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silverduckie · 4 years ago
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Asa Butterfield in Then Came You
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chaosbisexual · 8 years ago
Hey there nonnie!! idk why, bc tbh i’m p boring, but thank you! i’ve already answered a handful of these so i’ll just do the rest!! thank you!!
1: How tall or short do you wish you were? i mean i’m 5″2 so i wish i was taller,,,, like maybe just 5″6 or so??? just a bit taller???
2: Do you have a favorite clothing style? i LOVE dresses okay i’m that girl,, but i love dresses that come in at the waist bc i’m curvy so i like the waist,, and like high waisted shorts and jeans and skirts w shorter tops??? mm i LOVE. but i’m also comfortable with like big jumpers and stuff too so…
3: Do you like makeup? if so, What’s your daily makeup routine look like? Yes! I love makeup! i’m not very good at it but i find makeup v calming and usually when i’m upset the process of putting youtube or music on and doin my makeup is so theraputic,,, i usually do pencil eyeliner, eyebrows, concealer, mascara and eyeshadow if i have time (not in that order) but i honestly love eyeshadow pallets sm 
4: What three things/people do you think of most each day: things bc i’m boring; tea, blankets and friends. 
7: What is your Greek personality type? [Sanguine, Phlegmatic, Choleric, or Melancholic] : I love personality quizzes and i literally just took this and i’m melancholic?? which i agree w a lot actually (look it up if you want to know more lol)
9: who’s your favorite celebrity? hmm currently dodie clark (she counts ok) emma watson, adelaide kane, or matty healy,,, hmmm,,,,,,
10: who’s your favorite viner? i dont really watch vines but i think thomas sanders and lizzza are hilarious so,,,,
11: favorite youtubers? i kinda answered this before but dodie, lucy moon, jack and dean (anyone in that circle) dan and phil, carrie hope fletcher. 
12: cat or dogs? i dont like this bc i love them both but when it comes to mutual love,,,, dogs (but my cat has LOVED me recently idk whats happening)
14: If you had to change your name, what would you change it to? i honestly don’t know,,, i LOVE the name lyra but i feel like i’d want to name my child that,,, but idk i also like laurel, lily, estelle,,,,
16: Would you rather be nocturnal or diurnal [opposite of nocturnal]? i feel most productive at night, and i love night, but i feel like people diurnal is more the norm and when i’d actually be able to get stuff done,, so that
17: Any phobias or fears? bein alone, being unproductive, unhappiness,, i don;t think i have any phobias but i am quite an anxious bean
18: Favorite movie? hmmmm 10 things i hate about you, any hp film, the narnia films,,, r+j,,,, there’s so m a n y 
19: Do you get scared easily? short answer: yes,,, long answer: Y Y E E S S 
21: What is a color that calms you? blue, like pale blue, green (bc being outside makes me feel calm) and like mauve bc it reminds me of my mum 
23: Where were you born? melbourne buddy
24: Introvert or extrovert? ambivert,,,, but i think i’m closer to extrovert 
25: Do you believe in horoscopes and zodiacs? YES I’M SUCH A TAURUS
 26: Hugs or kisses? i mean i’ve never kissed anyone so i’d have to say hugs
28: Talk about your crush, if you have one! idk where to begin w this omg,,,,
29: A sound you really love? RAIN. RAIN.  R A I N. and my friends talking, that makes me feel good too. 
30: Can you do the splits? nOPE 
31: Favorite actor and/or actress? emma watson, thomas brodie-sangster, asa butterfield, tatiana maslany, dev patel,,, ugh so many people
33: How are you feeling right now?  i mean ??? neutral??? like i’m not happy but i’m not sad?? fine??? 
34: What color would you like your hair to be right now?  i mean i used to want to be ginger but then i realized i would look crap but tonight at a dinner i was called a ranga (my hair is v light brown) and now i’m conflicted,, but like i kinda want darker hair rn 
35: Something that calms you down? dodie clark, my friends, tea, long walks.
36: Have any disorders? no but i might have anxiety??? 37: What does your URL mean? combo of my fave characters, clara oswald from doctor who and james and lily potter from hp,,, not even sorry 
38: What makes you unfollow a blog? inactive, rude or a person i just don’t want to be associated with anymore (this only happened once when i had a falling out w someone irl)
39: What makes you follow a blog? nice username or aesthetic, or i find you on my dash somehow. i follow a lot of people but it’s nice there’s variety. 
40: Favorite kind of person: one who understands me and listens to me but is also completely at ease w who they are and is willing to be open with me.
41: Name three of your favorite blogs. @alicelongbottom, @hpwritersnet (i’m part of this but we’re great) and @acestephendene ,, ily all sm and your blogs are all AMAZING,
42: What is your MBTI personality type? INFJ!!!! and it fits me really well tbh.
43: What outfit out of all your clothes do you like to wear the most? currently my maxi dress or my jeans :)
44: Post a selfie or two? lol i don’t currently have any up put i have a pic of ME if that counts. everything will be under the tag “my face”
45: Do you like to swim? YES
46: Is swimming or ice skating more fun to you? swimming, i can’t skate for shit lol
47: Something you wish didn’t exist: tr*mp
48: Some thing you wish did exist: MONEY TREES AND TIME MACHINES
49: Piercings you have? just my ears
50: Something you really enjoy doing: reading and writing and walking. sometimes all at once oml 
51: Favorite person to talk to: hmm maybe either my two closest friends or my sister?? 
52: What was your first impression of Tumblr? *actual recreation* “plants, plants, plants, i guess they’re pretty,,,, wAIT IS THAT HARRY POTTER”
53: How many followers do you have? nearly 0.5 k :))))))))))))) (do you guys want me to do something to celebrate?? i’m so excited??)
54: Can you run a mile within ten minutes? probably not omg 
56: What are your birthstones? emerald,, thats the only one i know oops 
58: Someone you look up to: my sister (both literally and metaphorically)
59: A store you love? in australia we have this stationary store called typo,,, and it’s my favourite place on earth. and like any type of bookstore, vintage, or like anything. just books. 
60: Favorite type of shoes? boots,,, heeled boots,,,
61: Where do you live? australia m8
62: What color do you wish the sky was? i wish it always looked like it does when its dusk tbh 
63: Favorite thing about a person: their eyes, their passions, their hopes.
64: Something you love about Tumblr: all the kind people who send me asks and messages :)66: On a scale of 1-10, how attractive would you say you are? ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm,,,,,,, idk maybe a 4 or 5? and on a good day, a 6-6.5? which is kind of ironic when you think about the fact that i idolise my sister,,, who looks like me,,,,
67: What nicknames do you have/have had? lexi, ali, alexy-indre, munchkin, smol bitch, peanut, smol cabbage, and most recently, the good ole “al”
68: Did you have any pretend or imaginary friends? when i was v little, but i think i stole them all from story books so,,,,
69: Have you ever seen a therapist/shrink? i have seen a counselor, and i probably go back actually,,,70: How many languages do you speak fluently? just english,,, but i am trying to learn french.71: Name three people you would like to talk to right now in person. mum, my sister, and hannah (@acestephendene)
72: Do you like BuzzFeed? i mean ??? yes ??? i know they’re problematic and all but yes i like the content,, espec unsolved its my fave. 
73: How many people are you following? i’m such a mess i think last time there was around 3,000??? i should probably maintenance that omg 
74: How many posts/likes/ and or drafts do you have on your blog? 14,168 posts, 31,092 likes, and 2 drafts (again, i’m a mess)
phew that was long!! hope ur not asleep anon, thank you so much xx
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