#hope I'm not wearing anyone out or spamming the tags too much
thelightningstreak · 2 months
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Chapter 12 for Trigun Fic, Love and Violence
Available on AO3: Start from Chapter 1 | Go to Newest Chapter
Summary: A town of humans accidentally rehabilitate a floundering, injured Knives after his deadly battle with Vash. Canon divergent gen fic.
Rated: T
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lalka-laski · 3 years
So far who did you talk to the most today? It's only 6:30 am so besides kissing Glenn goodbye and telling him I love him, I haven't spoken to anyone out loud
What is the best name for a butler? I immediately thought of Jeffrey from Fresh Prince so let's go with that
What was your last weird encounter? My whole life is one
What’s the weirdest story of one of your scars? I only have one scar and it doesn't have that weird of a backstory. I slipped off a ladder and scraped my leg on a nail.
Do you remember the part from Bambi when Bambi learns to say bear? Nope, I have very little memory of that movie
What color is your toothbrush? Pink
What is your middle name spelled backwards? It's Catherine, so I'll let you sort that out :D
Can you eat well with chopsticks? NO!
What odd things creep you out? BIRDS. To me that's not odd at all but I guess some people out there find them cute or cool?
Have you ever felt an earthquake? A small one
What do you do with the hot grease when you’re done cooking bacon? I just toss it
What’s the weirdest thing you have ever eaten? Hmm....
What color are your socks today? I'm not wearing any. It's really not warm enough for flip flops anymore buuut I'm still wearing 'em
Who do you blame for your mood today? I feel pretty content today but that's not result of any person but rather just my circumstances: it's Friday, I slept well and feel refreshed, I have a short shift at work and NO work tomorrow. So life is good! If Ricky Martin had a trademark what would it be? Livin La Vida Loca?
What is something scientists need to invent? Obviously there are a lot of serious, medical advancements that need to be made. But an invention I'd really love is a body dryer for when you get out of the shower. Like a giant hair dryer, but for your whole body so you don't have to towel dry. That's my futuristic dream.
What is the closest object to your left foot? A first-aid kit
Who is your favorite Golden Girl? I identify most with Rose, but they're all hilarious
Do you have an inside joke that has to do with numbers? Probably
What is the longest amount of hours you have slept in a row? Probably around 15
Where was your mother’s hometown? Belfast, NI
Where was your father’s hometown? Rochester, NY, USA
Do you use online terms in real life? Not intentionally but sometimes I slip
What do you think people think of you? I'm known as being friendly and bubbly (if a little flaky)
Do you think this year will be better than the last? Well this year is rapidly coming to a close and I can't say if it was better or worse than last. They were pretty comparable!
Who is the 1st person on your incoming call list and how do you feel about them? A spam number, I despise them! Do you know who Salad Fingers Is? Ha ha ha yes!
What is the stupidest thing you have ever done? Ugh...
What is your favorite commercial of the moment? I love that Amazon commercial that retells Rapunzel and makes her a badass heroine instead of a passive princess (I say as a passive princess.. lol). But my favorite of all-time is the SCOOP THERE IT IS commercial with Tag Team. It never fails to make me laugh.
What does it take to make you cry? Hardly anything at ALL
What are you looking forward to? The weekend! Even though I don't have any plans yet. I'm hoping something fun will come up... but if nothing else, it's free time to relax and SLEEP.
Have you ever cried because you thought you were ugly? WHEW CHILD.... you don't even know the half of it
Who did you kiss today? Glenn's head What do you like to do when you are alone? Read, write, drink, cook Who are your 2 favorite characters on Full House? As much as I love(d) that show I don't really have individual favorite characters What is missing from your life? Financial stability. Well actually, other kinds of stability too...
Would you be ashamed if you wore hippie clothes? That's not my style but I wouldn't be ASHAMED necessarily
Grab the closest book, what does the 7th sentence on the 23rd page say? No thanks
When was the last time you slept with a stuffed animal? I don't sleep *with* it, but I have a teddy bear ON my bed every night
If it was your last day on earth what shoes would you wear? Why would that matter??
Do you own a Super Nintendo? Nope
What do you think of Law and Order? I like SVU but can sometimes (often) find it triggering
Can you name all 7 dwarfs? Yep
Have you ever pretended to be Jewish? What on earth lmao What was the last thing you thought you lost, but ended up finding it? My phone. On a daily basis
What were you doing at midnight last night? Sleeping soundly
If you had a ball of clay what would you mold it into? A heart
What does your milkshake bring to the yard? Anxiety
Do you have any famous relatives? Nope
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hatant · 3 years
Check in Tag!
I was tagged by the ever lovely and incredible @arschlochxdesiree - thanks 😊😊😊
1. Why did you choose your URL.
Hat Ant was a random nickname I picked up years and years ago (I always used to wear hats) and it kind of just, stuck. It's become my handle on practically every platform I use so, who needs originality 😂
2. Any side blogs? If you have them, name them and why you have them.
I used to have a poetry one and a photography one, but they slowly withered due to laziness and are long since deleted. I do currently have a side blog that was maybe going to be a NSFW one but got lazy and never did anything with it 😂 if anyone wants to refresh my memory on how to delete blogs let me know!
3. How long have you been on Tumblr?
Oh God, a while now. I think about a decade? Which is far too sobering...
4. Do you have a queue tag?
I really don't 😂 I remember giving it a go and then getting lazy and thinking screw it, you're all going to be spammed so I hope you like it!
5. Why did you start your blog in the first place?
Urm...hmm. I think it started as like a diary/place to clear my head, and then I got distracted by pretty pictures and now it is whatever it is now. Curated chaos, with less curating.
6. Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
Because it's me and I looked goooood (and veeery hairy 😂).
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7. Why did you choose your header?
I don't know if you can even see it on here, but it's this and I think it's really pretty. There are people who go around London, hanging charms on trees - I believe Mărțișor charms - and I found this opposite St Paul's and it just...makes me super happy.
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8. What’s your post with the most notes?
I haven't got the first clue, how would you even find that out? I'm assuming a selfie of some description because, come on. Look at me 😂😎
9. How many mutuals do you have?
I haven't got the first clue...a few? There are a bunch of you lovely folks who followed me and you're awesome so, a good few of you. Heeelloo lovely all y'all mutuals!
10. How many followers do you have?
Urm...let me check. 592! Oh wow...no idea how many of them are porn bots 😂
11. How many people do you follow?
Up until this I had no idea, but apparently 352! All of you are glorious.
12. Have you ever made a shit post?
I don't think so, I don't have the wit 😂
13. How often do you use tumblr every day?
It varies. Sometimes really not much at all, sometimes I'll be checking every so often.
14. Did you ever have a fight with another blog once? Who won?
I really haven't, really not what I'm here for. I did once get gripe from some 40k guy because I reblogged a post calling for more diversity and representation in the hobby and he reaaaaaally didn't like it. Woops.
15. How do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts?
I can honestly say I don't really care for them.
16. Do you like tag games?
I do quite like them!
17. Do you like ask games?
Sometimes, they can be good fun if the mood and effort is right 😂
18. Which of your tumblr mutuals you think is famous?
Hmm...are any of you famous and you've just kept it super quiet? I don't know 😂
19. Do you have a crush on a mutual?
I don't kiss and tell. (I do, fair play to say I think they might be aware of it 👀)
Thanks! It's very warm and I'm lazy so I'll come back and tag people in a bit but consider yourselves all tagged you gorgeous people you 😊😊😊
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