#i DID want to keep my wisdom teeth if i could but i reached a 'three strikes you're out' situation with cavities basically
technoxenoholic · 1 month
so btw. speaking of dental care. i got my wisdom teeth out (right side last month, left side a couple of days ago)
long story i don't feel comfortable telling short, i kept the only one that was intact (it is also, apparently, unusually large. and it was a bitch to get out). at this point i'm just hoping the government has mercy on me when i file my taxes and include my extractions as medical expenses because if this had happened next year instead of this year it could have been covered by federal dental insurance :')
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marvelfilth · 1 year
Wisdom teeth
Pairing: Wednesday Addams x f!reader
Warnings: ooc! Wednesday, mention of blood
Summary: "I've been successful at keeping this piece of information to myself for the past two months and twelve days, but now it seems that I can't hold back the words from escaping my treacherous mouth. It's almost as if I have no control of what is going through my brain at the moment. I feel like an adolescent cliché."
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She doesn't say anything when you help her to the passenger seat of your car, her eyes stay rooted on the spot above your shoulder, dark and unblinking. She sits dutifully and doesn't complain when you bend to fasten her seatbelt, your warm fingers barely grazing her clothed thigh on accident. You think you heard a slightest hitch of her throat, but that might have been your wishful thinking.
Ever since the brooding brunette first stepped foot on Nevermore grounds you were irrevocably pulled in her orbit, always close enough to be seen by her, but never close enough to reach out and touch, not that you'll ever try, you do need all of your fingers intact. Her menacing aura and Machiavellian tendencies never stopped you from trying to reach out and form some sort of connection, even if it was just making eye contact in dark hallways or receiving nearly unperceivable eye rolls whenever Enid dragged you to their room. Not even once in the months you've known her did she grace you with more than a few words and barely noticeable nods, opting to focus on her novel or, in extreme cases, leaving the room to continue her endless investigations.
So when Enid cornered you in the morning and practically begged you to take Wednesday to the dentist's office, you were torn between crushing Enid in a hug and fleeing to the woods to hide out.
In the end, you couldn't miss the chance to get to know the gothic girl a little bit better.
Wednesday pointedly clears her throat and you jump up, bumping your head against the roof of your car, close the door and make your way to the driver's seat.
You suppose her impatience to get back to school makes sense with how overstuffed her mouth seems at the moment, and once you're finally behind the wheel you reach over the console to gently swab away droplets of blood on her lips.
She stops breathing altogether.
"Are you alright, Wednesday?" You can't help, but ask, your hand awkwardly hovering over the console.
She takes a moment to think and you have to pinch yourself to make sure you're not dreaming when you practically see gears turning in her head as she struggles to formulate a response, her brows crinkled and lips slightly pursed.
"Your archive. Are we going there now?" She asks.
And there's that.
She refused anesthesia, looking eager to go through all the pain, her eyes shining brighter than you've ever seen. The doctor blanched, stuttering while he tried to reason with her, mentioning how agonizing the pain will be and how he'll probably get fired if he agreed to do it.
It made your skin crawl.
You pulled her away before she could threaten the poor man, promising her anything she wanted if listened to the doctor and agreed to anesthesia.
Her eyes flickered to your hand on her shoulder before she looked back at the sweating man, her eyes narrowing slightly.
You held your breath, looking at her with wide eyes, already regretting your offer, but all she asked for was unlimited access to your family archive.
You suppose her request made sense, given your family's history and her unwavering interest in all things unknown, but it still made your heart clench with an unbidden feeling you'd never name out loud.
"No, we're going back to school. I told you I'll take you there over summer, remember?" You patiently reply, subtly eyeing the grumpy brunette.
She huffs, wincing when it causes her pain and turns to look out the window, her eyes slightly hazy.
You take a deep breath and finally pull out from the parking lot, driving in silence and keeping your eyes firmly on the road until you can no longer pretend like you don't feel her heavy gaze on you.
"What is it, Wednesday?"
"Your face."
You blanch, offended. "What about it?"
You don't think you'll be able to withstand her making fun of your looks. She doesn't seem like the type to do that, but you can't be too sure - she is acting rather out of character.
"It's distracting. Turn around." She demands, furrowing her brows.
Your jaw falls open. "Wednesday, I'm driving."
She huffs and crosses her arms. After a minute of contemplation she starts rummaging through your glove compartment.
"Don't," you groan. You won't let her tear you apart for the mess she'll undoubtedly find there, so you reach for your phone. "Why don't you play a game? Or, I don't know, find something to blackmail me with?" You unlock it and toss it on her lap, your hand falling back on the wheel, clutching it in a tight grip.
Your phone lays untouched for a long moment and you have to restrain yourself from looking over at the ravenette. It's the longest you've spent in her company and she most certainly said more words in the past ten minutes than she did in all the time you've known her, and Enid didn't prepare you for conversations.
Your palms start to sweat a little.
She looks down at her lap and picks up your phone with two fingers only to throw it on the backseat. "I'm allergic to technology," she deadpans.
She stays silent for the next few minutes and you relax, thanking every divine being for making this trip somewhat easy for you.
And that's when she turns to look back at you, her expression sour and displeased, like you just said something really dumb. You decide to ignore her for as long as you can, checking your blind spots and fiddling with the radio to seem busy.
She pointedly clears her throat, pulling your attention. You sigh and look at her.
"What now?"
She frowns. "I feel compelled to reveal something you might find… unwelcome." Her mumble comes out distorted and she winces slightly, her hand coming up to cradle her swollen cheek and you swiftly slap it away, sheepishly looking away at her affronted look.
"Don't want you to hurt yourself."
"Usually, slapping ones hand causes them pain," she retorts, fully turning in her seat to face you. "You slapped my hand. That hurt. Not that I didn't enjoy it, but I prefer to inflict pain, not receive it."
You snort, shaking your head at the smaller girl and she pouts. Wednesday Addams, the girl who'd rather jump off a cliff in a river full of piranhas than show an ounce of human emotion, pouts.
But maybe it's not so strange, considering the circumstances.
You adjust in your seat, your right hand landing on your thigh to subtly fiddle with the rough fabric of your jeans. They're light blue, with flowers all over their back pockets and Wednesday absolutely hates them, which is why, you guess, she's currently staring down at your legs like they're her mortal enemies.
The tips of her ears turn red.
"Must you do that?" She hisses, gesturing to your hand on your thigh.
You blink and place it back on the wheel, noting the way her eyes snap up to glare at the road.
"Are you feeling okay?" You ask, because she's starting to look restless. Her fingers clench and unclench on her lap and she keeps glancing at your hand every couple of seconds.
"No." Her eyes snap up to look at the roof of your car, her face a picture of impatience. "Hold my hand."
You gulp, breath catching in your throat and turn to look at the smaller girl just in time to catch her boring holes into your hand and probe lightly at her cheeks. Your mouth opens to stutter a response, but her scathing look makes you shut up.
"This gauze in my mouth feels terrible, I can't possibly endure it a moment longer. Holding your hand will make the feeling bearable." She looks at you expectantly, turning over her hand on her lap, waiting.
You hesitantly reach out and take her hand. She laces your fingers, letting out a quiet sigh as she sags against the weathered leather, turning to look out the window.
You can't believe this is happening.
This Wednesday is not something you're equipped to deal with. Hell, you can barely manage her regular self, which still comes hard at times, especially when you intrude on her writing time. It's not like you mean to do that, but a certain blonde always chooses that exact hour to invite you over, always wearing a mischievous smirk when Wednesday tenses up upon your arrival.
This feels like walking on thin ice at gunpoint with a ticking bomb in your hands.
Her nails dig into your skin hard enough to make you yelp, but you don't pull away, eyeing the stewing girl. She's breathing heavily, her lips opening and closing as she seemingly tries to keep herself from blurting something out.
It's so bizarre you have an urge to pinch yourself, but you don't need that with her nails still digging into your skin.
You focus on the road, afraid to stir the dragon.
Her next words make you jolt so hard the car wavers on the road.
"Every time my eyes land on you my heart skips a beat," she says, like she's complaining about a mystery she couldn't solve.
You grip the steering wheel tighter. "What?"
"One does not typically pay attention to such mundane thing, but I do. Whenever you're in my vicinity I can't help, but be aware of each skipped beat of my heart. The feeling is revolting, and I've had the urge to confess this ever since I woke up." She frowns, and it's quiet for a few minutes as she seemingly gathers her thoughts.
The moment you had in your art shed suddenly comes to mind. You went there after a long day of studying in the library, ready to decompress and finish your latest painting. You didn't expect anyone to be there, which is why you shrieked like a maniac when you flicked the lights on, basking Wednesday's rigid form in warm yellow glow. She stood over your painting, her features stony and unreadable as her fingers traced the outline of a shipwreck on the canvas, the still wet paint smudging her fingers and messing up your precise strokes.
It made the painting even more beautiful.
You dug around your backpack, looking for tissues, taking a step closer when you finally found some. With great hesitance, you reached for her hand, your fingers closing around her delicate wrist. Her lips parted as she inhaled, her pulse erratic under your thumb. She took one look at you, turned on her heel and left, her perfume lingering in the air.
You gulp, when her grip on your hand turns painful. "I've been successful at keeping this piece of information to myself for the past two months and twelve days, but now it seems that I can't hold back the words from escaping my treacherous mouth. It's almost as if I have no control of what is going through my brain at the moment. I feel like an adolescent cliché," she complains through gritted teeth, irritated.
Your face burns the same shade as the red light you've come to stop at. You don't know if you should feel ecstatic or fear for your life, because no matter what happens next, you're sure Wednesday will have your head for witnessing a rare moment of weakness. But your heart always had more power than your head, so you're left with trembling hands and sweaty palms, choking on your breath as you struggle to think of something to say.
"Wednesday, I'm going to have a heart attack," you mumble.
"You're not showing any signs of an impending heart attack, if anything, your symptoms correlate with something Enid usually calls having a crush." She's back to staring intently at you, catching every twitch of the muscles on your face as you try your best to keep your blush at bay. Her hand slides up, enclosing your wrist.
Your heart burns in your chest and you feel the need to correct her, to tell her that what you feel for her is more than some stupid crush. You need to tell her about the way your dark wings tingle when she brushes past you, begging to be released from the confinement of your spine. You need to tell her about the way your heart beats out a special rhythm, hammering against your ribs like a caged animal, desperately leading its owner to the girl who successfully stole it.
You need to tell her how easy it was to fall for her and how hard it got when you realized the extent of your feelings.
You need to tell her something, anything.
You need to tell her everything.
A loud honk jostles you and you look back at the road to keep driving, trying your best to hide your face when a car passes by you, the driver giving you a finger.
"Imbecile," Wednesday mumbles.
"Yeah, what an asshole."
"I meant you. The gesture was entirely appropriate seeing as you failed to pay attention to your surroundings."
"Huh?" You gape. "You're insulting me now?"
"Your observation skills never cease to amaze me," she frowns in thought, "just like your remarkable ability to make my existence less bothersome." The haze in her eyes is gone, replaced by reserve and a hint of fondness.
Your brain short circuits.
You pull over and let your forehead fall against the wheel, still holding it in a death grip.
You would never admit it to anyone, not even on your deathbed, but you swear you feel butterflies erupt in your stomach at her quiet confession.
Your smile is so wide it hurts your cheeks, but you don't care as long as Wednesday keeps looking at you like that, like she's trying her best at keeping away the warmth in her eyes. They flicker to your lips when you lick them, and this time she can't keep her emotions in check, her eyes alight with fiery passion.
You can't help voicing your concern. "I thought you didn't like me that much. I mean, you barely speak to me when Enid drags me to your dorm."
She looks at you for a long moment. Her thumb circles your knuckle. "Enid has a surprisingly perceptive eye. She noticed a certain change in my behavior long before I did and decided to act on it. I simply wasn't prepared."
"Are you prepared now?" You breathe out.
"Are you?"
You let out a relieved laugh, and pull her hand up to your lips, placing a soft kiss on her ice cold knuckle. "Wednesday, I've been pining over you since the day we met."
She lets out a barely noticeable breath and you suddenly realize she's been nervous all this time too, you just failed to pay attention in your anxiety riddled state.
"Good." The corners of her mouth fly up.
Your eyes widen. She has dimples.
She turns away nonchalantly and places your intertwined hands on her lap, looking like she just solved the biggest mystery known to mankind.
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lonesome-witching · 10 months
Just a Car Ride
Another prompt from @rabbitofdeath-atcastleaarrggh. It is a short one, but I still hope you like it. In this one Robin gets her wisdom teeth removed.
You can read my previous prompts or send me some new ones.
It should have been Steve. He had made the promise to Robin. It would have been so much easier if it had been Steve.
But no. Steve had been called away on an emergency and so he had called Nancy to fill in. She wasn’t sure how much of an emergency it could have been though. The walkies had been quiet for a while now. Yet that didn’t change that Steve had run after Dustin in a worry and Nancy was forced to pick up Robin.
It wasn’t that she minded. She liked hanging out with Robin. She just wasn’t sure how to deal with liking Robin. She wasn’t meant to like Robin.
“Nancy?” Robin was slurring her words as she nearly fell into Nancy’s arms.
“Hi, Robin. I hope it’s alright I’m picking you up. Steve had to go.”
“I think I might like you better.”
Nancy could feel the blush creeping up her cheeks. “We should go,” Nancy said, dragging Robin towards her car.
“Take me home, Nancy Wheeler.”
She opened the door for Robin, dropping her on the passenger seat. Even going the mile to lean over her friend to buckle her seatbelt. She couldn’t help but close her eyes as she smelled Robin’s perfume. And then she pulled away, rounding the car and slipping into the driver’s seat.
“You are very pretty, Nance.” Robin’s head was leaning against the headrest, a dopey smile on her face.
“I think you’re high on laughing gas.”
“I always think you’re pretty.” Robin poked her finger into Nancy’s cheek.
“I think you’re pretty too.” Nancy tried her best to stay focused on the road. She had to stay focused on the road. No matter how cute Robin looked.
Out of the corner of her eye she saw the smile on Robin’s face falter. “You don’t mean that.”
“Of course, I do.” Nancy quickly looked over.
“You like Steve.”
Nancy laughed loudly in response. “I assure you I’m not into Steve.”
“Is it still Jonathan then?” Robin was staring at her. Nancy could feel Robin’s eyes on her.
“What are you talking about?”
“I like you.” Robin giggled a little after she said it. As if it was some kind of inside joke that Nancy couldn’t possibly understand.
“I like you too.”
Robin turned on the radio. A generic pop hit filled the car. Nancy thought back to her car rides with Jonathan. He would have pulled up his nose and turned off the radio again. She thought back of Steve. He would have started shouting out the wrong lyrics. All Robin did was softly hum. Barely audible.
“Me and Jonathan aren’t together anymore. We broke up. I broke up with him.” Nancy gripped the wheel tighter.
“Oh,” Robin replied. “I’m sorry.”
“You already knew, didn’t you?”
“My mouth hurts.”
Nancy nodded. “You did just get your wisdom teeth removed.”
“Oh, okay.”
In a few minutes they would reach Robin’s street. Nancy would make the turn, drive up until she saw the navy blue door and then she’d help Robin into bed. She almost didn’t want to.
“You have a cute nose,” Robin said, one of her fingers reaching out to touch it. Nancy couldn’t help but scrunch up her nose as the finger neared. Robin started giggling.
“You have pretty eyes,” Nancy shot back quickly. She wasn’t sure if she was trying to change the subject or if she was trying to keep it going.
“You have nice hands.”
“You have a pretty voice.”
“You have pretty lips.”
Nancy wasn’t fast enough to reply, and so Robin continued: “Sometimes, when it’s late at night, I wonder what it would be like to kiss them. Your lips.”
Everything seemed to stop. Time slowed down. Nancy nearly went into cardiac arrest at the mere thought of Robin kissing her. She was about ready to step on the brakes.
Instead, she just remained quiet.
“It’s stupid though, because I know you’d never want to kiss me.”
“What if I do?” Nancy saw the navy blue door and somehow she knew she wasn’t going to get a reply.
“That’s my house,” Robin exclaimed, pointing out the window.
Nancy exhaled as she stopped the car.
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paddockbunny · 2 years
I’ve just had surgery and could I request something fluffy? Max, Daniel or Pierre please x
"Maybe a peek...'cause your hot"
Summary : A bit load of sugary fluff of Daniel picking you up after you have wisdom tooth removal surgery. Rating : 16 Pairing : Daniel Ricciardo x Reader Word Count : 809 blurb Trigger Warnings : Post surgery discussion, language, teeth discussion (cause I know some people are triggered by that)
💞Authors Note: I hope you’re feeling better, there is nothing worse than being post surgery. I hope your recovery goes well and this little blurb is ok ☺️
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Daniel genuinely didn’t know what to expect when he came to pick you up after your wisdom tooth extraction. He had seen all the funny videos that circulated around online but those were of teenagers, you were a full-grown woman. Surely, the drugs wouldn’t affect you THAT much?
But as soon as the nurse pulled a face when she opened the door to show him into room, he realised what he was going to be in for.
You had some contraption around your head with ice packs built in to keep the swelling down. But it was the fact your head was sort of lolling around while you spoke nonsensical words that made him crack up.
It wasn’t that you were super serious but out of the pair of you he was certainly the goofy, silly one so this was incredibly amusing for him
“There he is!” Your arms stretched out toward him and he held back laughter when he saw the padding poking out of your mouth. You were cute even if you were high as fuck.
Daniel leaned in and stopped before kissing you on your dry cracked lips and instead placed a quick, gentle kiss on your forehead and you feigned shock. “My doctor will kick your ass for that.”
Daniel pulled back and couldn’t help but laugh as you start babbling to the nurses about the doctor saying you needed lots and lots of kisses to feel better. If you had been fully aware of what was going on he would have claimed to feel ganged up on but clearly you were on another planet from the painkillers they had given you as you came around from surgery.
And then, as the nurses handed him a bag full of the things you needed for recovery and helped you into his car, it dawned on him he was in charge of you and he hoped and prayed he would be able to do a good job.
During that car journey Daniel listened as you spoke mindlessly, most of it not making a single bit of sense. You kept calling him handsome which he liked, and then when he had to break heavily for a car ahead slamming on their breaks, you called him a bad driver he didn’t like. He tried to plead his case and said he was the last of the late breakers and he physically couldn’t be a bad driver when he’s one of the best in the world but you just kept shushing him and calling him pretty.
Finally, after getting back to his, Daniel helped you out of the car and into the house. He managed to get you to the bedroom and you only groaned once from twinges of pain.
“It’s alright baby, let's get you into bed and I’ll get you some ice chips.” He said as he sat you down on the edge of the bed and got on his knees to take your trainers off. While he did that your hand reached out and stroked his curls like he was a little pet. He couldn’t help but smile because he wondered what your mind was thinking of as he glanced to see you content.
“Gentle, gentle….” Daniel said calmly when he helped you out of your zip up top and you whipped your arms out of the sleeves rather quickly for his liking. He was worried that you would hurt yourself, burst stitches or something. He wanted to protect you and take care of you like he knew you would if it had been him and roles were reversed.
Daniel tenderly went to the hem of your t-shirt and started pulling it, almost getting it over your head – even with the funny head bandage ice pack thing – and you stopped him and dramatically clutched the top at your chest.
“Uh!” You yelped and he pulled back immediately, scared he had hurt you, “I have a boyfriend.” You wag your finger at him playfully.
“I know you do.” He held back his laughter and bit his bottom lip to avoid cracking when you added; “You can’t see my boobs because I have a boyfriend.” And he almost lost it at that. He felt himself fall even more in love with you in that moment because you simply looked so cute – and it was clear how much you needed him to look after you while you were out of your mind on prescription drugs
“Ok well, maybe a peek…cause your hot but don’t tell him…shh….” And as you flashed him quickly Daniel sat back on his knees and put his hands over his face to hide the fact he had tears streaming down his face from laughter but then played along
“I know for a fact he loves your boobs…and when you get better he will show you how much.”   
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whirlwindimagines · 1 year
I have a request! What if you’re the mom friend of the group and try to look after Vash after he’s either had a tough day or was just feeling low? :)
Where do I need to sign up to take care of this man!!! Let me hold my babygurl! Also I’ve been so out of it this weekend in pain with my wisdom teeth, I wanted to post this yesterday but I was not existing lol so here ya go~
‘Talk about it somewhere only we know?'
Vash x Reader
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You never met a group of more dysfunctional people; it was truly amazing that they managed to make it this far. Vash and Wolfwood drove you crazy enough, with the way they would throw themselves into danger. Vash was the absolute worse one of the bunch, hiding his injuries, not eating, the list was endless! Vash was always so sheepish when he made you worry, you’d think he’d stop, but no you’d notice some stiffness to him, and bam another injury he was trying to hide! Or he’d admit that the last time he ate was days ago! 
The others liked to make fun of you for your mother-hen qualities, but you knew they also thought it was endearing, well Wolfwood liked to make fun of you and Vash thought it was sweet even if he thought he didn’t deserve such kindness. But he did he really did. It was quiet as everyone set up camp for the night, Vash was fine with sleeping up on top of the car, you noticed he seemed a little distant today. 
You can’t help yourself, heading towards the car and pulling yourself up. It wasn't as easy as Vash made it look, you curse nearly slipping when a hand reaches out and catches you by the wrist. Vash gives you a soft smile as he pulls you up the rest of the way onto the roof of the car. “Thanks…” you say a little sheepishly, sitting beside Vash on the roof. He settles down next to you, with a kind smile. “No problem! Wouldn’t want you to fall now would we,” he says this with a small laugh,
Pulling your knees to your chest, you can’t help but just stare at him, taking every detail. The way the shadows under his eyes look so dark, not sleeping. The way he’s turned his body away from you, hiding something. The tenseness of his shoulders, worried about something. “Um do I have something on my face?” and finally deflecting, you hum your eyes meeting his bright blue ones, which seemed a little dull. 
“You, okay?” You're taking the direct route tonight, you can see his eyes widen, and then he gives you that easy-going grin, maybe it would tick someone who didn't know him, and when he puts his hand behind his head you know exactly what he's going to say. 
Say he's fine, deflect, and turn it on you. 
“Oh course! It's been a long day though, are you tired?”
It's like clockwork at this point, you wished you could reach over grab him by the shoulders and shake him until he gets it. You care about him, you want him to take care of him, no strings attached. But that approach won't work on someone like Vash, who is just an excuse away from running. 
“It has been a long day, hasn't it? Do you need anything?” You ask kindly, “Do you need anything.” You laugh, this was so ridiculous, he was still looking at you with that sheepish look he knows exactly what he's doing, it's almost a little painful. 
“Vash how long have we known each other?” You start instead, you’ve known Vash the longest, the two of you haven't always traveled together, but fate kept throwing the two of you into one ridiculous situation after the other, and well, you two kinda just stuck together from there. He looks at you curiously, dropping his hand to pick at the fingers on his prosthetic, “A long time I guess.” is his quiet reply, you hum at his answer. 
“So how long have we been playing this game? Is that what you want to do? Talk in circles, until I get upset so you cave or you hold out until you're on the brink of self-destruction” He doesn’t say anything, but he can't look at you. The statement hangs between the two of you, and you let it. “Why do you…keep trying then, when you know I'm difficult” his voice is so soft and quiet you nearly miss it. But you hear it and reach out your hand grasping his chin between your fingers to make him look at you, his eyes are so wide, so nervous. 
“Because it's you.” You say it like it's the most obvious statement in the world. Sure, you're a bit of a mother hen with everyone, but it's always been something a little more with Vash. Hard to explain, but a little scary to give a real name to. So, the both of you don't, you just leave it as is. You can hear his breath hitch, you need to pull back, this is a part of it, you push, lean in, and because you are a coward back off with a lingering feeling of something. 
Dropping his face, you lean back putting some distance, “I’m just saying, we’re friends Vash I want to take care of you” you say quietly with a slight blush, you don’t give him a chance to speak before you lose even more resolve.
You can’t even look at him, but you feel a shy yet gentle touch on your shoulder, so you turn to look at Vash. He’s giving you such a soft look and it makes your heart ache. “Thank you.” Such simple words and yet, they make your heart pound. You know it’s more than a simple thank you to your soft words, it’s a thank you meant for everything you do. 
Placing a hand over his hand curled around your shoulder, holding his hand lightly. You just need something to hold on to as you speak, “You're welcome.” He smiles and pulls you into his side, shifting his arm so he can rest His arm around your shoulders. You have no choice but to settle into his side, this is a part of the game too, providing you comfort when he’s the one who needs it. But you don’t push, not right now, because even if he’s giving you comfort, he’s also comforting himself so you let him take everything he needs.
Because that’s the type of person you are, maybe if you were braver, you’d tell him the truth. But this is enough for now, it’s always enough. Leaning your head on his shoulder, you sigh contently, you feel his grip tighten on you, but you shake your head. You two don’t need to talk not right now at least. You want to, God there isn't anything you’d love to do more than grab him by the shoulders and give him a good shake…and maybe a kiss. But all that could wait, right now you are content just being at his side.
Edit: Part two!
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yenqa · 2 years
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wisdom man
sypnosis : you just got your wisdom teeth taken out, who’s there to comfort you? jungwon of course!
pairing : jungwon x gn!reader!
genre : fluff 🤗🤗 hurt and comfort
warnings! : mentions of blood, surgery, kissing, throwing up,
this is a scheduled post!
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the bright lights of the recovery room quickly cause you to close your eyes, not wanting to blind yourself, you sit there.
your limbs feel tingly, like your still asleep but your mind is awake.
“i think they’re waking up ms.”, a familiar voice speaks.
you slowly open your eyes having to blink a few times. a man with red hair greets you. wait you know this man, it’s jungwon!
“let’s go home yeah? i have everything you need.”
slowly giving him a thumbs up, well since the medicine was still wearing off you, it was much slower then what you expected.
the trip to the car was horrible to say the least.
you’re mouth was sore and puffy, and jungwon accidentally kissed your cheek, resulting in some more pain, and your cheeks turning red, plus you almost threw up too!
you almost fall asleep on the car ride home, luckily for you jungwon gave you an ice pack to lessen your swollen cheeks (and keep you awake).
when you get home he leads you to the bed and you sit down. you two cuddle while watching a movie he sets up.
about an hour with complete silence, he soon gets up,
“i’ll be right back okay love?”
“okay”, you try your best to say. he gives you a warm smile leaving you to your bedroom alone.
he quickly comes back with a bowl of congee (without all onions and things). he sits down on the bed, careful not to spill he slowly picks up some soup on the spoon, you place your ice pack down.
“my mom made this don’t worry, open wide!”, he brightly smiles.
you almost laugh, opening your mouth as big as you can without hurting yourself.
he leads the spoon to your mouth before he quickly stops, the soup just being out of reach.
you look at him confused, closing your mouth.
“i need to take out your gauzes,” he replies “open again please.”
you open your mouth for him, he takes out the gauzes inside your mouth and throwing it away, then he picks up the spoon again, feeding you.
the warm feeling in your mouth has never felt better.
“thank y-“ he quickly stops you with a (very) soft and quick kiss on the lips.
“no talking,” he furrows his brows shaking his head. you put your hands up, palms facing the ceiling, hoping he got your hint.
“because it’ll mess up the blood clots forming apparently,” he shrugs gesturing for you eat what was in the spoon.
nodding, and taking more of the soothing meal in your body. soon you finish the whole bowl, while jungwon brainstorms how’ll you’ll talk to him without physically saying it.
“hand signs won’t work, plus it’s only for a day. oh wait! just write it in your notes app and I’ll read them!” he claps at his own idea, you give him a thumbs up.
“also i heard pineapple juice can reduce swelling and pain, so i bought some! let me go get it”, he runs off.
the typing of your nails could be heard from outside the room, as he comes back, you shove your phone in his face.
“did i do my research? no it’s because i’m a wisdom man” he tries to wink at you discreetly.
you smile at his pun, sipping on your pineapple juice.
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a/n : another repost! likes, comments, reposts, and feedback are all appreciated. thank you sm for reading <33
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waltwhitmansbeard · 1 year
go on, claim my heart: chapter forty
see my masterpost for what came before this.
Keyleth is grateful that Percy brought her back to the cottage instead of to Pike's chambers. The cottage was farther, but she is much more comfortable here, on the little sofa in front of the fire, with her baby girl in her arms and the castle far from view. Pike sits just next to her, her palm on Keyleth's shoulder, glowing golden yellow as Pike keeps up a seemingly limitless font of healing.
And she does feel better, except in all the ways in which she feels worse. The sickening sludge has left her body, and she no longer feels as if she is teetering on the edge of death, but as she watches her daughter, who gnaws on a polished ring of wood, blissfully unaware of how close she came to losing her mother and grandfather in the same week she nearly lost her own life, she still feels sick to her stomach.
There has been so much death. Her mother. A ballroom of innocents in Syngorn. Four members of the Vesran noble family. Percy, for a moment. Her father. At this point, likely the Archduchess as well. All for one man to ascend to the throne that Keyleth spent her whole life wishing were someone else's. She would understand if Vallen had been motivated by love, or fear, or even revenge, but power? Only a fool who had never had any would go to such lengths to seek it out.
Pike's hand slips from her shoulder. "I'm tapped out, I'm afraid." Her little arms come to squeeze around Keyleth's waist. "I'm so, so sorry, Keyleth."
"As am I, Pike." She's sorry that this is the world that has been built for them. She's sorry that Vallen believed he could slaughter his way to power, and she's sorry that he came extremely close to being correct. She's sorry that the people of her nation were robbed of so much—her mother's heart, her father's wisdom, whatever gifts Duchess Uvenda's rightful heirs might have brought Vesrah.
Vilya drops the teething ring onto her chest and reaches up toward her mother. Keyleth lets her grab onto her finger. What terrors will await this next sovereign of the Ashari Nation? What bids for power will wreak chaos and suffering on this tiny child, one whose laughter is bright like sunshine and whose smile could bring an army to its knees? How is Keyleth meant to balance her fidelity to her people with her near-feral devotion to her child? She'd told her father, right here in this room, that she would let her nation rot if it meant protecting her daughter, and she hadn't been lying—but what can she do to protect them both?
What she must.
The door to the cottage swings open, and Vax is there, eyes wild until they land on Keyleth and Vilya. She watches the tension seep from his shoulders as he comes in toward them. Keyleth turns to Pike. "Will you do me a favor?"
"Of course." Pike slips off of the sofa.
"Will you gather the rest of the Council? And bring them here?"
Pike's brows knit in confusion, but she nods all the same. "I'll be back as fast as I can." She leaves just as Vax comes to take her seat beside Keyleth. He bends down to kiss Vilya's forehead first, then Keyleth's lips, his hands on either side of her face. He tastes like sweat and blood, and Keyleth wishes more than anything to freeze this very moment, to live in it until the whole world falls to ash around them.
But something must be done.
Vax keeps Keyleth's face in his hands, inspects her eyes, her cheeks, her neck, whatever bits of her he can see. "Are you alright? What did Pike have to say?"
Her smile is soft, indulgent, but it doesn't reach her eyes. "I'm fine. Tired, but then, what else is new?"
There's something about her, something off, but considering he found her mere heartbeats away from death, it's not like he can be that surprised. He gathers her in his arms, pulls her and Vilya closer in. "He confessed to everything," he says quietly. "The entire scheme. Son of a bitch wouldn't even let me torture it out of him."
Because he wanted to, wants to, even still. Vax's fingers itch to slide his blade beneath Vallen's skin, peel back his layers inch by inch to the score of his screams. Vax has killed before, for survival, for money, for duty, but this one he'd do for the pleasure of it.
But Vex had to show up, descending into the same dungeons where Vax had interrogated Finefirn, with that look on her face, the one their mother used to give Vax when he was a boy. And though Vax's hands were already slick with Vallen's blood, he could not exact his revenge, not with his sister's sharp call of his name echoing through the crooked stone halls.
Were he a better man, Vax would be able to admit that his sister's admonishment was well-earned, because Vallen had not merely confessed, but begged for mercy as well. And though Vax would enjoy nothing more than coming up with new, inventive ways to make this insect of a man suffer, he knows that any denial of mercy must come from the one most wronged.
So he says to his wife, "He has asked for clemency. Specifically, he has asked to speak to you about the matter personally, though I hope you can understand when I say I would rather burn the castle to the ground with him trapped beneath than let you within half a mile of him." She doesn't say anything, so he presses on. "It should be your decision, the fate he now faces. I...know that you are more compassionate than most, and if you wish to merely keep him locked away for his crimes, well. As I said, it should be your decision."
Still, Keyleth says nothing, staring down into their daughter's curious face. Vax finds himself in the familiar position of wishing he could hear all of the private thoughts swirling in her head. He knows better than to push, knows that she needs the space and the time to come to decisions on her own, and the gods know that Vallen isn't going anywhere; he is currently hanging by chains imbued with an anti-magic enchantment with a gag bound tightly in his mouth, his cell watched by no fewer than a dozen of Vex's best men and women. He'd be lying if he said that he wasn't hoping Keyleth would ask him to make Vallen suffer, but even as ruthless and unforgiving as he saw her be in Whitestone, he doesn't know if she has that kind of cruelty in her, that thirst for violence.
"Please forgive me."
Her words are so quiet, for a moment, Vax thinks he's imagined them. When he does realize what she's said, he thinks she must be speaking in reference to her decision regarding Vallen. He is disappointed—his thirst for vengeance only grows stronger with each passing minute—but of course he would forgive whatever choice she made in this regard.
Except...she isn't speaking to him. She's still looking down at Vilya, whose eyelids now droop heavily as she begins to drift off in her mother's arms. Now he's confused; what on earth would she need Vilya's forgiveness for?
She pulls herself from his embrace then, turns to face him with shining eyes. She takes a deep breath, and he braces himself for whatever it is she is about to say.
"I am abrogating the Ashari Nation."
Once the words are said, a wave of calm washes over Keyleth. For the first time since Vilya was taken, she feels as if she can breathe. She looks down at her sleeping daughter, the fluttering eyelashes, the slightly parted lips. It seems so simple, now that she's made the decision. She can feel the consternation radiating off of Vax—he must start and abandon at least two dozen questions in rapid succession—but she sits in silence, waiting for the others to arrive.
It takes Pike about half an hour to gather the entire Ashari Council, and in that time Keyleth lays Vilya to sleep in her cradle, which has been moved into their bedroom for the time being—she doubts she'll ever be able to sleep in a separate room from her again—and sets a kettle over the fire to boil some water for tea. The whole time, Vax watches her as he might a rabid animal, as if her every move is erratic and unpredictable.
There is little room in the cottage for the five councilmembers, Keyleth, and Vax, but they make do. Keyleth remains standing, giving the seats to the others. Vax dithers, unsure of where he should be, and Keyleth holds out her hand to him. It has always fit into hers so nicely, like it was the only place it was meant to be.
"Thank you for joining me here," she begins. She sees Master Gilmore open his mouth, but she raises a hand to stop him. "I am sure you all offer your many condolences for my loss and congratulations for the rescue of our daughter, and believe me, your support, your kindness is appreciated now more than ever. In fact, it is that very support that I require for the future of the Ashari people."
She takes a deep breath. The decision was easy. This part is hard. "Until Vax, until Vilya, my greatest love—my only love—was for the people of this great nation. My father raised me to understand that to be a sovereign was to be a caretaker, to assume responsibility for the well-being and livelihoods of thousands, people I would never meet all across the continent. He raised me to love those people, to want to do the most good for the most people with every decision I make. I have always known that that mission would involve making difficult choices, choices that some people might not like, choices that might make my own life harder.
"And I have made one such choice." She's squeezing Vax's hand so hard, she cannot believe she hasn't broken his fingers. Since the Council's arrival, she's been avoiding Percy's gaze. She meets it now. "I believe that the best thing for the Ashari people is to dissolve the Ashari Nation."
Lady Kima, who had just taken a sip of her tea, spits it out in what would, in another circumstance, be a truly comical display of shock. Lady Allura starts to splutter out something unintelligible, but it's Percy's reaction Keyleth can't look away from. Her normally stoic, reserved friend is rapidly tripping through a myriad of emotions, each flashing so fast and bright across his face she has no hope of telling them apart.
Master Gilmore is the first one to find the words. "Your Majesty, please...elaborate."
She nods. "The current system we employ for governance and security is not working. We should all be astounded that it took this long for a member of the Ashari nobility to realize that all that stands in the way of our nation's capital's moving to their city is the callous murder a few people who are essentially strangers. Of course Vallen was motivated to erase my family's line here in Zephrah; it was the key to bringing his own family line to power, to bringing him to power.
"Our constituent cities, as connected and beloved as they are, are too far apart to be truly considered one nation. I believe it is in the best interests for Vesrah, Terrah, Pyrah, and Zephrah to each become independent city-states, self-governing as they see fit, in an alliance or confederation with each other. We form our own governments, our own laws, our own economies, and we rely on each other in times of war or strife."
Her eyes bounce between the council members, trying to gauge their thoughts on the matter. She's mostly seeing shades of bewilderment, so she continues, "And to start, I would like to declare that from this day forward, Zephrah will be a republic governed by a democratically-elected council." She sweeps a hand out. "Starting with you all."
Everyone starts talking at once. It is a cacophony of objections and questions and exclamations of surprise, and Keyleth smiles placidly at all of it. Vax's hand squeezes hers once, and she turns to see him mouth, Are you sure?
She's never been more sure in her life.
Allura's voice cuts through the noise. "Your Majesty—"
"I am begging you, please just call me Keyleth."
She watches contention twist in Allura's eyes, but the Mistress of Arcana presses on. "I don't wish to question your wisdom, but...I worry that you are making this...rather grand decision from a place of pain, of hurt."
She isn't wrong. Keyleth is in such exquisite pain, a turmoil as unwieldy and overwhelming as roiling seas. But in the center of the storm is a respite, a space of calm from which she has come to realize the best course of action for both her family and her people.
"My pain has forced me to see what pain our nation has been in for some time now. And my pain has shown me what may very well await my daughter should we continue down this same path. I...have thought a great deal about fate, these past few years." A romance fated for tragedy, a treaty to rewrite the fates of nations, the goddess of fate restoring her life in exchange for her husband's fealty. "I am not one to care much for the gods, powerful though I know them to be, but...what could they have given us these fragile lives for if not to choose our own fates? What is the purpose of us, of them, if we are not meant to build something new, something beautiful?"
Percy, who had been leaning back against a kitchen counter, pushes off and crosses over to stand just in front of Keyleth. He takes her free hand. "And what of you?"
She looks into his eyes. He arrived in Zephrah already so grown up, all buttoned and polished and quiet. She devoted much of their shared childhood to cracking open his shell, to finding what secrets and chaos lie beneath, but all she found was the piece of her family she never knew was missing. "I have everything I need right here."
He smiles at that, and the idea strikes her like a lightning bolt to a tree. "Percy?" He hums. "If you would be amenable...I would very much like a fifth city-state to join this alliance."
He's confused for a moment, and then the realization dawns across his face. "Whitestone?"
"With its rightful lord at the helm."
Percy is silent for a long moment, his eyes darting around in shock, but then he throws his arms around her neck. She catches him with a smile. "You're not getting rid of me, Percival de Rolo. The Ashari Nation may be no more but you will always be my family."
From the sofa, Pike clears her throat. "We have much to discuss. Much to discuss. This...this is big."
Keyleth lets go of Percy. "Of course, we will need to discuss this with the Archdukes and Archduchess—which reminds me, when we are done here, Allura, please take Pike to check in on Duchess Uvenda. With any luck, we will be able to prevent Vallen's final murder from being completed." The two women nod. "I suppose what I must ask now is...do I have your support in this?"
She holds her breath as the council members look to each other, having brief, silent conversations with one another as they consider the rather large proclamation she's just made. Finally, one by one, they begin to nod, and Keyleth lets out the breath as they start to confer amongst themselves, their brilliant minds already whirring as they commence the construction of a new government.
Keyleth turns to Vax, who is watching her with bright, awed eyes. "And you?" she murmurs, bringing his hand, still entwined with hers, to her lips. "Do I have your support?"
Vax brings his free hand up to cup her cheek, and she pushes her face into it, eyes sliding closed. She feels his lips brush her forehead, and then he murmurs low, "In everything you do, my love."
Her eyes open, and she smiles slyly. "You won't be married to royalty anymore."
He shrugs. "I was thinking about leading a revolution anyway. Storm the castle, topple the monarchy, that old song. You saved me a bunch of trouble, actually."
And for the first time in a long time, Keyleth laughs, sharp and bright, as she folds herself into Vax's arms.
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fathermoore · 1 year
the first encounter.
[entry 1/?]
Tonight I awoke from a twisted nightmare in a cold sweat. May God ensure that this will be both the first and last time I must describe such a horrid dream.
It began with me lying in bed, eyes closed, as if I were naturally rousing from sleep into the waking world. All seemed normal until I became acutely aware of an oppressive force boring down upon my chest. My lungs struggled to expand, constricted as they were by the weight atop me, and in a panic my eyes snapped open. There, only inches from my face, was a ghastly creature veiled in shadow. I could only see its eyes, two orbs with a strange green sheen, watching me intently, unblinking. (When I recall them in my mind’s eye, I am reminded of the feral cats that stalk the grounds outside the church, feasting upon small, helpless creatures in the night. Prey.) The beast panted, open-mouthed, breath smelling of brimstone and claret. I recoiled at the fermented stench, pressing my head father back into my bed - a futile attempt at making space between myself and the creature.
As this was happening, I became aware of two truths. The first was that it wanted to consume me - to swallow me whole. The second was that I was powerless to stop it. I could not feel my limbs, as if my body no longer existed beyond my torso. With a snarl, the monster jerked forward, closing the minuscule distance between my face and its maw. It was going to eat me, I was sure of it, and I flinched, my eyes screwing shut.
Instead, I felt a forked tongue push into my pursed mouth, its prongs snaking their way past my teeth, across my tongue, to the back of my throat before withdrawing. Sharp teeth nipped ravenously at my lips, and for a moment I could taste the metallic tang of my own blood. A cry emerged from somewhere within my throat, which only seemed to excite the beast and entice it further. It felt almost like… a kiss, but a savage imitation of it. The tongue retracted from my throat to swipe at the blood smeared upon my lips.
The way it lapped at me, toyed with me… elicited a response from my body that I am mortified to put to paper and, as such, will refrain from describing in detail. I am no stranger to dreams that have evoked similar reactions of the flesh (though I do not make a habit of dwelling upon them) but never have I had one make me feel both horror and arou that sensation in equal measure. As much as I tried to move my slack limbs and push the beast off of me, my thoughts became muddied as I was distracted by what seemed to be the only “appendage” of mine that I could sense. Even in this dream, I felt a wave of shame come over me at this realization. As if connected to my thoughts, the creature let out a sound that echoed a laugh, far too bestial to be human, and a clawed hand slid down my stomach, calculated, firm, and agonizingly slow. I presumed its goal was to cut me open, to gut me and feast upon my innards. But down the hand crept, its digits dragging past my navel, and farther still, and for a moment I hoped feared it would reach between my legs. I am thankful that it did not get the chance, as in that moment, I finally awoke.
This nightmare was so vivid and frightened me so - once finally able to move, I sprung from my bed and searched my quarters for the creature. Nothing, of course. It was just a dream after all, and it’s not like it would have anywhere to hide. My room in this rectory has very few nooks for something of such magnitude to duck into. Still, I must say that checking under my bed sated my frantic heart, as absurd as it feels to write. I changed the sheets and my robes, both soaked through with perspiration, and sat down to write this by candlelight. I do find that writing my dreams down keeps me from ruminating upon them. Purging them from my mind leaves all the more room for the Lord’s wisdom and guidance in my waking life.
Speaking of, I will end this entry here and pray to the Holy Father that I may sleep unbothered for the rest of tonight.
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dinsverdika · 2 years
Lingerie (kinktober prompt)
Pairing: Fennec Shand/Reader
Tags (as posted on AO3): established relationship, lingerie, non-penetrative fingering, a bit of dirty talk, opening for round 2 at the end, reader is AFAB and is said to have curves
Word count: 1016
Notes: Hi! 18th day of kinktober is here! My wisdom teeth are making me sick and the brain fog is real, preventing me to beta read this correctly. I've technically proofread it this weeks ago when I wrote it but things might have not caught my attention today. Corrections will be made once I'm not as sick (if there are any corrections to be made!)
kinktober prompt by @/the-purity-pen!
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You barely recognised your reflection in the mirror in front of you. A grin stretched your features as you admired yourself in the reflective device. The lingerie you were wearing complimented your body, enhanced parts of it that you did not know you could be enhanced, and hugged your curves perfectly.
You twisted your body, presenting your butt to the mirror and bent slightly over. The lacey high-skirt attached to the bra hitched up and revealed a pair of panties which did not leave much to the imagination. You softly bit your bottom lip as arousal sat in your lower tummy.
Fennec would be back any moment now. Excitement and anticipation was prickling your skin as you wondered how Fennec would react to the little surprise you had for her. The past couple of weeks had been rough for her. It was showing in the way the circles below her eyes had darkened, in the way her jaw was always clenched -no matter how many times you had reminded her to unclench it- as well as in the way her patience was being worn thinner and thinner with each passing day.
She needed some time to unwind and rest. And you wanted to provide that for her. It’d been so long since you had been intimate. Your job at the cantina near the palace had been keeping you busy and Fennec being the right arm of Mos Espa’s newest Daimyo, Boba Fett, had kept her busy as well.
A deep sigh escaped your lips as you let your arms drop by your sides, you sincerely hoped that Fennec would enjoy what you had planned for your evening together.
The sound of the door whooshing open made you jump and pulled you away from your thoughts. Fennec entered her quarters with heavy steps before carelessly dropping her helmet on a nearby table. The sound of a tired sigh reached your ears next, you grimaced as you realised that you had heard her sighed that way more times than you had seen her smile recently - which said a lot as Fennec rarely smiled unless you were alone together.
You checked your appearance one last time in the mirror before making your way out of the refresher on your tippy toes.
You tried to lean on the doorway which connected the ‘fresher to the rest of the room seductively and waited for Fennec to notice your presence. Her eyes caught you immediately as she turned away from the table. The tired look on her face quickly turned into amazement as she gazed at your body up and down.
“Well, well,” she said, having found her bearings again, “what do we have here?”
Heat spread from your cheeks to your chest under her devouring staring.
“Do you like it?” you asked shily, pulling yourself away from the door and stepping into the room.
She met you halfway and rested her hands on your hips. “If I like it?” she repeated, squeezing your hips. “You look stunning and… appetising.”
Fenned watched as your eyes widened. “What?” she chuckled. “Was this not the wanted effect?”
You shook your head, clearing your thoughts. “No,” you quickly said. “It’s just- I was a bit nervous. These past couple of weeks had not been easy for you and I wanted to surprise you and help you unwind,” you explained, your words smashing together. “I don’t know, I was afraid that it would not be appropriate to-”
Fennec cut you off by slating her mouth over yours in a gentle kiss.
“Thank you,” murmured Fennec against your lips. A giddy feeling blossomed in your chest, making you giggle. Fennec buried her face in the crook of your neck, her warm breath on your sensitive skin abruptly turned your giggling fit into a gasp as she found that one spot below your ear and sucked on it.
A needy whine rippled through you as you instinctively rubbed your thighs together, seeking friction.
You whimpered as one of her hands found its way between your legs, her fingers pads caressed your wet folds through the fabric of the panties.
“You’re soaked,” she teased. “You’re liking this as much as I am, aren’t you?”
You nodded. She hummed contently.
You spread your thighs slightly apart, granting her a better access to your aching cunt.
“Look at you,” she cooed. “So eager for me.”
Her fingers started drawing tight, little circled around your clit. She removed her face from your neck, “you got this pretty lingerie to please me, didn’t you?”
You nodded once more, the overwhelming pleasure you were feeling prevented you from forming coherent sentences.
“You know what would please me even more?” she asked. Her voice was hoarse with want.
“What?” you managed to reply, gasping.
You were already on the edge of bliss.
“You coming on my fingers,” she said. Her ministrations around your clit had quickened, bringing you closer and closer to your release. “And then I want us to go on our bed and I want you to rub your pretty little pussy on mine while wearing that lingerie of yours. Put on a show for me,” she said, burying her face in your neck again and sucking on that spot below your ear.
Her fingers on your clit accompanied by her words and her mouth on your neck is what had pushed you over the edge of ecstasy. You reached your climax with a loud moan, gripping Fennec’s arms as your knees were failing you. She murmured words of encouragement into your ear as she rode your orgasm out until you were shuddering with overstimulation.
She removed her hands from in-between your legs as you came back to your senses. Seeing her licking her fingers clean with lewd gusto reignited the flames of arousal within you.
“So soon?” she teased, noticing the gaze full of want and lust you were throwing her way.
“Yes,” you replied. You smashed your lips together in an eager kiss and blindly guided her towards your shared bed, ready to put on the show she had asked for.
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tamurilofrivendell · 2 years
Heart of Stone | Chapter 14
Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 Read on AO3
pairing: Thranduil x Tamuril (oc) storyline: Tamuril was in love with Haldir but the battle at Helms Deep took  away all hope she had for the future. She struggles with her grief and tensions eventually run high when she shares a moment with Lord Elrond she feels she cannot  come back from and flees Rivendell, hiding herself away in the Elvenking Thranduil’s Halls. chapter summary: Tamuril spends the last rest stop of their journey to Mirkwood in Thranduil’s tent.
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"Your Majesty, I... it is not necessary... I would not wish to impose-” Tamuril stammered out as she spun around to face him.
“If it were an imposition.” Thranduil cut her off smoothly, raising a hand slightly as he blinked dispassionately back at her. “Then I would not have bothered to open my mouth.” He said simply, gaze lingering on her for a moment before he turned his attention to the space behind her, where Feren still stood. “Assist the lady, please.”
Then he was gone and Tamuril turned back to Feren, doing her best to keep how stunned she was off her face, doubting that she managed it. She could already imagine just how awkward it would be, dancing around the way she had spoken to Thranduil the night before. She had forgotten her place, she already knew this. This was not like when he would visit Rivendell and bestow some off handed remark upon her that she might find herself returning. He was to be her King now, after all, since she had practically forced herself upon his realm... and she needed to begin acting like it.
“I’ll help!” Nessa chimed in, smiling brightly between Feren and Tamuril. Feren offered Tamuril a mildly confused smile and gestured for her to follow as he made after Nessa. With a sigh, Tamuril forced one foot in front of the other and trailed behind them. She really didn’t think that this was a job for three but she didn't linger on it.
Thranduil’s tent was huge. Tamuril thought that it was larger than necessary but she didn’t say it out loud. She reminded herself that she needed to do better about holding her tongue. She was irritable of late, yes, but that was hardly the fault of any of those around her.
“I believe that is you all set, my lady.” Feren said, after helping set her bedroll out in the empty corner, smiling at her as if this were a most normal occurrence. Tamuril felt otherwise but she managed a little smile back at him, watching him take his leave. She kind of wanted to flee again, feeling like a lecture could be on its way to her this night.
Nessa gave her a sympathetic look, reaching out to take her hand briefly. “I’m sure he won’t even want to talk that much.” She said, aware somehow that Tamuril was worrying about disrespecting the King the previous night. “But... you know... if he does. Just...” She paused, looking at Tamuril as Tamuril stared back at her for a beat. “...be nice.”
With those parting words of wisdom, Nessa was gone, leaving Tamuril blinking after her. She gritted her teeth and turned around, surveying the tent. It was much bigger than all the others and she supposed that made sense but she thought it was a little over the top. In the uncomfortable silence that fell over her as she stood there alone, Tamuril crept around the tent, exploring. She was just reaching out to inspect something on a little table when a sudden voice made her jump.
“You know, it is impolite to go looking through other people’s belongings.”
How did he keep sneaking up on her like that?!
Tamuril spun around on the spot, an embarrassed heat rushing to her cheeks. “I...” She trailed off as she met his eyes and lowered her gaze, having the good grace to look sheepish.
He moved past her, round the other side of the table, and poured himself some wine from the carafe that was set up for him.
Tamuril shuffled away, moving awkwardly over to where she was to sleep for that night, wondering if she would be able to switch off at all with the King’s presence so immediate.
“Would you like some?” Thranduil’s deep voice followed her and when she turned he was watching her intently, one hand gesturing to the wine on the table.
She hesitated for a second, gaze flickering between Thranduil and the table and then she decided that some liquid courage might actually help so she nodded and trailed back over to him. She intended to fetch it herself but Thranduil had already reached out to pour some for her.
“Thank you.” She managed, taking the offered drink from him. She raised it to her lips and had a sip, the drink warming her quite quickly.
“I, uh.” Tamuril started to speak again, as Thranduil moved back around the table and over to a chair near to his own sleeping area, sitting down and lounging gracefully in the seat. He didn’t speak, drinking his wine as he watched her with those intense eyes.
She did her best not to fidget as she continued, gripping the stem of the chalice in her hand like it was a lifeline. “I’m... I wanted to say sorry. About... last night. I...” She wanted to lower her gaze as his own was pinning her in place but she felt that would make her seem as if she didn’t actually mean the words she was speaking. “I should not have spoken to you like that.”
Another silence stretched between the both of them. Thranduil didn’t take his eyes from Tamuril’s, watching her squirm with an amusement that he kept well hidden. He made her suffer for a while more before he simply shrugged and set aside his goblet.
"It is forgiven.” He ignored Tamuril’s surprised expression as he waved a hand slightly, effectively ending the conversation.
His attention drifted elsewhere and Tamuril watched him for a second longer before she turned away, frowning softly, and padded over to where she was to sleep for the night. She couldn’t tell whether or not she felt better for it but at least she had said it. Yet another silence followed in which she gulped down the rest of the wine and set the empty cup to the side.
The two of them didn’t speak again and Tamuril eventually slipped into her bed and lay with her back to him, making herself as small and quiet as she could. She thought she felt eyes on her but she knew she was simply being paranoid so she did her best to just stay still and quiet, trying to drift off to sleep. She heard him move eventually, padding towards his own bed, where she heard some shuffling and then, once more, silence.
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Tamuril was running through the grass surrounding Lórien, laughing wildly, fighting against her boots as they sunk beneath the proof of the previous nights blizzard. She could not walk atop the snow but the elf who was chasing her certainly could.
Haldir left barely a footprint behind him as he charged after her, his gentle laughter filling her with a happiness she couldn’t even describe.
Arms caught her round the waist and she squealed, both of their laughter mingling together as Haldir lifted her off the ground and swung her around.
Once he set her down again, she turned to look up at him.
He leaned in to kiss her.
Then the image twisted and changed.
Darkness had fallen and she felt like she was stuck in a swamp, she was moving her legs but she was getting nowhere. A light in the distance suddenly began to spread, lighting up snapshots of the battlefield ahead of her.
Haldir was falling.
There was blood everywhere.
She was screaming but she could not move.
He was too far away.
She could not reach him.
Haldir hit the ground.
He went stll.
“Tamuril...” His voice echoed around her, suffocating her, pulling her down into the depths of despair once more. His warm eyes, now dead and unseeing, swam across her vision.
A different voice suddenly cut through the chaos, trying to reach her. “Tamuril.”
She was still screaming.
Blood. Snow.
“Tamuril!” The voice came again, louder and more demanding, pulling her back with a rush.
Her eyes flew open and she gasped for breath. Her dream bled away, melting back into reality. When she fully refocused, Tamuril found herself staring into intense blue eyes that were all too familiar by this point.
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So, I have already oversized this portion twice (which, if I use my phone to post instead of my laptop...which I refuse to place in danger of being bugged, means I lose everything submitted and have to start over) it is merely background info. Genesis begins with the following post, and it's necessary to explain the events which lead to it as well as the situation and mindset I faced. Incidentally, we at battered warriors wish to restate and amplify a message we not only believe in, but illustrate the wisdom there in with our every move: Drugs are bad, mmkay....don't use drugs (hey, THAT was unoriginal material, fyi)
So, my early 20s consisted of alternate trips to 28 day rehabs, followed by a new college or university. Eventually, however, even the most generous and understanding of parents (mine) reach their breaking point. Fortunately, I had worked for Schwan's Food Service during the two orevious Summers(big yelliw trucks, drive around and sell ice cream and high end expensive frozen food) so, I had a decent, full time job ready for me. It took nearly two years for a customer to suggest that I smelled like alcohol after driving a commercial vehicle up his driveway and entering his home and interacting with his family....It's funny, but for years, I actually thought of this event as this guy's fault. True....I shouldn't have been THAT drunk on the night in question, but hasn't he heard of physical dependency...SOBER driving is what he definitely didn't want to see. Anyway, nobody likes a snitch. Addicts/alcoholics are not known for naturally accepting responsibility for bad behavior. Anyway, I probably could have lied about the incident, claimed to have been sober, and stayed employed for a while longer, but there was also the matter of my illegally purchasing food stamps from clients, then using the company to convert them to gift cards, which I could redeem for cash by taking them along on routes and waiting for someone to actually use cash for payment. Apparently, every bit of this process is frowned upon. They actually did offer to keep me on, but I did not view myself as a warehouse type, so I decided to escalate my hours in my sideline gig: Drug dealing. Now, it'd be fair to say my talents lie decidedly toward the "using" of drugs, as opposed to "enterprising," but, mindful that this was my only barrier between homelessness, I summoned enough discipline to make due....for a few months. Then one of my suppliers got busted. Everyone, me in particular, was suspected of "snitching," I did not. And, there was the added problem of the cops certainly having my name now, and awaiting an opportunity to pull me over with product, which with my reputation from my juvenile days (the records were "expunged" but this is Montana, not a thriving metropolis. People, undoubtedly the same ones I had dealt with a few years prior, would remember me.Plus, the famous Montana Meth Project was under way....which everyone remembers for its disgusting meth mouth ads, but was likely "successful" more because of the draconian sentences the legislation imposed on dealers of ANY level, than pictures of rotting teeth on billboards disturbing motorists for years. Between the threats I was hearing for "snitching" (which were almost certainly bunk,but you never know) and my supplier, then another guy at my level, facing prison time, not to mention my having earned the disdain of family and former friends, I decided,I needed a new start.
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purplesurveys · 2 years
another rare pokémon aka a two-in-one
1 - Are you interested in any reality TV shows? Yes, but I only watch their snippets on social media more than anything; I was never the type to seek out whole episodes even if it’s a reality show that I enjoy.
2 - When was the last time you made plans with someone? What are you going to do with that person? I haven’t made super sure plans recently but I do know that this Christmas I have at least two get-togethers happening – a Powerpoint party with Angela and Reena; and a reunion with my entire college friend group.
3 - How often (if ever) do you use moisturizer? Never. I don’t even own some.
4 - Name five things you can touch from where you’re sitting right now: This chair I’m sitting on, my phone, the edge of the table, another chair, and my scrunchie. Not a varied selection considering I’m at the rooftop and the most I can touch is just...air, lol.
5 - Have you had any of your wisdom teeth removed? What was the reason? (eg. infection, impaction, lack of space). Yeah, I’ve had two removed. By the time I needed to get them extracted, they were decayed and had reached a point where they were causing excruciating pain throughout my head.
6 - What was the reason for your last hospital visit? Urine and blood tests.
7 - Where was the last place you had an itch? My right knee. I think I had an allergic reaction on that spot since I recall seeing rashes on it the other night.
8 - If you’re on a long car journey, would you rather drive or be the passenger? Depends on who I’m with. If it’s a road trip with family, I’d rather my dad drive; if it’s with friends I’m fine either way and I’d actually prefer if a friend and I would take turns driving.
9 - What’s the earliest time you’ve had to wake up for work? What about the latest time you’ve clocked off for the day? I remember having to wake up at like 4 AM during my INTERNSHIP because we had a client who was going to be on a morning talk show. Looking back though I have little to bitch about because at least I got free breakfast out of it ha.
Latest time I’ve clocked out...probably 1 AM? I can recall a couple of instances off the top of my head where I had no choice but to work through the evening. 10 - Do you use a laptop, desktop, tablet or phone to take your surveys? Always a laptop. I don’t have a desktop; haven’t used the iPad in years; and I imagine it would be a bitch to answer 50-60 questions through a touchscreen.
11 - Are you fussy when it comes to how your surveys are formatted on your blog? Yep, a little bit. I don’t mind doing things manually as long as it’s able to keep my finished surveys exactly the way I usually format them to be.
12 - How old were you when you first got internet access at home? Was it broadband or did you have dial-up first? Technically I was like 3 when I first had a taste of dial-up internet - my parents mainly kept it around so they could email one another while my dad would work in another country. I never used it though lol, because what was there for a 3 year old to do on the internet in 2001?
Anyway, the first time I got to use the internet for real was in 2008, when I was 10. Back then the laptop still had to be plugged into the router at all times if we wanted to keep online. 
13 - When was the last time you painted your nails? Not sure. A couple of months ago, I think.
14 - What’s your typical order when you go to Starbucks (or wherever your favourite coffee shop is)? Iced caramel macchiato, in grande. I try to make the pastry different every time but I am quite partial to their dark chocolate macadamia cookie.
15 - What’s your favourite thing to have on toast? Just butter is fine.
16 - Do you have any debt? If so, are you on top of paying it all back? Yeah like P200 to my dad because I didn’t have cash on-hand to pay for a recent package I received hahaha.
17 - What was the last thing you purchased with a credit card? Continued from...Tuesday or whenever it was. Technically it was my dad’s credit card and the last and only thing I bought with it was my current phone.
18 - Have you been to college/university? If so, has your degree been useful to you or was it a bit of a waste of money? I did go to college but I got to enjoy free tuition for like 7 out of 8 sems, so I wouldn’t be a good judge for worth it-yness. As for my degree, it has been useful to a degree – I’m not a journalist per se but I have stayed within the profession, and I can say it’s helped me out.
19 - How often do you travel by public transport? Never. I would use it if it were as reliable as the ones I see in like Korea or Europe, but alas I live in the Philippines. I’d much rather drive.
20 - Do you have an instagram account? If so, how often do you post on there and what kind of things do you post? I do. I mainly post stories, but my overall profile (when I do occasionally post) is basically a recap of all the museums I go to, and the artworks I see. If anyone’s familiar with RM’s Instagram profile, my own profile is essentially the same thing minus the nature and minus photos of myself haha. My Instagram is strictly dedicated to art.
21 - Are you close to your extended family? Do you wish you were closer? Some! I’m very close with my mom’s side of the family; but I’ve also been making an effort to be closer with my dad’s side as we are not getting any younger.
22 - Do you prefer to give your pets human names or not? We give them human names that just so happen to also be suitable for pets, if that makes sense? Like I wouldn’t name a pet Mark or Lisa, but we’ve named our pets Kimi (after Kimi Raikkonen) and Cooper. Only Agi’s isn’t human-like.
23 - Do you like having ice in your drinks? Only when I’m outdoors. 
24 - When was the last time you went to a BBQ restaurant? Couple of months ago when my uncle Rocky visited from the States and wanted to get Korean barbecue.
25 - When was the last time you re-arranged the furniture? Is this something you like to do often? Literally just this weekend since we put up our Christmas tree and had to move some stuff around to make space for it. We don’t do it a lot and actually it just only happens around the Christmas season.
26 - Have you ever used a fire extinguisher? Would you know how to use one without reading the instructions? Never had to, and no. I really should learn how to, come to think of it...
27 - What’s the worst thing you’ve ever had to deal with at your job? Clients with expectations that are just wildly unrealistic and force us to find a way to make it realistic.
28 - What was the last thing you used your mobile phone for? I used Spotify to play music while I take surveys.
29 - Did you used to play The Sims? What version or expansion pack was your favourite one to play? I did! I was never a big follower though and just bought whatever kind my dad happened to buy. I played Sims 2 on the PS2 a lot when I was younger; and then Sims 4 a bit with the PS4.
30 - What was the last thing you used a lighter for? I’ve never used a lighter for anything haha. Scared of fire.
Would you tell your co-workers what underwear you have on? I imagine I’d only do so outside of a work environment, like if we were having dinner somewhere as just friends and not co-workers.
Do you make your bed each morning? Yes. It helps me calm down and get into the Right Mood for work. Having a messy environment subsequently messes with my ~condition for the day.
How many family photos do you have in your home? We have a handful of them perched along our stairs, and I believe my parents also keep a few family portraits in their bedroom.
Are you concerned about the economy? Yes, mostly on how it affects the poor and how it makes them poorer. I’m very fortunate and privileged to be in a place wherein inflation doesn’t noticeably affect me and my family’s situation, but it shatters me a little bit every time I read the news and see a student have to stop schooling or jeepney drivers being forced to stop working because gas just costs too much now.
What is the most interesting food you’ve eaten? This Filipino fusion place in Pobla that had unique takes on local cuisine. I’m not a big fan of Westernized or fancified takes on Filipino food,  but their dishes were quite tasty!
Do you remember anything you learned in school? Yeah man, like most of them haha. They’ve been helpful.
Are you happy with how much money you make? I am, but because I am selfish and materialistic I am always wanting more lol.
How do you feel about people who drive SUVs? Whatever? It’s the way people drive that would help form my opinion around them.
When is the last time you saw your real hair color? A couple of weeks ago when I still had my roots + brown hair. Recently dyed my whole hair purple though.
Are you the type of person that will parallel park? Yes. It’s easy for me because I have cute lil car hahaha.
Will you drive around the block to look for a spot? As much as possible, no. I’d rather wait if it means I get to secure a spot close to where I need to be.
What do you like to collect? K-pop merch... 😬
How many pancakes could you eat in 5 minutes? Barely one. I am an excruciatingly slow eater.
Do you think cheese and mustard together on a sandwich is gross? I’m not sure as I’ve never had it, I think. I’d still try it though.
How do you feel about babies? I like them.
What is the worst taste to have in your mouth? Spoiled stuff.
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niennandil-me-writes · 11 months
Goretober 15: Masochist
CN: abuse, abusive power dynamics
[Aravel belongs to @yakyuu-yarou]
Aráto wasn’t even hiding his rage as he left the council. Teeth gritted, he stomped through the corridors of the fortress. He didn’t know where he had found the patience to stay as long as he did, after every one of his contributions was brushed off, gently but firmly, as if he were a child giving the wrong answers in school.
He could hear Aravel panting, trying to keep pace with him.
“Who do they think they are?” he asked no one in particular, quickening his steps. His cloak billowed behind him, and his armor creaked at every step, giving his pace authority. “Crusty old people. Ha, old! I’m older than half of them, and yet not as senile.”
“They don’t know you yet,” Aravel said quickly. “Once they do, they will listen.”
Aráto ignored them. “Old in experience they may be, but not in wisdom. They deem me a child! Don’t they know who I am?” He had reached his room, entered, and slammed the door shut, almost into Aravel’s face, who, unfortunately, stepped to the side at the last moment.
“Aráto,” they said meekly.
“I am the chosen one!” He threw his cloak in the corner.
“I am the one destined to defeat the forces of evil!” He took the glaive from the holster on his back. “And this is how they regard me?”
He wheeled around on them and thrust the glaive forward, piercing them right below the chest. They screamed out and tumbled backwards from the force. Aráto followed them until they were forced against the wall, and then pushed the glaive deeper into the wound, until he could feel the tip hit the stone wall behind them.
“Do not trifle with me today, my angel,” he growled. “I’m all out of patience.”
Aravel gritted their teeth into a smile. “I know.” They reached up their hands to grip the weapon lodged inside them, absentmindedly tracing the point where it entered them and smearing the blood running down. “They are fools not to listen to you, Aráto Cilhatal. But soon they will see what I see. They will know how special you are.”
Aráto found his scowl transforming into a lopsided grin. After today’s council, he had really needed to let of some steam. Only now did he realize why Aravel had done what they’d done. They truly were the only one he could depend on, the first person to ever believe in him. Not that he’d ever tell them that.
He pulled the glaive from their flesh, which was met with a disappointed sigh from Aravel, and then an excited gasp as he used the blade on the side of it to cut them once across their entire body. Their pretty pastel pink gown was stained with shimmering golden blood. He smirked and grabbed their rose strands of hair in his hand.
“You think I’m done with you already, angel?”
They bit their lip. He yanked them closer, and then kicked them in the stomach to send them sprawling to the ground.
“Get up,” he commanded as he stepped on their sternum. They strained against him, almost managed to push themself off the floor before he put his entire weight on them. They grabbed his boot, which seemed more like a sign of adoration than an attempt to push him away. He laughed and thrust the glaive downwards, into their chest, just below their heart. They screamed and shuddered and threw back their head.
He looked down on them, that perfect angelic creature, now covered in blood and mutilated, knowing he had put them in that state. Knowing he could do that to them. Knowing they had let him do that to them. It made him feel powerful. And he needed to feel that after the humiliation he had lived through. Not just today, but his entire life. He had always felt so small, so insignificant and without meaning, until Aravel had come into his life, presenting him with the glaive and the prophecy attached to it.
Aráto twisted the glaive around and watched the angel squirm under him. No longer weak. No longer insignificant. If he wanted, he could kill them right now.
His whole body went cold at that realization. He could do that. They would let him. That excited him, made him feel more powerful than ever before. And yet…
It frightened him like nothing else.
They were the only one who had ever believed in him. Who had handed him a destiny. Who had made him strong and important. Who listened to his talk and valued his thoughts. If he killed them, yes, he’d feel powerful for a moment. And then?
He’d have lost all that they were to him. Who was a chosen one without his prophecy? He’d go right back to being weak, insignificant Meldamir.
He was nothing without them. And he hated them for it.
Aráto pulled the glaive out of them and leaned it against the wall. Their silence was filled with questions, which he chose to ignore. He pulled them up by the hair and let healing magic close their wounds. Then he let go of them, letting the slump to the ground again. Turning away, he snapped his fingers.
He started undoing the clasps of his armor. After a moment, Aravel joined him, already all cleaned up by magic, and helped him doff his armor.
0 notes
A Snowpoint Wedding, Part3
in which Joanna shares her gift for the newly weds
[1] [2]
 I shiver reflexively, the cold biting at my scar. It’s not like I was wearing much in the way of warm things, anyway.
 “I thought Snowpoint people didn’t get cold?” Jayden laughs.
 “They do when it’s actually cold,” I retort, looking up as he took off his jacket. “No – you’ll need that!” I protest as he places it on my shoulders. It was a very weak protest.
 “I will be fine.” He smiles.
 “Well…” I whistle. “This should help.”
 Arc appears, Vulp with her.
 “Keep us warm, please?”
 She moves between us and we walk close to her shoulders.
 “Why not just ride her?”
 “Tradition. We have to make it under our own power.” I held up a hand. “No point in freezing, though.”
 “Fair point.” He smiles.
 We walk on, and don’t speak until we’ve passed the temple.
 “How are you doing?” Jayden asks. “I know you had… difficulties with this.”
 I pause, gathering my thoughts. “They shouldn’t have made the decision for me,” I say eventually. “I made the deal, and until then I’d had no plans for anything of this sort.” I look skywards. “But… they forced my hand.”
 “I don’t regret it. I wouldn’t have come this far if I did. They shouldn’t have forced the decision, because I would have chosen it anyway. I would have chosen you.” I look across at him, smiling.
 “Thank you,” he said softly.
 Arc barks softly and steps out onto the lake front. Jayden and I step past her, and she and Vulp disappear back into the forest.
 Jayden nods, taking my hand.
 The lake is perfect and still, the snow mostly untouched but for the tracks of the aurorus herd. We step down to the edge of the lake and kneel down on ice spiked grass that shatters under our weight.
 “Uxie, we come to you now as we always do, seeking wisdom to pursue the path we have chosen.” I dip my left hand into the lake.
 “We ask for the knowledge that we have chosen the right path to walk, the right person to walk it with,” Jayden says, scattering ice onto the lake.
 I can feel it soaking through my dress, and hope it won’t stain. “Show us which way we have yet to tread, to bring this path to its fullest conclusion.” I close my eyes, slowly pulling my hand from the water.
 We kneel for a few moments, but when it becomes apparent that Uxie will not be joining us, we get back to our feet.
 “Should we return?” Jayden asks softly as I return his jacket to him.
 “Not if you don’t want to.”
 He pulls his jacket back on and smiles, offering me his hands. As I take them, he pulls me back into a spin and we sway a little, not quite ready to return.
 Then Jayden stiffens and halts, curling his hand around my back to pull me closer.
 “Well, well… what do we have here then?”
 I twist to see who it is. A man, bare chested and covered in even more tattoos than myself. Quite a few piercings and – I saw as he grinned – silver teeth interspersed amongst what I assumed were still normal teeth.
 “It’s rather a long list. Where do you want to start?” I ask, stepping free but keeping hold of one of Jayden’s hands in my right. Perhaps it was time we were going.
 “May I just say, you look beautiful. An altaria, yes?” He eyes me up. “Creatures of the sky and song!”
 “… Thanks.” I nudge Jayden towards the treeline. “But we should be going, there are people–” I cut off as a monstrous luxray – bigger than Ray, and almost bearlike – pads out of the trees.
 It growls, baring huge canines.
 “This is Sabre. Say hello!”
 Sabre roars and I clench my free hand, wondering if I could risk the dress.
 “We have to be going,” Jayden says flatly.
 “Wait, wait!” He rushes forward and I take a step back as he reaches for my arm.
 Jayden moves between us and the man dives out of the way.
 “I’m sorry, perhaps we got off on the wrong foot. Congratulations, the two of you!”
 “Thank you,” Jayden replies. “But we really ought to be returning.”
 I wonder fleetingly if I could fireball him with enough force to knock him into the lake, but that would probably get us attacked by Sabre.
 “A party? I love parties! Parties are my thing… Mrs. NightGale.”
 I pause at that. It was highly likely he’d picked up my name in town, or in any other region – I wasn’t exactly unknown. But still… “It’s Captain.”
 He bows, pulling a top hat from the air and placing it on his head. “Come on, there’s going to be a party, right here tonight! And you are the guests of honour!”
 Sabre is no longer growling at us, which only reassures me a little.
 “Oh yes! The gale of the night, the bird on the wind!” He flings his arms wide, one hand pointing across the lake. “The fiery rogue said you would come, and that we must return the gift… make this night as memorable as the day!”
 Fiery rogue… that could really only mean Joanna. Or that he was even more of a creep.
 Jayden looks across the lake in the direction he’s pointing. “What shall we do?” he murmurs.
 “How quickly can your birds be here?” I watch as the man leaps onto Sabre’s back.
 He balances on the luxray’s shoulders as it raises itself up onto its hind legs. “Creatures of the wild woods, the shadows of the trees with eyes that throw back the lights of the sky, let your song be heard!”
 First one, then more and more mightyena start to howl from the woods around us. Oh, we were so outnumbered. I flex my fingers in Jayden’s hand, ready to spark up a fireball.
 “I don’t think he means us any harm,” Jayden murmurs.
 I nod distractedly, picking apart the song. It was beautiful, and I often regretted the choices that kept Yen from a pack like this.
 “Beautiful, aren’t they?”
 I jump as another man appears from between the trees. He doesn’t seem as threatening as the first, though his canines have been sharpened into fangs.
 “Howl is one of the pack! He can appear like shadow.” The first man laughs.
 “I must apologise for Spike,” Howl says, fixing the scarf that was falling over his shoulder. “He’s quite normal when he doesn’t have an audience, I assure you.”
 “Hm.” I eye them both, still weighing my chances.
 Howl lets out a sharp call and the song breaks off as a huge pack of mightyena rush out of the trees. In the almost silence that follows – they are all panting, tails wagging furiously as they circle us – I hear one mournful howl rise up through the trees. Oh, Yen…
 “They won’t attack,” Howl says, putting his arm inside the mouth of the almost completely mightyena beside him.
 I’m sure that makes me feel so much better.
 “Howl! Creature of the woods and brother to the pack!” Spike yells. “The show must go on!”
 Howl rolls his eyes and takes my raised hand – about to freeze them where they stood – and kisses it. “Congratulations on the wedding.” With a yip, he turns and pelts back into the trees.
 The pack follows him, leaving us along with Spike… at least we had his name now.
 “Birds?” I ask Jayden quietly.
 He releases my hand, whistling sharply. Spike laughs in delight, and something cannons into me from behind.
 I react instinctively, drawing my left hand through the air and freezing a sword into existence, pushing away the small person that was holding onto my waist.
 A young girl in a frilly green dress stares up at me from the snow, her lip trembling. “Help! Please help me!”
 I let the sword fall back into the snow, rubbing at my hand. What now?”
 “There’s – there’s a wild tyranitar!”
 Tauros crap. I twist to glare at Spike, who just grins as another child wraps their arms around me.
 “A wild nidoking! It’s huge and angry!” She was identical to the first, except for the purple dress.
 “Just – get off.” I close my eyes, unlatching her hands.
 “Help miss!”
 A third one? Really?
 “A wild feraligatr!”
 I side step this one – in a blue dress – and she falls into line beside her sisters.
 “They want to gobble us up!” they chorus, as the three pokémon step out of the trees, hemming us towards the lake. “Save us, miss!”
 “Monsters, be gone!” Spike yells, but of course they don’t listen to him.
 And the birds haven’t arrived. I raise my head to howl for my pack – even if these pokémon weren’t dangerous, I’d appreciate the back up – and stop as a woman in a plain brown dress strides out between us and the three pokémon. She’s sporting a very fine beard, and I don’t think it’s fake.
 “Monsters, be gone!” she yells at the three girls.
 They shriek and rush to their respective pokémon, sitting on their heads as they stand up.
 “You are rude!” the one on the nidoking shrieks.
 “Now our pokémon shall gobble you up!” the one on the feraligatr yells.
 The three pokémon roar, advancing towards us. I let out the howl now, not caring that this was still (probably) an act.
 The woman produces a violin from the folds of her dress, setting it to her shoulder.
 “Music can soothe the most savage of hearts,” Spike remarks, the luxray at his side grunting in agreement.
 The woman begins to play a lilting tune and the three pokémon – and their riders – bow their heads, starting to spin.
 Yen is first on the scene, predictably, with Ray not far behind him. They slink to our sides, ears flattened. Ray is growling a little as he places himself between us and the performers.
 The woman finishes the tune as the girls slide from their perches, looking up at her with puppy-dog eyes. She sighs and tosses what looks like sweets to them, and the six of them fall on the sweets in an instant.
 Arc pads out of the trees and gives the group a sidelong glance, skirting along the banks with Glace sitting on her back. And Vulp, of course, was still in the hall.
 The woman laughs and turns to us, holding her violin and bow in one hand so she can shake ours. “Oh, the crowds go crazy for them! Their mam isn’t half proud of them, you know. Hope they didn’t scare you too much!”
 Ray’s rumbling growl doesn’t seem to put her off, but I don’t discourage him.
 “Just what,” I ask, voice like ice, “Is going on here?”
 Jayden has a hand on my shoulder, looking skywards. The birds should have responded by now… unless they weren’t in earshot.
 “Oh, we know your friend… Ash Fyra? She wanted to make this evening memorable, and we wanted to repay a favour.”
 Joanna. Should’ve known… oh, she was in trouble.
 An aipom springs up onto the woman’s shoulder, chattering.
 “Oh, anyway – congratulations! Lyra, Ruth, Trixie, come on!” She releases a rhydon and jumps onto its back, leading the three girls back into the trees.
 “We really should be going,” I say, gesturing for Arc to step closer.
 A thick fog drifts in across the lake. What now?
 Ray snarls and his mane glows, lighting up the immediate area.
 There’s an old woman standing in front of us, leaning heavily on a staff. “Your town is beautiful,” she whispers. “So quiet… I am Merlin.” She bows.
 “It’s quiet because they’re all at a party that we have to be getting back to,” I snap, still horribly on edge.
 She doesn’t seem perturbed by my anger – in fact, she seems to ignore me entirely in favour of Jayden. “I sense the sky about you… you will enjoy my act, I think.”
 Jayden tightens his hand on my shoulder and I close my eyes for a moment, breathing deeply. Arc touches her nose to my face, snuffling.
 When I open my eyes again, the fog is dark and filled with harsh cawing.
 “The night is full of beastly creatures,” Merlin sighs, a murkrow landing on her staff. “But I have a place in my soul for feathered ones, no matter how dark.”
 The fog swirls thicker around us as the furious call of a honchkrow is heard. Ray snarls in reply, and I shove a hand into his mane to calm him. It doesn’t work particularly well, as I am very definitely not calm.
 The black fog billows like an entity of its own, and occasionally a bird appears through it. They get angrier, a cawing mass of feathers and talons until Merlin slams her staff into the ground.
 The fog parts as a pure white altaria spirals down to land on the staff, singing. I can hear another altaria somewhere – Skyggen, probably – and the fog around us lifts, showing that Jayden’s flock has finally, finally found us.
 But Jayden is stepping forward to examine the altaria and all her other birds, smiling. “She’s beautiful…”
 “Her name is Dawnsong,” Merlin says as the altaria spreads her wings in a show of strength before letting him stroke her.
 Sesser lands on my shoulder, which gives me some small measure of comfort.
 “You make a beautiful altaria,” Merlin says to me. “We must fly, you and I.”
 “Perhaps tomorrow?”
 “But there is one act yet to take place!” Spike yells and I jump.
 Somehow, I’d managed to forget that he was here.
 “You will not be disappointed, we have saved the best for last!”
 Encouraging. We back away from the water’s edge as it starts to ripple, Jayden’s birds moving to the trees.
 “Oh my dear Jays, witness the union of fire, ice, and water! Rise from the depths!”
 And out of the water emerges a blastoise, with… I can barely believe my eyes.
 “Mrs Ash-Fyra and Song!”
 Joanna is wearing a leotard, though it’s longer than the usual – longer than her companion’s wearing, certainly – and is balanced on one cannon of the blastoise. The person on the other side – I assume that must be Song – is mimicking her, grinning wildly.
 The cannons extend, pointing into the sky. What are they… at a whispered command, water bursts out of them in a ferocious jet, and both women jump into the stream.
 I can hear a faint scream as they are launched high into the air, into the clouds.
 They start to fall back towards the lake, gathering speed. Flare catches Joanna on his back before she hits the water, and the other person is caught by a dewgong that bursts from the lake.
 “For one night only!” Spike is just about screaming. “Flare and Floe!”
 They pose before us, and however annoyed I might be with Joanna, I still applaud them now with Jayden.
 But they’re still performing, blending fire and ice together in brilliant ways. They create birds, humans dancing – Articuno, of course. And then Flare is taking Joanna higher into the sky, and the dewgong – Floe – is moving back into the water with Song, creating a huge pillar of water in the air above them, freezing it in delicate patterns.
 We step back, wondering just what was going to happen now. Joanna and Flare are hovering just above the pillar, but almost as soon as I spot them, they dive straight down.
 They smash through the pillar in a ball of flame, exploding it outwards into glittering shards of rainbows. I lift a hand to shield myself, but it’s hardly necessary – Arc, Cinder, and Tinder melt any that might hit us.
 Flare banks in off another icy blast of wind from Floe and lands in front of us.
 “You’re all crazy,” I say, applauding all the same.
 “Like I need told that,” Joanna says, hopping down from Flare. “How was it, Song?”
 “Oh – fantastic, seriously nice work!” She runs to Spike and hugs him as he jumps down from Sabre’s back.
 The rest of the performers and their pokémon appear from the trees with a shout, running towards us.
 Alex whips off the cloak he’s wearing and throws it over Joanna’s shoulders as he hugs her. “That was… amazing!”
 “It was... a bit.” I smirk. “I no longer feel like leaving you out for the sneasel.”
 “Pah, sneasel…” Joanna flaps her hand. “No problem.”
 “I think we can call that a success!” The violin player caught both Alex and Joanna in a hug.
 Howl shakes snow from his hair. “Are you lot free tonight?”
 “We… really should be getting back to the hall,” I reply. “Sorry.”
 “What is there left to do there?” Joanna asks, tying the cloak properly around her neck.
 “Food and the cake. And more dancing,” I reply. “Some other night, perhaps.”
 “How long will you be in Snowpoint?” Jayden asks.
 “We have an agreement with your elder… a while at least.” Spike grins. “You will have a chance to see all the acts.”
 “I am sorry, really,” I say. “But – tomorrow?”
 Sayri hops across the ground towards us.
 “Tomorrow.” Spike inclines his head. “But until then – adieu!”
 We step onto Sayri’s back and she takes off, leaving the lake area with the rest of the birds in formation around her.
 “Well,” Jayden says eventually. “That was interesting.”
 “I’d like to see any wedding present top that.” I smirk.
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Episode 13: "Garfgoyle give me strength 🙏🏽"—Tony
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In this round: After Michael begging Tony to flip for several rounds, Tony finally makes the jump; Zee absolutely dominates 24-Hour Tasks; Champ plays a Safety Without Power since she lost her vote due to Masochism anyway; Champ gives the Bank Your Vote advantage she got from eman to Zee, who banks her vote; and Jack is left as the only one in that alliance able to receive OR cast votes, which sends him to Purgatory even with his Grow As You Go idol nullifying two votes
Michael's a fucking king. Like. Pulling that Chaos Idol out of his back pocket like that? Incredible. Then the teamwork of each of us figuring out a step in making it happen? OBSESSED WITH THOSE TWO!!! Everyone on the other side is blatantly lying to either me or Kaleigh LMAO except for Tony so MAYBE we can get Tony to work with us to take out Champ tomorrow. That's gonna rely pretty heavily on Michael, I know, and it feels like he'd be in kind of a tough spot no matter who comes back from Purgatory if he did flip, but also Tony might see it as an opportunity to make a move in this game since the girls are running the show over there. If not, I'll go to rocks, I don't care lmao and I know Kaleigh feels the same way. Lemme go out on my terms, baby. Not sure about Michael, he's been feeling too rough post wisdom teeth surgery to talk game, but I do feel that he'd be more willing to go to rocks than Jack or Tony. Entering merge, I wouldn't have guessed I would've been working so opposite Eman this game, and it sucks that's how that played out, but it just seemed like we didn't see each other as actual options for moving forward together (even before the Colin vote). I really thought Eman or Tony were gonna win Masochism and save each other, though.
Anyways 24 hours tasks is the bane of my existence. I legit was playing it all through the night while still camping and hanging with friends and I still feel like I'm not doing enough so that's super fun. I'm afraid to take a shower in case I miss another post that I'll probably fuck up by misreading a component of the prompt. So we're having a fun time right now. I don't feel like I'm going to win this game and I have no idea how many words this is but I'm hoping that we've reached 50 because I'm not living la vida loca right now.
this game is honestly driving me crazy. I can’t believe that zee is so far ahead of everyone even though Alex and I both stayed up until like 6 AM and Tony has been really playing his little heart out. This is just crazy I really don’t want Zee to win immunity LMAO I don’t even know why I don’t think we’re going for her but I guess we’ll see. poor michael is still laid up with his jaw swollen from wisdom teeth surgery so it truly is just me and alex LOL god i hope we can get tony to swing to our side. here’s hoping !! pray for us!!
Seems like the challenge is over already but why not do one. Also my mom kept me from posting in time. This round has been exciting to say the least. At the previous tribal council my alliance and I were able to pull off a successful play of the chaos idol, which only adds to my resume at this point. I fear that this makes me a large target? But I can't let fear keep me from making moves. Classic survivor bby.
They had us in the first half, I'm not gonna lie. I woke up at seven this morning after going to sleep super late last night because I thought people would sleep and I could catch up. I woke up FORTY POINTS BEHIND. Anyway nobody really went to sleep but I've mostly made that up by now with a solid 20 point lead, I'm just unsure if I can keep that up until the deadline tonight
Omg sorry I have like 15 minutes to put this in! I’m gonna play my safety without power so I’ll be in final 6! Yay :)
okay that 24 hour task challenge was hell on earth. and also kinda fun. but would have been more fun if i won. i stayed up till SIX AM TO LOSE. LIKE! okay hats off to zee tho she fought for her life fr. um. so. last night’s tribal. was nuts. a little bit before it started, michael sent me and alex info about this CHAOS IDOL advantage he had purchased (FROM WHERE ? STILL DONT KNOW) and he had to solve a riddle and then unscramble a sentence and say the sentence at tribal to activate it. fucken a. we did it. we did it ALL!! anyway the chaos idol protects whoever has had a vote cast against them, so we voted for each other and evvvvveryone else voted for alex. so we 3 were protected and they had to revote one of them out lmfaooo a couple mins into voting, eman was like put the votes on me, i’ll come back! and they ended up going home, with just two votes on jack. it was an insane move. michael is rly pissing these ppl off LMFAOOO i am obsessed. zee messaged me before tribal yday and was like girl i j wanna let u know they are gunning for u LMFAOOO BABY YOU REALLY THINK I AM A FOOL!!! LIKE WHAT!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA NO! after tribal she messages me and is like “i convinced them to vote for alex!” HAHAHAHA MY GODDD!!! now she’s trying to convince me that michael is a huge threat blah blah we should vote him out no one would see it coming if i swapped to them lmaoo. god. i was like babes champ doesn’t have a vote why would i swap now. lets go to rocks babes. idc. she also kept trying to convince me that michael is talking to everyone over there and apologizing for flipping and wants to work with them LMFAOOO NOT THE MICHAEL I KNOW!!!!!!!! so she is being wild, jack and champ are both messaging me without talking game, like y’all please give me a break. please. please! god i’m so glad we dont have tribal tonight. i am dog sitting this chihuahua who literally will whine until i TUCK HIM IN. WITH A BLANKET. it’s absolutely insane and adorable. michael thinks we can get tony to flip to us, which like… tony should. absolutely. but will he? i don’t FUCKING know. would it be a bigger move to flip to us to get one of them out, or to trick us into trusting him and get one of us out? either way he’s on the bottom of either alliance and is boned :( like, oopsies. um. idk if we’re gonna toss all our votes on 1 person and hope for no idol or put 2 each on champ and jack and hope they dont have an extra vote or whatever, then revote after the tie and get champ out. still dyin to know who PREVAILED in purgatory today. will i play my steal a vote? my idol? i dont knoooooow. it depends on what they do and who’s back from purgatory. ok. i’m tired.
Soooo, I think my time is near. I very well may be going home tonight. Zee and Champ are trying to Flip Kaleigh, and I honestly wouldn't blame her for flipping now but Zee and Champ are a dangerous duo. Hopefully Kaleigh stays with us, I absolutely adore playing with Kaleigh. But my spidersense is tingling hardcore. I've had fun!
That last challenge was hella fun! But goddamn I cannot stay up to save my life. Eman and I had something solid going with our alliance, but with them gone it’s time for me to flip over to the 28+ club. I’m making the flip at tomorrows tribal. Garfgoyle give me strength 🙏🏽. We’re gonna have to be smart about this, but from here on out, it’s gotta be Michael and I to the end 🤙🏽
It's funny that, like, one of my earliest confessionals in the game was me talking about like 'oooh am I gonna play a villian game???' after the lie about the extra vote being just a Shot in the Dark and now I'm ride or die with Michael and Kaleigh to the point that I am willing to go home tonight in rocks or have Kaleigh play her idol on Michael instead of me. And if that's the case, then the girls are playing are playing better than I thought because they are actually banking on us having an idol and believing they're gonna target Michael this time even though they've targeted me twice. Oh well. We'll see what happens.
I’ve been super busy but even with my two negated votes with the amulet I still think I will go home lol hopefully me champ and zee r all safe but we’ll see
Tribal Council
Lost Votes: Champ, Zee
Jack: Michael (sry baby ur too iconic at tribal)
Alex: Jack (This wasn’t the plan, but I wasn’t expecting Champ to do that. Sorry, buddy.)
Kayleigh: Jack (SORRY BABES <3 GL)
Michael: Jack (Damn, didn’t want to do this right now but kind of have to. Hope your vacation is fun!)
Tony: Jack (it’s been fun playing with you! You’re always great at breaking up tense moments with humor and it’s much appreciated!)
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schrodingers-romy · 1 year
The Dollmaker [Douma x Reader]
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Pairing: Douma x fem!reader Word count: ~2,000 [Ao3 link]
Summary: You are a dollmaker; you follow your friend to the Eternal Paradise Cult and are fascinated by its leader, a man who looks much like the dolls you make...
Warnings: ehhh blood? mention of consuming human flesh? honestly below canon typical level.
Notes: Uh hey yeah so this is the first thing I've really written in a while (aside from brainstorming stuff). I wrote it last night in one manic sitting. I let it languish for a bit, then went back and re-read it. Honestly can't tell if it's good. But I did have fun writing it! So. Debated posting but I figured someone might like it? Idk. Minimally edited as well so read at your own risk ig. *crawls back under my rock*.
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You’re not a religious person. You suppose you might believe in spirits; it’s hard to be a doll maker like yourself and not have some belief in them. But Gods? Prayers? You can’t understand it.
But it’s your disbelief that prompts you to follow your friend to the Eternal Paradise cult. You worry about her; she’s always been the more gullible out of you two, and her family encouraged her belief in gods. The cult is probably just a scam, and you know you need to be there to shield your friend from the worst of the consequences. So, you pass your work off to one of your employees and follow her up to the temple on the mountain.
You feel a sense of foreboding once you enter the temple. The cultists are all dressed similarly; most are women, and young ones at that. You know the cult was primarily marketed towards these people, but it still raises your hackles. You know the cult leader is a man, and these are the people men like to take advantage of the most. You don’t want to be here, but you’re glad you didn’t let your friend go on her own.
It is apparently a slow day within the cult, as you only wait in the bustling reception room for what feels like a few minutes before one of the women tells you that the leader is ready to see you now. She asks if you’d like to go separately; you say no. She nods demurely back, and motions towards the doors.
Once you enter, your eyes are immediately drawn to the man lounging on the platform at the far end of the room. You can’t look away from him.
He smiles, almost benevolently at you two, but it doesn’t reach his multicolored eyes. “Welcome! I am Dōma; what seems to be troubling you, my dears?”
Your friend speaks up, but you tune her out. You’ve already borne the brunt of listening to her problems; you use the time instead to study this Dōma.
He seems so animated. He smiles, his face twists into something sympathetic, understanding. And yet nothing seems to reach his eyes.
As you watch him lift an elegant, pale hand to make a gesture, you realize something. He reminds you of some of your dolls.
He was like a puppet. Crafted lovingly, painstakingly to look like the mirror image of a true human. Skilled hands could make the doll, and skilled hands could manipulate its face and body parts to look human-like. But in the end, the glass eyes of the doll held no emotion, no life. The same was true of Dōma.
You wonder if that’s what it means to be a prophet for the gods. If he’s simply a divine puppet, moved by invisible puppeteers. If an unimaginable being crafted his eyes to be so doll-like, inhuman. Maybe that was how they marked him as other. It would make sense; you’ve never seen eyes like that on anyone else.
You try to listen to what he says. It’s hard, when you keep losing the thread of conversation in favor of watching flashes of sharp, perfect teeth that shine whenever he opens his mouth.
It’s all meaningless platitudes, anyway. Hardly different from what other religious people would say. You take back your assumption about him being a divine puppet. There is no holy wisdom in this man, in this doll.
It makes you wonder who then is puppeteering him if not the gods. Is he simply a spirit, locked in an unnatural body? Who created such a lifelike vessel? For what purpose? To make something, so close to humanity, and yet so far….such craftsmanship you could only dream of achieving with your own dolls.
You get the strange urge to break him open. You wonder what he’s made of, what he looks like on the inside. How was such a thing made?
You are broken out of your haze once he turns to you.
“And you? Why did you come to me?” his eyes are piercing, for glass. You've never seen a doll with eyes so alive, so you waver a moment. Maybe he is a real person? But you’ve never seen a person with eyes so void of true feeling.
You swallow thickly. Your throat is dry. You almost spill your thoughts, and ask him if he is a doll. You stop yourself, thankfully, and stutter out the true response. “I came to be with her. To make sure she was safe.”
He rests his chin on one hand, eyes never leaving you. “Did you think I would hurt her?”
Your friend tries to cut in with a hasty apology on your behalf. You cut her off. “The way up the mountain can be treacherous. What makes you think I was thinking of you?”
He tilts his head in easy acquiescence. “But you were. Don’t worry though! I won’t hurt her!” He gives you a bright smile, and you marvel at the workmanship that must have gone into making him smile so naturally.
You don’t speak, again, only nodding your goodbye to him as you and your friend exit the room.
She almost speaks to you, but something on your face must discourage her. Instead, she asks on of the many cult members bustling around if you two could stay the night.
You are placed in a single room, with two futons. Your friend lies down immediately, making some offhand comments about being exhausted after your journey, and how nervous she felt talking to Dōma. You only half listen to her. Your mind lingers on Dōma, on the living doll this cult calls their leader. You feel more focused on him than you’ve ever felt about anything. There’s something about him that pulls you in.
Even as you lay to sleep, your mind doesn’t stop. You’re so sure he must be a doll, a puppet. Someone who moves like him can’t be human. 
But there is a niggling doubt. Maybe you’re wrong? Maybe this is just what cult leaders look like. Unnatural beauty that draws people in like scavengers to a corpse.
Well, you think to yourself. Only one way to find out.
You get up. Your friend is sound asleep. She has had a long day. You leave her behind as you pad along the vast corridors of the temple. You don’t know where you’re going, but your feet are trying to lead you somewhere, and you let them.
The first door you open is his bedroom door. Surprisingly, he has no guard of any sort. It seems distressingly easy to access him. You would think someone so special and unique that they had their own cult would be worth enough to guard.
But all the better for you, you suppose. You creep farther into his room, until you loom over his futon.
He almost looks more doll-like now. His face is blank with sleep, but it seems less like sleep and more like death. But puppets don’t die; they do lose life, but that’s only when the humans who breathe life into them leave.
Now, he is simply a puppet without a master.
You kneel gently on the futon. He doesn’t even seem to breathe. Another point for the doll theory. You have almost no misgivings now.
You reach out, and brush your fingertips across his cheek. His skin is flawlessly smooth, and icy cold. No living being is that cold.
You trail your hand up to his hair. Its absurdly soft, like silk. You use silk for the hair on some of your dolls as well, but it’s never felt quite that soft.
You didn’t notice before, but there is some sort of stain on the top of his hair. It was mostly hidden under his hat before, but now it is clear. It looks like someone spilled paint on him. It would be seen as a defect on something otherwise so faultless, but even that looks intentional, no drip out of place.
As you study him, you inch closer. You’re basically straddling him now, but you don’t pay much attention to that. Instead, you let your eyes roam over him again. His hands are similarly perfect, with blue nails filled to a point on every finger. You pick up one of his hands to observe them better. You hiss as one of your fingertips catches on his nail. They’re like knives, easily splitting your flesh.
You bring your cut finger up to your mouth, ready to suck away the blood beading on it.
Quick as lighting, a hand grips your wrist. You freeze, shocked, and look up, right into Dōma’s stained glass eyes. You try to pull away, but his grip is as firm as stone. His other hand grips at your hip. You can almost feel his claws through your kimono.
“Now, what do we have here?” he says, his voice a purr. There’s no trace of sleepiness in his tone, and no trace of haziness in his eyes.
Instead, you’re the one who feels sluggish. You gape at him, not saying a word.
He clicks his tongue, tilting his head almost like a disappointed mother. But his expression is not motherly at all. It’s mocking, with some sort of hunger beneath it. You think that hunger is the most emotion you’ve ever seen in his eyes. “Now, what were you doing here, in my bed, in the middle of the night, darling?”
You flush at the implication. You’re silent a moment, unsure what to say. You’re not even quite sure yourself why you’re there. You try to answer honestly anyway. “I’m not sure.”
He raises an eyebrow, wordlessly prompting you to elaborate.
Words flood out of you. “I just had to see you again! I don’t quite know why…I think I just want to know what you are. Because I know you aren’t human.”
“What am I, then?”
“You remind me of a doll. I make them. And you look like the dolls I make. You’re meant to look human, but you’re not, not really. Something is just…off. You’re almost too perfect…your skin, your hair, your eyes…no human looks like that. No human behaves like you either...your eyes are like glass. So, so beautiful, yet...they don’t portray the emotion your body tries to make.”
He seems little surprised for a second. He studies you more keenly now. “Well…I can’t say you’re totally wrong.” He smiles, but this time it’s different. It’s more a baring of teeth. You can see now he truly has fangs. He has the mouth of a predator. “I’m not human. But I’m not a doll either, silly girl!”
He pulls you closer, and sits up, until you two are pressed almost chest to chest. Your wrist, still in his hand, is tugged until your bloody finger is pressed to his lips.
“Do you want to know what I am?” he whispers, voice low. His lips move against your finger, smearing your blood on them, tinting them red.
You feel your heart beating faster. You can’t tell if it’s fear or excitement. Your brain feels fuzzy, like you’re drunk. Intoxicated.
You nod.
His tongue stretches out, lapping your blood away from your skin. You shiver.
He releases your hand, but pulls you even closer. His bloody mouth is pressed to your ear. You’re paralyzed, heart thudding, pulsing so hard now you can hear it.
“I’m a demon,” he murmurs, icy breath caressing your ear. And then without warning, he pulls aside your kimono and bites deep into your shoulder.
You gasp, a shaky broken thing. His fangs easily slice through your skin. Your blood pours into his mouth, and he moans.
He pulls away. “You taste so good…”
“Don’t eat me. Please!” you’re crying now, tears dripping down your face; from fear more than pain. You’ve heard stories of demons. You know what they do to people.
“Oh, no, darling. You misunderstand.” He clutches you close. He does it lightly, but you can feel he could crush you without a thought if he wanted. “You’re too intriguing to kill. As long as you keep your pretty mouth shut, I don’t have to do anything! I have plenty of other disciples to feed on. I never go hungry.”
So that’s why he has the cult. It’s like a farm; raising animals for food.
But as long as you’re not the one going to slaughter…
You sniffle. “Don’t eat my friend either…”
“OK, sweetheart. She can be safe as well, as long as she doesn’t get too nosy…”
You feel a rush of relief. You’ve never been more grateful for your friend’s naivete. It will keep her alive, now.
“But…what will you do with me?”
“Hmm…I want to keep you with me! You’re interesting. And life is dreadfully dull sometimes. I need something…someone special. To make existence less boring. And I think you could be that person.” He smiles at you. It feels more real now, less plastic. You could almost imagine you saw a flicker of real emotion in his eyes.
You’re exhausted. And you understand, a bit. Life is dull for you as well; often you wake up only to go through the motions of the day, with nothing to look forward to. Then you go back to bed, and repeat the cycle.
The interest you felt in Dōma, though sickeningly manic, obsessive, was a feeling you’d been craving for years. Finally, you felt something strongly again. Even when you were scared out of your mind, thinking you would be eaten… it was better than feeling numb.
“Okay,” you say. Your head drops onto his shoulder, hiding your face. “I’ll stay with you.”
He shivers, and his arms tighten around you. “Thank you, my darling.” His mouth returns to the sluggishly bleeding wound on your shoulder, licking up the blood like a cat does milk. It hurts, still, but you think you could get used to it. At least when you can feel his tongue soothing the ache.
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