#honour demands she can't just wail on some vegetal manlet who won't fight back so he just gets to sip his brandy and be smug about it
red-catmander · 2 years
i feel like there's a specific Bit canach has with emberthroat (one of many because he likes needling her) where he insists that if they ever came to blows again he would win because he isn't hampered by little things like 'hallucinogens' and 'being up for four days in some squalid cave' even as the idea becomes more and more absurd and this, specifically, annoys the shit out of her because she's from such a martial culture. the digs he makes about her appearance don't even register, she thinks they're funny, but this one bit drives her to teeth-gritting madness and he hasn't slipped up once in over ten years. she repeatedly explains that he's vegetal and she can set fires with her brain and he just chortles and shakes his head. when she comes hobbling out of icebrood saga, two dragons down, he nods sagely and says yes this will look very good framed on my wall when i do best you. she's tearing off her shirt and challenging him to a brawl in the fantasy tescos express and he's like no no commander i respect you too much
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