#honestly surprised the fandom hasn't been crawling in Nari is the Green Knight aus especially after that Dev Patel movie released
babblish · 8 months
The Aftermath of the Battle of Killahead and the Green Knight for the Wip Ask game please! ♡
Thanks for the ask!
📄 The Aftermath of the Battle of Killahead
At some point in *checks file date* 2021 when I was doing a rewatch of Wizards for note taking purposes, I was possessed with the urge to write what happened to Bellroc after they magicked themself away when the Trollhunter blinded them at the battle of Killahead. If I remember correctly I wrote most of what's there in a single day at a feverish pace, and have been adding drips and drabs ever since, waiting for the rest of everything that comes before it is finished.
I cannot remember if I've shared anything from this here, but here is a tantalising sample:
It had been an unthinking decision. Bellroc clutched at their face, unable to stop the liquid fire that poured down their cheeks. They backed as far as they could into the wall, knocking over tools and ingots in their fury, screaming from the shock and pain of it. They thrashed explosively and without decision, the mortal instincts they had spend aeons trying quash bent and snapped them like a twig. They wrenched the feathered cape from their shoulders, tugging and yanking at the insufferable artifice that made their skin crawl with dread, stripping everything that could be easily removed. In their heart they were still surrounded by trolls who barely seemed to notice the flames that cooked the flesh from their bones. Their arms ached, remembering struggling in their grasp. Bellroc’s breath hitched as they remembered their forge for not just a place of a comfort and pawed shakily over familiar surfaces rendered strange and alien within an instant. They tested edges with the tips of their fingers, nicking themself several times over as they shakily found the exact blade for which they sought.
📄 The Green Knight
I am unsure if you remember our discussions about why ToA decided to depict The Green Knight... like that, and my theory as to why and how they backed themselves into a characterisation corner, by making Nari as they did.
But basically, The Green Knight is my take on what they should've done, or rather, what is more interesting to me based on the source material. So Nari is the Green Knight, and also Gawain is gender as hell.
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