#honestly thoight just cause i wont take responsibility in your messages doesn't mean i havent in my diaries
pleasantdragontree · 9 months
I hope whoever is stalking my accounts knows I'm pissed as a left chickens wing right now
I loved you but I can't cause you gossiped about my health conditions there fore I can't apologise. Why relaliate? Why get encouraged? Why take the most popular opinion? Is that.opinon truly yours ? I loved ya cause you were you and I liked taht you weren't perfect and I was happy to take differcult conversations with ya to solve things properly. How silly of me to believe you'd do the same. At last time to move on since the joy won't end with you. There will be someone somewhere that wants me for all of me, the good the bad and the ugly. For the personality disorders and all. The excuses and the responsibility and all
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