#horror story rp
frankenkyle19 · 1 year
The devils chocolate 🍫
Okay here it is!! Mmm it’s so 🥴 enjoy!
word count: 2.5k (Damn)
description: Tate likes chocolate. He finds chocolate in your closet. He eats it. Why does he want to fuck so bad? Aka Tate eats sex chocolate and gets incredibly horny aka pretend that sex chocolate actually does work this well (from what I’ve heard it does not, but let me live my life)
warnings: use of aphrodisiac chocolates, handjobs, blowjobs, male masturbation, whining, sub!Tate but also a bit of dom!Tate, protected sex (use a condom, be smart), multiple orgasms, overstimulation, that’s all I can think of right now, ENJOY!!! <3
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Tate didn’t know what fucking sex chocolate was. He died in 1994 and was pretty sure that sex chocolate was not a thing while he was living. So how was he to know that when he found chocolate in your closet that he shouldn’t eat it? It was in a ziplock baggie, unlabeled and his curiosity got the best of him. As a ghost, he didn’t need to eat, but sometimes he did enjoy the occasional treat or two. And chocolate happened to be one of his favorite treats. You always brought him a chocolate bar when you got back from weekly shopping, but you hadn’t gone shopping this week. 
Tate was a nosy son of a bitch too. There was no hiding things from him, because he always snooped around no matter how many times he’d been in your room. It was slightly annoying, but oh well. 
So he had sat on your bed, eating all ten mini chocolate bars, grinning. He figured you hid it from him because you wanted it all to yourself, but he had found it. That’s what you get for hiding his favorite treat from him.
He stuffed the ziplock baggie back into the closet and popped back into your bed, curling up on top of the covers as he awaited your return. 
As he laid there, he began to feel… odd. A warmth had begun to bubble in his lower stomach. His skin felt hot, like fire almost, and he thought maybe he had gotten sick. But no, that couldn’t be it. He didn’t get sick as a ghost. So what was it?
He sat up, rubbing at his sweaty blonde curls, pushing them off of his sweat slicked forehead as he took a deep breath. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he looked down to see the very prominent bulge in his jeans. Why was he hard? He didn’t really feel horny? He shrugged it off, figuring it would go away soon enough. His forever teenaged hormones sometimes got the better of him, and he assumed this was just one of those times.
But it didn’t go away. It in fact become worse. So much worse that he ached, the confines of his jeans proving uncomfortable against his ever growing erection. What had gotten into him? He checked the time and figured he still had a while before you got home, so why not just rub one out? Sure, your touch felt so much better than his own, but at this rate he didn’t think he could wait for you to get home, plus he was a bit embarrassed. 
He shifted on the bed, trying to get comfortable as he popped the button on his jeans. A quiet sigh of relief left his lips as some of the pressure lifted. He slid them down just to his knees, hoping this would be quick and he could redress as if nothing happened. Next: the boxers. They were oddly more wet than usual, his cock seeming to seep pre-cum. He usually did produce quite a bit, but this? Geesh this was extreme. He slid them off, grimacing at the stickiness it left in its wake. 
His cock was red, tip dripping and searing hot. Slapping his stomach as it was released from its confines, it twitched, signaling that he really needed to start fucking touching himself before it got worse.
Tate was an impatient person. He wanted what he wanted and he wanted it then and there. Why should he have to wait? So, he spat into his hand before gingerly wrapping it around his engorged length, mouth falling open as a heavy breath fell from them. Your hand would feel much better, but right now his felt pretty fucking good.
A few strokes in had him whining. Tate was always loud, didn’t matter if he was alone or with you. He always made his pleasure known. He thumbed over the tip, spreading the viscous liquid that seemed to pour from his sensitive cock head. God how he wished you were here right now.
A few more pumps of his rock hard cock had his stomach tensing, lip bitten tightly between his teeth as he struggled to keep his eyes open. It felt so good, but at the same time not enough. He wanted you. Your touch. Your warmth. 
“Fuck- fuck fuck please-“ he cried into the empty space, bucking into his hand as he got closer to his release.
Poor poor boy. Little did he know you had just gotten home, with his Hershey chocolate bar. If he’d just been patient… 
You called out his name but he was so lost in his pleasure that he hadn’t heard.
He also didn’t hear when you made your way up the stairs to your room, a puzzled looking crossing your face at the quiet mumbled whines and pleas coming from inside. Then it dawned on you. It was Tate. He was probably too horny to wait for you to get home and was getting himself off.
You decided to watch him for a moment in silence, watching how his hand flew rapidly over his cock, practically squeezing the life out of it as he got right to that edge.
He was so far gone that when you fully opened the door and stepped inside, he couldn’t stop. He saw you, but made no move to cover himself up. His cheeks burned red in embarrassment, a drastic difference from the way his hand rubbed over his cock.
He looked at you with wide eyes, pleading. He just prayed you wouldn’t stop him. He wouldn’t be able to handle it, really. It would kill him if he wasn’t already dead. Hell, it may re-kill him. 
You closed the door behind you and took a step towards the bed, seeing how distressed he was. You’d punish him later, but now you saw how much he needed this.
“Cum, Tate.” Was all you mumbled, all he needed before his hips seized up, head thrown back into the pillow as ropes of hot, white cum spurted from his cock, falling over his chest and hand.
You sat beside him on the bed, marveling at just how wrecked he looked. Panting, sweaty and… still hard?
Sure, Tate had good stamina but it always took him at least five minutes to regain an erection after a release.
He seemed to notice it too, groaning.
“What the fuck- I- it’s like I wasn’t even horny and then just- BAHM! You’re hard… and it feels different. Like more intense. It’s weird.”
His words made you stifle a laugh and he looked at you with a frown, obviously upset that you were laughing at him.
You stood up, walking to your closet and opening it. There it was. The now empty ziplock baggie that once contained your special chocolate. 
“Tate please tell me you didn’t eat all of those-“
“I was gonna save you some but it tasted so good- it was fancy chocolate, not like the Hershey bars. I figured you were hogging it from me.”
You held up the Hershey bar in your hand. “I got this for you, Tate. That was for me.”
“Well you shouldn’t have hid it from me. That’s mean, so I ate it. Alllll of it- agh fuck- god my dick hurts-“ he groaned, looking up at you with a pained expression.
“Yeah no fucking shit-“
He looked confused.
“Tate you ate all of them… seriously? Oh my god- you’re going to be so sick-“
“Why? Was it poisoned?”
“No! It’s- it’s an aphrodisiac… the chocolate.. oh Jesus-“
He began to squirm “I didn’t graduate highschool and You expect me to know what that word means?”
“Sex chocolate, Tate. I got it from a sex store because I wanted to try it with you… I put it in the ziplock so my parents wouldn’t see the wrappers.. you..you’re not supposed to eat more than one in a three hours and no more than four in a day… Tate, you ate ten of them.”
“Do you feel okay?” You asked, voice taking on a worried tone.
“Other than my dick? Yeah I think so. I’m just- really hot- and- mmm can you please touch me? Just a little bit- you can just jerk me off- I’ll take anything.” 
There it was. The begging already started. How could you say no to him? Part of you wanted to punish him, but it seemed as if he was already punishing himself. He realized his mistake.
“So it’s like- when a man takes viagra to get hard?”
“Kind of. It enhances things-“ without warning you wrapped your hand around Tate’s poor, hard and dripping dick, causing him to lurch forward. If he thought his touch felt good, yours felt like heaven. He swore it was the best thing he’d ever experienced.
“Can you- s-suck it?” He whined, bucking into your hand. “Please it’s been sooooo long since you’ve given me head- I need it so bad baby-“ the last time you gave him head he had came in your mouth with no warning. You weren’t a fan of his cum, or any really, so you didn’t enjoy it. 
“I promise I won’t cum in your mouth-“ he continued “please please pretty please?” He was always so good with his begging that you gave in, leaning down to take the tip into your mouth. You grimaced a bit at the taste of his previous release. Many people liked the taste of cum, but you had just never seen the appeal. Still, you continued down his cock until your nose hit the bush of curls on his groin.
Tate felt like he was having a heart attack. He writhed on the bed, hips bucking into your mouth but then pulling away. It was too much, but it wasn’t enough at the same time. 
“F-fuck- fuck I’m so sorry for eating that chocolate-“
“I bet you are, baby.” You popped off his dick to reply before letting your tongue swirl over the tip in a teasing manner.
A tear dropped from Tate’s eye at your teasing. He had never felt this needy or desperate in his entire life. He wanted this to end, but at the same time he didn’t. And all the while a deep ache settled into his stomach. He had taken too much, and it was beginning to border on uncomfortable. He vowed that once this was over, he’d never eat an unlabeled chocolate bar ever ever again. Maybe any chocolate ever for that matter.
He already felt himself teetering on the edge again, already, and cursed himself more for eating that damn chocolate, practically overdosing himself on it. He certainly was paying the price for it.
“Close-“ he choked out which caused you to pull your mouth away, replacing it with your hand. “You’ve got this baby, c’mon, cum for me.” You cooed.
Tate bit his bottom lip hard, eyes welling with tears “can I- can I fuck you too? I think Im going to need to cum again after this-“ he panted, every inch of his pale body covered with sweat as he fucked up into your hand. 
He came with a shout, hips bucking out of control as he shuddered from the aftershocks. 
Once you were sure you’d helped him through it, you pulled your hand away, looking him over in awe.
“Of course you can, I’m here darling, couldn’t let my poor boy suffer? What kind of person would that make me?” 
In an instant you were pinned to the bed, Tate hovering above you as he looked down on you hungrily before pulling you into a hot, hard kiss, teeth clashing and whines being pulled from both of your mouths. 
He all but ripped off your shirt, letting the material fall off before he unclipped your bra and tossed it away as well. The next few moments happened in a lust filled blur. He reached into your bedside table and pulled out a condom before ripping off the remainder of your clothing.
“Please can I fuck you? I need it so bad- need to feel you around my cock.” He cried, sliding the condom onto his never wavering hard cock.
In response to his question, you hooked your ankles around his waist and pulled him down on top of you, urging him towards your wet core.
“Of course baby, fuck me as hard as you need to.” 
He didn’t need any more convincing than that. He thrust balls deep inside you, giving you just a split second to adjust before he was pulling back out and slamming back into you. It always amazed you how quick Tate could go from a whining blubbering mess to this… 
You clenched around him, milking his cock, which caused a loud moan to fall from his lips. He was so sensitive, but he needed it. Just one more. This had to be it, his body couldn’t take it anymore. 
His hips slammed into your brutally, his pelvis hitting your clit perfectly, the mix of harsh pain and pleasure nearly making you drool. You loved when Tate fucked you like this. So raw and animalistic.
You could tell when he was getting close by the way his hips lost their rhythm, and his arms got shaky as he held himself up above you.
You pulled him down for a kiss, urging him on as you reached down to rub at your clit, the bundle of nerves on fire and ready to explode any second.
Tate growled at your actions, slapping your hand away and replacing it with his own. How dare you? He wanted to be the one to pleasure you. It forever boosted his ego and edged on his pleasure seeing how you fell apart under him.
When he came, it was with the most pathetic, loud cry you’d ever heard. Tears dropped down from his beautiful eyes as he collapsed onto you.
You came nearly the exact same time he had, body trembling and clenching around him as the coil snapped, waves of pleasure washing over you.
You had to end up rolling Tate off of you over onto his side as he was too exhausted to do so himself. He smiled sleepily up at you, finally looking content. Thank god. 
You cleaned him up with a warm washcloth and got fresh sheets and blankets for the bed. You got him a glass of water as well. Though he didn’t need It per say, you wanted him to know you cared about him. Tate loved being babied during aftercare, and you found many ways to show your love to him through these acts.
Curled up next to you, finally redressed, breath having evened out, he let his eyes fall shut. His stomach rolled a bit as he thought about the chocolate. God that damn chocolate… never again, he thought. But luckily for him, if it ever were to happen again (god forbid), at least he had you to help him through it. 
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wylanzahn · 2 months
New-ish post, kinda posting this on different platforms and getting a general vibe check for some ideas I have. But basically this Halloween I want to actually do something for the TTRPG and Actualplay world (oh yeah I’m into those kinds of things). I want to try and get both players, GMs, and casual viewers alike something fun to look forward to this especially spooky season. I’ll probably talk a little more when we get closer to the actual season of scare-giving but just know that if you’re interested I’m still looking for people to join in!!
As my team and I’d first debut we’re going to try and do a two to four session actual play, which will probably be released in the weeks leading up to Halloween. We’ve had a couple good friend way in on the matter of “setting” but now I come to you fine folk. Mind you this is a horror campaign/arc so if…
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Isn’t your thing, keep on a moving.
But without further ado here are a couple of the possible settings for our players, and myself, this coming espookee season…
1.) Somewhere off the coast of Florida, 1926 end of the first major housing boom in the state, a small island which calls back to the Spanish Empire, is Isla Boñyela, a small port made tourist location during the boom of disposable wealth in 1920s America. A small group of friends from the northeast tag along down for the perfect paradise vacation. Only to discover the island is much much older than anyone could have ever assumed. Whilst dealing with upstart gangsters, unnerving US soldiers, and the terrified locals they find something older than even undead conquistadors.
While I don’t have a working title, this is an old project in the running which I’ve had a few attempts at revamping over time. Its previous title was “perfect paradise vacation,” and runs on the Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition game. Anywho it’s a blast of fun with Caribbean lore, tone of anti-imperialism, and something dark lurking beneath the waves.
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2.) 1950’s America, the nonexistent state of Mid-Atlantia (DMV coded) in a small suburban neighborhood where nothing goes wrong… it’s almost “All-Hallows-Eve” and little Johnny and Susie want nothing more than to trick or treat this year with all the big kids, Dad’s finally getting the big promotion at work, and Mom just got a new waffle iron! Sure everything is neat here in America. Heck you just got new neighbors! Newlyweds in fact from somewhere big and fancy, they sure aren’t like any of us in our simple town. But… and you can’t say exactly why but things are different. Or perhaps they’re all too the same? Everyday a repeat of ever other bland day that followed you over and over and over and over… and you could swear, while no one may listen to you there’s someone out there. Stalking you from outside your own home- or- perhaps, he’s just your friendly new neighbor welcoming you… to the end.
Ahhhhhh! I’ve also been working on this one for a sec and god writing it out does excite me. This is also a Call of Cthulhu game but modified/homebrewed to have a uniquely 1950s horror feel. This is definitely one of the more unique games I’ve written and am truly interested in seeing where it goes (even if we don’t choose it). This is for those who feel like isolation, fear of the unknown, fear from within, and liminal space horror comes best into play! So whadya say neighbor?
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3.) The Enemy of My Enemy is My Friend, or How I Learned to Love Strahd, okay so this one is a lot less horror-y and falls much more under the comedic spooky category, just so yall know. Deep in the middle of Barovia, the ancient kingdom of Vampires, meets a council of Count Strahd von Zarovich's greatest commanders and lieutenants to hunt down Strahd's greatest enemy Rudolph van Richten and his party of heroes known as "The Grape-Smashers." Strahd's lieutenants have been gifted powers greater than any mere mortals, but are these gifts enough to stop Van Richten, or even enough to stop the personal ambitions of each other? Come find out in "How I Learned to Love Strahd."
Okay, as much as this may seem like a joke suggestion it cracks me up and I feel like it would be ill-advised of me to not at least mention it. In an era where "The Curse of Strahd," is well-overdone at this point, it's worth a take from an all evil "revenge story." Obviously this will be in Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition, which, in my opinion, is really hard to use for horror, but this is a nice go-around. Come for the evil PCs, maybe a PvP battle or two, and a game of intrigue in the shadows of Barovia! All that and a buff Van Richten.
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4.) Before Annapolis was ever called such it was known as Providence, a settlement of exiled Puritans in the Province of Maryland, but these early days were no easy set-up for the far-flung protestants... in the mid 1600s the English Civil War spilled out into their holdings across the waves as brother turned on brother, clan erasing clan, and something from the shores of the Old World would arrive in the New. When around every corner could be someone you've known your whole life, what's stopping them from hunting you in the depths of winter. All matters made worse when rumors of a witch begins circulating your small home.
Think "The VVitch" (2015) meets "A Field in England" (2013) meets Atun Shei's recent film "The Sudsbury Devil" (2023). It is the unexplored wilderness of early colonial Maryland, but the hateful warmongering that slowly builds that makes the horror and tension so clear. Unsure of what system we'll be using, but maybe the new Regency Cthulhu system.
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5.) The Great Baltimore Fire of 1904 destroyed some 140 Acres of Baltimore proper... and in it's rubble awakened something far worse. But you and your fellow survivors are just trying to get by in the aftermath of the fire... only for something to call out, whether some strange magicks or perhaps just a sickness... but sickness doesn't even linger like this... it doesn't call to you...
Some more local history, aspiring from the actual Fire of 1904 things quickly devolve from there as rumors of a cult begin to spread along the streets of Rosland Park... a mysterious illness leaving even more dead... and the death of an eclectic professor. Definitely using the Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition for this one.
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Aaaaaaaand that's it! Let me know what y'all think!
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bunbunbl0gs · 2 months
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Tate and violet ❤️💊
american horror story masterlist
Tag list : @astess
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langdonss · 1 month
ok but does ANYONE roleplay/write as michael langdon anymore? i only know one person ( shout out to melody <3 )
i will do doubles, and rp michael for you in return, since i have my own michael muse! but ai is getting stale i beg (also pls be ok with nsfw and heavy themes if you reach out bc i am)
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worlddevoid · 2 months
MASTER POST: World Devoid Essentials
+Rules of Engagement+
DNI if you are homophobic, aphobic, transphobic, racist, ableist, sexist, classist, etc.- basically don’t interact if you're going to be a dick
Respect our characters' sexualities and identities. Baz is ASEXUAL (sex repulsed - NSFW media will be blocked) and Cassie is AROMANTIC (romance repulsed - Romanticized/Love content will be blocked) [Cassie is very sex positive though, so NSFW art for her exclusively is welcome ;)]
Reblog, Reblog, Reblog! If you like our content, please help us reach more people by reblogging it beyond just liking it. Unfortunately, likes don’t count for much out here in the wild wild west. We appreciate you!
With those things being said, we welcome all respectful engagement and look forward to sharing this story with you! We would love, love, LOVE to see your fanart and theories/takes as the story progresses! We can’t wait to see what you create! See you soon, freaks!
The cold, autumn sun just peaks over the horizon on a small, dirt road in the middle of rural Illinois. It is Sunday, October 1st in the year 2000. Two self-centered college students, Cassandra ‘Cassie’ Clive and Sebastian ‘Baz’ Moraz, are returning from a several month long trip after ditching classes to hunt cryptids in the woods of the Sand Ridge State Forest. Upon their return, they begin to unveil that things are anything but normal. Can these dense besties figure out what’s going on?
***Master list***
Episode 1 - This Is (Not) Your Morning
1.5 (New! FINAL PART OF EP. 1)
Episode 2 - Ey, Mall Of Terror, Ay!
2.1 (Coming Soon To A Tumblr Near You!)
Other Links
Cassie Clive Character Sheet
Baz Moraz Character Sheet
Author’s Note
This is the quickest idea we have ever put into action- it just kind of happened. We were driving on a long road trip and our two brains combined into one and suddenly it was taking form. We spoke the idea out loud and within the same day we had started our text based role play. We haven't stopped since! More details fell into place as we played and the story just started to take shape on its own. This spontaneous texting turned into an entire world with a full plot and line of characters. Buckle up and join us for the ride in a story that is basically writing itself...but the prophet to paper transcribing is being done by a couple of nerdy siblings- Charley Sikora (They/Them) & Chester Sikora (He/They). This is our passion project and both the story and the characters have been rotating in our heads at the speed of fast; non-stop like a 7-Eleven weiner heater that's been zapped by lightning. We only hope you enjoy it half as much as we do! Thank you for taking the time to read :)
Charley @charzardmain
Chester @same-soup-just-reheated
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saph-y · 5 months
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Writing another story with @selkys as a prequel for some characters from Nomades🧡 More sand, twisted beasts, twisted concepts and twisted partnerships 😌
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anniecr3sta · 3 months
not to sound rude or anything but i feel like tumblr is becoming less and less tween girl friendly and i mean I GET IT the people that used it in its hayday are now like 20+ which makes sense for them to be 18+ accounts BUT LIKE CHAT.. if ur 16, talking to a 14-15 year old without any ill intentions (i see creeps) wont kill you or anything. this isn’t referring to anybody just a convo i had with my friends. just hoping i’ll still be able to find my friends even if im born in 2009 or whatever crime i did HELPP
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l4v3nd3r-bl00d · 29 days
made a shitty tate edit to the neighbourhood with ten billion filter for the nostalgia okay guys please see the vision and applaud in unison. 😁😇❤️
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v4mpbab3 · 5 months
hi hello queens and queers, im currently rotting in my bed with no intention to sleep any time soon, hiding from a creature with wings that is flying in my room and yearning for people to share interests with (im chronically lonely lmao)
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this is not a safe space for bigots so if you're a racist homophobic ableist piece of shit, you can get off my post <3
Things about me:
🥀 mdni! id prefer 18+ moots since im 22 myself and sometimes my content can get a bit nsfw; please have your age in your bio if you interact with this post, otherwise you might get blocked!
🦇 horror/gothic media has been my whole personality since i was a toddler so it's a big bonus if you're into this type of media; slashers are especially a big slap for me (mentally im in a spooky 80s summercamp);
🥀 my hobbies include reading, writing fanfics (that i usually never finish lmao but i do love sharing my works!), roleplaying, videogaming and i used to draw asw but kinda gave up on thaf</3;
🦇 I have a pretty wide music taste, but i listen to 80% alt music and mostly fall into the goth and emo subgenres (still love metal, numetal, grunge, new wave and punk!);
Some of my fandoms
note: hyperfixating ; not really in touch with it anymore
The Arcana
Baldur's Gate 3
Genshin Impact
Honkai Star Rail
Creepypasta/Marble Hornets
Death Note
Stranger Things
Hazbin Hotel
Helluva Boss
Criminal Minds
Penny Dreadful
American Horror Story
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Avatar: The Legwnd of Korra
Mystic Messenger
Diabolik Lovers
Vampire Knight
Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji
Gravity Falls
Steven Universe
She Ra
Twin Peaks
The Walking Dead
if you feel like we would click follow me, dm me or interact with this post (or all of the above!) and feel free to ask me anything, start a conversation or even send me random stuff here or on my discord! :p
Also! I’d love to watch movies with someone as im kinda lonely irl so if u are a movie person DOOO remind me of this when/if you text me !
xoxo bye bye <3
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frankenkyle19 · 1 year
Be my good boy
WHOOOOOO here we go. Think this is the dirtiest thing I’ve ever written. wordcount: about 1.5k I think
triggers/warnings: mommy kink, sub Tate, handjobs, oral (male receiving), slight overstimulation, begging
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You and Tate had been together for a while. Sex was nothing new to either of you, especially sex with each other. Tate was always horny, it took almost nothing to get him going. That���s why when you were sitting on your bed, reading a book you had just picked out, Tate made himself known to you.
“Hey y/n” he said from the doorway, startling you a bit. You beckoned him to come sit next to you, but paid no mind to him after that, turning your attention back to the book.
After a few minutes you began to grow frustrated with how fidgety Tate was next to you. 
“Tate can you please stop moving- it’s really annoying-“
“I’m sorry-“ he mumbled. He sounded… pained? You turned over to look at him, his usual pale face was covered in a crimson flush, his palms sweaty and clamped together. His sugary brown eyes met yours, blinking up at you. He looked like the most magnificent being you’d ever seen. He blinked a few times before he spoke. And what he said nearly sent you into cardiac arrest. 
“What-“ You blinked in confusion, looking at the boy next to you with wide eyes. What had he just said?
He flushed in embarrassment, sweater sleeves covering his hands as he fidgeted “mommy- it’s like- it can be a sexual term. Like daddy- you know when you call me daddy sometimes?” His voice was so soft, and there was a hint of neediness behind it.
“You want to call me mommy?”
“Mmm, yes please” he whispered. You noticed how his hips seemed to involuntarily grind up into the air, in search of a friction that he didn’t receive. 
“Are you horny right now, Tate?” You asked, marking the page of your book and setting it down before sitting up, taking a closer look at his body. As your eyes trailed down his frame, you noticed the bulge in his blue jeans. Well that answers your question.
“Tate- baby, why didn’t you say something?” You frowned a bit. He was usually so vocal with his needs.
“I just- I want you momma-“ he whispered, voice cracking on the last word as he looked at you for approval. That’s all he ever wanted from you. 
“Of course baby, of course.” You whispered, hand coming to rest on his thigh, which caused an immediate reaction. He whined softly, hips bucking up at the feeling of your hand so close to where he needed it. He needed you. He felt like he was going to explode if you didn’t touch him soon.
“Momma- m’so hard, I need you.”
You gently shushed him, pulling him into a kiss as your hand gently brushed over the bulge in his pants. He was hot and heavy, and oh so ready for your touch. 
Tate was a strange being. His emotions, habits, and actions, but right now all he wanted was for you to take care of him.
“I’m gonna make you feel better, okay baby? Does that sound good?” He barely managed a nod as you palmed him before unbuttoning his pants “you gotta help momma, okay?” The nickname was foreign on your tongue, but it wasn’t bad. In fact, it was kind of enjoyable.
He lifted his hips for you to get his pants and boxers off in one go, letting them fall somewhere on the floor.
His cock hit his stomach, leaving a shining trail of pre-cum in its midst. His tip was red and swollen, his shaft covered in thick veins. He felt himself twitch as you looked at him and he swore right then and there that he could cum untouched.
“Baby, you’re so hard, how long have you been like this?” You cooed as you gently traced a finger up his length 
“M-most of the day… I tried to jerk off but I couldn’t… get there.” He mumbled, obviously embarrassed. 
“Oh baby boy, you should have told me sooner.” You gently wrapped your hand around him, which caused him to cry out “shh, Tate, baby, you’ve gotta be quiet.” Your free hand covered his mouth as you slowly stroked him.
His cock easily slipped between your fingers as you stroked him, his pre-cum lubing his dick as well as your hand. 
He threw his head back into the mattress as a groan left his lips, his hips bucking into the heavenly touch. 
“Oh f-fuckkk momma-“ He panted, sweat glistening on his forehead as he pulled up his sweater to see your movements, before deciding to pull it off all together. He was much too hot with it on anyway. To watch his cock slide in and out of your hand, a crude squelch every time your hand passed over his tip before going back down, made his head spin, pleasure creeping up his spine. 
“I think you deserve a bit more than my hand, don’t you baby?” You whispered, pausing your movements 
“Like w-what- oH FUCK-“ he was cut off by a curse, a moan being ripped from his throat as he felt the warmth of your mouth on the tip of his cock.
You did not give him head a lot, not because you didn’t enjoy it, but because he was so fucking loud when you did do it. The whole neighborhood could probably hear his screams.
He tried to buck up into the warmth of your mouth, but you quickly stopped that, pressing down on his stomach with your hands.
Your tongue traced his slit before lightly dipping into it, licking off the bead of pre-cum that slipped out.
Tate swore he saw stars. His vision was hazy from pleasure and he could barely lift his head up to watch you as you traced his tip with your tongue.
“Momma- more- mghh- p-please-“ he whined, “I want to cum- f-fuck please-“
“Aww baby boy-“ you cooed, before squeezing the base of his cock, perhaps a bit too hard, just to get your point along “not yet.”
He yelped at the pressure on the base of his cock and cried out, a tear slipping down his cheek at the feeling of the pain mixed with pleasure 
“So fucking greedy Tate- god, look at you. You’re such a slut-“
“Momma!” He cried at your words, shaking his head “m’not, I’m your good boy-“ his bottom lip quivered, doe eyes threatening to overflow with tears.
“Are you my good boy, Tate? Are you?” You squeezed him harder as he tried to squirm away
“I am! I am momma I promise! P-please- please be gentle oh god-“ He was torn between bucking into your touch or shrinking away from it. It was so fucking much, but it was so so good.
“You are my slut, baby boy. Bet you’d even let me fuck you, wouldn’t you? Let mommy fuck you with a strap on? Fuck your tight little ass?” Your free hand slipped below his balls and trailed to his hole, running a finger over it gently. “Has anyone ever touched you here, baby boy?”
“No momma- oh god- please please- it hurts- it hurts so bad I need to cum-“ he was so pretty when he begged.
“You’re so pretty Tate, such a good boy.” You went back to stroking him. He got used to the pleasure once more, and once he was distracted you slipped a finger inside of him. You didn’t move it, didn’t dare scare him, just let him get accustomed to the feeling. He faltered a bit, the new feeling foreign but not bad.
“Momma?” He questioned as he looked down at you. You’d never done this with him before. It was new to the both of you 
“Shh baby boy, I’ve got you. Gonna make you feel so good.” His hole clenched around your finger, sucking it in farther. It stung a bit, but god it felt so fucking good. 
His stomach tensed as he got closer to his release “m-momma please let me cum- please I can’t- I can’t hold it-“
You debated denying his right to cum, but you’d tortured the poor boy enough. He had been so good for you and deserved a reward.
“Cum for me, Tate. I’ve got you, just let go baby boy.” You cooed, curling your finger up into his ass a bit more which caused him to explode. His cum shot up his stomach, some even reaching his chin, as you jerked him through his orgasm.
His body went limp against the bed, the only sounds that could be heard were the slick sound of your hand on his dick, and his pants. You pulled your hands away once his body began to tremble harder. You looked down at the boy below you, smirking. He looked absolutely wrecked. 
“Aww, my poor baby, do you feel better now?” You let your tongue dip into the still warm cum that adorned his chest. The sight made Tate nearly cum again. After you had cleaned his chest, you pressed your lips to his, letting him taste himself on your tongue.
You’d let him rest for a while, but you certainly were nowhere near done with him. 
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ask-michael-langdon · 22 days
Mr. Langdon, you said you don't believe in love at first sight. Can a casual glance arouse your sympathy or interest? Do you have a favorite eye color that makes you feel a thrill, for example?
Sometimes I find something interesting within those I cross paths with, yes. But perhaps not in the way you would relate to as a human... Something to pry into, something to toy with like strings on a puppet. A weakness from faith, or lack there of. A weakness, in any capacity, is arousing.
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jeeperscreepers80 · 7 months
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Hello dear Ghouls and Freaks!!! I made this Psd Coven IV for one of my friends in my rp group and thought I'll post it on DA for free so I asked to my friend and she said yeees so here it is! I hope you like it!  Thank you so much for your support! 
Please if you download give a like or reblog will help thank you and stay spooky
Get it for free HERE
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ihrthyukas · 7 months
Roleplay Partners
Hello! I am Kel (19 / they/them/he prns ) I am honestly looking for fandom roleplays atm I been having alot of muse to write & make some friends in the rp fandom so why not??
The fandoms I have been interested in roleplaying :
American Horror Story
Stranger Things
I require you be 18+ and have discord since I am more comfy roleplaying there and only w/ 18+. I am really only open to cc x cc maybe sometimes oc x cc? but usually that would be double-up. & Lastly I enjoy making a server just to kinda have everything setup properly & we could also chat ooc n such!! If interested you can like this post or comment/pm me thank you <3
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astasource · 8 months
NEVER WHISTLE AT NIGHT: AN INDIGENOUS DARK FICTION ANTHOLOGY. ( 1 / ? ) roleplay starters of mathilda zeller's kushtuka. feel free to edit according to scenario / pronouns.
you don't have to love him, just make his baby.
he'll pay you to keep quiet about it.
the money could really help, you know.
go inside and clean that up. you're getting blood everywhere.
what are you doing here?
there was an accident down in the mines.
they all survived, but they're in really rough shape.
maybe you should come inside.
they're mining into her domain.
their guts were torn out?
and they're saying it was wolves?
what did you do to your hand?
go get the bandages.
i'm sure he'll shoot the biggest caribou known to man.
by the time he gets back to kansas, it'll have turned into a polar bear.
you have a job this weekend.
he needs hired help. you know, cooking, cleaning.
i already told him you'd go. you're going.
that's what i thought.
tell me a native story.
tell me something new.
you call that a ghost story?
i saw it with my own two eyes.
all i hear is you trying to amp me up.
wasn't enough to tell me your ghost stories, you want to spook me now.
you really had me going for a minute there.
you'll love this place.
if they're not his, where did you get them?
there was something outside the house that was clearly murderous and looked just like me.
you clearly need to loosen up.
let me in!
don't. say. a. word.
you're an ugly one, aren't you?
are you dead, or do i need to blast you again?
they were wrong. they were all wrong. i showed them.
he isn't worth what we'll pay for this.
i thought he was going to kill you.
let's take it back to her then, okay?
you, my dear, are most certainly welcome.
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worlddevoid · 2 months
World Devoid: Episode 1.1 - This Is (Not) Your Morning
(Word Count: 1k)
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---October 1st, 2000---
"Ugh, I can't believe we didn't find ANY Cryptids!" Cassie huffs as they walk back to the RV, turning around to see what their best friend is doing. "Hey Baz, you ready?" 
"We got close. I could feel it." Baz replies, bringing his fingers to his face and spreading them, dramatically, sighing before reaching that same hand out to grab the driver's side door handle. "And, I'm always ready, Cassie, you know that." He chuckles confidently to himself before giving the door handle a quick tug- only to find that it's locked.
"Thwarted. Of course." He turns to face Cassie, peering over the hood of the large vehicle, "Do you have the keys?"
"Uh, no? I thought you had them. It's YOUR parent's RV." Cassie says, crossing her arms over her chest followed by a heavy eye roll. 
Baz childishly parrots Cassie's words in a mocking tone while patting down the pockets of his cargo pants. "It'syourdadsRVehw".
After fondling the many, MANY pockets on his pants, his fingers find purchase on the singular engine key for the hefty vehicle. "Success." Baz declares triumphantly with a quick pumped fist and a head bow. 
Slipping the key into the lock, it turns easily, and a quick yank has the door swinging open with an audible creak. Baz hops into the driver's seat and reaches across the passenger side to pull up on the lock stick.
"Ugh, finally. Let's go home." Cassie whines as she opens the passenger door and gets into the patterned seat with a huff. She eyes Baz and punches his arm lightly to prompt him to get going. 
"Jeezus". Baz shouts dramatically, grabbing his arm, but very promptly jumps into action to bring the engine roaring to life. "I could have blocked that hit, you know." Baz mutters and then laments to himself, ‘They'd kick my ass in a heartbeat’. 
Cassie laughs, loud and short. "Ha! As if you'd stand even the slightest chance!" She snorts.
"What-Ever." Baz retorts, but he knows she’s right. He purses his lips and grips the steering wheel before throwing the RV into drive and rolling down the dirt path towards the main road. He reaches down towards the stereo but finds a hand smacking his away and twisting the knob herself. Cassie messes with the dial, quickly tuning it to a station playing Daft Punk's "Around The World". Satisfied, she leans back in her seat and enjoys the beat.
A loud, bravados huff escapes Baz, but he makes no move to change the station, and eventually finds that he can't help himself but to bop along to what is so obviously, a banger. His scowl is quickly replaced by a toothy grin, and he tosses a giddy look in Cassie's direction before bursting out into easy laughter, feeling the tension dissolve into a good moment.
They drive for what feels like hours, never encountering a single other car. At first, it doesn't ring any alarm bells, seeing as they left early in the morning. But as the hours tick by and there is no sign of anyone, they begin to take notice, and Cassie is the first one to bring it up.
"Hey Baz, have you, like, seen anyone else while we've been driving?" She asks suddenly.
Baz rapidly whips his head from one side to the next, sweeping the surrounding area in a sudden panic. "You know, it's funny you mention that-- I was thinking these roads were way too clear. I mean, I know we started our journey early, but we would have had to at least run into one other car by now...... Very peculiar......" His eyebrows shoot up and he squints his eyes while contemplating the lack of life signs during their trip. He thinks to himself: 'It's probably some weird holiday or we are taking an unpopular road. Nothing more'
"Well-- at least we'll get back to the dorms in record speed." Baz concludes, quickly shrugging away the thought and focusing back on the empty road ahead, putting a little more pressure on the pedal.
"Hell yeah! Rev it up!" Cassie whoops, encouraging Baz to go faster, seemingly just as eager to push away the thought. She laughs, enjoying the adrenaline rush- its presence momentarily distracting her from the budding dread in her stomach. She knows something is wrong, but she ignores it, trying her best to push the feeling down and enjoy herself with her best friend. 
Baz, blissfully ignorant to the anxieties Cassie hides, puffs out his chest with pride at the encouragement. His face settles into a smug expression as his toes push a little bit harder down on the pedal, causing the engine to roar and the large vehicle to pick up speed rapidly. He reachs into the cup holder and flicks open the black oval sunglasses he finds there. As he puts them on, he accidentally stabs his eye with one of the arms before getting them positioned correctly. "Ow." He grunts before his face returns to it's smug expression. 'This is just like Gone In 60 Seconds- hell yeah!'
As they get closer to their dorms, they see a cluster of empty cars, seemingly abandoned, some of them with doors thrown open haphazardly. 
"Baz, look!" Cassie exclaims, pointing to where the cars are, but Baz is too distracted by the music. 
Pushing 120MPH, "This Is Your Night" by Amber blasts through the speakers, as Baz has one hand on the steering wheel and the other running seductively up and down his chest as he passionately mouths the words. Only half watching the road, as Cassie shouts at Baz to 'look', his eyes fling open and he instinctively slams down on the brakes-- hard-- sending them both lurching forward. Their seatbelts just barely prevent them from flying through the windshield as they come to a screeching halt admist a sea of seemingly abandoned cars.
It takes them a moment to stop completely, but when they finally do, they come to a skidding halt millimeters from the cluster of abandoned cars- kissing the bumper of one of the vehicles. Cassie looks over at Baz, wide eyed and frightened.
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livindeadgirlgrav · 1 year
The Monster's Den
Pairing: Otis Driftwood x fem reader
Warning: Violence, bad language, gore, nsfw, kidnapping, stockholm syndrome its Otis Driftwood lol
A/n: This is my first story on this account! I use to write a lot but my account got deleted so iIm staring over! Just note I type really fast and I'm also dyslexic, I'll try my best to proofread every post but please tell me if I miss something or made a mistake:) - This story is a work in process, I'm still getting my creative juices back!
This story is written in the readers pov and alternating povs!
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Getting a flat tire is a stressful experience already, but getting a flat tire in the middle of no where in the Texas heat is even worse. You knew this would happen sooner or later but you hoped your piece of shit car would make it a little longer. Tying a old shirt to the door you decided to walk, having no idea where you were walking to just hoping a house or gas station would pop up so you could use the phone. After what felt like hours of walking you finally stumbled upon a house, carrying your wedged sandals you decided to knock on the door. The house in your mind was creepy, it look as the vines were eating the house with hanging baby dolls trying to escape from the walls. the yard itself was littered with items. You tried not to be too judgmental for working in this heat had to be killer. "Oh hello darling?" You smiled at the warm presence of a older woman. "Hi, i'm sorry to bother but my car broke down a few miles back-" before you were able to finish the lady pulled you in "Oh honey you look terribly hot! why don't you have a sit and I'll get you some iced water" Taking a sit on the couch you watched as the lady came into frame with a sweaty glass of water. "Thank you so much! Do you have a phone I could use by chance?" You said accepting the cool beverage. "Noo,I once had one back in 57, I don't quite remember you see there isn't anyone here I feel like jaw flappin' at no more."She said taking a sit beside you. "But RJ has a tow-truck, I bet he can get it for you. Might be able to fine the problem." You took a sip of the heavenly water and brightened up. "Really? that would be wonderful! Thank you" You said sweetly admiring the generous woman. She smiled and nodded "Well it might take him a few hours but you are free the stay here." You smiled "I would love that thank you!" The woman giggled a little before deciding to go find RJ to talk to him about your car, leaving you alone in the living room.
After a few minutes of looking around and sipping your water you heard a noise behind you, turning to see if it was the woman- you were met with a tall, pale man with stringy blonde hair. Feeling your heart flutter as the man stared down at you sitting on the couch remaining eye contact as he walked around to get a better view of you. "H-hello, I'm y/n the older lady welcomed me in, I-I broke down a few miles bac-" Before finishing your sentence the man spoke up. "Can you speak girl?" He glared down. You nodded fast. " Then speak up!" He shouted making you jump with the outburst. "Yes" Otis stared at you watching your face heat up and your eyes flutter. Gasping, your eyes quickly widen when the strange man grabbed your neck pulling you up from the couch harshly. Grasping his wrist to try to free yourself but it was no use. "I bet you are soaked already huh?" He admired your struggling form for a moment before he slammed you down on the couch by your throat. You winced in pain. The man decided to sit on your legs to keep you from kicking tighting his grip. You tried to scream but nothing came out. "p-please!" struggling to form words you squinched up your face in pain. "i-I cant breathe!" trying your best you begged breathlessly. Before everything went black you saw the man smirk.
Your eyes fluttered awake, starring up seeing a ceiling as your eyes came into focus. Moaning at the pain, you knew there had to be a bruise on your neck. Realizing your arms are tied behind your back and a gag was in your mouth you tried your best to look around the room. You started to breath heavy realizing what just happened. You jumped when you heard the door open and the same man who was just choking you walked in. "Hey there mama, you sure are pretty hogtied like that!" You cried out and pushed against the rope. Earning a chuckle from Otis. "Now look I'm going to remove your gag but if you make anything such as a fucking peep. I'll gut you like a pig and make you eat your own intestines!" You nodded as tears rolled down your cheek. Otis pulled the rag down and stared at your face looking at your puffy lips. "W-what do you want?" you stuttered making Otis chuckle, "You."
Thank you for reading! I might make a part 2 Im not entirely sure but I hope you guys like it! I haven't written in forever so this was great!
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