#human bakugo x mer midoriya
pinkykats-place · 4 months
BakuDeku MerMay 2024 Fic Recs
archive of our own
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None of the stories below are mine.
Few contain mature content.
Read tags. Check Ratings.
GIF not mine.
Note: If you read any of these stories and like them please let the author know with a kudos and/or comment!
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Lured by huliganships
Summary: Izuku had always been fascinated by the sea. When he was still a child his mother told him that her mother had been a mermaid who had fallen in love with a human. Because of that the sea favored their family. Izuku had never understood what his mother meant by that, not until he had grown up and discovered his gift.
Whenever he sang, the sea listened.
Mer!Baku x Semi-Human!Deku
One Shot | SFW
Tastes Like Fucking Lionfish by jonabenkku
Summary: Izuku’s neighbour finds an injured Merman by the shore. Logically he brought it to his home, and suddenly it’s Izuku's job to take care of the stunning creature in a bathtub.
Mer Baku x Human Deku
One Shot | SFW
The Mating Grounds by huliganships
Summary: The mating grounds were a sacred place. The old songs that all mer children listened to while growing up told them of its location, about the peace that prevailed there, and how it was the last safe haven for every wanderer. Lure singing had become rare over the years, but most pods still had one or two elders who were teaching the gift to the younger generation.
While Katsuki was sure he would never need to travel there, he hadn't been prepared for how it made him feel watching Izuku swim away from him to find a partner elsewhere.
Mer Baku x Mer Deku
One Shot | SFW
Love in the reef by Dantalia
Summary: Izuku is a pretty betta bearer mer, who is shunned by his fellow mer because he is a male carrier. A rare second gender for males.
This year marked another year he had to spend mating season alone and in pain Izuku thinks.
Enter tiger shark Katsuki who takes an instant claim on the green mer and promises him a life time instead of a mating season.
Mer Baku x Mer Deku
One Shot | SFW
Find the feeding grounds by ContraryBee
Summary: Izuku is so hungry. The season is ready to change but he's unprepared. He's alone. He's wandering.
And Katsuki is the god's favorite: of course a beautiful, delicious, near-heat bearer would enter his territory, swim right into his hands. He's hungry too. Fucking starving.
mer!Baku x mer!Deku
One Shot | NSFW
Unwanted Gift by TigerLilies64
Summary: Prince Katsuki has been gifted with a merperson of all things. He's incensed that he would be offered such an inhuman gift, but rejecting it would threaten fragile diplomatic relations. So now he's got a chatty merman in his room that he never asked for. What is he to do?
Human Baku x Mer Deku
Complete | 4 Chapters | NSFW
His Freedom and His Fortune by s_the_queen
Summary: "He didn't say his name," she said, casting her eyes down. "He… he said you were friends. That he was looking for you. I made a mistake—" she broke off, a distressed cry at the back of her throat. Katsuki didn't care. His heart was racing. "I told him you made berth here to treat with another mermaid—a siren who fancied himself in love with you."
"Describe him," he spat. "Or I'll make it my mission to end your pathetic life."
She looked up at him, eyes sad. He didn't fucking care. "He had white hair and his face was weathered. He had unusual jewelry—a chain of clasped hands around his neck. His voice sounded like dry sand."
She needn't say more. He knew exactly who had his love.
Izuku was in the clutches of his greatest enemy—the pirate Shigaraki—the White Hand of the Sea.
Izuku, the siren who holds Katsuki's heart, has been kidnapped. Katsuki will do anything to get him back.
Human Baku x Mer Deku
One Shot | SFW
The Sea and His Possessions by ChickenAlfrado
Summary: Bakugou Katsuki lives a humble life as a young fisherman. Bringing his catch of the day to the local market to bring in money for himself and his family. Everyday, he has a ritual. Wake up, go fishing, go to the market, come home, sleep. After his father took ill, he had no choice but to take on the role as the bread winner for his household. Having just become an adult, he had no issue taking the family business onto his shoulders.
Until a certain terrible storm rocks his boat far from his comfortable ritual.
Human Baku x Mer Deku
One Shot | SFW
20 notes · View notes
alice-angel12x · 3 years
Naga! BakuDekuShoto X (fem)Mermaid!Reader
Part 2. Here
Y/n is warned to never go near the surface by her pod. She's been going near the surface every night and very early at dawn, sunrise to relax, sing, watch the sunset. Being a mermaid had its many blessing and curses. They were creatures of great beauty and magic, from their beautiful voices to the powerful magic in just a single tear. So naturally, they were secretive creatures.
A great lake deep in the forest of Atigus, a large pod of Merpeople lived in this lake. A lake so deep it could have been mistaken for the deepest part of the ocean. Living so far down in the deeps, they were a bit isolated from the many magical and grand creatures that also inhabit the forest.
Yet Y/n was a curious individual and would swim near the surface, in hopes of seeing another creature. Thought she was smart enough to know that there is one creature that she must avoid at all costs, Man. Yet She would brave the bright surface, and sing out to no one in particular.
One day as she ventured to the surface at sunset, she began to sing into the wind. As she rested on the lake's edge, she suddenly felt a painful sting on her shoulder. Y/n gasped in pain, but her body became so heavy suddenly and lost all control. As she laid there motionless, as she heard the snicker and the strange language of humans.
The humans quickly slumped the unconscious mermaid onto their backs and tried to find their way back to the village. Yet as they walked down the path, they could feel predatory eyes watching them.
As one of the humans looked around, they noticed that special markings were etched into the tree's around them.
"Oh no, we have walked into Naga territory," one of the humans gasped in horror.
As the two trembled, a large shadow engulfed them. The tallest stood up to 9 feet in height, standing above them, while the shortest stood 7 feet. They couldn't begin to fathom how long these nagas could be. These giants glared down at the small humans that had invaded their territory.
Dealing with the humans was simple, yet something did catch one of their eyes. The smaller green naga noticed the abandoned creature on the ground.
"What is that?" The freckled naga wondered.
"It looks like to be a humanoid creature like us," a red and white naga commented as he leaned over the mermaid.
"Yet, it's not. Its scales look strange and its tail is so short, it's the same size as those pathetic humans," The ashy blond Naga scoffed as he picked the mer by her tail.
"K-kacchan! Careful," the green-haired naga gasped.
"Why does it look like part fish?" The red and white naga asked, " You should be careful, Bakugo."
"Whatever, Deku," Bakugo scoffed, as he tossed the body over to green Naga.
"Nice catch Midoriya," The red and white naga commented.
"Thanks, Shoto," Izuku sighed as he got a closer look at the creature.
"So what do you think it is?" Shoto asked.
" It must be some water-faring creature, other than that I'm not sure," Izuku said as he held the mermaid close. " It would be nice to speak to her about it. Maybe I could hold onto her, F-for a  little while."
"Why?" Shoto asked.
"Probably cause this will be the only female that can't walk out on him for better a mate," Bakugo commented.
"I think you may be projecting a little, Bakugo," Shoto commented.
Bakugo scoffed and slithered off somewhere else, as Izuku and Shoto stood in awkward silence.
"S-so does that mean I can? N-Not for the reason that he said!" Izuku said quickly.
"I'd... Certainly hope not," Shoto said simply.
As Y/n slowly came to her senses, she could feel something odd. As she slowly opened her eyes, she noticed that this body of water was barely deep. Plus something was wrapped around her, it felt strange.
She slowly opened her eyes, to see that the surface of the water was just a foot above her head. And wrapped around her waist was a tail, a snake tail. Y/n tensed slightly, but the creature felt her movement and quickly tightened its hold.
She was suddenly pulled up above the surface and was face to face with a freckly face with forest green eyes.  His eyes were full of wonder and curiosity as he inspected Y/n very closely.
Y/n wanted to scream, yet remained frozen. Not only was she unsure of this creature, but also intimidated by its great size. She never felt so small and helpless.
"what are you? And who are you?" Deku asked as he muttered other questions.
"A-a mermaid, my name is Y/n," Y/n squeaked nervesly.
"Ah, like an Oceanid," Izuku smiled." I-i have to write this down, I have so many questions."
As his tail wraps more around Y/n, she watches as the snake man turns to gather his parchment paper. They were covered in writings and notes about almost anything. Before Y/n could get a grasp of what was happening, she was drowned in the naga's curious questions. He must have not been paying too much attention as he tightened his hold.
"C-can't...Breath," Y/n whimpered as she passed out.
------------- Deku suddenly felt Y/n go slack, he stopped rambling and quickly looked at her.
"AHh! Y/n," Izuku gasped as he quickly placed her back in the small watering hole.
"Oi, killed it already," Bakugo laughed mockingly.
"N-no, Y/n passed out," Izuku said nervesly.
"So what is she?" Shoto asked as he tried to get a better look.
"An Oceanid, but she calls herself a mermaid," Izuku said as he put down his notes.
"Hmm, well what were those humans doing with one?" Shoto asked.
"Probably harvest her for magical properties. If they can't possess magic on their own, then they will take it," Bakugo scoffed simply.
"Well, I'm glad we came across those humans then," Izuku said with a relieved sigh.
After a couple of weeks, Y/n grew used to Izuku and his curiosity. She would learn many things about him, that he was defiantly a curious Naga and a very emotional one. Will cry a river at any strong emotion he feels. Y/n could only hope that this small pool of water was not his tears. She would learn a bit about his other two companions.
Bakugo is the most prideful and skilled of the three. Always going off how he will be the best and rise the ranks among their kind. Shoto on the other hand seemed very calm out of the three. Almost to the point where he seemed indifferent about everything, though he takes everything very seriously.
Izuku would also learn a lot about her and her home in the great lake. How they knew many great magical treasures and plants within Atigus. It was just so fascinating to him, and it felt so nice to have someone discuss the magical phenomena with him.
As Y/n rested in Izuku's coils, a question came to mind.
"Hey Izuku, you've been so sad as of late. What is making you so sad?" Y/n asked.
"Um, it's a little embarring to talk about, but... The season of union is coming to an end soon. And during this time Nagas begin to pair and bond, and we bond for life. Sadly a girl I had my heart set in already bonded with someone else. So I may just end up being unpair," Izuku explained.
"What about Bakugo and Shoto?" Y/n asked.
"Well, most are annoyed or frightened by him, and would rather stay far away from him. And Shoto, has a bit of a hard time, umm, connecting to others," Izuku said slowly and awkwardly.
"Oh, well I'm sorry to hear that. I can't see why you would not find someone. Your sweet and so kind," Y/n smiled as she rested her harms on his coils.
Izuku's face turned a bright red as his tail tightened slightly. His heart fluttered in his chest as he stared down at his Oceanid friend.
"Y-you really think so?" Izuku mumbled, as his eyes watered.
"Despite your timid nature, you are willing to help though in need. Even if they may not deserve it," Y/n smiled up at him.
"Thank You Y/n," Izuku thanked as he cried waterfalls as hugged Y/n closely.
"Though you can be a bit of a cry baby," Y/n winced as she was drenched in tears.
But he didn't hear the last comment as he hugged her close.
"Shouldn't you be returning Y/n to the great lake, Surely she would like to return to her home and family," Izuku's friend Iida asked.
As the two patrolled the large Naga territory. Izuku's heart began to thump in his chest in a panic at the thought. The thought had many times came across his mind, but the thought of parting with her. Tore his heart apart.
"Oh, you're still here?" Shoto asked as he entered the cave.
"Umm, have been for this past Month Shoto," Y/n said as she poked her head above the water.
"Izuku must hold you dearly if he hasn't returned you home yet," Shoto said as he found a comfy spot and laid down.
"Y-you think so?" Y/n asked nervesly.
"Hmm, don't you miss your family? I'm surprised you haven't asked him to return you," Shoto commented.
As Y/n studied him, she could feel something about those words. Like it wasn't just meant for you to answer.
"Are Nagas not close to their parents?" Y/n asked.
"Um, not all, but most," He said with a slightly sad look.
"What about you, if it's not too personal?" Y/n asked.
Shoto stayed silent for a time, as he slowly touched the burn on his face. " I could care less what my father is up to, but I... I do wonder how my mother is doing after she ran away from me and my dad," Shoto said sadly.
"W-why would she do that?" Y/n gasped.
"She said my left side and red scales looked too much like my horrible father. She burned the left side of my face and ran," Shoto answered as he covered his scar. " I was too horrible for her to look at."
Y/n frowned sadly at his story and pulled herself up onto the dry ground. She slowly approached Shoto's tail as she awed at his lovely scales.
"Your white scales shine like pearls, and the red ones look like rubies, your so lovely, Shoto," Y/n said in a soft tone.
Shivers ran up his spine as he felt the warm fingers slide across his scales. His heart pounded in his chest as he slowly coiled his tail around her.
"Y-you couldn't possibly mean that," Shoto said slowly.
"Of course I do. You know if you smiled more, maybe the ladies or gentlemen would flock to you," Y/n smiled.
"Flock? Like... Birds?" Shoto asked, really confused.
"No silly, I mean many would find you more approachable," Y/n laughed.
Her laugh was so small and cute, he could help but tighten his hold on her. He could feel her warmth on his scales as he slowly leaned in closer to her.
"If you're doing what I think you're doing, then you two are disgusting," Said a voice.
The two quickly turned to see Bakugo, who came back from a hunting outing. A large boar was slung over his shoulder as he entered the cave.
"Find a different part of the cave to suck each other's face," Katsuki grumbled.
"Why would we do that?" Shoto asked with pure confusion.
"Cause It's decent," Bakugo growled.
"No, why would we suck each other's faces?" Shoto asked again.
"I'm done with you," Bakugo scoffed.
Shoto and Izuku had to eventually leave to do a final scout turn, leaving Bakugo and Y/n. Bakugo had no interest in talking to the mermaid and did his own thing, by cooking the boar he caught. Y/n with nothing to do hummed to herself, her voice echoing off the walls of the cave.
"So you were the source of that voice," Bakugo said suddenly.
"Ummm... I was right next to you. How did you not know until now?" Y/n asked with a deadpanned look.
"No, every time around sunset I could hear something in the wind. A voice, singing," Bakugo said simply.
"Oh, I thought I was just singing to myself," Y/n said bashfully.
"More like to the whole forest," Bakugo huffed.
"Was I okay?" Yn asked slowly.
"You were definitely better than those harpies who think they can sing," Bakugo scoffed, turning away to hide his red ears.
"That is so sweet of you to say," Y/n said, slightly touched.
"Tch. Well, I don't really care for the noise of rain, you can keep doing what you were doing," Bakugo said slowly.
Y/n smiled at the tsundere naga and continued her song.
(3 weeks later)
Y/n and the three nagas grew closer and closer during the 3 weeks. The season of Union was quickly coming to a close, but tensions were high among the three males.
One morning, Shoto had his tail wrapped protectively around Y/n's sleeping form when he heard a soft but challenging hiss. Looking up sightly he could see it was Izuku. Izuku's usual large round pupils were now slits, as his serpentine tongue flicked between his lips.
"Yes, Izuku?" Shoto asked coldly.
"Your turn to patrol soon, maybe you should let her go now," Izuku said as nicely as possible, as he slowly inched closer.
Shoto tensed as Izuku slowly got closer. Shoto's pupils quickly turned to slits as he hissed back. Y/n was unable to sleep through the loud noises coming from the two.
"What's with all the noise," Y/n groaned sleepily, as she untangled herself from Shoto's coils.
"Would you shut it you two," Bakugo growled, as he pulled Y/n's sleepy form closer to him.
"B-bakugo, careful," Izuku hissed.
"I am," Bakugo said simply.
"Don't you both have someplace to be?" Izuku said with a slight hiss.
"W-what are you all fighting about?" Y/n asked, slightly more awake.
Pt.2 maybe?! I don't know
737 notes · View notes
pinkykats-place · 2 years
BKDK Mermaid AU Mer Bakugo x Human Deku
AO3 SFW Recommendations
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None of the stories linked below are mine!
All are SFW … still check tags
Credit to @hotpotatopotat for the fan art.
Note: If you read any of these stories and like them please let the author know with a kudos and/or comment!
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Human Treasures by @kaligraphy
Summary: Mina convinces Katsuki to help two humans trapped in their sinking boat in the middle of the storm. Katsuki, for all his claims of disliking humans, seems to find one human rather pretty.
{One Shot}
Rated - Teen & Up
whirlpool by pinchingzuku
Summary: He still didn’t know how he, a mer, ended up being friendly with a human of all things. It still made his brain spin and his fins flicker in annoyance, maybe less than he would have liked, but still.
And definitely didn't expect to see him again, and again, and again.
{One Shot}
Rated - General Audiences
The sound of the waves by Ana_Writes
Summary: Love is beautiful, everyone knows that. Everyone sees it differently. For some it's the feeling, for others it's the person.
For Izuku? For Izuku it's the sound of the waves.
Being in love with a merman isn't normal or easy but Izuku knows he'll do anything to see Katsuki's face, feel his scales on his skin and hear the soft hum of the waves.
{One Shot}
Rated - Teen & Up
tides by kindaopps
Summary: A new lease of life, then, for this poor boy. 
A whim, nothing more. Katsuki’s good deed of the day. It’d be a waste, to let the life he’d saved slip away in a blink of an eye. 
Katsuki ignores the treacherous voice inside him that tells him that his whim had something to do with the dream-like, nebulous future that Katsuki saw in glimpses.
One Shot | SFW
Rated - n/a
Not Your Typical Tail by Cyberneticstar
Summary: The Little Mermaid AU where Bakugou takes the place of Ariel. And he's not falling for any of that 'love at first sight' or 'damsel in distress' bull shark shit.
Complete | 10 Chapters
Rated - Teen & Up
Sharks and ocean predators by @silverynight
Summary: He's ready to dive in, when he sees a very weird black and dark orange fin, it looks like a shark's. He knows sharks are not usually aggressive, but he doesn't want to upset it, so he decides to stay on the boat for a while, hoping it doesn't see anything interesting and decides to go away.
However, the shark doesn't go, instead it bumps into Izuku's small boat a couple of times until the green haired boy falls into the water.
Izuku closes his mouth and opens his eyes to see the creature and realizes that's not a shark but a merman; he's never seen one like him before. Uraraka's fin is completely different from his; from the waist down he looks like a black shark and the rest of him looks like a blond boy with red eyes, sharp teeth and well built body.
{One Shot}
Rated - Teen & Up
mer-made in heaven by Fangirl_on_fire
Summary: Over the next few weeks, Izuku kept returning to the cove. He brought a few gifts for Katsuki—slices of dried kelp, a pretty shell, things he had figured out mermaids often liked from his studies at the laboratory—but Katsuki never reacted beyond a slightly interested lift of his eyebrows. Still, Izuku was lucky just to have the attention of the most gorgeous person he had ever seen, mer or human.
As if it weren’t enough that Katsuki was devastatingly handsome, he was cute, too, with the way he scrunched his nose up when the sunlight hit his eyes or he idly splashed his tail in the water.
{One Shot}
Rated - Teen & Up
Tidal Wave by LoonyLoomy
Summary: When a young Izuku goes to the beach one day to find a boy with a lionfish tail, he's immediately enchanted. Katsuki is the coolest friend: confident, talented and bursting with amazing stories about life underwater. Little do the boys realise, however, that a mistake can change everything in the blink of an eye.
Incomplete | 6/? Chapters
Last Updated 2020 
Rated - Teen & Up
226 notes · View notes
pinkykats-place · 1 year
BakuDeku Fic Recs MerMay 2023
archive of our own
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None of the stories linked below are mine.
All are SFW … still check tags.
Art not mine … by @fihella
Note: If you read any of these stories and like them please let the author know with a kudos and/or comment!
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Disaster is My Love Language by @mjbunnyluv
Summary: Izuku, a marine biologist, rescues a struggling merman caught in a net. Once pulled out of the water and brought to the wildlife rehabilitation center where he works, it appears the mer's injuries are worse than he thought. While aggressive and furious that he has been forced into captivity, Katsuki slowly comes around to the idea that being taken care of isn't so bad.
Mer!Baku x Human!Deku
{One Shot}
Rated - Teen & Up
Against the Course by bundie
Summary: Bakugou Katsuki is an expert on mer and he's sworn to protect them from pirates and poachers. He joins a pirate crew to sabotage their hunt and comes across the most beautiful mer he'd ever seen. He's forced to drastic measures to protect Deku, even at the cost of his own life.
Mer!Deku x Human!Baku
{One Shot}
Rated - Teen & Up
Sharks and ocean predators by @silverynight
Summary: He's ready to dive in, when he sees a very weird black and dark orange fin, it looks like a shark's. He knows sharks are not usually aggressive, but he doesn't want to upset it, so he decides to stay on the boat for a while, hoping it doesn't see anything interesting and decides to go away.
However, the shark doesn't go, instead it bumps into Izuku's small boat a couple of times until the green haired boy falls into the water.
Izuku closes his mouth and opens his eyes to see the creature and realizes that's not a shark but a merman; he's never seen one like him before. Uraraka's fin is completely different from his; from the waist down he looks like a black shark and the rest of him looks like a blond boy with red eyes, sharp teeth and well built body.
Mer!Baku x Human!Deku
Complete | 2 Chapters
Rated - Teen & Up
to the Touch by meteormind
Summary: With those huge green eyes beading with pearly tears, he looked about as threatening as a limpet with its shell torn off. Katsuki squinted at the waving tentacles, wondering how they tasted, remembering the crunching chew he'd had the chance to appreciate the rare times he'd cornered a few of those shy creatures.
Then he remembered that he couldn't eat mer. It was frowned upon. Katsuki glared down at the merboy, his excitement fading into disappointment when he realized he probably wouldn't even get to punch something. "The hell are you lookin’ at?"
"S-sorry! It’s not-I wasn't trying to spy on you or a-a-anything!" the boy said at last, throwing his many squiggly appendages about his face. "I-I-I—"
Oh. It was a loser!
🦐 pistol shrimp katsuki x dumbo octopus izuku 🐙
{One Shot}
Rated - Teen & Up
Wild on the Beach by EpicKiya722
Summary: Rumi and Izuku, a pair of merpeople raised by caring couple Inko and Hisashi, find themselves interested into some new humans that arrived on the beach. The interest is very mutual.
Mer!Deku x Human!Baku
Complete | 3 Chapters
Rated - Teen & Up
𓇼Collectors Item𓇼 by BeanQueen_29
Summary: Mer!Izuku X Human!Katsuki
It was by chance that Katsuki had caught wind of the markets having collected a creature they coded as a "Sea Naiad" or “Son of Nereid”.
He was just closing in on a deal of his new purchase of one of the rarest fish found in Japan waters; The Elusive Oarfish, otherwise known as ‘Ryugu no tsukai’.
Originally, he only heard the name "Ryugin Decedent" getting thrown around, but after making his investigation of this new rarity of the sea the markets seem fond of keeping hidden, the more intrigued he became. Especially when the names started to become eerily specific.
A Sea Naiad.
They caught merfolk.
And as a collector of Legend-Becoming (going extinct), it would be unwise to not let such an absolute specimen slip through his fingers and into the hands of another greedy buyer.
— — —
Or Katsuki, a man with unbelievably deep pockets, is a collector and a mermaid he later names Izuku is up for purchase. A lot of unexpected developments come between them, and it's more than just simple curiosity and admiration of each-other’s mind. But of the body too.
Incomplete | 3/? Chapters
Rated - Explicit
A completely irresponsible conservation effort by McAlli
Summary: Izuku fucks Mer Katsuki.
That's it. You saw the tags. You know what's in here.
Mer Baku x Human Deku
{One Shot}
Rated - Explicit
58 notes · View notes
pinkykats-place · 2 years
Mermaid AU Human Bakugo x Mer Midoriya Ⅱ
AO3 SFW Recommendations
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None of the stories linked are mine
None contain smut - all are SFW
Credit to @novaneondream for fan art.
Note: If you read any of these stories and like them please let the author know with a kudos and/or comment!
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Shipwrecked by Withstarryeyes
Summary: When he wakes there is a man above him. He’s backlit by the sun, features blurred out by too much light, and Bakugou shifts upwards abruptly. The man slinks back, but lingers, hands outstretched as if he’s afraid of what Bakugou might do. In the background, waves crash onto the sand, and Bakugou turns, searching for his ship, for his crew. He screws his eyes shut, breathing quickening as he remembers the storm and the feeling of the deck on the waves. Something cool connects with his cheek and Bakugou opens his eyes, scrambling backward without thinking.
One Shot | SFW
Made To Be Held In Your Hands by BrandWhoreStarscream
Summary: Just a cute fic about Kacchan finding his soulmate when he's very young, a cute little mer he dubs Deku, but no one believes him about his fishy friend. Cuteness abound.
One Shot | SFW
the one where katsuki is a pirate by Kasplode
Summary: Katsuki and his crew take down an enemy ship, and Katsuki gets distracted by a certain mer.
One Shot | SFW
Fish Eye by sweetautumnwine
Summary: Izuku, a solitary merman, finds himself captured by aquarium staff and imprisoned in one of their laboratories; the man assigned to observe him, Katsuki, was on the boat when he was ensnared in the nets. As they grow to know each other more, Katsuki must decide where his duty lies, and Izuku must learn what his heart desires.
One Shot | SFW
Home is where the waves crash by tiredwrites
Summary: Izuku thrashes in his cage, the fins that line his large tail flare with a dangerous purpose. The claws his fingers taper into slice through the water and catch the light that filters into the clear water of the aquarium tank he's in.
His gills flare in irritation as he flips around, muscled tail ramming into the three-inch glass barrier with a thundering BAM!
Bioluminescent sacs under clear scales flare and glow, flashing a brilliant toxic green. The team that had brought the merman into the tank watch the mer flail and roar, flexing the powerful jaws that can often unhinge, like a snake.
{One Shot}
The King and Dad by Serah_chan
Summary: Alpha!Mer!Deku, King of the Seas, Nightmare of the Deep, and Sucker for Human Kacchan.
The King of the Sea doesn’t need a mate, but the second he lays his eyes on a feral looking blond teaching his cute little calf how to snorkel, the “doesn’t” turns into a “maybe”.
3/? Chapters | SFW
Last Updated Nov 26
Sand is Land and Sea Inbetween by Frost_or_Fire
Summary: Katsuki is by no means a marine biologist, really, and he knows that he could just walk away and act like he saw nothing. Act as if he didn’t see a half-human body laid across the late October sand while a black tail is still in the water, sorta concealed by the rolling waves that washed over the figure. He could just act like this is all just some dream that his subconscious cooked up for him to be put through to show how miserable he actually is.
But Katsuki fucking Bakugou is anything but a coward and a sick person.
Bakugou finds a Merperson on a beach and takes them home to help with their injuries, and possibly get more than he bargains for.
Incomplete | 8/? Chapters | SFW
Last Updated 2022
At An Ocean's Divide by that_enby_nerd
Summary: An AU in which Midoriya is a merman living near the kingdom of the Bakugo family, and a forbidden connection forms between the prince and a knight of the sea.
12/? Chapters | SFW
Last Updated May 2022
Save to Swim by sanjusangendo333
Summary: Izuku is out for a run, when he spots a blond man in distress in the river. He quickly strips off his shoes and clothes until he's barenaked to save him. But Katsuki is not in distress and nor is he a regular guy. He's one of the men from the elite diving unit of Japan’s coast guard who is in the middle of diving exercise.
Katsuki and his unit all agree that, ‘WOW! Izuku can swim really well and so fast!’ He'll really fit well in Katsuki's diving unit, they all say as Izuku is still in the water. But Izuku hurriedly excuses himself and swims away, because otherwise, they'll see the fish tail that his legs transformed into the moment he dived into the water.
Katsuki, of course, does NOT give up on trying to recruit him.
{One Shot}
Rated - Teen & Up
Wish by Darkshadow
Summary: Eight year old Katsuki goes to the beach only to spot the most beautiful creature he has ever seen, can he convince the merman to stay by his side even through times of struggle
{One Shot}
Rated - Teen & Up
Fish Eye by sweetautumnwine
Summary: Izuku, a solitary merman, finds himself captured by aquarium staff and imprisoned in one of their laboratories; the man assigned to observe him, Katsuki, was on the boat when he was ensnared in the nets. As they grow to know each other more, Katsuki must decide where his duty lies, and Izuku must learn what his heart desires.
{One Shot}
Rated - Teen & Up
What Lies Below by Anonymous
Summary: Momo screams at her father, she is a scientist! But mermaids must be real! She’s fascinated by the endless scientific possibilities. One day Momo meets another scientist with dreams like her, Iida Tenya. They devise a plan to conduct a voyage to a mysterious island, rumored to have merfolk living below. They struggle to gather a crew as many claim them insane.
Thus they gather Katsuki, son of the Queen, pro navigator, known for his brutish behavior. Kirishima, who spent his whole upbringing on the sea. Plus the two morons, Mina and Denki, as Katsuki claims.Izuku is a merman prince enamored by humanity, much to the dismay of Todoroki. Always worrying his parents, as he disappears to scavage the ocean depths with his best friend Ochako in search of human trinkets. The kingdom adores the Prince. Although some fear Izuku’s curiosity could be fatal.
Todoroki is the protector of the island and the mermaid kingdom below it. As King Toshinori’s powers weaken, Todoroki, a descendant of the Gods, becomes his apprentice. He aims to protect all those he loves yet Izuku makes it near impossible. Todoroki will not let the past repeat, humans are NOT to be trusted.
Read as their paths collide.
4/? Chapters | SFW
Last Updated 2020
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pinkykats-place · 2 years
BKDK Mermaid AU Mer Bakugo x Human Deku Ⅱ
AO3 NSFW Recommendations
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None of the stories linked below are mine.
All contain mature content. Read tags.
Art work is not mine.
Note: If you read any of these stories and like them please let the author know with a kudos and/or comment!
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A Salty Distraction by Viridian_Sunset
Summary: Deku has a shitty day at work and finds comfort in his mermaid friend.
{One Shot}
Rated - Explicit
One Fish, Two Fish, Half Fish, Marine Biologist by RandomFandoms65000
Summary: Izuku was ten years old when he met Katsuki aka a merman that the aquarium called Dynamight. As Izuku aged the merman never left the back of his mind it was one of the reason why he decided to become a marine biologist. He not only wanted to because of his love for salt and fresh water creatures, but to study Katsuki's species. Merfolk were rare and well the more they talked the more Izuku fell in love with the merman. Maybe he had always loved him.
Complete | 20 Chapters
Rated - Mature
Specks of Gold Against the Ocean's Waves by Serah_chan
Summary: While enjoying the light of the full moon, Katsuki Bakugou, an orange tailed merman, crosses paths with a handsome surfer with freckle littered cheeks. While he's not supposed to interact with the human, there's something about them that draws the merman to get close and ignore all boundaries.
“Huh, he’s kinda good looking for a human.” Katsuki muses, feeling the annoying itch of curiosity push him towards getting a better look. He wonders if he can observe him from down below as he takes on the waves, catch glimpses of him as he falls back to the water. Human eyes weren’t exactly the best anyway, so he shouldn’t have to worry about being seen... right?
Complete | 19 Chapters 
Rated - Mature
I’ve Got You, Stupid Human by GreenEyesSublime
Summary: The mysterious man swam the last few feet to the rock. Putting his hands up on the edge, he hauled himself out of the water with a flourish. Izuku watched in awe as first a toned, muscled chest emerged from the water and then a tight pack of abs followed by a dangerously sharp v-cut pointing downwards towards a...tail?!
— — —
Or, human!Izuku has been cleaning the beach for weeks and merman!Katsuki is tired of just watching. 
{One Shot}
Rated - Explicit
A Salty First Kiss by DarkMachi, Iwacakes
Summary: Izuku Midoriya's family beach trip went awry when an attempted act of heroism lets to an unexpected first.
Jumpcut to twelve years later: Izuku was struggling to stay afloat when his stepfather threw him a chance. What was meant to be a reprieve turned into something else entirely when he finds someone washed onto the beach. A memory he should have buried long ago, a kiss he could never forget, and a debt he could now repay.
What do you do when you have an angry Merman in your bathtub that speaks a different language?
What do you do when a stoopid hooman rescues you and then proceeds to start courting with you?
Complete | 101 CH | Contains Smut
Wavelength by gardengalaxy
Summary: Izuku practices surfing away from prying eyes, knowing he will have lots of attention on competition day. But what if he's already caught someone's interest?
One Shot | Trans Deku 
Rated - Explicit
A Breathless Song by chibicharlie95
Summary: Izuku loves the sea, so much so that he can never seem to part with it... But will he become a part of it? A siren's song in the middle of a storm may help him to find the answer.
One Shot | NSFW
what the water gave me by twinstarsies
Summary: "It's like I'm challenging fate," he says to a hermit crab he finds tucked into a crevice in the rock. "I'm daring it to knock me into the water just to show me who's boss. At this rate, it's probably going to win." 
"Something's gonna knock you into the water, alright, but it won't be anything as nebulous as fate," a voice says, tone wholly unamused. 
Izuku startles so hard that he forgets to use his quirk to catch himself as he slips from his perch on the rock into the ocean. 
— — —
Izuku goes on a forced vacation and meets the love of his life.
Complete | 2 Chapters
Contains Smut | Trans Midoriya
Call of the Siren by Gemsom
Summary: Izuku always imagined that sirens sang their victims into the water, and that their helpless victims could do nothing to resist. He almost wished that was the case.
Every time his captain’s ship crossed the narrow sea, Katsuki came to see him. The siren's friendship seemed so genuine, but Izuku was smart enough to know that the creature was sweet talking him to his death. Katsuki never denied it either - asking over and over for Izuku to offer his life.
Of course, Izuku had no way of knowing that the siren planed to give him a new one in return.
Incomplete | 9/18 Chapters | NSFW
Last Updated Jan. 2023
20 notes · View notes
pinkykats-place · 2 years
Mermaid AU🧜 mer deku x human baku
AO3 Fanfic Recommendations
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None of the stories linked below are mine.
Some contain mature content - read tags.
Art not mine - artist thegirlinthefandom.SG
Note: If you read any of these works and like them please let the author know with a kudos and/or comment!
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Something Fishy by 9oz
Summary: Midoriya, a mermaid, ends up on barbarian pirate captain Bakugo's ship and it's not good news (yet).
Complete | 8 Chapters | Mature
Out of these Waters by awkwardtypeos
Summary: (Little Mermaid AU - with a twist)
Izuku realizes that not only did he just fall out of love at that exact moment, but he also realizes that Katsuki Bakugo is the biggest asshole he’s ever met in his entire life. He sold his soul to a sea witch to be with the world’s worst human being. He’s too furious to be sad - so Izuku stands up on his painful legs and slugs Bakugo right in the jaw, hard, and watches him scramble backward clutching at his face, spitting out more curses than Izuku knew to exist in the human language.
Complete | 16 Chapters
Rated - Mature
If the stars could sing by Evilkat23
Summary: There in front of Aizawa was an aquarium the size of the wall, which, given how big and long these walls were, was impressive. The aquarium was back lit by a soft blue back light and fake background of the ocean. Yet, there weren't any fish in this aquarium…
There was one. Kinda.
There in the aquarium was a mer…boy?
Abandoned | 7 Chapters | Mature
Of Love, Scales, & Fins by orphan_account
Summary: Katsuki Bakugou is doing what he can to rise up in the ranks as a criminal, even if it is wasn't his first choice in life. Of course, he made the mistake of messing with the Shie Hassaikai clan, which landed him in the river to swim with the fishes.
Or, at least that's what he thought. The last thing he remembers before waking on the riverbank is a beautiful face & a soft kiss.
Then, the same man, whom he thought was just a figment of his imagination, shows up at his door, naked aside from his neighbor's garments & telling Katsuki that he's a member of the merfolk! What the fuck?
Complete | 16 Chapters | NSFW
Wish by Darkshadow
Summary: Eight year old Katsuki goes to the beach only to spot the most beautiful creature he has ever seen, can he convince the merman to stay by his side even through times of struggle.
One Shot | Mature Themes | No Smut
I Am No Fisherman's Slave by DanaEliza
Summary: After many failed attempts, captain Bakugo has set sail for an island that mostly certainly has mermaids. A species he has been looking for, for years. But what if instead of finding a mermaid, one has already found them?
7/? Chapters | NSFW
Last Updated Feb 2021
Home is Where the Heart Is by RoboticSpaceCase
Summary: Tricked into working under a strange man as a “treasure hunter”, Katsuki Bakugou finds himself out on a boat, trolling the waters for something interesting. When he accidentally catches a mermaid, Bakugou knows he’s found his way out of his boring job and all of his debt. All he had to do was make it back to shore.
12/18 Chapters | NSFW
Last Updated 2020
Life Amongst The Waves by Skelekitty
Summary: Izuku and Bakugou met as children. Izuku got caught in the currents during a storm out at sea and ended up being washed ashore on a beach. It just so happened that Bakugou was out for a walk early that morning and found him unconscious. He helped Izuku and got him back in the water.
After that they met often in a secret cave to escape the eyes of others around, this went on for a few months, but one day Bakugou stopped coming.
Incomplete | 7/? Chapters | SFW
Last Updated 2019
When you hold me by Serah_chan
Summary: It’s another oil spill, Katsuki’s told. Rescue and containment operatives have been mobilized to save as much life and hold off the growing blotch of sticky death spilling into the bay. Katsuki’s unit gets sent out on boats to set up oil boons. He’s just finished and is getting ready to go switch to life rescue when he spots something hits his small boat. What the fuck? He thinks just before there’s another thud. He rushes to the side to take a look, aware it may be an animal in peril... what he finds instead is an oil slick covered hand reaching out, pressed against the side of the hull.
Complete | 24 Chapters
A Sea of Green and Red by TriforceAngel
Summary: Pirates are terrible, ruthless, taking and hurting others for anything that they want. Or are they?
Taken from his home and his loved one's Izuku must find a way to get back home beneath the waves. Will he have the help to do so? Or will he change his mind to pursue something he had never experienced before?
WIP | 20/? Chapters | mature content
Last Updated May 2024
At An Ocean's Divide by that_enby_nerd
Summary: An AU in which Midoriya is a merman living near the kingdom of the Bakugo family, and a forbidden connection forms between the prince and a knight of the sea.
Incomplete | 12/? CH | Mature
Last Updated May 2022
Series: Pirates and Sirens by BluGemRising
2 Works
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