#hope the new chapters aren't worse than the last ones haha
crunchontoast · 11 months
The Origins update post
In regards to the short rewrite of chapters 1-5! Go check the latest update for context.
1- This chapter is fine. It does what it needs to do, and I'll leave most of it untouched, save for the ending, which feels rushed and messy. It doesn't really convey what I want it to.
2- Again, it does what it needs to, but I was always annoyed that I didn't include more of an introduction to Ink and Error's starting relationship. I'm not planning to add any exposition. But...
3- I'm gonna try and fuse this with 2, in a switching-POVs kinda way. Only if it feels natural, though- chapter 3 is very exposition-heavy and I'd really prefer it if the Outer conflict was more vague. I dunno. The Stars deserve more focus.
4- After the tension that was built up in 3 this chapter really feels like hitting a brick wall. The addition of even more development is sluggish and unnecessary. I'll be keeping much of the bad guy conflict the same but I am thinking of putting 4 and 5 together, to save some filler.
5- I'd like to shorten this one down as much as possible. It's really meant to be a precursor to chapter 6- the random descriptions I stuck in there don't add anything to the characters or the plot and overall they feel unnecessary. I'll keep the part where Ink mistakes Blue for Dream, though.
A short warning: this is not gonna be a fast process. One of the reasons why I'm taking a hiatus is because my mental health is in complete shambles at the moment and honestly I just gotta focus on keeping myself alive. I'm super sorry that this is so last minute. Gahhhhhhh I'm gonna regret this, aren't I?
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