#honestly Jack and Blue cover each other's weaknesses pretty well too bad they can't bard team up
wastelandeer · 8 months
How does Blue and Jack feel about kids? Do they like them, or just find them annoying? Are they any good with kids? Would they ever want kids of their own?
Bonus question: Tell us about their kids if they ever have any!
Finally one where Jack can be slightly more competent lol- Blue likes children and wants to be good with them, but she's one of those people that treat them like a different and perhaps frightening species. This may be due to her work- she was a glass artist (hey Tiefling fire resistance comes in handy). She kept a pretty sharp eye on kids and was very *soft voice* "Honey, honey, no..."
She never really considered having kids herself aside from in a distant 'maybe if I find the right person' sort of way, but almost never socialized outside of work so even meeting someone would've took a small miracle. And now she's dating a vampire, so.
Jack on the other hand gets along with kids pretty easily. He has no problem listening to weird kid stories, joking back at them, or pretend buying into whatever thing they're talking about. I can absolutely see him just picking a kid up and carting them around without even thinking about it, especially the Tiefling kids.
Kids for himself? Oh god no. No one deserves this cursed bloodline. He does however adopt on accident pretty much every other child he sees (especially now that he doesn't have to worry about sleep murder). He is very much 'never speak to me or my 7000 vampire children ever again'.
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