#honestly i think she's underrated
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So I'd never really drawn Elise before ! Kind of hard to find the right balance between Sonic character proportions and my regular human art style, huh...
#princess elise#sonic the hedgehog#sonic 06#honestly i think she's underrated#even though i agree the romance factor was entirely unnecessary#she has a great character#also is that a new AU idea in the corner ? perhaps#i'll talk about that one later#but i think it's neat#teka art
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I said like forever ago that I would make tier list for dragon types, and I've finally gone and done it. Big thanks to @veterantrainerray for suggesting I do this like a month ago.
These lists are directed at newbie trainers, specifically younger trainers. If you're thirty-two and have a twenty acre property and all the time in the world to read up on the care and training of a Salamence, go for it. I'm not your dad.
I've ONLY added Pokemon I have personally trained, so I can try to explain each list. I made two lists, one for captive-bred 'mon and one for wild-caught. Captive-bred pokemon tend to be hardier and less temperamental, so the list is a bit different. ALSO, while I used the final forms, this list is assuming you got them in their first form. I do not recommend trying to train a fully-grown wild Salamence. For any reason. That's a catch-and-release beastie.
honourable mention: Gyarados. Not a dragon-type, but temperamental as one. My recommendation is that this is a very strong guy who (probably) loves you very much for taking care of him when he was weak, and also he hates everyone else. Train him to wait for your command, and also socialize him while he's still a Magikarp to avoid the 'us vs. them' mindset as much as you can.
First up, the 'domestic-bred dragon list!'
Acceptable Starter: Swablu and Dratini are not very aggressive pokemon, and domestic-bred ones are usually much hardier than their wild counterparts. Dratini are a little more intelligent, and thus easier to train, but a domestic Swablu is pretty intelligent itself. Neither of them evolves into a pokemon known for aggression, so I think overall they're pretty well-suited travelling companions.
Fine with experience: Horsea is Horsea. You know him, you love him. Domestic ones, are, again, hardier than than their wild counterparts.. Honestly, the reason I have them here rather than 'acceptable starter' is because of Seadra. All the good breeding in the world can't guarantee a calm Seadra. You have to make sure your Horsea is well-trained BEFORE it evolves. But if it is? Your Kingdra is gonna be a breeze. Way more chill than Seadra, if not a bit snooty.
Druddigon get a bad rap, which is unfortunate. I love them. Might be my favourite dragon type. Domestic breeds are hard to come by, since they're not very popular, but the ones I've met are wonderful. They enjoy sunbathing a lot. The reason I put them here is actually because they tend to be stubborn. And while it takes a lot (compared to other dragon types, NOT most pokemon) to get them irritated, they CAN AND WILL use their strength to solve a problem. So the difficulty lies in getting them motivated enough to train them well. But if you're just looking for a guy who sits out in your yard sunbathing and looking scary, maybe give a breeder a call...? (you should still train them not to attack without a command, though!)
Flygon is actually usually really sweet-tempered. The reason he's so low is actually because of Trapinch and Vibrava! Trapinch, even domestically bred ones, are not all that intelligent, and thus hard to train for people who don't know what they're doing. The digging instinct can be very, very difficult to train out. They're hard-wired for it, it's how they survive in the wild! Vibrava are much more intelligent, but when they first evolve, there WILL be accidents with the wings. They're still figuring things out. Give 'em time, teach them to only do that stuff outdoors, etc etc. But if you can get through that, Flygon are wonderful companions! Every now and again in Hoenn you'd find a family with a pet Flygon instead of the typical Skitty or Poochyena. Love em.
Might need outside help: Domestic Gibble tend to be much less wantonly destructive than wild-caught, since having that bred out of them was a big goal of the original breeding programs in the first place. That said, instinct is instinct. If you aren't giving them their proper exercise every day and making sure to train them, they are going to wreak havoc. You need to be paying attention to it at all times. They're also pretty curious lil' guys! This means they will see something neat, like a fire hydrant, go 'hey, what's that?' and then answer that question by destroying it. They tend to get labeled 'aggressive' which is. Well it's not really true, but the difference between 'playtime' and 'this little guy hates you' doesn't matter so much when you're human and a Gibble is chasing you, open-mouthed. Domestic Gabite are much more calm on that front, and fully-trained, domestic Garchomp tend to be remarkable bastions of self-control. Again, it's all about surviving and training that first stage.
Pros Only: Both of these guys are here for similar reasons: Their instinct in their final evolutions has a tendency to override their training, so you're gonna have to not only have a firmer hand then a lot of trainers are comfortable with, but train them pretty continuously throughout their lives. They're fiercely independent, so forming a bond based on respect very early on in their lives is direly important. Otherwise you ain't getting them to do anything for you. Thankfully, at the very least the domestic breeds tend to not be too violent/destructive.
Salamence has an added difficulty: most people don't train their Bagon or Shelgon correctly. Bagon is one of the most easygoing dragon types out there, and Shelgon have a tendency to be pretty placid. This leads to trainers not taking their training too seriously early on, which leads to disastrous consequences once they're fully evolved. Just because your Bagon listens to you doesn't mean your Salamence will. Practice your recall training. Or Else.
You put that thing back where it came from or so help me: Hydregion is smarter than you. You may be able to train a Deino. I don't know you. They're bitey, but not the worst out there. But you do NOT have the resources or the know-how to handle a Zweilous. Straight-up. They have high energy levels, need a LOT of food, and can and WILL injure themselves via infighting. There's a reason Hydregion is rare as hell, and it's because a lot of them don't make it to adulthood due to injuries. It's a survival of the fittest tactic. I love Hydregion. I have one. If you don't have a damn mountain range in your backyard, don't get one. They NEED a place to go off and be destructive, and they're territorial as all hell. Just don't. Please.
Next up, the Wild-Caught List!
As you can see, there's nothing on the acceptable starter list. I'll get into why in the next categories.
Fine with experience: You're looking at basically the same thing with the wild Kingdra line as you would be with a domestic breed, with one notable difference: Wild Horsea tend to be a lot less hardy and a lot more timid. It'll take it longer to start trusting you, but honestly just doing the upkeep to keep it happy and healthy should start winning it over. They're more intelligent than most people give 'em credit for. Your eventual Kingdra is probably also gonna be more headstrong, but honestly for some trainers, that's a good thing.
Dratini suffers from the same problem. They have pretty specific habitat needs- but if you're at the point in your journey where you get your hands on a wild Dratini, honestly I'd trust that you're able to provide what it needs. Bonus, though, is that while wild Dratini can be cautious, they're very curious, too! And if your vibes are good (lookin at you, Ray!) they're usually more than happy to come along with you. And as our dear friend Ray is learning, one that is eager to battle is a ready and willing student! There's a reason they have such a great reputation.
Might need outside help: Wild Druddigon tend to be pretty territorial, on top of all the stubbornness. They're usually also a bit more proactive in expressing the classic dragon type temperament. You're looking at more intensive training to get recalling down and increase their tolerance for being bothered. No shame in asking a dragon-type expert. That said, I still love these guys. If you can read their body language, you could probably get through a cave of them no problem.
Oh, Swablu. Swablu, what will we do with you? Wild Swablu are flighty little critters, and kind of frail, to boot. And wild Alteria are stubborn. They will not get dirty. They think they are better than you. This isn't to say they're awful! An Alteria is usually pretty affectionate with its trainer, wild or domestic. A properly-trained one isn't going to be raging any more than a Dragonite or a Kingdra. But trying to train a Swablu is harder than it seems, just because they're not great listeners. If You've got patience and a guide, you're fine, but really I'd suggest asking an expert.
I don't know how to say this without sounding mean. Please understand I've raised five Trapinch. They are. Difficult. and a little stupid. Wild ones especially don't really have any sort of grasp on the world of training. You are looking at one hell of an uphill battle. But they're kind of a rite of passage for Hoennian trainers, and if they can do it, you can too! Really, you're going to be doing most of the 'basic training' for these guys in the Vibrava stage. You should still be taking the time to get your Trapinch used to being balled and the sound of your voice, obviously, but the traditional way to train a Trapinch is to do double battles until it evolves. Then do a lot of the indoor-outdoor distinction, once it can understand what a building is. And if you can deal with a Trapinch, you can deal with a Flygon. They're pretty relaxed, especially for a dragon type.
Pros Only: You don't have the patience for a wild Gibble, and you almost certainly aren't capable of tying down The King of the Caves when he wants to rampage. That said, if you do manage to train one right, and you've got a firm hand an a certain kind of attitude, you've got a partner for life. A wild Garchomp's respect is a tough thing to earn, but it's worth it. I was debating putting him on the final tier, but honestly... if you're really, really dedicated it's certainly possible. But you NEED to get in contact with somebody who knows what they're doing. Trying to freehand training is going to get your arm torn off.
Honestly, with Salamence, you're looking at about the same issues as you would be with a domestic, with two exceptions: your Bagon's gonna be a bit more of a wild child (but still nothing crazy) and your Salamence is gonna be aggressive. No way around it. Keeping it trained is a full-time job. If you're not looking to make a trained team of six and would rather just focus on a few, then you might have the time to dedicate to making sure the training sticks. Otherwise, leave it.
You put that thing back where it came from or so help me: Look at me. Look at me. Do not go near a wild Hydregion. Do not attempt to steal a Hydregion's baby. You will die, and it will hurt the whole time you are dying. And then that beast is going to start rampaging, and if there's a human settlement on or even near its territory, they are going to pay the price for your stupidity. Then they'll call the rangers in, and IF they can subdue the Hydregion, they're not going to be able to release it, because Hydregion can always find their way back home. They'll have to put it down. Don't fucking do it.
You can probably keep and train a wild Axew. Just make sure it has an everstone, because you are in no way, shape, or form prepared for a wild Haxorous. See the above, minus the rampaging parts. They're usually content with just you and anybody in a direct line-of-sight. If you train it well, it'll probably just run off into the hills instead of attacking you, at least. They've got really powerful instincts, and need things most people can't provide. 'Oh but Laser, don't you have a wild-caught Haxorous?' I do and I also have an entire nature preserve, complete with mountain range. He loves me, in his own way. I know this because he is willing to wait for food and not attack everything in his territory. I can go into his territory without being instantly vaporized, and he's willing to come out of his territory and interact with me. This does not mean he is safe to be around. It only means that I have twenty years of experience. If you want one, get a domestic breed. There's plenty of Axew breeders all over Unova.
I hope this was informative! Please remember that pokemon are individuals, and not all of them will conform to what I've laid out here. Please also remember that your life is not worth the possibility that you could get that one in a billion, super nice Hydregion. Dragon types have their reputation for good reason, and I simply can't stress enough that you need to do a lot of research before owning any of them.
Good luck!
#I love my domestic Garchomp- got her as a trade wayyy back in the day#she keeps shit in LINE. like a very strict grandmother#And my Druddigon! I love you Ruddy my sweet baby and Todd my strange man#Ruddy was wild-caught and Todd is a domestic. Honestly super underrated#If I was a pokemon I think I'd be a Druddigon#laserland#pokemon#pokemonirl#pokemon irl#rotomblr#dragon type#got a little dark there but it's bc I know how kids are#they take a threat as a challenge
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âThe cries of the innocent will haunt us forever if we stay silent.â These are the words of Taoiseach Leo Varadkar, speaking at an event in Boston this week about Israelâs devastating assault on Gaza. And who could disagree? What is taking place in Palestine now is one of the most profound and shocking moral catastrophes of our time.
#i think her powers as an essayist are woefully underrated- she may honestly be a stronger essayist than novelist#sally rooney#palestine#free palestine#ireland#st patricks day#p
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I guess my personal interest in the Black Rose arc lies in the utter deconstruction of social roles, and meditation on power dynamics. But most of all how this arc demonstrates the ambivalence in simultaneously of everything.
Again, the arc is about the overlooked characters who're treated as if they were disposable or stock characters. The spotlight is directed away from our usual main characters. Even though the triangular constellation or even characters of Tokiko, Mikage, and Mamiya et rarely discussed, their relationships are a sign of what's to come: An adult who's unable to let go of what they adore and deciding they know better than their little sibling, a lonely teenager who's moved by younger sibling of the adult, and the sibling themselves who, unlike their older sibling can deal with mortality but gets ignored. This arc is also about the plurality of characters. If this arc is about demonstrating how perceived stock personalities are as deep as the candy-colour-highlighted people lavished in attention, by the story, by the audience, it's also an arc how people can be multifacetted, contain apparently opposed natures in them.
It's also a deeply existential arc. Whereas the real Mamiya was ready to accept that he was terminally ill, Tokiko wasn't. So she started an entire project to find a cure (with or without Mamiya's agreement). And even though Nemuro finally felt human connection through and thanks to Mamiya, he was swayed by Tokiko's ambition rather than letting Mamiya go. (I mean Utena's and Mikage's talk in the rose garden use the same construction as the cross at the burial of Utena's parents.)
In that way, Mikage is as well Utena's dark mirror image, a warning whom she might become if she can't deal with the death of her ideals and false memories. Mikage is simultaneously eerily similar in his fate of Akio's. To say, Akio also clings to his one and only childish role in which he had a sole purpose. The masses became faceless and impersonal to him as they served only the purpose to be his purpose. Without them, he would have none to save, none to praise him. With a falsified memory in which Anthy!Mamiya claims he desires eternity, Souji doesn't deal with Mamiya's death either. Instead he continue to serve a nefarious purpose, not caring about anyone but himself, and his own desire. (Also, Mikage's ending her contract is the precursor to Anthy's farewell to Akio.) At a certain point, the sacrifices, be it students seeking counseling, be it 100 classmates, are all acceptable collateral damage to Mikage, as long as they further his desire. But then again, like Utena, Nemuro was alienated by his peers, very lonely until he met Tokiko and Mamiya. Mamiya's certain death moved him so much, he made connections with both Mamiya and Tokiko. All his research was maybe done against Mamiya's will but carried out of the desire to help him, lead on by Tokiko's love and good intentions.
Tokiko simultaneously occupies the role of both Akio and Utena. She can't let go of Mamiya in spite of Mamiya voicing how futile Tokiko's endeavour is, how he doesn't actually believe in eternity. Like Akio, Tokiko moves everything in spite of her brothers wishes to even work against his wishes. She clings onto Mamiya, and burdens the reasons of her actions on him. Like Utena, Tokiko's method of denying mortality, entrapping her beloved in stasis is done with gentle violence. Utena wants Anthy to be a normal girl, meaning, she wants Anthy to have a carefree life. She means well. Tokiko wants Mamiya to rest, instead of spending his time in the rose garden. Her method of eternally keeping roses alive is by letting them dry or making sugar roses. It's a futile yet stubborn fight against decay but one with kind intention.
And in this method I see an interesting contrast. Whereas Tokiko's method of preservation is one with gentle methods, creating a Black rose can be done in two way: Either roses et artificially dyed, loosing their original colour. Which we see happening when the BR-duelists get "cultivated" with their respective prince's colour. Or the rose gets burned so hot, it's actually more charcoal in the shape of a rose than a rose. Well, if that doesn't resemble the big fire and death of 100 students....
But in that way, what I think what fundamentally makes Tokiko and yes even Nemuro different from Akio is that they both acted out of love. They made the same mistake ignoring Mamiya's desire, unable to cope with loss and grief. But unlike Akio they wanted to keep Mamiya in their lives more than anything else.
With Mamiya's death, the best of Nemuro died. Horrified how her brother's name was misused for mass murder, seeing what inability to handle loss did with Nemuro, Tokiko did face her pain. She lived on, she left Ohtori. She might still be sad, visiting Ohtori on occasions to contemplate her grief. Unlike Akio though, Tokiko finds the stasis unbearable to witness. In fact Tokiko is the only person Akio is incapable to act as cool or charming because she has advanced from his central conflict which shapes his character. His eternal youth is more unsettling than it ever was attractive. It takes Akio a massive reframing and rewriting of Nemuro's memories to the point Nemuro becomes Mikage, to alter Mikage's personality to suit his goal. And still, in the twisted, coldest, unempathetic version of himself, Mikage still thinks he found a way to be happy with Mamiya for the future...
#Lewis rambling#Revolutionary Girl Utena#Black Rose arc#long post#honestly I love Tokiko and I think she's criminally underrated
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think the thabes mod has some issues doing some of the gay hack supports but only for the second gen so. um. hey guys drop ur het second gen ships đđđ
#ann plays awakening#cant believe its come to this#HET KJELLE ��đ¤Žđ¤Ž#i probay just wont pair her but#if there are any vanilla game bangers i might have missed out on lmk!!!#there are definitely a few i already like#big fan of ini/cyn but also cyn/morgan#also been thinkij about ini/sev a little bit. A LITTLE BIT.#i like luci with gero and lau a lot too⌠and yarne honestly tbh bi queen shes good with everyone its actually kinda insane#but idk i think i could also take this chance to go read some underrated ones i forgot about so#i like. i had luci dance on sev like five million thousand times and nothing. NOTHING. god⌠its rough out here
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underrated campster comment has to be dogen saying milka looks like jennifer aniston and reminding everyone that she had a baby with ross.
#dogen#milka#there was an adult milka design by someone on dA (can't remember the username atm) that made her look like aniston#and honestly? so inspired and definitely such a unique lore pick#also i can imagine dogen staying up watching friends on like nick at nite or whatever when he has trouble sleeping#another underrated comment is how nice jt is on milka's page saying she's pretty and sharp and it's incredibly sweet#i like to think jt and milka have had run ins on and off in their childhood
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I saw a post about racist Jasper stans bitching bc theyâre not able to enjoy shitty J*sper content bc of tags or whatever lol and someone said: âWhat is there even to enjoy?â. I had to laugh and I thought if you bc itâs so true. Most Jasper content isnât even that enjoyable. Itâs mostly the same boring white-supremacist garbage that Iâve seen before; even the jalice stuff is played out.
The only J*sper content I enjoy is content where he is worshipping Maria, thinking about Maria, talking about Maria, loving Maria, doing anything for Maria tbh. Is that bad? XD I owe it to you and your writing! idk something about a 19/20 year old dumbass confederate falling madly in love with a native brown woman and literally seeing her as a god-like figure as sheâs basically handing him his karma for his racist crimes sends me. Ppl act like he was this awesome person before Maria and that itâs her fault heâs gutter trash now with the C*llens but he was gutter trash BEFORE he met Maria. She honestly made him so much better, stronger and MUCH more interesting. She literally created the man these stans thirst over so much. She is the blueprint.
the thing anti-MarĂa Jalice stans don't get is, without MarĂa, you do not have Jasper. for everything Jasper is, MarĂa is the catalyst â¤ď¸
canonically, all we know about Jasper Hale pre-change is 1) he was born in Texas, 2) faked his age to join the Confederate Army* where he became the youngest major in Texas, & 3) was persuasive
beyond that, MarĂa made Jasper into the man the fandom adores. you like that he's an empath? guess whose venom made him one. you like that he's a warmonger? guess whose war he fought for. you like that he has a troubled past? guess who put the trouble in it. you like that he's "soft" "empath" "baby" (tbh i don't see it but ok)? guess who made him want to be that way. you like that he's submissive to Alice? guess who broke him in first.
you want Jasper with Alice but wish the MarĂa era didn't exist? lol just say you want the hot faceless Confederate to get with the psychic Mississippian & go
here we have a woman who has suffered all her life at the hands of colonizers. born "1800s or earlier," we can suppose she has firsthand experience with colonization (at least Napoleon's invasion) & lived through Mexico's War of Independence. i.e., she has a deep familiarity with what it means to have your way of life ripped from you by invaders. PLUS she was a victim of Benito's army in the Southern Vampire Wars; her entire coven including her mate was killed.
& despite her losses, she rallied to take back her land & drive out her oppressors. baseline, she is a strong, cunning, powerful indigenous woman with a deep love for her community and her people. HOT
now let's look at Jasper, a bright leader in the Civil War who suffered defeat at the hands of the Union army. yes, MarĂa changed him. but did she force him to stay? to go to war? the newborn vamp with the strength & speed to overcome a "grown" vamp chose not to do so. the empath with the power to make anyone disregard him chose not to use it. some say MarĂa was "abusive" & "manipulative," but few acknowledge that Jasper had a choice.
why didn't Jasper leave? because he's submissive to anyone more powerful than him. because he was a loser. because the Southern Vampire Wars gave him a second chance at victory. because "empath" or no, he wanted to play war & win.
that's what's compelling about Jasper/MarĂa. as wrong as Jasper was for fighting for the Confederacy, he believed he was fighting for the same thing as she. he saw his way of life destroyed by "invaders" & fought back. it's a sick & twisted parallel between oppressor & oppressed that becomes subverted as their relationship goes on... & one that can heal them both.
MarĂa's experience with colonizers gives her a visceral picture of what it means to be oppressed... but her relationship with Jasper gives her the victory & emotional reflection she needs to move on. Jasper's military training gives him the hunger & knowledge for war... but his "curse" of empathy provides him with the tools he needs to recognize & address the horrors of his problematic past & move on.
tbh, i find Jasper & MarĂa are perfectly suited for a delicious character-driven narrative. Maria's story is that of a traumatized indigenous woman on a path from colonization to decolonization, & the sacrifices & destruction she endures realize that vision. Jasper's story is that of a troubled man on the path from self-hate to self-love, & what it means to undo the societal teachings/traumas & forge a life of empathy & forgiveness.
& that is something Alice alone can never give Jasper.
tl;dr all hail Queen MarĂa
#*non-americans: the Civil War (1861-1865) was a battle between Northern (Union) & Southern (Confederate) states...#...over whether to permit slavery in new U.S. territories.#marĂa my beloved#anon i'm glad you like my MarĂa writings (when i used to post them)!#anon thank you so much for giving me this ask and allowing me to just rave about MarĂa you are so wonderful <3333 thank you come again#twilight#twilight renaissance#the twilight saga#jasper hale#jasria#jasrĂa#asks#(disclaimer: i don't hate jasper. i do not think of him. no hate to jalice stans either. lichrally i do not care. i simply love marĂa)#god i love her so much#most underrated character of the whole saga tbh#honestly if i didn't have this rewrite going on i would DEFINITELY LOVE to take a crack at writing The JasrĂa Story#i just see this gorgeous gothic horrific bloody strangely uplifting & bittersweet vampire novel#it's got death and sex and horror and blood and everything Twilight should've been but Worse (and Better)#ok fuck it fuck it FUCK IT I'M DOING IT. I'M OPENING A DOC. I'M TAKING NOTES. I'VE GOT TO WRITE THIS. SHE DESERVES IT#the-most-pathetic-edge wya bestie#let's change the renaissance. For Her#su-angelvicioso#i hope you see this & i hope you're doing well & if i write this series it's for you & i will get this story to you somehow
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bill potts sketch 2017 vs 2023!
a lot has changed in 6 years except for how much i love bill lol
#art improvement#art comparison#digital sketch#bill potts fanart#i think pearl actually liked the drawing on the right on insta lol#id honestly loveeeee for her to return as bill in dw but i dunno how possible that is :((#i just feel she's really underrated as a companion!!!!!!#2017
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FINALLY watched Ready Or Not (2019) with the fam and FUCCCCKKKKKK FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE IT WHEN WOMEN ARE COVERED IN BLOOD AND FIGHTING FOR THEIR LIVES TOOTH AND NAIL!!!!!!!!!!!!! HELL FUCKING YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#ramblings of a lunatic#it is. dare i say underrated? like I genuinely think it's so good but i feel like it's left out of discussions on modern slashers#yeah it's not THE MOST depthful piece it's not a jordan peele movie but it's still got it's moments (''FUCKING RICH PEOPLE!'')#idk maybe it's just bc it doesn't have one particular killer and that's what most slasher fandom revolves around far as i can tell#i can't say anything I'm boring I'm a big final girl stan#I've only seen one scream and went into it only knowing that my friends really liked the killers in that movie#and i was like yeah they're neat but mostly i came away screaming SIDNEY!!!!! FUCKING SIDNEY PRESCOTT LET'S GOOOOO!!!#(note i have only seen 1 scream movie. also i know there's a lot of complicated scholarly discussions to be had abt scream-#-and it's depictions of two close male killers as like. a deviant homosexuality thing and how that eclipses-#-the parts of scream that are arguably feminist. that's a whole other can of worms. i did really love Sydney tho)#i love grace too a-tier final girl. Samara Weaving is a scream queen in my heart she's so good in the role#my only complaint is i would've put a sort of. Up (2009) married life esque scene w/ Grace and Alex getting to know each other#but i get that that's a hard sell to put off and also in the context of the film grace and alex haven't known each other that long#which works directly against the biggest strength of the married life sequence#so honestly I'm not fussed#anyway yeah. fun time! even my mom enjoyed it despite the fact she normally doesn't like gore
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Having a platonic love of your life is so fucking underrated, however I do not recommend being starcrossed lovers. My friend literally drove for over four hours just to make it only 40 miles from home. Last time she got sick. The time before something else happened.
#{domino talks}#as fucking sad as i am holy shit bro??? it's so cool that my friends all love me ao much#pls let the universe be kinder to us tomorrow so we can meet in the middle#she's gonna take me on a date for my birthday (â シูâ Ďâ シูâ )#GAS IS SO EXPENSIVE BRO like all that idling is so bad on your mileage#as absolutely devastated i am i still thinks it's been a good day#like how the fuck can i be miserable about it when she put herself through that?? all that godawful traffic??#i have such high standards if i would ever have a romantic partner i feel bad for them#they exist in another universe so it must be tough#but fr fr platonic love is so rad so underrated romance ain't got nothing on it (probably idk)#this is how my OCs feel isn't it?#honestly this is me bragging
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Pocket Money Pt 2 | Lance Stroll x Reader
Summary: After some time apart, you and Lance realise your love and future mean more than fans' hateful comments
Warnings: Swearing. Sexual innuendos? Hateful fans
Female reader. All pics found on Pinterest.
F1 Masterlist
ââââââ ŕźťđĽ¸ŕźş ââââââ
astonmartinf1 just posted



liked by chloestroll, scottyjames31 and others
astonmartinf1 fighting for points in imola. lance brings it home in P9, securing valuable points for the team #imolagp
user1 lance stroll domination might bore some people
lance_stroll the car felt good this weekend. letâs keep it up, team
user2 just me or was lance looking a little happier this weekend than he has recently?Â
YourUserName wonderful race result
liked by lance_stroll
â user3 the first social media appearance weâve had from y/n in weeks and it was in support of lance?!?! what does this mean
user4 does this mean theyâre still together?
â user5 nah he definitely dumped her ass and now sheâs just trying to get him back
user6 y/n commented and lance liked it! please tell me theyâre back together. most underrated but cutest couple on the grid
user7 @ YourUserName talk about trying too hard. he broke up with you, sweetie. let it go
user8 i know theyâre more private but i need them to confirm theyâre still together so i can sleep easy
astonmartinf1 @ YourUserName fancy paying us a visit in canada?
liked by YourUserNameÂ
user9 not a bunch of you switching up like you werenât calling for her head on a pike
â user10 literally, you guys are probably the reason they broke up but now youâre acting like itâs not what you wanted, and the end of the world
ââââââ ŕźťđĽ¸ŕźş ââââââ



ââââââ ŕźťđĽ¸ŕźş ââââââ
astonmartinf1 just posted



liked by YourUserName, lance_stroll and others
astonmartinf1 all ready for race day tagged: lance_stroll, fernandoalo_official, YourUserName
user11 omg lance looked so happy this weekend and i bet it was because y/n was there
fernandoalo_official y/n looks far better in lanceâs helmet
â YourUserName should put me in his seat next time
â astonmartinf1 deal
â lance_stroll my father will hear about this
â YourUserName okay draco malfoy
chloestroll okay but i think i just fell in love with those eyes
â scottyjames31 why are you never this publicly obsessed with me
â chloestroll because youâre not y/n
â danielricciardo she is the moment
BestFriend do NOT put her in the car. girly barely passed her driving test the second time
â YourUserName you can shade me in our messages but publicly, youâre supposed to support me
â lance_stroll you told me you did pass the first time
â YourUserName no, i told you i tried really hard. and you claim to listen to me
â lance_stroll i do!Â
â YourUserName itâs okay. iâm still proud of you
â lance_stroll and iâll still let you behind the wheel so long as the drive is less than 10 minutes
user12 is this confirmation that theyâre back together!!
â user13 it has to be. not only is she in the paddock but sheâs on an official post AND lance commented in response to her
user14 so youâre still trying to tell me sheâs NOT a fame whore? she vanishes from social media after being found out as a gold digger to come back on an f1 page
â user15 seriously, what is your issue? lance looked happier this race than he has in weeks, and he scored some points. thereâs obviously only one reason for that
ââââââ ŕźťđĽ¸ŕźş ââââââ



user1 agreed with @ daddynando. when you search her business, she is literally like second face you see after the ceo. she worked hard and deserves to flaunt it
â user2 honestly. everyone talks about her being with lance for his money like sheâs not loaded herself, and earnt it
â user3 lance stroll wins for #1 wag because heâs always been so supportive of her and proudÂ
user4 funny how many of you have switched your opinion since finding out y/n is in charge of running a pretty wealthy company, and has enough money to keep herself comfortable without lance
user5 i also really miss y/n and lance. they were a more lowkey couple but he was always caught in the background of driver clips staring at her
â user6 i wonât believe in love until they get back togetherÂ
â user9 @ user6 youâre such a hypocrite. you literally have rts from two months ago of hateful tweets about her
user7 iâm so happy other people are finally being supportive of lance and y/n
user8 the way the two of them used to gush about starting a family and growing old together but the internet had to make her feel horrible about being in loveÂ
user9 not that iâm not happy to see all this support for y/nance. iâm just wondering where you were when she was getting death threats?
user10 omg guys, lance just posted!Â



user11 aston martin reposted this as well
â user12 so did f1
â user13 and mclaren, redbull and mercedes
â user14 and danny ric, charles leclerc and a whole bunch of the grid
â user15 they really said, weâre fed up with all of you
user16 people who have actually met her in the paddock say sheâs the nicest person ever so idk why all you keyboard warriors thought you knew better
user17 the grid really said ânot our y/nâ
user18 anyone else feel like that last sentence was a bit of a threat?Â
â user19 itâs because aston martinâs legal team located one of the women who was sending the most threats and served herÂ
â user20 i love that the official F1 website did an article about this because it serves as a warning to others
â user21 lance stroll will find you lol
ââââââ ŕźťđĽ¸ŕźş ââââââ
YourUserName just posted






liked by lance_stroll, danielricciardo and others
YourUserName hereâs what you missed on gleeÂ
user1 omg welcome back. weâve missed youÂ
user2 excuse me but all the lance pictures. my favourite f1 couple are back together!Â
lance_stroll my pretty girl đ but why did you have to post the ice-cream pic?
â YourUserName but i also posted that hot pic with the chain đ¤¤
â lance_stroll i thought we talked about that emoji
â danielricciardo donât try and change her
user3 woof woof (i canât tell which of them i want to sleep with more)
user4 okay but the black shirt and the chain. iâm starting to see what miss y/n sees him in
YourBrother dude, i do not need to see your underwear on this app. please do not post what are clearly post-sex pics
â YourUserName they were not! we did that the night before. this was me begging him not to leave for a meeting and get back in bed. he declined :(Â
â BestFriend how dare he!Â
â lance_stroll it was an important meeting!Â
â BestFriend and sheâs an important person!Â
estebanocon at least lance will stop moping now
â lance_stroll i think i was allowed to mope! the love of my life was sad and in another countryÂ
â user5 ladies, get a man who simps over you like lance stroll Â
chloestroll um, why am i not included in this photo dump? do i mean nothing to you?
â lance_stroll how many times do i have to tell you that youâre not her favourite stroll
â YourUserName itâs actually lawrenceÂ
user6 do you know what i like seeing more than happy y/n and lance? no hate comments on y/nâs post. our queen is being respected and loved as she should beÂ
user7 excuse me, are those wedding pics in the background
â YourUserName oops
lance_stroll just posted



liked by alex_albon, fernandoalo_official and others
lance_stroll đđ¤
astonmartinf1 everybody stay calm! We are totally normal about this!Â
â user8 admin is all of usÂ
astonmartinf1 a huge congratulations to the newlyweds but weâre still disappointed that you didnât have an aston martin themed wedding :(Â
â YourUserName we had an aston martin as our wedding car?
â astonmartinf1 keep talking
â user9 not admin acting like they didn't know this prior to y/n spilling on her recent post
YourUserName i love you, my darling husband
â lance_stroll i love you more, my breathtaking wife. thank you for marrying me
â user10 get someone who THANKS you for marrying them
danielricciardo what a beautiful day, mate. and what a gorgeous brideÂ
â YourUserName no amount of compliments will make me forgive youÂ
â danielricciardo i didnât mean to! i was drunk
â YourUserName you still kissed my husband
â lance_stroll you promised you wouldnât tell the internet!Â
â YourUserName i lied!
â landonorris this marriage is off to a great start. nice work, ricciardoÂ
chloestroll have i stopped crying? not really. my baby brother and perfect sister-in-law
â YourUserName iâm so lucky to call you my sister-in-law. although i think youâd do better as my wife ;)
â chloestroll thereâs still time
â lance_stroll stop
â scottyjames31 agreed
user11 i donât understand how anyone could deny that these two truly love each other. the way they look at each otherÂ
landonorris could you go be ridiculously in love somewhere else?
â lance_stroll this is my instagram?
user12 omg they still got married on their original date
YourBrother nonna says itâs time for babies now
â lance_stroll iâm trying my best
â danielricciardo donât tell the internet that youâre raw dogging every night
â YourUserName thatâs it. youâre blocked
ââââââ ŕźťđĽ¸ŕźş ââââââ
YourUserName just posted



liked by lance_stroll, georgerussell63 and others
YourUserName say hi to baby stroll
lance_stroll my amazing family 𼰠y/n, you have given me the best gift by being my wife, and then by being my partner in parenting. i love youÂ
â YourUserName why do you insist on making me cry, my heart. i love you and our family more than anything
user13 excuse me but where was the pregnancy announcement!
chloestroll baby and the bear
â YourUserName baby stroll loves his bobo bear more than anythingÂ
â chloestroll what can i say, iâm the ultimate gift giver
â lance_stroll you gave me an old vogue magazine for my birthday last yearÂ
â chloestroll yes but for your 18th, i got you a hot date who eventually turned into the love of your life so i think iâm off the hook until the end of daysÂ
â YourUserName i only agreed to it because i thought i would be YOUR hot date @ chloestrollÂ
â lance_stroll i have feelingsÂ
user14 we get their wedding and then we get nothing until they announce a whole ass babyÂ
scottyjames31 am i still banned from the stroll household?
â lance_stroll idk will you stop bringing red bull baby stuff into my house
â scottyjames31 but then how will he show that heâs uncle scottyâs #1 supporter
â danielricciardo and uncle dannyâsÂ
â lance_stroll because heâs his dadâs #1 supporterÂ
â danielricciardo @ scottyjames31 this is uncle erasureÂ
user15 when lance told us y/n wasnât at races for the past 5 months because she was swamped at work, what he really meant was she was hiding a baby bump from us
user16 i knew her showing up in a different team hoodie every race was more than just a running joke!Â
â landonorris she wore those because she loves mclaren! she loves us!Â
â YourUserName debatable
â landonorris i thought being a mum was supposed to make you nicer
â YourUserName it did but youâre not my childÂ
user17 i know this is gross but from doing the math, he got her pregnant on their honeymoon
â user18 faster than he is on trackÂ
user19 um, mr stroll, we werenât familiar with your game. those back muscles
â YourUserName theyâre what got me pregnantÂ
â user20 um, hello mrs stroll. PR might be after you nowÂ
â astonmartinf1 sheâs off the hook for now. weâre kind of hoping for them to make a gridâs worth of babies
â user21 lawrence stroll ghost wrote thisÂ
â lance_stroll sounds like we need to get started on baby #2, sweetheartÂ
â YourUserName only if you push this one outÂ
â lance_stroll deal
ââââââ ŕźťđĽ¸ŕźş ââââââ
Hands up if you were shocked by Lanceâs contract announcement today đ Never saw that coming
Baby Fever Angst Series
F1 Request are open! (They might just take some time)
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Grayson Headcannons
Warning(s): nothing too drastic, lex sesbian, mention of scissoring, cunnilingus, fingering, and strap usage, slight dacryphillia, and small mention of tits/cunt slapping (đ), mention of different hair types and body types. Overall, just Grayson being a sweetie <3
A/N: Sheâs so underrated. like seriously I LOVE HERđ
This woman is honestly a romantic at best.
If she were to meet you at the Last Drop, sheâd probably be drawn to youâyour smile, the way you carry yourself, and how your eyes gaze over at her. She would probably try to scoot her way over and suggest to pay for your drink, which of course, youâd agree and you would start to chat a bitâslowly warming up to each other, but even so sheâs an Enforcer and youâre a Zauniteânot a good mix, people would think, which leads to meeting in secret here and there sometimes.
But on the other hand, if you were a piltie, then of course sheâd be drawn to you by all the things I stated in the previous line. She would probably be out on duty and you would happen to pass her, giving her a smile before she stops you just to tell you how much of a beauty you look. It would be a routine. You running into her and starting a conversationâwhich soon led to going on small dates.
I feel that she would prefer going to dinner, theatre, or even a small coffee shop as a date for starters, but as you both develop more in the relationship, sheâd most likely prefer to treat you to fancy restaurants, spoiling you rotten, and of course, doing things you love.
Grayson would definitely be a very, VERY observant partnerâlike seriously. If you so even glance at something you wanted in a store, itâs in your hands almost immediately. If you want something, but canât get it yourself and donât wanna burden her with getting it for you, sheâll already be getting it for you. If you mention something you like (ex; specific perfumes, books, clothes , etc.), she will make a mental note of it and get it for you.
Sheâs probably only been in one relationship in her life, but it didnât workoutâleading her to be a bit more guarded with her feelings(??). As much as she would love you dearly, she still feels the need to keep her guard up, but as you both get more comfortable in the relationshipâthe guarded walls come crumbling down and sheâs way more open to you.
Grayson is a busy womanâsheâs an Enforcer for Godâs sake. She knows her work is stressful and pretty dangerous, making quality time a tight squeeze. You know sheâs busy and she tries hard to spend time with youâmaking sure youâre loved and feel appreciated forâbut she makes up for it with the gifts sheâll send to you (ex; flowers, your favorite food, letters, etc). Itâs definitely one of her love languages and you love that she spoils you rotten, but you still crave her regardless, as does she.
Speaking of love languages, besides gift giving, she also loves physical touch and acts of service. Whenever you two are out together, sheâs always in touch with youâalways. Hand around your waist. Holding your hand. Holding you close to her side. Locking fingers together. Her hand on the lower drift of your back. Anything. She will have you close enough to be touching you. When youâre alone together at homeâsheâs more touchy. Sheâll have her hand on your thigh, rubbing along your sides, massaging your legs, and even massage your tits a bit. She loves having you under her touch, itâs really comfortable. If youâre not a fan of physical touch yourself, sheâll back off, of course.
Her acts of service is practically doing whatever you need her to doâmost times doing stuff that you donât even need to tell her to do. Sheâll make dinner or help you with itâeven if you fight her on it. She knows you can do good on your own, but she just wants to show you how much she really loves and cares for you. Sheâll help you slip on your shoes, zip up your dress (if youâre a fan of wearing them), and helping you do your hair. Now, if you have like type 3/4 hair, sheâll be confused on how to care for your hair, but trust meâSHE GONE LEARN. Itâll take a couple tries, but soon enough, sheâs your personal hairstylist <3
Being an enforcer is definitely frustrating and tiringâwhich mostly leads her to coming home upset and tired. You wouldnât even have to say anything but open your arms and let her engulf your bodyâmelting into her touch as your hands would rub her back, earning soft grunts from her. Sheâd stay silent for a moment before telling you about her day, which you gladly listen and sometimes put your feedback on it. As much as she tries not to take her frustrations out on you, her dearest, it sometimes happen on accident, but she will immediately apologize after taking a couple deep breaths. She never wants to make you feel bad after she had a bad day, but she definitely tries her hardest and make it up by holding you close to her while saying she loves you and sheâs sorry (gifts are bonus points).
Now, if you were to be upset after a bad day, sheâd do the same, but with more (idk). She wrapped her a strong arms around you and hold you close to her as you would either stay silent or rant about your day. Her hands would rub your back, occasionally smoothing her hand over your hair to calm you a bit. Sheâs very understanding and knows how it is to be stressed, which is why when you just snap at her, she isnât too mad, but only encourages you to take a deep breath before she pulls you closer to her on lapâengaging you with her arms as she held you close to her. Of course you donât mean to sometimes and you even apologize deeply for it, but you, too, are also working on it.
She fuckin loves watching you try on clothes. She could be sitting at the edge of the bed, eyes wide with such love and affection as you would come out wearing various outfits (outfits that she picked for you for special events). You would strut around with your cute outfits with a wide smile on your face, absolutely loving how obsessed and beautiful her precious girl was :)
Grayson is pretty strong (I will die on that hill.) and she could pick up a bit of weight tbh, so she just randomly likes picking you upâeither bridal style or over her shoulder just to mess with you. Now if youâre a bigger girl, thatâs even better. She loves seeing the shock and surprise on your face as she lifts you, chuckling at your reaction before hushing your protests with a searing kiss.
When you two have an argument, which isnât too common, itâs quickly dispersed. If sheâs in the wrong, sheâll be quick to apologize for what she said/didâbut sometimes sheâs stubborn, which would make the argument a bit longer (bonus point if youâre the same also). The argument wouldnât last too long as she didnât want to go to sleep with you, knowing youâre upset with her and thereâs some tension. Eventually, sheâll be the one to come clean and apologize, which you also will if youâre in fault (if youâre not stubborn), leading the argument to die downâhugging each other tightly, relishing in the warmth of the tight embrace.
Sheâs snores pretty lowly, but when sheâs utterly exhausted, that shit is so damn loud that you sometimes have to throw a pillow over her face to muffle the snores (not trying to suffocate her ofc <3).
As I said before, her work is pretty dangerous and stressful, which means she never wants you caught up in somethingâwhich is why she donât really like to tell you a lot of things that involves her works. She doesnât mean it in a non-trusting way, she only wants to keep you safe.
Grayson tries to be polite with certain things she say, but she canât help but say it bluntlyâespecially when it has something to do with something thatâs stupid. There are some things she wonât bother to speak on, but her facial expressions will say everything her mouth prefers not to say.
She has a good patience, but most times you push it. There are times where she literally had to go outside or something to take a deep breath when you asked the most nonsensical question she ever heard of all her years. (Isnât she like in her late 40s or older??.)
well well well

But like I said, sheâs a soft dom (literally gives the energy). Sheâs literally the sweetest when it comes down in the bedroom, slowly taking her time to explore your body as she would leave soft kisses along your neck.
Her favorite parts of your body is definitely your stomach and thighs. She canât help but get even more aroused at the way your stomach jerks/quiver and your thighs tremble. She always pepper more kisses to those areas as she believes that parts such as these should be cherished and loves that you trust her to do so. (Bonus points if you have a larger stomach and thighs).
Most definitely eats you out for her pleasure and yours, ofc <3.
She takes her time while eating you out. Starting with gentle kisses to your inner thigh before slowly placing kisses to your soaked cunt and up to your aching clitârelishing in the soft gasps as she did so while gazing up at you.
She loves eye contact dearly, stating that it adds more intimacy to the heated moment. She loves holding your gaze when sheâs eating you out, fingering you, strapping you and even scissoring with you. She finds it enduring to see you struggling to keep your eyes open while sheâs making you feel like youâre in paradise, smirking at your dejected whine when she stops completely when you squeezed your eyes. You try to keep your eyes open, but itâs hard when sheâs making you feel so good and you know sheâll stop if you close your eyes :(( (EXTRA BONUS POINTS IF YOUâRE SHY OR NOT ALL THAT GOOD WITH EYE CONTACT).
Sheâs a tease. Shamelessly.
You could be on the brink of the most earthshaking orgasm and sheâll slow her pace, watching how your thighs twitch and face scrunch up. She loves making you wait for it. First, sheâll kiss and suck at your neck while sliding her fingers over your clothed-clit, but pull away soon as you start getting more impatient. She loves seeing the way your face scrunch up with frustration and neediness, knowing she was only playing with youânonetheless, sheâll give you what you need.
She absolutely adores fingering you. Feeling the way you squeeze around her digits and the way your clit throbs against her thumb is such a rewarding feeling. She KNOWS sheâs making you feel good with only her fingers, though she can use her mouth and strap, but prefers her fingers.
There are times she uses her strap and when she uses it, she usually has you riding her, on your back, or holding you against the mirror so you can watch yourself completely lose it.
Not much of a dirty talker, more so of sweet talker, such as saying: âyouâre taking me so well, loveâ âfeel how deep I am?â âNo, baby. Keep them openâyou know this.â âHear how sheâs speaking to me? I know, honey.â âToo much? Aw, baby, just hold my hand, yeah?â âBe good for me, love.â
Though sheâs really sweet and soft when it comes to you, she does not take kind to you mouthing off to her whatsoever or doing something she specifically told you NOT to do. Argue all you want, but you know where youâll end up. Sheâll edge you to her heartâs content, even when you say sorry. She wonât stop unless you say the safeword, which she would immediately stop and check on you. Though if you donât say the safeword, then youâre in for a night. Sheâll finger you slowly then speed up, but stop soon as she could feel you tense around her. With her strap, she make you work for it, so youâre riding her. Nonetheless, sheâs gentle with you after all the torture and give her girl what she earned.
Sheâs not too much on the receiving side, but she loves when youâre eager to go down on her or rub your cunt against hers. She canât get enough at how your eyes practically gleam as your eyes met her glistening folds before greedily lapping away at her. Plus, sheâs not too loud, but she does grunts and release low moans. (sometime whimpers if sheâs overstimulated enough)
She hates seeing her precious girl cry when sheâs upset, but when youâre overstimulated and drowning in pleasure, thatâs a different story. Her lips canât help but twitch in a small smirk before she would gently kiss away the salty tears, relishing all your little whimpers and choked moans.
Grayson isnât really mean or such, but sheâll sometimes slap your cunt or your boobs, just wanting to earn a yelp from you. She does it randomly, leaving you on a questioning edge each timeâwhich she finds very humorous.
Like I said before shes pretty gentle and soft with you, but there are times where you push her to the point of being not so gentle with you. Sometimes sheâll prop you on her lap to give your ass hard swats or have you on your knees between her thighs, fingers in your mouth as she glared down at you, but ofc, sheâs gonna be sweet in the regardless.
but even so, donât take her sweetness for granted. She will be QUICK to spread your legs if you try to jerk them shut if youâre embarrassed, overstimulated, being stubborn or all the above. Sheâll also use her strength to pin your hips against whatever surface youâre against to hold you still if you get a bit too squirmy.
Now, I know I said she doesnât try to come home from work with a shitty attitude and take it on you, but you, somehow, encourage her to use you as a stress reliever. She was hesitant, but agreed as you were gleaming to help her. The moment she comes home upset, you already know whatâs to come. Getting manhandled every which way. Grunting and breathing heavily in your ear as she practically fucks you with every ounce of frustration she has.
Regardless if sheâs rough or soft with you, AFTERCARE IS IMPORTANT TO HER. She takes it very, VERYYY seriously (as she should). Sheâll make sure youâre ok, help you clean up, and cuddle you close to her while she coo about how well you did for her and how she loves you so dearly (and ofc you care for her just as much <3)
hope you enjoyed <3
#arcane#arcane x reader#arcane imagines#headcanon#arcane headcanon#grayson arcane#grayson x reader#grayson x you#grayson arcane x reader#graciedollie áŻáĄŁđŠ#https://graciedollie#lesbian#wlw#wlw blog
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I just finished rewatching RWBY
And honestly i'm glad I did cuz it's been a long time and this show is frankly way better than I remembered. It starts out very fun and honestly funny and charming. But it always has a bit of that underlying hint at there being more at play. And then it takes its time to switch from rapid fire and more humorous, to weaving in more serious themes and ideas. Just like the characters uncover more and more of the truth.
And the way that it takes its time with every character. RWBY has never had a reason to think they'd get even 1 more season, but seeing how literally from the start they set up Ruby's breakdown in V9 with Oz telling her she needs to put her team above herself. The way the Mt. Glenn conversations come back with the Herbalist. The way the show consistently shows that those that came before failed because they gave into their fears and they closed themselves off. And showing how these kids push back against fear so much. And they fuck up and they fail and things keep going worse and worse and at the end of the day the thing that really matters is that they tried their best.
Idk, i'm having that empty void feeling after finishing a good story, and i'm very hopeful for the future of RWBY, but this show is honestly really good and doesn't get enough credit for the way it weaves in its themes so well. And how well CRWBY deals with so many real and difficult emotions with genuine care. That even when shit gets so dark in V7 and V8 there's still that gritted hope.
Anyway, my brain is too full of too many emotions, but RWBY is so good and underrated, and i'm really glad that CRWBY has poured so much love into this story.
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henry danger kiss headcannons!
including : henry , ray , charlotte , jasper x reader (seperate)
(written with fem presenting/ fem reader in mind, but no specification)
wanings : tiny lil make out (jasper) , cursing (me) , no use of y/n , 2nd person (you , yours , etc.)
notes from dice! : hope someone likes this bcz i have no other ideas and two other drafts
henry ⢠peck
he's always on the move, whether it's as he's leaving for a "quick" mission with ray he'll give you one both as henry and kid danger
has to give you at least one per conversation, so if you talk alot just be prepared for a bunch of kisses
also kisses you as he's talking like he'll kiss you and then start talking and then kiss you and start talking again and repeat
"Oh, today me and Ray went to stop jeff-" he gave you a quick kiss, "From robbing the nice Nacho Ball-" He gave you another, which left you giggling.
you honor, he's a loverboy
honestly i feel like no matter what, he'll always say his favorite thing is kissing you. even if someone asks him as kid danger, he can't help but be honest!
ugh he so fine
ray ⢠head
bro if SO fucking domestic for no reason??
like no matter what, he'll refer to you as his wife. to everyone. and GOD FORBID someone corrects him
idk i just kinda think he likes seeing you as a staple in his always-changing life, like YOU are the only thing that stays the same
whenever yall are just like chilling or something i feel like he'll put an arm around you and just press a little kiss to your head
As you listened to Charlotte ramble about truly anything, you felt a pair of arms snake around your middle. "Hey, babe," He pressed a kiss to your temple.
yeah, he's domestic as fuck
he can't help it, whenever he sees you standing or sitting without him he feels the need to just make sure you know he loves you
even if you're like doing something really important, no matter who's there, it really shows everyone how much he cares.
charlotte ⢠face
you already know
charlotte would most probably love to just pepper your face with kisses all the time though she doesn't like pda too much
if you like/ want pda though, maybe she will from time to time (esp if it's an important event/ your friends are there)
"Hi, my love," You greet as she walks theough your bedroom door. She sets her stuff down and crawls beside you, cupping your face, ready to give you as many kisses and she can, "Hey."
she honestly doesn't care what her firemds think, she'd (probably) fight for you
so even if everyone is in the man cave, she will still be kissing your entire face the whole time
until- she's never gonna fucking stop. nice joke, though.
jasper ⢠hand
my boy just wants to feel chivalrous(?)
he loves just walking while holding your hand, and randomly bringing it to his mouth to kiss your knuckles.
he's just happy your with him, happy that he gets to call you his.
he tries to be polite and stuff 24/7 but with how much time you're around each other, it's hard not to get comfortable.
Slow kisses had eventually developed into hungry, fast kisses. While you were kissing on his neck and jaw, his attention was somewhere else. "So pretty darling," He spoke as he brought your hand to his mouth.
it doesn't matter when or where, as soon as his thoughts drift to you he can't help but put a kiss on your hand
if you touch his face at all, expect one on your palm- if you touch him literally anywhere other than his own, he will grab you hand just to kiss the back of it.
why is my boy so fucking underrated.?
#HELP why did i loose my shit omg#guys trust me#im not crazy#chat#henry hart x reader#henry danger#ray manchester#ray manchester x reader#charlotte paige#charlotte page#charlotte paige x reader#jasper dunlop#jasper dunlop x reader#henry danger x reader#chat i put my whole diceussy into this trust#im clinically insane#guys this made sense to me#does this make sense
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Phoenix and Franziska's relationship is honestly so underrated because people forget that Phoenix is just as petty as Franziska. If not more.
Like it's such a missed opportunity when (mostly wrightworth) fanfics act like Franziska completely hates Phoenix or that Phoenix fears Franziska when their canon relationship is way funnier than that.
Like when he beats her for the first time, he really thought gloating and taunting her was a good idea. Nevermind that she has a whip and has already used it on him several times before.
Phoenix gets on her level when it comes to pettiness and immaturity. In fact he's arguably worse.
And people forget that their antagonism towards each other in JFA mostly stems from their grief of Miles. Once Edgeworth returns and they can't resent each other for that anymore, their relationship in T&T is a lot more lighthearted.
Franziska whips him now more as a defense mechanism or to wipe that smug grin off his face and teases him for "Your American methods" and Phoenix thinks Pearl telling her off is hilarious and even finds Franziska almost cute at times.
Like, I know Miles is Franziska's brother and I don't want to take away from that, but you know the big brother who throws his young sibling across the room? That's what Phoenix and Franziska's relationship feels like to me.
#truly the worsties in law#Phoenix has strong big brother instincts but the way they present varies depending on who it's with#some paternal instincts too I'd argue but thats irrelevant here#feral yapping hours#phoenix wright#franziska von karma#worsties in law#ace attorney
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Characters of the day:

The Jordan Family!!!!!!
Most underrated and funniest family in all of DC.
They have the most relatable and hilarious family dynamics ever.
It is honestly funny whenever people HC or imagine that Hal is a loner, only child guy who clings onto the bat family or others too seek closeness when he has a whole family with multiple nieces, nephews and a cousin that adore him.
Neeeeeeed a family sitcom about them asapppp
We will talk about a couple members of the family and give our facts and HCâs about them:
(I included Helen in a different post, so check that out if you want to see her)
Jack Jordan:

The oldest child of Jessica and Martin Jordan, the brother of Hal Jordan (Green Lantern).
Often seen as the âgolden childâ, he was the most successful in terms of employment and economically.
Jack Jordan married a woman called Janice and had Two kids called Jason and Helen.
Canonically used to cheat on his wife with many people.
Took a lot of stress out on Hal when Jessica got sick.
Some HCs:
The kids all know the names of the women that he cheats on Janice with, they make a Bingo card with all their names on it, and compete with each other to see who wins.
Calls Hal, Jim and vice versa
Janice is in denial about the whole ordeal.
Jason Jordan

Son of Jack Jordan and Janice Jordan, twin brother of Helen II Jordan and the nephew of Hal Jordan.
Protective of his sister, and loves his uncle Hal.
Some HCâs
He listens to instrumental music a lot
Pretends to like phonk since his friends do, but canât get into it.
He makes a lot of Pinterest boards for the things he likes and uses it as a bucket list for inspiration.
Sends Hal airforce memes and any references to Green Lantern at all.
Him, as well as Jane are the ones who update him on internet trends he misses.
James Jordan (Jim Jordan)

Youngest son of Jessica and Martin, younger brother of Hal and Jack.
Husband of Sue Jordan and father of Howie, Jane and Arthur.
His wife (who is a journalist) married him because she thought he was Green Lantern, later found out it was actually Hal and ⌠yeaâŚ.
Halâs most supportive brother.
Some HCs:
Knowing that his wife thought he was Green lantern still keeps him up at night .
He tried to become a vegetarian once and then accidentally ate something that had meat within it the following day(he cried ).
He plays candy crush.
Howard (Howie) Jordan:

Eldest son of Jim Jordan and Sue Jordan
Brother of Jane and Arthur
He is quite a smart kid, often pointing things out that even Hal doesnât notice, and speaking his mind when he feels like it.
Some HCâs:
Howie pretends to be a superhero whenever he is alone in his room.
He always wears the colour green when Hal comes round.
He was the class president in his high school
He can name all the dinosaurs and spell them out correctly ( idk i just think he likes dinosaurs a lot).
Jane Jordan:

Is the daughter of Jim and Jane
Sister of Howie and Arthur
Used to have quite long hair, but cut it quite short
Some HCs
She is definitely the rebellious type .
Asks Hal the come to all her parents evenings.
She loves the young justice group.
She once has split dye hair (Green and pink iykyk).
She probably had a Ben 10/danny phantom phase.
Arthur Jordan:

Youngest child of Jim and Jane
Literally a baby
Soooo cute
Some HCs:
He watches coco melon.
iPad and YouTube kids enjoyer most likely says âSkibidiâ .
Makes aeroplane noises when Hal comes over.
He knows everything and hears everything NO ONE IS SAFE.
Harold (Hal) Jordan Jr:

The son of Larry and Helen I
The cousin of Jack, Hal and Jim
He is the third Airwave and has âradio powersâ, his dad and mum were the first and second. He inherited these powers from his dad.
Is implied to be queer.
Some HCs:
He sucks at mortal combat .
He always tries to help out and keep everything sane.
He tried to do a back flip once for the first time it went terribly and Helen (his mum) instead of taking him to the hospital she phoned Hal.
Doug âHipâ Jordan:

The no-good distant cousin of Hal and his family.
Runs around in a lot of gang circles, and tried selling Jim in a green lantern circle to a gang in an attempt to get into it.
Hal got him arrested.
Drugged the whole family and used the kids to help him do it.
Known as the black sheep of the family.
Some HC:
He is always spotted at the wrong times when someone is either hurt or fighting.
He sold John Constantine a vape.
He tries to use Morden day slang to fit in with the kids .
He uses the term âWhere my hug atâ to anyone that approaches him.

#hal jordan#dc comics#john constantine#green lantern#helen jordan#family#characterofthedayfxk#comics#batman#flash dc#barry allen#halbarry#if you know you know#jack jordan#jim jordan#carol ferris
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