#honestly I'm a monofan I can't be in many fandoms
dropthedemiurge · 10 months
Fun statistics time:
- In 2022, I wrote 50k words on AO3. In English (not my native language)
- In 2023 per September, I already wrote 57k words.
- THIS IS LIKE A COUPLE OF BOOKS yet it's all slash fanfics about characters from Thai BL/QL/gen series xD
- I even worked for a few months writing articles about my obsession with some of these shows. Like professionally. Made some directors/crew of those shows happy^^
(i actually speedran learning how to write in english because my writing was clumsy at best if you look at my previous fandom and first fics on ao3, and now I'd like to think my fics are not that bad)
But damn. The way Not Me, Bad Buddy, The Eclipse, Be my Favorite, Moonlight Chicken and Only Friends just inspired the heck out of me??
I'm personally shocked. I literally picked up writing and drawing again because in my other kpop fandom the creative community has gradually died down, and here I'm like. Friends! Prompts! Fests! Meta posts! Fix-it fics! Character studies after every episode! Crossover AUs! Comics! Arts from pretty pictures!!
(tbh my drawings became worse in a sense that I do fast sketches after episodes or photos that inspired me and don't do heavy illustrations that take a long time; but also I write 3-4k fics in one sitting and I guess that's what my creative soul wants to focus on🍀)
Damn. I love you guys (my discord friends especially) for enabling me and I love these shows (even tho I interact with them and actors not in an intended fanservice way probably) and I didn't expect to fall into something like this. But that's truly what I needed.
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