#hope this meets ur expectations anon :)
r0ugesun · 2 months
I have a fluff maybe to slight spicy request for Aemond Targaryen if you are interested!
Aemond finally becomes betrothed to princess!reader of a different house (can be any it don’t matter) but has circulation problems so she’s always cold and therefore fretted over making Aemond believe she is spoiled. But upon being proven wrong from maybe bonding over books or hell training, falls in love and carries her to bed when the cold gets to her and her bed is just full of blankets to cuddle in.
(Aemond deserves all the intimacy and cuddles)
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Thank you for sending me this request anon and sorry for the delay! Ur right Aemond deserves all the cuddles (*ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)ꕤ*.゚
Synopsis: Princess y/n of House Martell arrives at the wintry Red Keep as Prince Aemond’s betrothed. As y/n’s warmth and intellect begin to break through Aemond’s icy exterior, he finds himself drawn to her. In return, Aemond’s protective embrace provides y/n the warmth she desperately needs.
Aemond x Martell!Reader
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Prince Aemond Targaryen’s engagement to Princess y/n of House Martell was a union crafted to solidify political alliances. While their marriage was intended to serve as a strategic move, it was marred by the disparity in their circumstances. Princess y/n, renowned for her exotic beauty and noble grace, suffered from a rare condition that left her perpetually cold. This affliction required constant warmth, a need that Aemond initially perceived as a sign of pampering rather than genuine necessity.
From the moment y/n arrived at the red keep in the middle of a particularly harsh winter, the contrast between them was stark. The grand halls of the castle were adorned with tapestries of fearsome dragons and Targaryen banners, but y/n’s presence was marked by her constant need for warmth. She was swathed in layers of heavy furs, her every movement accompanied by a retinue of attendants. Aemond observed from a distance, noting her delicate appearance and the attentiveness of her servants. His initial impressions were marked by skepticism and a hint of disdain.
Their first meeting was formal, a carefully orchestrated affair. Aemond greeted her with his characteristic stoicism. “Princess y/n” he said, his tone courteous but distant, “I trust your journey was comfortable?”
Y/N offered a polite smile, though her eyes revealed a trace of weariness. “Thank you, Prince Aemond. The journey was long, but I am well. Though I must admit, the cold here is harsher than I expected.”
Aemond raised an eyebrow, his gaze indifferent. “You are accustomed to much warmer climates in dorne, I’m sure. Adapting to this cold must be challenging.”
Y/n’s voice was steady as she replied, “It is indeed a challenge, but I am here to fulfill my duty. I hope to contribute meaningfully despite the discomfort.”
Aemond's eyes remained cold as he regarded
Y/n. "Your sense of duty is admirable, though I can't help but wonder if you’ll be a hindrance rather than a help."
Y/N’s eyes flashed with sharpness, though her smile remained placid. She titled her head slightly before she spoke.
“I suppose we'll find out soon enough. I’ve faced challenges before. If I can endure the cold, I’m certain I can manage other… inconveniences.”
Aemond’s lips curled slightly in a thin smile, more of a smirk than a genuine expression of amusement. “Mmm. I wonder if your resolve will hold up as well when faced with the less glamorous aspects of life here.”
“Let’s hope” y/n replied smoothly. “It’s one thing to endure the elements, another to contend with a lack of charm.”
Aemond’s gaze sharpened slightly, but his tone remained even. “Charm is not a luxury I indulge in, Princess. I prefer matters of substance.”
Y/n had a smirk of her own now, her expression thoughtful. “Substance is important, but so is the ability to navigate social graces. Otherwise, one might come off as... unlikable.”
Aemond’s expression did not shift. “And you, Princess, are known for your social prowess?”
“I am known for many things, my prince” y/n said with a wry smile.
“Including the ability to keep my composure even when faced with frosty reception—both literal and figurative.”
Aemond’s eyes flickered with a hint of respect, though he quickly masked it with his usual stoicism. “We shall see if your composure extends to the political intricacies of our alliance.”
“I have no doubt it will” y/n replied confidently. “After all, if I can manage to stay warm and navigate through a wintry castle, I believe I can handle the complexities of court politics.”
Aemond regarded her with a piercing look, as if assessing whether her confidence was merely bravado or a genuine asset. “We shall see, indeed.”
Days passed, and the cold of King's Landing seemed even more relentless. Aemond, finding solace in the library's quiet, often retreated there to escape the castle's demands. One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the ancient tomes, he entered the library to find an unexpected sight: Y/N, comfortably nestled near the hearth, a thick fur draped over her shoulders, engrossed in a book.
Aemond paused, his usual stoic demeanor faltering for a moment. He approached her with measured steps, his curiosity piqued. "Princess" he greeted, his tone more neutral than before.
Y/blooked up, a hint of surprise in her eyes before she smiled with a hint of apprehension. "Prince Aemond. I didn't expect to see you here."
"The library is a place of comfort for me" he admitted, his gaze drifting over the bookshelves. "I come here often to escape the... noise."
Y/n nodded, her fingers tracing the edges of the book she held. "I think it’s quite peaceful myself. I find the histories of your lineage particularly fascinating."
As Aemond sat across from her, he noticed the title of the book in her hands. "The Histories of Dorne and Aegon the conquerer" he remarked. "An interesting choice."
Y/n’s eyes sparkled with interest. "I was just reading about Aegon’s failed conquest of Dorne. It seems he underestimated the resilience of the Dornish people."
Aemond’s lips twitched into a faint smile. "Aegon was a formidable conqueror, but he came unprepared, the Dornish have always been adept at guerrilla warfare, using the knowledge of their land to their advantage."
Y/n leaned forward slightly, her interest genuine. "Do you think he could have succeeded if he had approached the conquest differently?"
Aemond considered her question, appreciating the depth of her curiosity. "Perhaps. He tried to discredit your ancestors with slanders and rumors when his dragons failed, of course that endeavor proved fruitless as well, if it were me I would’ve hired mercenaries familiar with the terrain and the culture”
Y/n smiled wryly “Wars are not won with bloodshed alone my prince If he had been more willing to negotiate and form alliances rather than relying solely on brute force, he might have had a better chance. The Dornish value our independence highly, we would not bow to mere threats."
Aemond’s gaze softened, clearly intrigued by her insight. “It seems you have a keen grasp of the intricacies of the histories and strategy. I imagine you would have made a formidable advisor.”
Y/n’s cheeks flushed slightly at the compliment, but she remained composed. “Thank you, my prince. I’ve always believed that knowledge and perspective are key to navigating both conflict and peace.”
Aemond’s smile widened slightly, a rare gesture that hinted at genuine admiration. “I look forward to hearing more of your perspectives.”
Their debates on the histories of the realm continued, the conversation flowing easily between them. They discussed strategies, historical figures, and the nuances of Dornish culture versus the Targaryen way of conquest. Aemond found himself increasingly drawn to her intellect and passion, her perspectives challenging and enlightening.
As the evening wore on, Aemond realized with a start that he was enjoying her company. Y/n’s confident demeanor were a stark contrast to his initial impressions. He found himself admiring the way she held her own in their debate, unafraid to challenge his views.
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As the days turned into weeks, the cold of King's Landing seemed to grow less oppressive for y/n and Aemond, though winter’s bite was still unmistakable. One crisp afternoon, the pair decided to take a stroll through the Kingswood, a vast expanse of trees and tranquility that lay on the outskirts of the city.
Wrapped in their furs, they walked side by side, their conversation flowing as seamlessly as the wind through the trees. They continued their discussion of history. Aemond found himself enthralled by y/n’s insights and the way she animatedly discussed the events of the past.
As they wandered further into the wood, engrossed in their discourse, they lost track of time. The sun dipped below the horizon, and the temperature dropped sharply. Y/n’s delicate frame began to show signs of discomfort, her shivering becoming more pronounced.
Aemond’s keen eyes noticed her struggle first. “Princess, you appear distressed” he said, his voice laced with concern. “We should head back.”
Y/n tried to maintain her composure, but her attempts were faltering. “I’m quite cold” she admitted, her voice trembling. She winced as she took another step, her limp becoming more noticeable. “Perhaps... we should indeed return.”
Aemond’s brow furrowed as he observed her growing discomfort. Without a second thought, he scooped her into his arms with surprising ease. Y/n gasped, both startled and flustered by the sudden, intimate contact. Her cheeks flushed, though it was not entirely from the cold.
Aemond, maintaining a careful hold, began to carry her back through the woods. His stride was steady and purposeful, though he could not ignore the feeling of Y/N nestled close against him. The warmth of her body against his own was both a contrast to the frigid air and a comfort he had not anticipated.
As they neared the castle, Y/N’s embarrassment was palpable. She attempted to speak through her shivering. “M-my prince, you needn’t carry me. I can manage!”
Aemond’s gaze softened as he looked down at her. “You are in no condition to walk, Princess. Allow me to ensure you are safely returned to your chambers.”
Despite her initial resistance, Y/N found herself settling into his embrace, her coldness slowly melting away with each step Aemond took. The castle’s warmth greeted them as they entered, and Aemond carried her up the grand staircase, his movements deliberate and careful.
Upon reaching their chambers, Aemond gently set y/n down on the edge of the large, ornate bed. He took a moment to stoke the fire, ensuring the room was warm and inviting. Y/n watched him with a mixture of gratitude and bashfulness.
“Thank you” she said quietly as he helped her settle under the heavy, embroidered blankets. “I didn’t expect...”
Aemond interrupted her softly, a rare tenderness in his voice. “There is no need to thank me. It is my duty as your future husband to ensure your well being.”
As the fire crackled and the warmth enveloped her, y/n began to relax. Aemond, though maintaining his usual stoicism, could not ignore the growing affection he felt. He seated himself beside her, his presence a comforting shield against the chill.
Y/n looked at him, her eyes reflecting both relief and a newfound closeness. “You’ve been very kind, Aemond. I appreciate it more than you know.”
Aemond nodded, his own emotions subtly shifting. “I am glad to see you more comfortable. It would be remiss of me to let you suffer.”
The fire's glow cast a warm halo around them, and the room was filled with a tender intimacy that seemed to wrap around them like the softest of blankets. Y/n’s eyes met Aemond's, and for a moment, the world outside their secluded chamber fell away. The air was thick with an unspoken yearning, a deep desire that neither could ignore.
Aemond's gaze softened as he took in the sight of her, his usual composure giving way to a rare display of vulnerability. The warmth from the hearth made her cheeks flush, her lips slightly parted in a way that made Aemond's heart ache with a longing he had not anticipated. He reached out, his fingers brushing a stray lock of hair from her face, his touch tender and lingering.
As he leaned in, their breaths mingled, warm and intertwined. The kiss that followed was not hurried but slow and filled with a profound tenderness. It was as if Aemond was trying to savor every moment, every sensation of her closeness. His lips moved gently against hers, exploring with a careful, reverent touch. The kiss was a quiet confession of his growing affection, a promise of warmth and devotion.
Y/n felt a delicious shiver of pleasure as he placed his warm hands under her dress and caressing her thighs, melting into his embrace, her cold body finally finding solace in the heat of his touch. Aemond's arms wrapped around her with a desperate kind of need, pulling her closer as if he could absorb her cold and make it his own. His warmth seemed to seep into her, chasing away the chill that had plagued her since her arrival.
With each press of his lips every soft touch under her clothes, Aemond conveyed a yearning that went beyond mere physical desire. It was a yearning for connection, for understanding, for something deeper than the political arrangement that had brought them together. His touch was both possessive and protective, He was a fire that would keep her brittle heart warm.
When they finally parted, their foreheads resting together, Aemond’s eye was filled with a tenderness that spoke volumes.
Y/n’s voice was low, almost a whisper. “You bring warmth to more than just my body, Aemond. You’re igniting something in me that I never knew I needed.”
Aemonds eye shone with a mix of relief and affection as he looked down at her. “I never thought I’d find comfort like this.”
Aemond’s smile was soft, almost shy, as he brushed his thumb lightly over her cheek as she spoke.
“It’s strange, isn’t it? How something so unexpected can bring such warmth to our lives.”
Y/n nuzzled her nose with his and wrapped her leg over Aemond’s waist, drawing herself closer to him. The closeness of their bodies created an even more intimate cocoon, reinforcing their shared warmth. The contact of her leg against his body was both grounding and tender, a subtle way of expressing her trust and affection.
Aemond’s hold tightened slightly, his eye closing in contentment as he savored the sensation of her closeness. His hand continued its soothing caress, and he rested his forehead against hers, his breath mingling with hers in a warm, gentle rhythm. “You are my only warmth” he murmured, his voice thick with emotion.
Y/n’s eyes met his with a tender, knowing look. “And you are mine.” she replied softly, her lips brushing against his in a final, lingering kiss. They were each others warmth and comfort.
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leeechin · 2 days
jealous sex with jungwon 🙏🏼
monopolizing ( yang jungwon ) 18+
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✧ pairing: bf!jungwon x fem!reader ⌗ warnings: unprotected sex (don't do that), rough sex. spanking, slight degradation, size kink i mean look at his broad shoulders pls, jungwon's kinda mean in this 😕 but you love it, thighriding, he takes one video (consented), reader gets fucked dumb (?), mention of heeseung lol.
a/n: kind of short but i changed the req up with a little plot so i hope this meets ur expectations anon <3 reqs r open for short drabbles and fics don't be shy !! 🫶
word count: ( 1.9k )
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jungwon's really good at doing his part as a loving and attentive boyfriend that goes by your demands. but it's different when it's in bed.. and you guys are aware the members have heard you guys before. they just love to tease the fuck out of jungwon.
he's watching you on the other side of the room, sitting on the floor playing a card game with heeseung, laughing at whatever he was saying, as if it was the funniest thing in the world. jungwon blinks at your pretty face bursting into laughter. he can't help but wish you gave him attention instead, i mean he could also play a card game with you :(
"yo jungwon! you haven't look away from y/n once since she started playing card games with heeseung!" jake points out, clearly seeing jealously seep out of jungwon's face. jungwon clenches his teeth watching you playfully swat heeseung's shoulder after you lose a card game. the no response from jungwon shows it all. "don't tell me he's jealous—!" sunghoon jokes, eyes staring the same direction jungwon's are.
"w-what?! no i'm not—!" jungwon sputters in response, "you're so bad at lying." jay tsks as he passes by the kitchen, grabbing a plate and leaving. jungwon tries distracting himself from continuing to look at you and heeseung, opening random kitchen cabinet doors until he hears your cheerful voice.
"hi wonnie." you mumble, arms wrapping from behind him and nuzzling your face against his neck. jungwon feels his cheeks heat up at your affection infront of all of his fellow bandmates.
"hi baby." he responds turning around and placing a quick peck on your lips, hands placed on both side of your hips.
"look at wonnie all shy and everything!" jake mocks, causing you to let out a scoff and throw a middle finger at him while still embraced in jungwon's arms. "get a room you freaks!" sunghoon adds on, a look of disgust plastered on his face jokingly.
you smirk, moving your hands to grabbing at jungwon's biceps. once again so grateful that the boys have been dragging him out to the gym. "oh we definitely will, trust. matter of fact, right now—!" you exclaim, dragging jungwon's taller frame behind you as you find the door to his room. everybody else in the house making sure to turn up the volume of the tv and blast music.
"is this because she was playing apples to apples with me was it—?" heeseung asks, frowning at the pile of cards with the unfinished game the two of you were playing. "no shit sherlock."
closing the door behind you, a mischievous smile glints on your face, hands roaming around jungwon's chest. "jealousy is such a sexy look on your face." your lips quirking into a smile, staring at your boyfriend as you await a response. jungwon let’s out a low growl, realizing that you made him jealous on purpose. bending you over the dresser by his door, a loud smack! landed on your clothed ass. you already feel wetness seeping out of your cunt at the contact, squealing and pushing back.
"such a naughty girl. you enjoy doing this to me huh?" both hands pulling down your shorts, hissing at the sight of your pink lacy thong. pulling the elastic away and letting it slap against your skin causing you to yelp at the contact. "mmh please won'—! i’ve been bad, i'm sorry!"
"don't think you can get away with this so easily baby. you think heeseung can fuck you the way i do?" he responds with his hands roaming all over your body, slowly removing every article of clothing left on you except for your cute pink panties.
jungwon had no remorse in teasing you, finding it amusing at how quick you can turn into putty with him barely doing anything to you.
your now naked body trembling at jungwon's teasing touches, eager to feel more. "what happens to good girls when they decide they want to be bad huh?" he chuckled at the wetness pooling down your inner thighs with your body still bent over the dresser. "they get punished." you whine, attempting to free yourself from jungwon's tight pinning. he lets out a sound of approval, loosening his grip on your hips, ridding himself off of all his clothes but leaving his boxers on. moving to sit himself against the headboard and patting on his his thighs. "ride my thigh."
scrambling to crawl on the bed. you look up to see your boyfriend immersed at your eagerness. all you could do at that moment was stare dumbly at jungwon. "i— don't know if i can do it wonnie." you frown, your gaze pleading for jungwon to manhandle you and fuck you senseless. "you wanted to play games with me infront of everybody, don't be so shy now pretty."
your thighs on both sides of his, in nothing but your pink lacy panties. you're admiring the sight infront you, a very evident bulge in jungwon's boxers. crossing both of his arms behind his head. "what's the hold up now baby?" he teases, seeing how your hands were on both sides of your panties to pull it down. pulling your laced panties down just enough, jungwon groaned at the sight seeing it stick to your needy cunt, a string of arousal following the removal. "won' please, i need you in me so bad."
"i'll give you what you want after you ride my thigh hm?" jungwon negotiates, fighting the urge to just pull his boxers down and make you bounce on his dick until you forgot your own name. your head nods rapidly, pulling your panties down to your ankles and kicking it off to somewhere in the room. quickly placing yourself between one of jungwon's muscled thighs. seating your heat against it, rubbing slowly, the immediate friction on your clit making you let out a silent scream.
finding your own pace as you ride jungwon's thigh, feeling the ridge of his muscles as you dragged your needy cunt against it, your small whimpers and moans filling the room, becoming music to jungwon's ears. a satisfied smile wreathed his lips when he sees your eyes on him as you fell apart on his thigh, as he's flexing it occasionally to add on more intensity to your clit.
you could feel your orgasm approaching as your hole clenched around nothing. hands pawing at your boyfriend's shoulders. "wonnie please i need to cum! i'm sorry i teased you—please—!" amusement painted all over jungwon's face seeing how you were so submissive and crumbling at him doing nothing but having you ride his thigh.
"show me pretty girl. cum all over my thigh." the wetness of your arousal coating your boyfriend's thighs, granting your request. your hands tighten the grip on jungwon's shoulders, eyes rolling to the back of your head as the knot loosens in your stomach. jungwon's hands move to hold your hips, helping you slow down your movements.
"shit, you are so fucking sexy baby." and he's almost in pain at how long his boner has been held up in his boxers. you now being on your back, tears forming at the corner of your eyes as jungwon grinds his clothed bulge over your exposed needy cunt. you to sit up, attempting reaching your hand to your boyfriend's boxers, failing miserably as jungwon holds both your thighs back, nearly folding you in half, the sight of your glistening heat practically inviting him in.
moving to push your thighs back with one of his hands, jungwon reaches to the nightstand beside his bed, grabbing his phone that was on top of it, opening the camera app before placing it near him on the mattress. "fuck baby, please. i need to record your pretty face taking my cock." he groans, seeing the mess of the wetness that surrounded your cunt.
"yes jungwon! please wanna feel you stretch me out—!" you whine, your own hands replacing jungwon's hand that was pushing your thighs back, exposing yourself bare beneath him. "fuckkkkk." jungwon hisses as he frees himself from his tight boxers, stroking himself slowly and finding eye contact with you. your big doe eyes begging for jungwon to fill you up. he obliges, pushing his thick mushroom tip in, causing you to let out a loud gasp, then bottoming out.
your hands hold your thighs tightly as jungwon stays still for a bit, allowing you to adjust to his size. "m' so full wonnie." you sigh, bucking your hips up with small movements indicating that it was okay for him to move. jungwon pulls out until only his tip is inside you and plunges into you deeply, making you feel every ridge and vein. you let out a string of moans in response, your warm velvety walls pulling jungwon in and tightening around his length. grunting in response as he scrambles to grab his phone. "keep your legs like that, show the camera how well you take my cock in that tight pussy."
you let a moan of jungwon's name when you see the flash of the camera on, the hand that wasn't recording to grab at one your tits. "so big jungwon—!" your words slur as he sets a relentless pace, the camera capturing the sight of his dick disappearing deep into your cunt, the wet sounds and squelches filling the room. your hands find purchase in holding jungwon's big shoulders, admiring the way the muscles on his arms flexed along with the thrusts he gave you.
"thaaat's it, show the camera who make you feel good." giving you a few more harsh strokes before stopping the video and tossing his phone to the side. jungwon curses at the sight of how easily your cunt sucks in his thick length. "so fucking tight baby, shit—! your pussy feels so good!" jungwon groaning as he feels your walls flutter around him. "so so good jungwon! more more more!" you babble, pleasure stinging in every part of your body. and jungwon was pretty much already giving you every you could'vr asked for in bed.
"you close baby?" jungwon asks, speeding his pace to an even more impossible level, hands moving your thighs over his shoulder, the angle making him hit even deeper, a small bulge displaying thru your stomach, making you press against the bulge. "i am—! please fill me wonnie. wanna be full of your cum mmh—!"
"shit cum around me like the good girl you are." jungwon didn't need to even ask twice as you throw your head back against the soft pillows on his bed, walls spasming around his cock as you let loose on your climax, jungwon following quickly after, making sure to milk every drop of his cum into you.
"i probably can't walk properly after this!" you exclaimed as jungwon came back into the room from the bathroom with a warm towel, wiping your now sensitive, spent heat. he laughs in response, "you were so fucking hot in the video, jesus." looking over the video that was recorded on his phone briefly.
"glad i could be of service." you sarcastically salute, eyes half lidded once cleaned up and with one of jungwon's t-shirts over your body. "sorry went a little too hard baby." jungwon kissing the exposed part of your shoulder blade, making you forget about the unfinished card game with heeseung outside, keeping you all to himself. ୨ ୧
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pomefioredove · 3 months
Hiii!! I was wondering if you could “I can’t stop thinking about you” with Jade? If ur prompt things are still open of course! If not that’s totally okay too!!
o7 anon
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summary: "I can’t stop thinking about you" type of post: short fic characters: jade additional info: romantic, reader is gender neutral, reader is not specified to be yuu, not proofread and maybe a little ooc a part of this event
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"And don't forget to lock the doors when you leave,"
Azul sighs, hovering in the doorway of the Mostro Lounge with his hands on his hips.
"Luckily, nothing was stolen last time I let Floyd take the closing shift, but luck is fickle,"
He pauses, turning to you. "I'm sure you, at least, will be able to handle something so simple."
You salute the tired-looking merman before the soft swoosh of the kitchen door interrupts the conversation.
"My, you have such little faith in me, Azul. I'm wounded," a smoother, much less tense, presence follows it.
You'd always wondered how Jade is able to sound imposing without ever actually raising his voice.
Azul huffs. "I clearly was not addressing you. Good evening to the both of you... Don't stay up too late,"
And with that, he's gone.
As soon as the door is closed and Azul's inky silhouette has vanished, you turn to look at the gentleman behind you.
"I didn't even know you were here,"
"I'm not supposed to be," Jade smiles, offering little explanation.
By now, you're sure he does that on purpose.
You don't feel like being baited into a conversation, but when your only other option is silence with Jade...
"I was taking stock," he says. "Both metaphorically and literally. We're short on limes."
His strangeness radiates off of him like a mist. You narrow your eyes at him; he's hiding something, you're sure. But what are you supposed to do- interrogate him?
"I'll leave a note," you mutter, turning your attention back to sweeping.
This is your very first closing shift at the lounge; no customers, no Azul, no sounds except for your own breathing.
And Jade's.
He smiles again. "Shall I help? You'll be done faster with another set of hands,"
He could just leave. He's not even on the clock... if this is him looping you into some ploy to get overtime, you swear...
"If you would like,"
Jade disappears into the kitchen, taking that strange air of tension with him, and returns with a rag and cleaning solution.
He's completely silent, perusing the lounge as if it were an art museum, admiring the specks and stains on each table before wiping them down.
"You seem nervous," he says merrily, not even looking at you. "Are you afraid of the dark?"
"No," a half-truth. "I'm just tired." a lie.
"I've read that many human children develop a fear of the dark. What's more, is that it's not considered irrational. How fascinating,"
You focus on the bristles of the broom in front of you. The Mostro Lounge does get rather dark at night... all of Octavinelle does.
"It's not irrational," you mutter.
"Perhaps for you. But in the sea, a child being afraid of the dark would be as silly to us as a child being afraid of sunlight would be to you,"
You pause to look out one of the windows in the lounge, the thick pane of glass separating you from the inky depths. It's almost pitch black at this hour.
Ugh. You're letting him get in your head.
You hum. "Is that why you're here, then? Protecting me from the dark?"
Jade smiles, watching you out of the corner of his eyes. "No. I was only making conversation. You seemed uncomfortable with my presence,"
"I just was expecting to be alone,"
"So was I,"
You pause, turning to him with a questioning glance.
As vague an answer as ever, you think, though there's a certain gleam in his eye that's daring you to find out for yourself.
He meets your gaze. "You interest me,"
Jade says it plainly, his tone soft, as if he thinks he might scare you away with any sudden movements.
"I can't stop thinking about you," he hums. "And I hope you understand my meaning... I do not seek to make you uncomfortable."
You set the broom against the wall. "You're not,"
He mimics you, setting the rag and bottle aside. If you didn't know any better, you could've sworn you caught a look of relief on him.
"Good. I have no malicious intentions... This time,"
You take that as a joke. It's not very funny.
Jade chuckles. "Ah, don't roll your eyes at me. I'm only lightening the mood... I would like to get to know you better, after all," he pauses. "As a confidante."
There's something oddly genuine about this.
He's as calm as ever, but you can tell there's a current of vulnerability hiding beneath the surface.
You can't help a smile at the thought.
"Not an informant, then?"
He smiles back. "Not with you, no,"
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arminsumi · 1 year
𝐆. 𝐒𝐀𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐔 — 五条悟 ⋅ fem reader
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NOTE: i really liked this idea and merged it with my little daydream of Gojo being in his clan and meeting you in a small village (like before he moved to the city or something) and tweaked it just a lil bit if that's ok!! i hope i delivered, and mwa ty for your request lovely anon i hope i got it all right, enjoyyy 💐
REQUEST: Can you pls write gojo who gets the Hanahaki disease cause of reader and gojos condition worsens so to keep the strongest alive the higher ups set up an arranged marriage with reader (her mission is to love gojo so he doesn’t die but she is defensive and uncooperative at first) but then she warms up to gojo (he does everything to make her happy) and they both live happily ever after 😭💕
SUMMARY — you meet a boy on a Taiko-bashi as a child. Little did you know, he was the prodigal son of the Gojo clan, and you would be married into that family to save his life.
WARNINGS — heavy angst to fluffy fluff, he steals ur first kiss, domestic life with ur kid Megumi at the end <3 😭, unrequited -> requited love, arranged marriage, quite a lot of blood/bloody flower mentions, disease/afflicted with coughing spells (see about the fictional Hanahaki disease here. Basically u cough up flowers and/or throw up full flowers if it gets life-threatening), poor boy almost dies, there’s a scene where it’s insinuated that he throws up a full flower, some teasing/playfulness yk the usual you'd expect from gojo, lmk if i have missed a warning thank u
PLAY ME ♪ bouquet — Ichiko Aoba
🍒 𝐉𝐚𝐲 — サクランボ ⋅ 𝐑𝐞𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐬/𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬 𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐩 𝐚 𝐥𝐨𝐭 !
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When you were seven, a boy a few years older than you – perhaps two or three – passed you by on a Taiko-bashi in a small village. You remember him as the boy with peculiar eyes and white hair who looked back at you on the bridge. In your eyes, it was a very ordinary encounter with a very extraordinary looking stranger.
But in his infinitely blue eyes, there was ingrained a more meaningful and vivid memory of that encounter. He held it very close to his heart. When you and he made that brief eye contact as he looked behind his shoulder, slowing at his mother’s side, he felt a windswept, lovestruck feeling come over him. He batted his pretty lashes at you and stopped walking for a fleeting moment, as if captivated, and then went his separate way with the image of your face burned into the forefront of his mind. His kimono fluttered as he tended to walk in a gliding manner.
When you were fourteen, the same encounter happened again. A familiarly pale face with barely grown-in features looked back at you – his whole body felt a twinge of excitement. He only took one small moment to look at you and yet knew you were the same girl he saw as a child on this very same bridge.
Years went by, and the two of you kept encountering each other at peculiar times in your lives at that same bridge. Neither of you spoke to each other once, well, you didn’t say a word – but he uttered a few boyishly desperate greetings and even bowed as he glided past you to try and get your attention. If only you would have stopped for a chat, the poor boy would have given anything for that.
In some way, it felt like the two of you knew each other, though it was only your eyes that ever talked.
Come your eighteenth birthday, you were burdened with awful news. You were to be married to a man you had never met – someone from the Gojo clan. That person was apparently fatally sick with a disease you had scarce knowledge on. You asked your friend at the time, her name you’ve long forgotten by now, about Hanahaki and all she said was;
“Your lover is going to spit flowers in your face.”
You scrunched your nose up in disgust and confusion at this. A very silly image formed in your mind about the disease ever since your old friend had said that – all you could imagine was your future husband spitting saliva-wettened, half-destroyed flowers at your face.
The Gojo family and your family had always distantly known each other, hence all the visits to the village that they resided in. Your marriage to Gojo was long-debated throughout the years – yet neither you nor him knew anything about it. Neither of you prospected marriage, you were just the two strangers that passed each other on the Taiko-bashi every time the Sakura was in bloom.
The first time you and the son of the Gojo clan were introduced, it had already begun with a rocky start. You walked in when he had been overwhelmed with a coughing fit, and you were hushed back outside. The shoji door smacked shut behind you, and you heard sickly coughs piercing through the translucent sheets. When your future husband stopped coughing, and the blood and petals were cleaned up, you were brought back into the room. There were both your families and some important-looking officials in the large room, all formally sat on the tatami mats with mixed expressions. His mother seemed delighted at the sight of your face – but not more than her son.
Gojo Satoru, an eighteen-year-old at the time, with usually such a loud mouth and good joke up his sleeve, was rendered speechless when you had walked into the room. He analysed and absorbed every feature that made up the image of what he thought was the most charming and alluring creature ever to exist. Definitely a creature, he thought as you formally bowed with him, because no human could possess such an ethereal beauty.
Satoru was intrigued by you from your encounter on the Taiko-bashi, but when he was finally introduced to you he was utterly captivated.
The reasons and conditions for your marriage with the Gojo clan’s prodigal son conflicted with your strong beliefs in love and romance. You had rather aggressively told the poor boy your opinions in the days leading up to your wedding.
“I always thought,” you emphasized with a snotty tone, yet he listened to you like one would listen to the tranquil flow of the river under the Taiko-bashi, “that I would marry someone I loved, and not be forced to love…” you seemed so disappointed with how your life was turning out, that he couldn’t help but feel a bit bad for you.
“I’m a positive person, I have faith that you’ll fall in love with me in no time.” He said cheekily and winked at you. You felt very taken aback by such straight-forward flirting – you must understand, no boys in your village ever did that. They were very proper, even reserved.
He was almost charming in that instant, but then he added; “Who wouldn’t fall in love with me?”
At the time he was so full of himself that you could hardly believe there was space for any petals in his body. But there certainly was – when you left him alone in that room and stormed off, appalled by his conceit, he clutched the side of the door frame and coughed up little pink petals – enough to comprise three whole flowers.
It started worrying him, a few days before the wedding, when he started coughing more often. And not just that, but he started coughing up more petals than he had ever in his life. The peculiar disease had started during a time in his childhood that was coincidentally very close to the time he first passed you by on the bridge.
The night before the wedding, he laid in bed and brooded. And he was never the type to brood – he let life happen and moved on relatively easily. But he brooded, and brooded until it felt like he sunk so deep into his futon that he became one with it. The ceiling blurred.
What was going to happen if you didn’t fall in love?
That thought scared him so much that he violently drove it out of his mind and replaced it with an ideal daydream; he envisioned you and him cuddled up, bracing each other’s bodies, and melting into each other like real lovers do. He imagined you would be warmer than him, with that cool touch he had, and you would also stroke his hair. It was very fluffy, he made sure to point that out to you several times – but you never took a hint.
On the day of your wedding, he snuck to meet you just before the ceremony. He was crouched in the garden outside the room that you were preparing in. It’s then when he heard you voice your feelings to whoever it was helping you get ready.
“How can I love a stranger? And anyways, he is so full of himself, I can hardly believe there’s space for any flowers in there. There’s nothing I like about him.”
“Oh, Y/n, you have yet to learn about him. I’m sure you will find he’s rather charming. He is the pride of the Gojo clan, after all – he has the Six Eyes and Limitless. He’s the strongest, he’ll always be able to protect you – ”
It sounded like the woman talking about him was your mother, with how she praised him so much. She was right, Gojo thought; he could protect you from anything.
His expression was grave after hearing your thoughts. But he put on a lightened smile and masked his slight heartbrokenness when the rituals and main ceremony commenced.
It was a very formal, rigid ceremony. Gojo looked up at you sadly a few times, wishing you would spare a glance. He brooded on the idea that you’ll never love him like he loves you, and then a sickening, ticklish feeling spread in his throat and just as the closing ritual ended, he burst into a coughing fit – one of his worst yet. A bit of blood dribbled out his flushed lips, contrasting against his pale skin. Of course you were concerned – and of course you felt the urge to help and comfort him. But those feelings were purely out of the goodness of your heart.
Friends share love. But even when you and Gojo developed something resembling a friendship, it didn’t alleviate his disease. It was embarrassing sometimes, to realize that you were failing at the one thing you had to do; and that was keep him alive.
He was quite genuinely dying for you to love him.
Yet you refused to be in the same room as him for too long. Your mother had to encourage you. Eventually, both his family and your family worked together to make sure you and Gojo spent adequate time with each other. They organized meetups ranging from fancy nights-out to long voyages to weekend sleepovers. It was comical, how your families got along more smoothly than you and Gojo.
It’s the spring of his nineteenth birthday when the thought of kissing you becomes a reality. Well, it doesn’t go as he planned it. See, Gojo envisioned that kissing you would solve all his problems – he thought he could infect you with his love, somehow worm into your heart through a passionate kiss.
So when you and him sat for tea in a spacious room, kneeled side by side on the tatami mats, he went in for a kiss. You were distractedly straightening out your kimono when suddenly a pair of inexperienced, boyish lips crashed onto yours.
“Mmf!” you reacted with sheer shock – why on earth was he kissing you? The audacity, he had just insulted and made a mockery of you with a cheeky, playful attitude.
“Satoru!” you whined into his mouth.
He cupped the back of your neck and partly entangled his hands in your hair. White lashes sat pretty as he closed his eyes and glided his wettened lips over yours. For the briefest moment, you let yourself enjoy his kiss. But suddenly, as if your principles of love kicked back in and stomped on the moment, you shoved him away.
And a hard shove that was, he fell out of balance and landed on the mats with his elbows, a look of shock and surprise twisting into comedy.
“Playing hard to get?” he joked. His heart sunk ever so slightly at your rejection.
“You can’t just kiss a girl!”
“Come on, I’m your husband – if I can’t kiss you, then who is allowed to?” he asked.
You looked furious, like you were about to bite him, so he slowly started backtracking.
“I just wanted to see if kissing you would – ”
“How dare you, that was my first kiss! I thought I would have a cute first kiss, not a hasty one shared over… over a cup of tea!” you complained.
His expression changed and he started sputtering apologies. “I’m sorry, I didn’t know – I – ahuh!” he started lightly coughing.
And now it was your turn to feel apologetic, because all the bad tension between you and him brought on another violent coughing fit for him.
“I’m okay.” He choked out, eyes water and face reddened – some blood pooled at the corners of his lips, he instinctually brought his hand up to his mouth to catch any that dripped.
You rushed and kneeled over him, placing a much-needed soothing hand on his shoulder. “Satoru, I’m sorry.”
He tried to muster up a joke to lighten your worry, “H-hey, since when d’you call me S-Satoru? I thought it was strictly Go-jo.” he was interrupted by more coughing.
You comforted him, until his parents came into the room. They seemed disappointed with you, but masked it.
The night fell heavy all around the Gojo home. The barren Sakura trees’ branches subtly shook in the wind. A storm was approaching.
“Hey, sweetlips.” Gojo slipped into your room as you were in the middle of preparing for bed. “There’s a big storm comin’, if you get scared you can sleep with me.”
“Are you out of your mi-” you shut up when a sudden, extraordinary crack of lightning sounded and shocked you right out of your skin.
Gojo had a little laughing fit at your overreaction. He was completely calm at such a loud noise. Of course he was.
“I’m not sleeping with you!” you muttered angrily, but then you saw the dejection on his face – no, rather, you saw the way he tried to conceal it, and you felt bad.
Maybe tonight is the night you’ll try harder, you thought.
“Okay, well, don’t cry like a wimp if the thunder scares you ‘cause I won’t come running to soothe you.” He said and left you alone.
When he walked down the hall, his fingers grazed over his lips. All he could think about was how blissful it felt to kiss you, even if you did reject him. And he was your first kiss – maybe it was wrong to smile over that, but he couldn’t help himself as he climbed into the comforts of his bed.
A violent rainstorm engulfed the village.
As the lightning got more frequent and more terrifying, Gojo scrunched up his shoulders and half-hid his face under his blanket. He felt like a boy again, as scared of the thunderstorms as he was when he was seven years old. His pretty upturned nose peaked over the blanket, eyes glistening with tears as he recalled the fateful day you and him encountered each other at the Taiko-bashi.
He held onto that memory with a death grip. No one else ever had the honor of being so close to his heart, not even his best friend who he had made at Jujutsu high when he was seventeen. No, that heart of his he kept reserved for you. He thought to himself that night, while curling up on his side in pain, that even if he dies, at least he would die having been able to love you – albeit without reciprocation.
And then it happened. He shot up and let out a violent cough, and began spluttering over his white blanket. The thunderstorm was so violent that it muffled even the violent coughing in his room. His head felt like a dense ball of tension.
Unrequited love for many boys his age was heartbreaking, but not deadly. He morbidly laughed at that fact, observing the flower that he had thrown up onto his blanket, soaked in his blood.
He was dying.
He defeatedly closed his eyes, breathing through his blood-glistening mouth. His chest lightly heaved. “Y/n, you’re really gonna be the death of me… ah, oh well. That’s okay.” He muttered madly to himself and fell back onto his bed, too weak to stay awake any longer.
It was probably the work of the universe, but you floated down the unlit hall and tapped at Gojo’s doorframe. “Are you awake? Satoru?” you called his name in a gentle murmur.
There was an eerie silence. You slid open the door and caught a glimpse of bloodied sheets and a mangled-looking flower.
“Satoru!” you rushed over to him, stirring him awake with a harsh shake on his arm. “Satoru? Are you okay? Can you hear me?”
He groaned weakly – you felt a small relief. He wasn’t dead, though he really looked pale enough to be. His cheeks were flushed, his lips cracked and dry with residual blood.
Not a word you spoke sounded coherent to him though it was, all he heard was the soothing qualities in your voice. Though his vision was blurred, he knew it was you, because he felt the familiar air and scent of you.
He felt a strange sort of alleviation when you cupped his cheeks, murmuring something. Oh, when did he end up in a doctor’s room, laid on a patient’s cot? Weren’t you and him just in his bedroom at night, during a loud thunderstorm?
All he recalled was that you held his hand and squeezed it for a long time, while you were travelling somewhere. He remembered feeling your comforting presence each time his consciousness stirred.
“Have I died and gone to heaven?” he chuckled jokingly, feeling your lips press to his forehead.
“Probably dreaming…” he muttered to himself.
“Satoru, you’re not in heaven you’re at Doctor Tanaka’s home.” You told him.
He pinched his eyes shut, overwhelmed by his afflicting sickness and Six Eyes.
“I’m so sorry…” he heard you speaking in a more tender voice to him than you ever had before. He felt the pressure in his chest lessen as you spoke, “… I was going to come to you because the thunderstorm scared me… no, actually, because I wanted to be with you. I felt this overwhelming urge to be at your side, and I don’t know why. Satoru, I’ve been such a fool. I’ve been such a scared fool, fearful of loving a stranger. Or, no, I guess I’ve feared loving someone I’m not supposed to be loving. You’re so special I feel driven away by it. But I promise I won’t flee from your love anymore, Satoru – I love you, and I’ll express it as much as I can in this feeble human form. The rest of our love will happen in the stars, after we die, I guess.”
He opened his eyes. It felt like the burdening fog that had been plaguing him since he was a little boy on the Taiko-bashi finally cleared. Everything felt fresh and sharp, and good and properly comforting. It felt like he had woken up from a long dream or arrived home from a harrowing journey through the landscapes of his mind.
“So you can be good with your words.” Was the first thing he said, and that was such a Gojo response that you knew he was okay.
“How do you feel?” you asked him, peering down at him.
He groaned and stretched and shifted around, fussing dramatically.
“I feel…” he began, and looked over at your lips. “Like I deserve to be kissed.”
“Oh, shut up you…”
He pouted. “Okay, ‘guess the kissing can wai- mmf!”
You kissed him very quickly and recoiled from shyness. His lips were divine.
He shot up out of the bed like he couldn’t just believe what happened.
“Wow.” He blinked at you. “So gutsy, you know you’re not allowed to kiss your husband!” he joked.
“You are such a – ”
“ – good kisser?”
“An idiot!” you giggled, genuinely enjoying his company.
The two of you bantered, basking in the newfound feeling of shared love. When the doctor came back in, he was preparing to witness the worst – but he was utterly surprised and at a loss for words when he walked in on you two smiling and laughing.
And it was the talk of the village. Neighbors gossiped, “Did you hear that Gojo Satoru is cured?” they spoke amongst themselves, “I heard! Apparently it’s a very romantic love story, did you read the newspaper article?”
You and Gojo drifted down the Taiko-bashi, together. He squeezed your hand when you set foot on the bridge, the cool skin of his wrist tickling your inner wrist as they pressed together.
“What are we doing here?” you asked him confusedly.
“Don’t you know this place? It’s the place we met.”
“Ooh, you’re romantic, huh?” you smirked.
A small blush crowned his cheeks.
“I’ve been romantic since the start.” He defended.
“What d’you mean! You were so cheeky!” you kicked his leg.
“I was quite a menace, I’m sorry – not sorry – kidding, kidding, I am sorry.”
He looked at you with a cheeky smirk, knowing damn well what you were talking about.
“You know…” he began, looking over the bridge at the river flowing beneath and admiring how the stream carried the Sakura blossoms. “Whenever I used to get coughing fits – bad ones – I would soothe myself with the memory of when we first met here. I can still recall the kimono you wore, and the Sakura that got tangled in your hair – and I thought about…” he came closer to you, speaking with a charming allure, “How badly I wanted to pluck that flower from your hair.”
You blinked up at him. How could such romantic words come out of him? You didn’t know how to respond.
“Ooh, did I make you shy?” he teased.
“I totally made you shy. That’s so sweet. Are you blushing?” he giggled, putting his cool palm up to your cheek to feel the heat, “Oh, you’re blushing blushing. You could burn my hand right off.”
“Satoru!” you giggled.
“Ah!” he clutched his chest dramatically when you said his name, “Don’t say my name like that! I have a wife.” He joked.
“You are ridiculous!”
He gave you a big, toothy smile. “But you love me for it.”
“I do.” You tell him, and though he’s heard it many times after that day, each time feels like the first time you’re saying you love him.
“Gimme a kiss.” He asks.
“Come get it.” You tease, slowly backing away off the bridge.
“Seriously? You’re gonna make me chase you for a kiss? I’ve coughed up petals because of you, ‘n you’re gonna do me like this – heyyy! Get back here!”
Running into the petal-littered streets like carefree kids felt so freeing and exhilarating. He felt like he was catching up on all the fun he missed, if only you would have lived in his village as a child or visited more often.
“Got you!”
“Ah! Jesus, you scared – mmmf!”
He didn’t hesitate to take a much-needed kiss from your quivering lips. He kissed you so hard that you felt dizzied, lost for breath, rendered speechless. And he relished the love pouring out from you.
You stood there being kissed by your husband in a quaint alley, standing tiptoed on the Sakura blossom-littered ground to meet him halfway. Gojo’s heart thumped at the smallest things, like the fact you were standing on your tiptoes – that was the cutest thing in the world to him.
The two of you took a break for breath, and silently admired the Sakura blossoms as they drifted, being swept away by the wind.
Gojo looked at them, and looked at you, and thought of everything that had happened up until now. He was about to say something lovey-dovey but blurted out a dumb joke instead just to hear your laugh.
“Damn, I used to cough up those things.”
You laughed, “Your jokes aren’t good, Satoru.”
“But you laughed.” He said cockily.
“Shut up or I will never kiss you again.” You playfully threatened.
“You don’t mean it.” He tilted his head at you. You cracked a smile.
On the walk home, he kept calling you various nicknames – all flowers.
That day became a cherished memory of the past as the two of you weaved your way into proper adulthood. And the nicknames followed; he went through the whole flower alphabet, even the bizarrely named ones, even the Latin root names. When he wanted to annoy you, he’d call you prunus subgenus cerasus.
Now Gojo fusses around the living room of his tiny Tokyo apartment, preparing food for a little boy of the name Megumi. The day is full and busy, but any second he can get with you, he relishes.
“My tulip, 'gimme a kiss.” He asks.
“Come get it.” You tease.
“Ew.” Megumi grimaces, hearing this exchange right as he walks into the kitchen. He walks right back out.
“Gumi, get back here, food is almost ready.” Gojo calls after him, then leans down to try and kiss you but you playfully dodge him.
It always happens like that – he asks for a kiss, you refuse jokingly, he chases after you for a kiss and you scamper away. Like a running joke that’s a callback to your past.
“C’mere, you – ” he finally snatches you up, too needy for a kiss to play around anymore. “Stay right there and let me kiss you.”
He enjoys every second of kissing you, embracing you tight like he’s never letting go. Just like when he first kissed you, Gojo cups the back of your neck and tilts his head to deepen the kiss. It has you breathless, gasping – he’s so alluring that you shudder.
“Satoru!” you scold, “The food will get cold…” you excuse.
“Okay, okay. But you owe me extra kisses tonight.” He winks.
“You’ll have to get them out of me yourself.” You tease.
“Oh, I will, don’t you worry. I’ll take every little kiss I can.” He says determinedly.
He pecks at your lips, savoring the sound and feeling of the act.
“Ew!” Megumi grimaces, and walks out the kitchen just as he walks in like earlier.
“Gumi! Food! Sit-your-silly-butt-and-eat! You rascal you.” Gojo lifts him by the armpits, and tickles him like a real dad.
Megumi is poker-faced at the tickling.
“Y/n, tell Gojo he’s being annoying.”
“Husband, you’re being annoying.” You murmur up at Gojo.
“Am I?” he smiles down at you, giving you another cheeky peck.
Megumi sighs.
“Stop spyin’ and start eating, little lotus.” Gojo threatens playfully.
“Dad. Save the flower nicknames for Y/n.” Megumi scrunches his nose up.
Gojo's face lit up. “Okay, okay. Enjoy eating, I'm gonna go see where she went off to.”
He hurried into the bedroom where you had wandered into and excitedly whisper-shouted “He called me dad!” he gushed like he was the happiest man alive.
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bratzforchris · 6 months
hi! can I have fluffy smut w/ johnnie please?! like similar to the the more feminine reader headcanons where they’re wearing a new pink set and tease him while he’s streaming or something!? thank you! love all ur content btw! 🖤🤍
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Summary: Dropping lunch off at Johnnie's desk results in much more than just a quick hug and a kiss
Pairing: CEO!Johnnie x feminine reader
Warnings: Smut, oral (m receiving), semi public sex (?), face fucking, hair pulling, quickie
Word Count: 923
A/N: I'm sorry this request took so long to get out, anon, but I hope it's worth the wait! Also, I know I strayed from the prompt a tad, but I saw this photo of Johnnie and couldn't resist :p Enjoy!!
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It was a well known fact that your boyfriend, Johnnie, was one of the biggest entertainment CEOs in Los Angeles. Having originally started out as a YouTuber himself, he had ended up coming up with the idea of creating a talent agency specifically for YouTubers, which had led to an enormous company empire that quickly had him wrapped up in all kinds of company calls, business meetings, and the like. Managing famous influencers such as Tarayummy, Larray, and the Sturniolo Triplets was never easy work by any means, but you and Johnnie both always put in the effort to make sure that you two got time together for your relationship. 
Like now for example. You were riding in the private, glass elevator of the corporation’s building to the top floor, in which Johnnie’s private office was. Despite keeping your relationship relatively private and quiet, you were known throughout the company as Johnnie’s girlfriend and the secretary on the ground floor had seamlessly shooed you into the CEO’s private elevator. You stepped out onto Johnnie’s floor, clutching the takeout bag in your hand tighter. Your boyfriend had a bad habit of forgetting to pack lunch or eat when he was wrapped up at work, so you had decided to bring him lunch from his favorite cafe as both a way to see him and get a quick ‘I love you’ and as a way to make sure he was staying healthy. 
You stepped into his private hallway, adjusting your half-shoulder shirt. Your lacy, pink bra peeked out from underneath the fabric, adding a touch of brightness to the modern, gray and white hallway. You walked towards the grand door that had a silver plaque reading ‘Guilbert’ on it. You knocked quickly, calling out. “It’s me, hun.”
Within a few seconds, Johnnie had opened the door, a tired smile on his face. “I wasn’t expecting you today, my love.”
“I thought I’d bring you lunch,” You smiled, stepping into his office and closing the door behind you. “I know how you can get when you’re busy.” You said gently, kissing his cheek and setting the takeout bag on his desk. 
Johnnie looked you up and down as he sat back down in his chair, running his hands through his hair. “Thank you, baby, but I think this,” he paused to gesture at your flowy, white shirt, pink bra, and pink miniskirt. “Is a much better gift.” 
You blushed, sitting down on his lap. “Whatcha working on?”
Your boyfriend sighed, clearing some papers off his desk and refreshing his computer. “A lot. Everyone seems to be wanting to change their business model right now.” he sighed. 
You pouted, not liking how Johnnie’s face was creased with stress, or how rigid his muscles were with anxiety. “I’m sorry, baby.” You hummed softly, not-so-secretly adjusting yourself on his lap. 
Johnnie let out an involuntary moan as he looked at you, blue eyes growing wide with arousal at the way you were practically teasing him with that bra strap and your girly little outfit. He held your hips as his boner grew, whimpering softly. 
“I have a meeting in fifteen.” he groaned, rather frustrated that he didn’t have all the time in the world to hike that little skirt up and bend you over his desk. 
“That’s enough time for me.” You smiled sweetly, looking up at him with doe eyes as you slid off his lap. 
You began to undo Johnnie’s belt and trousers, making quick work of getting his pants off. By the time you were done, his dick had sprung free and was already throbbing with arousal, the tip glistening with pre cum. You began to fist him softly with one hand, upping the teasing before you began to slide your tongue across his tip. Johnnie moaned, thrusting his hips forward and tangling his hands in your hair, eager for your pretty little mouth to relieve his stress. 
As you took all of him into your mouth, Johnnie moaned when his tip hit the back of your throat. He began to pull your hair as you made him feel good, your head bobbing as you sucked and licked his cock. Johnnie thought you looked absolutely adorable with your angelic looks and big eyes looking at him as you worked him. The familiar feeling of orgasm built in his stomach and he moaned, thrusting himself towards your face again and again. 
It wasn’t long before he came, throwing his head back with a loud grunt as thick, white ropes of cum shot into your mouth and down your throat. You pulled off Johnnie’s cock with a pop, smiling as you swallowed and wiped your mouth. “Feeling less stressed now?” You asked with a giggle. 
Johnnie leaned forward to kiss your forehead, simultaneously fixing his pants and hair, seeing as how the clock said he had three minutes until his meeting. “A lot less stressed,” he smiled softly. “You’re the best, darling.”
You blushed under the praise, straightening your own clothes. “I really love you, you know that? And I’m sorry for teasing you with my outfit.” You giggled. 
“I’m sure you are,” Johnnie rolled his eyes playfully, pinching your ass. “I love you, baby. Thank you for the food.”
You bid Johnnie a goodbye as he took the phone call for his meeting. As you stepped out into the hallway once again, you began to plot ways to make Johnnie feel even less stressed once he got home. In fact, you were never truly done teasing him. 
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simplygojo · 5 days
Unspoken Desires
Author's Note: THANK YOU for your kind words, my friend!! I loved this request, sorry for the delay on it hehehe. I love the concept of the Drink, Dare, and Desire and think it turned out pretty well so I was so happy to get your request. I hope it is what you were expecting, I am always open to feedback :) Lurrvv u anon <3 (sorry I forgot to include Nanami...MY BADD)
My requests are always open :)
Request: “no cuz like why did Drink, Dare, and Desire eat. its how i found ur account and now ive literally read all of your works. you are so so talented. like fr ur so underrated. i wanted to request if you could do smth similar to Drink, Dare, and Desire but with young gojo, geto, shoko, nanami? potentially a gojo au ^.^” - Anonymous 
Pairing: 19yo!Satoru Gojo x f/reader
Word Count : 4.1K
Warnings : 18+ Content, SMUT!, fingering, intercourse, alcohol use
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The Jujutsu High dorms were filled with a cozy, intimate glow as the evening wore on. The soft light from the desk lamps cast a warm, inviting hue over the room, creating a perfect setting for a night of relaxation after a rigorous week of training. The air was charged with laughter and the faint, comforting aroma of sake.
You, Gojo, Geto, and Shoko had gathered in the common room, the evening unfolding with a mixture of playful banter and flirtatious energy. 
Gojo, as usual, was at the center of it all, his charismatic presence impossible to ignore, not to mention he was such an attention whore. With a smirk on his face and a glint in his eye, he suggested a game of Truth or Dare, promising to spice up the evening.
“Alright, everyone,” Gojo announced, spinning the bottle with a dramatic flourish. “Let’s turn up the heat. Truth or dare?”
Shoko, lounging comfortably on the arm of the couch next to Geto, raised an eyebrow. “I’m in. Let’s make this interesting.”
Geto, leaning casually against the wall with a drink in hand, gave a nod of agreement. “Yeah, I’m game. Let’s take it easy on each other, though.”
The bottle spun and finally pointed to Shoko. She met your gaze with a mischievous grin, and you couldn’t help but smile back.
“Truth or dare, Shoko?” You asked, your tone laced with playful curiosity.
“Dare,” Shoko replied, her voice steady.
You leaned forward, emboldened by the alcohol and the thrilling atmosphere. “I dare you to share your biggest kink with us.”
Shoko’s cheeks flushed, but she responded with a sense of lazy confidence. “I’ve always been into dominant partners. I like it when someone takes control and knows exactly what they want.”
The room erupted in laughter and knowing looks as the conversation turned to more intimate revelations. The game continued, each turn more daring than the last. 
When it was Gojo’s turn, the bottle landed on you. His eyes sparkled with a mix of amusement and mischief as he leaned in, clearly excited to challenge you.
“Truth or dare, y/n?” Gojo asked, his voice low and teasing.
“Dare,” you replied, trying to match his playful tone.
Gojo’s smile widened, and he leaned closer, his eyes locked onto yours with a smouldering intensity. “I dare you to give me a kiss. Right here, right now.”
Your breath caught in your throat as you felt a rush of heat. The challenge was bold, but you couldn’t resist the thrill it sparked. You rolled your eyes but couldn’t suppress the smirk tugging at your lips. “Fine. You asked for it.”
Gojo’s expression turned from playful to interested as he leaned towards where you sat beside him. His lips hovered near yours—the anticipation was tangible. You felt a jolt of excitement as you leaned in, your lips meeting his in a tender and fervent kiss.
His kiss was a mix of softness and intensity, his lips exploring yours with a passion that made your heart race. A heat formed between your legs almost instantly after his long fingers found themselves around your belt loop.
The kiss deepened as Gojo’s lips moved against yours with an emotional urgency. 
His touch was firm but gentle, and the warmth of his lips moving hungrily against yours made your pulse quicken. You felt a surge of desire, a thrilling intensity that matched the fervour of his kiss.
When you finally pulled back, both of you breathless, Gojo’s gaze was filled with a mix of satisfaction and something more profound. He grinned, clearly pleased with the outcome of his dare. The room was charged with an electric tension, the intimate connection between you and Gojo palpable.
The awkward silence in the room was thick with anticipation as Shoko and Geto watched the exchange with a mix of amusement and curiosity. 
Shoko leaned back against the couch with a smirk, an unlit cigarette dandled between her lips. “Well, that was something,” she remarked, her voice laced with playful sarcasm. “Gojo’s definitely not holding back tonight.”
Geto, who had been observing with a mix of interest and approval, chuckled softly. “Looks like Satoru’s been keeping a few secrets,” he said, his tone light but edged with a hint of intrigue. “You two make quite the pair.”
You, still catching your breath, felt your cheeks flush at their comments. Gojo’s arm remained around you, his presence both comforting and intensely alluring. 
“Are you always this bold during Truth or Dare?” You teased, trying to lighten the mood while still feeling the heat from the kiss. You shoved his arm off of you and scooted back over to your previous spot on the couch.
Gojo’s grin widened as he looked down at you. “Only when it’s worth it,” he said with a confident wink, provoking another annoyed eye roll from you.
As the game continued, Shoko took another long sip from her cup, a teasing glint in her eyes as she leaned back against the couch. The atmosphere in the room had shifted, the playful undertones now replaced with a palpable tension. Each revelation that followed seemed to push the boundaries further, testing the limits of comfort and desire.
Shoko swirled her drink lazily, her lips curving into a mischievous smile. “Alright, Geto,” she began, her voice laced with amusement. “Truth or dare?”
Geto, ever calm and composed, raised an eyebrow at her. “Truth,” he replied smoothly, taking a relaxed sip of his sake. He had been observant the whole night, watching the growing tension between you and Gojo with keen interest.
Shoko didn’t miss a beat. “Tell us your biggest fantasy,” she said, her tone both playful and challenging, the question causing Geto to choke on his sake. The question lingered in the air, drawing everyone's attention.
Geto’s gaze flickered briefly to you and Gojo before he answered, his voice casual yet with an edge of sincerity. “My biggest fantasy?” 
He took a moment, his dark eyes glinting with a hint of mischief. “I’ve always thought about having control over every sensation someone feels. To see them completely at my mercy, knowing every touch, every breath I take is driving them wild.” His gaze settled on the ground in front of him as he finished, his smile growing. “There’s something irresistible about being in control.”
Shoko chuckled softly, clearly entertained by his response. “Of course, you'd say something like that. You’re so emo, Geto.” She rolled her eyes but didn't seem surprised. There was a flicker of intrigue in her eyes, though.
You shifted in your seat, the charged atmosphere making it harder to sit still. Gojo’s hand, resting dangerously close to your thigh, gave a subtle twitch, reminding you of his proximity. 
His fingers brushed lightly against your leg, sending another wave of heat coursing through you. You glanced at him, catching the faintest smirk playing on his lips.
After another round of revealing truths and daring challenges, Geto turned to Gojo with a sly grin. “Truth or Dare, Satoru?” “Dare,” Gojo replied with confidence.
“Have you ever had a wet dream about anyone here?” You practically choked at Geto’s direct question.
Gojo’s eyes gleamed with a mischievous light. “Actually, yes.”
The room fell silent, anticipation hanging in the air. You felt your cheeks flush as you glanced to your left at Gojo, who met your gaze with a knowing smile.
Geto leaned forward, putting a hand on his knee as he took a big sip of sake, clearly intrigued. “Who was it about?”
Gojo’s eyes locked onto yours with an intense, burning gaze. “It was about y/n.”
The confession hit you like a jolt, that burning heat returning to your crotch, making you squeeze your thighs together in an attempt to squash the feeling. The revelation made your skin tingle and your heart race. 
The room seemed to narrow to just you and Gojo, the weight of his words making your arousal more palpable.
Shoko sighed loudly, “What a shocker.” She said before tilting her cup up to drink the last few drops of sake she had in her cup.
You tried to steady your breathing, but Gojo’s intense gaze and the revelation had stirred a deep, simmering desire within you. The wet heat pooling between your thighs intensified, and you became acutely aware of every touch, every glance. 
Gojo’s grin widened as he saw the effect his words had on you. He subtly shifted closer, his hand brushing against yours with deliberate and charged intent. 
“Looks like I’ve got your attention,” he said, his voice low and sultry.
You met his gaze, your breath hitching as the atmosphere between you thickened. The desire in his eyes mirrored the heat you felt, and it was impossible to ignore the magnetic pull between you.
As the tension between you and Gojo thickened, his hand began to move with quiet intent, brushing against your thigh with the faintest touch. 
It was subtle—almost teasing, but the sensation sent a shiver through your body. He was barely touching you, but the electricity in that light contact made your skin tingle, every nerve hyper-aware of his presence.
You tried to focus on the ongoing conversation, but Gojo's fingertips grazed your thigh again, this time lingering just a moment longer. 
The casual way he did it—like it was nothing, just a simple gesture—made it even more intoxicating. Your breath hitched as the warmth in your core began to build, a slow burn that grew with each fleeting touch. You were practically squirming with arousal.
Gojo's gaze flickered toward you, his eyes filled with that same teasing glint—he knew exactly what he was doing to you. Every time his hand brushed against your skin, it became harder to ignore the growing ache between your legs. You shifted in your seat, trying to find some relief, but the friction only heightened your arousal. 
Shoko, who had just finished telling a long story about one of the corpses she was working with, chuckled and leaned back against the couch. “I think I’ve had enough for tonight. Time for a smoke and some sleep,” she announced lazily, stretching her arms above her head.
Geto, always the gentleman, gave a nod and stood up, finishing off his drink as well. “I’ll join you. I am getting pretty tired myself.”
You felt a strange mix of relief and anticipation as Shoko and Geto prepared to leave, the prospect of being alone with Gojo sending another thrill through you. 
The playful teasing from earlier now seemed to hang in the air like a promise, unspoken but understood.
As Shoko and Geto moved toward the door, Gojo’s hand slid further up your thigh, his fingers brushing dangerously close to the hem of your pyjama shorts. You bit your lip, trying to steady your breathing, but the heat between your legs was now a steady throb, a pulse that begged for more of his touch.
“Night, you two,” Shoko called over her shoulder with a knowing smile. She and Geto gave a final wave before stepping out into the cool night air, with Geto following behind her.
As the door clicked shut behind Shoko and Geto, the room seemed to grow quieter. The only sounds now are the soft hum of the air and the pounding of your heart. The atmosphere thickened, the lingering heat of their playful banter giving way to a deeper, more charged tension.
Gojo broke the silence first as he slid his hand off of your thigh, his voice low and teasing, carrying a weight that made your pulse quicken. 
“Looks like it’s just the two of us now,” he drawled, the words rolling off his tongue like silk. He leaned back against the couch, his legs spread in a confident but relaxed manner, but the intensity in his eyes behind those rounded shades told a different story. 
There was something predatory in the way he looked at you, his gaze tracing the curve of your body with shameless intent.
You swallowed hard, the room feeling smaller, more intimate now that it was just the two of you. The heat that had been simmering between you all night flared to life, and it became impossible to ignore the pull, the desire that had been building.
“I guess it is,” you replied, sounding far steadier than you felt.
Gojo’s smirk widened as he shifted closer, his knee brushing against yours, the subtle contact enough to send a shiver racing down your spine. 
His eyes stayed locked on yours, intense and unyielding, as his hand slowly slid toward your thigh, already pressed against his. His fingers barely grazed your skin, a feather-light touch that sent jolts of electricity sparking through your body, igniting every nerve.
“You’ve been driving me crazy all night,” Gojo murmured, his voice dropping lower as his fingers traced lazy circles along the inner part of your thigh, the teasing touch maddeningly gentle. “I’m sure you know that, don’t you?”
You nodded in response, but you felt your breath hitch as his hand slid higher, the heat from his palm searing through the fabric of your shorts. The way his fingers lingered so close to where you wanted him made your skin tingle with anticipation. 
It was agonizing, but it was also thrilling—the way he held back, drawing out your need until it became unbearable.
“You’re torturing me, Gojo,” you managed to whisper, your voice betraying the desperation building inside you. The ache between your legs was nearly unbearable now, every touch of his hand sending waves of heat through your body.
Gojo’s grin widened, but the look in his eyes was darker, more intense. “Am I?” he teased, his fingers slipping just beneath the hem of your shorts, grazing the edge of your panties. “I haven’t even started yet.”
The deliberate slowness of his touch was driving you insane, and you could feel the wetness pooling between your thighs as his hand hovered so close, teasing but not quite giving you what you craved. 
You had enough, and you went to stand up, to move yourself onto him yourself. But he pushed you back down into your seat with one of his large hands on your abdomen.
“You’re such a tease,” you breathed as you were forced back down–your voice catching as he moved closer to your face, placing a teasing kiss on your neck.
Gojo chuckled, the sound deep and rumbling. “I like watching you squirm for me,” he confessed, his hand finally slipping beneath the fabric of your shorts, brushing lightly over your soaked panties. 
The contact sent a jolt of pleasure through you, making you gasp softly. “It’s almost too easy.”
His touch was maddening, his fingers tracing the outline of your folds through the thin fabric, but not quite giving you the pressure you needed. He placed sloppy kisses trailing down your neck as he toyed with you.
You could feel your pulse quicken, the heat between your legs intensifying with every second. The anticipation was unbearable—you were practically clawing at your cage—you found yourself leaning into his touch, silently begging for more.
“You’re so wet already,” Gojo whispered, his breath hot against your ear as he leaned in, his lips grazing the sensitive skin of your neck. “Is this all for me?”
You could barely think, let alone form a coherent response. All you could do was nod and a meek-sounding “mhmm,” your body trembling under his touch as his fingers continued to tease you, slipping beneath your panties now, gliding through your wetness with practiced ease.
“I knew you wanted this,” he murmured against your skin, his lips pressing soft kisses along the curve of your neck. His fingers found your clit, circling it with a slow, deliberate rhythm that made you audibly moan. The sensation was overwhelming, and your body arched into his touch, craving more.
“Tell me what you want,” Gojo whispered, his voice a low, seductive hum in your ear as his fingers worked you with expert precision. His other hand slid up your body, cupping your breast through your shirt, his thumb brushing over your hardened nipple. 
The combination of sensations—the way his fingers moved against your clit, the heat of his hand on your breast—was almost too much to bear. Your body ached for release, the tension coiling tighter with every passing second.
“I want you, Gojo,” you gasped, your voice trembling with need. Every nerve in your body was on fire, your skin tingling with the promise of what was to come. “I want you in me,” you breathed out, almost embarrassed to say it out loud.
Gojo’s smile was wicked as he applied more pressure, his fingers moving faster now, coaxing out those sweet, soft moans from your lips. 
“That’s more like it,” he whispered, his lips brushing against your ear. His other hand slipped beneath your shirt, finding your bare skin, his touch firm and possessive.
Just as you felt yourself nearing the edge, Gojo pulled back slightly, his fingers exiting your gummy walls, leaving you teetering on the brink of release. “Not so fast, y/n,” he murmured, his voice filled with amusement. “I can’t let you cum for me quite yet, I wanted to recreate that dream I had…”
With a swift movement, he lifted you, adjusting your position from sitting beside him to straddling him. As you straddled him, you could feel the hardness of his cock pressed against your soaked pussy, aching to be inside you. His hands on your hips were firm, and his touch sent shivers down your spine.
His smirk softened into something darker, more primal, and without another word, he closed the distance between you, capturing your lips in a searing, hungry kiss. Your hands tangled in his soft white hair, gripping it tightly as you leaned into the kiss. 
Gojo’s lips moved against yours with an insistent hunger, each kiss deepening the tension between you. His hands gripped your hips firmly, pulling them into a grinding motion as his bulge pressed harder against your core, the friction sending jolts of pleasure through your body.
Gojo inhaled sharply, and he pulled back just enough to meet your gaze, his blue eyes now dark with desire. “You feel so good like this,” he murmured, his voice low and rough. His hands roamed over your waist, pulling you down onto him. T
The two of you exchanged as your breath came out in short gasps against his mouth, each movement of his hips making you crave more. 
You could feel the heat radiating between you, the pulse of your shared desire growing stronger with every subtle grind of your hips.
As you straddled him, he unbuttoned his pants to reveal his giant cock, making your mouth practically water with anticipation. Teasingly slow, he pressed the thick head against your entrance, the heat of him making you dizzy.
He teased you with the tip of his thick cock, pressing it teasingly against your entrance before slowly pushing inside. This evoked a string of moans echoing his name in the now-empty common area. 
With a deep groan, he thrust into you, filling and stretching you with each powerful movement. He threw his head back in ecstasy as loud moans escaped his lips, while you felt your walls pulsing around him. 
You could see the tension in his muscles as he thrust into you, his face contorted in pleasure with every powerful movement. Gojo’s mouth hangs open in a blissful expression, and your own body is flush with desire and need as you watch him.
The sensation was almost too much to handle, but the intense pleasure kept coming. 
Gojo's warm body pressed against yours, your skin slick with sweat and heat as he moves inside you. Every thrust feels like a wave crashing over you, his hands gripping your hips tightly as he pulls you closer.
As he pounded into you, the sensation of his skin against yours was electric, igniting every nerve ending in your body. Your hands grasped at his chest as you rode him, feeling the muscles flex and tense with every thrust. And as you tightened around him, you could feel his body respond, moving with even more urgency and need.
Your screams echoed through the room as tears streamed down your face from the overwhelming pleasure of his dominating rhythm. And even though you knew that Shoko and Geto were in their rooms just down the hall, you couldn’t help but keep shouting out his name in pure bliss. 
You should have known, but due to Gojo being the self-proclaimed ‘strongest,’ you two spent the next few hours fucking in that common room. 
Neither of you had gotten much sleep, but somehow, you ended up in his bedroom, tangled in the sheets of his small bed, lying in each other's arms as you cracked a few jokes with each other, laughing until the sun rose.
Gojo's piercing blue eyes locked onto yours, his gaze steady but filled with a raw intensity that sent a shiver down your spine. His usual cocky smirk was nowhere to be seen. Instead, his lips were set in a thin line, the vulnerability in his voice betraying his usual confidence.
"Y/n," he whispered, the words rough but so quiet, like they’d been sitting on his tongue for far too long. "I’ve wanted this... wanted you...for so long."
It was surreal seeing Satoru Gojo, the strongest sorcerer, like this—unguarded. 
His white hair fell loosely across his forehead, framing his handsome face, and for once, his eyes, usually concealed behind his goofy-looking sunglasses, were fully visible, the intensity of their electric blue drawing you in like gravity. 
It was as if the entire universe had quieted, and all that remained was this moment.
“Gojo…” you whispered back, your own voice trembling slightly. Your heart pounded in your chest as you reached up to brush a strand of his hair away from his face. His skin was warm against your fingertips, and his gaze softened at your touch, but the heat in his eyes only grew.
A small smirk finally pulled at the corner of his lips, though it lacked his usual bravado. “Aww, look at you,” he teased lightly, his voice low and husky, but there was a nervous edge to it. “Looks like you care for me too, huh, y/n?”
His hand cradled your face, his long fingers grazing your cheek with a gentleness that contrasted sharply with his usual arrogance. His thumb brushed lightly over your lips, and you could feel his cursed energy ripple faintly, heightening every sensation, every touch. 
“Oh wow, what gave it away?” You teased, a small laugh escaping your lips as you planted a small kiss at the corner of his lips.
"I've dreamed of this," he admitted, his forehead leaning into yours. “Yeah, I know. You told all of us about your wet dream.” You said it with a giggle, a playful tone still in hold of your words. 
His breath was warm against your lips, and you could feel the tension between you building, like the moment before lightning strikes. 
"Yeah,” He laughed at your quick remark, “There is that. But that’s not what I meant this time. I have dreamed of this—of holding you, of telling you how much you mean to me." His voice dipped lower, laced with emotion.
“Satoru…” you said, your voice trembling as your hands slid up his chest, feeling the solidness of his body beneath his clothes. There was so much strength in him, but right now, all you felt was the vulnerability and desire he rarely showed anyone.
The kiss deepened slowly, not out of hunger, but out of a desperate need for connection, as if he had been holding these feelings back for so long and could finally let them out.
He pulled back slightly, his breath ragged as he gazed down at you. “Do you know how hard it is to control myself around you?” He said, his voice dripped with desire. 
He leaned in, his lips brushing softly against yours in a kiss that was so gentle—so full of emotion, it nearly took your breath away. His usual smirk was gone, replaced by an earnestness that you rarely saw from him. 
“You mean everything to me,” he whispered, his forehead resting against yours. His fingers tangled in your hair, his touch tender. “I need you to know that. I don’t want to hide it anymore.”
And in that moment, with Satoru Gojo’s arms around you, it felt like the rest of the world had faded away, leaving only the two of you and the emotions you had both been too afraid to share for so long.
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mimicmimikyuwrites · 2 months
The Riddler (Edward Nashton) Dating Headcanons
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Ask: "shakes ur hand. hope it's not too much, but could i req some headcanons on what'd it'd be like to date the riddler/edward nashton? i dont mind SFW or NSFW! :3"
Contents/Possible Warnings: Angst, Edward is slightly a little creep, fluff, GN!Reader/AMAB and AFAB inclusive, smut warnings in labeled section, SMUT, MDNI
Other Notes: I did both SFW and NSFW, but they're separated into labeled sections in case anybody wants to only read one or the other. I'm happy to be writing for Eddie again! Thank you, Anon. 💚
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SFW Headcanons:
You're most likely to meet him somewhere he frequents heavily, such as his workplace or his favorite diner. You're probably his coworker in some way or someone who works/is a regular at the diner. He's not very social, so it'll take him a while before he greets you in any way. Expect a lot of glances or small smiles from him before he feels confident enough to strike up a conversation with you.
Alternatively, you could even be a follower of his. This would change the meeting dynamic a lot, as he'd be more confident in talking to you; he does have ways of knowing things about you if you attend his streams (you should probably invest in better security for your computer, y'know.)
Edward has never had any sort of long-term or serious/semi-serious relationship before you, which is something he's never been proud of. His relationships before you were short-lived and when he was much younger, and they typically came to be because someone pitied him or needed to use him for something. They were hardly really even relationships.
He doesn't form bonds easily with others on account of never really being given the chance, so his relationship with you cycles between him being distant and scared to interact with you out of fear of rejection or abandonment, all the way to him being very clingy and affectionate when he realizes you're not leaving.
Even when he's deep into his fears regarding rejection, he's still very loving. Not a day goes by without him telling you how much he appreciates and loves you. You're the first person in his eyes to truly give him a chance, and he'll never let that go.
Similar to how he sees Batman before meeting him face-to-face in Arkham, Edward thinks you're the only good thing in the city. You are his angel in every sense of the word, a beacon of light in his miserable life.
Going back to the topic of affection, he starts very awkwardly. He's touch-starved in every single way. He's rarely been hugged, kissed, cuddled, etc. He craves affection, but it scares him at first, because he's afraid of fucking it up and pushing you away.
His first kiss with you is something you initiate, and he freezes up when your lips touch his. With his heart pounding in his chest from pure adrenaline, he melts into it, letting out a desperate whine against your lips. He is pathetic in an endearing way.
You'll have to teach him how to kiss, but he's a quick, eager learner. Soon after, kisses will become a primary form of affection for him (giving and receiving).
He's the first one to say "I love you," albeit accidentally. It had slipped out one night while you were on a date, and while he meant it he worried it was too soon, or that he had even might've mistaken your relationship for something more serious than you had seen it.
You had to reassure him that everything was alright and that you did share his feelings. "I love you, Eddie." You had told him.
He had never heard those words before, and they felt exhilarating to hear. He almost started crying, but held it back because you were both in the middle of a restaurant and he didn't want to embarrass you. Once you two get home he hugs you tightly, crying into your shoulder as he does. He's just so happy.
Jumping to discuss his inevitable change into the Riddler, he's very secretive about it in the beginning. It's for three main reasons: he doesn't want to jeopardize his plans and work, he doesn't want to scare you, and lastly, he doesn't want to lose you.
You found out on your own, discovering his whole Riddler outfit hidden carefully in a mostly unused storage closet in your shared apartment. You do eventually accept him and what he's doing to some extent, but his hiding it from you does cause tension and a newfound distrust in your relationship.
Once things settle he's eager to show you off to his followers. He covers what features need to be covered, of course. With a mask of your own covering your face, he gleefully introduces you to his watchers, a myriad of giggles leaving him as he does.
You're met with a positive reception by his chat, with many asking to see you in future streams. You become a feature of his tamer ones, usually being in the background or chiming in occasionally.
Weirdly, his crazed giggles and little riddles are nice to hear. They mean he's happy, and that's what you want for him. He's lived a horrible, lonely life and you think he deserves something good for a change.
All in all, Edward is an awkward, but sweet man to be with. Even when he's dangerous and out for blood when donned in his Riddler persona, he'd still never hurt you. He's in love for the first time in his life, and every part of him cherishes you. Whether he's your Eddie or the infamous Riddler, a lot of love is to be expected from him. He'd happily kill for you, no questions asked.
Bonus: He gives you a lot of cards filled with cheesy, romantic riddles. "What flower is kissable? Tulips." Or "What did the paper clip say to the magnet? I find you very attractive!" The more it borders on being funnily cringe-worthy, the better it is to him.
NSFW Headcanons (Contains: Oral sex, rough sex, unprotected sex, creampie, sex on a live stream, semi-clothed sex, questionable use of duct tape):
He fucks like he's in heat. The first time you have sex with him he's rutting into you, trying to get as much of you as possible. He's whimpering, moaning, and whining. He's loud, too. He tries to speak, to let you know how fucking good it feels and how much he loves you, but he's unable to. He's overwhelmed by it all, but it feels too amazing for him to stop
He doesn't last long during your first time, spilling into you with barely a warning, a long whine of your name leaving his mouth as he cums. When he's done he has a dopey smile on his face, green eyes glazed over.
He cuddles after sex every single time. He may like feeling used during the act itself sometimes, but afterward, he wants to feel loved. Snuggle with him, give him little kisses, and clean up with him and he's good to go. Sex is very intimate for him, especially when he's being submissive to you during the earlier parts of your relationship.
This man loves to give oral. He's sloppy and makes a mess of you while he does it, but he is eager to please. He sucks dick/eats pussy like it's his calling and his life depends on it. Please tug on his hair while he's on his knees for you, he loves it.
Edward may give you control, but the Riddler is a different story. The mask gives him confidence and makes him feel fully in control. He feels unstoppable. He'll be a lot rougher and degrading, often demanding you beg for him to touch you. Even so, he's still your Eddie under that mask, and Eddie fucks like he's desperate.
If you're up for it, the Riddler will have sex with you on his stream, claiming it's a little treat for his loyal followers. It gets him off knowing that even though you're being viewed by hundreds all across Gotham City, you're still his and he's the only one touching you. He likes to show off what's his.
He's a fan of taking Polaroids of you during the aftermath of your sessions. Some of his favorites have you tied up with his cum in or on you.
Speaking of tying you up, he likes to use duct tape on your wrists for some extra, kinky control over you.
Edward Nashton is a horny, desperate little freak.
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Ok. I have a request took me a lot of courage to finally request and shat myself a couple times but anyway! A one shot where choso lives in y/ns dorm with them and he was like doing his hair and kept messing up and gave up and started crying (I FEEL LIKE THATS SOMETHING HED DO THE POOR BOY:() thennnn y/n walks in their dorm and sees him crying and then comforts him and does his hair for him!!
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synopsis// choso is having an off day.
➚ pairing// choso x gn!reader ➚ word count// 1.4k
contents// frustrated/sad choso? idk just some hurt/comfort in a way! fluff?? could be read as either platonic or romantic doesnt really matter i supposeeee? i think it kinda reads more romantic tho
notes// anon ur actual fucking MIND. i was moved. literally right after reading ur request i opened up my notes and went to fucking WORKKK!!!! anyway sorry its so kinda all over the place but i hope u like it and it lived up to ur expectations!! n also sorry to everyone else for posting a oneshot mid smau its short n cute okay (AND ITS FUCKING CHOSO SO LIKE CMON???) i couldnt help myself !! also the title is lyrics from cupid's chokehold by gym class heroes... okay bye!
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Sharing a dorm with Choso was heavenly.
Because of your conflicting schedules, half the time, you rarely actually saw each other. But even when you did, he was the type of roommate to keep to himself; he has his side of the room, and you have yours. Of course, you two talked here and there; he was actually pretty nice company whenever you two were actually in the room at the same time. But more often than not, the only time you would see him was late at night when you were just getting in to go to sleep.
Either way, the point is, you never really saw him around much. Choso was always quick and effective, so by the time you would head back to your dorm after a few of your classes, he would just be heading out or have already left.
Usually, his alarm would go off an hour before his classes, which is ample time for him. He’s done his routine hundreds of times before—doing his hair and eyeliner is practically muscle memory, and at this point he's sure he could do it in his sleep. but not today, apparently. Today his alarm goes off late—half an hour late. Which Choso isn’t panicked by, only slightly frustrated, but it's fine. That still leaves him another half an hour to get ready, so there's still plenty of time given that it only takes him 10–15 minutes to get ready, so it's fine. Everything is fine; he repeats it in his head like a mantra, like if he thinks it and says it enough, he’ll actually believe it.
Choso quickly dresses, then sits at his desk, where a little mirror sits. He sighs as he flips on a lamp and grabs his eyeliner. He doesn’t even have to think about it, instinctively taking the cap off and bringing it to his eye, only for it to crumble as it meets his waterline. Choso cusses under his breath as he blinks, attempting to get whatever fell into his eye out. When that doesn't work, he rubs his eye, only for it to spread eyeliner all across his eye and cheek. He groans, grabbing a cloth to wipe it off with, and once his face is clean, he doesn't even bother trying with his eyeliner again—looking at the time, he’s already wasted more than he wanted doing that. He’ll just do his hair and leave, or else he’ll be late.
Choso stills for a moment, forcing himself to take a deep breath to try and calm the nerves and frustration simmering beneath his skin—it's fine. He nods. Now somewhat calmer, he grabs his hair ties and gets to work… only for one of them to break as he’s trying to put his hair through it. Choso stares at himself in the mirror, eyes narrowed and swallowing harshly, as he desperately tries to ignore the rising heat going to his cheeks.
It's fine.
He’ll just do the other side of his hair...only for the same thing to happen. Choso can actively feel his heart racing—it's pounding against his chest and ringing in his ears—and he’s already too far gone to notice or even stop the tears from falling down his cheeks. He doesn’t really know why he’s actually crying, if he’s being honest. It’s not like this is the end of the world; he knows that, yet he can't stop himself. Too many things have gone wrong, and he’s barely woken up. First, his alarm goes off late, which isn't the most horrible thing within itself, but then his eyeliner crumbles and gets in his eye, and when he tries to wipe it away, it instead smears on his face. Then he rubs his face raw, trying to get it off, and now he can't do his fucking hair because his hair ties suddenly decided to disintegrate and snap in half.
He messily wipes at his tears and tries inhaling deeply for air in a feeble attempt to calm himself the tiniest bit down. It doesn't do anything. In fact, it makes things worse. His tears fall harder, and he’s choking in shallow breaths of air. If anyone walked in right this moment, they’d think something horrible happened, like one of his brothers died. and it's just his luck, or a very obvious lack thereof, when you walk in. Choso immediately starts scrambling to wipe his tears away and hide his face from you as you drop your things in shock—you hadn’t expected him to still be in the dorm, let alone be here crying.
“Holy shit, Choso, are you okay? What's wrong? Did something happen?” You panic, immediately running to his side.
He doesn’t say anything; he just takes in and lets out shaky breaths as he shakes his head, one arm outstretched to keep you at arm's length.
You frown and look around. For what? You’re not sure. Part of you thinks if you look hard enough, you'll find why he’s crying, but all you see are snapped hair ties, a crumbled, unsharpened eyeliner pencil, and a cloth full of eyeliner. That’s when it all starts to make sense. You smile softly at him, who's still hiding his red tear-stained face from you, before you grab his comb and a new pair of hair ties from his desk.
Choso doesn’t know what you're doing when he hears you shuffling around, and he refuses to meet your gaze, filled to the brim with embarrassment at having been caught crying, but his head involuntarily snaps up, looking at you through the mirror, when he feels you start to brush his hair. You're already staring back at him and flashing him a warm smile, not saying a word as you continue to detangle his hair.
“You don't have to do this,” he sniffles, finally calming down enough to say something.
"I know I don't," you shrug. "But I also know it sucks when it seems like nothing is working or going to plan, so..."
"I can do it myself-“
"Choso, just let me do this for you, please.”
He stares at you for a moment, studying your face as if trying to find something, and when he finds nothing but your soft eyes and willingness—your desire—to do this for him, he sighs and nods. You beam and gleefully get back to work on his hair, and Choso finds that he’s no longer embarrassed by being seen crying but rather by the fact he feels like a doll—but the worst part? It's kind of nice.
He likes having someone do this for him with no hesitation; he likes the way your fingers carefully rake through his hair to ensure there's no tangles even though you just combed it; he likes the way you don't tie the ponytails too tight like he usually does, which only results in a pounding headache he can't get rid of; he likes all of it.
He likes all of it so much so that he finds himself closing his eyes in complete bliss, drowning in your gentle touches. You poof up one of his ponytails a bit, ready to tell him you're done, when you look into the mirror and notice his eyes closed, looking like he’s in a whole other world. You can't fight your smile off as you play with his ponytail for a bit longer before slowly wrapping your arms around him and resting your head on his shoulder.
“What do you think?” You whisper, your breath softly fanning against his ear.
Choso opens his eyes, surprised to see you pretty much hugging him from behind, yet he doesn't hate it, not one bit. Too caught up about how much he does not hate this; he doesn't respond, and it makes you nervous.
“Sorry… I know they don't look exactly like how you usually do them, but-“
"No, no,” he cuts you off quickly. “They look amazing... Thank you, y/n...”
You smile, happy with his answer, as you untangle yourself from him and stand up. “You should head out now, Choso; you're late.”
He blinks, totally forgetting about class, and hurriedly stands up. "Right, thank you again,” is all he’s saying before rushing out the door.
You giggle slightly before yawning and making your way to your bed, ready for your usual nap, when Choso comes rushing back into the dorm again. You stare at him wide-eyed, and he simply stares back.
You furrow your eyebrows, confused, and are about to ask if he's okay when suddenly he blurts out:
"I wouldn’t mind if you did my hair again.”
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crystcrm · 1 year
i share ur struggle.. i ACHE for gepard or welt content so hopefully i could request for something like that? im js gonna throw a bunch of ideas and you can choose whichever
relationship hcs (what he’d be like, how does he show his love etc)
sleeping together (take this whichever way you want)
cooking together in the kitchen (im a whore for this stuff idk why😭)
bedroom hcs (kinks, fav positions, literally anything i need it so bad)
anon i hope you know this ask gave me like 5000 braincells. like suddenly i am THINKING. it's so insane how one little ask full of random blurbs gave me so much life to write even just the smallest things.
literally welt and gepard are my two faves rn, i'm fr just waiting for jing yuan to come out. jing yuan my beloved <3<3
but anyway, as for this little ask, i think we'll ease into the hsr content with some fluff ( i am all due for it anyway, i have Not been writing and i also need the fluff because my god does life hit hard ) so sit tight >:)
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love and cherishing you ♡ ;; various x gn!reader headcanons
content;- sfw , fluff , headcanons list , how some hsr boys show their love for you ♡♡ , overall just really fluffy because i need toothrotting stomach ache inducing head swirling sweet fluff sometimes... , nothing about getting together but just general hcs on what they'd be like in a relationship , reader is nooooot...? the trailblazer but could possibly be interpreted as such if you squint
characters inc:- welt yang , gepard landau ( includes post-belobog arc content, not extremely spoilery but take note that i chose after the jarillo-vi conclusion to open up more opportunities >:3 )
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together with welt yang . . .
welt has lived life longer than perhaps anyone on the express, being from another world and used to living as the first ( second generation ) herrscher of reason, a herrscher that sided with humanity. he didn't expect to get sucked into another adventure, one where he'll meet many companions, see unbelievable sights or even... fall in love.
he's an old soul, yet his heart still has a grand passion for what he does. the fire within him burns, and perhaps, you stoke the flames. a motivation unlike any other to show you the wonders of the galaxy— of every world.
his love is not the most openly shown, an old man can be embarrassed sometimes. especially in the face of his family of the astral express. his affections for you are for you two only. his touches, his words, the little things that make sparks fly are all special and meant for your ears and eyes only. be it in the privacy of his room, or late nights when everyone else is fast asleep, he'll always find a way to make his love for you known when nobody else is looking.
time together with you is always time well spent. he enjoys it perhaps just a little more than going on adventures with everyone. you could be doing anything, and he wouldn't mind simply sitting in silence together with you. it's comforting, relaxing. it's moments like these where he gets to unwind with you. it's essentially a recharge— he doesn't even have to hold you ( but if you'd like that, he'd be more than happy to ).
he used to be an artist— an animation storyboard artist. his skills on paper would definitely outmatch the rest of the crew. he already likes to have his experiences captured in little drawings in his notebook. well, you happen to be one big, long lasting experience. one that he can't wait to see what more comes while experiencing it. you swear that you can catch him gazing at you every other day, and you always see his pencil moving across the papers in his book. inside are sketches of you in all your beauty, how he adores you, even complete with little notes about the things you like.
he wishes to show you the world, all there is to be seen across the entire galaxy. he will be there, to guide you, to accompany you. it's not that he doesn't trust the rest of the crew, but really, this is the closest thing to a date you've ever gotten. taking in the sights of new worlds, creating new memories together, and maybe getting tossed in a bit of trouble along the way. sure, it may be tiring or troublesome, but he wouldn't want to face it with anyone else.
those that come across him know him as welt yang, but this is the name he has inherited. he doesn't tell it often, perhaps, but at least you know him. the real him. he's not just welt to you, but also joachim. it is something he entrusted to you, who he is, who he once was, who he shall become— everything about him.
he adores you, and all your entirety. you are like a burning star in the galaxy above, one that burns with him.
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together with gepard landau . . .
gepard, captain of the silvermane guards is a busy, busy man. between his duties as captain and his daily life, he does his best to find time for you. his lack of charm is exactly what makes him charming, some may say. he's no nonsense, stubborn, "famously uncompromising" ( as his sister claims ) with an unmatched loyalty. it sounds horrendous, but perhaps that's exactly why you love him.
you tell him he should prioritise his duty first and foremost, he is an important figure in belobog, after all. and he does, he stubbornly commits to it. even if he can see in your eyes that you're hesitantly letting him go again. it's in these rare moments that he gives you a small, warming smile and a gentle embrace— he tells you that he'll do his best, for the preservation of belobog, for its people— and most importantly, you.
bothering him on patrol isn't one of your favourite activites, there are definitely more enriching things out there, but you still do it from time to time. usually, it's when the nights are a little colder and you can't seem to sleep. it's the same old thing, each and every time. he tells you you should get home, but not after a quick walk together with him. you'd chat about the little things, and he'd even shyly try to hold your hand in such a moment. after that, he personally escorts you back to your residence, and never forgetting to leave without a kiss goodnight. it may be a simple kiss on the back of your hand, or you might get up for a quick kiss on the cheek. you don't know what you do to him.
gepard doesn't strike me as a type that knows a lot in this area. he was born and raised as a noble child, and then went straight into becoming a protector of the city he grew up in. he'd feel a little flustered at a few things, the ideas and thoughts that come to him while together with you. he's even more embarrassed as he goes to his sister for advice on how to deal with such emotions. he reads books, fiction of romance that he does best to turn into your reality. it's not perfect— he's still clueless on what's a really good date— but he's always trying harder just for you.
it's not often that he gets free time, but once he does, he's quick to seek you out... after his sister of course. for many good reasons, actually. other than the usual check in with his sister he loves so dearly, she is more helpful than most others despite her teasing. serval is a big source of support in his relationship with you, not to say you two can't handle it yourselves. he's just rather clueless about love as a whole sometimes, and she's there to give him a little nudge in the right direction. thanks to her, gepard brought you flowers once, and he does it every so often.
never underestimate the lengths he'd go for you. he may be constantly out there in the front lines trying to combat the antimatter legion and the fragmentum, and he may be busy with training the guards or some other silvermane business, but he would always keep you in mind. you're part of his motivation, and you've grown to be the biggest part of it. you could tell him it's nothing important, if you ask for something, like a favour or likewise, but because it's you, he'll put it right at the top of his priorities. you are his priority.
dates are difficult, especially when you're captain of the guards. walking around with him attracts more attention than any other thing, but it doesn't stop him from inviting you out. the luxuries of belobog would be easy for him to indulge in, as a landau and as captain, but truly, simply spending time with him is enough. your favourite dates are ones where you freely walk aimlessly in the day, perhaps after a bite to eat. fresh snowfall is light upon the city streets, unlike the eternal freeze. you find it hard to resist temptation, letting yourself be swept off your feet for a sweet kiss in the everlasting winter snow.
gepard landau has an immense lack of charm. he's stubborn, he's uncompromising, and maybe even a little dense or a little blunt. but the brighter side of these qualities always show around you. he'll find a way to see you, and he won't rest until he has. his lack of knowledge in this department has him cutely flustered from time to time, but also has him doing unknowingly romantic things. he loves you, and he wants you to know that.
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zhaosbin · 4 months
mr shen will see you now - s. ricky
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summary: literally just the beginning of 50 shades of grey...
reader: ricky x afab reader
warnings: dom ricky x sub reader, oral (m receiving), cold!ricky, they have sex on his desk... MINORS DNI
a/n: i will proofread this in the morning also TYSM to the anon that sent this in ur sooo real
it was the first day of your new internship and somehow you got stuck interviewing the most affluent man in shanghai. you didn't really know much about shen ricky, other than the fact that he owns half of china and was ridiculously gorgeous. from the outside, he seems like a very stern and cold man so you were anxious the entire day leading up to the interview.
entering shen enterprises, you approach the desk lady who was dressed head to toe in YSL. you thank god you had worn a nice dress today although it was rather short, it seemed to fit the vibe of this place.
"excuse me, my name is y/n i'm here for the interview with mr shen" you say impressively composed.
to your surprise, the rather intimidating looking desk lady was actually very sweet.
"oh hello dear! please take a seat and i'll go check if he's ready" she says cheerily.
you thank her with a nod of your head and a smile while you try to keep your anxiety under control.
breathe y/n. it's just an interview like the hundreds of ones you've done before. it's just an interview...with an insanely attractive man... you cut your thoughts off when the desk lady reappears.
"mr shen will see you now" she says professionally while smiling at you.
you quickly get up to follow her into the elevators and try your hardest to push your thoughts from before away.
when the doors open you step out, half expecting the desk lady to walk in with you. you giggle out of nervousness and wave to her as the doors of the elevator shut, leaving you alone in front of his door.
gathering up any bit of courage you had left in this moment, you gently knock on the door to his office.
"come in" a deep voice says and you take one last deep breath before you open the door.
you don't think anything could have fully prepared you for this situation. not your four years of college or the three internships you had prior to this one. no. nothing could have prepared you to meet shen ricky.
you didn't think it was possible, but somehow he was even more gorgeous than he appeared in the magazines and newspapers.
hoping he didn't catch onto you openly eyeing him down, you take a seat with your pen and paper in front of his desk.
mr shen looks down at you, an unreadable expression on his face.
"h-hi my name is y/n and i'm here to interv-" he cuts you off.
"i know why you're here. i have a lot to do today so if we could get on with the questioning please" he says very straightforward.
you nervously smile and open ur notes to find the questions your company had prepared.
while flipping through all of the pages, you didn't notice the beautiful man in front of you staring at your legs, or rather, the parts that weren't covered from your short dress.
after finally finding the page with the questions, you look up at him to find him making direct eye contact with you.
"so the first question i have for you is to what do you owe your success" you say while reading the page carefully.
mr shen sighs.
"are these really the questions you want to ask me? you can look at any interview i've done before and find the answers to all of these" he says while sounding annoyed.
all of your anxiety comes back and your palms start to sweat. you haven't even been here for 5 minutes and you already pissed him off.
before you could even come up with an answer, he beats you to it.
"i want to know about you" he says sharply.
"about me? but sir i-i'm here to interview you" you mutter out confusedly.
having someone as cute and fragile as you calling him sir ignited something in ricky.
"i want to know why you chose to wear such a tiny little dress to come interview me. was it on purpose?" mr shen says almost seductively.
you had to have heard him wrong. there was no way this gorgeous man even took notice of your clothes let alone the length of them.
"i-i don't know what your talking about sir" you say gulping and biting down on your lip just a bit.
it was only a bit, but once he saw that there was no stopping him.
he motioned for you to come over to his side of the desk. you knew the interview was over at this point and you didn't really care if you got fired. maybe you did care a little, but the wetness beginning to form in your panties was all you could focus on.
you quickly get up, not wanting to piss him off even more. once you were standing in front of him, he patted his lap.
your eyes widened. he had to be joking. there was no way. there was just no way.
poking his tongue into the side of his cheek, you could tell mr shen was starting to get fed up with the slowness of your actions.
after seeing that, you immediately plop down on his lap, the skirt to your very short dress riding up your thighs a little more.
mr shen started gently rubbing your legs and you were trying to keep your breathing under control.
"are you okay with this?" mr shen asks you, for once sounding sincere with his words.
"yes mr shen. please" you all but whimper out.
"call me ricky or sir. do you understand?" he says going back to being his stern self.
"please sir. i need you so bad". you could feel the dampness from your panties transferring onto his expensive suit but neither of you cared.
after hearing this, ricky immediately pulls you in for a kiss.
the kiss didn't last very long and it was rather innocent, well, that was until he started grabbing your hair and kissing you harder.
you moan into the kiss while sliding your hips up and down his thigh desperate for any sort of stimulation.
ricky smacks your ass and you yelp.
"be a good girl darling" he says almost threateningly.
you halt your movements on his thigh and try to distract yourself by focusing on his lips against yours.
ricky pulls away from the kiss and pushes you down onto your knees.
immediately understanding what he wanted, you quickly undo the buttons to his expensive slacks.
you pull down his boxers immediately to see his cock already dripping with precum.
you waste no time attaching your mouth to his cock, taking as much of him into your mouth as you could fit.
ricky groans and shuts his eyes, grabbing the back of your ponytail to guide your movements.
"i knew you could be a good girl" he says smugly.
the only reply you could give him was a muffled hum around his base that had him jerking his hips.
after a few more bobs of your head, ricky was getting close. too close.
he gently pushed your perfect mouth off of him and made work of stripping your clothes off of you.
he lifted you up with ease and placed you on top of his desk.
having had enough of all the foreplay, ricky lines up his tip with your achingly wet core and slowly pushes in.
you both moan at the feeling and he leans in to kiss you again.
his slow speed didn't last very long and he easily switches into a much faster pace.
"fuck you're so tight" ricky groans out.
"please sir, make me cum" you try not to shout as his cock is ramming into you.
and your wish is his command.
after a few more harsh thrusts, you feel relief wash over your body. fucking you through your orgasm, ricky cums right after and let's out the sexiest moan you'd ever heard. you swore you could die.
before the two of you could even take a breath, there is a knock at his door. he places his large hand over your mouth.
"mr shen your 5 o'clock appointment is here" the same desk lady from earlier chimes behind the (thankfully) locked door.
"cancel it" ricky says sternly staring into your eyes.
you had a feeling this interview would last more than your reserved 30 minute time slot.
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mncxbe · 11 months
I believe Ur requests are open rn, so can I request bad men (pls include jouno I'm so down bad for him rn 😭) taking Ur V card? How would they act, etc yk?
Anyhow, Ur writing is beautiful and I wish you a good day/night 🤍
tysm anon^^ you're really sweet and yes ofc I can write for that. hope you like it♡♡
also the way I resisted including my fav dilfs I cannot. internal battle fr
First time♡
𝑫𝒂𝒛𝒂𝒊, 𝑪𝒉𝒖𝒚𝒂, 𝑱𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒐, 𝑻𝒂𝒄𝒉𝒊𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒂 𝒙 𝒇𝒆𝒎!𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓
𝑮𝒆𝒏𝒓𝒆: smut♡/ itty bitty fluff
bro does not go easy on you just because it's your first time
he will be gentle at first until you get used to his size and all but after that he'll edge and overstimulate you until you're a babbling mess under him♡
wants to be on top so he can see your pretty face
doesn't really care about the whole making the first time special. every time should be equally special^^ so don't expect anything too fancy
for aftercare you cuddle
"Shit baby. Look at you taking me so well" he praised, leaning in to place a chaste kiss on your tear stained cheeks.
It's only been half an hour since the two of you got in bed but your boyfriend had you cumming countless times already. Legs wrapped loosely around his waist, your glossy eyes rolled back in your skull as you pleaded him to stop.
But how could he stop when you were chanting his name like a prayer with each of his thrusts?
A heartfelt chuckle rolled past his lips as his thumb pressed on your aching clit, rubbing gentle circles on it.
"What was that bella? Want me to stop? Can't have that until you cum one more time. You can do it f'me yea?" he cooed, smiling down at you.
You only nodded in response, too fucked out to form a coherent thought. And so your sweet boyfriend kept rolling his hips against yours, reaching your sweetest spots until your high washed over you again; leaving you panting softly.
When he eventually pulled out, Dazai rolled to the side and slid his arms around you, pulling you flush against his frame. The sheets were damped by your sweat, cold against your skin.
"Was it good bella? Did you enjoy yourself?" he asked, nuzzling his head in the crook of your neck.
You sighed deeply, feeling your breath slowly return to its normal rhythm.
"If I liked it? God damn you Osamu it was amazing" you smiled, kissing his damp forehead. "I love you"
"I love you too baby" he whispered softly, smiling contently. Not long after you both fell asleep, relishing each other's embrace.
he's so gentle and caring
puts his whole chuyussy into it; there will be scented candles, silky sheets and he probably buys you a fancy lingerie set
takes his time with you with foreplay and when you actually do it he's so tender. holds your hand. constantly asks if you're ok
he does not stop until you cum at least twice
"Good girl. You're taking me so well baby"
for aftercare you either take a warm bath together or share a glass of wine while you debrief the sex; what you like and dislike and what he should do different next time
overall an amazing experience
The sweet, syrupy scent of the candles placed on the nightstand lulled you into a blissed out state. Your gaze was hazy as you took in the imagine of your boyfriend underneath you, ruby coloured locks standing out against the pearly white sheets.
Chuya's thumb gently caressed yours as he gave your hand a reassuring squeeze.
"You feeling good princess?" he hummed, watercolour gaze carefully observing your expressions.
You rolled your hips against his at a steady pace, meeting his thrusts; and nodded, a sultry smile tugging at the corners of your lips.
At first your boyfriend wasn't too keen on letting you be on top. After all, it was your special night. Why would you have to work for it? But after coaxing two orgasms out of you he finally agreed and helped you straddle him before burying his cock deep inside you again.
As for now you were chasing your high again, manicured nails softly grazing the skin of his chest as you let your head fall back and mewled so sweetly for him.
"Chuu..." you began, struggling to keep your pace but failing miserably. Chuya's free hand came to rest on your hip, guiding your movements.
"That's it baby you can do it. Just a bit more ok?" he groaned and squeezed your hip.
After you both came and you stumbled off him, laying on the damp sheets beneath, Chuya let out a mellow laughter.
"You did so good baby. Did you enjoy yourself?"
"Yea, I did. And you?"
"Obviously" His fingers brushed a few stray strands of hair from your face; he couldn't help but smile when he saw the content expression on your face, a mask of pure bliss.
"How about we take a bath sweetheart? Sounds good?"
You only nodded in response, eyes shutting tight as you shifted closer to him. Your boyfriend rested his hand on your head, gently caressing your hair.
"Okay then. I'll go get the tub ready"
just like Dazai he likes to overtsimulate you but he's a bit more gentle
the fact that he picks up on your reactions- hitched breaths and heartbeat- helps him adjust his pace
the perfect mix of praise and degradation sjsjjs
loves to hear you moan
any position is good for him. as long as you feel comfortable
for aftercare you just cuddle♡
Jouno could feel your heartbeat spike as he pushed himself deeper inside you. You were so sweet and warm; he was utterly entranced.
"Ah fuck Sai" you mewled, causing your boyfriend to shudder lightly, his strong arms threatening to give out. You made him so weak.
You've both been at it for a good while but Jouno showed no sign of stopping. And how could he when your walls were wrapping around him like a vise, milking him of all he's worth? The pretty pleas and mewls that rolled past your lips were like music for his ears, a sweet symphony just for him, that only added to the cocktail of pleasure.
But of course he couldn't let you see the effect you had on him, so he picked up the pace, causing your eyelids to flutter shut.
"What a pretty doll I have. I could swear this ain't your first time judging by how well you take this dick" he chuckled, relishing the feeling of your velvety walls fluttering around him. "Shit baby. You gonna cum again? You like it when I talk to you like that don't ya?"
"Y-yea" you babbled out, fingers sliding to the nape of his neck as you pulled him in for a sloppy kiss.
A small groan left Jouno's throat as you both reached your high, the tight knot in your abdomen snapping into a delicious pool of heat.
Your boyfriend gently rested his forehead against yours, mumbling sweet praises until you both regained your breaths.
After a few seconds he tried to roll to the side but you quickly wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him back on top of you.
"Just stay like this for a bit. It feels nice" you hummed sleepily against his shoulder, earning a soft sigh from your partner.
"As you wish baby" he smiled, his lithe fingers finding your, loosely interlocking with them.
another gentle boy; when I tell you he's more nervous than you
Tachi really wants to make your first time special so he asks you 1000 times if you're sure you wanna do it
takes his time with foreplay and when you get to do it he takes it slow. maybe a bit too slow. he just doesn't wanna hurt you
but as soon as you tell him you're good he'll pick up the pace
please for the love of God praise him
he whimpers (sources: trust me bro)
for aftercare he brews you a cup of tea and you talk about how you felt
"But you sure you felt good right? Right??"
"You sure you're ready sweet thing?" asked your boyfriend with a concerned expression.
"Yea. I am, don't worry about it. I just need you so badly" you whispered in response and he nodded, slowly pushing himself inside you.
And oh you felt divine. Tachihara couldn't contain the loud groan that fell from his lips when he bottomed out and slowly started moving, rocking his hips against yours in a steady rhythm.
"You ok there pretty?" he asked, taking in your features; you looked so beautiful sprawled beneath him like this, silky hair a tangled mess from all the foreplay.
You bit your lip and nodded in response as you urged him to pick up the pace; and naturally he did.
Soon after you were both panting, His eyes were shut tight, mouth slightly agape as he whispered sweet nothings against the shell of your ear.
"You're so good f'me sweetie. You feel like heaven." he said in a sultry voice between sweet moans and whimpers and you swore you could've came just by the sight of his blissed out expression. Your boyfriend's hands worshipped every inch of your heated skin, fingertips slowly tracing down your body to rub little circles on your puffy clit.
"Baby wait wait I'm-" you attempted to protest but were cut off by his gentle touch.
"Shh sweet thing it's ok. Need ya to cum f'me like a good girl"
The moment he spoke those words a wave of pleasure washed over you, causing your thighs to squeeze his narrow waist.
Nails digging into the plush skin of your hips Tachihara let out a groan, thrusting a few more times before releasing his cum deep inside you.
"God that was..." he sighed, eyelids fluttering shut for a moment as he took a deep breath in. When he opened them again and saw the mess the two of you made, his cum dripping down your thighs as you desperately squeezed them together he got out of the bed and rushed to the bathroom to bring you a towel.
"Here you go babe. Lemme clean you up" he smiled gently, brushing the puffy material against your sensitive skin. "Was it good?"
"Of course it was babe" you replied, returning his smile "But I could use some sleep now"
"As you wish"
He slid back underneath the covers, arms wrapped tightly around your waist as he nuzzled his head against the nape of your neck.
"You were amazing darling. I'm so happy I got to be your first" he hummed, sending warm tingles down your spine.
What did you ever do to deserve someone as sweet as him?
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lexluvswriting · 3 months
♛ Princess Treatment.
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“Ain’t it like thunder under earth, the sound it makes? Ain’t it exciting you, the rumble where you lay?”
- NFWMB; Hozier.
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-> Pairing: Loki x plus-size! princess! reader.
-> CW: 18+ CONTENT! NSFW! SMUT AHEAD! MINORS, DNI. fem! reader (she/her), fem genitalia used, plus-size reader, allusions to low self-confidence and harmful behaviours, mentions of fat shaming, princess reader au! Loki is a doting, loving, lowkey-obsessed partner who loves to see us shine! Breeding! DON’T be like these dummies, regardless of what timeline ur in. Wrap. Before. You. Tap.
-> TW: porn with slight plot; no use of y/n; soft-ish dom!Loki x sub!reader; unprotected p in v sex; oral sex (f receiving); face-sitting; praising (f receiving); body worship (f receiving); dirty talk; breeding (lol); mirror sex, mirror sex, mirror sex!
W/C: 4.8
╰┈➤ Lex's note: thanks to this anon’s req, you all have this!! firstly: i am so sorry for ghosting, and being super late in my fic posting!!! it wasn’t intentional at all 😔 (uni is hard & mental health takes a toll T-T). second: Loki! Likes! Thick! Girls! anyway- Hozier did inspire this, HOW DID YOU KNOW?? indeed, NOTHING fucks with Loki's baby. I hope i did this request justice AND i hope we all giggle & squeal at this beautiful God the way i did. TYSM ANON for requesting <3 <3
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“I do not believe this to be a fair council if we are not considering the voices of the people.”
Your voice was clear as you stood to say your piece, smoothing one of the ruffles along the waistline of your dress as you did so. Your head was held high as you spoke, commanding the attention of all the others who were part of this monthly council- the royals from the territories surrounding Asgard would convene at certain locations routinely to discuss oncoming threats, or other diplomatic concerns as ‘equals’, with today’s meeting taking place in one of King Odin’s many conference chambers.
“Malekith’s constant threats put strain on our territories, yes, but also on our citizens. Pulling more tithe from our villages will not warrant greater victory- I believe that it will worsen the tensions that are already rising.” As you continued your advocacy, you glanced around to ensure you held each attendant’s attention, before your eyes settled on blue irises that twinkled with usual cunning charm. Your mouth was on auto-pilot- this speech rehearsed to the point where you mumbled it in your sleep at times- allowing you to focus on the beauty of the prince across the table. His eyes of blue, like Jotunheim ice, watched you with a fondness only you could recognise while he reclined in his chair, flipping his dagger as he listened to you. Each time you felt flustered, you’d look back to him, for his eyes to soften and his chin to dip in the smallest, softest of encouraging nods, flushing out your nerves and leaving a sensual warmth that started in your chest and leaked into your lower stomach. You could do this. You could do this, then retreat back to the comfort of your lover’s room and let him coddle you like he loved to do.
“As lovely as your attempts are, princess, we do not have time to shed wasteful tears over a few peasant bodies.” A dry, dismissive voice cut you off before you could conclude; the callousness in his mention of the ‘peasants’- including your own people- made your fists curl. An older man from a neighbouring kingdom waved his hand dismissively as he sat back in his chair, swirling his goblet lazily. He barely spared you a glance, shaking his head as he continued with a bored expression,
“We deploy soldiers to protect these peasants. What do they need to fear? They are expected to provide mass harvests, and we deploy mass protection. If they do not know how to serve their kingdoms, why should we prioritise the preservation of such useless people?” 
Your breath stopped, eyes widening as you turned to him directly, yet you sensed Loki go deadly still in your peripheral, noticing the way he caught the dagger, blade facing up, holding it a little tighter as the lord spoke.
“Their families are starving enough as it is. They do not control the weather, nor the integrity of the soil! We cannot possibly place more expectations-”
“If they were worried about providing for their kingdoms, they would not be so reckless in their breeding, princess. If they were smarter, they’d sacrifice a few of those runts to gain more supplies. That, my dear, is why the rich stay rich, and the poor stay poor.” He droned on, the lord’s beady eyes finally looking at you, up and down slowly before his lip curled in a sneer,
“Perhaps their ‘starvation’ is simply a thinness they’ve earnt from working as hard as they have. Not that one might expect you to understand, princess.” The comment left a bitter taste in your mouth, making your throat tighten as the room suddenly went cold. You felt as if every pair of eyes watched you- scrutinising your rounder, curvier appearance compared to others. Granted, you weren’t the most ‘conforming’ to society’s beauty standards as far as princesses went within the nine realms, but you had believed your curvier body type was representative- beautiful- despite the criticisms. Yet the current whispers that swirled from around the room, the stares that your paranoia sucked in greedily, it made you want to crumble in a little heap and wither. In that moment, your stomach tightened, as if it would never eat again, and you felt yourself sucking in, straightening your posture subconsciously at his twisted, barbed retort.
“What exactly are you trying to imply?” The voice that spoke up was not your own but rather, the God of Mischief who stayed reclined. You watched him, slowly twirling his dagger between his fingers again- a calculating, threatening display of dexterity that made the bystanders in the room stiffen- while he cocked his head the way a beast would before devouring its prey. You had been on the receiving end of that stare many a time, but his eyes would not gleam with murderous intent; rather a hunger, as if you were a Goddess offering your nectar to a starving man. Yet even that memory couldn’t quell the uneasiness you felt as you slowly sat down, still silent.
“I did not say you could sit, princess.”
Your thighs had barely touched the edge of the chair as you froze, eyes flicking up to meet Loki’s who watched you with that mischievous gleam; plotting, planning, the way he usually was. You tried to shake your head, not wanting to be in the spotlight any longer, but he nodded, pointing his dagger at you as if it were a goblet- finally stirring something in you at his protectiveness,
“I’d like to hear you finish,” Your thighs squeezed together at the implication, “Your ideas seemed very promising- far more fulfilling than the vitriol I’ve heard during the earlier half of this forsaken meeting.” Huffs and murmurs of protest started, before being hushed as Thor- a supporter of your’s and his brother’s private relationship- cleared his throat, nodding at you to continue.
You hesitated, swallowing thickly as you slowly stood up again, voice considerably less confident than before as you completed your proposal, which had left the other participants nodding or murmuring contemplatively to those next to them. The lord who had insulted you simply rolled his eyes, taking a swig of his goblet before chiming in again- as if he couldn’t help himself-
“Ah, yes. The people’s princess. Forgive me for being so ‘out of order’,” His sneer told you the exact opposite as he sat back with a sigh, “At least they’ll know who to come to for meat if your lands are ever amidst a siege.” He muttered under his breath, earning a few malicious sneers and snickers, and as Loki snarled, Thor banged his hammer against the table,
“That will conclude this meeting. We will return later, when we have remembered how to behave like proper royals, and not barbaric animals.” He growled, the threat evident in his voice. You didn’t meet Loki’s gaze as you ducked your head, the first one to leave the meeting hall with tears that welled quickly.
--- ⋆⁺₊✧。˚⋆♛。⁺୨୧˚⋆⁺₊✧ ---
“I never want to go to another meeting again.”
“Oh, my darling, don’t say that.” He murmured, pressing kisses to the crown of your head as you buried your face against his torso. He had been laid back against the headboard of his bed, waiting for you after the meeting with his arms out wide as soon as you entered, and you crawled into them with teary eyes, sniffling as you lay in between his legs, face nuzzled against his torso as you cried a little.
“I feel absolutely humiliated!”
“My darling- my little Goddess- your father sends you as a representative to these meetings because he sees your brilliance, as do I-”
“Yet they all laughed at me!”
“Nobody would dare, my love, not unless they wanted my daggers carving out their insides.” His voice had remained soothing as he cooed praises, one hand rubbing your back while the other loosened the ties of your dress, letting you relax more, breathing freely as the corset underneath the bodice stopped crushing your chest and compressing your internal organs.
“He was right.”
“Who, love?” He hummed, barely listening to your vent, more focused on soothing you and your body- his vice, as he’d tell you whenever he was in between your legs, or looking up at you as you’d ride him- only to pause at your next words.
“The lord.” You sniffled, looking up at him with teary eyes as you shuffled slightly, climbing up him to rest your head against his chest.
“The lord? The lord is an insignificant fool- a worm who has been left alive to wriggle for too long. You are wonderful, beloved-”
“Loki.” You groaned, sullen as you hid your face against his neck, not in the mood for sympathy- regardless of how sincere it may have been.
“Be honest with yourself!” You snapped, the anger not even anger at all, but a storm of self-doubt, harsh self-criticism and insecurity,
“All these nobles see is a frumpy pig in pearls & frilly dresses, alright? So let us say it for what it is. I am fat. I am fat, and hard to look at, and I don’t even look like a proper princess-”
“Never,” He had flipped you both over faster than you could blink, his snarl protective as he grabbed your face with his left hand, pinning your hands above your head on the pillow with your right, rearranging your positions with that unfair godly strength he possessed, “Utter that filth again.”
Your tears had stopped in their tracks; doe eyes wide as you looked up at him, pouty lips parted in shock, face slightly flushed from crying.
“For as long as the sun brings day, and the moon calls night, I never want to hear you utter such horrid curses. Not a damn word. Do you hear me?” He growled, fingers holding your chin firmly before his hand cupped the side of your face instead, thumb brushing away the tears that lingered before he rubbed at the soft squish of your cheek. His index and thumb pinched at the apples of your cheek- the only apples he’d crave as long as he lived- gently, before kissing either side of your face.
“You are the only woman in all nine realms I love. You are the only woman I want; be it above me, beneath me or by my side. You may be the people’s princess, but you are a queen to me. The only woman I would kneel for- be it in the comfort of our bed chambers, or in the middle of the damn courtyard. Understand?” His words reverberated in your ears, rattling around your puddle of a brain before slinking over your heart and straight down to your core. The warmth he had triggered when he defended you during the meeting came back again in full force, your breathing hitching as you gawked up at him, before finally nodding dumbly, as if you had lost all ability to speak.
“If this is truly how you feel, then I must be punished for failing you.”
You blinked, trying to understand where he was going with this- your sulky voice a mere squeak as you echoed his words,
“P… punished?-”
“Oh, yes. Severely punished, for failing to present just how infatuated I am.” He murmured lowly as if this was a grave offence, his cock stirring in his pants as he saw your brain working behind your eyes; the way the words clicked and the way your thighs squeezed together, making your cheeks redden as your lips quivered.
“If I have to fuck my love into you for you to remember how beautiful you are, then I will make sure neither of us leave this bed until I have done it successfully.” His voice had taken a husky dive, your stomach coiling as your chest puffed up, nipples pebbling beneath the layers of fabric making up the bodice of your dress. Your body responded for you, tears drying to accommodate the curious twinkles of desire that began to shine through instead. His hands moved slowly, grabbing at the clothed flesh of your shapely hips, before slowly moving up over your body- your heart racing, even skipping a few beats from the intensity that he stared at you with- before his palms cupped your breasts. The soft mounds of your body could not simply be contained by a God’s measly palm, as if testament to your beauty, and he groaned at the sight, before grabbing his dagger impatiently, making you squeak,
“Loki!” You grabbed his hand, “I like this gown.” You mumbled, the lust glazing over your irises, making him huff softly before discarding the small weapon, only to pull you to sit up right on the bed with him, ridding you of the garment as he pulled it off.
“I could have bought you ten more. Ten more dresses to adorn this heavenly body.” His praise was a hungry growl- the timbre of his voice becoming more and more telling of his lustful desires- as his lips found purchase against the top of your breasts, making you gasp as his hands grabbed at the globes of your rear- his cock twitching at each whimper, straining unbearably against his pants as he beheld you. His princess. His darling. 
And he’d happily slaughter anyone who threatened your comfort.
“Look at yourself, princess,”
His hands turned you around like you were a ragdoll, squeezing your hips as he pressed his own against the flesh of your ass, making you whine softly as you shut your eyes, knowing exactly where he had positioned you both. He knelt behind you on the bed, making you sit on your knees while he peeked over your shoulder, resting his chin on the surface, his icy eyes meeting yours in the mirror in front of his bed after a soft squeeze of your breast made your eyes flutter open.
“Hush, my darling. I know what you want… my needy little princess. My precious girl.”
His praises only made your cunt clench eagerly, the emptiness making you whine as your eyes followed the way his hands roamed over you in the mirror. Where you saw cellulite and stretch marks, he saw health. Where you saw rolls of fat and pudginess, he saw comfort. Your breasts were his pillows, your thighs his ear muffs during the colder seasons; your body was his home, and he planned to show you just how much it all meant to him. How much you meant to him.
“You know, darling, in Jotunheim… where I was born?” A squeeze of your left breast, fingers gently capturing your nipple between them to toy with while he murmured in your ear between kisses,
“The male giants believe that the bigger their mate, the healthier their children would be. And for you, my princess, the giants would see curves like yours and go to war in your name.” He hummed, licking and nipping at the sensitive skin of your neck while he teased your body gently, your breathy whines and heedy noises making him feral. Your eyes widened at his words, before his other hand cupped your mound, barely giving you time to adjust before his teeth marked your skin, making you moan abruptly. You saw the way he smiled wolfishly in the reflection of the mirror, his low chuckle alluring to your senses as he purred in your ear,
“Does that appeal to you, princess? Wielding the knowledge that your body alone appeals to my base desires- my primal needs?” He growled the word accordingly, and you bucked your hips back into his clothed cock while his fingers sampled the wetness pooling in the apex between your thighs. 
“Allow me, my love, to make you feel like a queen tonight.”
As if he didn’t do that anyway.
He pulled away, before lying down with his head near the foot of the bed, so you’d see your reflection as he pulled you up to straddle his chest.
“My face is your throne, beloved. And I’d like to taste everything you have to offer.” He murmured, making your heart leap up to your throat, before plummeting straight down to your stomach as he wrapped his arms around your pillowy thighs, the sensation of him handling you making you squeak. Once your dripping cunt was hovering over his face, he groaned softly, as if he had been starving, and your hands braced his arms gently as you mumbled his name, before inclining your head. He watched curiously, before realising his mistake and let magic dissolve his clothing, leaving you both equally bare, his cock jumping at the way your thighs squeezed slightly, enjoying the sight of his nakedness.
Without further ado, he pulled you down- the movement making you squeal lightly- until your lower lips connected with his. He pressed a loving kiss to your mound- the feeling making you shiver- his tongue poking out at your glistening folds, tasting your honey greedily as he lapped at you. The taste of you made his cock jump, combined with the string of moans and mewls you released while his tongue wrote a love letter between your legs. You cried out his name in a strained moan, hands immediately grabbing at his silken locks for some sort of stability while he smothered himself in your nectar, absolutely drinking you in like you were his last meal. Every single time he did this, it always managed to get better and better- how? You had no damn clue.
“Look at yourself for me, pet.” His voice sounded in your muddled brain, despite his mouth being occupied, making you look up towards the mirror in shock, only to notice a slightly greenish tinge to your eyes- green from his magic as you realised he was looking through your eyes, both of you watching the sight of yourself atop his face. The both of you enjoyed the way your body jerked and jumped in the mirror as his head moved eagerly, hands squeezing at the plump fat of your inner thighs as he ate you out eagerly, like it was his favourite activity.
“You know it is.” His wicked, wicked voice of liquid sex appeal reverberated, making you whine, unable to even scowl from the way his tongue kept your eyes fluttering shut; only to feel his teeth nip at your inner thigh, a silent reminder to keep them open and on the mirror.
“You’re going to watch yourself, and watch the beauty that I am blessed with, as I make you come. Do you understand me, princess?”
You nodded dumbly, giving in to his demands as you weakly rode his face, his hands moving your hips along as he groaned into your mound, nose nudging the top of your wet cunt while his tongue stroked you, delving past and into your hole, making your gasp break into a weak whine as your head lolled back. Your brain was fuzzy, and you found yourself whining his name- which only made him harder and harder while he moaned at the taste, feeling and sound of you. If fate were to have him at your feet, only to serve you, he’d happily give up his titles to do so; especially with the way you looked above him right now. Soon enough, he was pulling an orgasm from you- your voice increasing higher in pitch, cracking more and more as you grunted and whimpered between moans, your breathing uneven as you tried your best to watch yourself, or more importantly, him between your legs. His neglected cock wept with beads of pre-cum from the blissful torture of hearing you, yet not being used to please you. He could have come from your moans alone, but he held back, determined to drive his point home- as well as drive into you.
“Oh, Loki- Loki I’m- mmm- I- ah-”
“It’s alright, darling. I’m right here.”
“I’m so close- so close-”
“Come for me, princess. My beautiful, beautiful princess.”
His coo made you squeak, before crying out as your release slammed into you, warmth flooding your lower stomach and gushing out, with Loki groaning happily as you sated his hunger yet again. You watched yourself, the way your eyes were half-lidded, the way you had some sort of blissful after-glow after he pulled such an orgasm from your core. You trembled slightly, whimpering as he gently guided your legs back, helping to shuffle you until you were resting against his painfully neglected erection- flinching slightly as he hissed upon feeling the warmth of your plush thighs snug against his hips, and the warmth radiating off your needy cunt.
“There you are… there’s my girl… my beautiful girl.” 
He groaned huskily, pushing himself up to kiss you, making you mewl at the taste of yourself on his lips, on his tongue as it swirled against yours in a hedonistic display.
“Are you convinced yet, my love? Or shall I continue until you have no choice but to agree?” He was absolutely drunk off of your essence as he asked it, his hips lifting up into you lightly, rubbing himself against your wetness as he watched your eyes flutter shut for a moment to enjoy the feeling of himagainst your slit. Seeing the way he was so determined to please you, it made your mind reel; the fondness in his gaze as he watched you come, the tenderness he showered you with as he kissed you, before leaning back on his elbows, looking at you like that? It certainly made something in your brain switch.
“I…” You bit your lip, before nodding as you mustered up the courage, “I want to watch myself ride you.”
As soon as you said that, you could have sworn Loki whimpered- your eyes widening as he grabbed at your hips- pawing at you like he was some desperate concubine.
“Please- please ride me, my princess. Please, let me watch you- let me see through your eyes.” He murmured, leaning up to latch onto one of your heavy breasts, his tongue warm against your hardened nipple; the sensation making you gasp a breathy “Yes,” earning a hungry groan as he shifted, aligning himself with your entrance. You glanced down at where his mouth found purchase against your chest, his eyes on you as he pulled away, probably to kiss you, only to freeze as he felt you begin to sink down on him slowly.
You both gasped softly, before moaning together at the sensation- as if you two didn’t do this many times before- his head tilting back and his eyes screwing shut.
“Oh, my princess- my beautiful girl- Norns, you feel so good-” He growled out, hands grabbing your hips like a lifeline as he let you set the pace. Your attention, however, was focused on the mirror as you watched yourself, from the way your curves rippled with each moment of impact, to the way his hands grabbed at your soft, comforting flesh; fingers digging into the comfort of your skin for solace. Your warm, tight cunt gripped him for dear life as you rolled your body against his, hands splayed against his chest as you bounced so nicely.
The fat head of his cock found your spot easily- his sensitive tip prodding against your gummy walls over and over- eliciting gasps of his name as you watched his shaft disappear into you over and over.
“Who’s my princess?”
He cooed, his voice like velvet, making you clench more around him- to which he chuckled at- before flexing his hips up into you, helping you feel all of him as you impaled yourself on his wide cock. You could only whine at his praise, your cheeks warming as your hands flinched up to hide your face, only for his hands to catch your wrists and pull them back to his chest,
“Ah, ah. That’s not what I asked, darling. I said,” His hips bucked up into you to prove his point, the harsh, sudden thrust making you moan,
“Who’s my princess?”
Your brain was practically a gushing puddle of matter, your face the epitome of raw, unadulterated pleasure. You had stopped watching the mirror, eyes blurring as you lost yourself in the pulses of that warm, wonderful feeling he gifted you with every time the tip of him hit your spongy walls, yet you mumbled out an almost incoherent, “I am,” earning you a growl of approval and
Thrusts that left you moaning and whining helplessly as you grabbed at his hands, fingers interlacing together as your body tightened again from the sensitivity of your recent orgasm, and the sensation of your wonderful body clenching around him made the God groan your name, along with curses in an old language that sent warmth thrumming for you. Your mewls joined his groans in a raw melody of love and lust; his infatuation with you seeming to grow stronger with every thrust, every beautiful, sinful noise you made.
“Tell me darling, do you like what you see?”
His voice was strained as he fucked up into you, his arms wrapping around your hips, holding you flush against him while he bucked his hips. The combined sounds of wet arousal from your cunt, and skin slapping against skin as his thighs smacked against your plush rear, made you squeak out his name, barely registering his words.
“So beautiful, my princess… My Goddess, my beautiful girl.” He grunted, his eyes glazed over with lust, yet the expression he gave you was nothing but adoration before he slowed his thrusts suddenly. You blinked, whimpering a noise of confusion before he repositioned you with careful movements, laying you across his bed and parallel to the mirror opposite, so you both could watch the scene that played out together as he slid back inside you again, hands gripping your hips as he restrained his thrusts to slow rolls, the gentle, consistent pace making you sigh, toes curling as he peppered your body with kisses.
“I should worship you properly, my darling- should fill you with my seed ‘til you give me a bunch of beautiful little heirs.” He groaned, his teeth sinking into his lower lip as he watched you, while your eyes watched the mirror, meeting his gaze for the moment to nod- the both of you like irresponsible teenagers as he humped into you desperately- your own lip caught between your teeth, eyes all wide and innocent-like, which made him growl and increase the pace of his hips.
“Do you want that, my pretty Goddess? Want me to worship you properly?” He grabbed your face, turning your head to face him as your lips caught in a searing kiss. He swallows your moans greedily, guttural noises sounding from the back of his throat as he kissed you over and over.
“Please, Loki.”
You barely recognised your voice, with how soft and whiny it was, and your body was absolutely sensitive- his thrusts sending jolts of pleasure so strong that it ruined the integrity of your muscles- your legs trembling as he cupped under your thighs, folding you over slightly and swearing as he felt your body tighten greedily, as if you were anticipating his release.
“Mm? Tell me, my darling, tell me what you need of me. How can I reward you, my princess?”
His voice had lowered huskily as he repeatedly buried himself within you. The action had you seeing stars, making you cry out for him before you pleaded weakly,
“Please, please- I want you to come-”
You pawed at his chest, wrapping your arms around his neck as best you could while you kissed him. Your pleas fell on listening ears, and the God rewarded you with a guttural groan, one specific thrust forcing out an orgasm you didn’t even know was building- the action making you all but keen for him- as your body clenched. Your mound tightened around him with the intent to milk him dry, and he finally let himself come- slamming his hips into you with a sense of finality- while he groaned your name over and over like a prayer, his forehead resting against yours as you both panted, with his cock twitching and jumping as he drained himself, every last hot rope of white painting your pretty walls. He stayed in you until he softened, as if to make real on his promise of fucking his love into you, before he collapsed beside you on the bed with a hum of content.
You had both come down from your highs together, and he had wrapped you up in his arms to pepper your face with kisses as he whispered sweet nothings and that made you giggle.
“Shall I kill that lord, for you, my love?”
“It is but an innocent suggestion, my princess. Only to work in your favour.”
“Alright, alright. But you must admit, I did do what I said I would, no?”
“Gods help me.”
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╰┈➤ Lex's note 2: i hope you guys love this as much as i did! pls feel free to request any time!! <3 L'autunno ch:5 & 6 are definitely otw, as well as another req for (you guessed it) Loki!! hehe. thank you for reading, my loves!!
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frvnkcastles · 2 months
hey i hope ur okay❤️ can you do Frank x Reader where she has an alcoholic and abusive father who has been in prison for two years and one day he is released and shows up at her house and she is very scared so Frank protects and comforts her
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Summary: When your abusive father turns up on your doorstep, Frank takes care of it.
Warnings: Mentions of past abuse (not specified), alcoholism, hurt/comfort, feminine nicknames
Word count: 1.7k
Author’s note: I know what it’s like to have alcoholism in the family (parents especially) and how dire the consequences of it can be, so you have my absolute sympathy, anon! I’m sending you so much love, and I hope you’re doing alright <3 I added a little detail of Frank offering to make it a completely alcohol-free home because that’s something I’ve thought about a lot, I personally don’t drink at all because of my family and I don’t think I’d be able to share a space with someone who drinks regularly. We see Frank drink occasionally on the show but I don’t think it’s ever implied he has a problem? So I 100% feel like he’d give it up if you asked. Anyway, I hope you enjoy :)
Upon meeting Frank for the first time and subsequently learning he had been in prison, you were understandably sceptical about getting involved with him. You already had a man in your life who had deep-seated anger and hatred within him, manifesting in violent tendencies, and that had scarred you for life. So, you hesitated, and he had immediately seen the doubt and even fear on your face, and although he couldn’t explain why he wanted your approval so badly, he did.
”Hey, if you don’t wanna see me again, I ain’t gonna hold it against you. But you, uh… maybe you should read about me first. Judge for yourself”, he had suggested before parting ways with you, and you had promised to do just that. You had a napkin with his phone number scribbled on it, and against your first instinct, you didn’t throw it away. His words stuck with you, and when you got home that night, you searched up his name and were smacked in the face with a flood of news articles about him.
Most of them were negative, and you had quickly questioned why he would encourage you to read them. Journalists hadn’t hesitated to write horrendous things about him, but they had also dug up his past and spread it all over the internet for everyone to learn about. And it was those tidbits that soon opened your eyes to the enigma that was Frank Castle. He wasn’t a senseless killer and he wasn’t an abuser or a tormentor of innocent people — he was seeking justice for his brutally gunned down family and cleaning up the streets from evil.
You had been wary because of your past with your father, but the more you read about Frank, the easier it became to see that he was nothing like him. In fact, your father was a man who would sicken Frank, a man that Frank wouldn’t think twice about hurting, and that realization welcomed an odd feeling of safety into your heart.
You called Frank the next day, and it was the beginning of him always hanging around you. Before you knew it, your life had turned from bleak loneliness and anxiety about your father’s eventual return to endless kisses, late-night dates on the rooftop of your apartment building and sitting on your boyfriend’s lap while icing the newest bruise on the corner of his eyes. He was a whirlwind but in the best way, and you found yourself completely enamored with him.
He felt the same way, certainly not having expected falling in love with someone, and especially as hard as he had with you. He had tried so hard to stay guarded and deny himself the truth, but it had been impossible to resist you, and so, inevitably, he let his heart be in the driver’s seat for a change and admitted to himself that he adored you.
With your new relationship came opening up to each other about everything you had been through. You had already learned so much about Frank on the news that it felt like an invasion of his privacy, so you had asked him to tell you in his own words when he was ready, and in return, he was all ears when you shared the story about your father and his issues with alcohol. Frank had been more than understanding, immediately insisting that cutting out drinking entirely was something he was willing to do for you — whatever it took to create a safe environment for you. On top of that, he had assured you that he’d do his everything to keep you safe from everyone, but especially your father, and you fully trusted him to keep that promise.
Still, you didn’t expect that hypothetical situation would come to life. You were used to worrying about your father and the eventual time when he’d get out of prison, but when Frank began spending more and more time at your apartment, you lost track of that nervousness and it became an afterthought. You felt safe for the first time in years, but it all came crashing down on one otherwise regular Sunday.
There was a knock on your door and it caught both your and Frank’s attention in the kitchen where you were cooking dinner together. ”I’ll get it”, you smiled at him before he could jump at the opportunity, gently squeezing his arm before you left him with the chopped vegetables and headed for the front door.
You swung it open, and at the sight of your father, your face lost all vitality and your heart sank all the way down to the floor. ”There you are! At least you had the decency to open the door”, he slurred, clearly already intoxicated, and panic emerged in your chest. He had to have been only just released from prison, and here he was, already drunk and tracked you down.
”You’re not welcome here. Leave, okay?” you stuttered, far less demanding as you wanted to be, and the attempt made your father snort. He tried to step inside, but you quickly narrowed the doorway, not letting him invade your home. He reacted with a mean stare, calling you an ungrateful brat under his breath, and you tried your best to fight off tears.
”Sweetheart, who is it?” Frank called to you from the kitchen when you didn’t return, and with a shaky exhale, you realized you didn’t have to face your father alone. You had the city’s greatest weapon right there with you.
”It’s my father”, you declared loud enough for him to hear, and you instantly heard him drop the knife in his hands. Not more than two seconds later, Frank was stomping from the kitchen, fueled by his concern for you but his face twisted into something furious.
”And who’s this?” your father chortled, swaying back and forth in the hallway, barely able to stand up. Frank assessed the situation, and he swiftly understood that there was no talking sense into a drunk man. That was fine with him — he wasn’t really in the mood for polite conversation, anyway.
”Get the fuck outta here. This is your only warning”, Frank grunted, leaving nothing up to debate. He stood in front of you, shielding you from your father who was hardly impacted by Frank’s thinly veiled threat, and you quietly cried from the sheer terror.
”Hey, you can’t tell me—”, your father began, but Frank was having none of it. He shoved your father into the hallway and closed the door behind him, not wanting you to witness their bickering and get upset even more. You were scared for him, but realistically you knew that Frank could take care of himself, especially against someone absolutely wasted and delirious.
Frank dragged your father outside by his arm, his grip enough to leave bruises in the shape of angry fingers, and he wasn’t stopping despite the drunk man’s feeble protests. He was fuming, absolutely livid that your father had had the audacity to show up and put your life in shambles all over again, and he couldn’t stop thinking about all the abuse you had endured. The man under his grip deserved nothing but the worst, and he would have been honored to be the one to give it to him.
Once outside, Frank pushed your father forward, causing him to stumble down onto the pavement. ”You’re a pathetic asshole, y’know that? You don’t deserve someone like her. You don’t deserve to call yourself a father. And if you come here again, I’mma make sure you regret even thinkin’ about it”, Frank seethed, standing above your father menacingly. He didn’t get up or argue back, so Frank considered his job done for now — but he was going to stay true to his word if he’d ever show his face again. The only reason he hadn’t killed him yet was knowing that you struggled with the idea, and he didn’t want to hurt you by hurting him.
He made his way back inside where you were a trembling mess, and instantly softer, Frank closed the door behind him and pulled you into his arms. ”It’s aight, darlin’. He’s gone”, he soothed you, his heart breaking when you burst into sobs against his firm chest. He felt sickened by the thought of what you had suffered through. As a father himself, he could not imagine ever doing that to his children, and he couldn’t fathom how broken a person had to be to resort to abuse the way your father had. It was the lowest of the low in his opinion, and he was almost hoping your father would give him further excuse to royally beat him up.
”I was so scared”, you confessed through cries, and with an understanding nod, Frank kissed your forehead and caressed your hair. He didn’t consider himself to be an expert at giving comfort, but for you, he would always pull out all the stops.
”I know, baby. It’s over now. He ain’t comin’ back, I promise, I’ll make sure of it. He can’t hurt you no more”, he swore, swallowing down his rage before withdrawing from you enough to look down into your eyes. ”I’mma help you file for a restraining order, yeah? And if he still won’t listen, I’ll break his fucking legs”, he guaranteed, entirely serious, but it still got a little laugh out of you.
”I’d like to see that”, you pointed out, and with a small smile, Frank swiped his thumb across your cheek in a comforting motion.
”There’s my girl. Hey, I’ll always keep you safe, you know that, right?” he reminded you, and slowly, you gave him a nod to confirm you trusted him.
”Thank you, Frankie. I’d be lost without you”, you sighed, hugging him again, and he enveloped you into his strong arms while resting his chin on the top of your head.
”You know I feel the same way about you, sweetheart”, he whispered, always so grateful to have you in his life. He found you so utterly perfect and beautiful inside out, he couldn’t believe anyone would ever hurt you. And even though your father had done exactly that, you were still so strong and kind, something he didn’t think he always was himself.
He admired the hell out of you, and he was going to do whatever it took to help you keep your peace of mind.
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darby-rowe · 9 months
first off...ur so genuinely underrated
second off... can I get a academically-exhausted!coryo x you-need-a-break! reader...
she distracts him from studying or smt
tysm anon!! i've been having so much fun writing again :)!! but i will admit that im very out of practice so this has been quite the adjustment period.
i luv this prompt! i hope u dont mind that i wrote sfw & nsfw versions just in case u were looking for one or the other. nevertheless i hope u like them!!
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sfw young!coriolanus snow x gn!reader word count 401
“My love…” you softly cooed as you noticed the frustration on Coriolanus’s brow, your eyes scanning over the chicken-scratch of notes within his notebook. Formulas and equations that even your academically talented mind couldn’t wrap around. You placed one hand on the edge of his desk and one hand on the back of his chair, leaning down so your face was level with his. “I think it’s time for you to take a break,”
Coriolanus’s eyes didn’t meet yours as they went back and forth from his textbook to his notebook. “I just have to do one more problem,” he murmured, stress evident in his voice. He clicked his tongue in disappointment and lightly bumped his fist on the surface of his desk. “How am I still not getting this?”
“You’ve been studying for hours,” you told him. And when his eyes still didn’t meet yours, you took it upon yourself to gently hook your finger around his chin and turn his head to meet your gaze. “Coryo, you need to relax,”
His eye bags were prominent in the way it had been almost eighteen straight hours of him being awake and staring at math equations. God, he looked so tired, and all you wanted to do was take care of him and hold him in your arms, just a moment of respite from the terribly demanding academics of university.
You held his face with both of your hands, foreheads touching and eyes closed. “Let me hold you, my dear,” you said, voice hovering above a whisper. “Just for an hour or two, okay? Please?”
There was a slight desperation in the way Coriolanus placed his hands on top of yours and leaned into your touch. You knew he didn’t want to admit that he was close to his breaking point, but he didn’t have to say anything. You took his hands and gently lead from his chair to his bed, in which you guided him to lay within your arms. Immediately, his body molded with yours, and you softly pet his blonde curls as you felt his muscles begin to relax.
“My sweet boy,” you whispered, kissing the top of his head as his arms wrapped around your waist. His face buried within your chest, inhaling the sweet scent of you. “Just relax. I’ve got you…”
Just as you expected, the emotionally exhausted boy was dead asleep within the hour.
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18+ | nsfw young!coriolanus snow x fem!reader word count 1,005 cw dirty talk, slightly subby coryo, p in v, unprotected sex, chair sex, finishing inside
Slowly walking up behind Coriolanus at his desk, just making enough noise to make your presence known, you gently run your fingers through his soft blonde curls. You watch with slightly parted lips as his head leans into your touch, his pen still clutched within his hand.
Your voice is soft and smooth with a slight purr as your lips ghost against the shell of his ear. “Baby, it’s been hours,” you sigh. “Don’cha think it’s time for a break?”
Coriolanus taps his pen onto his notebook filled to the brim with various notes. The feeling of your fingers massaging his scalp sends shivers down his spine. You feel so, so good. “I can’t stop,” he says, his voice an exhausted wine. “If I stop now, I won’t want to continue. I have to keep going,”
“And what good would that do?” you ask, your lips dangerously close to his temple. “You’re tired, my dove. You’re tense–” you kiss his temple. “And you’re frustrated.” another kiss. “Why don’t you let me take care of you?”
“I can’t–” he sighs.
“Why not?” Before Coriolanus can say anything else, you swing your leg around to straddle his lap, completely blocking his view of his desk. He tries to lean from side to side to look past your body, but you keep him in his place. “No, no baby, just look at me,” you coo, holding his face in your hands. “Focus on me, my love, can you do that?”
“I’m exhausted,” Coriolanus tries to protest, but as he feels you begin to grind your cunt against his crotch, his voice catches in his throat, and suddenly all words leave his brain.
You suppress a satisfied smirk. “I know, sweet boy, I know you’re exhausted. And that’s why you have to let me take care of you. So relax, my love. Relax,”
You take your finger and drag it along Coriolanus’s bottom lip, opening up his mouth to grant access to your tongue. You taste him deeply, exploring the warmth of his wet tongue and soft lips. The feeling of your sensitive lips sliding and molding against his makes you moan ever so slightly, and you chuckle into the kiss when he, too, emits a moan.
“That’s right, baby,” you whisper. “Just relax,”
You start undoing his pants and Coriolanus doesn’t stop you, watching as his cheeks flush a light pink as you free his semi-hard cock from the confines of his clothing. You reach underneath your skirt and slide your panties to the side, and with a few seconds of adjusting, you slowly sit down on his shaft. You both gasp in unison at the new feelings enveloping the two of you.
Coriolanus curses underneath his breath as your tight, wet walls envelop his dick, and you take him all the way. He’s so deep inside you, making your eyes slightly roll back into your head. “Fuck, baby,” you whisper breathlessly, starting out slowly as you lift yourself up then back down again on Coriolanus’s cock. “So big, so deep…”
It takes a few moments, but you’re soon rocking your hips back and forth and in circles as you ride him, making sure he is feeling exceptionally good. You can’t keep your hands off of his face and shoulders. Hell, you can’t keep your eyes off his face. The expressions he makes as he’s balls-deep in your pussy are absolutely delicious.
However, you catch him at one point trying to take a look at his desk and you’re quick to turn his focus back on you. “No, baby,” you purr. “Look at me. Pay attention to me. Focus on how good my pussy is making you feel. Do you feel good? Yeah?”
Coriolanus looks at you with his pretty blue eyes, lips slightly parted as he pants. “Yes, fuck–” he breathes. “Feels so good. Feels so good on my cock,”
You capture his lips in another kiss, shoving your tongue down his throat to taste as much of him as possible. You wrap your arms around his neck as your hips continue to move with his dick deep inside your pussy. You feel his hands on your hips, following your movements.
You pull away from the kiss and look deep into Coriolanus’s eyes as your lips ghost against his, panting and moaning into his mouth. “You feel so good, baby,” you pant. “Are you gonna come inside me?”
He bats his pretty eyelashes at you. “Can I?”
“Please…” you whisper, guiding his hand to your throbbing clit, and he wastes no time before taking his thumb and rubbing circles around your sensitive nub. You mewl, feeling the apex of your pleasure draw closer and closer.
His moans and gasps of pleasure are so pretty as the both of you bring yourselves to your inevitable orgasms. You feel his cock throb inside you, on the verge of exploding and releasing his seed deep inside you. Your walls contract around his dick, and you know that your climax is near.
“I’m comin’,” Coriolanus whispers. “Gonna come inside your pussy,”
“Fuck yeah, baby,” you moan. “You’re gonna make me come–... mmm, ah–!”
With one final gasp, you feel yourself come undone as your pussy drools all over Coriolanus’s cock. Your legs tremble, and the combination of your orgasm and his warm cum filling you up makes your eyes roll back into your head. You close your eyelids and tilt your head back to reveal your neck, in which Coriolanus seizes the opportunity to plant open-mouth kisses all over your throat.
You come down from your high and look Coriolanus in the eye once more, brushing away a stray curl from his voice. You smile sweetly, basking in the afterglow of his orgasm. “Feel better, my love?”
Coriolanus thinks for a moment as he catches his breath, then he nods. “Yeah,” he replies. “Yes, thank you. I feel a lot better. I really needed that,”
You press a small, loving kiss to his lips. “Good,” you whisper. “Now go to bed,”
don't be shy, let's talk. ♡
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joeyalohadream · 1 month
I wish you would write a fic where Bucky gets a call that Gale has been in an accident or something, goes to pick him up, Gale isn’t even badly hurt but Bucky still loses his mind and Gale ends up comforting him lol (if u can’t tell im a sucker for hurt gale and hurt/comfort in general lol) .
Also i saw u posting that u feel like u ramble/write too much and i just wanted to say, im so obsessed with ur writing that i eat up anything u write like if u were to post ur shopping list i would probably read it and love it so PLS ALWAYS WRITE TOO MUCH. Thank u for sharing w us ❤️‍🩹
Hi! So sorry this took me so long!
aaaand thank you so much, anon! Your kind words made me feel all warm and fuzzy! (p.s. my shopping list is cat food and wine LOL). I'm glad you enjoy my rambling!
Here is the fic I wrote for your request! 4,047 words of a bit of angst and fluff and some sweetness. Hope you like it!
If you'd rather read a word count like that on AO3, find it here!
It’s six o’clock and John is hungry.
His day had been a good one, but a long one. Flying right seat to several cadets on their second week of actual flying. Witnessing the joy, the reverence the young pilots had experienced behind the yolk had brought back memories of a time when flying had been his favorite thing in the world. Back before it was tainted by terror and death and dread.
It eases something within him to know that he can still find the beauty in it after years of growing to hate something that had once been the thing that made him feel alive.
But it’s Friday night now and his feet will be firmly on the ground for the weekend. A weekend that was supposed to start with a homecooked meal, lovingly prepared by Gale.
With Gale in school and John working full-time, they spend most of their week like passing ships. Evenings are typically a rushed affair of leftovers or a meet-up at the diner half way between the base and Gale’s campus.
Friday nights are John’s favorite though. Gale is out of class by three and home by four. He spends the two hour stretch of time between then and John’s arrival at six cooking the most delicious meals John has ever tasted. A skill he’d developed while trying, and mostly succeeding, in putting some meat back on to their bones after they came home.
But it’s six o’clock and there is no dinner waiting for him. The lights are all off and Gale’s truck is not in the driveway.
He walks through the house, turning on a lamp here, flipping a switch there and tries to temper the feeling of dread that starts prickling under his skin.
After everything they’d been through, it had taken them both a significant amount of time to quell the unrealistic expectation that something was wrong whenever they weren’t within sight of each other.
Neither of them had fully managed to overcome it. Gale calls his office at least twice a week from the payphone at school between classes just to say hello.
John pours himself a glass of water and takes a sip, leaning against the freshly painted cabinets. The soft green hue offers a peaceful warmth in the small kitchen. It had been their project last weekend.
Gale sometimes stays late after his lecture to help some of the younger students that struggle with the concepts. His genius.
But he doesn’t do that on Fridays because Friday nights are their nights.
So why isn’t he here?
He pushes off the counter and takes two steps to the icebox. Opening it reveals the steaks that Gale had prepped for tonight. He contemplates getting them out and trying his hand at making the meal but shuts the door and the thought down immediately.
Despite spending his time practically draped over Gale’s back, chin hooked over his shoulder on the Friday evenings he is home in time to watch him cook, John hadn’t managed to pick up the skill.
Instead of studying the technique, he studies Gale’s confident movements as he chops and tenderizes and slices and measures and stirs. Gale’s hands create nourishment for them while his own hands typically trace the soft skin a Gale’s still too flat belly, the delicate curve of his trim waist, sometimes drifting to skim his pert rear if Gale lets him get away with it.
The thoughts bring a smile to his face. But looking at the clock on the wall that tells him Gale is now over two hours late wipes it away.
He walks back to the front door and out onto the porch to stare down the long driveway that leads up to their home, willing headlights to turn onto it. But time ticks by and the sun is dipping lower on the horizon and Gale still isn’t where he’s supposed to be.
John knows the route Gale takes to and from campus. He’d driven him several times back before they’d acquired a second truck. He fingers the keys in his pocket, wondering how much Gale would rib him for driving the hour to his school when it turns out he just lost track of time.
But it’s Friday night and Gale doesn’t lose track of time, especially when time is leading to them spending their evening wrapped around each other.
John flinches as the silence of the evening is interrupted by the sound of their telephone ringing in the kitchen. Relief floods him a moment later and he slams the screen door open and takes long strides back into the house.
“You better have a good explanation for why I’m not eating a big, juicy steak right now,” he says into the receiver, a smile already pulling at his lips as he waits for Gale’s exasperated tone to filter back through to him.
But there’s silence for a beat and then a throat is cleared and then John’s heart starts to pound a little faster.
“Um, hello,” a voice that is distinctly not Gale comes through the connection. “Is this John Egan?”
“Yes,” John replies, switching the phone to his other hand, hoping it’s less wet. It’s not. “Who’s this?”
“I’m a nurse at Lakeside Memorial,” she supplies and John’s knees go weak. “I’m calling because your friend, Gale Cleven, was brought in about an hour ago. He was in an accident.”
Words won’t form, but some unintelligible noise escapes his mouth in response. For a moment, he’s not in their softly lit, freshly painted kitchen. He’s in a phone booth in London and it’s the worst moment of his life.
He went down swingin’.
The cord stretches its length as his legs decide to stop functioning and he slides down to the floor, back pressed against the green cabinet doors.
“Mr. Egan, are you still there?”
Is he? Or is he back on the bombed-out streets of a city he never should have gone to?
“I’m here,” he grinds out as he closes his eyes and reminds himself to breathe. Pictures Gale in front of him, one hand planted on his chest, the other cradling his cheek. Breathe, darlin’, he’d say. He’s said it to him countless times since they’d reunited back in the Stalag. He’s said it to him in their bedroom, in their yard, in this kitchen. He needs to know if he’ll ever hear him say it again. “Is he okay?”
“I can’t give out medical information over the phone,” the nurse tells him, and John tightens his grip on the phone, anger rising, but she continues before he can spew it over the line. “But Mr. Cleven asked me to call you himself.”
He takes a deep breath, the slightest bit of relief mixing with the dread coiling itself around his heart.
“You understand?” The nurse’s voice is back in his ear. She couldn’t tell him how he was, but she told him enough to let him know that he was well enough to be talking and that’s enough for him to know that Gale is still here. He nods and then remembers he’s alone.
“Yes, I understand,” he says. “Lakeside Memorial?”
“That’s correct,” she confirms, sounding patient. John imagines she makes these calls every day. He wouldn’t like that job. “Come in through the emergency room doors and we’ll get you sorted.”
“Thank you,” his voice wobbles a bit too much, but he can’t bring himself to be embarrassed. There’s a click over the line that tells him she’s hung up, so he lets the phone drop and then presses the heels of his hands to his eyes and presses hard. He chokes on his next inhale and feels his shoulders shake.
But Gale needs him. He’s hurt and he wants John to come to him and he needs to get up off this floor, right now.
The room sways a bit as he gets to his feet, head feeling fuzzy. He thinks maybe he hasn’t been breathing correctly since the nurse’s voice came through the phone instead of Gale’s.
Breathe, darlin’.
In through his nose, out through his mouth. It helps a bit.
Physically, He slides into the driver’s seat of their new pick-up truck and starts the engine. That phone call left him with only questions and his hands sweat as they grip the leather of the steering wheel. His foot feels numb as he presses it to the gas in order to go find answers.
Mentally, he’s sliding into his seat on a train car that’s leading him to a destination with no answers to be had, no sweet smile or soft laughter or dazzling blue eyes waiting for him. No joy, only pain. No Gale. Because he went down swingin’.
The crushing sadness that had invaded every nerve in his system after he’d walked out of that phone booth all those years ago suddenly feels like it never went away. Like he could wake up and realize that this year of domestic bliss hadn’t happened. Like Gale wasn’t his and Gale wasn’t here, and Gale wasn’t anywhere. He shakes his head, as if he could physically knock the horrible images out of his mind.
Headlights shine through his windshield, streetlamps coming on along the road as the sun continues setting. He knows the way to the emergency room. It’s on the way to Gale’s campus. His body operates on auto pilot to get him there, his head is in the clouds or in the dirt or somewhere else entirely.
He needs Gale to be okay. It’s hard to breathe again.
Gale would be so angry at him for driving like this. Gale will be so angry with him for driving like this.
It takes him a moment to realize why every head in the room turns to him when he walks through the door. His hands shake as he straightens out his uniform jacket and runs fingers through his curls, realizing he forgot his cap. Not very officer-like to be out in public without the proper uniform.
To his surprise, it takes barely a word from him for a young orderly to lead him to Gale. No argument about how he’s not family, even though he is Gale’s only family. No odd looks about why it isn’t Gale’s wife or mother or father coming to see him.
He thinks his feet might be numb and he finds that odd, but they still put in the work and follow the man in scrubs to a row of curtained off exam rooms. Further relief crackles in his chest when he realizes they’re headed for one specific curtain. Gale isn’t in surgery or in a private room. He’s in the same kind of place John had sat a few months ago when he’d needed stiches on his thumb.
Maybe he’s okay.
Please be okay.
His heart rate increases as the orderly gestures him forward and then turns to leave. He takes a steadying breath, ducks around the fabric and is greeted with two sky-blue eyes and a sheepish looking smile directed his way.
“You’re here,” Gale breathes out, the sound of utter relief in his voice. John stares at him. He thinks the numbness in his feet might be creeping up into the rest of his body. “John?”
The small smile Gale had thrown him upon his arrival is wiped away as concern twists his features and John wants to laugh but all he can do is stare for some reason. He’s staring intently at the younger man, watches as his brows furrows and he shifts on the plastic wrapped table he’s sitting on.
“John,” Gale tries again, a wince pulling his features down for a moment. “You with me?”
The curtain draws open. The shrill sound of the metal rings grating against the pole makes John cringe and snap his gaze away from Gale to take in the sight of a white-haired nurse with a friendly smile, kind eyes and a clipboard in her hand.
“Is this the friend you mentioned?” She addresses Gale, walking over to where he’s sitting awkwardly hunched on the exam table. “The one you served with?”
John swallows and straightens his shoulders as the nurse’s eyes find his. He hears Gale clear his throat and mutter a quiet, “yes, ma’am.”
His hands are sweating where they hang uselessly at his sides. He can breathe easier than he managed to on the drive over, now that he has Gale in his sights, but his heartbeat is too fast, rabbiting away in chest like its being chased by a predator. His eyes flit from the nurse to Gale and back again and he knows he should speak, but his tongue feels heavy, and his mouth is dry, and he feels like maybe he should be the one sitting on the exam table.
“Nurse Amy,” Gale comes to his rescue. “This is John Egan. John, this is Nurse Amy. She’s the one that called you after making sure I was alright.”
Gale is looking at him with understanding and patience, concern and a little bit of what looks like desperation. His beautiful face is all bruised up, small cuts around his temple. Just like Regensburg. There’s blood on the collar of his shirt, not a lot, but it’s Gale’s and it’s not supposed to be on the outside of him, not ever again.
John’s breath hitches and Gale leans forward, eyes softening. “Which I am, John. I’m alright.”
He hears the nurse make a tutting sound, but he can’t take his eyes off Gale again. Ever again, maybe.
“X-rays came back, Mr. Cleven,” she says, all business. “You were correct in your self-assessment. No broken bones.” John watches as Gale nods as her, but his eyes immediately drift back to John. “But you do have a slight hairline fracture in your wrist, so we’ll need to wrap it.”
“Fine,” Gale clips out, polite but impatient. “Can you just give us a few minutes? Need to talk to my friend here about the truck.”
“I’ll be back in ten to wrap that wrist up for you, try to keep it still,” she agrees and then she’s gone and they’re alone.
“I don’t care about the damn truck,” John finally finds his voice, even if it sounds rough to his own ears.
“I know that,” Gale cocks his head a bit, his own voice sounds a little off now that John’s ears aren’t ringing as badly as before. “What’d you want me to tell her? Get out so I can have a moment alone with my fella?”
John wants to laugh; he loves it when Gale teases him. But a choking sound comes out instead and he shakes his head and just breathes. Gale starts to slide off the table and it makes John stumble forward, hands outstretched.
“Wait,” he says as he reaches Gale’s knees. He looks him over again, hating the evidence of any kind of violence on a man as sweet and gentle as Gale. “Just, stay there. Don’t move.”
“John, I’m fine,” Gale reaches out with his left hand, his right laying motionless across his lap. John’s eyes trace over the abraded skin and the already swollen looking joint. “Can you say the same?”
John pulls a face but can’t contradict the man sitting in front of him. He needs to pull himself together. Gale is here, he’s not blown to bits over Germany or lost behind enemy lines. But any kind of unknown right now is too much for John. He places a hand over one of Gale’s knees, lets his thumb start a back-and-forth motion, lets the repetitiveness of it soothe them both.
“You’re in the emergency room,” John points out. “People that are ‘fine’ don’t really get brought here.”
“Wasn’t my choice,” Gale grumbles, looking petulant and John kind of wants to shake him a bit. “You looked worse than me when you walked in here. Are you okay?”
“Tell me about all this?” He motions to Gale’s face, frowning and ignoring how Gale looks annoyed at him for brushing past his own question.
“Just got a bit banged up,” Gale tells him. John squeezes his knee and eases a bit at the eye roll it gets him. “Hit my head on the window when I hit the tree.”
“You hit a tree?”
“So that I wouldn’t hit the dog that ran out in front of me.”
And John wants to reprimand him. Wants to remind him that it’s a golden rule on the road not to swerve and cause more damage just to avoid an animal. But he also knows that the man in front of him would rather suffer these consequences than to ever take the life of someone’s pet. It’s one of the thousands of things he loves about him.
“Of course,” he returns, finally allowing a small smile to graze his own lips. It wobbles a bit at the look of relief it brings out in Gale’s eyes. “You’re really okay?”
“Mild concussion and a bruised jaw and you heard about the wrist. Everything else is superficial, I promise.” Gale tries to soothe, but all John can think of is how much worse this could have been. He closes his eyes, his breathing picks up a bit and then there’s a warm pressure on his chest and a matching one on his cheek.
“Breathe, darlin’,” Gale’s low voice whispers out between them and John shudders, letting his weight fall forward a bit against the strength behind Gale’s hand. “Just breathe. I’m right here. I’m okay.”
It takes him a few moments to grasp it, to accept it. Gale is hurt. But he’s okay. He’s going to be okay. The dueling sensations of relief and fear war inside of him to brew a nasty storm that leaves him feeling exhausted.
“This one really freaked you out, huh?” A thumb strokes over his cheek and John leans into the sensation. “I’m sorry, John.”
“God, baby,” John lets out on an exhale, opening his eyes and finding those beautiful blues looking right back at him. “I think I’m gonna have to homeschool you from now on. Can’t let you outta my sight.”
Soft huffs of laughter ripple from Gale and he looks up at him, amusement dancing across his face. “You an expert in advanced physics, Major?”
“You might just have to switch your major, Major.”
Gale grins at him and shakes his head and it feels so good to make him happy. It’s John’s favorite thing in the world.
“How about we settle for you driving me around again for a while? Just like old times,” Gale asks. “I might’ve totaled the truck.”
John nods an affirmative, ignoring the way the mention of their truck makes his pulse spike unpleasantly again. Gale removes his hand from his face, a grimace pulling at his brows as he lowers the injured limb back to lap.
“She told you to keep that still,” John chides, feeling foolish for not remembering sooner. “What am I gonna do with you, huh?”
Gale smiles up at him, a little innocent, a little playful.
“Whatever you want, John.”
This time the spike in his pulse is a pleasant one as he imagines all of the ways he can take of this man in the coming days.
“I’m holding you to that,” John tells him. It’s his turn now to reach out and cradle a bruised jaw, he frowns again at the bruising painted across the delicate skin and lets his thumb caress it for a moment. Gale’s eyes fall shut.
“It’s almost been ten minutes, Bucky.”
“I know, Buck.” He leans down and presses his lips to Gale’s forehead, lets them linger for a moment. Then another. Noses his blond hair and breathes him in. Overly bright blue eyes watch him step a respectable distance away to await Nurse Amy’s return.
He feels unsteady, but less like he might shake apart. Gale smiles at him from the table and he feels a little better.
Nearly an hour later, Gale’s wrist has been splinted and wrapped, he’s holding a bottle of painkillers that John knows he’ll have to fight to get him to take and he’s clumsily signed the abundance of paperwork with his left hand. It’s completely dark when they exit the emergency room, walking close enough together that their shoulders brush as they move.
A few steps from the truck, Gale stops in his tracks and John halts to match him, worry ratcheting back up.
“It’s Friday night,” Gale mutters, sounding a little frail. John pictures them savoring steaks and roasted vegetables and a pie after dinner and understands where his thoughts have strayed. After living in such a state of hypervigilance with stakes too high to contemplate for years of their lives, they now take the time to enjoy every slow moment of peace they can get together. Missing one feels monumental sometimes. John will just have to make this weekend one to remember.
“Hey,” John reaches out to squeeze his shoulder. “There’s always tomorrow and the next day. And every day after that.”
Gale gives him a small smile, nods and lets John usher him to the truck, waiting patiently for John to open the passenger door for him. He stops again, one leg in the truck and looks back at John, brows pulled down in a frown.
“Are you sure you’re good to drive?”
John can’t help but laugh. “What? Are you going to drive us home, Mr. Concussion?”
“It’s only a mild one,” Gale grumbles. John rolls his eyes and pushes Gale up and into his seat, shutting the door on him before he can protest.
When he gets himself behind the wheel, Gale’s hand covers his before he can put the key into the ignition.
“Buck,” John starts, but one look at the concern in Gale’s eyes stops him from complaining.
“Think maybe, you started panicking when that nurse called ya.” There’s understanding in Gale’s gaze and John swallows heavily, images of a phone booth blurring with their soft green cabinets. “And I don’t know if you’ve really stopped yet. I hate the thought of you driving over here like that.”
And John understands where he’s coming from. They both have their bad days. They’re growing less frequent all the time, but they’ve been a witness to nightmares, to bouts of sadness and rage and fear and panic. He hates to see Gale like that, and John knows the feeling is mutual. The thought of it happening while one of them is alone is a reality they have to live with.
“I had to, Buck,” John points out. He doesn’t bother denying the allegation. “The only way I was going to be okay was to make sure you were okay.”
Gale ducks his head slightly for a moment, still not used to being the most important person in anybody’s world. But John’s been slowly teaching him how to accept it and he can’t help but smile when tired blue eyes lift back up to meet his.
“Slide your sweet self over here and let me feel ya while I drive,” Johns lifts his arm and rests it along the back of the bench seat. “That’ll be enough to keep my head on straight while I get us home.”
A moment of contemplation later, Gale slides over until his shoulder is tucked under John’s armpit. He rests his uninjured hand on John’s thigh, fingers gripping the fabric of his trousers and John smiles into his hair before reaching around him to start the truck.
“Take the back roads?” Gale looks up at him through his lashes and John’s heart rate finally settles into a normal rhythm now that it’s reason for beating is resting against him.
“You read my mind, sweetheart,” John presses his lips to the top of his head and turns onto the unlit road leading away from town, away from prying eyes.
Gale turns his body slightly on the seat and makes himself comfortable, settles with his head pillowed on John’s chest, arm draped over his waist. John lets his arm rest around his back, holding him close and planning on never letting him go.
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hunterwritings · 9 months
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summary: "Okay so what if reader and Bi Han are in am arranged marriage for Lin Kuei businesses only and they don't love each other at all. But as time passes they soon learn more about each other and eventually love one another as wife and husband. But since Bi Han lacks past romantic/sexual experience reader "teaches" him how. (Iykwim) I hope this makes I just want more bottom!Bi Han content (self indulgent grrrrr) anyways take ur time!!" | requested here warnings: 18+, smut, oral (m!recieving), riding, breeding kink, creampie, small pregnancy mention at end, arranged marriage trope, sub!bi-han, dom!reader, wife!reader, afab!reader, bi-han is mean in the beginning, reader knows her worth! maybe ooc bi-han, notes: ANON I LOVE THIS SO MUCH | also there was literally another fic scarily similar to this by @kisses4lao and I want to give them some credit! Go read their fic, it's so good!! | also this is soo much longer than I thought it was gonna be
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Angry wasn't even the word to describe it; what you were feeling was livid. You understood the meaning of arranged marriages and what they provided, but you couldn't say you were happy with this outcome. You were the daughter of a neighboring clan, you were trained to fight as an assassin and were on of the best in your clan. Your father had made a deal with the Grandmaster of the Lin Kuei, Bi-han's father, that if you had married Bi-han as the oldest son, your clan would be at the Lin Kuei's side whenever battle occurred.
Obviously you protested and argued as much as you could, but it was already done. You knew of Bi-han and what the Lin Kuei was capable of. Even though you hadn't spoken to Bi-han directly, you've seen his abilities on the battlefield and seen how ruthless he can be. You didn't know what to expect from this man in a marriage and honestly, you were a bit worried to find out.
Your father and Bi-han's father agreed to let the two of you meet once before the wedding, it was the best thing your father could give you from your constant protesting.
You tried to make the best of it, hoping this was a chance to get to know your future husband and hopes of him being a decent man.
You kept your head low and your hands behind your back as you walked into the temple, following close behind your father. You lifted your head up to scan the area, noticing the intricacies of the temple and how clean it was. As your eyes glazed over the room, they stopped when they met the brown eyes of your fiancé. You thought you could practically feel the temperature of the room drop when you saw him; for some reason it made you nervous. Despite your anxiousness, you were stubborn and weren't going to submit so easily.
Your father had began speaking to Bi-han's father as they both walked into another room, leaving the two of you alone in the common room. Your eyes landed on Bi-han's again as his cold expression was unbreakable.
"It's an honor to meet you, Bi-han." You break the silence, bowing deeply towards him. You could hear a groan escape his lips as he gives you a small bow before standing up straight as you do.
"This is unnecessary." He groans as his eyebrows furrow.
You raised an eyebrow at him, wondering if he was regarding the two of you meeting or the marriage in general. Before you could respond, he's scoffing and turning to walk away. You shook your head in shock as you let out a scoff before walking after him.
"Have I done something wrong?" You ask, now walking beside him. All he does is scoff again and continue walking without looking at you. "It's not like I asked for this, okay? I'm just trying to make the best case scenario." He ignores you once again. You groan at his pettiness and continue to berate him.
"You should at least try and make things work, it would be so much easier-"
You are cut off by Bi-han grabbing a hold of your wrist tightly and pulling you around to pin your back against the wall. You gasp in surprise, which quickly turns to anger.
"You are a woman who talks too much." He scolds you, resting his fist aside your head, his knuckles pressed against the wall. His other hand was resting on your chest, his palm cold to the touch.
"Perhaps you have forgotten what a 'marriage' entails. I will soon be your wife and I refuse to be pushed aside as a mere foot soldier." You asserted, holding his wrist of the hand on your chest.
If looks could kill, you would be dead. But something was different, why did Bi-han's stature seem to change? Bi-han isn't used to this, he's used to taking what he wants and having no one question him, much less stand up to him. So why did he like this?
"Well that was quicker than I thought."
You hear your father's voice entering the room. The sound makes Bi-han immediately release you, causing you to almost stumble before gaining your balance. He quickly turns and gives both your father and his own a bow. You do the same, but your eyes never leave him.
"You two seem to have 'adjusted' quickly." Your father jokes, assuming you were getting along rather than fighting. "We can't stay much longer." He adds.
"It's alright, I know everything I need to now." You shot Bi-han a nasty look, your words laced with venom. His eyebrows furrowed at your words.
They said their goodbyes and bows, all while both you and Bi-han stared each other down. That was the first and last time you had seen Bi-han since your wedding day.
The day of the wedding was tense, to say the least. There was so much tension between the two of you, both refusing to admit you were wrong and being petty. You couldn't keep your eyes off each other. You wanted to believe it purely out of spite, but there was something that intrigued you about him. How could someone be so hard-headed? And as much as you didn't want to admit it, he was quite handsome. Your wedding was the first day you had seen him without his mask and you'd be lying to everyone if you said he wasn't a pretty boy.
It had been a couple weeks now and you and Bi-han have barely spoken to each other, only essential moments when you needed to speak to each other. You both wondered how long you could go giving each other the cold shoulder.
"Your father has called upon you." You announce as you walk into the shared bedroom.
You hear a groan come from Bi-han as he stands at the dresser.
"I heard you." He says as he turns back to face you.
"Oh I'm sorry, I just expect a response when spoken to." You snap back with irony and sarcasm laced in your words.
"Are you through being childish?" He snaps, his eyebrows furrowing together as he peers at you. "You cannot expect a response when you yourself are ignoring me." He adds.
All you could do is scoff before turning to walk out. Before you made it to the door, a familiar hand grabs on your wrist and spins you to face him.
"Let go." You demand as your eyes pry at his.
"I will not let our marriage continue like this." He says, is that a plead in his eyes?
"I will not ask again." You say. He releases your wrist as his gaze stays on you. "You are such a strange man. What is it that you want from me?" You ask as you rub your wrist softly. Your angered expression had softened slightly, not wanting to work up any more energy being upset. He seemed like he was taken aback by your anger dissipating and was expecting more of a fight.
"Peace." The one word was the only thing he could muster up, not that it wasn't true. He did want peace between the two of you, but it was almost an impossible task for him to admit he was wrong.
A laugh emitted from your mouth as you shook your head. You looked up at him before crossing your arms. "I didn't think you knew the meaning of that word." You smirked as he groaned and rolled his eyes at you. "Perhaps we have both been childish." You admit, looking at your feet.
"Perhaps." He reluctantly agrees.
There is a small bit of silence before you speak again.
"Bi-han ― I understand this isn't what you wanted, it's not what I wanted either; but it is now our life." You explain. You observe Bi-han slightly fidgeting with his hands, like he wanted to say something but couldn't. He lets out a sigh before walking over and sitting on the edge of the bed as he listened to you.
"Just because our marriage is a result of a power deal, doesn't mean we have to make anything more difficult for ourselves. I mean ― I know that I would truly wish to make it work, rather than us being at each other's throats for the rest of our lives." You stepped closer to him until you were standing between his legs on the edge of the bed. You could see him anxiously shift as you stood in front of him, this being the closest the two of you had ever really been to each other.
"That would be the best option." He says as he looks down.
"Bi-han." You reach a finger under his jaw to make him look up at you. His gaze was soft now and he was trying to pay attention to every word you say; this side of Bi-han was foreign to you.
"I am your wife, your equal, I don't wish to be treated as lower than you." You say, not sounding condescending or demeaning but trying to sound as genuine as possible. "And perhaps ― in time ― the connection between us will be genuine." Your hands now softly held his face, and you could see his body physically relax. His eyes shut as he practically leans into your hand as he lets out a loud sigh. You could tell he wasn't used to this kind of affection or any affection at all, you would assume. Your thumbs softly caressed his cheeks as his eyes finally opened again to look up at you. You knew he wanted to speak, wanted to pour his heart out to you in this vulnerable state and tear down his walls to you, but he never did. All he could do was admire you as he looked up. He guessed that he had never gotten a close look at every detail on your face and shames himself for doing so; you were one of the most beautiful people he had ever seen.
After sitting in silence for a moment, just observing eachothers faces, you lean down to his level. You softly press your lips against his, moving your hand to press against the nape of his neck. You felt him sigh against your lips as one of his hands snakes up your leg and grips at your thigh.
You pull away for a moment as he groans quietly, scanning his face to make sure he's not protesting your actions. Your question was quickly answered when Bi-han leaned up and harshly pressed his lips against yours, using his free hand to grab behind your neck and pull you even closer to him. The amount of force he used caused you to fall on top of him onto the bed, your lips never breaking contact as you hit the bed. His arms snaked up to wrap around your waist and pull your body closer to his.
Very needy, you thought.
You hiked up your legs so that you were straddling him, feeling him hum against your lips as he felt your weight shift on top of him. Your lips moved roughly against his. He was messy and gripping at whatever part of your body he could. You pulled away from him for a second, hearing a frustrated groan from Bi-han. "Move." You quickly say as he abides, to your surprise, and you both shift so that Bi-han is resting his back against the headboard.
You crawl up to him and press your lips on his again as he eagerly grabs a hold of the back of your head to pull you deeper. You sit down on his lap with his legs in between yours as you begin grinding against his pelvis.
A strained moan falls from his lips before he grips your hips and halts their movements. As you pull away from his lips, he leans forward and presses his forehead against your shoulder, hiding his face from you as he huffed.
"I'm sorry, I can stop ―" You nervously began to push yourself off of you him but he held you still, not moving his head from your shoulder.
"No." He breathes out. "I'm ― " He begins, slowly lifting his head to look at you, his cheeks flustered. "―not well versed." His eyes are pleading with you.
"Oh, okay." You say with a smile creeping up on your face.
"Laugh and I will kill you."
"No, no, it's not funny." You shake your head with a smile as you look down. "It's just ― a surprise." You smirked with your hands snaking up his torso and gently lying on the sides of his neck.
"You've laid with other men?" He asks with an eyebrow raised.
"Only a few, none as dashing as you." You smirk. "Why? Are you jealous, my husband?" You inch closer to his face, seeing his eyes dart from yours and down to your lips.
"Maybe." He breathes out.
"Do you want me to stop?" You ask.
"No." He once again pulls your face to meet his as he moves his lips against yours. Your hips began their pace against his, feeling his bulge through his pants. His grip on your head moved downwards to hold your hips as they moved back and forth. You pulled way for moment to remove your top, along with your bra. Bi-han's face goes even more flush than it was before now seeing your bare chest in front of him. You grabbed a hold of his hands and brought them to your breasts, him instinctively squeezing down and eliciting a soft moan from you. Bi-han felt his cock twitch in his pants just by the sound that fell from your lips, knowing he could very well cum just from that.
You reach down and begin to undo the top of his Lin Kuei uniform until his chest was bare. His chest was mesmerizing, he was incredibly fit and had more muscles than you even knew existed. Your hands ran their way up his abs and gripped at his large biceps. Your lips attack his once more as he continues to play with your breasts. You slowly moved from his lips down to his jaw and then down to his neck. Loud sucking noises were heard as you sucked harshly on the skin of his neck, hoping to leave dark hickeys on his neck. He was holding back his voice, but with every press of your lips on his neck he let out a labored moan.
Moving down his chest you left red hickeys on his collarbone and pecs, pulling away to be proud of successfully marking your husband as your own.
"You're so pretty, Bi-han." You smile before pressing a sweet kiss to his lips.
You pull away and drop down to position your body between his legs. Your hands gripped at his pants to free his cock, it was already falling with precum. He was pretty big, it almost made you a bit nervous. Your hand stroked him up and down a few times as you looked up to watch his face contort as his hands gripped at the sheets next to him. He was using all of his willpower to not cum on the spot.
You pressed kisses up his shaft until you reached the tip, swirling your tongue around it.
"F-fuck... please." Bi-han pleaded, beads of sweat falling from his brow.
You chuckled before happily taking him in your mouth. A loud groan was heard from Bi-han as his hands reached up to grip the headboard behind him. Your head bobbed up and down on his shaft as Bi-han was trying to control his breathing. Lewd sounds filled the room as you could feel that Bi-han was close to cumming by how his hips jerked up into your mouth. You felt him hit the back of your throat as you took all of him, humming at his taste.
"Shit!" He was pushed over the edge as you heard a loud moan fall from his lips as his hips pushed up into your mouth before spilling his seed down your throat. You swallowed his cum as you pulled off of his cock with a 'pop' sound. He looked down at you with red cheeks and his mouth slightly agape, he knew this feeling was addicting and was better than anything he could've done himself.
Before crawling back over him, you removed your bottoms and underwear. You sit down on his torso, feeling his aching cock spring against your ass.
"I'm gonna make you feel so good, my love." You reassure him as you pressed a soft kiss to his cold lips. "Trust me, you won't be thinking of any other woman when I'm done ― make you addicted to me. " You smirk seeing a small smile form on his face, it was the first time you had seen him smile.
"You are confident, I like it." He says, still heaving from his orgasm.
A small chuckle escapes your mouth before kissing him, pressing your tongue in his mouth this time, him being able to taste himself in your mouth.
Keeping your lips on his, you reach down and position his shaft at your entrance as you hover over him. You slightly press the tip at your slit, slowly entering you. Bi-han pulls away from your lips when you sink down about halfway down his cock, his head falling against the pillow as he moans. You grip at his shoulders as a whimper falls from your lips, your chest heaving up and down as you slowly sink down further until you bottom out on his cock. Your nails scratch against his chest as you take a moment to feel him stretch you out.
Finally, you slowly grind your hips against his as the two of you moan loudly. Your grabbed tightly at his shoulders as you lifted your hips up halfway around his cock and drop down on him.
"Fuck... wait! ― gonna cum too early." He sighed as his hands jumped up to grip as your waist, feeling the tips of his fingers being ice cold. You chuckled before lifting up and dropping down on him again, whimpering at the feeling of you. Getting the hang of it, you bounced up and down on his cock as the two of you drowned out each others moans.
"Fuck Bi-han..." You whimper out, feeling yourself faltering as you were nearing your orgasm.
You felt Bi-han raise his hips to meet yours as you bounced on his cock, causing you to throw your head back as a loud moan ripped from you.
"I'm gonna ― " Bi-han dug his nails into your thighs, sure enough to leave marks, showing that he was close. You could feel his cock twitch inside you as you clenched harshly around him. You reached down and pressed your forehead against his as you held his head in your hands as you continued your movements.
"Cum in me, Bi-han." You begged. His breath hitched hearing your request, but he held strong.
"But ― " He began.
"Please Bi-han, I need to feel you inside me, filling me with your children..." You pleaded as Bi-han lost all self control and spilled himself inside you with a load groan as he held his hips up in the air to get the deepest inside you. Feeling Bi-han cum inside you was enough to push you over the edge and you came hard around his cock, clenching tightly and milking him dry. Strained whimpers left your mouth as you slowly grinded against his pelvis to ride out your high. Bi-han looked down at your entrance seeing a circle of cum surrounding your entrance and his cock, almost enough to make him hard again.
You panted heavily as you hid your face in his neck, feeling beads of sweat fall from his skin onto yours. You pulled away and observed Bi-han in this state, seeing strands of his hair stuck to his sweaty skin and tired eyes as he looked up at you. You reached your hands up to hold his cheeks in your palms as you felt his hands rest softly on your waist.
"As good as I said?" You chuckled.
"Better." He closes his eyes as he lies his head against the headboard. "You want to carry my child?" He pants as he opens his eyes and looks up at you.
"Of course I do, but you will have to keep filling me up until you put a child in me." You smirk as you press your forehead against his.
"I can do that." He smirks before leaning up to press a sweet kiss to your lips.
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