#honestly Callum SHOULD have come on this mission by himself and pretended to be somebody's stick up their ass bodyguard
dont-play-with-me-choices ยท 2 years
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Wait why is this LI so fucking wishy-washy...... "Your 'seduce to get an entry chip' plan will cause too much chance of being noticed ๐Ÿ˜ก" but also "why don't we split up and BOTH try to get a chip ๐Ÿ˜‘" (which doubles the chance of being noticed)???
"Try to blend in with the high class elites so you don't blow our cover ๐Ÿ™„" but also "why the fuck are you getting an ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE ๐Ÿคฏ" (like everybody else in this room)???
"I don't gamble, I think it's beneath me ๐Ÿ˜ค" but also "hey do you want to gamble with me to see which one of us is a better agent ๐Ÿ˜"??!?!?
LIKE??????? I get the push and pull of a romantic interest and budding attraction and yada yada yada. None of the dick measuring contests the LI keeps bringing up are completely unreasonable for the genre, the fact that they're there is NOT a problem.... except they completely contradict whatever they said 2 seconds before. They want him to be both a stern hardass AND a prideful flirt and it's just NOT working (so far!).
It's really forced and, at times, kinda downright weird (the failed poker chip thing was especially egregious to me because like. Am I supposed to believe this adult partner of mine would ruin an attempt like that? Also he literally just walked away???? Why are you over here! Lol)
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