#hopefully i'll like cosmos main villain whoever they are when we get to them
coe-lilium · 5 years
kurozu501 ha risposto al tuo post “One of my three (3) gripes with Shimosa that gets its own post because...”
honestly i felt uncomfortable with all the satan stuff so i think having a switch like that is better for the story. i think the nasuverse tying itself too closely to christian mythology would be a mistake. its only one small step from "fighting the literal christian devil" to all those jokes about savior class jesus christ servant becoming reality. nasu's always been smart enough to stick to stuff in the past and not play with stuff thats still hugely important to people
in the present. i guess im thinking of how there was controversy when parvati came out, some people of that faith not happy about it. i can only imagine how much bigger and worse it could be if they tried to play around with core stuff to bigger religions today like christianity and islam. idk. an alien god is a lot safer as a villain then potentially courting controversy like that.
I can see why it wouldn’t be everyone’s cup of tea (and fully admit my hype/disappointment aren’t based on any serious “this would’ve fit the story” but my personal interests alone) and also agree that tying the Nasuverse to a single mythology wouldn’t work nor fit the franchise.     
But while Jesus and Mohammed would definitively be asking for trouble*, the devil is already a more... how do I put it, “free real estate” figure for media creators?  
I can’t see a relevant fuss being raised if “the devil exist and our characters gotta fight him” had been confirmed for GO, for more than one reason. 
- Western media already does -rightly so- the hell they want with angels&demons and so does JP (I sure wish teen me never had to see a shojo/smut tho, that I’ll admit) and as far as I know no matter how many groups of “christian moms”/whatev protested no one’s ever managed to stop the Vertigo comic series, the “inspired” tv series, Supernatural, YA books, Good Omens and so on from being produced?    
- for all the billions it prints, Fate’s still obscure enough in the West were the fuss would be more probable to raise its head for this to fly relatively low? Even GudaGuda 3′s date controversy lasted for relatively little time before being debunked, and that was much uglier stuff.   
- idk about internet denizens or US associations, but Italy and the See have currently better things to do than notice a mobile game. With the current hot subjects on the table not even the upcoming Pullman series will get a fuck given. 
- “Satan is evil” is just... no controversy. If anything it could be accused to be too faithful to “source material” and boring/offering no twist, but controversial? The risk of “X is the only ultimate evil/danger in existence” in a series with more more pantheons was averted long ago with Angra, Types and now the Beasts and Mara.
* although given that Requiem seems to be raising enough flags to suggest Voyager = child Jesus... idk how grounded this argument is anymore. 
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