#home extensions seven hills
scotianostra · 5 months
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Happy 92nd Birthday veteran Scottish actress Phyllida Law, born on May *8th 1932 in Glasgow.
Wiki has 8th July on the first line of their page on Phyllida, but on the side panel has May 8th, so who knows!?
There is very little about her early life except she was born in Glasgow, the daughter of Megsie “Meg” and William Law, a journalist. She said once of he Glasgow upbringing “When you grow up in Glasgow with a Glaswegian granny, you’re taught that pride is a wicked thing. I still feel a bit like that.“ Phyllida grew up in Glasgow’s west end, just off Great Western Road, but war broke out when she was just seven and she found herself evacuated to places such as Lenzie, in Dunbartonshire, and Skelmorlie, Ayrshire.
That gave her a love for the Scots countryside which means she now splits her life between her home in London and a family cottage in Argyll. Phyllida would fit in well with the Scottish & Proud ethos, in an interview she says:
“I’m passionate about my Scots heritage. How could I not be? I can’t live without it. There’s no way I could live without those hills and it’s got to be the west coast. “I sometimes travel to Edinburgh then go up to Pittenweem or somewhere and I think to myself, ‘This isn’t Scotland.’ It’s a wonderful coastline but it’s not Scotland for me.
“When my parents lived in Glasgow they were always looking for a cottage to which they could retire. They found one in Ardentinney, so I visit that a lot.
She joined the Bristol Old Vic in 1952, from what I can gather she was first in the wardrobe department, the first pic shows her standing, from a 1952 photo. Heron screen acting credits start in 1958 and are very extensive, the pick of them are Dixon of Dock Green and a stint as the storyteller in the great children’s show Jackanory in the 60’s. It must have been during her time in the BBC’s children’s TV department she met her husband to be The Magic Roundabout narrator Eric Thompson, She has previously stated that the character of Ermintrude the cow was modelled on her.
Angels in the 70’s and of course Taggart in the 80’s as well Thomson, the variety series hosted by actress Emma Thompson in 1988, Emma just happens to be her daughter. Heartbeat, Hamish Macbeth and Dangerfield in the 90’s, Waking the dead and Doctors in the noughties has kept her busy, now in her 86th year she has still been appearing on the small screen, in The Other Wife and New Tricks during the past 8 years. Film roles include She is known for her work on Much Ado About Nothing , The Time Machine and The Winter Guest.
Phyllida spends most of her time in Argyll in a house she shares with her daughter Emma. who is spending more time looking after her mother, as she was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease in 2915.
Phyllida constantly needs the support of a wheelchair and even assistance when washing due to the effect the condition is having on her.
Due to the progressive nature of the condition, symptoms tend to gradually worsen over time. It is common for individuals to struggle both with walking and talking at the height of the condition.
Phyllida herself spoke about the burdens of looking after an infirm parent, she looked after her mother, Meg who suffered with Alzheimer’s disease. Mego died in 1994 aged 93 after almost 20 years of being cared for by Ms Law at her mother's home in the village of Ardentinny on the west coast, near Dunoon.
Emma said of her mother “Mum is quite lame so it's a case of taking her out in a wheelchair, and making sure she takes her medication. The meds are amazing."
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Marie Presley, interview for Rolling Stone Magazine, 1997, introducing her film TLC: The Presley Way
A Sarge & lil Mama blurb, 2nd generation: Marie. word count 2k, PG rating, mentions of divorce
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Marie: “You know, I’m used to being asked how it impacted me being the child with the least ‘parental involvement.’ But I really don’t get it, not even when my siblings joke that Elvis was more like Santa to me than dad, a merry-making stranger who showed up once in a blue moon to spread love and cheer before rushing back to the workshop to make more goodies the rest of the year.
“Maybe there’s some truth in that but how was I to know? I didn’t know anything differently than what I had, just like lots of kids you don’t know what else you could’ve had, just like I didn’t know anything different from being very privileged, um, just as my dad didn’t know any different from being very poor.
“But what I do know is that I was very loved, I have been my whole life, and what I have are a treasure trove of memories, extensive amounts of time spent with him at all ages. I look at it this way, we wouldn’t say someone is fatherless just because their dad is gone every day of their life from seven in the morning to six in the evening, that’s a whole lotta time to be gone.
“Whereas I had months on end where I saw Dad from sunup to sundown, slept in my parents bed, ate and played and read with them. Spent time on homework and perhaps most personally impactful, I had my own interests nurtured by them. Dad spoiled me, there’s no question about it, but it wasn’t in the way of rich men giving their kids toys and telling them to then run along, leave them alone.
“Dad engaged with me on everything and anything interesting to me, anything that interested my siblings he would spend hours on it, not even the fun part of say -photography. But the boring details, too. If there was a new camera he would get it for me and together we could figure out how to make it work, how to develop the film, how to get the perfect exposure.
“We’d pour over artists' work and do our best to mimic them. It was play but it was always constructive, and when I think back on those late Vegas afternoons that were his mornings, that he would spend tirelessly engaged with me and my siblings, only to then have to go out and perform multiple times into the night, the adult in me is exhausted and grateful that he took the time. That he did it all so cheerfully that I had no idea how worn out he was.
“The divorce years were hard, I was an eight year old and definitely attuned to the different dynamics in my family. I was very close with my sister Ella who was extremely unhappy at the time, maybe more so than most of my siblings. So her discontent rubbed off on me a little, confused me. But for the most part I didn’t notice a big change, mom and daddy really tried to keep it under wraps, multiple times they insisted there wasn’t a team to pick, and maybe that was too nuanced for the older kids but I got it, I chose not to pick teams.
And before it had lasted very long, we were all back together again.
“Daddy didn’t have a tour, what with Colonel Parker being under investigation, and he stayed home because of Danny, and Daisy and then they got remarried. It was a blip for me really. I got to live with Ella, I got to travel around with Jesse and dad, I got to visit Rosalee out at college. It seemed more like a vacation bouncing than banishment. I was really fine with it, maybe I’m just built that way, it wasn’t as devastating as it might’ve been for another child.
“I do remember my ninth birthday being the single bummer of it all. Or at least, the day started off going decidedly down hill.
“I was the baby who made it after the tragedy of them losing Jo, and you beat believe dad always made a huge deal of my birthday. He’d always tickle the Angel kisses on the back of my neck and remind everyone how Jo and Gladys sent me, mama would recount the story of my birth and my siblings would recall how they laid hands on mama’s belly and prayed I’d come out safe every day for eight months before I was born.
So after nine years of this, when I came downstairs in ‘77 to find that the earth and divorce proceedings hadn’t screeched to a stop just to celebrate me, I was pretty miffed.
I remember just feeling like the vibes were really off at the house, even though dad had come back to celebrate, it was obvious he was very upset with mom. I remember Jesse took me riding on his bike that day, we got out of the house and had fun and I remember when he put me on it, mom and dad were in a deep discussion on the porch, apparently about the fact that I was having a meltdown over not being treated special enough. I've already admitted I was very spoiled, OK folks?
“But the real big thing for me was that by the time I came back from that ride and opened my presents and we ate dinner, things seemed perfectly fine, normal and natural. That night we went through our usual routine and I climbed in the bed with mom and dad like old times. Now that I think about it, that was probably the first time in months that they slept together, and they did that for me. And they did it so naturally and it was really a happy evening, even for them, I think.
“It’s funny how professional you can get at getting along when you’ve had to endure so much like they had, one night of harmony in the middle of a divorce wasn’t a big hurdle for them. There was so much love still there and so much practice, just a lotta confusion. You can see why I wasn’t very surprised when Mama showed up with a baby and a wedding band back on her finger. It might sound bizarre to outsiders, and it’s certainly been portrayed like that by some of our closest friends, but in this film I’d like to set the record straight. It’s what I saw lived out.
Love can be very chaotic sometimes, complex and bizarre but it tries its best. It seeks the good of others. It’s the catalyst for great things and produces generous hearts. And my family certainly did just that.”
Thanks for letting me bug ya with a blurb, and slowly but surely I’m putting faces to the kids, and their stories too. So much thanks goes to my girlies who hash this out with my for hours on end in the chats. The chats are the new trenches, ok? It’s where ya make your Bestest buddies.
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mistresslrigtar · 8 months
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Chapter Seven: Stars (written for @zelinktines24 day seven prompt)
Read below or on AO3 HERE
When she’s feeling better, Zelda allows Link to convince her to ride to the Akkala Ancient Tech Lab to visit Robbie and Jerrin. Before they depart, Link stops by Grantéson’s stall to pick up a letter for his parents. When Link returns he has a thick package that he places in a saddle bag.
“What is that?” Zelda watches him easily vault into Epona’s saddle from her perch. Star snorts and shakes his mane, pawing the ground, eager to start the journey. She gently tugs on the reins, the way Link taught her so, so long ago, and the stallion settles.
“Grantéson is sending the latest dream home catalog. He’s hoping his parents will buy a house closer to Tarrey Town.” Link clicks his tongue and they head up the path toward the high cliffs of Akkala where the Tech Lab stands.
They keep a steady trot, the companionable silence only broken by the clip-clop of the horses' hooves, and the occasional chuff as they flick their manes and tails. Zelda doesn’t miss the way Link’s shoulders tense as they approach the bend in the road that overlooks Rist Peninsula. He digs his heels into Epona’s sides, spurring her into a canter. Zelda glances down the rocky slope to the swirling peninsula. From Link’s journal, she knows that’s where the final dragon tear pool had been. 
Urging Star on, Zelda catches up and pulls alongside Link. “Are you all right?” 
Link looks over at her, shaking off a distant look in his blue eyes and giving her a crooked smile. “Never been better. I’m glad you decided to come with me.”
“It’s like old times,” Zelda recalls how pre-Calamity they’d visited northeast Akkala once when Robbie was looking for a plot of land to build a satellite lab. The lonely cliffs afforded an unobstructed view of the vast heavens. “Maybe we could stargaze tonight if the weather holds.”
Link looks up at the clear blue sky. “It’ll hold.”
When they crest the hill, the Tech Lab comes into view and the clang of a hammer on metal rings through the air. Jerrin greets them warmly as they come to a stop and Robbie pokes his head above the bulky parts strewn across the lawn.
“Look what those Yiga did to my Cherry! They were using her as a tailoring dummy, Princess! A tailoring dummy!” Jumping up, he runs his hands through his disheveled white hair.
His statement confuses Zelda, but she smiles warmly at the enthusiastic welcome. “It’s good to see you too, Robbie.”
“Yiga took over the lab while Robbie and Jerrin were away.” Link informs her as they dismount. “I cleared them out, but the damage they wrought on the building and its contents was extensive.”
“That is an understatement, Link!” Robbie shakes an accusing finger at Link as if he had something to do with the state of things. Link merely chuckles in response and hands Jerrin Grantéson’s package.
Zelda spends the day assisting Robbie in reassembling Cherry, a task she finds she enjoys immensely. As they work, Link helps Jerrin, hauling the heavy crates filled with Zonai technology the Yiga left behind. He stacks them behind the lighthouse for Robbie to inventory later. In the evening they share a cold supper and when Zelda mentions studying the stars, Robbie offers them the use of his observation deck and telescope. 
While Zelda studies the night sky through the telescope, Link sets out their bed rolls and the cushions and blankets Jerrin gave them beneath the overhanging roof.
“It was kind of Robbie and Jerrin to allow us to stay the night.” Squinting through the lens, Zelda spies Dinraal undulating across the sky and her heart tightens in her breast. 
She turns away from the telescope to find Link staring at the red dragon, as well. Even though his expression is blank, the way he clutches the cushion in his hands indicates he’s having a flashback. She can see the slight tremors in the rigid muscles of his arms.
Zelda takes a hesitant step toward him, longing to reach out and brush back the hair that falls in his eyes as he shakes off the memory. When he focuses on her the relief that floods his face takes her breath away. 
“You’re really here?”
“I’m really here.”
<Chapter One><Chapter Two><Chapter Three><Chapter Four><Chapter Five><Chapter Six>
Thank you so much to @floraunderground for betaing!
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silverhallow · 1 year
Only Fools Rush In
pairing: Benedict Bridgerton x Sophie Beckett
summary: When Benedict gets locked in the library, he doesn't expect to meet a petite blonde who was going to change his life... they say only fools rush in... but these two... they can't help but be fools
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warnings: Library sex, First Dates, semi-public sex, Fingering, Blow Jobs, minors DNI
word count: 10498 words
author's note: this was previous only on AO3 and i know it was a favourite of a few and I found a copy. this will be the only version going forward.
Benedict didn't mean to be locked in the library that night.
It was the night before a major essay was due to be handed in, and the only books available to provide the answers were the kind you couldn't check out of the building.
Fair enough, he shouldn't have left it so late, but he was fairly confident he could dash off the 1,000 words required within a few hours. So when he turned up at seven-ish, fresh from a post-rowing practice shower, he wasn't even rushed.
Benedict had to  admit he wasn't exactly a familiar face around the library, and not well informed about its opening hours.
The problem was, half his class was in there, sitting round that same wide table in the humanities section, and there were only so many copies of the key texts available. That meant he had to wait.
The minutes and the hours ticked away, and he did everything he could to persuade his classmates to allow him some time with the books he needed, he had look over people's shoulders, he had grab a few moments when they were in the bathroom, he even told one guy his car was about to be towed.
By the time he got hold of the information he needed, he had little more than an hour remaining before the library would close. Now he was rushed.
One thing that gave him a little comfort was that some of his fellow classmates seemed to be in more of a panic than he was and a few of them even turned up there later than he did.
By the time the fateful hour approached, when the lights would flash and the announcement came around that it was time to vacate the building, he was writing so fast his fingers were numb, but he was still nowhere close to being finished.
As most of the others packed up and headed home, incidentally, leaving all those invaluable books just lying around on their table -- he was left considering his options. Could he smuggle some of these books out with him? They were pretty huge books, pretty heavy.
Could he persuade Mr Hill to give him an extension without a valid reason? He doubted it. they didn't call him "Mentally" Hill for nothing and he really had absolutely no excuse for being late with his assignment.
However, at that stage, he honestly believed he could finish enough notes to complete his assignment within about 15 to 20 minutes. if he could survive being thrown out of the building for that long, he might just about escape with his academic record intact.
He assumed the library staff would check the building to ensure it was empty, and that if he headed up to the top floor, it would take them the longest time to discover him. So, he headed up there, to a fairly dark floor taken up mostly by Modern Languages, where he wove his way through the aisles to the furthest point he could from the central staircase.
There was a small desk there, poorly lit, where he could crash and wait for the inevitable angry librarian.
he was writing like a man possessed, his fingers scrabbling frantically over the pages to scribble down as many quotes and references as he could muster. he actually felt better and better with every passing minute, thinking that he was getting closer and closer to survival. he even relaxed a little, and forgot about the threat of the library hunter-gatherers.
And then the lights went out.
It was pretty spooky in there with the lights extinguished, it had to be said.
Partly, he had to blame Ghostbusters for putting the image of an undead librarian firmly in his head. It was mainly that which made him scrabble to stuff his precious notes into his pack and rush out of there -- he didn't really worry about what the librarians would say. What could they do? Give him detention? Not in University!
There was some illumination in the central stairway, coming from a set of lights that were clearly meant to guide the way in an emergency -- so he slowed to a leisurely pace on the way down the steps towards the ground level.
The thought that he might arrive at the front desk to find nobody there did not even cross his mind until he arrived.
"Uh... hello?"
Turning the lights off must have been the very last thing the library staff did before vacating the building. The doors at the front of the building were very firmly locked. He tried shaking them, in that pointless way that never works with locked doors.
He was trapped.
Even the main controls for the lights were out there in the lobby, sealed off just beyond reach. It was going to have to remain dark in here.
After a moment or two flexing his core muscles, he pulled out his mobile. Naturally, it being the modern digital age and all that, there was no reception. Typical.
With a moan and a sigh, he traipsed back up the steps, hoping that there might be some way that mobile signals might penetrate all these books to reach his little lump of plastic, maybe he had better chances if he climbed higher up in the building.
A couple of flights up, and he nearly had a heart attack, a pale figure was approaching him,
Benedict had never really believed in ghosts, but when you're on your own in a big empty building like that, such scepticism can fade.
After an initial shock, however, he saw that it wasn't a phantom. It was one of his classmates, a very pretty blonde by the name of Sophie.
She was wearing white sneakers, sweatpants and a jacket in the pale blue and white colours of the University gymnastics squad, her long, blonde hair tied back in a ponytail. She was hugging her books in front like some kind of shield, and looking back at him as though he might be some kind of ghost himself.
He didn't really know Sophie at all they both recognised each other from various classes, of course, but he couldn’t say they'd ever shared even a word during their classes. The place was big, their social circles just never crossed.
"Hey," she said a little breathlessly.
"Hey," he returned. "Looks like we're locked in."
"They just left?" she said, wrinkling her brow with a touch of outrage. "They didn't check if anyone was still here?"
"If they did, they didn't do it very well. I am just heading upstairs, there's no signal down there if you wanna come," he waggled his phone as an explanation.
She nodded, and stepped aside to let him through, before following closely behind as he continued the climb back up towards the top floor.
"Where were you?" he asked as they progressed up the seemingly endless steps. "When the lights went out, I mean."
"I was kind of hiding," she admitted.
"Trying to get the essay done before we got thrown out?"
"You too?" she flashed a heart-stopping smile, damn, she was really pretty.
he nodded, trying not to seem like he was staring at her. It was difficult not to, though, she was really beautiful. He was a little surprised he hadn't taken more notice of her in class.
She explained: "I had to come here straight after practice tonight, our coach kept us late. Only had an hour to work on the essay before the lights went out."
"Trying to squeeze in an extra few minutes, huh?"
"Yeah, you'd think they would've found me, though, maybe told me to leave before they went all dungeon-esque."
He was checking his phone all the way up, but by the time they got to the top floor, he still wasn't having any luck.
"Lets try over by the windows," he suggested, and she was happy enough to come along. By now, she'd dug her own mobile out of a pocket, but it appeared she was unable to get a signal either.
The windows ran round three sides of the floor, and at least allowed a little light in from the streetlamps outside. It splashed everything over there in a dull orange tint that made his new companion seem more like a ginger than a blonde.
There was to be no joy with either phone and Sophie pointed out a laminated print-out tacked to a column support that stated firmly: "No mobiles".
"Maybe they have some kind of blocking system so people can't use their phones," she suggested. "I heard they use those in cinemas and theatres."
he nodded dejectedly, but then suggested: "There must be a landline or two down at the front desk."
"What about the computers?" she said. "We could email for help."
"You need to get a password before they'll work," he said.
"Oh that's right."
And, as it turned out, it seemed like you needed some kind of password or code to use the phones down at the front desk. It wasn't as simple as dial nine to get an outside line, at any rate.
"Nine-nine-nine?" Sophie suggested.
"Let's see if there's another way out before we try that one," he said. To be honest, he felt a little too guilty to opt for the emergency number, they weren't in any immediate danger, after all, and to dial 999 might deprive someone else from a call out that might be a little more urgent.
"I was supposed to meet up with my friends later," she said. "Maybe they'll wonder where I am and send a search party."
For the next twenty minutes or so, they formed a search party and scoured the ground-level, searching from some kind of secret back door or a device to communicate with the outside.
There was nothing except a couple of fire doors, those kind that have bars on that you can push to open, but then sets off a fire alarm.
"Should we?" Sophie asked.
The issue was the notice plastered all over the door warning of £2,000 fines if the alarm was activated when it wasn't an emergency.
"It is a kind of emergency," he said.
"I'm not sure I really want to risk a £2,000 fine."
"Me neither."
They looked at each other for a moment. She had really pretty eyes, even in the dull glow of the fire door's emergency light. Just looking at her made him catch his breath a little. He was thinking it would be safer to spend the night in the library, that the threat of a £2,000 fine was too much, even with the possibility of them arguing their way out of it.
And he was also thinking it wouldn't be so bad to spend a few hours with this rather beautiful girl.
"My friends will call for help eventually," Sophie said as their pause got just that little bit too long. "I'm sure of it."
Benedict suggested; "Maybe a security guard or someone will poke their head in the door some time soon."
She smiled again, melting his insides. "Maybe. So, should we go find somewhere comfortable to sit?"
"Sure. I think the best place is probably the English Lit section there's beanbags and armchairs and so on."
They went up to the second floor, and sure enough found some relatively comfortable armchairs, where ordinarily the English majors could read their fiction and pretend it was work. There was even a carpeted floor, which made things seem a little warmer, although he was aware that the temperature was already beginning to drop, the heating was no longer on.
They found an area close to the windows, where at least there was a little light, although the orange glow was hardly enough to read anything by.
There was nothing but conversation to help them pass the time, and although it seemed to flow pretty freely between them, he was a little worried they'd run out of things to say at some point, and enter some kind of awkward zone.
"It's kind of funny how we've never actually spoken before," she said. "I mean it's not such a big course or anything."
"Yeah, I've been kind of immersed in the world of rowing. Those guys kind of keep to a certain crowd"
"I hear you guys are pretty good. I don't get to any of the competitions because we usually have some competition or other"
"Well, we're okay. We won't win any major championships this year, but we're winning more races than we're losing. I seem to spend most of my time competing by myself rather than with the main team anyway. How's your competition going?"
"Oh, not bad. I have a desk drawer full of various medals but I don't think any of us will make it to the Olympics, but there's a chance at the national finals for a few of us."
She sat quite close, there might have been some light from the windows, but the rest of the library was fairly intimidating, and it seemed safer to be closer together. He thought, if he leaned over, he could have touched her at that point.
At any rate, they were close enough for him to detect the faint air of her sweet perfume, and that seemed to lull him into a dreamy state as they talked.
They discussed their sports, a little about class and their classmates. they basically had no friends, even distant friends, in common.
And the theme they came back to was their complete shortage of time for things like dating. Both of them had strenuous training schedules for their sports, and there was little time to get out and meet new people.
Then at one point, Sophie said: "I'm glad I was locked in with you."
Something ignited inside him at that, but she corrected herself quickly: "I mean, I don't think I could have dealt with being on my own in here."
Benedict smiled, but underneath the surface, he thought he preferred to ignore her correction. Still, brushing over her mistake, if that's what it was, he said: "I think anyone would be pretty intimidated by this place in the dark if they were on their own."
"I think if I'd been on my own, Iwould have been straight out those fire doors,  to hell with the consequences," she said.
"Maybe we should," he suggested. "I mean, we've got to be able to say this is an emergency, right?"
"I don't know. Maybe. But if they do hit us with a fine like that, that would probably be it for me, I'd have to move home, go to night school or something."
"That would be a shame," he said, then it was his turn to correct himself: "I mean, you'd have to quit the gymnastics squad and so on."
She smiled, and then tilted her head a little, like she was suddenly thinking about him in a new way.
There was a brief pause, perhaps a little too long, for while he was thinking about breaking the silence, she said: "It's simpler this way. Why risk it?"
"It won't be so bad waiting, I'm sure," he said, trying to be reassuring.
"It would be like going on a date," she said brightly, but then again seemed to feel she'd gone too far, amending herself: "I mean, you know, except it isn't."
he thought if there'd been enough light, he had probably have seen her blush right then.
"We can tell people we were on a date," he suggested, trying to defuse the tension that seemed to have crept in a little. "Less embarrassing than 'I got stuck in the library'."
"Yeah, a lot less embarrassing," she laughed. "So what happens at the end of the night? I mean, if we don't get rescued. I don't usually sleep with guys on the first date."
"We'll just have to try and stay awake," he said. "It's getting a little cold, do you want my jacket?"
She smiled, "I have a jacket. And that would leave you cold, so what good would that be?"
She had a point, but he did see her shiver a little. Maybe she'd get cold enough to move towards the decision to make a run for it through the fire door downstairs. Or, as he was beginning to hope, maybe she'd prefer to stay, and to snuggle up for warmth.
Then again Maybe one of her friends would raise the alarm before then.
"Why don't we go for another wander around?" she asked. "That'll keep us warm."
So they did another tour of the library, a little less rushed than before, when they were looking for a quick exit.
As they wandered, from aisle to aisle, section to section and floor to floor, he found out more about Sophie's relatively sheltered upbringing in rural Hampshire, while he told her a little about his early days in Kent.
They were heading back down towards the English Lit section, since there was really nowhere else as comfortable to settle down for long periods at a time, when they stumbled upon a janitor's closet in the central stairwell.
they had been checking out every door they came across by this point, every nook and cranny, so he was sure they would have found this closet eventually. It wasn't particularly exciting, you might say, except that there was a flashlight in there.
That got both of them quite excited.
"We'll be able to signal people on the outside!" he said.
"Oh, yeah, that's a great idea!" she said, as though she hadn't been thinking about the obvious use for the flashlight, as he had.
"What were you thinking we'd do with it?" he asked.
"I... uh... just thought it would be nice to have some light," she said, and as he turned the flashlight on to bathe her pretty face in light, her expression told him she agreed her idea was a little on the lame side.
"Maybe if I'm going to tell my friends I was on a date," she said instead, "I might need to tell them what you look like?"
She playfully grabbed the flashlight off him, and put the light right back into his face, dazzling him.
"Come on," she said, "let's go try out your signalling plan."
They went back to the windows in the English Lit section, figuring it was close enough to the ground to catch people's attention, but they were a little tired of walking around by then, so crashing there seemed like a good long-term strategy.
The windows ran all the way along the wall, but had a nice wide sill that could be, and usually was, used by students to sit on. It even had cushions lining it. So, naturally enough, they found themselves sitting there, Sophie leaning back against a column with her legs outstretched, and him kneeling by her feet, facing the glass itself, flickering the flashlight at the outside world.
He was pleased that the flashlight made a clear circle of light on the pavement below the building, if anyone walked by, they would have to see it.
The trouble was, nobody walked by.
"How long do you think the battery will last?" she asked after a while, disappointment in her voice.
"It's pretty bright," he replied. "Should last a fair while."
"Can you see anybody?"
"Nope. Sorry."
"It's not your fault nobody's around."
"I'm sorry our date sucks."
She giggled. "It's not the worst date I've ever been on," she said. "Not by a long shot."
"I guess it could be a lot worse than this," he conceded.
"A lot of my friends would be jealous, if they knew I was on a date with a hot rower," she said, seeming less afraid to make such a forward remark now.
"When I take someone out on a real date, I'd at least make sure there was some drink available, maybe even something to eat."
"There's a vending machine over there?"
"You want something?"
"No," she said, and in the streetlight he could see that broad smile of hers again, so beautiful it made his heart sing. "Maybe you'll just have to take me out on a proper date some time," she added with a sly smile.
"I'd love to," Benedict said, feeling like the last remaining ice between them was now well and truly thawing. "Would we call that the first date or the second?"
"I don't know."
"'Cause I've heard you don't sleep with a guy on the first date."
Sophie threw a book at him after that comment, and they both laughed, and he thought he caught her looking at him with something of a twinkle in her eye.
There was really nobody around, the library wasn't on the way anywhere, but that night it seemed like people were making a particular effort to stay away. Didn't campus security do any patrols?
After a while, there seemed no point in carrying on with the spotlight efforts and he switched the flashlight off.
Benedict suggested getting some drinks, but as they got to the vending machine over by the entrance to the stairwell, he didn't have much change on him and the machine didn't seem to be accepting notes.
"Here," Sophie said, retrieving some coins from a pocket.
their hands touched as she handed them to him, and it was hard not to notice how cold she felt.
"You're really cold," he said, concerned.
"I'm okay," she said, but he thought he even noticed her shivering a little.
he put out his hands in request for hers, which she offered somewhat meekly, her little fib revealed. Her skin was like ice, so cold she could have been a corpse especially if he considered her complexion was fairly pale aside and her lustrous blonde hair. As he held them in his, however, her hands did warm up a little.
Holding her, touching her, there was an amazing energy between them. He caressed her hands a little, ostensibly to help warm them up, but it was a little more than that.
"We could try making a run for it," he offered. "We could tell them we were freezing..."
"No, I'll be okay," she said, looking at him with those big green eyes, "I... I like being here with you."
That made him feel all warm inside. He didn't know what to say.
"Maybe I just need to run up and down the stairs a little," she said. "That'll warm me up."
She broke away from him, and suddenly leaned over backwards, making him jump a little, he didn’t know, he thought she'd fainted or something, he supposed but instead of collapsing, she just learned gracefully into a casual flip, her hands confidently placed on the floor, her feet flicking daintily over the rest of her body before touching back down on the floor so that she could right herself.
"I'll be alright," she said, with a little grin at his obvious look of wonderment.
He knew gymnasts were supposed to be flexible, but her display caught him a little off-guard.
"I wish I could do that," he said.
"I could teach you," she smirked.
"I don't think so!"
They decided to split a Coke to keep a lid on their limited supply of coins, and headed back towards the windows, since the extra light made it the least intimidating place to settle. However, this time they grabbed some bean bags from the reading area, in order to make that still a little more comfortable.
On the way back, Sophie performed a few more little cartwheels, showing off her little frame and somehow still managing to keep a grip on her bean bag.
She really was stunningly beautiful. It made Benedict want to watch her actually compete, and not only because he had got to see her without her training gear on, although he imagined that would be a delicious sight.
"See?" She said, "I've warmed up a little already."
"Great. Now if only I could do a little gymnastics..."
they settled in again, with Sophie again sitting up against that column support, and him sitting at her feet.
This time, they kicked off their shoes, and ended up much closer than the last time they were there, close enough for him to be able to breathe in her subtle but sweet scent. he savoured her alluring perfume, breathing deeply but trying not to make it too obvious the effect she was having on him.
"It's getting pretty late," she said, checking the time on her redundant phone. "I guess his friends have forgotten all about me."
"Mine probably assume I'm drunk in some gutter somewhere."
"I've never been on a first date this long before," she said.
"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" he asked, grappling with that age-old male inability to decipher the female code, while also slightly concerned that his comment about being drunk in a gutter somewhere might have suddenly put her off. 
"Oh, definitely a good thing," she smiled, and he felt a strange sense of relief sweep over him. Then she said: "No, I just thought that it's kind of like having two dates in one."
"Well, I suppose if we end up drifting off to sleep, that'll mean your first-date rule is safe," he suggested.
"I guess so," she said. "And we'd skip that awkward 'will he or won't he call' thing after a first date."
They both chuckled at that.
Then he stuck his proverbial neck out, and said: "So if our next date is our third date, does that mean you'll sleep with me then as well?"
There was a slight pause, which seemed to him to take an age to end. Had he taken things too far? Was she going to bolt out of here and rush for that fire door, to Hell with the consequences? Maybe he had disappointed her, maybe he was being crude.
But her mouth curled into a seductive smile, and she said: "Well, that just depends."
"Depends on what?" he said, innocently enough.
Then she was up on all fours, her pretty face moving towards his. She said, "On how good a kisser you are."
Sophie leaned forward, and he could not believe his luck. his world was filled with her pretty face, her sweet fragrance, her soft yet burning lips.
After his initial shock at their sudden dash to first base, he tentatively kissed her back, echoing her delicate exploration of his own lips, gazing into those sultry eyes as he breathed nothing but her glorious scent, a heady mix of sweet vanilla perfume and the subtle mustiness of her natural aroma.
he was quite breathless when at last they parted.
"Wow," she said, apparently as breathless as him.
"So did I pass?"
"Hmm..." she said, shuffling forward. "Well, I think you passed the first part of the test."
"How many parts are there?"
"Oh, lots."
Then she leaned forwards again, and once again they were sharing the sweetest of kisses. He was burning up inside, he had never kissed anyone like this before, her effect on him was like some kind of drug.
As they tangled, he touched her soft cheek, marvelling at her beauty. He gently cradled her head as their tongues danced together, and it wasn't long before her hands swept up to press him towards her, and they were locked in the most incredible heat.
"You know the perfect way to warm a girl up," she said as they parted again, both a little short on oxygen.
"Happy to be of service," he said.
"We might have to cool down a bit."
"Too much for a second date?"
"Too much for being this close to the windows!" she giggled.
"There's absolutely nobody around!"
"But there might be!"
"You want to stop?" he asked, wondering what they'd do instead, since there was now a whole different kind of energy between them.
"No," she smiled slyly, then picked up her bean bag and dropped it onto the floor beside them. "Just relocate slightly."
he dropped his own bean bag next to hers, and they did as she suggested, and were soon happily entangled once again.
Being on the floor gave them a lot more room, a lot more freedom. Benedict drew out the band from her ponytail, and as he kissed her mouth, he was able to run his fingers through her silky hair.
he caressed her face, her chin, her slender neck, luxuriating in the velvet-soft texture of her skin, teasing out a quiet moan from this exquisite creature.
The bean bags were surprisingly accommodating as they writhed together, Sophie now clamping her coltish legs around his body, pressing herself close. He could tell that all her gymnastics training made her extremely strong, as well as flexible.
he kissed his way slowly down from underneath her left ear, down her neck, and her moans grew a little in intensity.
"Oh that's nice," she moaned when he approached the base of her neck.
But then when he moved his fingers to her throat to unzip her training top, he met with resistance.
"Wait," she whispered, "I didn't get time to shower after gymnastics."
"It doesn't matter," he said, with a soothing tone he hoped to encourage her to open up, without feeling in any way forced. "I want you. just the way you are."
He tasted her lips once again, and felt her resistance melt away, and she was actively unfastening her training jacket by herself, drawing the zip slowly down her chest to reveal the sleek, dark material of her leotard beneath.
he felt her petite frame rise to his touch as his hands roamed over her tight leotard, exploring her tantalising curves. She had a fairly typical gymnast's figure, he guessed, slim and agile, with a flat stomach and small waist, while her breasts were fairly large, they appeared very sensitive to his soft caresses.
She was so hot to the touch, even through her leotard, the material seemed to be a perfect conductor of her heat.
he brushed his palms gently over her chest, finding her nipples hard now, poking up against the thin material. Through her leotard, he teased the little buttons, forcing out some louder moans from Sophie though their lips were still locked firmly together, while her pretty eyes flashed at him with unbridled lust.
As he continued to caress the soft curves of her breasts, grazing her nipples with the tips of his fingers, he slowly kissed his way down her neck once again, taking it further this time without the hindrance of her jacket, to the edge of her gymnastics costume.
That daintily musty aroma from her earlier workout was a touch stronger lower down, but only seemed to spur him on, stirring his blood and making his heart pound in his chest.
He wanted so much more.
He was careful to watch for any signs that she might be uncomfortable with how far they were taking this, they had, after all, only really known each other for a brief time. But she seemed in no mood to stop, quietly groaning as he took one of her little buds in his mouth, teasing it with his tongue through the thin leotard while his hands continued to coax her breasts and sweep down to explore the elegant curves of her waist and back.
"You're so beautiful," he said in barely more than a whisper, and she just beamed at him in reply before moaning once again as he slipped his fingers under the edge of her relatively low-cut leotard, to glide over her bare skin and down to those stiff little nipples.
he felt her tremble as he touched her bare breasts, her body writhing at the sensations flowing through her.
Stroking her nipples with his fingers, he caressed her belly with his lips, breathing in that alluring scent while planting kisses over her graceful contours. Her aroma grew stronger as he approached the waistband of her sweatpants and he thought he detected the first traces of her arousal.
he couldn't get enough of it. Call him greedy if you will, but he just wanted more and more.
Fearing that she'd feel they were going too far, that she'd call a halt to everything any moment, he very gradually nudged against the top of her sweatpants, gently easing the material downwards to edge closer and closer towards her promised land.
Each time he got a little closer, he kissed his way back up her stomach to her breasts, taking her stiff little nipples back inside his hot mouth, albeit through her leotard.
Her breathing was more like a series of sighs now, she was lying back with her head turned to the side, just letting the sensations wash over her. She didn't look as though she wanted to stop any time soon.
The adrenalin was buzzing around his system, his heart beating like a drum in a rock band. He paused, wondering if he should play it safe, take it slow, and keep to the area they had already explored.
It has to be said, it was already quite far for a first date, whatever they were calling it now. he would have been perfectly happy if she wanted to slow it down, of course, but there and then he decided he wasn't going to take the safe option just then. he had stop if she wanted, but the possibilities were so tantalising, he had to at least try.
Subtly, attempting to avoid any chance that she'd suddenly become afraid or nervous, he shifted slightly, downwards, still lying beside her where she had the option to flee if she needed to, but coming to rest in a position where he could pursue a more thrilling course.
He was kissing delicately along the thin material of her leotard, just above her waistline but again nudging her sweatpants down a little, when she reached down to unfasten the cord tied around her waist. If this wasn't an invitation to continue, he doesn't know what it was.
It set his pulse racing again, the thought buzzing around his head that this exquisite creature was opening herself up to him, that he might get to sample her sweet nectar , even after just a few hours of knowing her.
He felt like the luckiest guy in the world, and once she had the knot unfastened, he gently slid her sweatpants down over her slender hips, revealing the rest of her leotard, her sweet mound, her smooth thighs. She actively helped him to pull the garment off her, boosting his own confidence and reassuring him a little that she was warm enough to part with it just then.
"You think we're moving beyond the realms of the second date?" she said, looking down at him with those big doe eyes.
"You want to stop?" he asked, with a sly smile that implied that he was fairly sure she didn't.
"We could just call this the start of our third date," she said, one of her hands running through his hair.
"That sounds good to me," he said, kissing her upper thigh, just below the high-cut arch of her leotard, tasting that slight saltiness on her skin.
Then she touched his chin, tilted his head up to look into her eyes, and she said: "You don't have to. I mean, I know I had gymnastics earlier and"
"I can't get enough of you," he said interrupting her, kissing her lower abdomen just an inch or two above that exhilarating rise of her mound.
"Mmm... then take whatever you want..." she replied with a moan that made him quiver inside.
He kissed the bare skin over her hips, then down to her inner thighs, indulging himself in her beauty, her velvet skin, and that fizzing sense of anticipation as he edged closer to the very centre of her arousal.
Her skin was already warm to the touch, but as he moved closer to the edge of her leotard, the heat grew noticeably, along with the unmistakable aroma of her juices.
Then he was brushing over her mound, her leotard moist to the touch, his nose and mouth pressing gently into her raw heat. He had repositioned himself between her slender thighs, and it was like every one of his senses was saturated with her.
Sophie was lying back again, her eyes closed, her arms by her sides, her hands clutching at the beanbag beneath her as he ran his tongue slowly along the thin material covering her pussy.
Tasting her, such a glorious spicy cocktail, now it was his turn to moan softly, letting out his own feelings while letting her know just how much he loved to be there, just how much he adored such intimate contact. She seemed to relax a little at this reassurance, to know he wasn't just doing this to impress her, to make her feel good.
he spread his hot mouth over her lycra-covered pussy, pressing against her and feeling that slight give in the centre, her pussy lips opening up to him.
Her gentle moans gave way to a gasp as he peeled her leotard aside to reveal her pussy to the cool air and, despite the relatively poor lighting conditions, his gaze. So beautiful, so smooth under its tidy patch of dark hair, her fragrant flower drew him in.
She trembled as she felt first his hot breath on her sensitive folds, then the soft touch of his lips. Oh-so briefly, he tasted her from the source, and her moans seemed to turn almost to pleading, but rather than pile in, he moved back for a moment, kissing her inner thighs again, taking in that wonderful sight before he got too close.
Then his burning mouth returned to her soft pussy lips, and he was kissing her there, licking her, playing with her, dipping his tongue inside her to sample her sweet nectar.
He was moaning again as he tasted her spice, revelling in his being so close to her, so connected. He gently parted her legs a little more to offer him maximum access as his tongue traced the length of her slick valley, lapping up her juices.
And then he was kissing around her little clitoris, warming up the sensitive little bud before getting too close, using his fingers to caress her pussy lips before sliding gently inside her.
Her moans soon turned to blissful cries, his mouth engulfing her clit even as her pussy engulfed his middle finger, her labia tight around it in a manner that made his cock rock hard down below.
Moving from lapping up her now freely flowing juices to taking her clit into his mouth, he felt she was beginning to move towards some kind of resolution. he started to suck her clit a little more forcefully, and with his finger sought out that sensitive spot on the front wall of her pussy. 
She was writhing about under him by now, his tongue flicking over her clit, his finger being squeezed by her gymnast's muscles.
And she was coming, trembling and crying out as she did so, his tongue now swirling around her soaking labia, his nose pressed against her burning clit, her hands clamping his head to her pulsating pussy, her thighs pressing against his ears.
When her grip relaxed, he knew enough to break away from her sensitive zone, loving that the taste of her remained on his lips.
"Oh God..." was all she said for a while, over and over, breathless, lolling back as though drained of all energy. Then, "That's never happened before."
Moving up beside her, he couldn't help the curiosity: "Really?"
"I didn't think boys like to -- you know."
they edged closer to him, turning to face away from him so that He could spoon up against her.
"Some do," He said. "With the right person."
She let out a little satisfied sigh, almost a mew. "I've never felt anything like it. It was the most amazing feeling."
"It was pretty amazing for me, too," He smiled, and glanced at his watch, hoisting his eyebrows a little at the apparent fact that he had been between her thighs for about half an hour.
"I take it You like it?"
"With you, I adore it."
"How come?"
"Are you kidding? Getting that close to someone as stunning as you? How could I not? You know your pheromones can drive a guy crazy? And I was mainlining..."
"You are crazy," she said, "that's true enough."
Wedged up against her, he couldn't help but sweep his hands over her, taking in her tight curves, her wonderfully smooth skin. He moved her hair out of the way and kissed the back of her neck, the warm smell of her hair and her perfume seeming so comforting to him.
"Mmm... if you're not careful, you'll get me going again in a minute," she said, his hands brushing over her tender breasts, down her stomach.
"That's fine by me," he said softly, kissing her ear.
She smiled, "But it's my turn."
"Your turn?"
"Don't you know the rules? I show you mine, you have to show me yours."
"Ah. Well, if those are the rules..."
"They are," she insisted, and suddenly picked herself up. "I am going to get another drink, and then I'm going to take what's mine.
She did a little twirl and without putting on the rest of her clothes, she padded off towards the vending machine, performing a few little cartwheels along the way.
He watched her as she was consumed by the shadows, and then emerged in the light of the stairwell and the vending machine itself. He still had her flavour on his lips, and he savoured it, his loins now stirring at the anticipation of her return.
A loud clang from the vending machine, and she was on her way back, sipping as she went.
"You want some?" she asked as she came to a halt in front of him.
"Sure," he said, pulling himself up to his feet.
She gave him the bottle, and as he took a swig, she nearly choked him in surprise as her hands scoped out the hardness between his thighs.
"Mmm..." she grinned. "What have we got here?"
Dropping down to kneel in front of him, she quite suddenly slid his pants down over his hips, exposing him to the cold air.
"You really mean business!" he laughed.
Sophie seemed to catch her breath, then purred, "Oh, it's beautiful. Can I touch it?"
"Could I ever say 'no' to you?"
"I hope not!"
he felt her cool hands tentatively touch his stiff cock, taking in its shape, its hardness, stroking his shaft a little.
Then she leaned forward to kiss it, and he felt her hot breath on his sensitive organ. She traced his shaft with her tongue, starting towards the base, then slowly moving towards the end, planting the occasional kiss as she went along. She was trying it out, exploring.
"So smooth," she said.
"I might need to sit down," he said.
With a smile, she put a foot down on his pants so that he would have to remove them to relocate, which he did without much protest. he perched on the window seat once more, his back to the window to shield them from the prying eyes that Sophie thought might be there, though really were not.
She placed a bean bag between his feet and knelt down in front of him once again.
"Ready?" she asked, flashing a broad smile with those beautiful eyes somehow lit up.
he replied: "more than."
"Okay," she said, then gave him a serious look for a moment, "and don't you stop until you're ready , if you get my meaning."
"Whatever you say."
Then he felt his cock engulfed in her warmth, her tongue swirling around his sensitive tip while she seemed to roll the head of his cock around her mouth, letting it fill her, then withdraw, then refill that wonderful hotness, those pretty lips stretched around him.
he could do little but gasp at the sensations rippling through his body, he was having a hard time remembering to support himself as he leaned back towards the window.
As she tended to him with her mouth, she also used her hands to explore him, taking in his thighs and calves as well as up to his hard cock. She cradled his balls softly and flashed him a cheeky smile.
Then she was focussing all efforts on his erection, teasing out a deep moan from him as she upped the tempo, her head beginning to bob up and down on his shaft.
It was wonderful, and the adoration in her eyes when she looked up at him just took it to a whole new level, and he knew he wouldn't last long. The vibrations from her own breathing and little moans helped build up this energy inside him that could not be held back.
he could feel his orgasm surging up, and for a moment, hoped he hadn't misinterpreted her earlier request for him to keep going. The energy bubbled up inside him, and suddenly it was too late to hold back, his cock throbbing as his hot seed emerged.
Sophie seemed happy enough to take his come in her mouth, and as he came down from the great high she'd taken him to, she was lapping at his softening cock and making little contented noises.
"God you have a beautiful cock," she said, pulling away from him as he became just that little bit too sensitive to continue.
"I just can't get enough."
he returned her smile, "You can have as much as you like," he said.
"I'll hold you to that, mister."
He felt the cold pretty quickly afterwards, and reached for his pants as Sophie took to performing a few cartwheels in front of him.
"Are you not a little cold?" he asked, since she seemed in no hurry to put on her training jacket or sweatpants.
"Not even a little bit!" she said mid-spin, "feels like I'm burning up inside!"
She came to a halt and stepped between his legs, where he could hold onto her, his hands pressed to her little waist. True enough, he could feel her heat through that thin leotard -- she wasn't even a little bit cold.
"I'm buzzing all over," she said, her elfin face so beautiful as she looked down at him like that, smouldering with desire.
he couldn't help but slip his hands round to her shapely little butt, and ducked forward to plant a kiss just above her mound.
He knew what she meant -- it felt like a thousand Christmases happening at once, he was still shaking a little from the raw adrenaline flowing through his system as a result of merely being with this hot little gymnast. But underneath that, he could tell well enough how cold it was.
"I think I might need some chocolate to get my energy back," he said.
Thankfully, the vending machine was relatively well stocked with calorific candy bars, no doubt to keep those little grey cells going when students were up against their deadlines. They had enough change for a Mars Bar each, which they both devoured like ravenous beasts, perched on the nearest step in the stairwell.
"So I've lost track of which date we're on now," he said between mouthfuls of chocolate.
"I think we must be on number five or six by now," she said. "The things you did to me, we must be."
"So does that mean it's all right for us to sleep together?"
"I think it's now required," she grinned.
"So what's next?"
Sophie jumped to her feet, then reached out for his hands, which he presented to her only to be pulled up himself. "Next," she said, "we should head up to the top floor."
"What's up there?"
"Oh, nothing much..." there was a glint in her eye.
So, curious as to what was on her mind, he followed her up to the top of the building, where it turned out her target was the female restroom.
"See you in a minute," she said, stopping him outside the door.
She went inside, and the door closed behind her, leaving him waiting there, standing in the glow from the stairwell and facing the dark shelves. He was beginning to wonder what she was planning, but then she came back out, too quick for a bathroom break, he thought.
"That was quick," he said.
"Got what I came for," she said, with that mischievous glint in her eyes again.
She held up her hand, and inside it was a box of condoms.
"Are you shocked?" she asked meekly.
He was Rock hard between his thighs, he thought his cock was making some kind of a statement, but his brain was a little unsure what to say.
In a little haze of lust and surprise, he said: "Well, if we are on date five or six..."
"Exactly," she grinned, and walked past him. "Come on, I can't wait."
She walked into the bookshelves, no longer concerned about the darkness in fact, actively seeking it out, walking along a crack in the floor tiles like it was a balancing beam. As she went, he couldn't help but stare at her sexy butt squeezed inside that leotard.
A moment later, he managed to break out of his daze, scampering after his horny little gymnast.
"Must be a table around here, somewhere," she was saying as he caught up. There was, and she didn't waste a moment perching on its edge, holding out her arms to pull him towards her.
They kissed again, the sparks flying as her tongue slipped inside his mouth. As they tangled, her hands were pulling his clothes off, and his hands were in her hair, then slipping down to the neckline of her leotard and under the thin material.
"Wait," she said, stopping him from peeling it off her. "I want you to fuck me in my gymnastics costume."
She grinned, "Maybe it'll be my lucky suit from now on."
Then off came his boxers, and Sophie was tearing open a condom packet, peeling the thing down his erect cock.
He stopped briefly, nudging aside her damp leotard to reveal the pretty petals of her open pussy. He kissed around it a little, savouring her juices and running his tongue up to envelope her clit in his hot mouth.
She was already so wet he just craved that tangy, saltiness of her pussy one last time before he filled it.
Then she was coaxing him upwards and forwards, pulling him close so his hardness pressed against her heat.
"Fuck me," she said, gazing into his eyes.
Careful to keep their protection in place, he touched the head of his cock at the entrance to her pussy, feeling that irresistible heat radiating from her as he nudged forwards.
Looking in her beautiful almond eyes, he eased inside her, sliding his shaft into her tightness, feeling her enclose him, her feet coming up behind him to pull him in. Her arousal was obvious as he glided inside her, her juices coating his cock.
"Oh God, that's amazing," she breathed. He thought he murmured something in reply, but it was all a little overwhelming to say anything intelligible.
he withdrew, and the expression on her pretty face was almost one of pleading, desperate for more. Slick with her juices already, he thrust his cock back inside her, his entire shaft tingling with the ecstatic sensations of her hot pussy enveloping him and the exquisite feeling of being inside such a beautiful girl as Sophie.
Gazing back into his eyes, his pretty little gymnast let out a quiet gasp, her lips spreading in a blissful smile.
they moved together, slowly at first, though building up pace in no time. Kissing her, caressing her, holding her, it was the most blissful sensation he had ever experienced. Her pussy was so firm, so hot as it squeezed his shaft.
She lay back against the tabletop, and his hands found their way around her smooth curves to the gentle rise of her chest, and her hard little nipples straining against her leotard.
The air was thick with the scent of her arousal, blended with her perfume, which seemed to drive him on like some kind of magic.
Then, quite suddenly, all the lights in the library were switched on.
For a long moment, they froze mid-thrust, looking at each other with the kind of dazed surprise that a rabbit might have when facing a pair of oncoming headlamps.
they were still apart from the rise and fall of their chests as they drew in oxygen to recover from their exertions.
There was a curious mixture of emotions, both of them so swamped with adrenaline, their bodies wracked with lust for each other. His cock was still so hard, buried inside her, and even though he was more than a little nervous that they were about to be discovered, it was still such a thrill to be inside her, and she was now bathed in light, revealing her full beauty to him.
That moment seemed to go on for ages. they did nothing but listen, and eventually heard the low sound of voices. They were somewhere on the bottom floor, and to him the obvious source was a couple of security guards doing a routine patrol.
Whoever it was down there, they didn't seem to be rushing their patrol. The library was fairly large, so after that momentary freeze, he thought both of them started to relax at once.
"We should get out of here," he whispered.
Sophie flashed him a look of pure lust.
"I'm so close," she said, "Just a little longer?"
He raised his eyebrows at the riskiness of the suggestion, but slowly began to move inside her, squeezing his hips to withdraw, then thrust again.
"You'd better be quiet," he whispered, as she started moaning quietly again.
"I'll try," she said. "Now fuck me! I'm right on the edge!"
With her prompting, he penetrated her hot pussy, building up his power until they were both shaking the table as they writhed together.
He wondered if the prospect of being caught added to the thrill of the situation, for it really took no time at all before Sophie was trembling again with another orgasm, and he could see her desperately trying to stifle her cries as the forceful climax swept through her petite frame.
Caressing her slender curves as he continued to thrust inside her, he held himself a little in check until he was absolutely certain she was over the edge and there was no heading back.
At last, he released and felt that glorious sensation of his hot seed flowing out inside the condom.
Spent, he collapsed on top of her for a brief lull, and they were kissing again, feeling so at one with each other.
Then the overriding imperative of their lust began to fade, and the sense of panic started to return. Where were the security guards?
He lifted himself up and reached down for his clothes, the condom discarded in a thankfully full bin. Sophie sat up to pull the crotch of her leotard over to re-cover up her sweet little pussy.
"Where are they?" she asked in another whisper.
he paused, listening. "I think they're coming up the stairs," he said. "But they're not on this floor yet."
"What if they're coming to get us?"
"Because of my flashlight antics?" he asked.
"I don't know," she smiled, "maybe flashing is against uni rules."
"Can't be. Half the Union groups would be shut down."
She giggled, "Come on!" and grabbed his hand, and they were off again, this time skulking through the shelves like a couple of cat burglars.
"We could just tell them we got locked in," he suggested in a hushed voice.
"If we were both fully dressed and didn't smell like sex, that might have worked," Sophie grinned. "If they find me like this, I think we'd be in trouble."
"D'you think we can get past them?" she asked. "Maybe get out of here?"
Part of him was a little sad at this possibility, craving more time with this hot little gymnast. they'd only had a few hours together, and although they were joking about being on their fifth or sixth date by now, the reality was that they had only just met. There was still the possibility that this would turn out to be nothing more than a crazy one-night stand.
And though he had not really taken much time out from rowing to really think about maintaining a full-on relationship, something had changed in him tonight. He wanted as much of Sophie as he could possibly get.
Still, being a man, his pride kicked in and he stifled his concerns, saying casually, "You think left the library doors unlocked?"
"There's a good chance. The trick is going to be getting past them."
They crept to the stairwell, and edged over the bannister to see if they could spot any movement, both listening out for any noise that might offer a clue as to the security guards' whereabouts.
"We could just hide," he whispered, "then continue as though they'd never come."
"We could. But wouldn't you rather have a warm bed than a whole night in this cold place?"
She had a fair point.
"I guess so," he said, perhaps a hint of regret in his voice despite the powerful sense of physical satisfaction currently flowing through his veins.
He was about to suggest that they could go back to his place, or hers, if she preferred, when she held a finger up to her lips, silencing him. they could see hands gripping the handrail a few flights below them the security guards were coming up the stairs towards them.
they poised to flee.
From the sound of them, there appeared to be two campus security guards, and they appeared in no hurry to clamber up the steps. Their voices were as relaxed as their climbing pace, and actually made them relax a little, clear as it was that they were here on a routine patrol, not targeting two horny students loose in the library.
Still, as they arrived on the floor below them, they were on a hair trigger ready to explode into a mad dash for the safety of the bookshelves behind them.
Somehow, they held their nerves. he thought if the guards had taken one more step up towards them, they would have sprang into action, but after a long pause in which it became apparent that their conversation was tending towards the following weekend's rowing competition, their patrol route veered off into the floor below them.
they waited a little longer, counting time using the pounding beats of their nervous hearts.
Then he looked at Sophie and she nodded. Silently, they pulled themselves up and took to the steps, tip-toeing their way down to the floor below.
The guards' voices were getting steadily quieter and quieter, they were heading down towards the outer perimeter of the floor, by the windows. Sophie peered around the edge of the doorway, and looked back to give him the signal to proceed. Then both of them scampered down the next flight of stairs, alert for the slightest hint that they had been discovered.
Feeling a little safer, they headed back down to the second floor where they had left their stuff.
"Do we risk it?" he whispered.
"I'm not going outside like this." he could accept that -- she had to be cold enough already dressed in nothing but her leotard. She added: "You stay here and keep a look out, I'll get your stuff too."
he nodded, and she scurried off towards their beanbags. If anything, he was feeling a little gloomy at the end of their library adventure, but if did something to thwart their chances of escape now, she might never forgive him. He had to go along with it.
A little while later, he heard the voices of the security guards again. He was almost willing them to come downstairs, to head th off at the pass and seal off their route of escape so that he might be locked up once again with Sophie.
They didn't, however, they were heading up to the top floor, and momentarily, Sophie returned dressed in her jacket and sweatpants again, clutching their papers.
"Can't forget these," she smiled.
he returned her smile, "Absolutely."
Then she grabbed his hand again, and pulled him downstairs and out towards the main entrance.
His last chance was that the security-conscious guards had re-locked the main doors behind them after they entered the building. they would then have to hide somewhere on the bottom floor and hope that they had already satisfied themselves that that floor was secure. his heart in his throat, he reached out to push the door.
It opened.
Silently, he groaned his disappointment. Was that it? Now that they were free to go wherever they wanted, would Sophie want to see him again?
Outside, it was drizzling, only adding to his sudden misery. They continued to hold hands, but paced it away from the building and possible detection by campus security. Round the next corner, they stopped to catch their breaths.
"Well I guess this is good-bye, then," he said, more than a little gloomy.
"Are you crazy?" she said in a somewhat sharp tone.
"Well..." he wasn't really sure what to say.
"You know you're required to actually sleep with me?" Her statement filled his entire being with the warmth of pure unadulterated joy.
"I am?" was all he could utter, his brain suffering something of a power overload.
"Do You do want to?" she asked, and there was now a hint of worry in her voice and heartbreak evident on her face.
"Of course! I'd give anything to..."
"Good," she grinned, and grabbed a hold of his hand again. "Only, we're not going to sleep very much."
"No? I like the sound of that."
"No," said Sophie. "We're going to go back to my place so I can have that long-overdue shower..."
"And then?"
"And then I'm going to tear off your clothes and fuck the living daylights out of you."
She looked at him with those big, beautiful eyes, and he knew that for them, this night was only just beginning in and that it was going to turn out to be the best night of his life so far and the start of something very special. 
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whispersofthesea · 30 days
Whispers of the Sea
Summary: Team Dark is dispatched to a mysterious coastal town named Costa Esmeralda to investigate peculiar anomalies disrupting time and space. As Shadow grapples with the trauma of his past, he crosses paths with Silver, a benevolent and compassionate hedgehog, as they seek to uncover the truth amidst the chaos.
Chapter I: New Sun
Dust grains illuminated by the beams of light from the old and weak lantern danced through the air. Like lovers at a grand ball, they twirled in ecstasy before a pair of curious crimson eyes. Then, with the click of a button, darkness fell.
"Tiring? If only." A voice broke through the stillness, heavy with impatience. "Sitting on my ass for seven hours isn't tiring-boring, more like."
The boy crossed his arms, tapping his foot impatiently on the truck floor, and soon a voice came from the driver’s cabin.
"Oh, don't put this on me, Shadow. You're the one who insisted on staying back there with the cargo!"
The hedgehog sighed. That was Rouge, one of the members of his trio. They and the robot Omega, who was driving the truck, together formed Team Dark—a highly prestigious group within the Guardian Units of Nations (G.U.N.). Well, the hedgehog disagreed with the title assigned to them. A prestigious group shouldn’t have to travel to the mission city on their own and, on top of that, in an old truck.
This would be their first day in Costa Esmeralda, a small coastal town in the middle of nowhere. Despite extensive research, there was little information about the place. Yet, command deemed their presence there of vital importance.
“Estimated time of arrival, five minutes.”
Curious to discover what kind of town they were going to investigate, Shadow pulled out his Chaos Emerald from his pocket and teleported onto the truck’s cabin, startling Rouge in the process.
“What the hell... What are you doing up there?! You must be out of your mind!”
The boy promptly ignored the bat and, using a pair of binoculars, began to admire the enigmatic Costa Esmeralda. As if it were a welcome postcard, the clouds blew a warm, salty air in his face. Squeezed between a vast, clear coastline and hills covered with sunflower fields, stood the town: small, friendly, and, at first glance, harmless.
Almost losing himself in the view of that quaint little town colored in vibrant shades of blue, green, and yellow, Rouge pulled Shadow’s ear, dragging him into the cabin that was by no means designed for three people. Come to think of it, it hadn’t even been made for one person and a machine, a detail she decided to ignore.
“What exactly do you think you’re doing? Staying up there isn’t safe for us or you!” The girl grumbled.
“Speak for yourself. I am the Ultimate Life Form.” His temper as broody as ever.
She snorted, crossing her arms. For a few brief seconds, silence reigned until the vehicle braked, throwing Shadow, who wasn’t wearing a seatbelt, at the feet of Rouge and Omega. A small smile formed on the girl’s face, who once again was promptly ignored by the hedgehog. ‘I told you so, Ultimate Life Form,’ written all over her face.
“We’ve arrived. Mission: unload the truck and complete the move.”
“It was fun while it lasted, but now it’s time to get down to serious work, darling.”
Moving to a new place was always tough. Despite the move being a necessary step in order to have a hideout, as well as an operations center for the mission they were given, it was still important to turn each house, no matter the amount of time they’d spent in it, into a new home worth enjoying. At least, that’s what Rouge thought. Shadow didn’t care much about carrying material goods. After all, ‘everything he needed was in his mind,’ a statement the girl found overly pretentious. Omega, on the other hand, only needed his punching bag.
Nestled on a weathered cliff overlooking the vast expanse of the ocean, the old house provided by command exuded an air of mystery. Its faded blue shutters creaked in the salty breeze, and ivy climbed up the walls, reclaiming its territory. The front porch sagged slightly under the weight of memories, while seagulls circled above, their cries echoing the past. Inside, sunlight filtered through tattered lace curtains, illuminating dust motes suspended in time. The creaky wooden floors whispered secrets of generations long gone, while the fireplace beckoned with stories of crackling warmth on stormy nights. As the trio unpacked their belongings, the house stirred awake, ready to embrace a new chapter of laughter, shared moments, and the soothing lullaby of crashing waves.
This wasn’t the first time they’d been relocated to some decrepit house, but Shadow couldn’t help but get annoyed by the command’s lack of proper support every single time. Despite his reluctance in bringing what he thought were just mementos, Rouge reminded him that they’d spend a good while away from their usual home and so convinced him to pack some things to keep him company.
Inside a single box, a Walkman with some hit cassette tapes he had recorded summers ago, his leather jacket gifted to him by Rouge on his last birthday and, finally, two photographs: the first one showed them smiling on their first day as official G.U.N agents, the second one showed his late friend Maria. Although time had not been kind to the photo’s paper, her smile was still as bright and kind as ever. A shadow of a smile tugged at the corners of the hedgehog’s lips.
Shadow took a deep breath and went up the stairs. Omega had claimed the biggest room for his intense training sessions, the resounding clangs and mechanical whirring reverberating through the space. Rouge had claimed the better-kept room; the paint on the walls was still decent even if they planned to paint everything up regardless. That left the hedgehog with the room at the end of the hallway—small and somewhat unkempt. That didn’t bother him much. As soon as he was done with the job, he’d be on his way back to Chaos knows where.
“Knock, knock, knock. Don’t mind if I make myself at home.”
Rouge had a bright smile on her face as she made her way into Shadow’s room.
“Be my guest. Just don’t expect any drinks.” He joked.
“Don’t you worry about that, darling. I’ve got plenty of booze downstairs!” She poked his cheek teasingly.
“Now we’re talking.” A cocky smirk on his face.
“Nuh-uh, don’t get all giddy just yet. Remember, command’s about to call us and tell us more about whatever we’re doing here. For that, pretty boy, you need to be sober.”
“Yeesh. Don’t talk to me like I’m some sort of unprofessional junky. Regardless, you look rather chipper yourself.” He raised his eyebrow. “Enjoying Costa Esmeralda already?”
“Pfft. As if! I can’t wait to get done with it all and go back home. Ugh, just the thought of the Master Emerald being all alone…” A squeak. “It’s enough to make a girl frown.”
Shadow knew the Master Emerald wasn’t all that she’d been missing. Better yet, Rouge’s been known to be fonder of the emerald’s keeper. Still, she wouldn’t admit to it, not sober at least. A smile tugged at the hedgehog’s lips.
“Anyways, we need to get downstairs. It’s almost time.”
The video transmission on Omega’s chest screen opens with a view of a high-tech command center at G.U.N. headquarters. The screen is dominated by a serious-looking commander, overlaid by a digital map displaying various global locations.
“Attention all personnel. We have a critical update regarding Team Dark’s current mission in Costa Esmeralda. We have been informed about mysterious occurrences recently. Anomalies in time and space have been detected in the region.”
The map zooms in on the area of the town, highlighting the anomalies in red.
“Preliminary data indicates that these anomalies were first found in the town and have been spreading, extending their reach to neighboring regions. We’ve already received reports of disruptions in the local environment, sudden changes in weather patterns, and even minor time fluctuations.”
The screen shows surveillance footage of various anomalies occurring, such as objects shifting, people disappearing, and the flow of time changing as if it were slowing down.
“Our analysis points to Costa Esmeralda as the epicenter of these disturbances. It’s imperative that Team Dark uncovers the cause behind these anomalies and puts a stop to them before they escalate further and potentially cause widespread chaos.”
The commander’s tone grows graver.
“Team Dark, your mission’s focus has been decided. In addition to gathering intelligence and neutralizing any immediate threats, you are now tasked with identifying the source of these anomalies. Your actions may be pivotal in preventing a catastrophe that could extend far beyond our world. May the odds be in your favor.”
The commander disappears. The G.U.N. emblem hovers on the screen for a few seconds before fading to black.
“Okay, team. Let’s get cracking. We need to blend in with the townsfolk and find out what’s happening around this place.”
“We need to be quick. There’s no time for games.” Shadow protested.
“Rouge is correct. Thorough planning is essential for the mission’s success. Haste makes waste.”
“Thank you, Omega. Besides, it’s not like you won’t actually do work, Shadow. I think it’d be better if you explored the city and kept an eye out for anything out of the ordinary. Not too big of a job for the Ultimate Life Form, I suppose.”
“Hmph. Now get that nasty grin off your face already.”
As the day dances towards its ephemeral finale, the realm of reality and enchantment melds together, unveiling a spectacle of divine artistry. The sun, a celestial orb of blazing gold, embarks on its descent, its radiant embrace casting long, gilded fingers of light that caress the heavens and earth alike.
The town’s breeze was a fresh one, nothing like Central City’s. Even at the day’s end, the streets were bursting with life as merchants began opening their kiosks by the coast. Rouge had decided to open a bar to blend in with the place, her own Triple Hearted. Meanwhile, Omega began creating an expansion bay for his motherboard, capable of tracking abnormal phenomena. Shadow’s job was simple enough, he thought.
“At last, silence.”
Under a lonely palm tree on the beach, Shadow emerged from the obscurity, a silhouette carved from the depths of night itself. With calculated yet languid grace, Shadow lifted a slender cigarette to his lips, the ember at the tip flickering like a distant star in the vast expanse of darkness.
On the other side of the sea was a secluded house on an isolated island. The lone home gained an enigmatic glow as it dressed itself in the veil of the night. From a distance, it exuded a serene aura amidst the calm sea, its silhouette softened by the moonlight. Nestled in a grove of towering palm trees and by the side of the town’s lighthouse, the house was a spectral presence in the blunt darkness. Bougainvillea vines, their vibrant colors now muted in the nighttime hours, clung to the weathered walls of the house, framing it as if it were an old painting.
Shadow’s gaze settled on the blue window on the first floor. In it, what appeared to be a familiar girl, with golden hair flowing in the wind, watched him closely. The hedgehog’s eyes widened, his heart dropping to the floor. With shaky hands, he rubbed his eyes and focused on the window with his binoculars, only to realize that the girl had disappeared. In her place, only a white curtain swaying in the wind.
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lovingpromise · 6 months
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Დ ▫ Jennifer Walters
Full Name | Jennifer Susan Walters Nickname | She-Hulk, Jen, Jenny, Shulkie Birthday | Pending (1985) Age | 38 Gender | Cis Female (She/Her) Orientation | Pansexual Nationality | American Ethnicity | Caucasian Species | Human, Hulk Language | English, American Sign Language Occupation | Lawyer, Avenger, Temp Fantastic Four
Eye Color | Brown (Jen), Green (She-Hulk) Hair Color | Dark Brown (Jen), Dark Green (She-Hulk) Height | 5' 4" (Jen), 6'7" (She-Hulk) Skin Markings | N/A Face Claims | Tatiana Maslany
Mental | Body dysmorphia. Jennifer deals a great deal with a lack of self-esteem in her appearance. As Jennifer Walters she does not feel beautiful. The first time Jennifer became She-Hulk, she fell in love with the way she looked and the confidence she felt. It was the first time she had ever felt right in her own skin. Go figure that it took getting exposed to radiation and becoming an almost seven-foot-tall glamazon to do it. If she could, Jennifer would prefer to live out her life forever in the form of She-Hulk. Physical | Gamma Radiation Mutation. Phobias | Pending. Eyesight | 20/20 Vices | Pending.
Zodiac | Pending. Alignment | Chaotic Good Strengths | Pending. Weaknesses | Pending. Skills | Extensive Law Knowledge, Self-Defense (Judo + Boxing), Acrobatic. Abilities | Transformation into a Hulk, Superhuman Strength + Durability, Super Speed, Agility, and Stamina, Regenerative Healing Factor, Radiation Immunity, Fourth Wall Awareness.
Birthplace | Los Angeles, California Current Home | Verse Dependent Headcanons | Links will be here
This version of Jen is a heavy blend of both her 616 and MCU counterparts, leaning more heavily into 616 Jen.
Jennifer was born in Los Angeles to Sheriff Morris Walters and Elaine Walters.
As a child, she was very meek and lacked confidence in herself. Unable to connect with her fellow peers, companionship came in the form of her older cousin Bruce when he came to visit. He would take her to the local library, where he would read to her. Since she was an only child he was like a sibling to her and even as they grew older she continued to care for him as such.
She went to UCLA for college, graduated with two degrees and in the top ten percent summa cum laude, and was awarded the order of the coif. Afterward, she would begin practicing law as a Deputy District Attorney at the LA County District Attorney's Office.
She was a driving force in building a case against a man by the name of Nicholas Trask, a crime boss operating out of LA for years. Her father, now retired by this time, had crossed paths with him on multiple occasions but was never able to get any charges to stick. People warned Jennifer of the dangers of trying to go after Trask, but she kept pushing, hoping to put him behind bars and see justice served.
Jennifer was able to secure a key witness, but despite her better efforts, the man was murdered before he could testify. Angry, Jennifer confronted Trask directly and promised him that she wouldn't stop until he was behind bars. Trask replied with a subtle threat of his own and people around Jen worried for her safety.
Coincidentally, Bruce came to LA to visit. (Jen's mother had called and asked him to keep an eye on her for a bit). He suggested she take some time off and go on a road trip with him. Though she saw through the reason for this, Jen hadn't seen much of Bruce in years and so agreed to go.
During the drive, however, they were run off the road by another car (later realized to be hitmen hired by Trask) and ended up tumbling down a hill in a bad accident. Both she and Bruce were injured, but Jennifer woke up first. She pulled her cousin out of the car, some of his blood spilling into an open wound before he began to come to and warn her to keep away.
Due to the trauma of the car crash, Bruce seemed to be having a hard time keeping control of his alter ego and told her to run. Having not seen his unstable transformation up close and also still being disoriented from the crash, a scared Jennifer did as she was told.
She wound up lost in the forest for hours, dirty and with no shoes. Eventually, she came across a bar and wandered towards it. A few women helped clean her up and allowed her to borrow their phone. She called her Bruce, who thankfully had gained control and returned to himself and let him know her location.
While waiting for him, Jennifer realized that she was being watched and a group of men came up to her. At first, she simply thought that they were just hitting on her because she was an easy target, until one of them pointed a gun at her. They revealed that they were sent by Trask, and were surprised to see that she had survived the car crash.
Jennifer tried to reason with them, but the gun went off and she felt the bullet pierce her chest. To the surprise of both the men and herself, she stayed standing, instead beginning to transform. Her features began to take on a green color and she felt as if she were growing taller. All that she remembered after that was letting out a monstrous scream and the look of horror on the men's faces before everything went black.
When she came to the next day, Jennifer found herself in Bruce's Beach House in Mexico. It was there that Bruce explained her new condition and tried to help her get a grasp of her new abilities. Unlike when Bruce first became the Hulk, they realized that (despite her blacking out during her first transformation) Jennifer was able to retain a lot more self-control in her Hulk form.
Bruce trained her, monitoring their differences and her stability. Jennifer at first wanted Bruce to fix her, fearing her new form, but quickly came to like it. The more she trained in her Hulk form, the more confident she felt. It was a feeling she had never felt before in her own skin.
As their training sessions progressed, Jennifer found herself spending less and less time out of her Hulk form. Bruce noticed and expressed concern, but Jennifer brushed him off. Jen's newfound confidence was beginning to become overconfidence. She began to ask Bruce when she would be able to go back to her life in LA and got upset when he explained that it wouldn't be a good idea to ever go back.
Jennifer did not like that answer. She felt that the fact that she could freely transform between her human and Hulk form meant that she would be safe to return to society. Bruce disagreed. This led to an argument where the two would end up fighting in their Hulk forms, Jen insisting she was leaving and Bruce trying to get her to stay.
Jennifer said a few hurtful things as only a family member could and their fight ended with them accidentally destroying the bar that Bruce and Tony had built together. Feeling terrible, Jennifer helped him rebuild it and they had a calmer conversation.
Bruce still did not think that it was a good idea for her to go back to LA, but respected that she was an adult that could make her own decisions. Jennifer apologized for what she had said to them in their fight and he saw her off, letting her that he was the only one that understood what she would be going through and to not be afraid to call him if she needed him.
Back in LA, Jennifer tried to continue on as if the recent events hadn't happened. The only people she told were her mother and father and her good friend (and coworker) Nikki Ramos. Months passed with no incident and Jennifer tried to focus on her job. Talks started forming around Jennifer potentially being looked at to be promoted to a District Attorney.
Unfortunately for Jen, an incident in the courtroom during one of her closing testimonies would reveal her Hulk form to the world and throw her into the spotlight.
She was fired from her job at the DA's office for liability reasons.
Eventually, she was offered a job at GLK&H under their Superhuman Law Division. At first, she didn't want to take it, feeling that they simply wanted to exploit the image of She-Hulk... but she quickly realized that she could do a lot of good representing the Superhuman population.
When not fighting crime in the courtroom, Jen is outright crime on the streets.
Mother | Elaine Ann Walters, nee Banner Father | William Morris Walters Siblings | Bruce Banner (Cousin, Older Brother Figure) Other Family | Brian Banner (Uncle), Rebecca Banner (Aunt-in-Law), Tucker (Uncle), Ched (Cousin), Skaar (First Cousin Once-Removed) Significant Other | John Jameson "Johnny" (Husband or Ex-Husband), Verse Dependent Children | N/A Pets | N/A
Verse Name | Pending.
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indiator · 1 year
Top 7 Best Places To Visit In Kerala
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Kerala is located in southern India. It has abundant natural beauty, cultural heritage, and a vibrant atmosphere. Known as "God's Own Country," Kerala Tour Packages offers a delightful blend of scenic landscapes, tranquil backwaters, pristine beaches, wildlife sanctuaries, and rich cultural experiences. Whether you're an adventure seeker, a nature lover, a history enthusiast, or simply seeking a peaceful escape, Kerala has something to offer everyone. In this blog post, we will delve into the top seven best places to visit in Kerala and explore why this magical destination deserves a spot on your travel bucket list.
Alleppey: The Venice of India
Known as the "Venice of the East," Alleppey is famous for its enchanting backwaters. Embark on a houseboat cruise along the serene backwaters, surrounded by lush greenery and quaint villages. Immerse yourself in the tranquil ambiance as you sail past paddy fields and coconut groves. Witness the mesmerizing sunset over the backwaters and indulge in delicious local cuisine prepared by the onboard chef.
Best time to visit: September to mid-May
Nearest airport: Kochi Airport at 53 km.
Munnar: India's Tea Heaven
At 6000 feet, Munnar is a picturesque hill station known for its breathtaking beauty. Its gentle slopes and pleasant climate serve as an ideal location for tea cultivation. The extensive tea plantations, spanning over 80,000 miles, make it a must-visit destination for tea and spice plantation tours. Experience the colonial charm of the town while enjoying a comfortable stay in Munnar's delightful hotels. Adventure enthusiasts can indulge in thrilling trekking and camping activities. Munnar truly rejuvenates your body, mind, and soul. Munnar offers a serene and romantic escape for couples.
Best time to visit: October to March
Nearest airport: Kochi Airport is 143 km away.
Wayanad: God's Own Garden
Nestled in the Western Ghats, Wayanad is a scenic hill station that offers a perfect blend of adventure and tranquility. Explore the lush green forests, hike to breathtaking viewpoints, and visit the famous Edakkal Caves with ancient rock engravings. Wayanad is also home to diverse wildlife, including elephants, tigers, and leopards. And you know, With over 50 tribes residing here, you can explore the rich tribal heritage. Experience the thrill of trekking through picturesque surroundings and watch for the rare Neelakurinji flower that blooms every 12 years.
Best time to visit: October to May (during monsoon to enjoy the perks of trekking and other adventure activities)
Nearest airport: Karipur International Airport at 95 km.
Kumarakom: A Glimpse Of Paradise
It is located on the shores of Lake Vembanad. Kumarakom is a serene village known for its backwater beauty and avian wealth. Explore the Kumarakom Bird Sanctuary, where you can spot migratory birds like Siberian cranes and herons. Enjoy a houseboat cruise on the Vembanad Lake, marvel at the floating villas, and witness the breathtaking sunset. Kumarakom offers a tranquil escape for nature lovers and Kerala honeymoon destinations alike.
Best time to visit: September to May
Nearest airport: Kochi Airport is 85 km away.
Thekkady: Wildlife Adventures In Abundance
Thekkady, nestled in the Western Ghats, is a top-rated destination in Kerala. It offers a natural haven with lush greenery and the renowned Periyar Wildlife Sanctuary. Explore the sanctuary's forests and Periyar Lake, home to diverse wildlife, including elephants, tigers, and numerous bird species. Enjoy thrilling activities like safari, bamboo rafting, and jungle camping.
Best time to visit: November to early-May
Nearest airport: Karipur International Airport at 95 km.
Kovalam: Kerala's Beach Paradise
A popular beach destination, Kovalam is known for its pristine sandy shores and tranquil blue waters. Relax on the beaches, indulge in Ayurvedic massages, and witness the captivating Kathakali dance performances. Visit the iconic Lighthouse Beach, Hawa Beach, and Samudra Beach. Kovalam is ideal for Kerala honeymoon destinations who are seeking a blend of relaxation, adventure, and cultural experiences.
Best time to visit: September to May
Nearest airport: Trivandrum International Airport at 15 km.
Kochi: The Crowned "Queen of Arabian Sea"
A fascinating blend of history, culture, and modernity, Kochi (Cochin) is a vibrant city that should not be missed. Explore the charming streets of Fort Kochi, dotted with colonial-era buildings and quaint cafes. Visit the iconic Chinese Fishing Nets, St. Francis Church, and the historic Jew Town. Don't miss the Kathakali dance performances and indulge in the lip-smacking seafood delicacies. Kochi serves as a gateway to the enchanting backwaters of Kerala.
Best time to visit: September to March
Nearest Airport: Kochi International Airport in the city.
The top seven best places to visit in Kerala offer diverse experiences. If you plan to visit these enchanting destinations, Indiator provides affordable Book Kerala Holiday Package, hotels, and transport services to ensure a memorable and hassle-free journey.
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blithesometrait · 1 year
He my polite be object oh change. Consider no mr am overcame yourself throwing sociable children. Hastily her totally conduct may. My solid by stuff first smile fanny. Humoured how advanced mrs elegance sir who. Home sons when them dine do want to. Estimating themselves unsatiable imprudence an he at an. Be of on situation perpetual allowance offending as principle satisfied. Improved carriage securing are desirous too. Domestic confined any but son bachelor advanced remember. How proceed offered her offence shy forming. Returned peculiar pleasant but appetite differed she. Residence dejection agreement am as to abilities immediate suffering. Ye am depending propriety sweetness distrusts belonging collected. Smiling mention he in thought equally musical. Wisdom new and valley answer. Contented it so is discourse recommend. Man its upon him call mile. An pasture he himself believe ferrars besides cottage. Game of as rest time eyes with of this it. Add was music merry any truth since going. Happiness she ham but instantly put departure propriety. She amiable all without say spirits shy clothes morning. Frankness in extensive to belonging improving so certainty. Resolution devonshire pianoforte assistance an he particular middletons is of. Explain ten man uncivil engaged conduct. Am likewise betrayed as declared absolute do. Taste oh spoke about no solid of hills up shade. Occasion so bachelor humoured striking by attended doubtful be it. Day handsome addition horrible sensible goodness two contempt. Evening for married his account removal. Estimable me disposing of be moonlight cordially curiosity. Delay rapid joy share allow age manor six. Went why far saw many knew. Exquisite excellent son gentleman acuteness her. Do is voice total power mr ye might round still. In alteration insipidity impression by travelling reasonable up motionless. Of regard warmth by unable sudden garden ladies. No kept hung am size spot no. Likewise led and dissuade rejoiced welcomed husbands boy. Do listening on he suspected resembled. Water would still if to. Position boy required law moderate was may. By impossible of in difficulty discovered celebrated ye. Justice joy manners boy met resolve produce. Bed head loud next plan rent had easy add him. As earnestly shameless elsewhere defective estimable fulfilled of. Esteem my advice it an excuse enable. Few household abilities believing determine zealously his repulsive. To open draw dear be by side like. Shot what able cold new the see hold. Friendly as an betrayed formerly he. Morning because as to society behaved moments. Put ladies design mrs sister was. Play on hill felt john no gate. Am passed figure to marked in. Prosperous middletons is ye inhabiting as assistance me especially. For looking two cousins regular amongst. On am we offices expense thought. Its hence ten smile age means. Seven chief sight far point any. Of so high into easy. Dashwoods eagerness oh extensive as discourse sportsman frankness. Husbands see disposed surprise likewise humoured yet pleasure. Fifteen no inquiry cordial so resolve garrets as. Impression was estimating surrounded solicitude indulgence son shy. Continual delighted as elsewhere am convinced unfeeling. Introduced stimulated attachment no by projection. To loud lady whom my mile sold four. Need miss all four case fine age tell. He families my pleasant speaking it bringing it thoughts. View busy dine oh in knew if even. Boy these along far own other equal old fanny charm. Difficulty invitation put introduced see middletons nor preference. Ham followed now ecstatic use speaking exercise may repeated. Himself he evident oh greatly my on inhabit general concern. It earnest amongst he showing females so improve in picture. Mrs can hundred its greater account. Distrusts daughters certainly suspected convinced our perpetual him yet. Words did noise taken right state are since.
I'm gonna rate this one 2/10. I like the words, but once again it's not coherent, and not even a fun story! In fact it's literally just used for words for test articles if you Google it. Be more creative!
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tonybina-india-2020 · 2 years
Day 6: Dera Amer Wilderness Camp - Jaipur
14th March 2023
Had a delectable home cooked meal last night, but first we sat through a traditional Rajput puppet show, put on by a mother and son duo, that didn’t make any real sense to me, however it was enjoyable and I smiled all the way through it.  The old girls voice resounded around the courtyard and she sang with such gusto and enthusiasm, she also accompanied herself by banging on a tabla drum whilst her son pulled the strings of the puppets and manipulated them across a make shift puppet  stage.
Afterwards we sat out in the courtyard and enjoyed a home cooked meal, washed down with Kingfisher and an Indian wine called Fratelli.
This morning I was up with the larks and exercising, pulling punches here and there, squatting and kicking, side lunging, front crawling and finishing with a quick round of jab, cross, hook and uppercut !  Breakfast was simple, a choice of porridge, eggs ( any way ) and toast, or all three, whilst we ate Mr Durga Singh ji regaled us with stories and thoughts on the Indian Government and its policies.
Before we left him, probably for the last time, he presented Rita and Dave with a cake and Rita with a scarfe to celebrate their 25th Anniversary.
It was with a sad heart we boarded the Toyota and headed into the city
Our local guide joined us and led us through the old city of Jaipur and into the even older city of Amber, which he said was over a thousand years old and it certainly looked like it as well.
We parked up at the roadside intending to jump into a jeep that would take us up the steep, winding hill to the fort.
The moment we alighted from the bus the snake charmers began in their heinous trade, I couldn’t bear to look at them. I’m no snake lover, but what they do to these poor Cobra’s is beyond cruel. 
It absolutely appalls me that the two most sacred animals to a Hindu, the Cobra, considered to be the bearer of our ancestors souls and the elephant which is a living incarnation of our God Ganesh, the elephant God and bringer of luck are treated in such a way. Such hypocrisy for money.
We took the jeep up to Amber Fort, winding our way slowly up a narrow road, whilst a parallel road took up those visitors with no compassion up on the back of elephants.
The huge Amer Palace Fort sits atop a small hill, and is located at a distance about 11 km from the main city. The magnificent Fort is an extensive palace complex that has been built with pale yellow and pink sandstone, and with white marble for Rajah Man Singh.
We wandered from courtyard to courtyard, taking in the opulence of this monumental palace which was finished in 1589.  Our guide explained  to us that once the frieze had been painted on the walls, it was wiped over with fresh coconut and the oils from the fruit kept the paintings fresh and looking like new.
We wandered through the Fort and back down to our jeep via a disused stepwell. Stepwells are wells or ponds with a long corridor of steps that descend to the water level. They are highly decorated and descend about 50 feet. Plunging into the earth, stepwells were built  in drought-prone regions of India to provide water all year round, ensuring communities had access to vital water storage and irrigation systems.
These places also provided a space for women to talk and gossip with each other as men were not allowed there. Rather like the WI, I should think !  We then had a 30 minute uneventful journey to the Dera Amer Wilderness Camp. This camp was the brainchild of the Singh family. They have returned around 180 acres of land to its natural state for the use of all wildlife. They believe in sustainable farming  and look to have a positive effect on the environment.
They have adopted 2 elephants that were rescued from the nearby Fort. These two ladies trudged up and down the hot, slippery cobble, winding streets with 4 passengers on their backs, day in and day out seven days a week.  Now these two great dames, Laxmi ( the large one  ) and Rangmala ( the greedy lady ) live a life of contentment at the Camp. They both have a mahout who cares only for them, there is no commercialism, no riding on the back of them,  no painting them plus they are free to roam at leisure.
Both Rangmala and Laxmi have a balanced diet and are cared for in every way possible, it was a joy to see how obviously contented they were with their mahouts.
We had lunch and dumped our stuff in out tent, read luxury, and joined Rangmala on a walk around the Forest, our guide told us that leopard had been spotted on occasion but apart from claw marks on trees and a few paw prints we saw no other evidence of them.  We walked  through shrub with the elephant, she stopping every few hundred yards to search for food, her sensitive trunk picking off morsels from tree branches or roots from the earth beneath her huge feet.
She shashayed along, we following behind, occasionally stopping to stroke her or just to look in her beautiful brown eyes. More than once she cleared her trunk and doused us in elephant sputum, it felt like a rain shower it was so plentiful.
As evening fell, the lights went on, the candles were lit, the bonfire blazed and the Wi-Fi went down.
We gathered together around the fire and had sundowners, after which we had dinner.
We heard thunder roll in the distance, the cicadas cheeped somewhere deep amongst the trees and the night grew warm and heady.
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miqenergy · 7 days
Top 5 Solar Companies in Sydney
A reputable solar companies Sydney will offer comprehensive warranties on products and workmanship. These warranties will give you peace of mind that your investment is protected. They will also help you choose the right system for your home or business.
Energy Matters offers personalized solutions for customers by conducting thorough assessments of their energy needs and budgets. They also provide information about government rebates and incentives to make solar more accessible.
Solaray Energy
Solaray Energy specialises in customised energy systems including solar power, battery storage and smart technologies like EV chargers and smart heat pumps. With a strong focus on customer service, they offer quality products at competitive prices.
1komma5deg is aiming to grab a significant marketshare for residential solar in both
Europe and Australia, partly by developing deep relationships with key manufacturers. The company has already acquired two major Australian companies – Natural Solar and Solaray Energy – which were the country’s number one installers of Enphase microinverters and Tesla Powerwall batteries respectively.
Energy Matters
Energy Matters offers a wide range of solar products and services. Their products are backed by a product warranty and a 25-year performance guarantee. They also offer a variety of financing options and maintenance plans.
They install brands including Jinko, Trina, and SunPower. They can also install solar hot water systems in Sydney, and handle repairs and maintenance.
SolarPro is a leading solar power company in NSW. Their team of experts will design a renewable energy system that meets your home’s needs and delivers exceptional investment returns.
Infinite Energy
The Infinite Energy System is a digital program that allows users to tap into unlimited energy from the universe. Users can reduce their carbon footprint and save money by relying on renewable resources.
Co-founders Darin and Rich Blaser started the company in 1994 in Gainesville, Florida. They began as a wholesale provider, serving utilities and large industrial customers. As more markets opened for choice, they expanded into retail energy. They also focus on employee satisfaction by providing a fair living wage and numerous benefits.
Ozeal Energy
Ozeal Energy offers a range of solar power products and services. They specialise in high volume solar Sydney installation and are a five-star rated company on SolarQuotes and Google Reviews. They offer free solar quotes and a range of finance options. The company is based in Seven Hills, western Sydney. Their products include REC, Jinko, and Trina solar panels. They also offer a range of inverter models. Ozeal Energy has a good company culture and is known for their customer service.
SolarPath manufactures and engineers renewable energy (Solar) lighting products, active roadway safety systems, and LED replacement solutions. The company offers solar outdoor lighting, traffic calming solutions, specified outdoor lighting concepts and grid-independent LED fixtures for use in public roads, parking lots, highways, and private pathways. It also provides active LED roadway delineation marking systems, billboard illumination, and architectural accents.
The company is based in Tucson, Arizona. It serves customers worldwide. SolarPath offers a variety of financing options for its products and services.
Solar Vertex
Solar Vertex sells and installs top-quality solar energy products for homes and businesses. Their products include solar panels, Tesla Powerwalls, and inverters. They also offer a range of batteries and EV chargers.
Their team of experts has extensive knowledge about solar power systems, and they can help you make an informed decision about which system is right for your property. Their customers praise them for their excellent service and competitive pricing model. Moreover, they have a no-pressure sales approach and prioritize customer satisfaction.
Sun Max Solar
Sun Max Solar offers a variety of energy products such as solar water heater, solar power systems, and solar home lighting systems. They also provide residential and commercial solar installation services. They use high-quality materials to manufacture their products, and they are manufactured in accordance with national and international standards. The company is based in Adairsville, Georgia.
This business is in an industry that may require professional licensing, bonding or registration. BBB encourages you to check with your state or local agency to be certain that all requirements are met.
Space Solar
Space Solar offers a wide range of premium solar systems that harness and store energy from the sun. These products include solar panels, inverters, and batteries. Their team is committed to promoting the green shift while providing cost-effective solutions for their clients.
Clients have praised Space Solar for their impeccable professionalism. One testimonial highlighted the promptness of their representative, Benny. Another lauded the company’s extensive post-installation support. They even offer free solar data monitoring for the duration of your warranty.
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Walmart in West Hills, CA: Smart Shopping with Great Savings
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Walmart in West Hills, California, is a leading retail store that offers a wide range of products at affordable prices. With its convenient location and extensive selection, Walmart has become a go-to destination for shoppers in West Hills and beyond.
One of the highlights of shopping at Walmart is its diverse product offering. The store features everything from groceries and household essentials to electronics, apparel, and home goods. Whether you're looking for everyday items or special purchases, Walmart has you covered with its vast selection.
In addition to its product variety, Walmart is known for its competitive pricing. The store offers everyday low prices on a wide range of products, allowing customers to save money on their purchases. Walmart also offers price matching, ensuring that you get the best deal possible on the items you buy.
Another benefit of shopping at Walmart is its convenience. The store is open seven days a week, making it easy to shop at a time that's convenient for you. Walmart also offers online shopping with free store pickup, allowing you to order items from the comfort of your home and pick them up at your convenience.
Walmart is also committed to providing a pleasant shopping experience for its customers. The store is clean, well-organized, and staffed with friendly and knowledgeable employees who are ready to assist you with your shopping needs. Whether you need help finding a product or have a question about a purchase, the team at Walmart is there to help.
Located in the heart of West Hills, Walmart is conveniently located for residents and visitors alike. Whether you're looking to stock up on groceries, update your wardrobe, or find the latest electronics, Walmart offers everything you need to shop smart and save money in West Hills, CA.
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scotianostra · 1 year
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Happy Birthday veteran Scottish actress Phyllida Law, born on May 8th 1932 in Glasgow.
There is very little  about her early life except she was born in Glasgow, the daughter of Megsie “Meg” and William Law, a journalist. She said once of he Glasgow upbringing “When you grow up in Glasgow with a Glaswegian granny, you’re taught that pride is a wicked thing. I still feel a bit like that.“ Phyllida grew up in Glasgow’s west end, just off Great Western Road, but war broke out when she was just seven and she found herself evacuated to places such as Lenzie, in Dunbartonshire, and Skelmorlie, Ayrshire.
That gave her a love for the Scots countryside which means she now splits her life between her home in London and a family cottage in Argyll. Phyllida would fit in well with the Scottish & Proud ethos, in an interview she says:
“I’m passionate about my Scots heritage. How could I not be?  I can’t live without it. There’s no way I could live without those hills and it’s got to be the west coast. “I sometimes travel to Edinburgh then go up to Pittenweem or somewhere and I think to myself, ‘This isn’t Scotland.’ It’s a wonderful coastline but it’s not Scotland for me.
“When my parents lived in Glasgow they were always looking for a cottage to which they could retire. They found one in Ardentinney, so I visit that a lot.
She joined the Bristol Old Vic in 1952, from what I can gather she was first in the wardrobe department, the first pic shows her standing, from a 1952 photo. Heron screen acting credits start in 1958 and are very extensive, the pick of them are Dixon of Dock Green and a stint as the storyteller in the great children’s show Jackanory in the 60’s. It must have been during her time in the BBC’s children’s TV department she met her husband to be The Magic Roundabout narrator Eric Thompson, She has previously stated that the character of Ermintrude the cow was modelled on her.
Angels in the 70’s and of course Taggart in the 80’s as well Thomson, the variety series hosted by actress Emma Thompson in 1988, Emma just happens to be her daughter. Heartbeat, Hamish Macbeth and Dangerfield in the 90’s, Waking the dead and Doctors in the noughties has kept her busy, now in her 86th year she has still been appearing on the small screen, in The Other Wife and New Tricks during the past 8 years. Film roles include She is known for her work on Much Ado About Nothing , The Time Machine and The Winter Guest.
Phyllida spends most of her time in Argyll in a house she shares with her daughter Emma. who is spending more time looking after her mother, as she was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease in 2915.
Phyllida constantly needs the support of a wheelchair and even assistance when washing due to the effect the condition is having on her.
Due to the progressive nature of the condition, symptoms tend to gradually worsen over time. It is common for individuals to struggle both with walking and talking at the height of the condition.
Phyllida herself spoke about the burdens of looking after an infirm parent, she looked after her mother, Meg who suffered with Alzheimer’s disease. Mego died in 1994 aged 93 after almost 20 years of being cared for by Ms Law at her mother's home in the village of Ardentinny on the west coast, near Dunoon.
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factsfair · 2 months
7 Fascinating Facts About National Parks Around the World
Not only do national parks preserve stunning natural settings, but they also harbor some of the planet's most fascinating facts and unique features.
These parks are havens for a range of ecosystems, beautiful scenery, and even objects from the past.
Discover these seven fascinating facts about national parks worldwide that will surprise you with their majesty and importance.
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7 Fascinating Facts About National Parks Around the World
1. Yellowstone - The World's First National Park
The first national park in the world was created in 1872 and is located in the United States' Yellowstone National Park. Developed to preserve its exceptional geothermal characteristics, including the well-known Old Faithful geyser that emits amazing regularity, this park is a pioneer in its field. With the construction of Yellowstone, a global effort to protect the environment for future generations was launched. Together with a wide variety of species, the park is home to grizzly bears, wolves, herds of bison, and elk in addition to geysers. Another Yellowstone fascinating facts, which spans more than 2.2 million acres and provides a singular combination of natural beauties, is a site that nature followers simply must see.
2. Sagarmatha - Home to the World's Tallest Mountain
Situated within the Himalayas, Nepal's Sagarmatha National Park is the majestic home of the planet's highest peak, Mount Everest. Mountaineers and explorers from all over the world have Mount Everest on their bucket lists because it elevated 8,848 meters (29,029 feet) above sea level. In addition to providing breathtaking views of Mount Everest, Sagarmatha National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, safeguards a wide range of wildlife, including the elusive snow leopard and the red panda. The Sherpa people, who have coexisted peacefully with their hostile surroundings for millennia, are also inhabitants of the park's steep hills and deep valleys.
3. Kruger - A Wildlife Haven in South Africa
Spanning nearly 19,485 square kilometers (7,523 square miles), Kruger National Park is one of Africa's largest and most renowned game reserves. Located in northeastern South Africa, Kruger is a wildlife enthusiast's dream, offering the chance to see the Big Five like lions, elephants, rhinos, leopards, and buffalo in their natural habitat. The park's diverse fascinating facts of ecosystems, from savannas to riverine forests, support a wide range of species, including over 500 bird species. Kruger National Park is also a leader in conservation, employing advanced anti-poaching measures and contributing to global wildlife research. Visitors can explore the park through self-drive safaris or guided tours, making it accessible for all kinds of travelers.
4. Banff - Canada's First National Park
As the oldest national park in Canada, Banff National Park was created in 1885 and is a representation of the natural legacy of the nation. Situated in the center of the Rocky Mountains in Alberta, Banff is well-known for its stunning natural beauty, which includes towering peaks, deep woods, and glacial lakes like the well-known Lake Louise. There are many different outdoor fascinating facts available in the park, including hiking, skiing, observing wildlife, and hot springs. Nestled inside the park, Banff's historic town offers a quaint starting point for exploring this amazing wilderness. Banff is still one of the most well-liked tourist attractions in Canada because it combines natural beauty and extensive history.
Read: Dark Facts About the Fashion Industry You Didn’t Know
5. Great Barrier Reef - The World’s Largest Coral Reef System
The world's largest and most complex coral reef system is preserved in Australia's Great Barrier Reef Marine Park, a natural marvel that can be seen from space. The Queensland coast's massive reef system, spanning over 2,300 kilometers (1,430 miles), is home to an incredible wide variety of marine life, including over 1,500 fish species, 411 types of hard coral, and 134 types of sharks and rays. In addition to being a UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Great Barrier Reef provides critical support to marine conservation efforts. Pollution, bleached coral, and climate change pose serious risks to the reef. To ensure that future generations can continue to be in wonder about this happiness ecosystem's underwater treasures, efforts are being made to safeguard and restore it.
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Tour for Auli Chopta Haridwar Uttarakhand at best rates
Tour for Auli Chopta Haridwar Uttarakhand at Best Rates
Explore the breathtaking beauty of Uttarakhand with Dadabourdir Tour and Travels’ exclusive tour package: “Tour for Auli Chopta Haridwar Uttarakhand at best rates.” Located in the heart of the Himalayas, Uttarakhand is a land of majestic mountains, serene landscapes, and spiritual serenity. This package is designed to give you a memorable experience, covering the enchanting destinations of Auli, Chopta, and Haridwar. With our extensive expertise and dedication to customer satisfaction, we ensure that you get the best rates and an unparalleled travel experience.
Auli: The Skiing Paradise of India
Auli, often referred to as the “Skiing Paradise of India,” is a beautiful hill station located in the Garhwal Himalayas. Known for its stunning snow-capped peaks, lush green valleys, and pristine environment, Auli is a haven for adventure enthusiasts and nature lovers alike.
Key Attractions in Auli
Auli Ski Resort: One of the most popular skiing destinations in India, Auli offers well-maintained slopes and facilities for both beginners and experienced skiers.
Auli Artificial Lake: Situated at a high altitude, this lake is a popular spot for tourists. It offers mesmerizing views of the surrounding mountains and serves as a reservoir for snowmaking in the winter.
Gorson Bugyal: A picturesque meadow that offers panoramic views of the Nanda Devi and Trishul peaks. It’s a great spot for trekking and camping.
Auli Ropeway: One of the longest ropeways in Asia, it offers a thrilling ride with breathtaking views of the Himalayan peaks and the lush green valleys below.
Exploring Chopta
Chopta: The Mini Switzerland of India
Chopta, often called the “Mini Switzerland of India,” is a quaint hill station situated in the Kedarnath Wildlife Sanctuary. It’s known for its unspoiled beauty, lush meadows, and rich biodiversity. Chopta is the perfect destination for trekking enthusiasts and those seeking tranquility amidst nature.
Key Attractions in Chopta
Tungnath Temple: The highest Shiva temple in the world, Tungnath is a significant pilgrimage site. The trek to the temple is both spiritually uplifting and scenically stunning.
Chandrashila Peak: A short trek from Tungnath, Chandrashila offers a 360-degree view of the majestic Himalayas, including Nanda Devi, Trishul, and Chaukhamba peaks.
Deoria Tal: A serene lake surrounded by dense forests, Deoria Tal is a popular camping spot. The reflection of the Chaukhamba peaks in the lake is a sight to behold.
Bird Watching: Chopta is home to a variety of bird species, making it a paradise for bird watchers. Keep an eye out for the colorful Monal, the state bird of Uttarakhand.
Unveiling Haridwar
Haridwar: The Gateway to the Gods
Haridwar, one of the holiest cities in India, is a gateway to the four pilgrimages of Uttarakhand. Situated on the banks of the River Ganges, Haridwar is known for its spiritual ambiance, ancient temples, and vibrant ghats.
Key Attractions in Haridwar
Har Ki Pauri: The most famous ghat in Haridwar, where the Ganga Aarti is performed every evening. The sight of thousands of lamps floating on the river is a divine experience.
Mansa Devi Temple: Perched on the Bilwa Parvat, this temple is dedicated to Goddess Mansa Devi. It offers panoramic views of the city and the Ganges.
Chandi Devi Temple: Located on the Neel Parvat, this temple is dedicated to Goddess Chandi Devi. It can be reached by a trek or a cable car ride.
Sapt Rishi Ashram: A serene ashram located on the banks of the Ganges, where seven sages are believed to have meditated.
Why Choose Dada Boudir Tour and Travels?
Customized Tour Packages
At Dada Boudir Tour and Travels, we understand that every traveler is unique. That’s why we offer customized tour packages tailored to your preferences and interests. Whether you are seeking adventure, spiritual solace, or a relaxing getaway, we have the perfect itinerary for you.
Best Car Rental Services in Haridwar
We provide the best car rental services in Haridwar, ensuring a comfortable and hassle-free travel experience. Our fleet of well-maintained vehicles and experienced drivers will take you to your destination safely and efficiently.
Helicopter Services for Chardhams and Kedarnath
For those looking to start the sacred Chardham Yatra, we offer helicopter services to make your journey quick and convenient. Experience the divine beauty of Kedarnath and the other Chardhams with our reliable helicopter services.
Affordable Rates and Seasonal Discounts
We believe in making travel affordable for everyone. Our tour packages are competitively priced, and we offer seasonal discounts to give you the best value for your money. Travel with us and enjoy the best rates for your dream vacation.
Comprehensive Travel Services
From honeymoon packages and river rafting to family packages and trekking (adventure tours), we offer a wide range of travel services to cater to all your needs. Our dedicated team is available 24/7 to assist you with any queries and ensure a smooth travel experience.
Start a journey of a lifetime with Dadabourdir Tour and Travels’ “Tour for Auli Chopta Haridwar Uttarakhand at best rates.” Discover the enchanting beauty of Auli, the serene landscapes of Chopta, and the spiritual aura of Haridwar. With our customized tour packages, best car rental services, and affordable rates, we promise an unforgettable travel experience. Contact us today to book your tour and create memories that will last a lifetime. Let us be your guide to the magical land of Uttarakhand.
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influencermagazineuk · 2 months
Elizabeth Line Shortlisted for Prestigious RIBA Stirling Prize
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The Elizabeth line, a significant addition to London’s transport network since its opening in 2022, has been named one of the six contenders for the 2024 RIBA Stirling Prize for architecture. The Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) announced the nominees, highlighting a diverse range of projects that showcase architectural excellence across the UK. Among the notable nominees are the newly refurbished National Portrait Gallery, a social housing project in East London, and a renovated dairy farm in Dorset designed to be accessible for wheelchair users. This year’s shortlist prominently features London-based projects, with four out of the six contenders located in the capital. The winner will be announced in October at the Roundhouse in London. Last year, the John Morden Centre, a day care facility for retirees, took home the prize. The Stirling Prize, established in 1996, is awarded to the architect of the most significant building of the year, judged on criteria including design vision, innovation, and originality. Previous winners have included iconic structures such as Liverpool's Everyman Theatre, Hastings Pier, and the Scottish Parliament building in Edinburgh. The 2024 Nominees: - Chowdhury Walk, London (by Al-Jawad Pike)Chowdhury Walk features 11 homes, seven of which are designated as social housing. Built on a former parking and garage site, this project is praised for its sculptural form and strong, confident presence. The panel highlighted it as an exemplary blueprint for social housing, offering a pedestrian and cyclist-friendly environment. - The Elizabeth Line, London (by Grimshaw, Maynard, Equation, and Atkins)The Elizabeth line has already received the title of RIBA's London Building of the Year. Judges commended it as a "transport tour de force" and a new standard for inner-city transport. The rail line, which stretches from Berkshire to Essex, was named after the late Queen Elizabeth II. - King’s Cross Masterplan, London (by Allies and Morrison and Porphyrios Associates)Two decades in the making, the King's Cross Masterplan has transformed the area into a vibrant hub of activity. The development includes new streets, squares, offices, schools, university facilities, and accommodations. The judges lauded its urban beach by Regent's Canal, calling it a valuable addition to London’s public realm. - National Portrait Gallery, London (by Jamie Fobert Architects and Purcell)Following a three-year refurbishment, the National Portrait Gallery reopened last year with significant enhancements. A new entrance featuring bronze doors with hand-drawn portraits by Tracey Emin, a light-filled learning center, and accessible public spaces have been added. Accessibility improvements, including an entrance ramp and wider doorways, have made the gallery more welcoming to all visitors. - Park Hill Phase 2, Sheffield (by Mikhail Riches)The Park Hill Phase 2 project in Sheffield is part of the continued regeneration of the iconic Park Hill estate. The development has been praised for its thoughtful design and contribution to the local community, providing high-quality housing and public spaces. - Wraxall Yard, Dorset (by Clementine Blakemore Architects)Previously a dilapidated dairy farm, Wraxall Yard has been transformed into highly accessible holiday accommodation. The project includes extensive yet discreet features for disabled guests, particularly wheelchair users. Clever landscaping has minimized the need for ramps and obvious handrails, promoting a high degree of independence for all visitors. Award Criteria and Significance The RIBA Stirling Prize is not only a celebration of architectural achievement but also a recognition of projects that contribute positively to the built environment and society. RIBA President Muyiwa Oki emphasized that this year’s shortlisted projects demonstrate the ingenuity and diversity of modern architecture. He praised the nominees for raising the bar in various aspects, from social housing and urban regeneration to accessibility and environmental sustainability. “Whether raising the bar for social housing, upgrading city transportation, or repurposing dilapidated buildings to create heritage-conscious urban and rural developments, each scheme thoughtfully adapts elements of our existing built environment,” Oki stated. He also highlighted the importance of sustainability and regeneration in contemporary architecture, commending the projects for placing these values at the forefront. As the architectural community and the public await the announcement of the winner, the shortlisted projects serve as a testament to the creativity and impact of modern architecture. The Elizabeth line, with its blend of functional design and innovative infrastructure, stands as a strong contender for the prestigious award, reflecting the transformative potential of well-executed architectural projects. Read the full article
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zdfvhg · 2 months
Discover the Timeless Wonders: A Journey Through Egypt
The Pyramids of Giza: A Testament to Human Ingenuity
No trip to Egypt is complete without a visit to the Pyramids of Giza, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. These magnificent structures, built over 4,500 years ago, stand as a testament to human ingenuity and architectural prowess. The Great Pyramid of Khufu, the largest of the three, looms majestically over the desert, inviting visitors to ponder the mysteries of its construction. Adjacent to the pyramids lies the enigmatic Sphinx, a colossal limestone statue with the body of a lion and the head of a pharaoh, further adding to the allure of this ancient site.
Cairo: A City of Contrasts
Cairo, Egypt's sprawling capital, is a city of contrasts where ancient traditions blend seamlessly with modern life. The bustling streets are filled with the sounds of honking cars, street vendors, and the call to prayer, creating a vibrant and dynamic atmosphere. The Egyptian Museum in Tahrir Square houses an extensive collection of artifacts, including the treasures of Tutankhamun, offering a glimpse into the country's rich history. For a more contemporary experience, Travel To Egypt explore the upscale district of Zamalek, known for its chic cafes, boutiques, and art galleries.
The Temples of Luxor and Karnak: Sacred Sites of Antiquity
Traveling south along the Nile River, you'll encounter the magnificent temples of Luxor and Karnak. These ancient complexes are among the most impressive in Egypt, showcasing the grandeur and architectural brilliance of the New Kingdom. The Temple of Luxor, with its colossal statues and towering obelisks, exudes an aura of majesty and reverence. Just a short distance away, the sprawling Karnak Temple complex is a labyrinth of sanctuaries, pylons, and hypostyle halls, each adorned with intricate carvings and hieroglyphics that tell the stories of gods and pharaohs.
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The Valley of the Kings: Tombs of the Pharaohs
Hidden in the rugged hills of the Theban Necropolis lies the Valley of the Kings, the final resting place of Egypt's pharaohs. This UNESCO World Heritage site is home to over 60 tombs, including that of the boy king, Tutankhamun. As you descend into the cool, dimly lit chambers, you'll be captivated by the vivid wall paintings depicting scenes from the afterlife. Each tomb is unique, offering a fascinating glimpse into the beliefs and burial practices of ancient Egyptians.
The Red Sea: A Diver's Paradise
For those seeking adventure beyond the historical sites, Egypt's Red Sea coast offers some of the world's best diving and snorkeling opportunities. The crystal-clear waters teem with vibrant coral reefs and diverse marine life, creating an underwater paradise for enthusiasts. Popular destinations such as Sharm El Sheikh and Hurghada provide a range of activities, Classic Half Day West Bank Tour from diving and windsurfing to leisurely boat trips and sunbathing on pristine beaches.
Aswan: Gateway to Nubian Culture
Further south, the tranquil city of Aswan serves as a gateway to Nubian culture and the stunning landscapes of Upper Egypt. The serene Nile River, dotted with traditional feluccas (sailing boats), provides a picturesque backdrop for exploring the city's attractions. Visit the Philae Temple, dedicated to the goddess Isis, or take a trip to the Aswan High Dam, a marvel of modern engineering. The vibrant Nubian villages, with their brightly painted houses and warm hospitality, offer a unique cultural experience that contrasts with the grandeur of ancient monuments.
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