#hriob's outfit
eathandhax · 1 year
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[Entry for Hriob Zagel in the Summer Ball - art by @unknowngoddess-art]
🐚 Featured Looks! 🐚
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No need to bribe your way in with booze this tine Hriob, Eath is here to deliver this invitation by hand. Offering a sweet smile up to the tall fae before she has to run off to deliver more invitations.
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"Oh, thank you! I will definitely see you at the Ball, then!" Hriob waved the small daemon off as she went, chuckling as he looked over the invitation, already making a note to get an appropriate outfit ready for himself in time...
Then he realized; last time he went stag because he was unannounced, and uninvited - he'd not get away with it so easily with an official invite.
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"...Voi Vittu, who am I going to take as my plus one? I want to get more of my court to attend for the fun of it, but asking a member of my own court as a date... no, no, I need to figure this out..."
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sweet-chimera · 1 year
"THANKS AGAIN FOR THE OUTFIT! I really do love what you've done with this, and with the others- Here, a drink on me as thanks!"
In the Fae's hands is a wineglass of something amber, heady, and clearly honey-flavored, likely one of the finest examples of mead in existence.
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"Giving drinks tae a scott as a t'ank ye? Ye know meh so well Hriob-- if ye really woont tae t'ank meh save meh a dance~" FUCKING DOWNING STRONG FAIRY MEAD.
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kazeofthemagun · 2 years
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@hriobzagelthewanderer asked the summoner:
The tiny cloaked redhead with facepaint and a nerf gun is suddenly joined by an Absolutely Massive Cloaked Redhead with a Tarot card glued to his cheek, a massive keg covering his forearm, and a seemingly inexhaustible supply of woodland creatures to throw at people's faces 'Summon'. Because apparently this looked like fun.
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It seemed there was someone else besides Kaze blessed with the power of Appearing Under Mysterious Circumstances. The gunmage whipped around at the sudden arrival, perplexion painting his features as he took in the shaman's peculiar... outfit. He had little time to gawk, though, before he was forced to catch a raccoon mid-air by the scruff of its neck.
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"............." Yes he was still holding the raccoon.
Honestly, Black Wind just had a taste of his very own medicine. Being positively jumpscared by an even taller than him, black-cloaked redhead coming out of seemingly the ass end of nowhere. Certainly did not help that the summoner could never sense the magic preceding Hriob's appearances. Did the fellow spirit mage even use portals..?
...Was he a god of mischief of sort? What was going on? And what, for the love of the Four Winds, was April Fools?!
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wispmun · 7 years
Personal art list cuz I keep forgetting things
Commissions first finish Hriobs commission make a commission page for promos (you may ask about if your interested) finish knight Kyo finish outfit design for Kyo draw Dream Daddy Ace and Kov  make new promo for Kyo Make more normal Kyo Icons Finish redraw of Shaden lip bite draw male Kyo with long hair Figure out what to dress characters up as for Halloween this year  fucking finish Empress blog/finish icon base  redo Kima base since last one saved wrong Finish mages
more will be added as I remember them im sure I just need a note for myself in a few places
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[Continued from here with @automaton-otto ]
...The giant listened to the explanation, nodding and casually kicking the head of one of the Serpent-Outfitted idiots in the pile that was a little too close to waking back up. Eventually, he nodded to himself and crossed his arms, sitting down on the collection of fools and earning a mass groan from the bunch as he came to a conclusion... and smiling more genuinely at the two.
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"Then allow me the honor of greeting you two, my name is Hriob Zagel, keeper of this forest and inheritor of the Halls of the Mountain King hidden beyond them ...I probably would be remiss not to offer you hospitality after these people have been... dealt with... but there is no rush on that. If anything, the faster we deal with them the less likely to attract undue attention from the less hospitable locals you two are... not that you cannot handle yourselves, but I doubt you wish to deal with that sort of hassle."
Suddenly standing, the man looks back behind the two with a small frown of concentration, then looks back at the groaning pile of mooks... before snapping his fingers - and watching the entire group vanish through a sudden hole-like disturbance in the air just below them, leaving no trace as they would find themselves somewhere in New Jersey... only for the Giant to turn back to the oddly pleasant younger duo.
"Alright, cleanup's done, how about a cup of tea?"
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A gift! It is a Krampus outfit! Perfectly modeled to fit Hriob.
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...ooohhhh... this, I think I'll put to good use on a certain Demon Prince...
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💭 - I kinda wanna see Hriob in a suit or a tuxedo at a formal event- how he'd handle himself if he were at such a thing?
[Hriob has been known to wear suits on rare occasion, mainly when he wants to greet someone formally for business or impress his serious nature on those he is working with - at least, when dealing with those on the other side of the 'Veil'; those not part of the supernatural, or at least not truly aware or involved in it. He has had to get them custom-made given his immense build, and often has to get them either remade or re-sized as he slowly keeps growing over the years.
As for 'formal events'... he's not at all a fan of such 'parties', and would probably have to either be bribed heavily or see it as a 'necessary evil' towards accomplishing some important goal of his to even be seen at such an event. If seen at such a 'party', expect him to be cordial and reserved, but far from actively socializing unless pushed. Worst-case scenario he either leaves unannounced or starts hogging whatever amounts to a 'drinks bar' trying to critique or complain about the selections of alcohol present - especially if all that is served is some variety of wine or champagne.
There is, as of yet, no actual art/visuals of him in such an outfit, much to my own chagrin, but he canonically avoids black-and-white colors like the plague: his suits almost exclusively are either Slate Grey or Forest Green, with accents of beige or tan as appropriate.]
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