#i aaain't gonna use this post to drag kiri tho i know people like her.... she just isn't for me and that's ok
the-deadlock-south · 3 months
aw man, don't even get me started on kiriko. or do, because in the world where both magic and science are known to mess with people and time they could've easily come up with SOME explanation for the age thing but they just... didn't. did they not realize that something was off or did they just not care? there were some plot holes before, some character interactions that maybe didn't straight up contradict each other but felt like the person writing the lines didn't read any of the previous interactions. BUT what they did with kiriko was just... how do you mess up this bad?
like there's writing kinda wonky plot points and the sort but fumbling something as massive as the AGES of your characters when they're pivotal parts of the story like.... not even one or two years off we're talking TEN at most now im no author or even the best story teller but i'd at least make sure my ducks are in a row when it comes to making sure my characters aren't sparring with a zygote
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