#i LOVE that lilith's tattoo changes in her dark form
dead-lights · 2 months
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she said yes <3
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static-fanatic-1 · 4 years
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(Tattoo Soulmate AU- Where tattoos are shared by soulmates, if a soulmate dies then the other looses their ability to have nen and the tattoo disappears. I love soulmate AU's, they're fun. Also when Uvogin gets the spider tattoo he will be 24.)
(Female Reader)
College is usually portrayed in two ways, absolutely fantastic where breaking into song is the norm, or a horrid experience akin to horny Lovecraftian creatures. In this case the song song type of college is the norm.
Most individuals in college receive a tattoo, whether it be their own or their soulmates. Usually it is a happy occasion when that happens. Most would flaunt their new mark and spit out how much they wanted to meet their soulmate, but (y/n) was an exception.
Junior year, the hope of a new age of adulthood quickly coming up. The twenty-two old started to strip. Why strip? Well because she had decided to wait her junior year to get her athletic credit, and because she wanted to see a tattoo if she were to get one. But the first reason is what people think. Practically tearing off the jacket she wore and tossing it onto a bench, (y/n) jumped at the sudden shrieks and hollers from across the room.
"Lilith! Holy shit look!" Deciding to see what the commotion was about, (y/n) leaned over to watch the event unfold. On her lower back, almost covered by her shoulder length blonde hair, was a beautiful koi tattoo. As if swimming the splash of blue, orange and cream colors contrasted beautifully with her deep skin tone.
"What?! Oh my god show me!" Lilith squealed, pushing away girls to get to the nearest mirror. The brightest smile decorated her pink lips and when she finally saw the new mark on her shoulder, she waved around her hands and jumped with unrivaled joy. "I can't fucking believe it!"
"Do you think he just turned 21? Like today's his birthday or something?" Another girl exclaimed, staring at the inked shin with awe.
"Probably! Most people get them when they turn 21. God I'm so excited! I'm posting this everywhere to see if someone answers."
More girls crowded around Lilith, the light tapping of gentle fingers bringing (y/n) back to her senses. Turning around the female met with her dearest friend. "What?"
"Ms. Venal will snap at us if we aren't ready, best not to get on her bad side again. She might make us do push-ups for a warm up again." The soft voice and her light brown hair and eyes pairing nicely with her shy personality.
"Oh shit you're right." Swiftly (y/n) moved back to the back of the locker room, pulling off her pants at the same time. Replacing them with gym shorts with the school logo she quickly followed by her favorite shirt.
Grabbing the school shirt she jumped when someone grabbed her shoulders from behind. "(Y/n)! Your back!"
Before (y/n) could protest she was pulled to her friends locker with a hand mirror shoved in her face. Hesitantly she grabbed it and moved it around her face, trying to see what Jessy was talking about. Finally, a large dark tattoo revealed itself on her lower back, spider legs and a white eleven in the center.
"Looks like a spider, but with twelve legs? Weird." Jessy replied, lightly tracing the many legs now inked into her friend's skin. "You seem... disappointed? (Y/n) you good?"
(Y/n) shrugged, surprisingly it was underwhelming compared to what she thought it would be like. I mean the weird spider on her back was the key to finding her soulmate right? Yet it still felt like a normal school day. "Kinda underwhelming I guess."
"Hey (y/n), you got one too? I honestly thought you wouldn't get one." The snarky voice of Lilith echoed in the locker room, a new hand placing itself on (y/n)'s shoulder. "A spider, really?"
(Y/n) gritted her teeth, Jessy moving to put on the last of her clothes. "They probably just like spiders, so what?"
"Looks like they don't know how to count, that's sad." Lilith remarked, poking at the inked flesh. "Didn't you get a tattoo not too long ago, what was it again?"
"A (favorite animal)." (Y/n) mumbled grabbing her school shirt and putting it on.
"Wow, classic."
(Y/n) pretty much had enough of this and turned to the blonde with vigor. Placing a figure on the new koi fish tattoo. "Wow, classic cunt."
The blonde scoffed, but was quickly interrupted when the teacher called out. "Girls, hurry up or you all are going to do more push-ups!"
Lilith mumbles underneath her breath, venomous words that didn't pass (y/n). "Go fuck yourself." She had said.
In a last ditch effort to get some satisfaction, the (h/c) haired girl turned to the blonde and smiled. "After you."
Man school was just dandy.
For some reason the drive home felt longer than usual, the songs uninteresting and slow.  But that didn't stop the sigh of relief when entering her home. Maybe telling her parents about the tattoo would bring up her spirits? They always wanted to see what it would end up being.
"Momma! I'm home!" (Y/n) yelled, letting the fact sink in to any occupants.
She walked into the kitchen, grabbed a snack, and paused. Her dad, usually sitting with his back straight and glasses on, now held his lenses with his face in his hand. "Hey dad, you're home early. Everything alright?"
Swiftly his head shot up, (h/c) hair messy unlike usual. "Huh? Oh, yeah yeah I'm fine, just a lot of work is all. We're still trying to find who stole Ruby Red, that jewel is worth a few billion Jenny."
The man's daughter pulled a chair and sat down across from him, opening her snack to start eating it. "I still can't believe someone was able to take it, isn't the security pretty high?"
"Yup, and Ruby Red wasn't the only thing they took. They took a few other gems too." Her mother butted in, placing a kiss upon her husband's cheek. "Whoever did it defiantly had help, you're dad placed too many security guards for it to have been one guy."
(Y/n) furrowed her brows, the fact it was more than one person sans all too surprising, but how did they get past the armed guards in the first place? "So what exactly happened? Like to the guards I mean."
"Well... that's just it. We don't know." The dad rubbed the back of his neck, trying to relieve the tension that had built. "They just vanished... poof, gone. No sign of a struggle, no blood, all of it gone."
The mother removed her hand and pulled up a chair, sitting down and taking a sip of whatever is in her mug. "Yeah, pretty crazy stuff. I've been looking through the cameras and I think they have been tampered with. Whoever took the merchandise wasn't a rookie. They knew what they were doing."
"Who do you guys think did it? The mafia?" The daughter asked, looking at both her parents.
"A new group has been floating around, something called the Phantom Troupe. They are pretty much the worst of the worst." The brunette mother replied, placing her cup down and getting more comfortable.
"Worse than the mafia?" (Y/n) questioned.
"Pretty much, this gang took out the entire Kurta clan just a few months ago. They took their eyes and everything." There was a pause, easily taken up by the gravity of the situation her parents were in.
Her father butted in. "Anyway, anything happened at school? How's Jessy doing, she can come over for dinner tonight too. Martha said she was making lobster claws and steak."
"Ah, well, Jessy's doing fine and I'm sure she'd love to come over again. I'll go ahead and text her." (Y/n) pulled out her phone and did just that, asking if her friend wanted to come over again.
"What else, I feel like your hiding something." Martha asked, leaning closer to her daughter with a sly smile.
Small bits of sweat started to form on her brow, right now didn't exactly seem like a good time to talk about an odd tattoo. "Well I cursed someone out, that was fun."
Her dad groaned and rolled his eyes dramatically. "Oh my god was it that Lilith bitch again?"
"Edgar!" Martha snapped, slapping the man on his shoulder and she lightly scolded him. The both of them knew their daughters relationship with that girl. All they had to say is if the coward ever threw a punch, to lay her ass on that ground. (Y/n) was still waiting for her to throw it.
A small ping from a phone ringed, the daughter pulling hers out and slightly smiling. At least when Jessy comes over she would have emotional support over the weird tattoo. "Yeah, it was her again. Anyway, mom do you want any help, Jessy said she would come over."
"Sure, honey. I'd like that."
The air was tense, sweat slowly forming on (y/n)'s brows as her dearest friend babbled on and on about her early day bravery. "Lilith couldn't say a word to us for the rest of the day! It was hilarious." Jessy boasted, laughing at the sense painted in her head.
Though Martha and Edgar looked at their daughter dumbfounded. "Sooo, is there a reason why you didn't tell us about your new tattoo?" The mother asked, leaning on her elbow with her head in her hand.
"Ah, well you know, it's kinda embarrassing."
"Seriously, you didn't tell them?!"
"I said it's embarrassing!" (Y/n) reinstated, moving her hands in front of her face to attempt stopping the forming blush.
"So! Show us!" Martha exclaimed, throwing her hands in the air.
(Y/n) grumbled a bit and stood up from her chair, lightly pulling up the back of her shirt. On her lower back the sideways spider laid, twelve legs spread out for the world to see.
Silence followed, the air thicker than it once was. "Yeah, it's a little weird. Honestly it was underwhelming getting it." (Y/n) tried to release the growing tension with a light laugh, though it didn't do much.
"Y-Yeah, it is a little weird isn't it?" Edgar had replied, moving to lightly trace his fingers on the inked skin. "Well I don't think most people have twelve-legged spiders on their backs so it shouldn't be too difficult to find out who this guy is."
Those words meant so much now, after seeing the news talk about Ruby Red's disappearance and how it was linked to a group of mass murderers, the words felt heavy.
Changing to homeschooling was the first thing to happen, as having people see such a dangerous tattoo could endanger your family. Hunters would travel far and wide to catch the soulmate of a Phantom Troupe member, to sell or kill them for the highest price tag. So being around other reckless students was a big no-no.
Next was their home, moving to the outskirts of York New city to start fresh, where no one would know who they were. Getting a new job wasn't too difficult for Martha and Edgar, as security personnel was important everywhere.
Though (y/n) herself wasn't allowed a job, too risky they would say. And Jessy, well at least she was still there. The friend would visit every so often to catch up, and texting each other became an everyday occurrence.
It had been five years since that dinner, and now fear and anxiety ruled over (y/n)'s life. Walking on the streets it seemed every passerby was a possible hunter, just waiting to catch her and slit her throat.
(Y/n) could only trust Jessy and her parents.
The ringing of a phone smacked the female from her train of thoughts, papers she was once working on discarded. Picking up the device and placing it on her ear, a sweet voice rang with an excited undertone. "Yo, (y/n). Whatcha up to?"
A delicate smile pulled at the (h/c) haired lips. "Fine, just doing mom and dads paperwork. Kinda the only job they'll let me have."
There a was a light hearted laugh on the other side of the phone. "Well I'm going to have a few days off of work it you want to meet up and have a few drinks. I'll be coming in sometime tomorrow evening if you want to meet up then?"
"I'd love to, I'll just have to ask mom and dad, you know how they are."
"Yeah, can't blame them though. I mean it's scary."
"Yeah... I'll call you a little later with an answer okay? See you later Jessy, tell me when you get here and I'll pick you up from the airport."
"Alright, sounds good to me! Bye-bye!"
"Bye." Her smile faded when the phone call ended, at least it wouldn't be too bad. Now she just had to get on her knees and beg her parents.
Searching through the apps on the phone she ended up on the calling one, but paused. 'I'll just ask them when they get home, I'll drive over there soon.' Tossing the electronic on her bed (y/n) sighed and leaned back in her seat.
After plenty of begging and a semi-long drive to the airport, the now ecstatic girls drove around the city to wherever this bar was.
"Okay okay, (y/n), don't get mad at me but I invited a few other friends." Jessy timidly said, scrunching her body as close as possible to her seat.
"Who?" Was all said, making the other girl all the more afraid of an anxious outburst.
"Just a girl I met the bar once, her name is Shizuku. She said she's bringing another friend over, another girl. Don't worry though she's a bit of an airhead, an absolute sweetheart once you get to know her." Jessy relaxed, not noticing any changes with her friend's behavior. "Sorry I wanted to tell you but if you told Edgar and Martha they probably wouldn't have let you go! I just really wanted to hang out with you."
"Don't worry, mom and dad don't have to know." (Y/n) turned and gave a small wink before turning back to the road.
Jessy sighed, relieved to finally have some fun without much worry. "Oh oh! Right here!" The car slowly drove into the parking lot, the two searching for a spot to park. "Oh! They're over there." The two girls exited and quickly made their way to another pair.
The first girl Jessy walked to and hugged had shoulder length black hair and large round glasses. Large, plum doe like eyes gazed at (y/n) with innocent intrigue. Her casual wear consisting of a long black sleeved shirt and black shorts complimented her hourglass body type. She honestly looked adorable.
The other was a blonde clearly taller than her ravenette friend. Calculating eyes, short hair in a bob and a hooked nose gave her a demanding audience. The woman wore a red, low cut baby doll dress that ended on her mid thigh, and black heels making her even taller.
"Okay guys, this is (y/n), she's been my friend ever since middle school." Jessy placed her hand on the girl's shoulder, (y/n) shyly waving and saying hello. "And (y/n) this is Shizuku and her number two, Pakunoda." They too did the same thing.
"Alrighty! Now that we have all the introductions out of the way!" Exclaimed Jessy, grabbing (y/n)'s hand and waving for the other two to follow. "Let's get absolutely trashed!"
Pakunoda snorted and followed, all four of them entering the not-so-much-a-bar-as-it-is-a-club building.
Jessy grabbed a table, putting some of her things down to mark it as her own. "I'll go ahead and get something to get this party started! Anything in particular you guys want?"
Shizuku places a finger on her chin, deep in thought. Pakunoda wrapped an arm around the ravenette and shook her head. "Surprise us."
(Y/n) quickly waved her hands. "Don't get me something strong, I'll be the designated driver." She laughed, Shizuku finally making up her mind.
"Something fruity!"
She did somewhat seem like an airhead.
After plenty of drinks for the four, and pleasant conversation between the girls, Jessy was finally breaking under the alcohol. Her slim build swaying even when she sat in the booth's chair. "Y'all wanna hear a funny story? Or at least its funny to me." She slurred.
Pakunoda, sitting on the outside of the curved booth, leaned in. "Sure." Elbow now on the table and head in her hand. A delicate smile etched onto her lips, her eyes calculating as an extra hand served her drink.
(Y/n) listened to her start talking about Lilith, the old school bully having many stories about her. "I'm going to go to the restroom." She tapped Jessy's shoulders and moved over and out of the conversation.
Shizuku listened carefully to the slurring female, Pakunoda doing the same. Slowly the story became interesting, talking about receiving tattoos and snapping at the girl named Lilith.
But more importantly, a tattoo received on a lower back. (Y/n)'s lower back.
By the time said female returned all had paused, both Shizuku and Pakunoda silent but attentive. Jessy moved over to let her friend back in the booth they had claimed, Pakunoda placing a slender arm across her shoulders. "You have quite the temper don't you?"
Remembering what they had been talking about, the comment didn't surprise (y/n) all that much. "Lilith? Haha, yeah I hated her. She was difficult to deal with, always trying to one up everyone." (Y/n) waved her hand around to dismiss her temper, truly she couldn't stand people like Lilith. "Don't worry I'm much better now." Again she lightly laughed.
"You seem like it, you're so shy. I honestly didn't expect a story like that." Paku replied, leaning in a little closer.
"Which one was it? I've kinda snapped at her a lot."
"The one where ya' finally got yer tattoo~!" Jessy replied, sandwiching the poor girl between the two.
(Y/n)'s entire body went rigid, her breathing slightly labored by her hammering heartbeat. 'No, no, no Jessy couldn't have told that story, she wouldn't. She knows how dangerous it is for me already, telling people would make it worse!'
She would be hunted by hunters and the Phantom Troupe alike if the wrong people were to find out.
Doing her best to relax, her shoulders not so tense anymore. "Ye-Yeah, it's a bit of a strange one but I don't mind it too much. What time is it?"
Shizuku looked at her phone, her mouth wishing to yap about how Uvogin would love the girl. Or how Uvogin is just a call away from finding his soulmate. OR ANYTHING RELATED! But alas, the bone crushing grip placed on her thigh along with straight up saying it earlier, told her to shut it.
Now with a pouting face she checked the time. "It's 12:48."
Mumbling a short 'shit', (y/n) grabbed her purse and stood up. "Sorry! I was supposed to go home an hour ago!" She examined her phone with a pale face, not just from her tattoo being revealed, but the endless messages from her parents. "Does anyone need a ride?"
Jessy leaned in more, her lips ghosting (y/n)'s ear. "I would love to ride."
Pushing her drunk friend off, (y/n) made her way out of the booth, Jessy wrapped in her arms as the girl stumbled. "You two?"
Shizuku lifted her finger, her mouth opening to speak, but was quickly stopped when a hand smacked itself on her lips. "Don't worry about us." Paku replied, waving a dismissive hand.
"Al-alright. Well we'll be off then, take care!" Quickly grabbing her things, and Jessy, the two slipped out of the club.
Shizuku smacked Paku's hand away and pushed up her glasses. "What was that for?!"
Pakunoda shifted out of her seat, looking around at the other inhabitants of the establishment. "You were going to say something about Uvo, weren't you?"
The ravenette pursed her lips and turned away, scooting out of the booth as well. "So what if I was? It wouldn't stop us from getting her anyway." Whined the girl.
"It would have made getting her harder, she's already cautious of everyone." The two girls exited the bar, stopping to watch (y/n)'s car drive away. "Besides it won't be too difficult for Shalnark to find her."
"Didn't you touch her?" Shizuku pushed her glasses up once more, turning to wonder off to home base.
"Of course, she was very anxious the entire time, and she was weary of us from the beginning."
The ravenette hummed, both wondering through the lit up city. Smoke polluted the air of the alleyways they traveled through, the moonlight basking the criminals in an ethereal glow. The alleyway became too quiet, the once light sounds of buzzing insects feasting on the dumpsters silenced.
The girls stopped, looking at the empty sidewalk in front of them. They could sense two individuals, on in front of them and the other behind. Were the stalkers going to try and jump them? Did they know who they are? Well it doesn't matter, the stalkers will be dead soon.
"Well well well," A gruff voice echoed from behind. "Looks like the butterflies flew into the spider's web. How about you two be sweethearts and tell me about that friend of yours? The one with the (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes."
Shizuku turned around to face the man, noting the switch blade open and poised in his hands. "He has a knife, Paku."
The man 'tsk'ed slowly walking closer to the girls. Paku stared straight ahead, the other stalker finally revealing himself, a scrawny man with a baggy shirt and large knife.
Pakunoda sighed and pulled out her revolver, aiming straight between the scrawny man's eyes. "Never bring a knife to a gun fight." A quick pull of the trigger and a loud bang caused the man to fall over, a small hole oozing blood and smoke between his glossy orbs.
Shizuku summoned Blinky and with a quick bonk on his head, the gruff voiced man collapsed to the ground.
"Shizuku, is he dead?"
"I didn't hit him that hard." With a hum and a finger on his neck. "Nope, he's alive."
"Good." She swayed over to the man and placed a hand upon his cheek. A rush of memories and emotions entered her mind, like the ripples in water. "They weren't alone, they called others before following us. We should hurry before they find her first."
"They'll kill her won't they?"
"Uvogin would loose his nen if that happened, hmm, we can't let that happen."
Nothing new happened after their encounter, the dark streets now baron by the late night and the rundown buildings. Turning the corner to enter the hideout, a face revealed itself, young and distressed, their thin black brows furrowed.
No words were exchanged, the girls entering without a care. A sigh left the short man's lips as he walked with them into the church. "Machi had a feeling again. What happened?"
Shizuku hopped her way onto a pile of rubble and sat down with an impassive expression. "We were attacked by some thugs on our way back. Though, it was more like a one-way-massacre."
The entire Troupe was in the broken down office building, there were preparing to infiltrate a museum filled with priceless artifacts, but it might have to be postponed.
Feitan didn't look at Shizuku, already knowing her information may very well be useless. "Paku?"
"Shizuku's friend brought a number two as well, she just so happened to be a soulmate." Pakunoda teased, crossing her arms.
The small group playing cards stopped, even Chrollo averted his eyes from his book of interest. Feitan's brows lifted slightly, probably in surprise.
"Ah! That happened too."
Franklin snorted, placing down his cards and shifting to face Paku. Shalnark, Nodunaga, Machi, Kortopi, Bonolenov, and Franklin were huddled up in a small circle playing cards, though the game was now paused. Uvogin, the secret star of the show, was rooting for Nodu to finally win a game. "Who?"
A delicate smirk etched itself on her features, a slender finger pointing to the bear-like man sitting behind Nobunaga.
With that action taken, the bear-like man grabbed Nobunaga and wrapped his arm around his head. The other hand pulling out the ponytail and messing up his hair as a boisterous laughs echoed throughout the building.
Franklin smacked a hand on Uvogin's shoulder and congratulated them, Nobu yelling for Uvo to let go. Once he finally let him go, the shorter man smacked Uvo.
Uvogin didn't exactly care, all he knew is that his soulmate was found and that she was his next target. "Keep talking Paku." Uvo kindly ordered, curiosity taking hold.
"Well she's pretty cute, (h/l) (h/c) hair, bright (e/c) eyes. She's pretty attentive." Pakunoda waved her hands around, finding a seat on the opposite side of the large room.
Another hearty laugh escaped the bellows of his chest. "Finally! Took her long enough." He exclaimed, clapping and rubbing hands together. "Where is she?"
Pakunoda shrugged. "Her name is (y/n) (l/n), Shal will have to figure that out."
Chrollo hummed, grabbing the attention of the room. "Uvo, once you find out where she lives I want you to get her, it would be a shame if you lost your nen." He paused and placed a bookmark in his spot. "Paku does anyone else know?"
The blonde nodded her head. "Yes, the thugs overheard and called a few of their friends. I don't know how many."
Chrollo hummed once more, leaning in a bit closer to the group. "Once Shal figures out her whereabouts I want you and Nabu to go with Uvo. And be cautious, we don't know how strong the hunters will be."
Uvogin laughed, hands on his hips as he threw his head back. "I will."
"Found her!" Shalnark yelped, a bright smile stretched across his cheeks. "(Y/n) (l/n), lives in the New Found Apartment Complex about three blocks from her parents. Oh! Edgar and Martha (l/n), they work as security managers for the museum we were targeting." Shalnark excitedly exclaimed, waving his phone around in the air. "I'll send you the address, Uvo."
Feitan quirked an eyebrow. "She might know which hunters were hired to protect the exhibit."
Chrollo hummed once more, returning to his book with a calm expression. "That might be the case, if so then there we could be better prepared." The sultry voice of the boss explained further her use, not just for Uvogin but the entire team.
Uvogin cracked his knuckles, waving to Nobunaga and Pakunoda to follow. "Consider it done."
(Thats it everyone! Sadly Wattpad allows for larger chapters so this will be put into two parts to accomadate.)
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hallospaceboyy · 4 years
My Soul Belongs to You; Part 2
Meeting the Parents
For @galaxy-nerd
Reader takes Lilith to meet her parents, and things turn sour when she tells them who Lilith really is.
Lilith x Female Reader
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Lilith had just teleported the both of you to a secluded area not far from your parents’ house. You had spoken to them recently, told them you had found love, and they wouldn’t stop pestering you to meet her. When you broached the subject with Lilith, both of you laying on her large, luxurious bed, you had expected her to refuse instantly. But she didn’t, had agreed, laughed at your shock. Now you both stood on your parents’ street, your nerves hit you with full force, and you glanced down at the mark on your wrist, the sigil that had been burned there when you gave your heart and soul to Lilith that night six months ago, wondering if you should have tried to cover it, but Lilith wouldn’t have let you anyway. You weren’t ashamed at what you had done, have been the happiest you’ve been in the longest time, you were just scared of their reaction. Lilith stood beside you, scrutinizing your face, didn’t need to wonder why you haven’t moved, too attuned to your emotions by now. Lilith wore a form-fitting, red floral dress, and she looked exquisite, lips painted their usual blood red. She reached for your hand and squeezed it reassuringly.
“You don’t have to tell them, you know. I’ve spent many a time playing at being mortal, I can do it for one more night,” Her cool blue eyes searched yours, and they looked almost pleading, knew that she would do this for you if you wanted, but that she didn’t want to. Wanted you to take pride in her for her, for all that she is – and you do.
“No, Lilith. I wont treat you like some dirty little secret. You deserve more than that, and I love you too much for that,” You cup her cheek, and kiss her softly. She gazes at you in earnest then, a softness in her eyes that made your heart skip a beat. She doesn’t answer you, doesn’t have to, you know that she’s grateful, that she loves you too. Even if she isn't brave enough to say it yet. Taking her hand, you lead her in the direction of the house, taking in a deep breath before knocking on the door.
The door swings open, and your parents stand there to greet you, all welcoming smiles and tight hugs, even hug Lilith after introducing themselves and you smirk, clearing your throat to cover the giggle at Lilith's stiffness at being manhandled. When everyone is seated, there a silence for a minute or so that almost becomes awkward, until your mother clears her throat and turns her attention to Lilith.
“So, you’re the lovely lady that’s made our Y/N so happy! It really is lovely to finally meet you,”
“Likewise,” Lilith smiled, and it looked genuine, ever the actress. “Y/N pleases me very much,”
Both of your parents blink in surprise at Lilith's statement, whether shocked by the formality, or the brazen sexual innuendo, you’ll never know, but you shoot Lilith what you hope is a stern look, and she simply smirks, averting her eyes to the carpet. You can see Lilith growing bored of the small talk that ensues, crossing and uncrossing her legs, eyes darting around the room, examining framed pictures on the walls. She smiles fondly at the childhood photos of you, suddenly standing to look closer at a photo of you as a toddler, grinning on a sunny day beside a small paddling pool.
“I see you’ve always been adorable,” and you all laugh, and things almost feel a little less forced. Almost.
“Is that a tattoo on your wrist?!” Your father exclaims, and all eyes fall to the sigil there. Your fingers instantly move to graze the mark, as you so often did. You'd grown very fond of it. Lilith spins round at the accusatory tone, the pictures no longer seeming so interesting – ready to jump to your aid if necessary.
“Um, I-I...” You fumble for the right words, and you meet Lilith's gaze and she raises her brows, willing you to say something, and her presence suddenly reassures you, some of your courage returning. “No, it’s not a tattoo... it’s...” You let out a sigh of frustration, rubbing your temples. Both parents watch you now, faces etched with confusion.
“There’s something I need to tell you both about Lilith. She’s not exactly... human. You’re going to think I’m crazy, but just... hear me out,”
Your parents look from each other, to Lilith, back to you, and they both start to laugh. They soon trail off when you and Lilith don’t join them, and Lilith still stands awkwardly by the wall, shuffling her feet. “W-What are you taking about, Y/N? You can’t be serious,” Your mum says incredulously.
“Mum, I am. Lilith is... a demoness. She was the first wife of Adam, exiled from Eden for refusing to be subservient, she was the first witch, and now she has devotees of her own... and I’m one of them. I gave my heart and soul to her, and got hers in return,” You swallow thickly. Your parents remain silent, and you look to Lilith. “You’re going to have to show them. Do something to prove it, please,”
Lilith nods. “Alright... if they freak out, I can always eat them,” She mutters, and you give her a stern look.
“You're not eating my parents, Lilith. Just do something magic,” Lilith rolls her eyes, and with a flick of her wrist, the mugs of tea on the table in front of you all float a few inches from the surface, then begin circling, so fast they are no more than a blur, and your parents look terrified now.
“She's not going to hurt you, Mum, Dad,”
Suddenly your father jumps up, eyes wide with fury, storming to Lilith and pointing a finger in her face. “I don’t know what the HELL you are, or what you’ve done to our daughter, but you’re not taking her from us! She's a good girl!” He shouts, face red with anger, and spittle lands on Lilith's face and it twists in disgust, and you jump up yourself, stepping in front of the brunette, bringing your arm out to push her behind you. The mugs fly from their formation, shattering against the walls, tea coating the pale paint in ugly stains. Your mother startles at the smash of the china, and rises from the sofa to stand behind your father, still shaking with fury and glaring at Lilith over your shoulder.
“I can assure you Mr Y/L/N, I’ve done nothing to your daughter except love her. Her soul may belong to me, but it was willingly given. And yes, she is a very good girl,” She smirks devilishly then, and your father lunges forward, tries to push you out of the way but you push him back. You glance at Lilith and see the rage bubbling to the surface now, her eyes are dark, and you’re suddenly not sure who you’re protecting. You stand your ground, remaining a barrier between them.
“Please, stop! Lilith is kind, and gentle. She would never hurt me, never has and never will. I know this is a lot to take in, but she’s not some monster! I love her, very much, and no amount of violence is going to change that,” You feel Lilith's slender hand grip yours, and your father takes a step back, looking defeated, deflated. “Try and hurt her again, and I’m gone. And it wont be Lilith taking me away from you, it’ll be you pushing me away,” Your voice shakes, and you clench your jaw, fighting back tears.
“Now, I think it's best if we go. Give you both some time to think. We can come back, if you want us to. Another time,” You turn to Lilith and send her a curt nod, and her rage is gone, replaced by adoration and affection at your defence of her. You feel the rush as she teleports you both away, back to her bedroom, and the scent of brimstone, and your entire being visibly relaxes.
“You didn’t have to do that, you know. Antagonise them, for me,” Her voice is soft, and she wraps her arms around you as your arms snake around her waist, seeking comfort in her warmth, cheek resting on her clavicle.
“Of course I did. It was either that or let you play fisticuffs with my dad, and I’m not having him hurt you, or vice versa,” You close your eyes, a tension headache already finding it’s way behind your lids. “I couldn’t bear it. Him talking about you like you're some creature to be feared, accusing our relationship of being the product of bloody Stockholm Syndrome,” Lilith chuckles, pressing a firm kiss to your head.
“They may never understand, Y/N. Is that really what you want, a rift like that? Just for me?”
“I want to be with you, Lilith. They’ll either come around or they won't. But I made you a promise that I intend to keep,” You raise your wrist, stroking your fingers over the delicate mark, and Lilith smiles, and kisses it, sending a jolt of warmth through you. You could swear you saw her eyes growing wet.
“I love you, Y/N,” She whispers, and there’s a vulnerability there that you’ve never seen before, and you cup her face and press your lips to hers.
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uncanny-accuracy · 5 years
RA AUs Masterpost
Note: Sorry for errors, this is really long and I pulled an all-nighter for no reason and now I'm going on a road trip.
Note #2: Some characters, such as those in the Good Omens AU, D:BH AU, etc., may be subject to change depending on how others view the characters’ roles.
     Werewolf Halt and Vampire Crowley
In which Halt, a werewolf, makes the mistake of attacking Crowley, the leader of a clan of vampires
     Angel Halt and Demon Crowley (Alternatively: Good Omens AU)
In which Archangel Remiel, also known as Halt, must scour the Earth to find a rogue demon, identified as Lilith (alias: Pauline). Along the way, Halt meets Crowley, a demon with the same goal: Drag Pauline back to Hell.
Good Omens Version: The angel Halt (Remiel, takes the place of Aziraphale) and the demon Crowley (replaces, well, Crowley) try to stop Armageddon so that they may continue their lives on Earth.
Other characters include:
     Will as Adam
     Jenny as Pepper
     Horace as Brian
     Alyss as Wensleydale
     Ebony as Dog
     Pauline as Anathema*
     Gilan as Newton Pulsifer*
     Pritchard as Sergeant Shadwell**
     Rosalind as Madame Tracy**
     *Pauline and Gilan (Anathema and Newton) are not a couple
     ** Pritchard and Rosalind (Shadwell and Tracy) are not interested in each other
     Bounty Hunter Halt and Falsely Accused Fugitive Crowley
In which Crowley has been convicted of a crime he didn’t commit. However, he cannot prove his innocence and decides to flee. Halt is a bounty hunter set to track down and detain Crowley, but upon meeting the fugitive and hearing his story, decides to help Crowley prove he was falsely accused. 
     Reckless Firefighter Halt and EMT/Paramedic Crowley
In which Halt is a reckless firefighter and ends up being patched up by paramedics, namely Crowley, more than the people who actually called the fire department. Crowley finds this entertaining.
     Bodyguard Halt and Rich and Famous Crowley (FT. Make-Up Artist Gilan)
In which Crowley is a famous internet celebrity (YouTuber, namely) and owns his own make-up brand. Halt is the bodyguard hired to keep Crowley safe. Gilan makes a few cameos as Crowley’s professional make-up artist for important events.
     Lieutenant O’Carrick and Captain Meratyn (Police AU)
In which Lieutenant Halt O’Carrick of the RPD (Redmont Police Department) finds himself working alongside the famous Captain Crowley Meratyn of the APD (Araluen Police Department) on homicide cases after the two departments merge to form the RAPD (Redmont-Araluen Police Department)
     Greaser Halt and Prep Crowley
In which Halt, leader of a gang of greasers, and Crowley, leader of a group of preps, make an unlikely alliance to take down Morgarath, a jock who’s become far too cocky
     Barista Halt and Florist Crowley (Thanks, @ranger-rebbeca !)
In which Halt, a barista, finds out that the cute florist across the street, Crowley, likes coffee and decides to buy him some every day during their breaks as an excuse to chat
Alyss x Will
     Abstract Muralist Alyss and Spray-Painter Will
In which Alyss, an abstract muralist, finds Will, a spray-painter, painting over one of her murals
     Hairdresser Alyss and Client Will (FT. Make-Up Artist Gilan)
In which Will refuses to allow anyone other than Alyss, a hairdresser, to cut his insanely curly hair
     Model Alyss and Tattoo Artist Will
In which Will, a tattoo artist, is hired to fix a botched tattoo on Alyss Mainwaring, a model
     Model Alyss and Photographer Will
In which Will is a freelance photographer hired last minute to shoot Alyss Mainwaring, a model, after her usual photographer failed to show
Cassandra x Horace
     Tangled AU
In which Horace, a thief, accidentally stumbles across the lost Princess of Araluen, Cassandra, and is forced to take her to see the floating lights
     Detective Serenne and Officer Altman (FT. Shady Bartender/Mechanic Halt and Shady Bartender Crowley)
In which Detective Cassandra “Evanlyn” Serenne and Officer Horace Altman investigate the murder of Lieutenant Samdash
     Fake Relationship AU
In which Cassandra lies to her father about bringing home a boy for the summer and asks her new best friend, Horace, whom she met at college, to act as her boyfriend
Jenny x Gilan
     Mermaid Jenny and Marine Life Scientist Gilan
In which Gilan, a marine life scientist, accidentally discovers Jenny, a mermaid
     Witch Jenny and Witchfinder Gilan
In which Jenny, a witch, falls in love with Gilan, a witchfinder who is unaware of Jenny’s true nature
     Spider-Man AU
In which Will “Treaty” Meratyn is Spider-Man and must take down Doc Ock, A.K.A Dr. Morgarath Octavius
Other characters include:
Alyss “MJ” Mainwaring-Jones as Mary Jane
Horace “Flash” Altman as Flash
George Carter as “The Man In The Chair” (Ned from the Holland films)
Pauline Meratyn as Aunt May
Crowley Meratyn as Uncle Ben
Halt “Stark” O’Carrick as Ironman
Jenny as Will’s suit A.I.
     Duncan Dies, Rosalind Survives AU
In which Duncan is killed during the first war with Morgarath and Rosalind survives her pregnancy with Cassandra. Rosalind and Crowley marry, not because they’re a couple, just because it’s easier to run a country with two royals, not one royal and a Commandant. Farrel takes over as Ranger Commandant and Halt becomes Farrel’s second-in-command. 
     Hogwarts AU
In which the RA characters attend Hogwarts
Duncan (Gryffindor), Headmaster 
Halt (Slytherin), Defense Against the Dark Arts and Flying teacher
Crowley (Gryffindor), Potions, Charms, and Astronomy teacher
Pauline (Slytherin), History of Magic, Herbology, and Transfiguration teacher
     Avatar AU
In which the RA characters are in the Avatar: The Last Airbender universe
Fire Benders
Water Benders
Air Benders
Earth Benders
Crowley (previous)
     Detroit: Become Human AU
In which the RA characters are in the Detroit: Become Human universe
Halt as Lieutenant Hank Anderson
Will as Connor
Jenny as Kara
Horace as Luther
Maddie as Alice
Gilan as Markus
George as Simon
Alyss as Josh
Evanlyn as North*
Pritchard as Carl
Morgarath as Agent Perkins
Crowley as Elijah Kamski
*There is no planned romance between Evanlyn and Gilan
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songsofacagedbird · 4 years
Hello, I’m Katie, this is my sunshine daughter Balo, and you’re watching Disney Channel! Jokes aside though, I’m so excited to bring Balo back and while not much has changed (truly this is nothing more than a continuation where I only omit plots my partner doesn’t want to revive), have a new intro / bio anyway because... I felt like it ok.  I’ll be good and not ramble too ungodly long though so without further ado - another one of my excessively long intro posts:
TWs: Child Abuse / Abuse, Alcoholism (not Balo’s, but her dad’s), Eating Disorders (anorexia nervosa)
Tumblr media
Is that BALIAN “BALO” DRISKELL? Wow, they do look a lot like CANDICE SWANEPOEL. I hear SHE is/are a SEVENTEEN year old JUNIOR who originally attended LUXOR Academy. Word is they are a(n) REGULAR student. You should watch out because they can be NAIVE and SENSITIVE, but on the bright side they can also be OPTIMISTIC and BUBBLY. Ultimately, you’ll get to see it all for yourself.  [KATIE, 23, EST, SHE/HERS]
Last Edit: 8/26/2020
★ basics;
Full Name: Balian “Balo” Grace Driskell Age: 17 Birthday: February 7th, 2003 at 08:06 am Sexual Orientation:  Balo really doesn’t label it (although I like to say bisexual, biromanitc to make my own life easier), she always just falls for who she falls for regardless of gender. If you ask her exactly, she’d probably say MOGAI though. Relationship Status: Kinda dating Caitriona but it’s unofficial Occupation: Student Nationality: American
★ classes;
U.S. History
Fashion design
Visual Art
★ extracurriculars;
Arts Club (Member)
Balo also used to be a Cheerleader (Flyer) and part of the Gymnastics team but due to her leaving / concerns about her health, she was required to step down, much to her devastation.
★ background;
Place of Birth: Rochester, New York Hometown: Saratoga Springs, New York Health Issues: Eating Disorder (Anexoria) Traumas: Abuse (Constant/Ongoing - from her father)
★ physical;
Faceclaim: Candice Swanepoel Eye Color: Blue Hair Color: Blonde Height: 5′11” -- not at fc height because I don’t wanna change her height with the new fc Weight: 120 lbs - give or take Tattoos, Birthmarks, Scars, etc: Nothing I find a need to link at the moment.
★  zodiac;
Sun: Aquarius Moon: Aries Mercury: Capricorn Venus: Capricorn Mars: Sagittarius Jupiter: Leo Saturn: Gemini Uranus:   Aquarius Neptune: Aquarius Pluto: Sagittarius Lilith: Aries N Node: Gemini
Placidus Orb
I ASC: Pisces II: Aries III: Taurus IV: Gemini V: Cancer VI: Leo VII: Virgo VIII:  Libra IX: Scorpio X MC: Sagittarius XI: Capricorn XII: Aquarius
★ relatives;
Father’s Full Name: Lance Driskell Father’s Status: Alive Father’s Occupation: Restaurant Owner Mother’s Full Name: Cassandra “Cassidy” Driskell Mother’s Status: Alive Mother’s Occupation: Waitress at a local diner (not Lance’s place) Siblings: 1 older sister and 2 older brothers
Driskell Children Oldest to Youngest:
Ivan Marsden (22, attending school in England)
Grace Driskell (19, in California for school)
Zander Driskell (LINK TO HIS INTRO)
Balo Driskell
Here is a link to the Driskell family page if you’d like to know more about her family.
★ misc;
Hobbies and Talents: Balo’s a sketch artist and painter who tends to focus on realism, in particular realistic humans and animals. It’s her true passion and I have an inspo section for her sketchbook here! She’s also quite flexible and skilled at gymnastics, part of why it’s bothering her she can’t participate currently because she loves it and she’s good at it - making her removal from the team eat at her even more.
Pinterest Section  // Musings Tag // Playlist
- Balo’s kind of a literal ray of sunshine who believes (almost) everyone is truly good at heart. While she tries to see the best in everyone, no matter what, she truly can’t see it in her father, a fact she feels extremely guilty over it. - She loves art, sketching and painting especially, and she always dreamed of being some sort of artist. While her mother encouraged it every chance she got, her father is truly a different story. - Balo is very easy to manipulate and I encourage it constantly. - She truly just wants to love and befriend everyone, while it’s not really too hard to make her cry, usually you’ll see Balo running around with a smile trying to brighten everyone’s day. This is an issue because she’ll put everyone around her before herself every time, your happiness is a priority before hers. Again, making her easy to manipulate. (So I welcome manipulating Balo and love it when it occurs, please feel free to do so at any point) - Her best friend / favorite person in the entire world at this point is Logan Keller, mention him only if you really wanna see this girl light up like a 4th of July fireworks show. (They’re still in touch, for those of you who remember him from when Jia was playing him here!) - Balo recently got out of extensive inpatient for her eating disorder so while she’s doing a lot better, she’s really doesn’t want it to be the main topic of conversation either. She's okay and back at Luxor and she feels that’s the most important thing at the end of the day.
★ bio; TWs: Child Abuse / Abuse, Alcoholism, Eating Disorders (anoxeria, weight loss, and complications from both)
“'Cause I know that nothing good comes easy, if it did, I wouldn't be me.”
If there was one quote that fit Balo Driskell’s life to a t, that would be it. Nothing was truly easy in the Driskell’s home, she was the youngest of three children - an amount that her mother never wanted to have, and would do whatever it took to stay at after this point. Anytime her father walked in after work, the stench of alcohol clung to. She could smell it on her breath every time he yelled, each time he threw things, anytime he hit her. One could have easily convinced the young girl that all families were like this, that everyone covered up bruises and pretended they were much happier than they actually were if it wasn’t for her mother.
Perhaps Casandra Driskell never wanted her children, but she loved them with her entire heart. She’d sneak her children money, things they weren’t allowed to have - guitars, paints, canvases, sheet-music, legos, and whatever else her father deemed banning fit at a moment's notice. She wasn’t always around, working a job at the local diner, but when she was she did everything in her power to protect her children. It was never enough, though.
Lance Driskell still hurt his children close to daily, whether it was smashing Grace’s guitar over her head the moment he found it, pulling Balo down the stairs by her hair, or lashing Zander with his belt - there were quite a few times where a Driskell had to go the hospital and the family had to lie through their teeth to keep people from looking too closely at them at their mother’s urging. If it was investigated the three children would be separated, they would lose their mother, or at least that’s what they were told - and none of them wanted that. It became common for one child to intervene for another if they could, Zander especially taking the brunt of the punishments for his sisters.
It was part of loving someone in the Driskell home, trying to keep everyone else safe no matter the cost it had on you.
Her childhood wasn’t all bad, however, there were quite a few silver-linings in the dark cloud called the Driskell home. She had a close friendship with her siblings and her mother, and she has plenty of fond memories with them. Christmas was always peaceful, as her father always took that shift at his restaurant and refused to celebrate the holiday with them - a time where he couldn’t taint the joy inside of the Driskell home. She could paint when her father wouldn’t catch her in the act, something she loved doing (and she still does every chance she gets), and she had Logan. Logan Keller was her next-door neighbor and her best friend. If you saw one of them, the other probably wasn’t too far behind. In many ways, he was her person - someone she felt like she could go to with nearly anything (she could never discuss home with him at this point, of course, but everything else she could and she did). 
And then the Driskells moved away and it was like the world was ripped out from under her feet - leaving her spiraling and looking for some sort of control. Her new friend didn’t help matters much either, constantly encouraging her to “shed the weight” they swore she gained. She soon found this sense of “control” in the form of her eating disorder, careful attempts to keep herself as thin as she could, of restricting her food every chance she could.  It wasn’t healthy, far from it, but it fulfilled the desire to have some semblance of control over her life.
Sending the children to Luxor had been an easy decision for Cassandra the second the children were able to attend, a way to ship them off to safety while not being too far away from home. While it pained her a first to be away from her mother, eventually she began to understand. She was safe while at school, and at the end of the day, that was what mattered the most to her mother, right? It wasn’t hard to get into the flow of life at the school, staying at school and only coming home for the breaks that the school refused to keep students during. It broke her heart when Lance shipped Ivan to England and told him not to come home (a thought that still pains her to this day), after the boy served his use, and it only grew harder when Grace graduated and moved to California. But she was happy at Luxor, in spite of everything.
And in a way, her love for the school only grew after the merge. Now there were twice as many people to befriend and support, and in the process, she realized something she had been missing had been under her nose for a while. Logan was attending school at Luxor too, and all of a sudden, she had her person in her life again. At the time she felt on top of the world, regardless of the circle beginning to stir up issues.
And then, suddenly, she was knocked right back down to the ground.
First Logan was kidnapped and forced to deliver the message, and then he was forced to go home for personal reasons. The support she had so quickly grown used to having was seemingly being ripped out from her yet again. While he was still in touch, continuing to be her rock, her eating disorder only continued to spiral out of control. And no matter how much she tried to pretend she was fine, it was getting to the point there was no way to really do so. Balo was sick, and now everyone could tell. It was concern from her teachers that helped fuel the chain of events that resulted in getting her help, no matter how much she tried to assure everyone she didn’t need inpatient therapy and that doing outpatient would be fine. After several months of inpatient followed by a bout of “readjustment to the real world” time at home, she’s back at Luxor and as sunshine-y as ever.
TLDR / quick important notes bio recap for rereads: - Balo’s home life is far from perfect. Her father, Lance - is an abusive alcoholic, and while her mother tried her best to protect her children - she also covered things up without hesitation. It wasn’t uncommon to see a Driskell in the ER with a lie and people willing to back up the story. - The lack of control in her life is what led to her eating disorder, in hopes of regaining a (false) sense of control. - She’s been attending Luxor since freshman year, although she recently had to leave for a few months to attend extensive inpatient treatment. And now she’s back to her normal sunshine-esc antics, trying to love everyone, feeding all the strays at Luxor, and trying to spread smiles everywhere she goes.
★ wanted connections;
Someone to manipulate her, please I beg you
Um, pretty much anything? She likes everyone cause if you do something to hurt her she does mental gymnastics to come to the conclusion you are a good person and it was an unintended side effect so...yeah. Doesn’t mean your muses have to like her though (I have a lot of fun when they don’t actually, so… don’t worry about hurting the sunshine daughter. Okay?)
Anyone who knows her from the gymnastics and/or cheer teams, as she was on the teams through Freshmen & Sophomore years, and until October of her junior year.
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magaprima · 5 years
FULL NAME.  Lilith MEANING. night monster NICKNAME.  Mother of Demons, Dawn of Doom, Madam Satan, Satan’s Concubine, The First Witch...the dramatic list goes on GENDER.  female HEIGHT.  5′3...and a half. But basically 5′8 constantly due to the heels she’s always freaking wearing AGE.  Eternal ZODIAC. This doesn’t entirely count for Lilith, but if she did have a star sign I’d say Aries. Fire sign, leader, the ram, prone to judgement and grudges, highly sexual, fiery temper, loyalty is extremely important to them, always believe they’re right even when they’re not, highly opionated (and I say all this feeling highly conscious that I am an Aries. Aries and proud, baby) SPOKEN LANGUAGES.  all languages. You don’t live for all time without picking up all the lingos. Typically speaks English and Latin the most
𝐩𝐡𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐬 !
HAIR COLOUR. Dark brown EYE COLOUR.  Brown in original form, blue in Wardwell form. SKIN TONE. Fair BODY TYPE.  attractive? sexy? is that a body type. It’s what I’m going with.  ACCENT.  Generic. Tends towards American.  VOICE. seductive, feminine, firm, powerful DOMINANT HAND.  right. POSTURE.  again is sexy a posture? because that’s what she seems to go for SCARS.  None TATTOOS.  None MOST NOTICEABLE FEATURE(S).   -insert GIF of MG saying ‘have you seen me?’- 
𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐝 !
PLACE OF BIRTH. the Garden. Created, not born.  HOMETOWN.  none.  BIRTH WEIGHT.  n/a. BIRTH HEIGHT.  n/a MANNER OF BIRTH.  created from dirt and power and pressed into the form of a human woman. you know, the usual way.  FIRST WORDS.  “No” (it would be used with frequency during her short time in the Garden) SIBLINGS.  none PARENTS.  technically the freaking False God is her Father. Which is just...issues galore. But really...no parents.  PARENT INVOLVEMENT. -laughs-
𝐚𝐝𝐮𝐥𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞 !
OCCUPATION. Queen of Hell. The Dark Lady. Briefly Principal of Baxter High.  CURRENT RESIDENCE.  Hell and Greendale CLOSE FRIENDS.  She doesn’t have any. The closest thing she has are the Spellmans...and Sabrina’s mortal buddies. Which if Lilith was ever to realise this would probably be depressed for like a month.  RELATIONSHIP STATUS.  single FINANCIAL STATUS.  N/A DRIVER’S LICENSE. She doesn’t need a license. If she wants to drive, ain’t nobody gonna stop her CRIMINAL RECORD. None. On paper she is squeaky clean. Also non-existent.  VICES.  Eats mortal men for a solid meal?
𝐬𝐞𝐱 & 𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 !
SEXUAL ORIENTATION.  Bisexual. She’s attracted to those who treat her like an equal and like the Queen she is. But her majority preference is women.  ROMANTIC ORIENTATION.  Same as above. Treat her like an equal, don’t judge her and romance can bloom. If she’s in the mood.  PREFERRED EMOTIONAL ROLE.  submissive       |        dominant      |       switch PREFERRED SEXUAL ROLE.  submissive       |       dominant       |       switch LIBIDO.  Depends. Lilith is highly sexual, she uses this to her advantage and she can enjoy sex but...she’s not at a loss without it. Like she could live without it. It’s not gonna kill her.  TURN ON’S. Equality, respect, understanding, worshipping (be it in the bedroom or something as simple as a massage. She likes her massages), feminism, kindness (I know that seems such a paradox but being kind to her, specifically to Lilith, not others, is a turn on) TURN OFF’S.   Cruelty, demanding, controlling, oppressive, mistreating women, judgement, being a typical man, piousness, speaking over her, dismissing her,  RELATIONSHIP TENDENCIES.  Lilith was originally created as the First Woman, the Original Mother, and that is in her still despite her changes and experiences. Therefore if the right person treats her how she wants to be treated, and has the qualities she wants to see in the other person, Lilith can be remarkably loving and engaged in a relationship. But she’s also on a knife’s edge....cross that line, betray her, and the relationship is dead without chance of recovery. 
𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐨𝐮𝐬 !
CHARACTER’S THEME SONG. Black Magic Woman -- VCTRYS  HOBBIES TO PASS TIME.   is drinking whiskey a hobby? she likes making fun for herself, small entertainments, messing with people, stirring trouble.  MENTAL ILLNESSES.  As a result of her abuse at the hands of Adam, being left to die by the False God and being abused and psychologically manipulated by Lucifer, she has multiple issues including trauma, signs of ASPD as well as many coping mechanisms, personality effectations and behaviours, including hypersexuality, co-dependency, irrational jealousy, denial, all directly linked to her experiences and treatment. However, considering who she is and what she is and the uniqueness of her situation, while she is definitely a victim of abuse, I hesitate to actually attach any official mental illness to her.  PHYSICAL ILLNESSES.  none. LEFT OR RIGHT BRAINED. .I’d say she’s more right brained....but not majorly so, but that’s where the leaning goes PHOBIAS.  None. She doesn’t have phobias. There are things she doesn’t want, things she dreads, things she hates, but no phobias. She was frightened of Lucifer’s wrath, but that wasn’t a phobia as it was justified.  SELF CONFIDENCE LEVEL.  High. But could be broken in a second by the Dark Lord’s wrath VULNERABILITIES.  The Dark Lord? Her desire for a crown. Her inability to actually say no when mortal high school students ask her to sort shit out. 
TAGGED BY: @antichristborn
TAGGING: @aunthlda @lloronala @pantslessoptimism @parumspellman @glodnyupir @flyingupward @dirtspat @thirdnightsister @liminalchaos
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beowulfs-booty-call · 7 years
So, here’s the low down on the established lore so far in regards to my OC and the universe I’m working on. (As well as details of potential plot points I’m experimenting on and wouldn't mind any constructive criticism or valid points on them as well as nothing is as of yet, concreted besides core plot lines.)
What is known so far:
Demi is the OC I work on, he’s originally a human being who took a mysterious train from Manhattan late at night one day and wound up in The Underground.
The Underground is an umbrella term of the numerous Districts literally under the cities of “men” in which monsters, demons, gods and their fallen counterparts and other beings live and fester in. 
There are at least 6 known Districts: Eros, Wrathia, Scorn, Thostle, Grotten, and Avarice
A 7th District exists, known solely as “Lux”. At this time, it is unknown what “lies” in Lux, besides local rumors that forgotten gods live in splendor and pomp.
Humans cannot live in the Districts as it is not their “domain” and will lose their identity and being slowly until nothing remains but a whispering will-o-wisp so to speak 
Demi can be considered a special case, he was drawn to the Underground by an unknown cause, lost all sort of “identity” to his old persona (Identification, etc) and stumbled into Eros.
Eros, is ruled by the sin of Lust, and coincidentally, “ruled” by Persephone and Hades, a strip club / lounge owner couple who take in Demi as their dancer 
The Districts are barred by an intense power, one cannot leave or enter without a higher being’s request or effort. As such, these things, though rare, are in effect... Concrete trapping demons and other fell beings within the chosen District.
Because Persephone rules the District as the de facto leader (She’s a lot more liberal than other demons / gods that run the Districts. Being Hades’ wife has its perks)
Persephone is not actually a goddess, rather, implied to be a human, who was kidnapped by Hades from her father who sexually abused her. She has issues with sexual / intimate contact after the traumatic event, but Hades understands completely and has done his best to be very gentle on her trauma and frequently goes out his way to make her comfortable. Originally, he ruled the Districts until he grew “weak” and passed over control to those who took the power for themselves and gave Persephone control of Eros.
The Gods (unknown which for now) control the weather, the people, the lifestyle, and their followers reap from the benefits.
Hades retires as a shadow-morphing-through-walls, well dressed dapper man who wears pristine white gloves to acknowledge his pledge of love to Persephone.
Many speculate Persephone does not truly love Hades, but deep down, she does with all her heart, and though she does not actively take part in the intimate workings of her District, she as its ruler nurtures the public as her own children and finds sex a “beautiful exposure of those who take part, be it lovemaking or simple words of nectar.”
It was Persephone who transformed Demi into what he is now, allowing him to continue living as an Incubus due to the choice he made. (She bestowed upon him, a special jewel with the power of unlocking hidden potential. This later becomes Demi’s choker that signifies him as a member of Persephone’s “court” so to speak.) He then became an Incubus due to accepting the “District’s influence”. (It’s said the jewel Demi wears is actually crystallized demon essence Persephone personally uses for her court to keep power in line.)
It’s said demons like Lucifer hide out in the city, while monsters of unparalleled appearances creep and lurk in the cover of darkness, the city hoisted by an ocean of murkiness and forebode. 
TID BIT: Being a demon, Demi can be summoned using the right materials
Parvati claims she is Demi’s mother, as Goddess of Orphans and Love.
Olliver and Demi own a hummer they dubbed “Turtle Dove”
Regardless, Demi is left without any memories of his previous life, and as such, takes on Demitri as his “stage name” with Demi being his calling name.
He is given to Olliver, @red-prince-sidon ‘s OC who rooms with him in an apartment they both share, courtesy of Persephone’s “grace”. The two quickly become inseparable to this day, despite Olliver going back and forth through dimensions as a dimensional traveler
Olliver knows about Persephone more than Demi does, of course, but does not talk about her for his sake.
The Original Demi™ is a man much more the polar opposite to his counterpart. Whereas Demi is sometimes naive as a child, the “true” Demi is cold and calculating, where Demi is optimistic and cheerful while still being an incubus, the other is more tired with life and seeks out only luxury for himself.
It is discovered that the other Demi was once a demon summoner, and had multiple demons under his charge. One such being is Parvati of Hindu myth, who comes to Demi and comes to believe that he was forcibly changed against his will. (Demi confirms however he chose who he is now, much to her chagrin.)
Becoming one of the main figures who knew what “her child was like” before Demi was found, Parvati decides to stay by his side as his maternal figure, being summoned from Mt. Kailash whenever need be. When first met, she easily cuts down a multitude of demon thugs who were at first enjoying a dance session before Demi and the other dancers intervene.
Demi doesn’t know who Parvati “is” to the past him, but resolves to find some way to allow her to meet “her son” again.
What Parvati does not reveal is, doing so would erase Demi’s existence, and then give the previous identity the powers of an incubus. She dodges this question many times when asked, “So, what was Demi like before?”
If anything, Demi is a figment of imagination in the paradox of Persephone altering his original fate.
Demi can also summon Baphomet, a pixie, Lilith (who later claims to be a “friend” of Persephone), and a pack of wolves who he had learned the ways of from time away from the District
Demi explores the District many times, bringing the ire of Olliver, Persephone, and many others who continually remind him not to try and leave, and yet, is able to slip through the District’s barrier to a forgotten forest. 
This forest later becomes important as it leads to a sanctuary where a single lone wolf resides. Initially, Demi believes this place to be nothing but imagination, but soon bonds with the wolf that lives within the forest.
This same wolf later gives up its life, and Demi takes its pelt as a hood to keep memory of the only other “friend” he has within the District. He’s extremely touchy on this subject, as this was considered his first familiar, though, the wolf later comes back as a familiar in spirit he can later call on.
Demi works not just in Persephone’s club, he can also be found working a day job at a fitness shop on the more... “shadier” side of town. This side job lead him to become somewhat of an item amongst the public, as his behavior and personality, though very exotic for the District, is a remarkable trait in accordance to his status of being an Incubus.
While being a demon, Demi has some mastery over the magic he studies in his grimoire, as well as preference to “fire” affiliated spells and usages. Naturally, he also can charm and disorient those he chooses, and can even “amplify” certain feelings in someone should the need be. (Very rarely done by choice.)
Demi is known for making henna tattoos to create spells from the sigils and symbols on his body. (I.E, A bloody eye can foretell the future, but also what could go very wrong; A sword can conjure one from the air into his grip and so on.)
He can also control others and even change them through painting or drawing their portrait, effectively making him feared through his unconventional pictomancy
Demi is haunted by nightmares of his previous self, and though he works under Persephone and respects her, he does not trust her
There are Gods in the Districts, many of them are in hiding after being eternally damned into what one can call, Purgatory, others have risen up to own the Districts. Demi constantly dreams of others using him as a God Slayer so as to control the entire Underground for selfish reasons.
Demi has imbued a piece of Olliver’s hair into a voodoo like teddy bear so as to sleep better. This gives him the feeling of sleeping near someone and soothes many of his nightmares. Olliver notes this as Demi’s craving for affection unlike other Incubi.
Demi’s ex left him in terms of how little Demi speaks of them. He wishes them the best, but also is extremely jealous that they have also found happiness rapidly after their breakup. (they become part of the wealthy public after marrying a notable demon and supposedly living in luxury.) 
Demi’s self worth fluctuates, but is still stable now due to the things he has faced to this day. However, he craves attention and affection from those around him, due to feeling he is not worth the love of his friends and allies.
Constantly deals with feelings of emptiness and loneliness, so, speaks to himself so as not feel as alone. This has also branched into him taking Photography as a hobby, as well as making videos about “relaxing” rain drops or about a hellhound he saw on the street and he brushed its fur.
Now, for the subjective content I have, besides other canon stuff to think on, are open to criticism and ideas! Many are not set in stone as such, so, here’s what I have on mind:
One character is formed from the dying wish of a little girl to “live” and ironically is sent to Eros. Demi falls in love with this very character, but, from what arises from this is not known besides that they are ostracized for not being amongst demon kind / other being. Rather, they are, if anything, human thought brought to life. (A “human” to the eyes of the public.)
Humans are able to form “reasons” and logical or abstract philosophies that allow them to exist as a form of identity.
To demon kind and fell gods, this alone stems a lot of jealousy, they are intangible desires given form that can only be “felt” by others on the same wavelength (can interact with humans at times based on their power) while humans are tangible beings able to overthrow gods by rejecting them or building them up with faith.
There are people looking for Demi™, as the one thing they know of his original form is that he wears his signature flannel and sometimes suspenders. The Demi in the Underground however, does not recognize them and so, doesn't interact with them.
Demi was once forcibly summoned by a warlock who went rogue in the deeper parts of the city and was nearly forced into slavery until the same man touched his choker. The jewel reduced the summoner to bone and dust and Demi fled into the world, taking with him the summoner’s grimoire as his own and updating it to his own preference for “good”.
A sorceress who controls the cyberspace blogs of “Grumblr” initially saps and takes demon essence of the literal hell site. Originally seeing Demi as a potential life force well she could always use, she captures him through absorbing his data from his online grimoire and tries to craft him into her makeshift familiar “chimera”. This would effectively render her invincible, as should she be killed, the chimera, whatever “host” it absorbed, would eventually become another Sorceress. This fails, as Demi instead absorbs the Chimera into himself and learns transmutation by pretending to learn under the Sorceress’ teachings to become her successor. When on the verge of being deleted from the Underground, she tries to resurrect herself through Demi, Demi instead seals her within his digital grimoire as an actual living “processor”. Now an ample base of demonic and spiritual knowledge, Demi becomes a full fledged witch through her own work and combining with his own wilder practices. A stoic hint is given through the processing message however. “Should a wish be granted to man, humanity alone may stand a chance against the higher.” 
Demi is able to shift into a Satyr-like form after forming a contract with Baphomet. He meets the demon through attempting to research the Forbidden library, and is accepted as his student, but offers some of his humanity in return. This becomes one of the root causes for his perpetual nightmares that can only be soothed by Olliver’s help.
Persephone does not reveal she wishes to actually use Demi as her God slayer and in a twist of fate, uses him as a pawn to destroy the other fallen gods so as to “free” the Underground. Whether she does this for the good of her people, or herself, is not yet known.
Lilith was the first actual contracted demon Demi comes into contact with, and consequently, gifts him her name as his surname (Demi Lillith) as well as her sigil to identify him as her “child” (as she is depicted as mother to all incubi and succubi). This also conflicts with Parvati and Persephone for their own reasons. Lilith seeks revenge on Persephone for “stealing” her chance at taking Eros for herself. Lilith is at odds with Parvati because Parvati, and before, Sati and Kali, were once regarded as another reiteration of her until eventually, Parvati was formed on her own accord. Lilith seeks to use Demi for her own personal gain by drawing Demi into her “love” so that he feels he can see her as a mother as he does Parvati. This way, should he do so, Lilith will manipulate him into becoming a god by slaying the other gods in the Districts and eventually, making way into the human world so as to bring her back to Eden and find the reincarnation of Adam to be his wife.
Adam, the incarnation of the first man, is a warrior of God wandering the Districts looking to slay Demi for being branded by Lilith, hoping to finally sever all ties with her. Accompanied with him, is Beth, a woman of unknown origin told to be the incarnation of Eve and Adam’s lover, though she later does not love him and Adam does not truly love her. The two are later separated while Adam destroyed demons in his wake and Beth finds herself in the company of Demi, who allows her to stay with him until she finds her way back. She tries to kill him, for Adam’s sake, but cannot after finding that while many demons in the District are sinful desires of humans formed by conscious thoughts, Demi proved that there are demons who can live in peace with humans as he tried with her. She takes off later on, but leaves her cloak when she realizes Demi would be hurt knowing she would have “abandoned him”. Demi is lead to believe somewhere out there, Beth is still alive and hopefully happy, but she truly does not know where God is in the Underground, or where Adam could be. 
Lemme know what you guys think! I’d love to hear anything you got in mind! The canon right now is pretty shifty, but the concrete stuff is just the basis and character traits.
Thanks for reading!
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dead-lights · 6 months
household // 1910s caleb & lilith & lily [DOWNLOAD]
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It's so much fun throwing the Vatores into random historical eras. This is what you'll get if you throw my late Edwardian Zhu-Vatore household into your game! I may have gone a bit overboard.
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↓↓↓ tl;dr household download link & required cc below the cut ↓↓↓
There's absolutely gorgeous Edwardian cc out there, so I collected it for you 💖
The Edwardian era was marked by excess and conspicuous consumption. They liked big hair and big hats, and by the end of the period people had come to agree that the sexiest shape a woman can be is cylindrical.
Caleb, Lily, and Lilith really pull off the look. Neither lady is particularly cylindrical, but they look great in these dresses and absolutely rock the Gibson Girl updo and fancy hats.
I aged Lily down and changed her hair color, removed Lilith's tattoos, and gave Caleb a basic dark form, but no other changes. I tried to make them cousins? But when I loaded the household onto my laptop, they weren't cousins anymore :(
You'll need Vintage Glamour, in addition to Vampires and Werewolves. A few of Caleb's outfits and his hair are from VG and you CANNOT pair side bangs with Edwardian clothing. It's a fashion law.
In order to cut back on the amount of cc, there's less variety of hats, hair, gloves, and shoes than I'd like. I also didn't include jewelry. If people are interested, I can put together a list of supplementary cc that can be swapped in.
Please tag me @dead-lights if you use these for anything! I'd love to see my pixel buddies walking around in other people's saves.
Now buckle up, y'all. This gets long.
download household [SFS]
Extract that into your Tray folder (in the same folder as your Mods folder). You should see the household in CAS when you open your gallery.
required cc
fedora shape no. 2
peaky blinders outfit
wilbur outfit
1920s coat
rose's boarding outfit
rose's dinner dress
rose's lunch dress
rose's flying dress
rose’s jump dress
rose's swim dress
1910s day dress 01
my recolor of day dress 01
1910s day dress 02
1920s nightgown
men's casual edwardian suit
edwardian men's underwear + sleep wear
edwardian women's hat + coat
edwardian women's nightgown
the hartfield shoes
summer swells dress
flower accessory
gilded gibson hair
fanny's finery gown (dropbox)
perfectly plain skirt
clair de lune nightgown (dropbox)
promenade dress
demure day dress (dropbox)
astor dress (direct link)
coquette corset (dropbox)
picnic tops 2 & 3
bathing belle
florence outwear (direct link)
miss scarlet evening gown
hattie dress (direct link)
vintage swimwear by @eirflower
duchess of xviii hat by @rustys-cc
white garden gloves by rustys-cc
sunday hair by @saurusness
season's greetings hat by @nolan-sims
edwardian satin bow pumps by @waxesnostalgic
knickerbockers by waxesnostalgic
gibson curl updo by @the-melancholy-maiden
vintage glam hat by @madlensims
avery skirt by madlensims
scholar vest by @magnolianfarewell
edwardian huntress dress by @elfdor
tyrell by @clumsyalienn
bespoke corset by @dzifasims
my recolor of bespoke corset
fur hat by @lilis-palace
carla by @buzzardly28
hattie dress by @dancemachinetrait
"tea time" vintage edwardian hat by shawnthesimmer
lingerie dress by @javitrulovesims
If you're trying to replace the default in-game:
move this household into wolfsbane manor with the default vatores, then delete the defaults
use mods/cheats to make the new lily the vatores' cousin (i think mccc and ui cheats can both do it)
move custom lily in with the volkov household - use cheats/mods to copy her default relationships if you'd like - and then delete default lily. you will also need to mod/cheat lily back into the moonwood collective if you want her to keep her position. all three characters still have their occult rank and powers. she does NOT keep her special moonwood mill gossip dialogue - not sure why.
don't put my stuff behind a paywall
don't claim my stuff as your own
don't violate the TOUs of the cc makers i've included
Please let me know if there are any problems - this is my first time putting up a household and I'm only mostly sure I did it right 😅 I managed to get it to work on my laptop, so there's that.
If you're just here for the download, you're done now! If you're interested in learning more about Edwardian fashion, let me ramble at you for a bit :)
my notes
This isn't the most historically accurate set, but I'm calling it close enough - if you're interested in learning more about the era, Edwardian Promenade is a great place to start.
Edwardians had really weird, complicated rules about hat and glove wearing. For most of these outfits, people would don and remove their hats and gloves based on social context - they shouldn't be wearing gloves when they eat, for example, but should always wear gloves when they're dancing. It's hard to find consistent information about the specific rules, but I've read excerpts from the Edwardian equivalents of Miss Manners and Good Housekeeping and they are fascinating.
I found some great reference images for sportswear from Silhouettes Costumes. Caleb's athletic outfit is based on this contemporary illustration. The unfastened bottom button is a nice detail to have - it was fashionable for men to leave the last button undone, as a nod to King Edward.
The ladies have 3 sleep outfits - the first are nightgowns that they would wear to sleep, the second are corsets, with other undergarments still on underneath, and the third are chemises, which were worn under their corsets - the underest part of the underwear, essentially.
For an in-depth explanation of Edwardian lingerie, check out The Fashion Archaeologist's Blog. For information about Edwardian nighttime hair care, check out Sew Historically.
The girls are wearing lingerie dresses for their hot weather outfits - lacy dresses made with the same materials & techniques as lingerie. These were good casual afternoon dresses, and were sometimes worn without a corset. Learn more about them from The Dreamstress!
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