#human dinotrux
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gerydabirb · 2 months ago
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D-Structs and Skrap-It playing Dandy’s World
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agathazinha2009 · 11 months ago
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the reason why I did the meme on the link lol
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emogermaphobe · 8 months ago
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I fucked up D-Structs haha
In my defense, I suck at side view. Yes, he has snake bite piercings. I really wanna draw Ty and Revvit but uhh... my "humanifications" of them aren't going too well.
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wholesomepotato · 1 year ago
Here is the promised Dinotrux art
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I headcanon that my human Ty (guy with jacket and scars on his face)
his left hand is missing his pinky and ring finger as seen here
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Little doodle of Ty and Revvit
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the crew
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protective Ty :3
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Trying to figure out the part vehicle and part human au design stuff with Ty
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spriteandfries · 4 months ago
the dinotrux obsession is taking over…
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I WILL NOT hesitate to infodump all about him and his design if you want.
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octocrush · 5 months ago
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i still love dinotrux btw
so heres a human skrap it 😛
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megatruxfr · 17 days ago
Bam has a panic attack - Batwheels fanfic (well, kinda trashfic) thing that came to mind so i wrote it out (again)
Little idea i had: Bam has a panic attack during a massive fight in Gotham and Prank handles it? Writing it down, writing it down. Since my dinotrux project New Dawn and all my research i did for it because one of the characters has PTSD, i have become better at writing panic attacks, so this fic is mainly a practice. In this fic the humans can talk to the cars. I hope you still like it anyway :D
Let me know how good my panic attack writing is, i need feedback for New Dawn!! (Project i have been working on)
Story -
"Okay, i think we're safe here!"
Prank was panting. He had not driven that hard in a good while. With Bam behind him, he hid in an alley. There were mysterious attackers all over Gotham and Joker and Batman were now fighting with of the other vehicles while Bam and Prank were sent away by their drivers because Prank had a leak and Bam suddenly froze up in fear. "Okay, should be good. Lets wait for Joker and Batman to-" Prank stopped talking when he saw Bams face.
Bam looked horrified. His pupils were small and he was trembling on his wheels. He didnt even blink.
"Yo, dude, you look like you just saw a ghost!" Prank joked. He tried driving closer to Bam, but he accelerated backwards, still with that horrified look.
"Bam?" Pranks smile dissapeared. A sudden restless feeling rose up in him, his intuition told him something wasnt okay, at all. He ducked to be a bit more on Bams height. "Bam? Hey, whats wrong, buddy?"
Bam gasped. "I.. i feel.." he shuddered and drove backwards, closer to the wall behind him.
"Woah, hey, are you alright dude?" Prank drove a bit closer. "Are you scared of those ninja bozo's? Batman and Joker are taking care of them."
"I saw them hurt Batman." Bam shuddered again. His eyes were wide open and expressionless. "They attacked Buff. Everyone is still fighting, but i..." he paused. "I froze."
"What happened?" Prank asked.
"I don't know, i froze. It felt like i had some error. And then i felt dizzey and then scared. And everything around me was suddenly way too loud. I felt numb, like i was drugged, and then Batman sent me away because i can't fight! What if he thinks i can't fight? I can fight! But if i go now-"
"Whoa, whoa, whoa," Prank said as calmly as he could. "Bam."
Bam looked up and started hyperventilating. "Oh, whats wrong with me? I feel like a scared rat in some lab! Whats happening to me?! I never felt like this before, i shouldnt-" then he went quiet for a second.
"Look i get that youre scared, but you were sent away because Batman doesnt want you to get hurt, and Joker sent me away because i am in fact hurt."
"Youre leaking oil!" Bam yelled terrified when he saw a little puddle of oil under Prank.
"Woah woah, wait now, calm down," Prank reassured. "Its not that bad." He suddenly felt a bit calmer.
Bam pushed himself agains the wall, shaking his head. "No, no, no, no, no, no..." he was frantically looking around, gritting his teeth, panting and lifting himself on his wheels. "No, no, no... Prank! Prank! We have to help Batman!"
"You have to calm down." Prank drove backwards, giving Bam a bit more space. "I'm no professional or anything, but i think youre panicking."
Bam stopped frantically looking around. His breath trembled too. "I don't know what to do, Prank!" He looked at the ground. Prank saw a little pixeated tear. "I don't know."
Prank sighed. Seeing Bam like this was hard, to his surprise. "Listen to me, Bam. Look around you." He went to stand next to his panicking friend.
"Prank, i-"
"Don't worry, look around yourself, calmly."
Bam turned his head to the right.
"What do you see over there?" Prank asked calmly.
"Uhm.." Bam was quiet for a second. "Dumpsters, uh, lights, water puddles.." he looked at Prank, probably looking for approvement.
"Go ahead," Prank said. "What more?"
Bam sighed. "Uhm, well... street lanterns, and, a car... theres a... cat on that dumpster..."
Bam seemed a bit calmer now. Prank was practicing a method he had learned. If someone is panicking, make them focus on other things surrounding them. Whatever it did or whoever came up with it, it seemed to work on Bam. He was still trembling a bit.
"Its okay, Bam. We're safe here." Prank looked at his friend with a calm smile. "Youre okay."
Bam sighed and closed his eyes, then opened them and looked at Prank. "Thank you so much."
"Fow what?"
"Helping me," Bam said. "I've never been so scared in my life. You really helped me here, Prank."
"Youre still trembling." Prank gave Bam some space again.
"Aftermath. Or something." Bam gave Prank a silly smile.
"Are you sure youre okay now?" Prank asked.
"Yeah, yeah, i'm okay." Bam shook. "I'm good."
Prank raised an eyebrow.
Bams smile dissapeared. "Okay, no."
Prank smiled. "You have time, Bam. I'm here."
Bam was still trembling slightly. Prank noticed Bam was turning his wheels in, like he was trying to make himself smaller. Prank could see Bam was restless.
"Bam, its okay to be scared sometimes. You should know that."
"Yeah, but not right now. Not when there is a fight." Bam swallowed and growled in frustration. "I'm the fucking batmobile, Prank. I shouldnt pull back like a scared piece of shi-" he cut himself off. "Sorry."
Prank shook his head. "Bam, how many times in your life have you been scared?"
"A lot," Bam grumbled.
"And did anyone ever get angry at you for it?"
Bam bit his lip. "No."
"Dude, do you seriously think you can't be scared cuz youre the batmobile?"
"No, its just that i'm scared in this situation."
"You were shot at, yelled at, had to jump off of a building, almost drowned, took multiple bullets for your sister and you witnessed your driver getting injured, all of that in 2 hours and you question why you panic?" Prank asked.
Bam grinned. "Youre right."
Prank grinned back and stuck out his tongue. "By the way, you should swear more. Its hot."
"Only when you do it." Bam rolled his eyes with a smile and drove across the alley. "Come on. We got ass to kick."
Prank plastered a huge smile on his face. "YEAH! LETS KICK ASS!!"
- in the field -
"Where are you, Bam!?" Bibi drove in between the strange attackers dressed in black as they shot at her with guns.
Snowy fired around himself with his freeze ray. "Are we winning or losing?" Jestah asked while bucking an unwanted driver out.
"We're winning, bigtime!" Joker said, as he kneeled down next to Batman who had his hand pressed on his waist, growling at one of the attackers. Joker punched him in the face and turned to Batman again. "We're losing are we?" Batman didnt respond. He looked at his wound and growled deeply in pain.
"Bats, did you take a bullet?" Joker turned his head. "Snowy, behind you!"
"No, a stab," Batman grumbled. "Its not that serious." He stood up and pulled out his grappling hook. "Batwing!" He called to Batwing, who shot an attacker off of Quizz's fin. "Coming, Batman!"
"Where are Bam and Prank?" Joker said.
"Probably not far. Ever since Bam turned 15 he has this thing where freezes from fear, i have no idea what it is." Batman replied as Batwing landed next to him. "I'm going up. You stay with the others down here until Bam and Prank return. When they do, you alert me."
Joker clearly wanted to hesitate, but nodded. "Alright, Bats." He picked up the gun of the attacker he had punched to the ground. "Jestah! Give me a lift!"
Buff and Snowy teamed up and scared off a huge amount of attackers while Batman and Batwing shot them via air. Bibi got stopped by an attacker who pointed his gun at her. He got shoveled off the groud by Quizz and thrown away.
Joker stood up in Jestahs driving seat. "Theres too many!"
Just then, he saw something he had never been happy to see, but he was now. The Batmobile, with its utility belt ready and armed, stormed into the scene with his van behind him.
"Just on time!" Joker yelled. "Teach them a lesson, Bam!"
Bam nodded and drove into the field. Prank stopped before Joker, who put his hand on his van's side. "Prank! Are you alright?"
"Yeah, i just have a minor leak. But i'm still ready as ever!" Prank opened his door. "Hop in, bro!"
Joker started laughing, hopped behind Pranks wheel and they stormed off, after Bam.
Bam smiled at Prank, who was laughing like a maniac, just like his driver. After some knocking - out, Joker climbed onto Pranks roof and started shooting with his laser gun from up there.
"We're winning," Bam thought. "This is gonna work! Pranks method worked!"
Little did Bam know.. soon he'd have to use it again....
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✨Dinotrux headcannons✨
Dozer and George are all related in some way; they are uncles and nephews. The thing is, George was excommunicated from Dozer's heard when Dozer was very young, so he doesn't have a lot of memory of George, but he does remember him as being very kind to Dozer and teaching him how to create mounds and jackhammers.
Ty is actually older than D-structs, but not older than D-stroy. I have a small head can in that they are 4 to 9 years apart, so in my AU they are 4 years apart, and Ty would be 21 or 22 or 23.
D-structs was once kicked out of a crater by his brother, and when he found a new one, there was already a T-Trux. They nearly scrapped D-structs, but thankfully he was able to escape, so that's why he was so resistant to Ty.
Ton-Ton has nightmares often, and he often goes to Ty to comfort him. This is semi-canon because of the one episode in the earlier seasons of Ty saying, "I don't care how bad your nightmare was; I'm not talking you back in."
After the Tortools came into Dozer's life, he started to act more like a parent to everyone. Yeah, this was pure torture to the others since whenever they would put themselves in dangerous situations, they wouldn't only have the tools lecturing them but also a very angry Dozer, especially Ton-Ton.
Dozer In my human, Au runs out of coffee since he is a daycare attendant, and he often has to come in early to prepare meals and stay late cleaning up paint.
Going on with my human, Au Dozer has had a crush on everyone at least once throughout his life. He has known Tonton since he was really young, so during his teen years, he had a crush on Tonton, and he had met Skya when he was in his late teens, and he had developed a crush on her. He had denied all of his crushes, though he refused to accept them, so yeah, drama.
Dozer has never been in a relationship.
Also I am open to roleplay with this au
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bloom-ribbon22 · 1 year ago
Bloom's Dinotrux HUMAN AU infodump: D-Bros + Skrap-itt
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I know I already posted them but I still wanna put em here + front facing D-Structs(unrelated note: don't usually do front faces much, I have tried it probably two times and it either ends up looking weird or just not right but I do like how it turned out this time! hmm maybe I should do more characters front facing).
anyways, I've always wanted to infodump share some bits of lore, facts, info, and other stuff of my human AU version of the Dinotrux and I kind of started with the D-bros + Skrap-itt, why? ngl they're one of the most interesting characters to me. soooooo here you go :)
-when D-Structs was born, D-Stroy looked at his parents while pointing at his new baby sibling and asked "mom, dad.... why does he look so ugly?"
-a very mischievous kid back then. he was the ultimate pranker. he pranks a lotta people that he almost lost count of them but his favourite pranking victim is you guessed it! ya boi D-Structs! oh poor poor young, bratty, selfish D-Structs... always having silly stuff drawn on his face when he was asleep and almost getting scared to death everytime his brother just jumpscares him...I'd list more but this is getting way too long lol.
-hair is l o n g and messy af. you can probably store/hide items in there idk.
-has a high tolerance for spicy food and also enjoys eating it.
-even as a kid, he always gets into fights and still does which results to him always receiving new scars/injuries. almost never minds it because with all honesty he doesn't really give a shit what he looks like. even though he is incredibly strong, he knows his limits and also knows he isn't invincible or indestructible so he tries his best not to overestimate his strength and avoid battles if he knows he can't win it.
-was already a selfish guy when he was a bratty little kid and a bit of a snitch too. when he was five and D-Stroy would do something to him, even something that's completely harmless like slightly nudging his arm this left D-Structs no choice but to use a move that every older sibling fears "MAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-"
-heavily dislikes the taste of sweets. can't really handle it, the taste of sugar and the feeling of it melting into his tongue is just....sickening, maybe even irritating...in fact, it's unbearable....
-similarly to D-Stroy, he often gotten to a lotta fight even as a kid and still does which ends up getting himself new scars/injuries. most of these fights are pretty much his fault as most of the time he's the one that's starting/asking for it.
-"I'd rather live my life all alone until I die" that's what he thought to himself until Skrap-itt came to his life. story between them was kinda similar to the canon. it was so hard for him to tolerate this talkative and dumb lil pipsqueak but as time goes on he kind of started to get used to his company that it feels oddly weird whenever he's alone... sometimes...after all, Skrap-itt was the only one that gives a fuck about him...
-short king. you can kick him like he's a football or better yet, pick him up like he's some kind of cat and maybe even put him in a box, seal it shut, and deliver it to any random person. "your order is here"
-a cat person. he understands them, he knows they're not just annoying animals always whining for food 24/7, they are loving and caring too! they're not just, y'know, not that playful...at least..most of the time...he would adopt a cat but sadly D-Structs not really a big fan of pets in his home.
-was the weird lonely kid who often gets picked on a lot and many avoided him because, again, a weirdo and thus lived a pretty lonely life. Smash-itt, Break-itt and Lloyd are often the ones picking on him which would explain why Skrap-itt is so bitter to them when he meets them again, worse part is that D-Structs, though completely unaware of their history, """hired""" them.
that's all for now, there will be plenty more(and I may add more stuff) and of course I'll make some for Ty and the gang :) fun but not needed fact: I started to type all of this with 11 percent battery and now it's 7 percent....dang
anyways I'm coming back to school at January 3 and I'm scared af sidbdiebsisbisbsisjd-
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rickyyysaurus · 2 years ago
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Grizzlyrojo on Instagram, who worked on Dinotrux. This is their humanization of the gang!!!!
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space-dog-500 · 1 year ago
The more I think about the whole bringing back Dinotrux the more worried I get.
like, what if they decite to completely change the show? like, the designs of the characters, the art style or the tone. they could do that. especially after 6 years have passed and many fans have moved on since then anyway. Plus the show was never that popular to begin with. I mean, it didn't do poorly either. It just did ok. (otherwise they would have probably canceled it.) they might try to get a new audience. maybe aim it at a even younger children and try to copy more popular shows. I mean the original book the show was based on was aimed at pre-schoolers and I have heard they originally wanted it to be aimed at pre-schoolers but later changed it (tho I couldn't find anything that supports that claim, some one just told me that). The books were simple picture books with some short flavour text in them that just described each dinotrux species and what they were like. There was no real story.
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and yes, the dinotrux looked very different.
there were also humans too.
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My guess is that they got rid of humans because animating humans in 3D was just too costly, so they focused more on the trux themself. Which personally I'm totally fine with. Speaking of the books.
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In one of them we see them in our present day stuck in museums and they break free because they feel mistreated by the humans and seak revenge.
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Honestly, if they did add humans I wish they used the premise of this book for the show. that would be awesome. xD They probably would change it a bit to have D-Structs try to destroy the city and Ty and his friends would try to stop him and save the humans. But yea, if they say it's a season 6 and not another dinotrux spin-off series I don't think that's what they gonna do. tho, its not in development yet so a lot could still change. Or maybe they could use that Revenge of the Dinortux plot for a movie one day. if that new season does well enough they might do more. But that's just wishful thinking I believe. They never gonna make a movie. It would have to do REALLY well to deserve a movie.
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gerydabirb · 3 months ago
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The thought of D-Structs playing guitar during his lone time has on my mind for a long time. So I decided to make it a headcanon of it.
At least for the Gijinka Dinotrux au, I’m still trying to consider if it should be in the og as well.
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agathazinha2009 · 1 year ago
Random question, What would be Dinotrux(the main team and villains) favorite human-like Drinks,movie,human-like food, etc.
What my Gijinka trux likes(drinks edition):
Ton-Ton- Energetic (yeah)
Dozer- Black coffee
Skya- Cocktails
Click-Clack- Tea
Waldo- Water(based lol)
Ace-Blueberrie raspies
Revvit- Chocolate cappucino
D-structs-Wine(but secretly loves Chocolate milk, only skrap-it knows)
Skrap-it- Soda
Blayde- Wine
D-stroy- Beer( such alchoolic >:>)
Garby- Soda
George- Tea
Xee- Smoothie
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emogermaphobe · 8 months ago
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...How did I forget to redraw Skrap-It's hand??
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Have you seen this childhood show: Miniforce (2014-2016), South Korea (Korean, English)
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Commentary/Context/Memories: I literally don’t expect anyone to know this even slightly, but I was OBSESSED with it. The owl character, Sammy, was my main back in the day.
[Mod A: From reading the description, I like how with Dinotrux (which was like Transformers for dinosaurs), this show was like Power Rangers for animals. They had Volt the yellow squirrel, Max the blue beaver, Sammy the red owl, and Lucy the pink fox who teams up together to become the Miniforce, whose goal was to keep things peaceful between humans and animals, and also to fight the supervillains. In their daily life, they are taken care of by a human named Suzy as pets. To fight evil, they change into the human shaped Force Bots (so maybe this is more similar to Voltron, except instead of humans and lion bots, it’s animals and human bots which is a pretty cool reversal!) and each has a specific weapon/power. Sounds like an interesting show, but I feel that I will truly know peace when the only girl in the group is in a colour other than pink haha]
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paintingchimera · 8 months ago
I realised, I haven’t done an intro post yet, so let me introduce myself!
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Hello! Im Astrid
I’m into Dungeon meshi, Signalis, Coffee talk, Hunger games, Murder drones, Death stranding, Detroit become human, God of war, Norse mythology, Greek mythology, Mythical creatures, Haikyuu, My hero academia, Tokyo Ghoul, Mouthwashing and dinotrux
I’m a lesbian, Girlflux and I go by she/they.
My main hyperfixation right now is The wild robot, Wondla and Mouthwashing I tend to go into deep researched about my hyperfixations so I know a lot, especially about signalis. I even make my own ocs too,
[don’t bully my hyperfixation on dinotrux 😞 I’ve watched for for years ever since it came out]
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