#however when it comes to the renaissance stuff i post? literally does not factor into whether or not i'll post it
ghoul-haunted · 2 years
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a most valid inquiry, so you see in the 8th grade my teacher had us read machiavelli, and it wasn't until the 10th grade that we did shakespeare's julius caesar
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kimopele84 · 2 months
So know the interview that I posted from YouTube with Chris Pine in it I know that was from I think last year, but if I had to tell him what I thought about why it took men so long to get where they’re at as far as nudity goes, this would be my opinion because I find historical lenses to be very interesting and appealing when it comes to the attitude and changes in society today.
Anyways I had watched his interview on the outlaw king and though I have not watched it yet (still want to and need to because I like movies like that one)His question (I think it was more of just firing up the topic)was a good one because it highlights how historical, cultural, and media-driven factors traditionally imposed stricter modesty standards on women have, leading to a greater acceptance of female nudity. These norms stem from patriarchal structures and gender stereotypes that sexualized and objectified women's bodies while depicting men as strong and stoic. However, as society evolves towards greater gender equality and body positivity, attitudes are shifting, and male nudity is becoming more accepted. This change reflects broader cultural variations and a growing openness to different expressions of gender and sexuality.lmao and yes I got deep into research 😂😂👍👍.
I took a course in humanities and historical lenses helped a lot with figuring out the basics for certain topics. Commonly these historical lenses are often used to research on why society does what it does basically and how it effects people and their attitudes as well as the norms of society.The main historical lenses through which we can examine the differing acceptance of nudity between genders are: 1. Art and Aesthetics: Historically, art has played a significant role in shaping societal norms. The frequent depiction of the female form in ancient, Renaissance, and modern art has contributed to the normalization of female nudity. 2. Gender Roles and Stereotypes: Traditional gender roles have long influenced societal expectations and norms. Women have often been objectified and their bodies sexualized, while male nudity has been less common and more controversial. which comes to decorum and stuff because every era was different and they reacted differently to nudity in some shape and form. 3. Cultural and Social Movements: Movements such as the women's liberation movement and body positivity campaigns have challenged traditional norms and promoted the acceptance of female nudity as a form of empowerment and equality. 4. Media and Popular Culture: The portrayal of women in media, including film, television, and advertising, has emphasized physical appearance and sexuality, further normalizing female nudity. 5. Legal and Moral Standards: Historical legal and moral standards have varied, often imposing stricter regulations on male nudity. These standards have influenced public beliefs and acceptance of nudity. 6. Changing Attitudes: Attitudes towards nudity are continually evolving. The late 20th and early 21st centuries have seen a growing movement towards gender equality, with increasing acceptance of male nudity in art, fashion, and media. This shift reflects broader societal changes towards inclusivity and the dismantling of traditional gender norms.Again some of it brings decorum back into play.Back in the era of the old generations.…they wouldn’t find nudity that much appealing I think back then because older generations were about decorum. But these lenses provide a framework for understanding the historical context and evolution of societal norms about nudity.These points help explain the perceived difference in acceptance, but norms are continually evolving towards greater equality. This is why I found his interview so stimulating.….He wanted to see what people on there would say even though he already had the answer.
But I think thats what Iove about Chris….he has a very sharp and intelligent mind.I could literally talk about this topic and many hours of other ones with him.This would be epic conversation for sure.I find intelligent conversations to be sexy for some reason and maybe because its just pure joy to have the ability to really carry a conversation about things that people don't notice often.
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