#however i will accept an absence of dandelion IN THE CASE OF we get to see geralt and yennefer living together in vengerberg
hanzajesthanza · 1 month
dandelion is indeed the worst but if he’s not present in the next book i would legitimately be sorrowful as the whole thing will become a slog . you basically cannot have the “short stories” era-of-the-timeline iteration of geralt without dandelion, it would be like eating unbuttered bread.
though it’s not like season of storms did them dirty, i wasn’t disappointed with it (… with regards to them), but since it’s literally been over 20 years since the saga was finished i’m trying to prepare for any potential reality
#however i will accept an absence of dandelion IN THE CASE OF we get to see geralt and yennefer living together in vengerberg#but if it’s regular geralt day in the life then if dandelion’s not there it’s gonna suuuuuccckk#i mean as in geralt’s life sucks without him. badly#and it also? sucks with him. good-ly.#it’s august and we don’t have a title yetttt 🥲 and they said 2024 … hmhm sure#i just feel like rupaul ‘and don’t fuck it up’.gif#like i’m excited but also wtf? new witcher book? are we on punk’d?#it’s not going to be the best but i’m hoping it will be at least as good as season of storms. not a high bar ok!#this from the person who was optimistic about the n*tflix show. don’t trust me i like to believe in the future#i was going to say ‘and i trust sapkowski more than i trust n*tflix’ and then i laughed.#i don’t trust him—i don’t even trust the version of him from the 90s and 00s!#one side of me can’t believe i’m still here after the guardswomen of kerack. and the ‘well i’m only gay for clout’ villain motivations#the other side of me is intensely curious wtf geralt will get up to this time and how witcher could maybe even denigrate further#but season of storms ending was actually good and = well it’s not like sapkowski forgot what it was about#then again it’s been 10 years and a bad adaptation since then so im biting my nails#all i ask : please stick with the naming convention of the other books. i don’t want to write an absurdly long or short name or acronym out#sooooo weird that in a few months i will be saying: there are 9 witcher books.#actually rn i just say there’s 7 and discount season of storms as a legitimate heir but mention it as footnote lol#i just hope i can survive until this new book and until its translation LOLLLL#they said translation in 2025 but you know the track record#new book: *releases winter 2024* | english translation: coming 2045!#jk i think they finally figured out that witcher is a money printer so they will be eager to translate it now and not waffle around#they kicked their butts into gear with the hussite trilogy so ! and they made new hardcovers.#the elbow-high diaries#new book 2024
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kokania00 · 5 years
Beautiful People
The title of this article most likely enables your contemplations to promptly go to an individual who to you is alluring and engaging somebody you feel has satisfying highlights and great looks. Clearly you are thinking about the outward appearance of that individual since that is the thing that we see at first when we meet or welcome somebody - it's just characteristic we would concentrate on their outward nearness - and frequently we allude to a lady in this specific circumstance. Be that as it may, interestingly, what one individual considers lovely could be unique in relation to what someone else believes is delightful. Keep in mind that well-known adage: Beauty is subjective depending on each person's preferences? It is absolutely a reality as we each observe excellence distinctively as per our own standard. In any case, there is a general discernment, a "standard" in a manner of speaking, that society clings to also.
We realize that the world, and likely most, if not every one of you perusing this at the present time, feel what you look like is significant. It's most likely significant enough that you try to get your hair style and cleanser it consistently, search for the ideal garments for you, buy magnificence and healthy skin items to look and smell your best, regardless of whether you focus on just the essentials. A few people go a little further in their excellence routine with things like facials, body wraps, nail treatments, and the sky is the limit from there. Truth be told, numerous individuals spend a lot on shower and body items to feel and look great and battle the maturing procedure. Also, is there any valid reason why we shouldn't? Furthermore, others spend a lot of cash on their clothing - just for appearance.
Our physical body is a fantastic blessing and with it we have been given the obligation to deal with it. Beauty Individuals have various perspectives on what that implies on the grounds that we are for the most part special creatures with our own arrangement of convictions and facts. This is the reason it is extremely hard to set a precise "standard" for what is wonderful and who fits that portrayal. Haven't you viewed a stunner rivalry sooner or later in your life and thought about how one of the competitors is viewed as lovely since you're not seeing it? Once more, that is the uniqueness of every individual's observation.
Here's a model about the impression of excellence. You comprehend what the dandelion plant resembles I feel sure. It yields up everywhere and when it shows up in your garden, you do what you have to do to dispose of it since it is usually known as a bothersome weed. It has an alluring yellow blossom, however the plant itself isn't actually what we'd term a lovely plant, and you realize you don't need it spreading all through your yard. Yet, we should look further into the dandelion. It has some extremely superb characteristics. It is stacked with a wide range of nutrients and minerals, and it has been said that if this is all you needed to eat, it could support your life for quite a while. The dandelion herb or tea can help with detoxing the liver and different organs in your body, and has been known to mitigate many skin conditions when applied topically. So we see that magnificence isn't generally what you can obviously perceive.
As people we have become molded periodically to concentrate on the contrary, so we tend to concentrate on what you accept is a pessimistic part of an individual - possibly a major nose or beady eyes, or maybe a scar or some likeness thereof. In case we're a thin individual we may think heavier individuals are ugly, though somebody who is chunkier may think thin individuals ugly. Once more, it's the view of every person that makes the perfect for excellence.
We likewise realize that as one ages things change. Wrinkles and hanging skin show up, and bodies change. Hair may thin or vanish; the magnificence of youth has blurred. It is frequently vexing to develop grown-ups when they feel their intrigue and excellence has blurred. So we should look somewhat more profound into genuine excellence.
As indicated by Webster, magnificence is a quality ascribed to whatever satisfies or fulfills the faculties or psyche. This can reference shading, surface, movement, tone, looks, highlights, characteristics, or high degrees of fineness. Beauty Equivalent words that relate to excellence are appealing, exquisite, attractive, rich, exciting, brilliant, beguiling, really, gorgeous, dazzling. On the off chance that we go to the more profound degree of magnificence, we discover equivalent words like important, has merit, warm, kind, advantageous, magnificent, amazing, wonderful, and so on., so it appears excellence incorporates significantly more than only the outward looks of a person.
I've known numerous excellent people throughout my life and I envision you have as well, individuals who sparkle with adoration and thoughtfulness that transmits out to you with an open greeting to enter their life and heart. This could be your companion or accomplice, a companion, youngsters or guardians, a partner or pretty much anybody. These individuals pull in others to them since they have a wonderful vitality that radiates outward. We like to be within the sight of these people since they lift our spirits and make us feel better.
So essentially what we see here is that genuine magnificence originates from a heart that works from adoration, for affection transmits benevolence, gratefulness, acknowledgment, empathy, getting, pardoning, tolerance, regard and any articulation that inspires and energizes us. Our soul inclines toward such an individual since this is from affection, and love is a higher vitality that raises us up. Keep in mind that your embodiment is love - you originated from affection yet overlooked it once you entered this life and acknowledged the world's base of dread. So it is just common that your soul pines for an arrival to being within the sight of affection with adoring encounters and individuals.
The message here is to look past the outward appearance for genuine magnificence. Outer excellence can without much of a stretch blur and change because of the maturing procedure or sudden encounters, however an individual's inward magnificence stays even through the develop years and additionally surprising conditions. At the point when you recall and recollect that somebody, it's their generosity, mindful or looks of affection (or absence of) that you recollect considerably more than whether their face was delightful or not. Also, the caring soul of those you recall or by and by know emanates through their being with the goal that their outward appearance appears to be increasingly excellent.
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