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madokaaaaaaaaaaaa · 10 months ago
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Horang appreciation post for being the best unproblematic correct opinion character
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sabagon · 2 years ago
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Park Min Horang
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kdranime · 2 years ago
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bkhorang · 2 days ago
HIELO para un starter donde evren y horang se encuentren en medio de la pista — @evrcnn
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📍 PISTA DE HIELO ⦁ ha pasado una eternidad desde que ha patinado sobre hielo y apenas lleva cinco minutos y ya recordó la razón. el problema es que en su afán de avanzar y mantener el equilibrio al mismo tiempo ha logrado desplazarse hasta el centro de la pista y ahora duda poder alcanzar alguno de los muros para afianzarse. "disculpa…" llama a la chica que pasa cerca de ella. "parece que tienes más experiencia que yo en esto" o quizás no, aunque prefiere poner sus esperanzas en la contraria. "¿no quieres ser una heroína por un día y ayudarme a llegar a la salida, por favor?"
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aniitc · 3 days ago
#caliente (para un starter donde tu personaje le haya tirado accidentalmente una bebida caliente encima al mío) @bkhorang
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anita no tiene planeado quedarse a beber el chocolate caliente en el café, ha decidido pedirlo para llevar y aunque adora las bebidas cálidas le parece un poco excesiva la temperatura en que le han servido su chocolate. se deshace de la tapadera de plástico que cubre el vaso, centrada en la tarea de soplar un poco para también ayudar a acelerar el enfriamiento de su bebida que no nota a la joven en su camino, acabando por colisionar contra ella. el líquido caliente no solo le cae en la mano, sino a la persona con quien a chocado. "¡no!" exclama cuando siente lo caliente acto que provoque que suelte el vaso y éste acabe en el suelo, salpicando también par de pies. "¡ay no!" se da cuenta entonces de que no solo ha caido sobre ella, si no sobre alguien más. "¡no no no no no! ¡perdón!" exclama con un gesto horrorizado.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ📍café montagne
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byewonie · 3 days ago
📍 RESTAURANTE AURÉOLE. ''¿Pedimos algo para compartir?''
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"¿Puedo pensarlo? ¿O es una pregunta capciosa que derivará en alguna trampa?" Fingió lucir desconfiada, cuando sus pasos de todos modos le dirigían al interior del lugar y, por consiguiente, a una de las mesas por parte de uno de los trabajadores. "Yo quería algo ligero, de todos modos, ayer comí tantas porquerías que mi cuerpo sigue protestando hasta hoy. ¿Ya sabes qué pedirás?"
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enzomrti · 3 days ago
@bkhorang envió : ''¿es la primera vez que compras en este sitio?''
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PANADERÍA PAIN & DOUCEUR.    la fila de espera parecía estar más habitada de lo normal. enzo se cruza de brazos, observando las vitrinas de la panadería para matar el tiempo. se voltea a ver a contraparte, ofreciendo una sonrisa. “no, es uno de mis gustos culposos” admite, pasando su peso de un pie a otro. “hasta hace poco pensaba que era mi pequeño secreto” con quinientos habitantes más, aparentemente. “¿es la tuya? ¿buscas una recomendación?”
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seonarii · 3 days ago
''Yo invito, ¿quieres algo?'' ( @bkhorang )
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"Tengo gustos muy caros. ¿Seguro que no quedarás en la ruina?" Esbozando una media sonrisa juguetona, Nari aparta su viejo cuaderno de bocetos y toma el menú, fingiendo revisarlo con sumo detenimiento. La ceja que de pronto arquea, sin embargo, no es parte del show. "¿Un menú de muchos tiempos? Me pregunto cuánto demoraríamos en terminarlo".
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aurelvs · 4 days ago
#AYUDA: donde Horang ayude a Aurélie luego de que se cayera en la PISTA DE HIELO. ♡ @bkhorang
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' Muchas gracias, ' agradece entre risas mientras se pone de pie con ayuda de la joven. ' Creí que esto sería mucho más fácil de lo que parecía. Hay un montón de personas que lo hacen ver sencillo. ' Se limpia los restos de hielo que quedaron pegados a su ropa y después procede a acomodar su cabello. ' ¿Cómo es que tú puedes mantenerte de pie? '
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bkhorang · 8 days ago
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se le escapa una exhalación con tintes de risita al ver la reacción ajena y sacude levemente la cabeza. "su mamá trabaja en el hospital y tuvo que volver, así que le hago compañía un par de horas" explica después de presenciar sus respectivas presentaciones. la verdad es que la pequeña no parecía desenvolverse bien entre desconocidos, así que ha preferido llevarla consigo mientras le toca hacer rondas por el festival a dejarla sola en alguna de las actividades infantiles. "somos buenas guardando secretos, no te preocupes, no diremos nada... aunque creo que perdiste una oportunidad con los dulces" le sigue el juego y se encoge de hombros. "al menos espero que te estés divirtiendo un poco..." porque la cantidad de rostros inconformes que ha visto hasta ahora han sido más de los que esperaba, si puede ser honesta.
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" Oh, no... " abrió los ojos y rápidamente reparó en la niña, que le miró con curiosidad mientras sostenía la mano de su guardaespaldas. " No le digas a nadie, por favor " pidió más a la menor que a la mujer que lo sorprendió tomándose un no tan merecido descanso. " Hola Maddie, soy Eren " se presentó saludando desde la distancia. Y luego, fijó su atención en la mayor. " No lo sé, ¿puedo decirlo? " señaló con una mirada a la pequeña, todo esto era dicho con tono bromista. " Cualquier cosa que diga, pueda ser usada en mi contra " aclaró. " Aunque, diré algo. Alguno me ofreció una gran cantidad de dulces. "
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bkhorang · 2 days ago
"¿Ya has probado algo de aquí? ¿Qué me recomiendas?" — @giovalcnte
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📍 PANADERÍA PAIN & DOUCEUR ⦁ tan pronto como escucha la pregunta, aparta la mirada de las vitrinas por un momento y después la alterna con el perfil ajeno mientras sonríe. "la verdad es que es la primera vez que vengo" admite, casi una vergüenza considerando su propia profesión. "pero algo sé de esto, así que creo que dependerá de lo que tengas antojo, si de algo dulce o salado, para empezar" eso es lo más lógico cuando se trata de probar alimentos, o al menos así es en su experiencia. se encoge ligeramente de hombros. "o podríamos escoger algo al azar y compartir, ¿qué te parece?"
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icaruswalksnet · 1 year ago
Hoshi’s Vlog of the Screen Time MV shoot 🎬
🔗 https://youtu.be/XLu96yiIkvk
#epikhigh #에픽하이 #ScreenTime #Hoshi #호시 #HORANGHIGH 🐯
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flashfuckingflesh · 1 year ago
Your Train Has Come in on the Platform EVIL! "The Ghost Station" reviewed! (Well Go USA / Blu-ray)
Cho-Cho-Choose “The Ghost Station” on Blu-ray! The Oksu train station’s past has incur many strange occurrences over the 17-years since it’s construction but more recently has seen a string of bizarre deaths. When a public service worker Woon-won witnesses a man’s death on the rails, he reluctantly informs friend Na-young, a struggler gossip journalist in need of a good, multi-click story after…
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zhyuxin · 16 days ago
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ofrece una pequeña sonrisa cortés mientras asiente a modo de confirmación. "exacto. además, el clima no está para quedarse a la intemperie más de lo necesario" supone que la contraria tiene miembros de su familia o amistades que terminarían por notar su ausencia al término del juego, así que no es como que termine 'atrapada' en el laberinto, pero de todas formas, ha comprobado que la vestimenta de la mayoría de los presentes no será la adecuada tan pronto como empiece a caer la noche. "no es necesario agradecer, ni que lo consideres una ayuda. pensé que estabas preguntando al aire, simplemente respondí" desestima encogiéndose de hombros. tiene bastante presente las reglas que les dieron y a él siempre se le ha dado doblar las cosas a conveniencia. "¿ya decidiste qué camino vas a tomar?"
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Esos comentarios gentiles la reconfortan, distrayéndola tanto de su accionar como de no gratos pensamientos que empezaban a acumularse. Ayaka emite un suave suspiro y aparta las manos de las ramas que casi destruye; precavida, observa al joven por el rabillo del ojo. "Sería terrible quedar atrapada, cuando los demás ya salieron". Admite avergonzada, aunque decide acercarse un par de pasos hacia el contrario e inclina levemente su cabeza, en señal de agradecimiento. "Gracias. Necesitaba escuchar una voz de la razón o algo similar".
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honajoong · 2 years ago
i get that! and i hope regardless of how busy you are that you have your you time to focus on yourself or even just feel at ease every now and then, you've been working hard!
today i just hung out with some friends and did a fun karaoke session but other than that, i too, am getting ready for bed as i send this ask! it's been so hot recently that i can't exactly sleep properly :(
i also love your anon tag for me hehe
Yeah, I do get some me time here and there! I feel like not enough though LMAOO. but what can ya do. I’ve been working heavily though, hopefully it pays off soon!
Oh god that sounds SO fun <3 karaoke vibes are always unmatched I feel like, with or without friends. I hope to do a thing of karaoke one day with friends :’) I was talking to someone about doing something fun as a group one day, all of us. It might be a long while till then, but it would be such a memorable experience.
I’m getting ready for bed again too haha, gotta get ready for work once more. But I hope the heat doesn’t get to you tonight :( you deserve to sleep better.
Of course! You are a tiger after all hehehe. I hope you sleep well, and sweet dreams!
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all-purpose-dish-soap · 3 months ago
63 / 2.6k / soap soulmate au, part 12
Trapped at the base of the mountain, you spy your window of opportunity to bolt to the treeline. And you take it.
The adrenaline pumping through your body blunts the pain of the crash. You've scarcely made it into the shadow of the enormous fir trees when a bullet shears past your head and splinters a tree branch six inches away from your ear. Shit. Someone saw you.
You sprint as deep as your lungs can carry you. Then you press back into the nearest trunk. Behind you, two pairs of boots stomp through the snow.
"Saw someone come this way," one voice says. It's not KorTac. "Got a runner."
"There," the other voice says. The sound of a rifle sliding past cloth. Their steps get louder and close in on your position. The voices are low, but the snow carries them to you, crisp and clear.
"Can't let this one get away," one of the men says.
"Oh, we won't."
You tear deeper into the trees, weaving between trunks and jumping over fallen branches. Bullets spray out from behind you. One punches through your side. You stumble, fingers brushing the snow, but don't go down. Johnny's voice echoes in your skull. You'd better live.
The two men on your tail follow. They're relentless. It's clear they have no reservations about cutting down a fleeing, unarmed target. You push onwards, your breathing ragged as you run, ignoring the way your every movement sends a wave of pain down your body. You take cover again, this time behind an enormous fallen log. But you know they know where you are.  Behind you, they spread out to circle up and flank you. You grip the shard of glass still in your hand. It's all you have, and it won't be enough.
"Don't try anything," he says. "We've got you now."
Red mist explodes out of his chest. He stumbles and pitches forward to the ground. You don't have time to see where the shot came from. You lurch toward his body, pull the shard of glass across his throat, tear his rifle off him, and return to cover. You look down the scope and search for the other mercenary. You see him taking aim at the one who shot his teammate--Horangi.
Before he can pull the trigger, another single shot rings out from Horang’s rifle. Blood splatters from the man's head, and he goes down.
Behind Horangi, you see two more of them take cover and aim their rifles at the two of you. You press yourself against the fallen trunk, aim, and squeeze the trigger. It takes you more than one squeeze in the haze of adrenaline puppeteering your exhausted body, but you strike one in between the eyes. The other stumbles out of cover to run, and Horangi puts a bullet in his back.
Then the forest goes quiet. Horangi glances back at you over the top of the log. "You alright?" he says.
"Alive." You straighten up, but you don't drop the gun. "Is it clear?"
Horangi glances around "For now," he says. "Let's make ourselves scarce before that changes."
You grip the rifle harder and stare at the roll of zip ties on Horangi's belt. He's your former teammate. He took you prisoner. You let him. Maybe taking what you thought was your only way out is why you see now how things could be different.
Horangi's eyes sharpen. "Careful, rookie," he says, his voice low. "Don't do anything stupid. We're on the same side."
"You're gonna cuff me again."
"That's the idea." Bullets, blood, and shards of wood and needles litter the snow he walks through. "Don't make this hard. I don't want to have to hurt you."
"No. I'm not going back." You widen your stance, pointing the rifle at him.
His eyes narrow. "Careful with that."
You keep your aim steady on him and say nothing.
He watches you, evaluating your grip, the tension in your arms, the cold look on your face. Then he nods toward the bleeding wound on your side. "How long do you think you'll last out here with that?"
"That's not your concern."
"Yeah," he says. "It is."
He regrips his rifle in both hands, shifting his weight. This time, however, he keeps his distance.
"Drop the gun," he says. "Then we'll discuss this without the risk of friendly fire."
You don't back down.
He lets out a short sigh and glances up at the trees. "You really can't just make things easy, huh. You really gonna shoot me?" he says. "After I just saved your life?"
"You're bluffing."
"I might be," you tell him. "If you wanna take that chance."
He assesses you. A long beat of silence passes.
"That's not like you," he says finally, voice flat. "Your code is quid pro quo. I saved your life. You owe me."
He walks toward you. He's calling your bluff.
You squeeze the trigger. Once, twice. One bullet lodges in his chest plate. The other finds its mark in the joint of his armor--the weak point where chest plate meets shoulder plate. Red sprays out into the gray haze of snow and pines.
He jerks as he takes the shots, curses, and staggers. You're full of nasty surprises today. But his training is the same as yours--when an asset gets mean, KorTac gets worse. He doubles down, pushing himself into a sprint.
You squeeze the trigger again, bullet punching through his armor's elbow joint. Another three pulls produce nothing but empty dry clicks. Shit. He barrels toward you.
You throw the gun aside and reach for the shard of glass, your makeshift knife, but it’s too late. He grabs you, close enough to tear the glass out of your hand, sweep your knees, shove your face into the snow, and force the air out of your lungs with his weight on your back.
Still, you struggle for your freedom, clawing the snow for any kind of grip. Ghost's knee on your back comes dimly to mind.
Before you can get free, Horangi digs his knee into the bullet wound at your side. You bite down on a scream, gritting your teeth against the pain exploding across your body.
"Enough," he says in a low voice. "You're done."
You can barely focus through the pain. Your vision blurs and your muscles tense and twitch blindly against his hold. He lets up the pressure only once the initial wave of pain subsides and you've let out a shuddering gasp.
You lay still in pain for a long moment. When he grabs your hands to cuff you, you strike.
He’s not expecting the elbow to his nose. Then you drive your fist into his kidney--between the panels of his armor--and twist hard.
He grabs you anyway. But you yank your forearm--slicked with blood from your side wound--free from his grip and take off. Blood dots the snow behind you like a trail of scarlet breadcrumbs from the crash site.
You’re on your feet and running through the trees. You’re coasting on adrenaline alone. He’s right at your heels. He catches up.
You both go down hard again, falling through open air for a moment before you hit hard, wet snow-crust. As you struggle, he wraps the cord of a zip tie around one of your wrists and grabs your other. But you slide it free again and dig your red fingers into the snow.
"Just let me go!" you wheeze back at Horangi. "Just say I died in the ambush."
"Hell no. Nothing personal, rookie, but you made your choice. We’re turning you in dead or alive."
The radio on his hip spits and crackles. Warped voices come through. Then real ones in the distance. Shouting. A rough, Scottish brogue. The cold air burns your lungs as you suck it in.
Horangi reaches forward for your other wrist again. You turn and sink your teeth into his gloved hand. He yells. Soap’s voice is nearby. Your vision blurs. The adrenaline is wearing off. You can’t get free to run.
A shout of your name. Close.
"Johnny," you say, your voice a breathless gasp. "Johnny, I'm–"
But Horangi grabs you before you can say anything else. His gloved hand clamps down over your mouth.
"Don't move," Horangi says into your ear. "You move, I put a bullet in his head."
He has to be lying. But you don’t move. You can’t make yourself do it if it means even the slightest chance of putting Soap’s life at risk.
He pulls you up to your knees. You find yourself staring at the rocky side of an eight-foot ledge. No wonder you and Horangi fell so hard. You must’ve tumbled down this drop. If not for the snow cushioning your fall, it would’ve taken you out of commission.
You see Soap coming toward you. Your chest aches with relief before something dawns on you. On your knees, even through your pants, you realize you're not kneeling on just snow. It's ice, not loam, under the layers of powder. Pure ice. The surface of a frozen river.
"Stop!" you shout, seeing Soap rapidly approaching the high bank. "Don't come any closer." The deep, echoing snaps of cracking ice echo around you as if to punctuate your point.
Soap slides to a stop at the edge. His eyes go from the gun at your head straight down to the snow-covered ice. Comprehension dawns on his face. If he drops down to the already-damaged surface below, it will break and plunge all of you into the black water underneath.
His eyes flash to Horangi. “Let her go.”
“Back off,” Horangi says from behind you. “Right now, or I shoot her right here.”
That makes no sense. He’s bluffing, you know it. But you also know Soap won’t risk your life. His expression hardens.
The ice groans again. Your life is on a timer. You can’t outrun or overpower Horangi. You need to find another way.
“Your buyer,” you say lowly to Horangi. “I want to talk to your buyer.”
Horangi's grip on your neck doesn’t loosen. His silence is all the answer you need.
"Call him up. I want to talk to him."
"You're not in any position to negotiate.”
Tension rolls off Soap like a physical force. He’s coiled like a viper. His team approaches around him, all of them trying to analyze the situation. If he weren’t outnumbered, you suspect Soap would rush forward anyway, damn the risks. He looks ready to tear Horangi limb from limb. If he had a clean shot, he’d take it. But he’s not fool enough to give Horangi a reason to hurt you, either. It’s a stalemate.
"You let me talk to him or I'll make sure this ice breaks before either of us make it to shore,” you hiss.
Horangi considers it. You can't give him the time to think his way out of this. You lean your weight onto one knee--putting more pressure onto a smaller surface area of the ice. It cracks again.
“Dammit, don’t!” Soap snaps, taking a step forward. Ghost’s hand on his shoulder stops him.
Another moment of silence. Tense. The cold wind whistles past your ears. You hear the deep groans and snaps as the ice warps.
Then Horangi scoffs. "Still trying to out-bluff me?"
He yanks you back, sliding you toward the shore, trying to keep you from putting weight on the ice. You throw yourself in the opposite direction, slamming yourself back against the cold surface. The crack of pain against your spine reverberates through your entire body.
You try to get to your feet. The crackling sound, like snapping cables, is everywhere. Horangi is cool under pressure, but he holds his shoulders more rigidly than you’ve ever seen him. He walks toward you with the zip tie still in hand.
You struggle to your feet and go at him. You drive your weight into his body and fight like hell to keep you both on the river, where you have leverage. He fights to throw you onto shore. You’re so close to getting away. You just need an opening.
Soap shouts. You don’t hear what he’s saying. Despite your injury, You use every bit of your weight and speed as if to force both of you thought the ice. You keep moving, slipping out of his reach every time he tries to grab hold of you. Every time, the ice and it shifts with a snap, threatening to break and send you both tumbling into the dark water below. In the tangle, you get close enough to grab blindly at his belt and pack. You aim to grab his handgun. Your hand closes around something else--a frag. Almost as good.
You jerk back and hold it up so he can see it. Your breath is shaky now, coming out in uneven puffs. It feels like all the body heat you have left is bleeding out of the wound in your side. But it works as intended. Everyone quiets. Even the ice stops crackling. Horangi’s eyes narrow.
So you pull the pin. You keep your finger on the switch, but you and everyone else know the explosion would blow you, Horangi, and anyone else on the ice to hell.
"Call the buyer," you say quietly. "Or you won't even have a corpse to trade."
He looks at you with a cold, even glare. You know what he's thinking: you might be bluffing, you might not. And after the way you’ve been acting, he isn't willing to bet his life on it.
The cold wind whistles between you and raises goosebumps on your numb skin.
Finally, he pulls out his phone and dials a number. He says something into it quietly. Then he looks at you, steps forward, and hands it to you.
You take it. You don't have to tell him to back off--the live grenade in your hand is enough warning for him. He walks backward off the frozen river and back onto shore to give you all the space you’d need to blow yourself up.
As soon the pressure of his weight is off the ice, the creaking ice shifts and settles again. You feel lightheaded with the loss of blood. You sway but manage to keep your balance.
"Hen, please," Soap calls. "Go with him. Just stay off the ice." Never thought he'd be saying this, but he'd rather you be in someone else's custody than dead. He wants you to come to him so badly, but he's much further up the riverbank. There's no way for him to jump down to you without cracking the ice; there's no way for you to get up to him one-handed. You won't be able to climb the icy rock and earth separating you. The only way is downriver, and while Soap's eyes sweep every part of the river in sight, he can't seem to find a solution. When you don't react, he looks to Horangi instead. "Take her off the damn ice!" he shouts.
Horangi crosses his arms and says nothing. The message is clear: he did what he could; you're the one forcing his hand.
You hold the phone up to your ear. To your chilled skin, it's warm to the touch. You hold it with both hands, leaning it against the frag and cupping the other hand around the receiver to catch your voice amidst the wind. You swallow, trying to wet your mouth enough to rasp out a few words. But it's the man on the other end of the line, your buyer, who speaks first.
"Hey, 86." Graves. You can hear him smiling around your old Shadow Company call number. "Heard you're in a bit of a predicament."
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part 1 / more Soap / masterlist
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