the tip of your tongue as you hesitate to say it, but after peaking through your fingers a little and seeing the lovestruck expression they send your way, you can't help but let your confession slip past your lips, "I love you guys a whole lot too..."
At your confession, the three of them are quick to drop what they were holding to the side and pull you in for a tight hug. They giggle as they watch you press your hands closer to your face, kissing the top of you head and telling you how adorable they think you are.
"You have no idea how relieved we are to hear that, (y/n)," Karl confesses.
"I thought my heart was going to drop onto the floor when I heard it," Sapnap can't help but add with a chuckle.
"Does this mean we can steal all the kisses we want from you now, (y/n)?" Quackity asks, pressing one more kiss against your temple.
Slowly, you start to lower your hands away from your face, looking into the eyes of the three men smiling down on you with huge grins stuck on their faces.
"Like all of us not dating ever stopped you guys from stealing them before," you quietly sass back, causing the three of them to start kissing you more and more until you're squealing with laughter.
Well, sure they did steal countless of kisses from you before you four were an item but now things were different. You were theirs just as much as they were yours, and that just made the kisses and cuddles all the more sweeter.
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A/N: Hhh, I'm so glad some of you guys enjoyed my little KarlNapIty blurb! I really hope this lives up to the first one but I'm not very confident in it if I'm being honest ^^'. I genuinely love this pair with all my heart and writing for them is lowkey an addiction XD Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed reading this!
(Requests are open and anon is on!)
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rrasado · 3 years
May I request a head canon of first years dealing with a mother hen yuu? How do they initially react to it and how will they treat yuu forward on if this behavior continues on?
Motherly Affections
AGAOKWJS THIS REQUEST IS SO FLUFFY I LOVE IT ISKWMA- as a mom friend myself to a uh- a whole class I really enjoyed writing this, hopefully y’all enjoy this one n.n
When you’re a mother hen:
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Honestly, he found your behavior annoying at first, he didn’t like being pulled back from his schemes or whatever.
You were just- the opposite of his big bro! He’d teach him how to do a lot of useful stuff for life and here you were countering it with your own moral compass as a chancla.
Yet at the same time he...finds comfort in your care from time to time, because as much as he found it annoying to an extent, he also finds comfort in the fact that someone cares for them enough to be patient with their antics. Not everyone really cared for troublemakers so...
Learns to make light of your dynamic, hey if you’re the squad’s mom then who’s the dad- then you proceed to lecture him but hey it was worth it, after all he got to push your buttons from time to time when you’re not busy lecturing them.
“Oi you’ll age faster if you keep furrowing your brows like that mom-“
In conclusion, it’s honestly a love hate relationship for him, but he’ll learn to take the good with the bad, you are after all the glue to all the crap they pull and break.
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No surprise here but, you remind him a lot of his own mom. Just the way you baby them all gives him a sense of nostalgia.
But along with this he wondered, were you feeling the same way as his mom did? Were you two just really wanting what’s best for ruffians such as himself? It oddly felt comforting to him knowing that people will still care for others beyond blood.
That was the kind of solidarity he wished to have back in his delinquent days, joining gangs was something he thought would be his ticket to a good comradeship but you and his own mom proved him otherwise.
Learns to just go with it, overtime he’ll realize just how much he actually appreciated your maternal acts towards him and the group, because in an environment where most are at a fickle stage, a mediator like you is in called for.
“Are you ok tho? Maybe you should take it easy for a while...”
It sounds suspicious at first especially after what he and Ace had accidentally done but he means well, because if there’s anything he learned from his mother it’s that caring for others can be just as if not even more exhausting than other jobs. He offers his shoulder to lean on just like how you offer to be a pillar of rest for him and the rest.
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Oh so that explains a lot- so from a pack of Cubs you manually carry them out of harm’s way huh..is this why you were so adamant on helping the adeuce duo into getting out of that octavinelle fiasco?
Jack actually admires you a lot for what you’re doing, initially it came off as skeptical because if there’s one thing he’s learned growing up with multiple people, it’s that genuine concern is rare.
But the more you and the first year gang spent time together the more he deems you with a golden heart and is honestly happy that there’s one more person that’s at the very least reliable and heck voluntary when it comes to snatching them out of trouble.
Even more so he tries to help you in any way he can without being the problem himself. At some point t Ace joked about jack being the dad but deuce rebutted with jack being the oldest child or something- he’d dismiss these antics as best as he can but he had to admit, even he was wondering what’s his role in all this
“Hey, how are you tho? You should take care of yourself as well...”
Overall, he learns to work with the dynamic, as he knows this type of genuinity is rare so he’ll do his best to support it. After all as an older sibling to his brother and sister, he’d wanna keep themselves safe in this twisted world.
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He’s...a tender mix between Ace and deuce- initially he found you overbearing, why the hell fuss over something so small and insignificant? Why not let him just do what he deems ok? What are you Vil 2.0?
But as someone who was raised and surrounded by aged people, it oddly brings him a sense of familiarity, especially when you fuss over him over something like his behavior during certain events.
If you bring them towels during magift practice or even prepare special energy drinks (that surprisingly Vil approves). He’ll come into awe at your diligence even more.
And unlike Ace he goes from annoyed to voluntarily receiving, sometimes uses your doting nature as leverage against annoying guys at school. Besides as much as of a mom friend you are you take the best of both worlds.
“Hah! I bet y’all can’t handle them coming at you huh-“ “Epel that’s enough”
Part of the bonked squad during situations but oh well at least those pesky guys won’t bother him for a good while.
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Initially as always, thinks it’s ridiculous especially considering how he denies being close with the gang and you but the student body says otherwise. He does after all spend time with you all because Lilia tells him to and that the he already has the young master covered.
Frankly it felt...both off and familiar to him, on one hand hey his mom was like that but on the other hand you...actually go out of your way to tend to him and the others despite not coming from this world and by extension not being of Blood with them.
As someone who has closely observed a dynasty type of family from his Waka sama. Unrelated doting just feels really foreign to him. He himself regards blood as something important and sacred. So when you do it so easily and daily to them, a bunch of ruffians in a big school. He finds himself in utter confusion.
Which then ultimately turns into secret admiration. Because he’ll never admit it out loud but he holds respect for you, your efforts are very admirable to the point he deems them condemnable.
“Human! Don’t mind those insolent fools you shouldn’t waste precious time and effort on such!”
The few times he tries to help it just...comes off as offensive for the others, so it’s your job to gently teach him how to care for others without degrading the rest. And he’s surprisingly willing, after all this might help him in his duties to the young master!
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wh6res · 3 years
tw a lil bit of suggestive on jae's but nothing explicit
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✰ — TAEIL would sing lullabies over the phone or video call. you and him would just be doing your own thing, not talking but enjoying being each other's presence. he'll probably pull out his guitar and start singing random songs until he eventually notices you fell asleep on him. will not end the call and when you wake up in the morning, his snores and his cute sleeping face is the first thing you see. "love? you still there? ... taeil?" then laugh out loud when you hear his snores instead. "okay yeah lets sleep more" the call will only end probably because his phone died. he kinda strikes me as a guy who's phone is always < 50% battery lmao
✰ — JOHNNY is your everything. literally. as long as he has the power of youtube, google, and instruction manuals on his side, he can fix anything and everything for you. we've all seen him do crafty things on jcc lmao so it'll probably apply to relationships as well. will 100% say you now owe him cuddles for fixing something for you. you kinda dont like the fact that he's doing all these things for you so you try doing them on your own without him knowing only to fail big time. "what did we learn today?" "never touch the pipes under the sink" "and?" "and always ask johnny for help" "nuh-uh thats not how i said it" you sigh exasperatedly "always let my smokin hot amazing handsome boyfriend johnny suh get the job done"
✰ — TAEYONG doesn't care whether you take the time shopping or not. in fact, he loves seeing you all excited and giddy for pampering yourself as you should. totally the type to hold the paper bags even if you complain and say you can manage on your own. is a complete angel and will wait patiently outside changing rooms and will give you genuine insight he has of the clothes you picked. "that looks nice. you should get that. the length is just right and the sleeves help accentuate your waist" "really yongie?" "yes love. i mean you look pretty in everything anyway" miss ma'am my heart just fucking melted ?¿?
✰ — YUTA doesn't look like it but will exert real effort into things. would be the type to have a note or a google doc about your favorite orders from restaurants because he just loves how your eyes light up appreciatively and you look so smitten by him. its like a cheat sheet. eventually he memorizes the list with how much time he spends with you and he wont even need it. the type to always bring you food before meeting you (if its just hanging out inside the house). "no way! i was just craving for these!" he smiles before kissing your forehead, volunteering to put the food out its container for you. "i figured. you'd been working since this afternoon. lets eat first then you can tell me about what you've been working on so i can help you, okay?"
✰ — DOYOUNG loves cooking for you. i highkey feel like its his love language? like cooking for you and seeing your eyes light up as it darts back to him after you take your first bite from whatever he cooked just gives him so much happiness. its disgustingly sappy and he doesn't like talking about it. now he understood fully what it meant to see your loved ones eating and being full yourself or some shit. idk how the actual quote goes okay dont come 4 me but u probably get it. anyway the type to always pack you lunch and will get hella mad if you skip meals. "what do you mean you havent eaten yet?" "yeah but i will after i--" "you mean you're going to eat Now?" "what? no maybe later--" "thats it im coming over"
✰ — JAEHYUN would be the type to make you playlists. its really random sometimes he'll send them to you in the early morning for the heck of it bc he cant sleep. most of the time its him being horny lmao the frat boy in him awakening and sending you a playlist called imma blow your back out or something extremely cringey and thirsty pls dont block his sorry ass maybe he'd spell out the words using song titles too! idk jae just rlly strikes me as a guy who's love language is music. "hey babe did you check the playlist i sent you?" "wtf its 4am???" "oh so you havent listened to it yet?" "fuck off" but at the end of the day he'll come over and will use the playlist to,,, you know,,, do the sexy thing ;)
✰ — JUNGWOO always makes sure you walk on the inside of the road. you know when you're walking in the street and he softly nudges your waist? yes. will probably even scold you playfully because with how long its been since you both are together, "babe you always walk on the inside of the road how many times do i have to tell you?" is also the type to remind you to wear your seatbelt immediately after hopping onto his car. would ask you Again while in the middle of the car ride because he forgot that he already asked you earlier. please don't mind him he's just looking out for you bb. "seatbelt?" "yes, babe. already done" "are you sure? i dont think i heard it click--" "babe eyes on the road please" "oh right sorry"
✰ — MARK sends you tiktoks, vines, or memes. this is his love language fite me im calling it. he just wants to see you laugh too okay? thats why he does it. i mean it made him laugh, so maybe it will you laugh too. also because he hopes to make inside jokes with u cuz he believes thats how people really get close and stuff. would definitely love it if you do the same thing with him. you'd be chilling in the sofa while khalid plays on the bluetooth speaker and he'll suddenly go "babe babe babe check this out!" then you both proceed to laugh at a vine for the next thirty minutes <3 #living.the.yn.life
✰ — HAECHAN will do your skincare for you when you're drunk or super tired that you just passed out cold on the bed. would probably come into the room to see you snoring and tutting bc now he has to do it for you again but meh deep down he loves it because he enjoys admiring your sleeping face. its sorta like a healing thing for him? yeah it just washes away all the stress he's feeling and bb is just excited about the idea that this becomes "your thing" with him if u get what im saying? altho the next day he'll probably use it as a leverage to get out of chores :) "no way im not folding our clothes" "and why is that?" "i took your make up off yesterday u know how hard that is? im still tired" "but its literally the next day--" "awww thank you for doing my chores, baby! u the best!" ._.
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honey-boyyoongi · 3 years
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Pairing ➪ Y/n x Yoongi | Y/n x Jungkook
Word count ➪ 3.1k
Warning ➪ not beta read; angst; I am sorry in advance
Previous Fic Masterlist
Jungkook has been laying on your lap for what seems, hours. You haven’t spoken to him in a year, maybe a little more. A ‘hi’ here and there when Mrs. Jeon invites you, and Yoongi to events. You can never say no to her. Slowly, you start noticing Sooyoung showed up less, and less. Jungkook always gave the excuses, ‘She’s not feeling well’, ‘Sooyoung has a work project she has to get done’, ‘Her friend is having a baby, and she’s the birthing partner’, ‘She’s housesitting for her brother’. They never seemed to stop. Mr. and Mrs. Jeon were understanding, but visibly disappointed. As far as everyone knew, everything was perfect. Until it wasn’t. Your mother told you it was about children. Jungkook wanted children, but Sooyoung was not sure if she ever wanted to be a mother. Of course, there’s nothing wrong with not wanting children, and not wanting the commitment of it. But they wanted different things.
What Jungkook never told his parents was how messy it was. The harsh words, the long nights, large amounts of tears shed on both ends, and the feelings of failure. Jungkook wanted to make it work. He wants to believe Sooyoung wanted to make it work. Within the week Sooyoung had moved into her co-worker’s place, at the end of the month the papers were signed, by four months the divorce was final, and Sooyoung had accepted a transfer to a sister location across the country. It was fine for a while, at least Jungkook tried to convince himself it was fine. The days felt long, dreary.
He tried to get back into painting, boxing, and other hobbies he had pre-Sooyoung. He started hanging out with friends more, Namjoon was more than happy to catch up over some beers from his favorite brewery. He even started talking to Yoongi more. They were work partners, regardless of that, their chatter never went past the needed communication to complete the necessary work. Jungkook started slowly, asking Yoongi if he wanted a coffee while he got his own. Inviting him to lunch with Namjoon. Even making jokes here, and there. It’s not what it was before, but they’re getting there.
He moved out of the apartment that him, and Sooyoung shared. It was difficult, but he’ll make this new space home. It’s definitely smaller than his previous apartment. Cozier, he wants to say. Jungkook fills it up with art that had been put in storage, his salvaged knick knacks, pictures with his friends and family. His parents gift him new kitchenware. His older brother helps paint. Namjoon gives him some new plants to care for, and Yoongi comes over to assemble some furniture because ‘you need the help kid’. A few weeks post-divorce, he feels good, normal. He’s out with his mom at the mall when he finally sees her.
He wants to say she’s more beautiful than he remembers, but all he can focus on is the bump she has. His mom catches his line of sight, “Oh, look at my Yn-ie. She looks beautiful, doesn’t she?” He nods in response. “She’s eight months now, Mrs. Min says it’s a girl. They’re so excited, Hyeri says Yoonie has been talking non-stop about the baby,” his mother chatters. She talks his ear off about the Min baby. The name, the nursery, heck even the baby shower the moms threw as a surprise. He’s happy for her, for them. He ignores the ache in his chest the rest of the outing.
His mother, bless her heart, goes up to Y/n. Asks how she’s doing, how baby min is doing. “Surprisingly energetic,” she jokes, “Yoongi says she gets it from him, but this is the same man that knocks out if he gets comfortable enough on anything.”
While his mom is chatting Y/n up, he takes her in. She cut her hair to a lob, waves a little more defined. Her smile lines are a little more prevalent. Eyes sparkling, a bit tired looking, the baby must be giving her a hard time if it’s kicking up a storm in there. She rubs her belly in comforting motions, as she talks with his mom. He can’t help admiring her features.
“What do you think, kookie?”
Jungkook stared at his mother, and Y/n, “I’m sorry what?”
His mother sighed, “He’s been like this for a bit, sweetie. Nothing sweetheart.”
They keep chatting about the baby. He tells his mom he has to finish his errands. She waves him away with a ‘be careful’ and ‘love you’. Y/n waves goodbye with a shy look. They walk slowly to the nearest bench, his mother’s hands waving around as she speaks.
He doesn’t know how he gets to Y/n’s house. One drink turned into three then six and a half. All doubles, of course. The bartender could tell he was drowning his sorrows, and promptly cut him off as he was ordering his seventh drink, but instead of a double a triple. His angel of a bartender helped him order an Uber to the nearest place he could remember. Once he arrived at the apartment complex, he made the very unsteady way to Yoongi’s and Y/n’s apartment. He knocked on the door heavily. It felt like a long time until Y/n answered.
She looked so pretty. In her cute little pj’s, belly accentuated by the soft material. Her cheeks a little rosy from the effort of walking at this point in her pregnancy.
Surprise filled her face, “Jungkook, what are you doing here?”
He pouts, swaying a bit as he tries to find his footing, “I.. I miss you. It’s been hard these last few months without you.”
“Are you drunk,” Y/n asks worried.
Jungkook hiccups in response, “In my defense, the nice bartender lady cut me off.” Y/n sighs, she could call Mrs. Jeon to come get Jungkook. But she doesn’t want her to see him this inebriated. The feelings of the divorce probably caught up with him and were too overwhelming. Y/n doesn’t know what to do, but decides to take care of Jungkook like she used to.
Y/n takes his hand, and gently guides him to the large side of the L-shape couch. She avoids putting any of Jungkook’s weight on herself while gently, as gently as she can place a drunk man, sitting him. She coaxes Jungkook to slowly drink a full glass of water to sober up, with little difficulty thank goodness. After a moment or two of adjustment on the couch that wouldn’t make her uncomfortable, Y/n settles next to Jungkook. It would be better to be closer to him, as to avoid the unavoidable struggle that movement seems to have these days.
Jungkook must be finding it difficult to sit upright, as he ends up laying down. Feet dangling on the edge, head on the available part of your lap, his face looking away from your belly. He starts to hum quietly, nothing specific really, it’s calming.
“Can you pet my hair, please,” Jungkook mumbles. Y/n nods, “Sure. Your hair has gotten long, I like it. It suits you.”
Jungkook slurs, “Thanks, Sooyoung hated it long. Said it made me look messy.” She hummed in distaste, “She also hated anything that wasn’t to her liking. I’ve missed you too Kook. It’s been weird not having you around.”
He snuggles deeper into her lap finding comfort in her warmth, “I know. You don't know how much I’ve been wanting to call you, and just tell you all the things that happened.”
Y/n nudges Jungkook up, she settles more comfortably into her spot and nudges Jungkook back down. He decides he’s no longer satisfied with looking at the wall in front of him, and with the most grace he can muster he turns to face Y/n’s belly. If he was sober enough he could’ve seen the pink rising in her ears. He grabs her hand and places it back on his head to keep receiving his favorite head scratches. Maybe it’s the whiskey, but he feels like he’s having a staring contest with Y/n’s belly. He’s strangely okay with that, until he feels the (surprisingly) hard kick of baby min on his cheek.
Jungkook lets out a groan, and follows it up with an antagonistic soft poke at the spot the kick came from. “Your kid isn’t even here yet and it’s already bullying me,” he sighs. “You’re supposed to be nice to your elders,” he tells her. Y/n giggles, “She’s a kicker. Sometimes she’ll wake me up in the middle of the night. I don’t know where she got this energy from. My mother in law says her boys weren’t too rowdy, and mom says I wasn't a kicker, but more of a crier. So that’s something to look forward to.”
Jungkook laughs, he wants to say she still is. He looks up at her, “Is it okay if I touch your belly?” Y/n is a little shocked. The few times he’s seen her, he’s never mentioned anything about her pregnancy. She wants to question him, but decides against it. She gives him a soft nod, and guides his hand to her belly. “Be gentle,” Y/n tells him.
Jungkook moves his hand in small, soft circles. Making quiet noises of contentment. A few minutes of silence pass by with no words exchanged. It feels comfortable, even a little nostalgic to how things were pre-marriages. “Kids,” Jungkook says.
“What?” Y/n asks.
“We divorced over kids,” he says more firmly, “Sooyoung wasn’t sure if she wanted kids. You already know I wanted them. We couldn’t come to an agreement of when we would start trying. She wanted to wait because she was up for a promotion at work, and she didn’t want to pass it up by staying home with the kids. I told her I was okay being at home with them, the good thing about my job is that I can work from home, if needed. I could be the stay at home dad, be part time until we were comfortable enough to put them in daycare and go back to full time. She said she’d think about it.”
He sniffles, and buries his face into Y/n’s belly. She starts to caress his hair to comfort him, “It’s okay, take your time.”
Jungkook sniffled a bit more, rubbing little circles on her belly with his thumb, “She said we would talk more about it. A little before you got married we talked about it again, but she kept saying she can’t do her job and be pregnant. I told her she wouldn’t do it herself, I would help her. We were a unit. She refused to talk about it after that. Any time I wanted to have a talk about it, it turned into something bigger and ugly. A few months ago I mentioned that mom had told me you were pregnant.” He paused for a moment, wondering if it was appropriate to go on. Y/n kept playing with his hair, encouraging him to speak when he’s comfortable.
“I made a comment..,” Jungkook mumbles, “I made a comment about how I couldn’t wait for our kids to be running around together. Sooyoung got angry. She said that would never happen. I asked her why, you were still my friend, so is Yoongi. Why wouldn’t I want our kids to be friends too?”
Y/n hummed, not sure how to react to Sooyoung’s statement. “Is that what started the argument?”
He nodded, “Yeah. I got upset, I told her that she can’t keep avoiding my friends, I missed you guys and wanted to be how we were. I wanted you to, at least, be amicable. I didn’t expect her to be best friends with you guys.” Jungkook got quiet once again. He could feel baby Min moving. He wanted to feel what he’s missing these past several months.
“So, clearly she didn’t like us,” Y/n jokes.
Jungkook chuckled dryly, “Clearly. She said how do I expect her to be friends with the person she’ll always be second best to. As well as the people that blamed her for us not being together.”
“I told her Joon and Yoongi don’t blame her for anything,” he said, “She wasn’t second best to anyone, and you’ve been my friend for years. Sooyoung didn’t believe it. I asked her if we all somehow got along, why wouldn’t our kids be friends. She said there wasn’t going to be any kids for yours to be friends with. I asked her what she meant.” Jungkook choked up at the memory, “Sooyoung said after some thinking, she wasn’t sure if she ever wanted kids. She doesn’t know if she can commit herself to that role. She says she has her career ahead of her and I can’t make her be a mom.”
Jungkook started to tear up, “I told her I’m not expecting her to be a stay at home mom. I repeated that I would be a stay at home parent… She… She said she’s not sure if she wants to have kids at all. Sooyoung said it’s too much responsibility.”
He started to sob, his body shaking from the increased intensity. “I couldn’t believe it. When we were dating she said she wanted kids. I’m not upset that she doesn’t want any, it’s her choice. I’m upset that she lied to me about it.”
Y/n’s heart aches for her friend, she knows how much Jungkook wanted kids. Namjoon might be the one buying baby shoes because he finds them cute, but Jungkook has always talked about being a dad. Always talked about how he wanted to be the type of parent his were, that encouraged him to thrive in his likes and talents. He was passionate about it.
“We talked all night. We couldn’t come to any type of resolution. So we decided to separate. This was something that was non-negotiable.”
“Is that what led to the divorce,” Y/n asked.
Jungkook nodded, “She stayed at a coworker’s place that she’s friends with. We didn’t talk for a couple weeks. Sooyoung reached out first. She said this is something she won’t change her mind on. She’s sorry for not being truthful about her stance on kids. We decided to divorce. We settled pretty quickly. It’s signed and official as of last month.”
“I’m sorry kook,” Y/n whispered.
You were sorry, he knew you were. He keeps rubbing your belly, feeling baby Min follow around. Wanting to feel the comfort of having you around.
Jungkook ends up falling in and out of sleep. He doesn’t know how long he lays there for.
“No, I’m fine.”
“He’s asleep right now.”
Who were you talking to?
“No, Yoonie, it's fine. He’s sleeping and he didn’t do anything. I think the divorce finally got to him.”
He heard you pause, but didn’t hear anyone else in the apartment. You must be speaking with Yoongi on the phone.
“No, we just talked about it. He was pretty upset, obviously.”
You continued to play with his hair, brushing out the knots with your fingers. He hummed lowly, snuggling closer to your belly. Baby Min must’ve had the same idea because she was still squirming around. Yoongi assured you he would be home soon with Namjoon to get Jungkook home.
“Yes, Kook,” You answered.
He sits up, eyes puffy, and cheeks stained with tears. “Do you ever think about us?”
“Like? Our friendship? Of course, all the time,” you answer.
He scoots closer facing you, and reaches out to hold your hand. “No, I’m talking about us. What we could’ve been.”
“I did, but not anymore,” you answered honestly, “You chose Sooyoung, kook. I wasn’t going to wait forever. I deserved, and still deserve to be happy. And I am happy. You shouldn’t think about the what if’s.”
Jungkook sniffled. “I do,” he whispered, “All the time. I think about what if, I had worked up the courage to confess to you on one of our last movie nights? Things would’ve been different. We would’ve been happy. We would’ve gotten married, and had the wedding you always talked about.” He paused, he’s trying so hard not to cry about it. “We would’ve had those cats you wanted, and we would’ve finally adopted the dog that hangs around the convenience store. We would’ve had a baby. We would’ve been a family. I should’ve said something, shown you how much I loved you. How much I still love you.”
You pulled your hand away from him, “But you didn’t, you chose Sooyoung kook. I loved you, I still love you, but not how you want me to. Maybe things would’ve been different, but it’s too late.”
Jungkook starts to sob, he knows it’s too late. It felt bittersweet to hear that she still loves him.
Namjoon takes Jungkook home. He feels everything, yet nothing. Maybe he can start fresh with no what if’s to cling on to.
Joon helps him get cleaned up, and lays him down in his cold bed. He lets himself dream of what could’ve been.
“How are my girls doing?” Jungkook asked, while caressing your growing tummy. “SHE,” you pointed, “is giving mommy a hard time. S’been kicking all morning. She’s definitely YOUR daughter.” Jungkook lets out a sympathetic giggle. Your baby has been a pain in your butt, more like your bladder, since she could move. Mrs. Jeon says her youngest was the exact same, and to expect an energetic baby once she’s out. She’ll be all smiles, and sweet giggles, as well as a pain to put to sleep. Maybe she’ll take after her father and sleep like a log your mother in law jokes. The last few weeks have been a whirlwind of doctors appointments, birthing classes, nesting, nesting, and more nesting. The nursery has changed colors three times, Jungkook was insistent on doing art on the walls to give it a personal touch. Took a whole weekend, but now your baby girl will be slumbering under the stars.
Both of you have gone through the recommended parenting books, gotten advice from the grandmothers and aunties, Jungkook might’ve panicked a little at the repeated visual of you giving birth. But, it’s all part of the process. He’s been enjoying giving little facts he’s been learning from the shared pregnancy tracker.
“Babe, did you know our baby is the size of a cherry today?”
“Hey, by now they grew all their toes.”
“Did you know our baby can pee? In the womb?”
“Jungkook, what the fuck dude?”
Other than the obvious pregnancy issues, things have been smooth sailing. His favorite thing to do these days has been laying his head on your lap caressing your belly. If it was up to him he’d stay there for hours drawing patterns with his fingers, singing to his baby, feeling her movements.
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A/N: Heyyyyyyyy~~~ originally I wasn’t gonna do an epilogue, but I got the idea after talking about a headcanon I had with my sister. Happy (super) late birthday to Jungkookie ❤️ hopefully in my next fic involving you, you get to be happy lol. Feedback is appreciated ❤️
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keanureevesisbae · 3 years
sugar sugar - the planning 4.0
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Summary: The two of them are coming back from their bachelor/bachelorette parties
Sugar Daddy!Henry Cavill x Becky Kim (asian OFC)
Warnings: Sex, blowjob, squirting
Wordcount: 2.3k
A/N: Their wedding is coming closer!
Masterlist // Sugar Sugar Masterlist // Sugar Sugar the wedding Masterlist // Previous chapter //
April 3rd 1 a.m.
This night seemed never ending, but it was kinda funny nonetheless. Seeing Genevieve live out her Magic Mike fantasy, made me turn into the Regina George’s mom of Mean Girls and film her as two attractive oiled up men were grinding up against her, while Viola kept screeching out of sheer awkwardness.
With a smile on my face, I walk into the apartment, only to discover an absolutely parched Henry on the couch. He takes a sip out of a water bottle, which is a rare sight. When he is drained like this, he usually needs a whiskey to feel better. ‘What happened to you?’ I ask, causing him to look up.
‘They pulled me into a strip club,’ Henry answers, his eyes tired and followed by a deep sigh.
They as in Greg, Noah, Gino and Peter. This must’ve been Genevieve planning the entire thing. ‘Me too,’ I chuckle. ‘Just so you know, your bare ass has my preference.’ I kick off my heels and straddle his thick thighs, before wrapping my arms around his neck. ‘You look like you’ve seen multiple ghosts over the course of the night. It couldn’t possibly be that terrible.’
Henry starts to laugh. ‘It was. I don’t think I have ever been this uncomfortable. I absolutely despised that place.’
‘Why?’ I ask him, undoing his tie a bit.
‘I had no idea they would take me there,’ he says. ‘And don’t get me wrong, those women were beautiful and good at their job, but I couldn’t stop thinking of you. It felt like borderline cheating to me.’
I don’t think I ever have to worry about Henry being unfaithful to me. Such a sweetheart. He continues to talk about the perverted types sitting there and how one guy even started to help himself a little, but because he is so busy talking, he barely notices I’m unbuttoning the top of his shirt, before taking off my thin cardigan, revealing only a light blue crop top.
Only when he finally manages to tear his gaze from the ceiling, he stops talking. ‘Oh,’ he says, leaning forward to press a kiss on my cheek. ‘This I like.’
‘I knew it,’ I say. ‘I’m the only one you want.’
‘Of course,’ he scoffs. ‘Why on earth would I want someone else?’
I shrug. ‘I don’t know. Just be honest with me. Didn’t it turn you on even a little? I mean, you told me yourself they were beautiful.’
‘Yeah, they were, but they didn’t turn me on,’ he says. ‘I mean, years ago it maybe would’ve, but now, you are the only one that can turn me on. Nobody and nothing beats your body, your kisses and your whimpers.’ He kisses my lips. ‘I love you and only you.’
‘Hm,’ I say with a smile. ‘I am probably the luckiest woman on the planet. I mean, I wouldn’t mind if you were turned on a little.’
‘Were you?’
I shake my head. ‘Oh no, I barely had time for that. I mean, besides filming Genevieve having the time of her life, I just admired certain dance moves. Damn, do those men know how to move those hips.’ I run my fingers through his hair. ‘And I know I said it before, but I’ll say it again: your ass is my absolute favorite and I prefer your hairy chest over those smooth oiled up ones I saw there.’
He starts to laugh. ‘Good thing your body is my favorite as well. No one can meet up to the standards you set.’
‘You’re so cute,’ I say to him with a chuckle. ‘Especially because you’ve spend an entire night at a strip club and now is the time where you grow a little excited.’
‘Teasing me, baby girl?’ he chuckles darkly, giving me a long kiss.
‘Maybe a little, it’s just that it’s the best way for you to give me a compliment.’ I step off his lap, before I unzip his fly. ‘Just relax, okay?’
‘Oh, sweetheart, I’m already relaxed,’ he says.
I sit on my knees in front of the couch, before I pull down his pants. He leans back, after he holds my hairs in his hand. I let my tongue run over his tip and he groans softly. The grip on my hair tightens and I look up, meeting his eyes, his teeth sunk in his bottom lip.
Deciding I’m not gonna tease him too long (he has had a long night), I slowly take more and more of him in my mouth. The tip of his cock hits the back of my throat, but thanks to the many secret blowjobs underneath his desk, my gag reflex is becoming less of a reflex now. He softly forces me down a little further and I let out a moan. The vibrations cause him to buck up his hips, leaving me to slightly gag on him.
‘Oh, shit baby, I’m sorry,’ he says.
I look up, drool dripping down my chin. ‘It’s okay, honey.’
‘Oh, it’s honey now?’ he asks cocking his eyebrow. ‘We’re not in public, so you better call me something else.’
I smile. ‘I’m sorry, daddy.’ My thighs are pushed against each other, as the heat gathers in my thong. Hearing him like this, feeling him bucking up his hips and the slight pulling on my hair. It does things to me.
When I release him with a pop, he softly pulls me up by my hair, before he presses a sloppy kiss on my lips. ‘Take off your clothes, baby girl,’ he says.
I quickly shred myself from the blue crop top that didn’t need a bra and the matching short. When my thong hits the floor, Henry grabs me by my waist, squeezing the soft flesh. ‘I love you,’ he whispers. ‘In around three weeks we’re married and you’re officially my wife.’
I can’t stop my faint blush. ‘We’re gonna get married,’ I say. ‘I can’t wait.’
He hoists me up and says: ‘Me neither.’ I expect him to take this to the bedroom, but he is too damn impatient, because he bends me over the back of the couch. Without a lot of preparation, he slides deep inside of me.
I try to gain some sort of stance, but my toes are barely touching the floor. He tightly grabs onto my hips. I push the palms of my hands in the cushions of the couch to hold myself up, as Henry rams himself roughly back inside of me. I bite my lip to stop myself from moaning out loud, but it earns me a harsh slap on my butt.
‘I need to hear you, baby girl,’ he grunts.
A strangled moan leaves my lips, before it’s followed by many loud moans that fill the living room. ‘Daddy, I’m close,’ I whine and I really wished I hadn’t said that, because he pulls out, leaving me nearly begging for more.
‘I know you’re gonna make a mess,’ he says, ‘since you always do so.’ He pulls me up and smiles. ‘We don’t want to ruin the couch, right?’
I shake my head. ‘No, we don’t.’
He carries me to the kitchen counter, placing me on the cold granite. He buries his member into my throbbing center, holding my chin in between his fingers. ‘So fucking beautiful,’ he mumbles. His thumb runs over my bottom lip, before he pulls me in a deep kiss. I open my mouth, our tongues so familiar with one another.
As his tip kisses my cervix every single time he thrusts in, it nearly forces a whiney moan out of me. He always goes deep, but it’s different this time. It feels so so different. ‘Daddy, you’re so deep.’
He smiles. ‘I know that, baby girl. You like that, don’t you?’
I nod, feeling myself flutter around him. ‘Can I cum?’ I ask, digging my nails in his shoulders.
‘Of course, baby.’
I throw my head back, as I squirt around him, indeed making such a mess. He knows me too well. As I ride out my high, Henry buries his face in my neck, sucking on the delicate skin there. I cry out, sensitivity taking over and my nails marking his back. He grunts as he paints my velvet walls from the inside, his fingers tips digging deep in my legs.
‘I’m sorry,’ I whimper, as insecurity takes over. ‘Daddy, I’m so sorry.’
‘What’s wrong, baby?’ he asks. ‘Tell me what’s wrong.’
‘I made such a mess.’ My legs are sticky, I know his legs are too and let’s just not say anything about the walls of the kitchen island.
‘Have I ever complained about that before?’ Henry asks with a cocked eyebrow.
I shake my head. ‘No.’
He cradles my face in his hands and whispers: ‘Then don’t you worry about it, okay?’
‘I’m sorry,’ I chuckle nervously. ‘I’ll try.’
Henry cocks his head, taking in every feature of my face. ‘Something’s bothering you?’ he asks me.
Maybe a little. ‘Not necessarily,’ I whisper.
‘You want to talk about it?’
I bite my lip. ‘It’s stupid.’
‘You could never say something stupid,’ he says. ‘How about a bath?’
‘Sounds good.’
✤ ✤ ✤
With my back against Henry’s chest, I stare at the ceiling in the bathroom. We’re engulfed in warm water and he finally asks: ‘So, what’s going inside your head, baby girl?’
‘Well,’ I say, ‘the other day it kinda hit me that… When you and I get married, there is a possibility for a divorce. You can exchange me for anyone you want.’
He wraps his arms around my upper body, pulling me closer to him. ‘And why would I do that?’
‘I don’t know. An opportunity?’
He gives me a kiss on top of my head. ‘I love you and only you, mrs Becky Cavill. I am not spending a lot of money on a wedding I know will fail. Heck, I wouldn’t even proposed to you if I wasn’t this serious about you.’
I sigh deeply, realizing worrying about this was absolutely nonsense. ‘I don’t even know what I was worried about.’
‘Just tell me these things, okay?’ Henry says. ‘I wanna be there for you.’
‘I promise,’ I say with a smile. ‘I promise.’
April 24th 9 p.m.
Tomorrow we’re getting married and these last few weeks have been kinda hectic. My dad is officially divorced, lives in a lovely house downtown and has yet to decorate his place, but with the wedding coming up and him actively wanting to help out, that just has to wait.
Genevieve and Viola never met my parents, but they are sure as hell absolutely mad about my dad. They continue to call him: ‘cute as a button’ and I almost feel like he is our dad, instead of just mine. Without the wedding band and my mom next to him, I realize that my dad is actually such a nice guy. We get along really well and he is dead set on improving our relationship, just like I am.
While I did suggest he’d walk me down the aisle, he found himself not worthy of it and though I told him he was, I still respect that decision.
We’re at our destination for our wedding. We chose Maui, Hawaii for a few reasons. One, the weather is great and two, my friends, Henry’s friends and my dad are gonna stay for a little vacation there, while Henry and I go to our private island to start our honeymoon.
I honestly couldn’t be more excited. Henry and I took all sorts of measurements, checking the venue, seeing if everything is alright and then, tomorrow: we’re gonna be husband and wife.
Henry has been reading his vows for at least fifteen minutes now, when he finally folds the paper and places it on the book that we’re taking with us tomorrow.
Leave it to Henry to book the most expensive room in the entire hotel, with a view to die for. My dad had his eyes on a little place, one he had been eyeing for so long. Henry arranged it for him, even making sure he had access to the pool and a taxi.
‘Baby,’ he whispers, when he wraps his arms around my waist. ‘How about a little love making? Last time before we’re husband and wife.’
‘Henry, we had sex today,’ I chuckle. ‘Aren’t you ever tired of me?’
‘No, never.’
I turn around in his arms and say: ‘I’d like to be able to walk down the aisle tomorrow.’
‘That’s why I said a little love making.’
‘How about you and I enjoy the jacuzzi?’ I suggest. ‘I’ll be naked.’
Within ten minutes we’re all set and done in the jacuzzi and I straddle his lap, before taking a sip of my wine. ‘So, when you and I are back from our honeymoon, what do you want to do?’ I ask.
‘I want to travel to some places with you,’ he says. ‘Go look for a new place for the two of us to live in. Get you pregnant.’
I snort. ‘Oh, how romantic.’
‘What?’ He starts to laugh. ‘I mean, it’s the goal eventually right?’
‘We could adopt a dog from the shelter,’ I say, ‘get a little practice in. I mean, a dog and a baby are not comparable, but still.’
‘I’d love that.’ He pulls me closer to him and gives me a kiss. ‘I’m just gonna say it now, but expect to hear this many many times. I can’t wait for you to be pregnant.’
I smile. ‘And why is that?’ I ask him. ‘So I’m even more helpless and you have to do more for me?’
He shakes his head. ‘No, because we made a baby together and are gonna have a family of our own. I mean, how amazing is it that we’re gonna be the Cavills, right?’
I squeal. ‘Oh my, that is so amazing. I cannot wait for that to happen either. I’m tempted to quit my birth control right now.’
‘What is stopping you?’
‘Well, I want to have a little bit more childless time with you,’ I say. ‘Just you and me, traveling the world.’
‘Sounds good, baby girl.’
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littlesimps · 3 years
So, first of all foolish but like obviously you need some backstory SO maybe the reader and foolish could be friends yaknow and like they do friend things and they could yaknow have a moment
Your wish is my command. (:
<Warning> A little Angst
FoolishG x Fem! Reader
“Scared to lose you”
Third POV
As usual, war goes on, betrayals happen, and people simply minding their own business and trying to step down or just joining in on it all.
(Y/n) didn’t pick any sides, the one thing she last thing she wanted to deal with is death and it’s blaming. She knew if she ever got caught up in the middle of it, she’ll get strikes hard with pain. Mentally or Physically. Now, (Y/n) may seem alone if she doesn’t join into the war and such. But, she does have a certain friend she always visits every now and then. Which is Foolish himself, a person who’s a Totem of Undying. Being friends with the god for the past few years, before they both even joined the Dream Smp lands.
Walking down to the desert Foolish lived in, she started pondering in her thoughts.
'Wonder how he’s been doing..' (Y/n) stares at the ground ahead of her, thoughts wondering from one thing to another. He’s been a bit annoyed lately, due to Bad and his so called “Eggpire” coming after Foolish about some egg. She’s glad that Foolish was alright and she, herself avoided Bad after hearing about him acting odd for some time. Something about red vines spreading and the egg. It worried her a little, but she shrugged it off and wandered her thought to another thought. 'He’s been acting upset lately after what Bad said something to him..' (Y/n) recalled back to Foolish explaining what happened after she came to visit Foolish when Bad and his group left. She knew Foolish was gonna have to talk to her about it instead of just not talking about it.
Snapping back into reality, (Y/n) spots the familiar god on one of his knees, rummaging through his chest.
He wore his usual white shirt, and white pants tied with a rope to keep his pants up. His golden skin shining a little in the sun as it was littered with dark spots from him also being part shark. Foolish cheeks were littered with more dark spots to over the bride of his nose. His brown hair hidden under a shark hood (Y/n) made for him, giving it as a gift for being given a stack of enderpearls she needed by him one time.
(Y/n) soon stops admiring him once Foolish turns his head towards her, standing up and walking over to her in his smaller form.
“(Y/n)! It’s great to see you again.” Foolish smiled, but the joy that was coming from his mouth never reached his eyes. (Y/n) frowned for a split second before grinning up at the man.
“I’d say the same thing to you too, Foolish.” (Y/n) chuckled, putting her hands on both her hips.
“So, what brings you here?” Foolish questioned, tilting his head a little to the side. The corner of (Y/n) mouth twitched upwards a bit more before it stopped once she remember what she was gonna talk to him about. Not wanting to ruin the mood so quick, she offers him for a walk, in which he accepts without hesitation.
Both of the two walk around, passing old buildings and new buildings that were created by their friends. Few were destroyed big or small, others were rebuilt much better or just the same.
The duo fell into a calm silence, walking on the prime path.
(Y/n) couldn’t help their thoughts wonder, their (e/c), eye’s lowering to where it was pointed to the ground.
She was enjoy this, yet, confusion stirred in her.
She kept noticing Foolish eyes staring down at her for a few times, brushing his hand against hers, and that his large shark tail swayed a bit more faster than usual since the start of the walk.
“(Y/n)?” Foolish voice comes into her ears, waking her up from her confused little thoughts running around her head.
She hums, looking up at Foolish.
He halts, sitting down under the bride and near the water. (Y/n) complies when Foolish pats the ground next to him, sitting down and crossing her legs.
“I know you want to talk to something with me, (Y/n)..” Foolish grin falls down, a small frown taking over his golden face as he looks at (Y/n). (Y/n) stayed silent for a bit, sighing after a minute or two.
She knew that she wasn’t good at hiding certain things from Foolish.
“I’ve noticed that you’ve been upset lately, after what happened between you and Bad.” (Y/n) answers, fiddling with her fingers as she gazes at the water before her. Foolish noted that she always did this whenever she was nervous.
Foolish scooted a little closer to her, watching her relax a little.
“I wanted to ask..” (Y/n) trailed off into a mumble, making Foolish frown dampen a little more. “Wanted to ask what?” He asked, raising a brow just a tad bit as he tilts his head at the woman sat next to him. A sigh draws from (Y/n) mouth before she fully repeats. “I wanted to ask what did Bad also say that made you upset lately?” (Y/n) turns her head to Foolish, making eye contact with his emerald, colored, eyes.
Foolish goes stiff, remembering back to what Bad said to him.
“I..” He tries to utter out his explanation, except Foolish throat felt like a lump was stuck in it as he started to feel emotional. Foolish breaks away from (Y/n) gaze, his eyes being planted to the ground beneath the two of you.
“I don’t wanna talk about it.” Foolish let’s it out quick, changing on what he was gonna say.
Standing up, he starts walking away without a goodbye. Although, (Y/n) wasn’t gonna let him off that easily. Quickly getting rising from the ground, she jogs over to Foolish and stops in front of him, keeping him from walking any further away. “(Y/n)—” He was instantly cut off by the said person. “Foolish. I understand that you don’t wanna talk about it, but it’s gonna get harder if you don’t tell me.” (Y/n) brows knit together, knowing this could’ve happened sense it was normal for him to sometimes try to shrug it off and avoid talking about things he’s upset about. “(Y/n)..you don’t need to know what Bad said. It’s none of your concern.” Foolish glares down at (Y/n), getting annoyed each second that pasts.
“It is my concern. I care about you, Foolish. You mean so much to me and I hate having to see you upset about something for a bit. So please..just let it out to me.” (Y/n) opens her arms to him, awaiting for the golden man to step into her arms and allow her to caress him, afraid to hurt him.
And so did Foolish did, taking a few steps forward and falling into (Y/n) arms. Trying to keep the tears in that pricked his eyes.
Foolish knew he couldn’t keep all his sadness away from her, she saw right through him like how he saw right through her. That’s what he loved about (Y/n). Foolish loves everything about her. He would do anything for her, no matter what. Heck, he would even die for her.
It made him happy that she was here for him.
“Bad..he—he said he was gonna hurt you...if I don’t join them. A-And I got scared, angered, and so many more at the thought of that.” Foolish voice cracked, giving up on keeping the salty tears in and allowing them to roll down his cheeks and onto (Y/n) shoulder.
“I’m scared to lose you...”
She rubbed his back, tangling her other hand in his brunette hair.
He sniffs, his arms tightening a little more around her waist. Wanting to feel closer to her than he already is. His thoughts now walking off to thoughts of her. Thoughts of (Y/n). The woman who’s been friends with him for years, the one he’s started loving for the past few months. The woman who’s always comforting him when he needs it.
Before he knew it, his mouth let out the words he’s always wanted to say to her ever since then.
“I love you, (Y/n)..”
(Y/n) hands stop moving, her body going tense. Foolish immediately realizes his mistake, hastily removing his head from her shoulder. “I-I didn’t—I’m so sorry—I don’t what I was thinking-” Foolish was cut short by a hand gently caressing his tear stained cheek. Slowly, he moves his emerald eyes over to (Y/n).
His body relaxes once he sees soft eyes staring at him, unreadable to know what (Y/n) eyes were showing besides them looking so kind and comforting.
Subconsciously, he leans his head into her hand. His hand leaving his side to caress (Y/n) hand.
“Foolish, don’t be sorry. It’s alright. Everything will be okay..and I love you, too.” (Y/n) beams up at Foolish, making him melt on the inside. He felt his cheeks heat up, he rubs his face into (Y/n) hand. Giving a small peck into her palm. Moving his head out of her hand after a moment of silence, he brings his other hand out, only using it to hold (Y/n) cheek. Foolish leans to her face, pausing to ask for permission. A small chuckle occurs from (Y/n), earning a nod as his only answer. He smiles before making his lips come in contact with hers.
A god being a mortals friend, to having a crush on her, and lastly..to becoming the person she’ll love always.
Hhhhhh man was it a little confusing to try and imagine how this should go, but this went pretty good then I expected tbh. Hope you enjoyed this by the way, dear friend!
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cloud-breathing · 3 years
Oh! Ok!! Lets see. What are your headcanons about Zenitsu? (Or your favorite character. So far Zen and Tanjiro are tied for ultimate favorite for me)
AHHHHH ok ok!! I'm so glad you submitted an ask! Hopefully what I have in store suits your fancy haha
Without any further ado, let's get into it
Kimetsu no Yaiba (Demon Slayer) Headcanons ft. Zenitsu Agatsuma + Tengen Uzui
(I hope the addition of Tengen was ok)
! minor spoilers !
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Look, we all know that this boy is a big ol' fradey cat.
So much so that when Gramps got sick of his whining because he was scared to train, fight a demon, what have you, he had Zenitsu stay outside until he did what he needed to do
After that he still got scared (as we saw in the show) but he learned to do what he was told pretty quickly
As for the Nezuko situation...He tells Tanjiro that he should either bow his head in shame or commit seppuku as a way to apologize for not telling him that the demon he was carrying around was a cute girl
It's also rare that he shows another girl tons of affection, it doesn't matter if she's cute or not
Like, Nezuko is the one he wants, and he will yell NEZUKO-CHAN 24/7 if it means that he gets to be with her
(stan Zenitsu for liking Nezuko even when he knew she was a demon)
Demon Slayers fight in the dark all the time but,,, he's scared of the dark
Not a MOMENT goes by while on a mission that he doesn't wish he had a night light, a lamp, just SOMETHING
Cannot express how relieved homie was that the Tsuzumi demon mission was during the day (even if the mansion was dark af)
I think being his best friend would be a roller coaster ride
I honestly have no clue how Tanjiro and Inosuke put up with it
That and the fact that Sanemi hasn't chased him and told him to shut it
(Aoi probably has though)
When he busted the gourd after rehabilitation training, he tried SOOOOO hard to impress Nezuko with just that fact alone
Just a little theory of mine, I think he switches personalities when he wakes up and uses Thunder Breathing, but anyways,,,
Big ball of sunshine 10/10 would hug
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I'm gonna start this one off by saying... TENGEN PLEASE LET ME BE YOUR FOURTH WIFE!,,, ok enough of that
He is sooo caring
Like, you'd expect him to forget things occasionally, accidently favor another wife over the others
He is basically perfect where his marriage is involved
Straight, but an ally because I head canon his wives to be bi/pan
Everyone in the home has a closet to themselves, which are already MASSIVE, I mean like, apartment sized, but this man had TWO
It's because of all his flamboyant jewelry
You can't tell me that he doesn't keep colored contacts just for the heck of it
They make him feel snazzy
During the summer, sometimes he'll have picnics with his wives by a water fall near their home, so they'll always bring a watermelon or two
He breaks them open with his thighs
Makio, Suma, and Hinatsuru just sit there and clap while he folds his arms and admires his work with the dorkiest of grins on his face
He also tries on clothes that the girls have bought a few sizes too big on "accident"
Actually, he secretly likes it because, toxic masculinity, we don't know her
I would love to live in his household, I feel like it would be the most fun experience anyone could ever think of
Thank you so much for this ask Anon!! I had a lot of fun with it, (and i got to get out some Tengen thoughts)
If you ever have anymore asks, my box is almost never closed haha
Remember! like and reblogs can really help out writers!
Have a great night and I hope you enjoy
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kino-alternative · 3 years
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“ To Be Someone ”
|| Hajime Hinata X Gender Neutral!Reader ||
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❀ There he stood, staring at the huge building in front of him. The building in front of him was Hope's Peak Academy, the school of the talented and gifted.
From sports stars, singers, musicians to something as big as a yakuza, princess, heck- even something as complicated as luck. Those that excel at their own specific talent that no average person could reach are called an Ultimate.
That's what Hajime Hinata dreamed to be. Someone with an ultimate. Someone with talent. To be someone. Though, he is nothing but an average, normal, talentless and good for nothing reserve course student. That was him. He was nobody. A nobody who could only dream.
Hajime gripped on the strap of his bag as his eyebrows furrowed. Just dreaming. A dream that won't become reality. He turned around, looking at the ground as he began to walk away from the main building.
As he continued to walk to the Reserve Course Department, someone else passed by him and headed to the main building. Hajime stopped his tracks and turned his head to look behind him. Sakura petals blocked his view. The only thing he could see was the main building uniform and the keychain clipped onto their bag.
Soon enough, the person disappeared from sight when the gates closed. Hajime continued to stare, his eyes glistened before tearing away his gaze and walking back to his original destination.
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❀ Leaning on the bench of the park located in between the two schools, Hajime let out a long sigh of exhaustion. Throwing his head back, he admired the orange-red-yellow mixed sky. It was quiet. No one really went to the park since the talentless and talented refused to meet each other.. or something like that.
Huh? what was that? Is that... Is someone humming? Before Hajime could even lift his head, he gave in. He couldn't help but let himself relax to it. It was soothing and comforting. Like most sappy writers describe, it felt like a warm hug or being cradled gently like a baby.
Bringing himself back to reality, he opened his eyes and lifted his head. He then turned around to look behind him. There, he spotted a familiar looking keychain and the main building uniform. This was the person from before. What were they doing here?
The person opened their eyes, revealing a (E/C} color. They stared right back at him, their humming stopped as silence once again returned. Both took this as their chance to get a better look of the other.
They opened their mouth, their eyebrows raised "You're...The boy from before, right?" Hajime slowly nodded, almost hesitantly "Y-Yeah.. Are you..?" He trailed off once they answered with a nod as well. The boy thought for a moment. He wanted to ask them something but wasn't quite sure if it's okay.
After debating in his head and listing the cons and pros, he opened his mouth and asked "If you don't mind me asking...What were you doing at the Reserve Course Department?" Dang it. That came out rude.
They didn't seem to pay any mind to it and furrowed their eyebrows, a smile forming on their face. "You want to be an Ultimate someday... Right?" Before he could respond to their rather true assumption, they added on "The same goes for me...Just the exact opposite of what you want to be"
Opposite? "The exact opposite of what I want to be...?" Hajime slowly repeated as he processed their answer. The gears in his head started to turn when it clicked, his eyes slowly widening while at it. "You... Want to be a Reserve Course Student?"
They nodded.
He was confused.
"Why-" "Maybe some other time" They cut him off, standing up from their seat and grabbing their bag as they put their earphones and phone away. They began to walk back to the main department, stopping for a moment and looking at the brunette. Raising their hand and smiling, they said "See ya! Oh, and don't forget to tell me your name, alright?"
Before the boy could even utter a word or sound, the same kind of petals once again blocked his view. And once they were out of his sight, the person was already gone.
Hajime didn't noticed until now that his hand was reached out. He looked at it and stared at his palm. The exact opposite of what he wanted to be. That was their reasoning.
Unlike him, a person who wishes to have talent... Wishes to be someone special... They want to be a person who has no talent? Do they wish to be someone ordinary?
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❀ Back in front of the gates of Hope's Peak Academy. Hajime sighed, lowering his head. He still didn't quite understood why the person wanted to be like him. To be nobody.
"Ah, so you are here" He flinched and immediately turned around. There standing with their usual smile was the person themselves. They raised their hand, waved it "Hey" "S-Sorry.. Er.." That's right. They still haven't introduced to each other.
The person then walked to his side, staring at the main building. Though, unlike him, their eyes weren't filled with any positive emotions or even a tiny bit of admiration. It was just blank. No interest whatsoever.
He wonders why that is.
"We haven't introduced to each other yet, right?" They asked, their eyes now staring at his. Hajime blinked and nodded "Yeah.." The person faced him, pointing a finger at themselves, "I'm Y/N L/N, Ultimate Music Writer" They held out their hand for him to take and shake.
Hajime smiled awkwardly and took their hand "I'm Hajime Hinata. Reserve Course Student"
Their hand was warm/cold. How comforting.
"Well, Hajime, I don't normally go to class... Do you have enough time left before school starts?" Y/N asked with a tilt of their head, their eyebrows raising. Hajime pulled out his phone and pressed the on button, his screen opening and there said the time. Oh, he was- An hour early!? Since when!?
He decided not to ask and simply nodded at the person, "Yeah. At the park?" He asked back. They grinned and turned around, "Mhmm, c'mon"
The walk there was filled with small talk, just to ease the tension just a bit and get to know each other. Asking the basic questions, what do you like to do? Any hobbies? Etc...
Although Hajime - he believes - had pretty basic answers, Y/N didn't seem to mind at all and continued on.
Once they get to their destination, they sat on one of the benches.
Hajime glanced at them for a split second before looking at the fountain. He decided to think and zone out for a bit. Asking questions to himself as he pondered...
Is it okay for me to ask them?
Is it too early?
Before his thoughts could fully consume him, his mouth open and said on it's own "You don't have to tell me now. I think we should try to get each other first" Y/N stared at him , their eyes slightly wide. Ah, they didn't expect that. Neither did Hajime himself.
Y/N had a smile, a smile that you could tell was relief. Relief of not having to tell something you don't want to. They closed their eyes and thanked the brunette, "Agreed. Thanks"
Hajime couldn't help but smile back as well. Relief of not choosing/saying the wrong thing. "So, you were saying?" He asked with a tone to signal them. With that, the subject changed as the ultimate rambled "Oh! Right! Apparently, that wasn't the actual-"
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❀ Everyday. Every hour. Every minute. Every second. They would meet at the park. The place that stored many memories between the two opposite students from the two different buildings. They would laugh. They would fight. They would vent. They would even stay quiet and still managed to enjoy their time together.
They would be there for the other when they need them most.
"Ah, there you are" Y/N smiled as they raised and turned their from the phone in their hands to the brunette walking towards them. They let out a hum. A hum that signals that they knew what the other was feeling. They set their phone down and asked, "Hey, what's wrong?"
Hajime, despite the fake smile on his face, knew better than to lie to them. Especially since the two have been best friends for a while now. Although he doesn't want to bother them, he was quite glad that someone asked him and actually sounded genuinely concern.
The boy sat down beside them, throwing his head back as he closed his eyes. With a sigh, he said "The leaves are green" That, indeed, was true. Y/N tilted their head, nodding slowly, "I see... Who or what? Why?" But to them, that meant something else.
As cheesy as it sounds, the music writer once told him that they had an idea. Specifically, signal ideas. Hajime, of course, thought it wasn't necessary but did so anyway. He thought he wouldn't need to use the them but they were, in fact, useful at most situations.
The one he just used now, meant envy and or jealousy.
"..." He stayed silent at first, having second thoughts before saying what he had on his mind. His thoughts and feelings. "This is gonna sound very stupid... And probably getting annoying but.. I guess I'm just really jealous of you"
Y/N blinked, "Me?" They didn't sound offended. They sounded more... Confused than anything. Which Hajime was thankful for since he didn't want to offend them in any way.
"An Ultimate. Someone that excels at a specific thing and an even higher than actual professionals.. Talent, basically" He smiled. A sad one. "The usual, you know?.."
Y/N stayed silent as they leaned on the bench, throwing their head back as well with their eyes closed. Hajime's, now open, eyes looked at them with a lift of his head. It looked like they were stuck in their mind.
It wasn't unusual, so he patiently waited.
""Maybe some other time", that's what I said when we first met, right?" They suddenly asked, which kind of startled him. Hajime fully lofted his head and shifted slightly in his seat to look at them despite their closed eyes. "Yeah.."
"I wanted to be free. Free from everyone's expectations. Free from my title" They stared back at him, noticing how he was closely listening to what they were saying. "To be someone who could just do what they want and who they want to be. To be someone even without talent. Because to me, talent isn't the only way that makes you someone or special"
They smiled and lifted their head, hands on their knees as they looked at the brunette. "To me, everyone is their own person and special in their own way. Talent or none" They grinned, their eyes closed as they exclaimed "And to me, Hajime Hinata is special and an ultimate in his own way"
Hajime stared at them, his eyes widening. Before he knew it, his face was red and his heart was pounding. Flustered. Touched. He felt... Special. Just by hearing them say it.
He cools down, his cheeks are still have a visible pink color on them. A smile made it's way on his face. Ah, so that's their reason.
"Oh, I was going to tell you more but it seems like time passes by rather quickly" Y/N pointed at the time on their phone. Hajime snapped out of his trance, eyebrows raised as he asked "Huh? What were you-"
Before he could continue, they stood up from the bench and looked down at the brunette. With their hand raised and waving, they said those words "Maybe some other time" And with that, they left.
Hajime watched them disappear from sight. He blinked before putting his hand down and smiled softly. He stood up from the bench and began to take his leave as well.
He understood what they meant. So now looking forward, he was taking his first step of not having to worry about becoming someone. Because now... Talent or talentless... Everyone is their own person, special in their own way.
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sainz-zayn · 4 years
Anagapesis (n.) no longer feeling any affection for someone you once loved
Warnings: cheating please if you're sensitive towards this kind of topic please don't read it, alcohol usage, suggestive and sexual themes, toxic relationship, swearing, cheating is not good please don`t take this seriously in real life.
Word count: 5k+
Disclaimer: All Characters and events in this story even those based on real people are entirely fictional.
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"Tell me have you ever love me!?" I whispered timidly.
"I've never loved you not even once!" He answered.
Those words came out from his beautiful lips like nothing ever happened between the two of us.
"Leave! I hate you!" my tears starts to fall from my eyes. I`ve never felt this broken before but the one and only Jung Jaehyun made me feel like my heart is shattered into pieces.
Well, how did it all started?
Sitting on my chair signing a contract all day long is hella hectic and surely stressful. I surely need an award tonight for this, maybe going out with the girls tonight is one of the greatest ideas.
Arriving at the club, a tall handsome man with great features already attracts my attention. The both of us checking out each other shamelessly is a wholesome scenery for my best friend.
"Looks like my best friend took a liking at someone huh?" Yoona said, then she  smirk at me before handing me a glass of wine. I rolled my eyes at her playfully.
"Why, do you know him?" I asked her as my attention goes back to where the man is sitting while talking to a girl, who I assumed is his girlfriend.
"No, I don't know him but my boyfriend Johnny surely does. his name is Jaehyun, Jung Jaehyun to be exact." Yoona exclaimed as I drink my fourth glass of wine.
"Johnny do you know the girl beside him?" I asked. 
"Yeah, that's his girlfriend Yerim. I kinda don't like her though. Want me to introduce you to him?" Duh, Yes, I`d like to. 
"Sure" but before I can stand up, Jaehyun is already walking towards our table  then he greets Johnny and do their handshake.
"You look like you've gotten into a fight" I said eyeing him, Jaehyun. 
"I'm Mayjun, Han Mayjun. Nice to meet you Mr. Handsome" I wink at him before grabbing another drink. He noticed that I`m flirting so he decided to go with it.
"I'm Jaehyun, Johnny's best friend and yeah... me and my girlfriend fought earlier" Jaehyun sighed then I gave him a glass of wine.
"Here drink this" 
 Yoona and Johnny told us that they are gonna dance for a bit. Tsk, a bit my ass huh. I know that they will be gone for a whole night.
"I guess we're alone now" He said then smirked.  Because of that decided to tease him.
"That guy kinda looks hot don't you think so?" 
"Tsk" Jaehyun replied.
"Awe is someone`s jealous now Mr.handsome?" I playfully chuckle.
"Wanna go for a dance?" I asked him making my way to the dance floor.
"Sure wait for m-" before he could finish talking I already started dancing. swinging my hips to the beat seductively while looking at him deep in the eyes makes him feel some kind of things that he shouldn't be feeling at this point.
 "You have a girlfriend for fuck sake Jaehyun" he  murmured under his breath but I heard it. 
He lost it when I and bite my lips. He approach me and holds my hips like I`m his. Everything happened so fast his soft plump lips are kissing mine roughly while I`m slowly grinding against his hard erected manhood.
That's how I ended waking up on Jaehyun's bed early in the morning in his masculine pair of arms. Wrapped around your waist just how I want it to be.
I faced him and greeted by a half-naked Jaehyun making me blush so hard.
"Like what you see?" He said mockingly while slowly showing his beautiful dimple that makes me love him more. This is wrong but it feels so right. Well, bad feels good, good feels bad.
He stands up making me see a more clearer view of his muscular body.
"I-i know this is wrong. I'm sorry for seducing you I am sorry we're both drunk last night and you know it too." I look down shyly and guilt is washing over my  body.
"Hey, what are you saying!? You don't need to be sorry. We both chose to do this and we're gonna continue it." He hugs my waist. I look at his eyes and pissed is clearly written all over his face.
"But you have a girlfriend I can't share a man with that girl!" I rolled my eyes at him. I push him through his chest and that made him more pissed off.
"We already did it so what's the point of turning back!?" He pinned me to the wall harshly making me hiss in pain before crashing his lips to mine. Without knowing you kissed him back. After a minute of our hot make-out session he pulled you into his embrace.
"So?" He whispered.
"Fine let's continue it, it's not like I don`t have a choice" I sigh before putting on my clothes.
"Stay I'll cook breakfast" He demand.
"No, I will not!" I exclaimed.
"Yes, you will" he said while approaching you.
"Jaehyun I'm already late. I'm the company`s CEO, I don't have a choice it's been a hectic week for our company."
"How about a dinner tonight?" He asked while fixing the watch on his wrist. Dinner sounds good.
"Okay, I'll eat dinner with you" I gave him a peck on his lips before leaving his house.
Sighing at myself, I rub my temples softly if yesterday was hella hectic then today is hella hell. A meeting here and there a contract to sign. I don't even get to eat lunch. I only have coffee and a subway burger that my secretary gave. 
I watch as the sun set a lot happened in a day. When the realization hits me, I don't even give Jaehyun my number nor my address. I consciously think of a way to contact him but it all stops when a soft knock interrupts my thoughts.
"Come in" I said clearing my throat, as my office door opens I see a glimpse of Jaehyun`s side profile.
"H-how?" I tried to remember if I gave him my address but no. 
I can`t recall anything. I stand up and he opens his arms for me to hug him but I walk pass him.
"Hey, I'm right here as you can see" he furrowed his eyebrows at me.
"duh! I know that I'm not blind" but deep inside I`m thinking how the heck he found out where I am.
"if you`re thinking how I get here, it`s because I tell my secretary to find you and here I am" Jaehyun admires my office for a bit. His taste is kinda similar to mine I think.
"by the way since last night I still didn't introduce my self properly I`m Jung Jaehyun the owner and CEO of Neo tech enterprises" Jaehyun smirk at my reaction.
 I can`t believe it the one whom I hook up with last night is one of the richest men I`ve ever know. His the owner of the number one technology company in South Korea with a New York branch. My company is ranked top 2 before his.
"and? that doesn`t change the fact that you`re cheating on your girlfriend with me." I huff in annoyance as the word "your girlfriend" slides to my tongue bitterly.
"I'm not here to argue with you okay? I`m here to have dinner with you. Now if you don`t want me here then bye" I`m shocked at his sudden change but you won`t easily chase him and lose. He wants to play? then let's play. But after thinking you decide not to play hard to get.
"Jaehyun I'm sorry okay? I-I`m just stress." then he smiles knowing that he already win. 
"Okay now don`t just stand there and let`s go." he emotionlessly said.
It`s been almost 4 months my relationship with Jaehyun is still going on. Everyone notices the tension every time we have a friend gathering. of course, we hook up here and there or whenever he wants to but today is different this past few weeks it`s like he been avoiding me. Not like the old days he always takes me to date and cuddles with me. He always makes me feel love, my friends already warn me that I might regret what we`re doing now in the future but I could care less.
Admiring my expensive dress in the mirror I sure do look mesmerizing, I always do. Many men are ready to give their love to me, many of them have already court me but none of them is in my standard. Yes I admit it I`m a picky and choosy person when it comes to my love life or personal affair but what can I do? when there is only one Jung Jaehyun in the world. The thought of him with another woman is making me jealous but that's not the point you already have him wrapped around your fingers. You're Han Mayjun and what Mayjun want, Mayjun get. You have it all powers, wealth, beauty, and most importantly Jung Jaehyun one of the richest and handsome men you've ever known. 
While sipping my favorite wine, I heard a light knock from my door assuming that it`s jaehyun but I remind myself that it`s not him because he already told me that he`s going to the gala with his girlfriend. Yeah, the girlfriend who he always takes to the gala with him. Because of this we argue with each other and I didn`t hear anything from him in 2 days but what can you do about it your relationship with him is all hidden from the public.
"Come in" the door open and my date for the night who is my Ex Jungwoo. I gotta admit, it took me so long to move on from him because of what happened between the two of us. He just suddenly leave me like nothing ever happened between the two of us. He leaves me without saying goodbye. almost 3 years ago he goes to the US to take over his dad company and comeback after a year and us two got into good chemistry and became a best friend that`s why he`s the one who I choose to be my date tonight at the gala. 
"Pleasure to meet you my love" Jungwoo holds my hand and kisses the top of it gently. It makes my heart flutter, I gotta hide it.
"No need to be so polite you know, I miss you Kim Jungwoo" I give him a big teddy bear hug who he accepts gladly. I take my time hugging Jungwoo it`s like his my comfort. The moment stops when his assistant interrupts us.
" Sir we have to go or we`ll be late for tonight's event" Jungwoo`s assistant clearly said for the both of us to hear.
"Shall we princess?" He smiles teasingly and I hate it. But I also find comfort in it.
"Oh, come on Woo stop with the pet names and let`s go" Slapping his arms playfully we go straight to Jungwoo`s car going to the Gala. It only takes a minute to arrive. Jungwoo immediately go outside of the car to open it for me and a thousand of lights flicking and clicking towards our direction. and Jung-woo shield me from it before walking in the red carpet we post while his arms are wrapped around my waist. Tomorrow the both of us will be surely the hit topic on social media and magazines almost in all newspaper headlines. Because they all know about our public relationship how it works out and how it ended.
I go inside the building with Jungwoo beside me and I see our group of friends waving at us and we approached them. I heard a whistle from Lucas and Yuqi my best friend. They started dating weeks ago, Lucas is Jaehyun`s best friend and Yuqi is my long-time friend just like Yoona.
"You look sexy tonight babe" Yuqi honestly said and all of them agreed. I`m  kinda shock that Lucas and Jungwoo know each other, almost all of them know each other.
Y`all are having fun talking to each other or whoever approach our table. Every minute, different Ceo. My friends notice that almost all of them is flirting with me but I shrugged it off and go on with having fun when the atmosphere suddenly changes. I turn around only to see Jaehyun approaching our table. He looks good tonight his hair is neatly done, the tuxedo that his wearing fits him well. Jungwoo notices the way that I look at Jaehyun. I used to look at him like that too. Sometimes he wonders what if he didn`t leave and break your heart? maybe I will still gonna be his.
Jaehyun is looking at you without thinking about others. He just wants to hug you, kiss you, and feel you on his body. But this day guilt is been washing all over his body that`s why he's trying to distance himself from you and he feels sorry for that but knowing that you go here with Jungwoo, makes him feels some kind of things that might not help in this kind of situation.
"Yow, what`s up dude?" mark happily greets him and invited him to sit he also knows what`s going on between the two of you. 
"Where`s Yerim?" Seulgi asks while the others shift their attention to Seulgi and Jaehyun, yeah you`re curious to where is Yerim? doesn`t she come here with jaehyun?
"She`s in the restroom" Jaehyun replies to them they ask him more things but he can only think about you, do you think about him too? the answer is probably yes but you can`t bring yourself to look at him you`re scared that you might cry in front of them and your pride will not let you.
"Hi babe sorry I need to go to the restroom and leave you alone" and that`s when Jaehyun finally talks normally and not dryly he`s usually not like this towards his friend but tonight is really different.
"It's okay baby come and sit here with me" my group of friends cheers for them playfully and that`s when I finally look at him with jealousy burning in my eyes. Everyone suddenly stops cheering realizing what`s going on between the two of us. Jaehyun smirked at me and this time I hate it. he wants to play a game? then let`s play.
I didn`t hesitate to roll my eyes at him and I turn to my side to face Jungwoo who is now in his 5th drink.
"Baby slow down you`re getting tipsy" I know that Jung-woo has a high alcohol tolerance but the show must go on. 
"I`m fine baby don't worry" Jungwoo only grins at me making you soft. When he suddenly gave you a peck on the lips, and you gave him one too. Oh, I know how much Jaehyun hates hearing somebody else calls me baby. Because he`s the only one who called me that. 
"Hey, you two if you`re going to get back together then don`t make it long! just do it." Yoona said making Yuqi, and Seulgi coo with their boyfriend. Jaehyun hates how you blush with their sudden statement but little did you know everyone is doing it on purpose so that Jaehyun can get jealous.
Jungwoo whispers in my ears, asking me if I wanna go home too but I hesitate.
"If you`re uncomfortable right now, I can take you home" I hesitantly look around and you see everyone talking about business, and you look at Jaehyun to only see him avoiding Yerim`s touch. My plan work I thought so I decided it`s better if I let Jungwoo take me home.
"Guys we`re going home now” Jungwoo and me bid our Goodbye to them and other businessmen in the party.
"okay, make sure you drive well Jungwoo if anything happens to my best friend I`ll kill you" Yuqi said before the both of us go outside to Jungwoo`s car.
We arrive at my house and I thank Jungwoo for helping me out tonight, and for driving me home. I don`t know why, but I`m excited to know if anything will happen tonight.
I go to my room to change into my night sleepwear. Silk shorts and an over size shirt to make me comfortable.
 Someone suddenly loudly knocks in the door making you startled.
"who`s there!?" 
"Just fucking open the door Mayjun!"
I hear his voice and that`s enough to know who he is. Opening the door a soft pair of lips land to mine kissing me roughly as if there's no tomorrow for it.
“Jaehyun stop! I`m tired!” I tried to push him but he`s stronger than me. He pinned me to the wall harshly, leaving wet kisses on my neck.
"Do you think ignoring me is fun!?" Silence.
"Do you think making me jealous with your  jerk ex is fun huh!?" Silence.
"Talk to me for Fuck sake! Don`t give me cold shoulders, look at me just once. Fuck just fuck this!" and that is my breaking point I can`t stand this argument anymore.
"I already told you Jaehyun that I`m tired so what`s the point of arguing here!?" am i scared? yes, I`m scared of him when he`s mad but I can`t let him win this time. He look so hot when he's mad but I can set that aside.
"Why does he already fuck you that`s why you`re tired?" He`s really mad now. No, he`s furious right now. He has said a hurtful and harsh word to me in the past but he never degrade me like this. I can`t let him belittle and look down on me. With the power I had, I slap him.
"You`re always like this when you`re jealous but today!? I don`t even know you, you only call for me whenever you need me. And when you need someone to comfort you or to fulfill your needs. I`m not you`re fucking toy Jaehyun!" I finally cried out and I said the unspoken words to him but at this point, he doesn`t know what to feel anymore he let his anger took over him.
"So what do you want me to do? always go to you!? for fuck sake we don`t even have a label Mayjun wake up! I have a girlfriend and you know that. You`re just someone I know who can fulfill my needs" He yells at me making me break into tears more.
"So that`s what I am to you? someone who can just fulfill your needs?"  you yell back and now I don`t even know what to do. I need to confirm something and his answer is what I need.
"T-tell me have you ever love me!?" I whispered timidly.
"I`ve never loved you not even once!" Those words coming out of his beautiful lips like nothing ever happened between the two of us.
"Leave! I hate you!" My tears starts falling from my eyes. I`ve never felt this broken before but the one and only Jung Jaehyun made you feel like your heart is shattered into pieces.
"If I didn`t make a move on you that night you`ll probably not gonna figure out that the girlfriend you love cheated on you first." his eyes widen in shock.
"Say that again!" 
"I said what I said Jaehyun, now leave!" He turned around and slam the door shut.
He`s really sorry and guilty for what he said to you during the argument. All of that? he didn`t mean it and knowing that his girlfriend cheated on him first makes him sadder. That night the both of you spend the cold night without each other embrace crying all night silently. 
I should have listened to what my friend already warned me. But I`m thankful for them for supporting me after finding out that Yerim is not as good as we think.
Meanwhile, Jaehyun is crying his eyes and heart out in the middle of the night he`s blaming his self for hurting you.
 "I'm such an asshole!" He groaned and run his finger through his hair. 
he regrets all the things he said to you he cry and cry just like you. He throws all the things that he grabs on the floor making his hands bleed. But he could care less. There`s only one thing that he knows, he will get you back no matter what it takes. that night he called Yerim and break up with her.
It's been three days and I let my secretary do the works while I`m gone. A one-week break won`t hurt anyone when I`m the the one hurting right?
"Yoona can you please come to my place right now? I really need you right now" I try hard to hide my sob making Yoona concern but what can she do? she`s in the Maldives right now arranging her wedding with Johnny.
"Babe I`m sorry, I know you can overcome it. You`re a strong person Mayjun and you know it too. I`m sorry that I`m not on your side right to comfort you, I have to go Mayjun please eat well and take care of yourself the wedding is in a few days I love you!" and the line got disconnected even though Yoona is away from me she always makes sure that I`m okay. 
Suddenly the door of your room opens widely.
"Please didn`t I tell you that I want to be alone!" Not bothering to turn around because you thought that it was your brother Seojun.
 But no, the person who enters my room suddenly pulls me into a tight hug whispering comforting words to my ears. I know it`s Jungwoo he always does this when I need comfort. Without hesitating I let my emotions come out because I know that Jungwoo will not judge me.
"H-how?" I ask him between my sobs.
"Shh... Yoona called me and told me everything. It`ll be fine Mayjun I`m here" Jungwoo pats my back back softly to make me comfortable.
"J-Jung-woo why? am I not worthy enough to be loved? why do they always leave me?" 
"Hey, princess listen you`re beautiful, you`re worthy. I`m sorry for hurting you, I`m sorry that we hurt you" He kissed the top of my head and he let me fall asleep on his arms. 
A soft smile is written all over his face, he hopes that no one will hurt you anymore. He knows that you love Jaehyun dearly even though it hurts him he will help you get back together.
 6 days already passed and Jaehyun can`t focus on his work. You`re all he could think about he knows that he can see you on the wedding day but were you ready to face him? he`s scared that you might not even let him get close to you. so he keeps himself from working and working until he's exhausted.
Me on the other side is getting ready for my flight I will go there with Yuqi, Lucas and all of Nct members. It`s what they called the group, group of young tech CEO and one of the finest and richest men in South Korea.
"You don`t need to be nervous Mayjun. We`re here don`t worry" Yuta smile at me reassuringly. I sighed and after a long flight we headed to our designated car taking you to a beautiful beach. 
“You should enjoy this day Mayjun, you need to relax” I said and to myself. I hear my brother Seojun calling me from afar. And yeah, he`s still single is he?
I look around and I make eye contact with whom I want to see from the start but can`t admit it. I quickly look away, I try to find Yoona only to see her at her hotel room. Y`all girls are in the same room and it makes me feel at ease. 
"I think we should get wasted tonight!" Seulgi said happily and we agree with the idea. 
"We should celebrate before the wedding because this is the last day that we will call you Ms. Im. Because tomorrow you`re gonna be Mrs. Suh" I wink at her and y`all agree with the idea. So I change my clothes, I wear a sundress before going out with the girls and I avoid any interaction with Jaehyun.
"Johnny, do you think she will forgive me?" Jaehyun asks his friend while looking up in the sky feeling the cold breeze.
"Jaehyun I know what you did is wrong but let`s hope that she will forgive you just give her sometimes" Johnny then pats Jaehyun`s shoulder before giving him a small smile. 
"I have a plan and I`m determined to do this but I need your help" said Jaehyun.
Jaehyun then tells all the boys his plan for tomorrow and they`re more glad to help him out because they can see and feel how you love each other dearly.
It`s past midnight and  and the other girls are still having fun dancing and drinking until we get wasted. I drink a lot compared to them and they try to stop me but I just keep on dancing until all the girls got drunk. 
 Johnny suddenly realize that y`all are in the club and the boys got worried so they try to find y`all. Only to find all of us dancing like a sexy goddess, they hate how other men stare at my hips.
"Jaehyun you get Mayjun. Me, Lucas, and Mark will get them" Johnny goes to Yoona to cover her with his jacket and the others do the same.
"Oh, guys look it`s Jaehyun! doesn`t he look so handsome?" I grin at them making them laugh because I`m really not myself right now.
"Yeah, it` me now let`s go you need to take some rest" He clung me into his arms and I hug him tightly as I could. "Baby I can` breathe"
"Let`s stay like this for a minute please." I softly said.
"I miss you, you know every day I`m always thinking about you" I said while my  eyes are floating in tears. Making them all silent they just let me because they know how badly I was hurt. Yuqi, Yoona, and Seulgi is sobber now but here I am are crying in front of them.
"I miss you so much, my day is not complete without thinking of you. Everything reminds me of you even though you hurt me even though you didn`t love me I`m so thankful that I met you" I said weakly while softly caressing his face, tears is visible on his eyes too.
"No, all I said to you was a lie since the day that I met you I`m ready to risk everything for you that`s when I realize that cheating is my choice thank you for completing half of me thank you for letting me know that she cheated on me first I Love You so much Mayjun" I slowly nod at everything he explained to me and I gave him a peck on his lips.
 He wish, no, everyone wishes that you will remember all of this tomorrow. Your friends can`t help it that they start to tear up too.
It`s 6:00 am now and here I am comforting and thanking Yoona for staying by my side and I tell her not to get nervous.
"Yoona it`s okay you`ve been waiting for this, this is one of your biggest dreams and it came true now I`m so happy for you" I hug her as I admire her in her dress she looks beautiful and she always does.
On the other side of the room, there are the boys who are super chaotic they`re laughing and teasing Jaehyun and Johnny because of what happened last night but deep inside they`re so proud of each other.
"You`re getting married now Johnny I can`t believe it. And you`re marrying Yoona the woman of your life" Ten said while proudly smiling at him 
"Jung Jaehyun you better take care of Mayjun or else you know what will gonna happen" Jungwoo and Seojun said in unison they`re laughing at how they`re thinking the same thing.
"Hyung I`m the one who is supposed to say it!" Jungwoo said and Seojun only rolled his eyes at him.
"I heard you and Chaewon are dating" Jungwoo said making Seojun widen his eyes. He`s supposed to say it after the wedding but Jungwoo already said it.
"Kim Jungwoo you bastard!" Seojun glare at Jungwoo making everyone laugh in the room.
You may now kiss the bride. 
Y`all cheered for Johnny and Yoona when Yuta said. 
"G-guys J-jaehyun he got into an accident" Yuta is breathing heavily while saying it and I feel like my whole world stop.
" What!? How!?" I said.
 Concern is creeping up on my body. Yuta ask us to follow him and I run as fast as I can, I don`t really know where we`re going but I just keep following him. I want to see Jaehyun safe.
I run and run until I a see flower petals scattered in the sand with candles lighting the place up and I can`t help but to tear up. I turn around and I see my group of friends standing happily while holding a balloon that`s forming a word saying " Will you marry me"
And that`s when Jaehyun finally showed up while holding a bouquet of flower giving it to me while I cry, smiling at him he kneels in front of me and I cover my lips with my hands. I can`t help it but tears of joy are coming out from my eyes right now.
"Mayjun I know I hurt you, I know I said that I don`t love you but the truth is I`m scared. I`m scared that time that if I tell you my real feelings you will not love me back but I'm so fool to even think about your feelings. Now that I`m here and ready to give you more than my everything and stay with you" Jaehyun takes a deep breath to take more courage.
"Han Mayjun I Jung Jaehyun is asking you Will you marry me?" Jaehyun asks me wholeheartedly. And who am I to say no? when all of our friends are rooting for the both of us?
"Yes, Yes Jaehyun I`ll marry you" He put the diamond ring on my finger and he finally stands up and he spoon me around.
" I LOVE YOU JUNG JAEHYUN" I shout happily while showing my finger to my friends and they clap. 
They stand there proudly looking at us, This will not happen if they`re not here by our side. Strangers who watch the scene clap along with them and that`s how my story with Jung Jaaehyun starts again.
Always remember this "Everyone has a friend during each stage of life. But only lucky ones have the same friends in all stages of life.”
and that`s how Mayjun and Jaehyun with their friend life goes on.
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