#honestly I'm tired of learning all the shit ussr did it's way to bad for my psyche and i need a break
delicehm ยท 10 months
In soviet history there was a period it was believed that the big part of fascism is homosexuality and you can't beat fascism without getting rid of gays. The only reason why being gay was legal at first is because it's forbidence was there before and made by Empire they wanted to abolish and Lenin being, apparently, a much nicer(still not exactly n i c e) guy than Stalin *Le sigh* why am I not surprised by it?
PS, I'm not westerner, I'm from post-soviet country, I take interest in history(mostly pre-annexation-by-RI, but after it too), I don't support capitalism. I don't try to put shade on USSR, it did it pretty well itself
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