#holly's animo transfer
hollenka99 · 7 years
Sour About John
Originally posted on Amino: November 1st 2016
Did John abuse Dean? A werewolf would have definitely pinned him down and ripped him apart before Sam or John could stop it. Of course, Dean could have been sarcastic but still. It was certainly not a werewolf that gave him those marks.
I really like Sonny. He was a good parental figure to Dean during those two months. I'm sure if John had come later to pick him up, Dean would have enjoyed himself at the dance. But, John being John, had to ruin Dean's chances of having some sort of apple pie life.
Dylan Everitt was brilliant at playing a 16 year old Dean. He must have really studied Jensen's portrayal because you could see Dean's subtle mannerisms in Dylan's performance. God, I hope he comes back in Season 10 or in future seasons.
I feel really sour about John in this episode. He spends the whole of his sons' childhoods dumping them in motels or with his contacts but when Dean tries to feed Sammy, he treats Dean as nothing.
He abandons Dean and then, after two months where Dean has settled in and getting used to life there, John makes him leave. Couldn't he have waited one night for his son's sake. One night. Like, Jesus, how much damage would losing 12 hours do? John didn't even have to wait until the next morning. All he had to do was wait until the school dance was over. I don't know about America but in the UK, that would be maybe 10pm or 10:30pm.
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hollenka99 · 7 years
Ash and Charlie
Originally posted on Amino: December 7th 2016
I started thinking about them out of the blue. Since Ash likes finding the Winchesters' friends in their heavens, I bet he will have found Charlie.
If he did, can you imagine what a great team they would make? They are both skilled hackers so they'd easily get past angels' defences while sharing stories of their respective time with the Winchester brothers.
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hollenka99 · 7 years
There Is Singing In Supernatural
Originally posted on Amino: November 16th 2016
I've only seen the episode once but I can already sing The Road So Far off by heart.
Marie was a little annoying at times but, in terms of the second half of her play, each to their own. I didn't want Calliope to hurt her. I feel kinda sorry for the girls because they will never know about the crazy but often awesome moments that happened in seasons 6-9. They're missing out.
I really wish they could have believed Sam and Dean about them being the real deal. It would have been cool to see their reactions when they realise the brothers weren't joking.
Never mind. The best part of Fan Fiction was definitely the songs. Cas got a solo, a Destiel-subtext solo.
I promise I'm not crying every time I listen to A Single Man Tear.
From now on, I'll use The Road So Far to tell somebody what Supernatural is about. As for their rendition of Carry On Wayward Son, it's my favourite cover of the song.
Also, am I the only one who flipped when Jensen looked directly at the camera?
And again when Rob Benedict made a guest appearance at the end? God has watched the Supernatural musical and that makes me happy.
God, I love meta episodes.
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hollenka99 · 7 years
I Hate Metatron
Originally posted on Amino: November 7th 2016
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hollenka99 · 7 years
Dry Your Eyes, Holly
Originally posted on Amino: November 30th 2016 because I left in drafts for a week by accident.
Well, that finale was intense.
I started to sob harder when the flashbacks of their time with Charlie played while Sam and Dean prepared her funeral pyre. The gag reel moment where Jared comments on how her breasts aren't burning made it better though.
The way Dean cut Sam's speech off to blame him for her death broke my heart too. It wasn't Sam's fault, not 100%.
I am so glad that Cain's Mark is gone for good. Dean was becoming a right psycho by the end of this season.
I knew he was going to hurt Sam and/or Cas. But Castiel begging Dean to stop while he attacked him was too much. So much so, I skipped the scene once Dean thrust the blade down. I missed the reveal that he stabbed some book instead of his angel. The camera shots were very convincing.
I shouted "No!" at my TV when Dean held Death's scythe and told Sammy to close his eyes. Being loyal to his big brother isn't a reason for Sam to be killed. Although, I can see where Death was coming from.
You know what, everything in that restaurant had me on edge. From Dean summoning Death with homemade food as an offering in exchange for his reaping, to Sam allowing his brother to kill him but not before making sure Dean knew he is a good man, no matter what.
Death's death was a surprise. Seeing as I've already watched Season 11, I really should have seen it coming. Honestly, I don't know whether the relief of Sam surviving or the shock of Death dying was stronger in that moment. Either way, I will really miss Death.
All in all, it feels good to be fully caught up. As I've gone through each season, bits and pieces of things I'd seen referenced in Season 11 began to fit together. Like Castiel's illness at the start of the season. I never understood why his eyes were funny or what kind of spell this Rowena witch had put on him. I really should rewatch S11 for everything to make 100% sense.
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hollenka99 · 7 years
How Dare He?!
Originally posted on Amino: November 24th 2016
Killing my favourite female character is bad enough.
But you don't-
You can't just-
How dare he leave her to bleed out in a bathtub?!
Dean copes with whiskey and denial, whereas I silence the sobbing with fizzy drinks and Skittles.
I can't believe she is actually dead. I don't know whether to be angry, upset or what.
I'm going to miss Charlie so much.
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hollenka99 · 7 years
The Novaks Reunited
Originally posted on Amino: November 24th 2016
I feel so sorry for Claire. She spends all that time resenting her mother and wanting to find her, only to be reunited with Amelia minutes before she dies.
The way they wrapped up Jimmy and Amelia's storyline was done really well. Even if they're both dead, they are with each other now. I was half sobbing from Amelia's death and half smiling from how sweet their reunion was during that scene.
Castiel's attempt at a birthday present was cute. I think I want a Grumpy Cat doll from 'Hot Topical' for my 18th birthday too. Although, maybe not loads of drama concerning a supposedly extinct class of angel. I'd much rather play mini-golf with a family friend nearly twice my age.
Okay, that sounds kinda wrong. You know what I mean. I'd sooner spend my birthday playing mini-golf than fighting an angel.
I like that Claire is now on much better terms with Cas and the Winchesters. While her hatred for them was understandable when we first met her as a young woman, I'm glad they were able to work past it.
I like Claire and hope she'll make an appearance in Season 12.
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hollenka99 · 7 years
Surly Bobbies and Cas' Grace
Originally posted on Amino: November 23rd 2016
It was lovely to see Bobby again. I missed the guy. It was nice to see that familiar red and gold wallpaper once more too.
I wish he could have returned to Earth to help the boys and Cas with all the MoC and BotD problems. Unfortunately, all Bobby will be able to do is haunt the brothers.
That said, what on earth was being implied when Hannah and the other angels entered his heaven at the end? I get that he was going to be punished for escaping and freeing the other Bobbys. I only hope it won't be really bad.
On a positive note, Cas has got his grace back. Very pleased about that. It's good to know he's not going to be burning out anymore.
It's sad about his wings though. They used to be so big and beautiful. After the fall, however... well, his are like every other angel's wings. It's another thing I can add to my list of reasons to hate Metatron.
I liked the passive aggressive shade Cas threw at him.
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hollenka99 · 7 years
I Think This Is It
Originally posted on Amino: November 22nd 2016
Charlie's found the Book of the Damned. But there's a family after her.
Not now. Please not now. I knew it was going to be this season and I am on 10x18 but I don't want to watch as some wierdo family kills one of my favourite characters.
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hollenka99 · 7 years
We Need a Cure
Originally posted on Amino: November 20th 2016
Okay, so let's get this out there:
Dean freaking massacred a whole room of people.
Not in self defense, not because it was necessary, simply because the Mark overpowered him. There were about half a dozen people in that room. Granted, they weren't the nicest of people but I don't think they deserved to be brutally murdered like that.
It's moments like that where I begin to question how far down this road the writers plan to take us.
Cain said Dean is living his life in reverse. In the post I made about Dean getting the Mark, I said I could already see parallels. Looks like there's more.
If Dean kills Crowley, I will complain and be very upset.
If Dean lays a finger on either Sam or Cas when the Mark controls him, I will scream at my TV.
And if Dean kills Sam, Cas or both under the Mark's influence, I will personally sell my soul to resurrect them. I'll ask for that archaic bloody tattoo to be removed from Dean's arm while we're at it too.
Dean is progressively getting worse. Come on, even without the Blade, he's trying to murder innocent people. I'm slowly losing hope we'll find a cure in time, if at all.
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hollenka99 · 7 years
Returning Parents
Originally posted on Amino: November 20th 2016
I am totally loving the Crowley and Rowena scenes. Their relationship is funny.
Rowena reminds me of my own mother is some ways. They both are a little controlling, as well as condescending. Maybe that's why, by 10x14, the blatant attempts at manipulation are getting tedious. I want to see more of Rowena but maybe she could tone down the constant bossing about. If there was going to be a Queen of Hell, I'd prefer Abbadon because she would actually take charge instead of using her long lost son as her puppet.
It was nice to see Claire Novak again, this time all grown up. I finally get why she's living with Jody and Alex in Season 11. Her mother abandoned her and she needs a family.
I liked how Castiel wanted to visit the Novaks so he could right a few wrongs between him and his vessel's family. I can understand why Claire would shun Cas. He, in a way, kidnapped her father and messed up her childhood in doing so.
I hope she appears again later in this season so she and Cas can part on better terms.
Also, damn right ketchup's a vegetable.
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hollenka99 · 7 years
The Demon Is Cured
Originally posted on Amino: November 16th 2016
It's over, perhaps a little too soon. I'm glad Dean has been cured but I'll miss this disturbing version of him.
I loved Dean's taunts. Some of them were pretty horrible. Sam didn't need to be told his very existence killed Mary. Although, that is debatable, seeing as she sold her soul to Azazel in 1973.
The length Sam took to find Crowley and Dean is insane. Like, for the love of God, Sam! There's determination and then there's desperation. You caused a guy sell his soul. Sure, Dean was the one who killed Lester but he wouldn't have come near Lester if it wasn't for the deal.
I'm not sure about it making Sam worse than Dean. But it sure as hell is a terrible move.
The part where Sam was running from Dean after he escapes the dungeon had me on edge. Jensen does make for a hot psycho. Him calling out for Sammy made it worse.
I was so relieved when Cas appeared in time. Wish he didn't have to use Adina's grace but at least he isn't visibly dying anymore.
The Rowena introduction was very interesting. At first, I saw the ginger hair and assumed Charlie was back. But 1. That would seem out of character for Charlie and 2. Only Rowena would pin two men to a wall and act casually as their dead bodies hung above her.
I really want to see her meet with Crowley. I bet it's going to be good.
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hollenka99 · 7 years
Another Finale To Break My Heart
Originally posted on Amino: November 8th 2016
I think I've managed to recover from 'Do You Believe In Miracles?'.
I don't know where to start with this. There are so many aspects to this episode I could mention.
I always liked the way Tahmoh Penikett's voice sounds as Gadreel. But I especially loved how he said 'thinking of nothing but redemption'. I can't put my finger on why but I do.
I kinda wish he didn't kill himself. At least the destruction caused by the blast allowed Cas to destroy the Angel Tablet.
Which, unfortunately, was broken a minute too late. Throughout his fight with Metatron, I kept begging Dean to get on his feet. He had to stand up to win the fight.
When the blade went into his stomach, I laughed nervously. I mean, a little stab wound can't stop a Winchester. Sometimes I think I forget they're both just humans with the same general vulnerabilities as the rest of us.
Except Dean isn't human anymore, is he? No, the bugger came back from the dead a bloody demon.
All this time I thought he gets possessed. Not in the slightest. No-one told me he would BE an actual demon.
I don't want Deanmon to kill loads of people. He needs to be cured as soon as possible. They still have the instructions for that demon-curing procedure, right?
The thing is, Cas is going to walk round thinking Dean is dead when actually he's a demon. What if Dean pays a surprise visit to Cas? What would Cas do then?
It's just you have...
Metatron overpowering and killing Dean
Metatron taunting Cas about Dean's death
Misha's facial expressions tearing my heart out along with everything else going on.
Dean's last words to Sam being "I'm proud of us."
Sam figuring out what to do next before deciding to summon Crowley.
After all that and you still land me with Dean waking up with black eyes. Have you not put me through enough by this point, writers?
I need season 10. There were issues delivering it so wait I must. I can only hope 10x23 doesn't leave me feeling the same way 9x23 has.
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hollenka99 · 7 years
Good Riddance To Cas' Army
Originally posted on Amino: November 7th 2016
I did like Cas being in charge of a large group of angels with which he could work with to bring down Metatron.
But, you know what? Good riddance to them.
I don't like this Hannah angel. I feel like something's up with her. Maybe she's been working with Metatron all along. I'm not enthusiastic about her character.
And what's with the suicide bombers? I know it's a war but do we really need Metatron ordering angels to blow themselves up? Making me really hate him right now.
Sidenote: Since when have reapers been angels? I thought Death was their boss and they were a separate entity to celestials. I thought they were neutral towards Heaven, Hell or Purgatory. Did someone decide to change that?
As for Gadreel, I don't like him. After all that he did in the first half of the season, I will never fully like him. That doesn't necessarily mean I'm not interested to see which side he finally decides to be loyal to in the end.
Right, better get ready for Kansas and heavy angst for the next 40 minutes.
(I wrote this before watching 9x23. Wow, was I clueless.)
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hollenka99 · 7 years
The Mark is Controlling Dean
Originally posted on Amino: November 7th 2016
I liked the father-son interactions. Gavin was a good character to have. All his misconceptions about his environment made his character funny. Shame he was going to die on that ship but God knows what he will get up to unsupervised in the 21st century.
Plus, seeing Crowley care a little for his offspring was nice change. Loving the torture line.
I am pleased the aspiring Queen of Hell has finally met her end. I loved how they shot that scene. You have to go big with these kinds of deaths.
For example, in 2x22, when Azazel was killed, they had to add in a few extra stuttering bursts to make it satisfying. This was the demon the Winchesters had been hunting for 23 years, after all. You need to have time to savour the victory.
I do worry about what the Mark of Cain is doing to Dean. He's definitely not in control when the First Blade is in his grip. He was so caught up with killing Abbadon that he continued stabbing her dead vessel until Sam got his attention.
What kills me is how innocent and apologetic his face is after he regains control.
But at least Abbadon has been ganked. Let's get rid of Metatron quickly before he causes more trouble. Then we can focus on getting the Mark off of Dean's arm.
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hollenka99 · 7 years
Donna and her Doughnuts
Originally posted on Amino: November 3rd 2016
Did I fall in love with her instantly? Oh yeah, you betcha.
What's better is that she isn't really skinny. Not overweight but not a model either. I can't remember the last time I saw a female character like that.
It's refreshing.
And I love that the only problem either of the Winchesters had while Donna ate her doughnut was Dean's mouth being covered in powder. Dean, foodie that he is, ate a doughnut with his only concern being the case not the appearance of the woman beside him.
Donna's weight wasn't brought up until she explained why she split with her husband. Honestly, it makes me feel better about my own body.
Don't get me wrong, I really wish I could order an appointment to see a pishtaco. I'm not exactly the healthiest of people. But Donna was my favourite character in The Purge.
How she was represented makes me so happy. There are too many young women with thigh gaps and size 0 figures that act as role models for girls my age. Stupid amount of fat shaming around too. The world needs more Sheriff Donnas and Dean Winchesters in my opinion.
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